Why do you dream about gold jewelry? Why do you dream of gold?

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Gold is highly valued all over the world. Moreover, many cultures endow this noble metal with special qualities. Some peoples believe that gold jewelry in a dream is a good sign. They can be interpreted as purity of thoughts, well-being, a path to enrichment and career advancement. If you combine all the interpretations of such a dream, you will create a very attractive picture that positively paints the dreamer’s personal life.

Seeing gold jewelry in a dream is a favorable sign according to most dream books. To understand the essence of the image, it is worth getting acquainted with the meanings in more detail.

Why do you dream of gold jewelry according to Miller’s dream book?

Why do you dream of gold jewelry? The meaning of such an image according to Miller’s dream book may vary. Here a lot depends on the details of what you saw in the dream.

If someone gives a woman jewelry or coins made of this noble metal, then she will soon be proposed to in marriage. Most likely, she will become the wife of a rich, wealthy man. However, he will be very greedy and selfish.

When a person sees gold in his hands in a dream, then such an image promises him success in his work and good luck in any endeavors and projects.

Why do you dream of finding gold jewelry? According to Miller’s dream book, this is a sign foreshadowing the acquisition of financial stability, wealth, and recognition of the dreamer’s honor. Another interpretation of the dream may concern moving up the career ladder.

Finding a gold mine in a dream means performing an honorable deed. It will probably be difficult, but the dreamer will cope with it 100%.

If in a dream you lost gold jewelry, having lost them due to your own stupidity, then in real life Not the best is expected for you either better times. There is a high risk that the dreamer will not be able to hold onto luck by the tail and will miss the most important chance in his life to change something for the better.

Gold jewelry, according to Miller’s dream book, can portend other not-so-pleasant things. So, if you dream that a person is going to work in a gold mine, this is a negative sign. You should be more careful and careful. Perhaps you should rethink your intentions and actions a little. A dream often prophesies the emergence of bad conversations around the dreamer’s name, shame, intrigue and rumors.

Gold jewelry according to Loff's dream book

Psychologist Loff interprets gold seen in a dream as something good. Gold jewelry in a dream is a symbol of wealth and purity. In order to correctly interpret what you saw, it is necessary to understand how the noble metal appeared in the dreamer. It could be:

  • find;
  • present;
  • conquest

If you see gold jewelry given by someone in a dream, then you should expect a favorable outcome of all affairs and projects.

Finding gold jewelry in a dream means quick unexpected joy or good news. Most likely, the dreamer will be brought pleasure and happiness by all the events that will occur in his life in the near future.

Gold jewelry according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The esotericist Tsvetkov interprets the gold jewelry he saw in a dream completely differently. The meaning of such an image in his dream book comes down to falsehood, deception, and disappointment.

You should not trust even the closest and most beloved people. Such a dream prophesies bitter resentment from lies and deception coming from friends, lovers, relatives or friends.

The meaning of gold in Zedkiel's dream book

The English dream book identifies gold decoration, seen in night dreams, with something negative. The Briton Zadkiel prophesies to a man who saw jewelry in a dream:

  • disease;
  • misfortune;
  • sadness;
  • anxiety;
  • disappointments;
  • poverty.

If such a vision comes to an unmarried woman, then the interpretation of the dream is even sadder. She is not destined to tie the knot with her beloved man, or her family union with him will be unhappy.

How does the Mayan dream book interpret gold?

Seeing a noble metal in a dream, according to the Mayan dream book, is good. It is believed that gold jewelry and precious chervonets are a symbol of colossal changes only in a positive direction.

If you dreamed of gold jewelry, chervonets, then a lot will happen to you in the near future. good changes. Moreover, it is especially good to see a lot of golden things. This promises success in all matters, health, happiness in your personal life and career heights.

Why else do you dream of gold jewelry? Such a dream may also have a negative meaning according to the Mayan dream book.

Seeing unprocessed precious metal in a dream means the need for long, hard work, which in an instant may turn out to be beyond the dreamer’s strength.

Find gold jewelry in a dream according to Grishina’s dream book

Find gold jewelry in a dream noble dream book Grishina - this means that everything will turn out well. It is a sign of honor, success and mutual love. Seeing a lot of gold jewelry in a dream means hopes that may be slightly exaggerated, the dreamer’s innocence of what they are trying to accuse him of, purity of thoughts and actions. Also, the meaning of such an image can be interpreted as the presence of important matters.

Gold jewelry found in a dream promises joy or the revelation of a terrible secret in which the dreamer desperately needed the truth. Giving precious metal means improving your own financial situation.

Seeing a lot of gold jewelry in a dream is good. If it is money, then the interpretation of the dream changes dramatically. This image prophesies misfortune. Moreover, if a person hides them, counts them, then all the troubles will happen due to his own carelessness or oversight.

Seeing gold earrings in a dream - interpretation according to a women's dream book

Seeing gold jewelry in a dream, in particular earrings, is a sign of success. Such a picture, seen in night dreams, promises:

  • happiness in love;
  • good luck in any endeavor;
  • financial reward for work;
  • easy solution to any issues.

Gold jewelry, especially earrings, taken as a gift from someone is not a positive sign.

Gold earrings as a gift are a symbol of self-interest. Perhaps the girl is marrying for convenience, but this will cause her mental anguish and disappointment.

Finding gold jewelry in a dream: why do you dream about such an image? If these are earrings made of noble metal, then women's dream book prophesies an easy solution to all issues and real success in business.

Finding gold in a dream: what does it mean according to the new family dream book

Why do you dream of gold jewelry, especially if a person finds it? According to the new family dream book, this is an image financial well-being and wealth.

When you dream about jewelry that the dreamer has found, he will be able to move forward by leaps and bounds to wealth, fame, respect and honor. Probably, the dream prophesies his growth in the professional sphere thanks to his own merits.

If it’s clear why you dream about finding gold jewelry, then how can you explain gold things lost in a dream? Such an image can become a symbol of active actions that ultimately lead to nothing. However, more often the meaning of such a dream, in which gold jewelry was dreamed, indicates missed prospects and opportunities.

Gold jewelry is cherished dream not only women, but also men. And if in real life you can be content with just looking at them in a store window, because you won’t be able to buy them all, then in a dream all the gold in the world can belong only to you. It immediately becomes interesting to know the interpretation of such a “golden” dream, what life changes he foretells. Decorations are interpreted differently in dream books.

Jewelry made of precious metal is rarely without stones, and if you see jewelry with them in a dream, then this is good luck. The time has come to realize your wildest ideas; all doors will open before you.

A ring with stones seen in a dream predicts that a person will soon get married. What if he already lives happily? family life, then the dream is considered a harbinger of the appearance of heirs.

If a stone from a piece of jewelry was lost in night vision, it means that you will soon have to part with a loved one, not necessarily forever, perhaps he will have to go on a business trip or interesting trip without you. Such a dream may also indicate unforeseen circumstances that will affect the outcome of a successfully started business.

Buying gold jewelry with stones in a dream means gaining fame and respect from others.

What does it mean to find gold jewelry in a dream?

This incredible luck in a dream can turn into great luck in real affairs. All previously unresolved problems will be solved on their own, without your participation. This nightly phenomenon portends good luck in all financial transactions.

If the person who had such a dream is one of the timid and slow people, then he should do a daring thing at least once, and everything will definitely work out. The dream you see will tell you which better strategy choose to do this.

And jewelry found in night dreams can speak of a secret that will soon be revealed and bring changes to a person’s life.

Why did you dream about rings and earrings?

The meaning of a gold ring in a dream has many faces. Here are some of them:

If gold earrings appear in a dream, then their meanings will be as follows:

  • putting it on yourself - meeting with old friends;
  • look for them - the sleeper may soon be robbed;
  • losing earrings for a man means that in real life, marriage relationships require attention. Perhaps you need to remember the romantic moments you experienced and repeat them, thereby reminding you that you are still just as close to your spouse;
  • forgetting earrings for a woman somewhere - the sleeping woman is afraid of change, it is difficult to get used to innovations;
  • find gold pendants - make new friends;
  • buy earrings - problems may arise at work.

Gifted gold rings or ear jewelry symbolize the onset of a wonderful period when all your dreams can come true.

Dream - gold chains. Interpretation…

Even in a dream, such jewelry requires close attention. If the links in the chain were large, it means that in reality everything will turn out favorably, but small ones can bring some trouble.

A gold chain can say a lot:

A gold chain generally signifies good events for the dreamer.

I dreamed of many different gold jewelry. What does it mean?

Receiving a large inheritance in real life is not given to everyone, but in a dream it can happen to anyone. If this happens, then expect a profit in reality, and not a small one. And having received big jackpot, you will become the center of attention and improve your position in society.

Seeing a lot of different gold jewelry on yourself, of course, portends wealth. But this does not mean that you will wake up in the morning as a multimillionaire. Fortune will turn its face to you, but for the rest you need to rely on your own strengths.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of gold jewelry?

For pregnant girls, such dreams can tell the gender of the unborn child without an ultrasound. If in a dream she sees herself with gold earrings in her ears, then there is a high probability that a girl will be born.

In general, any gold jewelry for pregnant women portends a successful birth and the birth of an absolutely healthy baby. Numerous repetitions of dreams with gold warn that the baby will be talented. And in the first years of his life, it is necessary to determine what he is most predisposed to, and then develop this skill.

But interpretations cannot be taken to heart. I dreamed of gold - great. This means that in life they will come highlights, which are so lacking among the gray everyday life. You should only believe in good events, and they will definitely happen to you. Home driving force is the correct attitude towards life, and dreams only confirm it.

Gold is a desirable metal for many people, because it can not only decorate a person, but also bring him material wealth. At the same time, there were many conflicts and quarrels because of him, so the properties in real life are quite ambiguous. Despite this, dream books usually offer a fairly positive interpretation of the yellow metal in the dream. Basically, seeing gold in a dream means strengthening your authority and material wealth. If it has been found, then future profit will not require effort; it is rather a gift of fate. But if you suddenly dream of a lot of gold at the same time, then this indicates envy and gossip in the environment.

If you dreamed of gold

Any dream that a person remembers well can be interpreted thanks to dream books. Dreams are a connection between our subconscious and the mind, so they can warn, foreshadow or simply indicate a problem. In almost all of them, it indicates that the person will soon become rich.

Very often people see in their dreams episodes related to jewelry made of precious metals. They mainly talk about events that predict material wealth. But often such dreams can be associated with emotional experiences and serious changes in life.

Why do you dream about a golden ring?

Many people are interested in what a ring means, for example, but it all depends on the circumstances under which it appeared. If you see jewelry on the finger of a loved one, it foreshadows a pleasant vacation with him. And a precious ring on your own hand, according to the interpretation of the dream book, warns of a quarrel and a showdown in the near future. If a person accidentally finds gold ring in a dream, then soon a new interesting friend will appear in his life.

Receiving a gold ring as a gift means that soon there will be good news from relatives. If it is broken, then this is a warning that the dreamer may soon be betrayed. Worn on index finger decoration means long trip in reality. A gold ring with precious stone. This object informs about unexpected guests in a dream if a person sees it rolling on the floor. And a piece of jewelry found among a pile of garbage indicates that the dreamer will soon receive a valuable gift.

gold jewelry

The dream book says that if the ring is in your pocket, it means that unexpected romantic emotions will soon flare up in the soul of the sleeper. And if this pocket turns out to be full of holes in a dream, these feelings will definitely be mutual. When in a dream a girl sees that there is a broken gold jewelry on her middle finger, it means that her beloved is cheating on her. True, there is one clarification: if there is a stone in it, then the partner was planning betrayal, but did not dare or did not yet have time to do it.

Why do you dream about a gold chain?

In an attempt to understand, many people mean the decoration they saw in a dream - a chain. When a person manages to find gold in a dream, namely a chain, it foretells a quick solution to all accumulated problems without an application special effort. And the loss of this decoration means that for some reason your friends have lost trust in you.

A dream in which this object adorns your neck indicates that quite joyful events in life will soon occur. girlfriends means that you will meet old friends.

Other dreams about a gold chain

  • Finding this decoration on the street means there will be a magnificent feast, says the dream book. Finding gold earrings is a joyful event.
  • There is a cross on a gold chain - soon the authorities will show favor.
  • There is a pendant attached to the decoration - expect an expensive present.
  • Damaged, torn jewelry - good luck in business related to entrepreneurship,
  • Gold jewelry with a pendant received as a gift represents the joy of a pleasant time with loved ones.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book gives a detailed explanation of what a gold chain can mean in a dream and what it means. For example, a dream where you step on a piece of jewelry with a pendant warns of impending troubles at work. If you hold a broken chain in your hand, then there will soon be trouble in the family. Moreover, from this dream book it is known that the thicker the links on the chain, the more positive the interpretation of this dream and the more joy it will bring to life.

As this dream book says, finding a gold chain means that people dear to you will soon come to visit you. If a cross hangs on this decoration, then guests will play a big role in your well-being in the future. When you doubt your friends and you dream that a stranger stranger gives this decoration, it means that the suspicions are empty, and no one is going to betray you, especially in difficult situation. And a gift given by loved ones may warn that your family will soon need support and help.

What does it mean to see a gold bracelet?

Gold cut in this way in a dream means different dream books? Joyful, cheerful and positive emotions. If you haven’t seen such a dream yet married girl, then ahead of her lies a meeting with a young man who will decide her fate. Receiving this decoration as a gift means holding a noisy and crowded holiday in the near future. Finding gold in a dream in the form of a bracelet lying on the floor means that the dreamer will soon have a fun holiday. If it is broken, then a pleasant romantic walk is ahead. The length of the bracelet also plays a role; if it is very long, then you will soon be promoted at work, and a short one tells you that there will be a successful deal.

If this is not the first time a person manages to find gold in a dream, namely a bracelet in the Kingdom of Morpheus, then his life begins white stripe. A massive gold piece of jewelry can mean that there will soon be news from distant relatives, and a thin thing can mean a meeting with an old acquaintance. If a person cannot handle the clasp on the bracelet, this indicates that he will soon have to change his place of residence. Darkened gold in a dream may mean that you will be sent on a long business trip.

What does gold mean in a dream?

There are an incommensurable number of interpretations of what this precious metal can mean in dreams. For example, if during a dream you dreamed, then you will soon be disappointed in your friends. If the golden tooth belongs to the sleeping person, a serious scandal with loved ones is coming ahead. A trip to the dentist, where you get a gold tooth, is a real warning from the subconscious about the conspiracy of your colleagues behind your back, but if the treatment process was painful, then the boss is on your side. But goldfish dream of health problems.

Everything that a person dreams is a direct signal from the subconscious about problems and experiences. Therefore, you need to take dreams very seriously, but not get hung up on them. If you are lucky enough to find gold in a dream or receive it as a gift, remember all the details and interpret this sign correctly.

How much hope the sight of gold awakens in a person! The dream book deciphers all the nuances of the dream, as a rule, to the immense pleasure of the dreamer. But be careful - note for yourself why you see signs in your dreams that warn of fatal mistakes and hidden threats.

Dream Interpretation Enigma about the worldly and spiritual

The interpretation of gold is usually given by direct associations. If nothing bad happens to the thing, then the person will be accompanied by all or some of the attributes of well-being: work, money, fame, love.

However, rare prophecies related to the accompanying plot are dedicated to love: gold plays the role of an amplifier in it. But the material world is presented in the most diverse manner in predictions - you will learn everything about gains and losses.

What happens to a person who has nothing to lose and no goal of getting rich? Not everyone’s happiness depends on the amount in their account - minimalism, as a principle of existence, was, is and will be. It was not by chance that fantasy gave the dreamer the image of gold. Most likely, he will perceive it as a cultural value and find spiritual prophecies in the dream book.

Miller: see signs of gain and loss

Gustav Miller believes that owning gold in a dream is a symbol of luck, and losing it is a sign of missed opportunities.

Why do you dream of holding a nugget in your hands? A person can cope with any tasks and succeed in business. Accidentally finding gold in a dream means being called the favorite of fate, on whom luck will fall as if from a cornucopia. Earning by the sweat of your brow means success in business. If a loss occurs, a rare opportunity to change fate will be missed due to carelessness.

Steal sand or a nugget - take over someone else's privileges. The purchase is an empty boast. Take away - fail. Giving to someone will cause you grief. Hide it in a treasure - violate other people's rights.

Miller's dream book promises a girl who sees a gift in the form of a nugget: she will receive an offer from a wealthy but stingy gentleman.

Interpretation of the symbol of false happiness

Some interpretations present gold as an imaginary luxury. Similar interpretations indicate the illusory nature of well-being acquired with money. They cannot be called sharply negative: for the most part, they illustrate a skeptical attitude towards wealth.

Which dream books to trust? Pragmatists are closer to Miller’s position, and for inveterate romantics we offer other versions of what gold means in dreams:

  • Seeing - extravagant, irresponsible actions.
  • Dressing means danger or separation.
  • Give as a gift - celebration at a wedding.
  • Finding a precious item is a deceptive prospect.
  • Creating products with your own hands is a wasted effort.
  • Wearing gold jewelry is deception and trouble.
  • Collecting pieces of metal is a lie, treason.
  • Melting is malicious slander.
  • A lot of valuable metals - a share to support dependents.

Islamic prophecies for men and women

According to Muslim dream books, gold is pleasant to see in a dream for women, but not for men. Allah thus promises joy and freedom from troubles to a woman, and promises sorrow to a man. It remains to list them.

If it was received for free, in the form of a find or a gift, then valuable property will be lost. Indecent behavior and condemnation of others are predicted for the one who melted the liquid metal.

Why do you dream of biting into gold? How much the husband bit off in a dream, so much will he spend on his wife in reality. After such a nightmare, it’s time to wake up in a cold sweat.

I dreamed that a house was built from ingots - this house is destined to end up on fire. Visiting a dentist for gold crowns or a jeweler Islamic dream book interprets it as an upcoming meeting with a scammer.

Why do you dream about stealing gold?

Lost illusions and missed opportunities - this is what dreams of stealing gold mean. In addition, theft is a warning against risky investments. Finding a lost bullion means avoiding financial risks.

Catching a thief means experiencing moments of shame, realizing the depth of your failure. If in a dream a person himself went to steal some small thing, even a pendant, then the dream book predicts the failure of an important event. To see how someone else has been accused of theft - the dreamer is already ready with excuses about his own carelessness.

Jewelry for a dress means success

They say “you meet by your dress.” What if a person in a dream also saw valuable accessories on himself? They visualize dreams of fame and fortune.

For the dreaming young lady, gold promises to become a celebrity, the guy will gain fame. How much work do you need to put in to become rich and popular? Or will grace fall like manna from heaven? The jewelry you dreamed about will tell you what exactly will be the basis for success.

  • Gold chain - diligent study, new areas of knowledge.
  • A medallion is a decent reward for services.
  • Necklace - life with your beloved wealthy gentleman.
  • A brooch is a return on investment backed by a bonus.
  • The ring means belonging to a privileged community.
  • Earrings – the support of colleagues or the patronage of a fan.
  • The bracelet is an exchange of freedom for material goods.

Seeing gold items in a dream

Unusual gold items deserve detailed analysis in the dream book. Some are very curious. For example, a fashionable decoration in the form of airy gilded foliage, which is almost indistinguishable from real autumn leaves, means an amazing future. And, characteristically, wonderful changes will happen by themselves.

Fashion accessories

If you dreamed of glasses framed in gold, an event will occur that will undermine trust in your spouse. If you tried on a dress with a belt embroidered with gold, it means you are putting your reputation above wealth.

A young man who saw expensive cufflinks in a dream will be accepted in decent society. But if letters corresponding to initials are engraved on them, then a very indecent proposal will come from a business partner.

Interior decor

Dream books tell you why you dream of a Buddha statue cast from pure gold: your ambitions and tranquility are in the balance. If you are fired, you will find peace of mind, if you are promoted, you will make a dizzying career. If the gilding on the figurine was fake, you can conquer any heights without difficulty.

An elegant wooden box inlaid with gold symbolizes the desire for peace. Know why you dream of a water jug ​​with gilded painting: many people around you value only your wealth.

Keep the gift! Free and fun!

It is difficult to separate the receiving of gifts and giving in the plot, although the consequences of these events in a dream are interpreted differently by dream books. Nevertheless, it makes sense to combine the ideas of dream books about the transfer of gold items from hand to hand - this way the logic of interpretation is better visible. Why dream of delighting each other with gifts?

  • Accepting a bracelet as a gift is an intriguing secret love affair.
  • Giving the bracelet yourself is a legal marriage.
  • Receiving earrings means loyalty to a loved one.
  • Giving earrings is a betrayal of your partner.
  • For a young man to choose a ring - it is difficult to choose the only one.
  • Trying on a gifted engagement ring is a marriage proposal.
  • A gold chain as a gift means groundless doubts about fidelity.
  • Receiving a medal is a spiritual reward, glory.
  • A horseshoe as a gift means exceptional well-being.

What does dirt and damage mean?

Seeing valuable metal dirty, rusty, blackened is a bad omen.

Dirt reveals bad thoughts. Dream books also suspect that a person will be betrayed.

Black plaque is sad news. Freud approaches the plot from the other side; he sees in the dirt the possibility of diseases of the genital area.

Get dirty and wash

Rusty streaks are a sign that a bank account with many zeros has lost value for the dreamer, but he continues to empty his soul, devoting all his time to making money.

Get dirty wedding ring white paint - because of deceit, to be left alone. Gold in paint appears in a dream on the eve of embezzlement due to empty posturing. If old gold was washed and cleaned from plaque in a dream, your reputation will command respect.


Why dream of breaking a valuable item made of gold in a dream? This is a sad harbinger of ruin or significant material loss. A broken chain, according to Vanga’s dream book, is a sign of a fatal mistake, and a broken ring is a prophecy of betrayal of a loved one. Handing over the fragments to a jeweler in the form of scrap gold means tears and inconsolable sadness.

Various things will help you figure out why you dream about gold jewelry. modern dream books. Each interpreter in his work paid attention to such an important symbol from the dream. Under some conditions, gold can be a harbinger of pleasant changes, and under others, it can be a warning of serious problems.

Interpretation from dream books

Miller is sure that gold symbolizes the dreamer's success in all his endeavors. You can take up any business in the near future; it will definitely bring a person large profits and satisfaction.

If a woman sees a similar dream, then she should expect the appearance of a rich groom. It is possible that this man will turn out to be greedy and evil. Therefore, before agreeing to marriage, you need to take a close look at your partner and test his ability to overcome difficulties together. If a girl ignores such advice, succumbing to the charm of golden glitter, then in the end she may end up very unhappy.

In his dream, does a person dream of working in a gold mine? This means that in reality he intends to illegally take possession of someone else’s property or fraudulently remove a colleague from a cherished position at work. You will eventually have to pay dearly for such actions.

For interpreter Loff, gold is a symbol of wealth and purity. Had to buy it in a dream? Surely in reality a man or woman loves no matter what opportunity demonstrate to others your power, wealth, high social status. It wouldn't be surprising if this type of behavior meant that over time, fewer and fewer friends remained nearby.

If the dreamer is given a helmet or other headdress made entirely of gold, he will soon be endowed with power. It is very important to use it correctly and not start committing outrages.

Tsvetkov’s work notes that gold and jewelry made from it are a symbol of falsehood. Therefore, most of the dream plots with him have negative or neutral interpretations. Touching and stroking any gold objects means missed opportunities. Receiving gold as a gift means deception on the part of loved ones. Biting off small pieces of the precious metal means success in creativity.

If the sleeper swallows slices of gold, then he will probably have a selfish interest in someone close to him. You need to be able to suppress them in yourself in time in order to preserve your dignity and “human face.”