Dream Interpretation: new mutual love. Why do you dream about Love?

Description of the page: “Why do you dream about saying I love you” from professionals for people.

It’s nice to hear declarations of love not only in reality, but also in a dream. It remains to understand what such a dream could mean and what events it warns about. To do this, you should remember the details of the plot, for example, who exactly made the confession, how you felt, etc.

Why do you dream about a declaration of love?

Seeing someone talk about their feelings means you should expect change. Another such plot can tell that the person about whom the dreamer is worried does not really deserve it. Recognition from a member of the opposite sex means that this moment V ordinary life lacks attention from loved one. Let's figure out why we dream of a confession from a person with whom the dreamer is currently in a relationship - this is a sign indicating that lovers are hiding something from each other. This may be a signal that your loved one wants to talk about something, but has not yet decided to do so.

If you had to confess your love in a dream, it means real life someone takes advantage of the dreamer's kindness. Watching a confession from the outside in a dream is a signal that you will soon find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. It is recommended that you think through your every step in the near future. If you dream that you had to confess your love to your enemy, it means that a calm period of life will soon begin. A night vision in which you had to tell a stranger about your feelings prophesies loneliness. If, on the contrary, a stranger confesses his feelings, it means that soon a secret admirer will appear in life. Confessing love to close friends in a dream is bad sign warning of scandals and misunderstandings.

A dream in which it was difficult to confess your love or the chosen one refused to give an answer is a favorable sign, meaning that you can count on happiness in your personal life. If the dreamer confesses his love in poetry, it means that he will soon go on an interesting journey. Hearing a long speech about feelings is good sign, indicating that in the future it will be possible to occupy the desired position. Hearing a short “I love you” in a dream means you can count on happy marriage. If confessions seem insincere, this is a harbinger of a fun time with friends.

Why does a girl dream of a declaration of love?

Such a dream plot means that soon in real life the man will talk about his feelings. If a girl herself talks about love, it means that communicating with the man she likes will ultimately be very upsetting.

For some, a declaration of love is a familiar phrase that they hear every day from their loved one.

But for others, these are long-awaited words that make your head spin and make life more beautiful.

What does it mean to hear them in a dream? How does the dream book explain a declaration of love?

You were told the cherished words

If in a dream you heard a confession from a guy you like, get ready for pleasant events in life.

What is said in the verses speaks of interesting journey to places where you have never been. A long speech is a sign that you will soon be able to take a long-awaited position. And if the guy simply said: “I love you,” then you will marry successfully and live with your spouse in abundance.

Hear love speeches in a dream from stranger- means entering a new stage of life. If you were not surprised when you heard this, then you are able to overcome all difficulties. And if the discovery of feelings has puzzled you, then you will have to work hard to achieve your goals.

  • To feel that assurances of feelings are not sincere means relaxing with a friend.
  • Constantly interrupting a guy - to happy holiday in your house.
  • Answer young man that you don’t need him - to agreement in the family or reconciliation with relatives.
  • Laughing after confessing means making a new, reliable friend.
  • Crying from words of love - to the fidelity and devotion of a partner.

A dream where a declaration of love sounded in the form of a song speaks of the serious intentions of your loved one. And if the guy explained himself indistinctly, constantly stammering, then the one you like will soon pay attention to you.

If in a dream they confessed their sympathy to you, but then said that it was a joke, a great, beautiful feeling awaits you in life.

If you have opened up to your loved one

Confessing your love to a guy you’ve liked for a long time means insisting on your opinion in a conversation with a friend. And if your words were addressed to a stranger, then you agree to compromise so as not to quarrel with your friends.

To confess your love in a dream in order to benefit from it means to receive a worthy reward for your labors. And your sincere words mean that a worthy person loves you.

  • Confessing your love to your husband means jealousy and suspicion on his part.
  • And to a former classmate - to a friendly outing into nature.
  • Singing a confession song means a quick solution to an old problem.
  • In response to a confession, hearing rudeness means a tender romantic evening.
  • Confessing your feelings over the phone means a feast in someone else’s house or restaurant.

If you confess your feelings on the seashore, you will soon be able to find a well-paid job. And confessing while sitting on a bench means appreciating the people who always support you.

If you had a dream where you send a declaration of love via SMS, it means that you should wait for an answer to the question that worries you. And writing a love letter to your chosen one means forgiving the grievances of your loved ones.

Having carefully studied the dream book and understood why you dream of a declaration of love, you will be able to model your life yourself.

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Wed, 17 Aug 2016

Love experiences are often transferred into dreams. But the opposite situation, when a person sees manifestations of tender feelings in a dream or hears words of love, does not necessarily mean pleasant romantic emotions in reality. Why do you dream about a declaration of love according to the most popular dream books?

Why do you dream of declaring your love according to the modern dream book?

The interpretation of such a dream can be completely opposite. Depending on the specific circumstances in real life, the details of the dream, and the sensations experienced by the dreamer, the dream can be interpreted in different ways.

If the dreamer himself confesses his love to a stranger, then in reality he will be lonely for a long time or will experience an unhappy secret love. If you have a partner or spouse in everyday life, then the dream means parting with him for some, possibly a long time.

Why dream of declaring your love to someone you know? To change in life. If the dreamer opens up to a friend, then in reality he will have a quarrel with him. A declaration of love to a husband or permanent partner means a warm, trusting relationship that has developed between loving people. Some pleasant event may happen that will diversify life.

If someone expresses his admiration for the dreamer, he will be honored and respected. But the words of love he heard addressed to him mean a secret admirer. It's worth taking a closer look at your surroundings.

Hearing how two people explain themselves to each other in a dream means that the dreamer will be involved in love triangle. This can be a source of big problems in real life.

In some cases, a person who hears a confession will experience a similar event in reality. Someone will finally open up about their feelings or unexpectedly fall in love with the dreamer. The romance can be fast-paced and passionate. But whether it will be long-lasting and filled with romance is unknown. In any case, you will experience very pleasant emotions that will remain in your memories for a long time.

If the dreamer hears a declaration of love addressed to him in a dream, one can expect in reality an invitation to some event, family or official. If the dreamer himself talks to someone and utters words of love, he needs to pay attention to his surroundings in reality. Perhaps he is overly trusting and kind, which unscrupulous or unfriendly people take advantage of.

If a woman dreams that he confessed his love to her ex-husband or partner, then the relationship with him is completely broken, and there is no way to restore it. You need to get over the breakup or let go of the past: feelings no longer make sense, your partner will not return.

If a girl received a note with a declaration of love in a dream, it means that someone has tender romantic feelings for her, which he is afraid to admit. You need to look around: a fan is nearby.

A dream about a friend declaring his love is very unfavorable. In reality, he can become a source of disappointment, resentment, and commit some unseemly act towards the dreamer.

Why do you dream of declaring your love according to Vanga’s dream book?

The interpretation of the dream that the dreamer hears a love confession, according to this dream book, is unfavorable. If the confession comes from a partner or spouse, then a wall of misunderstanding, outright deception, or, at least, there is some kind of secret, is growing between you. You need to talk frankly with your partner. Perhaps he wants, but does not dare, to say something very important for him and for your relationship.

Sometimes such a dream is a harbinger of an invitation to a holiday or an important event. Vanga advises carrying a shell with you so that the invitation actually happens.

If the dreamer himself confesses his love to someone, then he is shamelessly used for his own purposes by a cruel and calculating person. To get rid of its influence, the famous soothsayer recommends going to bed with a yellow ribbon previously soaked in salt water tied around your head.

The dream may also mean that relatives or fairly close friends, acquaintances are hiding something from the dreamer. Perhaps they believe that this will only benefit him.

Why do you dream of declaring your love according to Vanga’s dream book? In any case, the dreamer is in a situation of ignorance or misunderstandings. Someone is hiding important information or simply does not dare to open them out of fear.

Why do you dream of declaring your love according to Miller’s dream book?

If the dreamer confesses his love to someone, it means that there are no relations between him and the participant in the love dream. Serious relationships. Romantic affection will turn out to be fleeting, and sympathy will never develop into something more.

According to another interpretation, the relationship will still change. They may even become stronger, but without any hint of romance.

If in a dream a person hears an explanation from two other people (not necessarily a loving one), then in reality he may find himself in a difficult and very unpleasant situation. After such a dream, you need to act extremely carefully, rationally, carefully and not take any ambiguous actions.

Why dream of declaring your love to an enemy or an unfriendly (in reality) person? Oddly enough, this good dream. He predicts a period of calm, joyful life.

If a stranger declares his love to the dreamer, You should expect troubles and problems. They will appear due to the fact that a person does not know how to get along with other people and does not take their opinions and desires into account.

Another interpretation of the same dream foreshadows a change in life circumstances. Everything that the dreamer is used to in reality will change for the worse or for the better.

If the dreamer had a dream about a declaration of love with some person whom he sympathizes with in reality, then in reality, mental suffering and tossing will not lead to anything good. The beloved does not deserve attention, since either his feelings are false or he does not experience them at all.

If the sensations in the dream were very pleasant, then in reality expect sadness, tears, disappointment. And vice versa: if in a dream recognition caused negative experiences, then reality will delight you with well-being, joy and happiness.

In any case, a girl’s dream about recognition should be interpreted the other way around. If she herself declared her love to a man, then in reality one should expect disappointments, tears and grief.

Why do you dream of declaring your love according to Loff’s dream book?

As a rule, dreams about love confessions should be interpreted the other way around. Another option is to clearly understand: a person sees exactly what he wants to receive in reality. That is, seeing someone confess their love to you and receiving such a confession in reality in the morning, most likely, will not work.

Why dream of declaring your love yourself? If a girl in love in a dream sees the object of her sighs declaring her love, then this does not mean absolutely anything. A dream is a visualization of the emotions of the dreamer herself, who dreams of receiving similar recognition in reality.

If in a dream a confession was received from a person with whom nothing connects you in reality, then the meaning of interpretation will be different. What does it mean, for example, to dream in which you receive recognition from a colleague, neighbor or boss? It all depends on what emotions the dreamer experiences for another person, and on what plans he makes for him.

So, if the boss confessed his love, then in reality the dreamer wants to receive something material from him: a bonus or other encouragement. Or maybe he just wants to win over his boss. Perhaps in the near future you will have to lie to this person in order to gain his favor and get something from him.

If your ex-husband or lover declares his love, then the girl is not ready to let go of the past and feels strong resentment towards the person with whom the relationship was broken. You need to let go of the past as quickly as possible, which in reality brings too many negative emotions and does not allow you to move forward, inhibiting the development of new relationships.

If an unfamiliar young man confessed his love to the dreamer, then in reality the girl is in captivity of unrealistic dreams. You should be wary of deception, as excessive gullibility leads to negative consequences.

Why dream of declaring your love according to Hasse’s dream book

If the dreamer declared his love to someone, not in words, but in a romantic letter or note, this characterizes him as an indecisive, timid, secretive, but romantic person.

Why dream of declaring your love to someone you know? Perhaps you are experiencing strong emotional experiences and need emotional intimacy. In addition, if the letter is written to a specific person, then it is very likely that he is connected by other relationships or is far from the dreamer.

If the dreamer himself receives a love confession written on paper in a dream, then important information is hidden from him. some an important event is hiding from you because others are afraid of your reaction.

A dream in which a girl hears a love confession characterizes her as a distrustful, jealous and quarrelsome person. In reality, she should reconsider her attitude towards others.

There is hardly a person who does not like to receive (in reality or in his dreams) declarations of love. The dream book will help you understand what such a plot means and whether it promises good or bad events. An option is also being considered when the sleeper himself admits his feelings. So what could all this mean?

Declarations of love: Miller's dream book

What does Gustave Miller think about all this? Does his dream book make a good or bad forecast? Declarations of love in night dreams - what does this mean?

If he tells the dreamer about his feelings stranger, in reality he risks finding himself in a difficult situation. In the near future, it is better to refrain from decisions that could affect the rest of your life.

If a woman or man confesses his love to someone who is in reality an enemy, this promises a calm and happy life. If the dreamer talks about his feelings to a person he really likes, you shouldn’t count on reciprocity. Romantic relationships with the hero the sleeper will have no night dreams.

Tsvetkov's interpretation

What information is contained in this dream book? Is a declaration of love a good or bad sign?

If someone tells a girl or woman about his feelings in his night dreams, in reality the dreamer will perform an extraordinary act. Events that happen in the near future will have an impact on the rest of your life. If she herself declares her love to a stranger, boyfriend or friend, this may indicate a feeling of loneliness. The dreamer needs a person who will give her warmth. It cannot be ruled out that she will meet him soon.

If someone confesses their love to a man in his night dreams, such a plot promises changes that will happen in the near future. It's hard to predict whether they will turn out to be good or bad.

Hasse's predictions

What predictions does this dream book make? Do declarations of love predict good or bad events?

If someone in his night dreams tells the sleeping person about his feelings through a letter (email, SMS, regular mail), then this means that in reality they are hiding some secret from him. Concealed from a woman or man important information because they are afraid negative reaction. There is a high probability that the dreamer will soon find out someone else's secret.

If the sleeping person himself sends a love confession to someone by mail, then this indicates his timidity. A woman or man wants to tell someone about his feelings, but does not dare to do so.

From a friend

A common plot is a declaration of love from a friend. The dream book connects such a plot with secrets. The hero of night dreams is hiding something from the sleeping person, and is not completely sincere with him. The dreamer guesses about this, but he has no evidence. It is not at all necessary that this person is up to something bad or intends to do harm. It may be that he is just afraid of the reaction to his secret.

If the dreamer bad relationship with the hero of night dreams, he should take a closer look at him. It cannot be ruled out that this person is plotting behind his back.

From the person you like

Why do you dream about a declaration of love? The dream book also considers this option as an explanation of the person the sleeping person likes in real life. If the confession made in night dreams caused irritation in a man or woman, then the prognosis is favorable. In reality, the dreamer will experience prosperity and joy.

Was the declaration of love received with delight? A person who has such a dream should prepare for the worst. The more joyful emotions he experienced, the more unpleasant the situation he will find himself in in the near future will be.

From a stranger

It is not at all necessary that the sleeper knows the one who tells him about his feelings in his night dreams. Another option is also considered by the dream book. A declaration of love from a stranger - what does such a plot promise?

  • Such dreams can visit a person who is used to building castles in the air. The dreamer overly romanticizes the world around him and the people who inhabit it. It's time to take it off pink glasses, learn to set realistic goals and achieve them. Otherwise, the sleeper will have to experience happiness only in his dreams.
  • Words of love from a stranger are a dream that can also predict recognition from others. The merits of a man or woman will finally be appreciated. The plot can also predict an expansion of your social circle. The dreamer will soon meet interesting people who will play an important role in his life.
  • A girl in her dreams receives recognition from a stranger? Such a dream indicates her excessive gullibility. Her naivety is easy to take advantage of for your own purposes, and soon someone may try to do so. The dreamer needs to exercise extreme caution in the near future. It is better to avoid making new acquaintances altogether, as there is a high probability of meeting scammers.

From a loved one

Does the chosen one talk about his feelings in his night dreams? What does a declaration of love from a loved one mean? The dream book informs that the other half is hiding something from the sleeping person. There is unsaidness in relationships, and this can lead to separation. It is possible that the solution to the problem will be a frank conversation. In any case, you should not ignore such a warning.

Some guides to the world of dreams promise the dreamer betrayal. The other half has another one. The loved one simply does not yet know how to tell the dreamer about this. In this case, separation cannot be avoided. It won't be easy to survive, but everything will end well.

To the fair sex

A girl receives a declaration of love from a guy? The dream book recommends remembering exactly how the sleeping person reacted to the words spoken. Surprisingly, the worse her reaction was, the greater her chances of having a relationship with this young man in real life. Interesting interpretation Hasse's dream book suggests. This guide connects such a plot with a lack of communication with the opposite sex.

What does a declaration of love from a man mean? The dream book claims that such an event can happen in reality. If a stranger talks about his feelings, this may indicate that the woman has a secret admirer. While this person does not dare to approach the object of his passion, he will soon gain courage.

Why does a married lady dream of a declaration of love? This plot informs that a woman should not worry about her relationship with her other half. Her union with her husband will be strong and happy, they will meet old age together.

From ex

What does a declaration of love from an ex mean for a woman? The dream book informs that this person continues to think about the sleeping woman. It is possible that he dreams of renewing the relationship and repents of the mistakes that led to the separation. Also, such a dream can signal important changes in the life of your ex, including his wedding with another woman.

If dreams in which an ex-boyfriend talks about his feelings often disturb a girl’s nightly peace, this indicates her resentment towards him. The best thing she can do is let the past stay in the past and start living in the present. If the dreamer does not heed this recommendation, her future may turn out to be bleak.

Various stories

What else could a declaration of love dream of? The dream book examines various subjects.

  • If a sleeper finds it difficult to speak tender words in his night dreams, in reality this promises happiness in his personal life. A dream in which the chosen one takes a long time to answer has a similar meaning.
  • A declaration of love in verse is a sign that prophesies a long and exciting journey.
  • A long monologue about feelings is a sign of advancement career ladder. The sleeper will finally be able to attract the attention of management to his merits. A person can not only be offered a higher position, but also an increase in salary.
  • A confession consisting of three words prophesies a strong family union. Single people will soon meet someone with whom they will spend their entire lives.
  • If in a dream the words of love seem false, in reality this promises a fun pastime. The person will soon receive an invitation to friendly party, which is definitely worth accepting. He will be able to have a great time and chat with old friends.
  • Observe someone else's explanation from the outside - what does it mean? Such a dream predicts that a person will find himself in an awkward situation. Maximum caution will help to avoid this; every step must be deliberate. Also, you shouldn’t share your secrets with anyone in the near future.

How it's made

Much depends on how the declaration of love is made. The dream book considers the options that are described below:

  • By phone. Such a plot promises a man or woman an invitation to a celebration. You will have to accept it, even if you don’t want to go.
  • By SMS. Such a dream predicts agonizing anticipation for the sleeper. A person will wait for an answer to a question that is of great importance to him. It is not at all necessary that this is connected with the romantic sphere.
  • In a letter. Such a plot signals that the sleeper is ready to begin new life. A person agrees to forgive his enemies for the insults he has caused, to leave the past in the past. Soon he will be able to get rid of painful memories. His life will become brighter and more joyful day by day.

Love is the most wonderful feeling in the world. It makes us perform heroic deeds, be jealous, and even suffer from unrequited feelings. You can find out why you dream of love in a dream, and what the plot you see will lead to, using the tips from dream books.

Pay attention to the main details of the dream you saw. Have you experienced powerful emotions, or indifferently watched how they were madly in love with you - all this will help in choosing an interpretation. And some signs and nuances will even attract new love into your life.

What love

The French believe that they know a lot about love. And by interpretation French dream book, love in a dream, one way or another, will bring happiness and serenity to your reality. If the dreamed feeling was like a burning match - it flared up brightly and immediately died out, then in reality you can count on good luck in all projects. Take advantage of the chance that has come your way.

Why do you dream of seeing love, as if from the outside - from other people? Similar dream should be considered unfavorable. It foretells you collapse and defeat, which will immediately affect all areas of life. This prediction is especially relevant if you have felt extreme envy.

The prediction of why you dream of feeling love is very positive. According to Women's dream book In reality you are absolutely free and not burdened with any obligations. The smile of fortune is guaranteed to you, any business will be successful.

Tsvetkova's dream book explains what else love can dream about. If in a dream your experiences simply drive you crazy, then soon all the efforts you have spent will pay off in full. You will be able to overcome all obstacles and achieve your goals. For men, such a plot predicts a dizzying rise up the career ladder.

The sincere and mutual feeling that envelops you in a dream is the mirror side of your reality. Surely mutual understanding and harmony reign in your family now.

What will love for a person who is absolutely indifferent to you bring with it? The dream book states that you will be disappointed in yourself. But you shouldn’t give up right away. There is another interpretation. Perhaps in reality you will have a strong passion for someone.

According to prediction Esoteric dream book, if you happen to meet your love in a dream, then in reality you will be seriously attracted to a complete stranger, which can subsequently lead to a wedding.

Are you thinking about what you might be dreaming about? strong love? The crazy feeling that took over you in a dream will provoke a difficult period in reality. You will be forced to spin like a squirrel in a wheel. And your efforts will not be in vain.

The dream book has an explanation for what dreams of unrequited love mean. The interpreter believes that in reality you are faced with a choice. To grope Right way mentally imagine yourself successful and rich. This will help you decide which path to take in real life.

Are you looking for an answer to the question, why did you dream about a man’s love? If this man is your partner in life, then a wonderful and bright future awaits you, a strong family and healthy children.

Were you upset when you appeared in love in a dream? The interpreter believes that she will not be able to achieve reciprocity, so nothing threatens you and your union.

Old love

Did you see your first love in a dream? This symbol is multifaceted and ambiguous. For example, most dream books believe that you are living in the past and do not want to let it go. Don't try to turn back time to correct mistakes. Your past is an invaluable experience that gave you a start in this life. Try not to forget about this.

On the other hand, if you periodically meet your first love in the world of dreams, which was so beautiful, then most likely changes for the better await you in the future. All problems will gradually disappear on their own, you will be happy and carefree.

If in a dream you often see your first love, which was accompanied by quarrels and scandals and left behind a sad aftertaste, then in reality you should be careful. Soon your enemies and rivals will launch an offensive on all fronts. You may have problems at work, in family, and in love.

The prediction of what the dream means is also unfavorable. So, even if you have not seen your ex-partner for a long time, you will still receive news from the past that will make you pay for long-standing misdeeds.

According to another version of the dream book, when asked why you dream, there is the following interpretation. If in a dream you easily carry on a conversation and have fun, then soon you will meet a person who will take you back to the past and give you the opportunity to relive the heyday of your youth once again.

If in a dream you felt very uncomfortable, then a prediction of what you dream about old love, is unlikely to please you. In reality you will have big problems that will affect family and relatives.

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a loved one in a dream means satisfaction with your current surroundings. Seeing that the love of others fills you with happiness foretells that successful management of affairs will give you contentment and freedom from everyday worries. If you find in a dream that love has passed or no longer evokes a reciprocal feeling, this means that you will be faced with a difficult question: would it be better for you to change your lifestyle or get married and achieve success in order to secure your future. For a husband or wife to dream that they love each other means great family happiness and cheerful, smart children who will bring them joy. Seeing loving parents in a dream foretells that you will develop integrity of character and constancy in your desire to achieve prosperity and position in society. In a dream, loving animals indicates contentment, although perhaps you yourself don’t think so; but after some time, fate will reward you with everything that gives you this feeling.

Why do you dream about love?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

around to the sleeping person - fortunately; you love yourself - a great reward; happy, lucky time; to a celebrity - deception; disease.

Seeing sex in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about sex and the search for sexual connotations are something of a pastime for interpreters. Often you don’t even need to search for long. Sexual satisfaction, love, flirting, attraction and nightly rendezvous are very often present in the bizarre interweaving of dreams. The search for sexual connotations has long been a major avenue for dream research and interpretation, due in part to Sigmund Freud's significant contributions to the field. However, interpreting the sexual meaning of dreams can present some difficulties. Scientific research find significant differences in how men and women dream about sex. However, when all is said and done, almost everyone "makes it" in dreamland. How many? Sex is reported to be a topic in at least 12% men's dreams and 4% female. Such statistics are generally consistent with our sexual desires in reality, where men are much more concerned about this issue than women. Although they say that men spend much more than 12% of their waking hours thinking about sex. In his book Finding Meaning in Dreams, J. William Damhoff revealed interesting data on the manifestation of sex in dreams: Men: Sexual participation - 93%. Observation of sexual acts – 7%. Women: Participation in sex – 68%. Observation of sexual acts – 32%. This table shows that women in sexually charged dreams often separate themselves from what is happening, while men see themselves as participants. This may have implications for understanding why achieving orgasm while asleep is more common among men—especially boys—than among women. It also sheds light on the conflicts many women experience surrounding the good girl/bad girl taboo. In addition to explicit sexual actions, the issue of sexual images and symbols often found in dreams is important. Due to the fact that sexuality, either in childhood or throughout life, is shrouded in mystery, the subconscious tends to in a variety of ways visually represent sex. With his theory of personality governed by sexual desire, Freud made a major contribution to this development of thought. Freud did for the sexuality of dreams what Henry Ford did for the engine. internal combustion. Suddenly, everyone, everywhere began to have sexual dreams. Ultimately, this led to a cooling of some part of educated society towards Freud. Many scholars are interested in the question of whether Freud was actually as obsessed with sexual symbolism as he is thought to be. Interpretation of sexual dreams. Sexual dreams are not dreams exclusively about sex. They are often about how we perceive people and how we think others perceive us. To create a framework for interpreting sexual dreams, it is important to identify who is with you in the dream and how you feel about the experience in the dream. Some dreams are simply romantic. A guy and a girl meet in the land of dreams and enjoy each other. Typically the scenario involves an attractive acquaintance and a generally pleasant environment. Apart from the feeling that perhaps events are moving too quickly in this nocturnal relationship, there is no violation of the taboo. Often the dreamer simply acted under the influence of attraction to a certain person. Freud's theory of wish fulfillment is a sufficient explanation for this. Other dreams cross the boundaries of our taboos. These include dreams with a sexual plot, which the dreamer would consider unacceptable in reality, but in which he takes part in the dream. Such dreams can be very disturbing, and you may wake up with a feeling of rape, adultery, or loss of virginity. Dreams of this nature require more careful study. First important step there will be an identification of what caused the discomfort. Was it a boss, a work colleague, a friend? Someone much older or younger than you with whom you have an affectionate but platonic relationship? Or was the most distinct feature of the dream the nature of the love encounter - whether it took place under duress, deception, taking place in public, or some other way? Who forced whom? Maybe the stranger reminded you of someone you know? Often components of sexual dreams are relationships of representation and substitution. Some of the dreams indicate our ambivalence towards taboos. After all, there is something exciting about prohibition. In some cases, we express our own disappointment with a sex life that does not suit us, in others, someone has transgressed the boundaries of our taboos, and we respond to this by perceiving him as a person receiving undeserved favor from us. In these cases, dreams deserve attention and study. As you explore what you first thought was disgusting, you will discover new aspects of your personality and the connections around you that were largely unnoticed before. And perhaps most importantly, you will be more aware of different faces your personality in these relationships.

I dreamed of adoration

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are the object of adoration means that you will retain the love of those who surrounded you previously, although you will soon occupy a very high position in society.

Dreamed of a lover

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in love in a dream warns against selfish desires that threaten to plunge you into scandal. For a young woman, this dream foreshadows forbidden dates, but in the end she will choose a balanced and highly moral partner. For a married woman, such a dream speaks of dissatisfaction and a desire for pleasure outside the home. Seeing others in love means that you will be tempted to neglect your moral obligations. Seeing animals in this state means that you are attracted to base pleasures.

Every person is flattered by a declaration of love, even if they dreamed about it. However, the dream book is in no hurry to please the dreamer with good forecasts, since the feeling of falling in love in a dream can turn into antipathy in reality.

In order for the interpretation to be as accurate as possible, you need to pay attention to various details of what you saw.

Why do you dream about a declaration of love?

In such a dream, the emotions that a person experiences are very important. If you were happy with the recognition, a negative change in your life awaits you. If you dream that someone has shown antipathy towards you, expect good news.

  • In the dream book, a declaration of love from a friend indicates that there are many secrets between you and this person.
  • I dreamed that it was coming from my beloved guy or girl - time to have a heart-to-heart talk and reveal secrets.
  • From a friend - expect disappointments and troubles.
  • From your boss - you want a salary increase or encouragement for your work. You will have to find an approach to your boss so that his attitude towards you becomes more favorable.

1. Miller believes:

  • If you dreamed that you were declaring your love, in reality there would be no romantic relationship between you and the person in the dream.
  • I dream about how strangers speaking words of love can mean a difficult situation for the dreamer. The Dream Interpretation recommends not making any serious decisions. But explaining your tender feelings to an enemy means a dream of a calm and happy life.

2. Tsvetkov believes that a declaration of love for a man promises a turning point in life.

  • For a girl, such a dream symbolizes an extraordinary or brave act that she will soon perform.
  • And if the dreamer himself demands love from a friend or stranger, he lacks emotionality, sincerity and close communication. Perhaps you need a close friend with whom fate will soon bring you together.

3. Dream Interpretation of Hasse speaks:

  • dreamed of explaining your tender feelings in a note or by choosing more modern way(SMS, email, etc.) - the dreamer lacks courage. But along with timidity, he has the traits of a romantic.
  • If you dream that the dreamer receives a personal message, they are hiding important information or an event from him because they are afraid of the dreamer’s reaction.

Declaration of love from a friend, what does it mean in a dream?

  • Vanga claims that words of affection from the man or woman you are in a relationship with may mean that your significant other wants to tell you a secret. Her dream book hints at understatement in relationships.
  • If the confession comes from relatives or friends, it means that they are not completely sincere with you.
  • Take a closer look: perhaps they are hiding important information from you.

Why do you dream of a declaration of love from a guy you like?

You dreamed of a declaration of love from a person you like and you are happy about it - a harbinger of negative changes. The more joyful emotions you experience, the more unpleasant the situations await you.

If the guy’s words caused irritation, then reality will be kind to you: expect joy and prosperity.

Why do you dream of a declaration of love from a man?

When a woman dreams of a declaration of love from a man- similar action can be expected in real life. The dream book hints at a secret admirer or a man who has long wanted to confess his feelings.

If you dreamed about this married girl - the relationship between spouses will become even stronger in the future. The lovers still need each other.

According to Hasse's dream book: if a girl often dreams of declarations of love from a guy or from a friend, it means that she is too jealous and distrustful. It can also be a symbol of a lack of communication with the opposite sex.

If you dream of a confession from your ex

Dream about ex-boyfriend always affects not only the dreamer, but also the ex himself. The dream means that he is thinking about you, or indicates important changes in life ex-man. Perhaps this person misses the relationship, repents, or remembers a happy life with you.

Girls often see their ex-boyfriend when they think a lot about him in reality.

Dreaming of a confession from an ex-man- the dreamer harbored a grudge against him. It's time for the girl to let go of the past so that happiness can come to the present and future.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation claims: if a girl saw her ex-boyfriend in a dream, she could not forgive him for anything.

What does it mean to dream about a declaration of love from a stranger?

  • A dream interpretation of a declaration of love from a stranger may indicate the following: you are overly romanticizing the world and people around you. Stop having your head in the clouds and wearing rose-colored glasses.
  • I dreamed of a confession from unknown man- a girl should not be so trusting and amorous. Also, words of affection from a stranger can warn against deception.
  • Nice words from a stranger can also indicate that others will soon recognize your talents. Or maybe you are waiting for a meeting with a nice person with whom you will strike up a friendly relationship.