Scenario of the event for Cosmonautics Day for children of senior preschool age “Journey into space. Interesting facts for Cosmonautics Day

“Cosmonautics” - this word sounds proud! The incredible successes of Soviet cosmonautics attracted genuine interest from all levels of society in different countries, and even different continents. The grandiose achievements of theorists and practitioners left no one indifferent. Every year, more and more nations join active space exploration, trying to compare their endeavors with the legendary exploits of our compatriots. It is not surprising that Cosmonautics Day in Russia is celebrated annually with honor and respect. Documentary programs are broadcast on central television, government authorities solemnly congratulate everyone on the anniversary of the first flight, in primary, secondary and high school carry out educational events according to pre-planned scenarios. Class hour, sports marathons, and intellectual quizzes on the Cosmonautics Day holiday at school cultivate the civic position of children and adolescents, strengthen their patriotism, and teach them to respect the achievements of the Russian cosmonautics.

How to spend Cosmonautics Day at school - Class hour for elementary school

Cosmonautics Day in primary school it is better to spend it without tying the class hour to legendary personalities and specifically dated flights. It is difficult for first-graders to understand many important things that high school students not only understand, but even know by heart. Children's holiday for the little ones it should consist of traditional educational and entertainment elements corresponding to the theme of “outer space”.

So, during the event, younger schoolchildren can recite previously learned poems about space, stars, planets, space rockets etc. Girls will delight the audience with a funny alien dance, and boys - with space tricks with elements of illusion. Both will be interested in watching a funny video in cartoon form telling about the first flights and launches of satellites. Everyone, without exception, will want to take part in games and competitions with suitable implications.

A teacher who knows how to spend Cosmonautics Day at school - a class hour for elementary school - prepares for the event in advance. After all, it is very important in the entertainment and gaming process to tell children in detail about the structure of the solar system, about the stars, giant planets, natural satellites and other cosmic bodies.

Games and competitions for Cosmonautics Day in elementary school

Even the most magical and fascinating stories about deep space can quickly bore students junior classes. To avoid this, the atmosphere at the holiday is defused fun games and competitions for children. And the most favorite among them are riddles.

As soon as I got into space,

Then he completely disappeared...

What did I lose on the way? ... (Weight)

There will be no problems in space,

After all, I put on a special... (Helmet)

He led the first flight into space.

Who is this guy? (Yuri Gagarin)

The biggest star is behind the window.

What is this? Of course, … (Sun)

When people light lanterns

She appears in the sky

And it burns brighter than earthly lamps,

What is this? (Moon)

Trees live on it

It has wide fields,

Both you and I live on it.

Our house - … (Earth)

With a tail of bright light

Rushing across the sky... (Comet)

All fears are forgotten,

The ship leaves for... (Orbit)

The astronaut was lucky:

He saw … (UFO)

I saw a strange body in space...

No way I met... (Alien)!

Cosmonautics Day at school: event scenario for middle classes

Unlike children, middle school students perceive information more easily, concentrate their attention longer, and express their opinions more boldly. This means that for middle grades it is easier to choose a scenario for an event for Cosmonautics Day. The main thing is that the holiday is not only useful and educational, but also bright, entertaining, and memorable. Too monotonous lectures with endless questions and answers can easily discourage teenagers from learning new and unknown things.

An interesting event for Cosmonautics Day in middle grades

If you are planning to hold Cosmonautics Day at school, the event scenario for middle classes will definitely come in handy. Among all possible options The most popular are the following:

  1. Lesson-lecture “Hero of Space”. Short public lesson for grades 5-8 with fascinating stories from the teacher about the first cosmonaut. The special feature of the event is maximum quantity visual materials: portraits, presentations on an interactive whiteboard, costumes, layouts, audio and video recordings and other props.
  2. Sports competition "Ready to launch a rocket." Several small teams participate in the relay. All games are popular, but adapted to the theme of the event. For example, pulling the tail of a comet, jumping in spacesuits, shuttle running for stars, throwing asteroids into the space ring.
  3. Theatrical performance for invited guests “Stars of Cosmonautics”. It is worth preparing for such an event in advance and very thoroughly. Participants in the production are given the roles of great personalities who have made a significant contribution to the Russian cosmonautics. A simple segment from a historical chronicle is used as a plot.
  4. Gaming festival "Star Wars". The scenario of such an event consists entirely of funny intellectual and active games like: “assemble a rocket from boxes”, “come up with the name of a new planet from the letters you come across”, “arrange the events on photo cards in chronological order", "Guess the puzzle, etc."

Quiz for Cosmonautics Day in high school

The best way to celebrate Cosmonautics Day at school is to organize an educational quiz for senior classes. Through such a competition, you can test the level of knowledge of high school students in a given field and restore in their memory interesting facts about their heroic compatriots, their great discoveries and achievements.

The quiz for Cosmonautics Day in high school is designed for the participation of two or three teams. Based on the results of each block of questions, the teacher must count the points and keep a table on the chalkboard. This will make it easier for schoolchildren to track their progress and strive even more to win over the opposing team.

An important part of the "space" quiz is the minor extras. That is:

  • presentation by teams of their name (eg. “Space Warriors”, “Andromeda”, “Jolly Lunokhod”, etc.);
  • dressing in astronaut outfits (funny star glasses, foil vests, plastic helmets from open-face spacesuits, knee pads, elbow pads, etc. at the discretion of the captains);
  • short distracting and educational presentations by quiz participants with interesting facts and bright illustrations;
  • practical tasks on making UFOs, rockets, etc.;
  • audio and video breaks;
  • honorary award for the winners of the quiz.

Questions for a school quiz for Cosmonautics Day

To prevent the Cosmonautics Day quiz in high school from turning into a typical thematic assessment in astronomy, it is better to distribute the questions into blocks and present them to students in the form of different tasks. Eg:

  1. Block A. Questions with “Yes” and “No” answers.
    1. Is Jupiter the largest planet in the solar system? - Yes
    2. Sun - Is it a star? - Yes
    3. The first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin? - Yes
    4. Was the first American to conquer outer space? - No
    5. Is Venus the closest planet to Earth? - No
    6. Is the planet considered a cold celestial body? - Yes
    7. Is Mercury the smallest planet? - No
    8. Have astronauts already flown to Mars? - No
    9. Is Svetlana Savitskaya the first female cosmonaut? - No
    10. Did Yuri Gagarin's flight last a day? - No
  2. Block B. Testing with choosing the correct answer.
    1. The smallest planet in the solar system - Pluto, Mars, Earth
    2. The closest star to Earth is called Aldebaran, the Sun, Sirius
    3. The first female cosmonaut is... - Petrova, Savitskaya, Tereshkova
    4. The first to suggest the round shape of the Earth - Pythagoras, Ptolemy, Aristotle
    5. How many planets in the solar system are visible to the naked eye - 1, 5, 10
    6. What science studies celestial bodies- anatomy, biology, astronomy
    7. Yuri Gagarin's flight lasted 36 hours, a day, 108 minutes
    8. The first to go into outer space - Leonov, Gagarin, Titov
  3. Block B. Questions with detailed answers
    1. What star system does our Galaxy belong to? (Milky Way)
    2. The solar system is... (The sun and objects moving around it)
    3. What is a star? (Huge gas ball)
    4. What was Yuri Gagarin's call sign? (Cedar)
    5. The giant planets include (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter)
    6. Which city gave Yuri Gagarin a “ticket to heaven”? (Saratov)
    7. A light year is (the distance traveled by light in 1 year)
    8. How long did Tereshkova’s flight last? (2 days 22 hours 50 minutes)

To prevent high school students from getting tired during the quiz, separate the blocks with musical pauses, interesting reports from schoolchildren, broadcasting documentary footage about rocket launches, animals in space, etc. So, Cosmonautics Day at school will be remembered not only complex issues, but also vivid impressions. The same principle applies to activities in primary schools. Class hour, quiz, concert and other holiday scenarios for Cosmonautics Day should be original and not overloaded with dry information.

When planning an event and scenario for Cosmonautics Day, the main attention should be paid to the variety of its elements - it should be interesting for children. This holiday is held taking into account the characteristics of each age category schoolchildren.

Junior classes

Young children should not be overloaded with information about space exploration. Events should contain more active and logical games. You can invite children to create decorations for the holiday with their own hands: toys, drawings, crafts dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

For students in grades 1-4, information should be submitted to game form. Only in this case will the holiday be remembered for a long time and will evoke many positive emotions.

You can select several children from the class and assign roles for them, let them learn short poems. This will help to involve the kids in the event and increase the degree of their participation in the celebration.

High school

Older students will find it more interesting to perceive information using media presentations and slide shows. Competitions must also be present in the scenario describing Cosmonautics Day. The class hour will be active and interesting.

It is preferable for high school students to present more serious, in-depth information on the topic of the event. You can pay attention to the biographies of legendary cosmonauts, the main events on the path to space exploration, etc.

High school students should also take an active part in holding events for Cosmonautics Day. This could be a form of work such as distributing roles between children or preparing information on a given topic. The main thing is that it is original and dynamic. Don't delay the event too much.

Motivation of children

When planning Cosmonautics Day, the script should begin with the introduction and motivation for holding this event. This can be done independently or with the participation of child leaders.

It is imperative to pay attention to the question of why April 12 is celebrated as a national holiday. It is necessary to talk about the feat of Yuri Gagarin, who opened the way for humanity to the stars, to convey information to children in a form accessible to their age.

You can talk about the events that preceded the first flight into space, after which people began to celebrate Cosmonautics Day. The year 1957 marked the beginning of the era of human exploration of space beyond our planet.

Competitions and games for Cosmonautics Day for primary schoolchildren

There are many competitions that are held on this day. Little children will have a lot of fun imagining themselves as cosmonauts of an ultra-modern interplanetary spacecraft and learning about the life of astronauts. To do this, it is recommended to hold a competition “Cosmonaut Breakfast”. Several apples are tied on a string and children are invited to eat the fruit without touching them with their hands. Almost like being in zero gravity. The winner is the one who eats his “breakfast” the fastest.

The "Real Cosmonaut" competition will allow everyone to take part in the game. To carry it out, a rope or tape is placed on the floor. Before starting their route, each competitor turns around himself 5 times (representing overcoming the overloads when entering orbit), and then tries to walk in a straight line without leaving the path.

It is very good if, before the celebration, a system of rewards and incentives for participants was thought out.

Thematic creative works

The Space Artists competition will also add variety to the school Cosmonautics Day. Crafts made by children should tell about comets, astronauts, and starships. This will promote the development of creativity and bring a lot of positivity to the classroom, dedicated to the Day astronautics.

You can also offer to build a rocket on which the children will all go on an imaginary flight to the stars. Before the event, it will be interesting to invite children to prepare a musical number on a space theme. Such a performance will become a vivid memory for both participants and spectators.

Thematic techniques in high school

When writing a Cosmonautics Day script for older students, you can pay attention to such forms of active participation of children in the event as quizzes, slide shows and pre-prepared speeches.

When spending Cosmonautics Day at school, you can invite children to divide into 2 groups, choose names for them and take part in the game “Greetings from Space”. Students must write a message from astronauts from the depths of the universe using the letter "P". The letter should be informative and original. Whose message is longer, that team wins.

Everyone present will enjoy a pre-prepared musical performance by one or more participants. The performance is rehearsed by the children in advance, and appropriate costumes can be made.

Games for high school students for Cosmonautics Day

Another interesting competition It's called "Meteor Shower". The spaceships came under attack from asteroids. Each team member must show composure and mutual assistance to avoid collisions with destructive objects.
It is necessary to give the correct answer “yes” or “no” to the question posed in order to protect the ship’s crew from an accident.

The presenter asks questions on space topics. For example:

  • Yu. A. Gagarin flew around the Earth in 1 hour 48 minutes? (Yes)
  • Sun smaller than Earth? (No)

Each “accurate” answer adds 1 point to the team and helps its spaceship avoid a collision with a meteorite.

More active competitions are allowed. When celebrating Cosmonautics Day, events of this type should be placed next to passive forms of work.

Will bring great excitement to the event class hour game "Rocket". To do this, two couples are invited to take part in the construction of an interplanetary spacecraft. It is advisable if it is a tandem “boy and girl”. The student raises his hands and puts his palms together, representing a rocket. The student begins to wrap a paper towel around him without covering her face (leaving the porthole for the astronaut). The couple that completes the task faster receives a reward and the title of Chief Designer.

Material for the event

Cosmonautics Day at school should be designed accordingly, so it is necessary to prepare theoretical material.

You should bring a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin, materials for competitions, select the appropriate musical accompaniment and slides. You can decorate the room thematically, for example with stars, posters with drawings prepared by students, etc.

If you plan to present a theory, you can use a projector or special slides to present visual material. Interesting Facts It will also be interesting for children to hear about the space industry, the space of the Universe and other information.

The biographies of the legendary cosmonauts Yu. A. Gagarin, G. S. Titov, V. V. Tereshkova will become an example for the younger generation. They achieved their goal thanks to strength of character, perseverance, and devotion to the Motherland.

A well-planned Cosmonautics Day at school will be a real event for all participants. This event will be remembered for a long time. Considering age characteristics children, holding Cosmonautics Day every year will develop in schoolchildren team spirit, a sense of respect, patriotism, as well as creative thinking, imagination, and the ability to express their thoughts. The holiday will bring a lot vivid impressions and positive emotions.

Scenario of the holiday for Cosmonautics Day “Cosmic Distances” for students of type VIII correctional schools.

The development of the event is intended for teacher-organizers, teachers primary classes, boarding school teachers and is aimed at children in grades 1–4.
Subject: Space distances.
Class: 1 – 4.
Target: expand children’s understanding of space exploration; acquaint students with the history of the development of domestic cosmonautics, with those who contributed to the conquest of space; develop a sense of pride in your country.
Tasks: develop the ability to cooperate with each other and work in groups.
Preparation: Several students learn the poems in advance.
Equipment: musical accompaniment (songs about space), multimedia presentation, video film about the biography of Yu. Gagarin, 1 Whatman paper, 2 markers, 2 hoops, 8 pencils, with tied threads, 8 discs, 4 tablets, 2 bottles of juice, 6 circles from papers, 2 certificates.

Progress of the event.

(The song of the group “Earthlings” “Grass at the House” is played. The presenter comes out, the music gradually fades away.)
Leading: Where did the snow go?
Became spring water,
Here is this stream -
There was a snowdrift recently.
The snow is old, and the stream is
April, young...
And therefore in the spring
So fun, so nice.

Leading: On one of these fun days glory days 55 years ago, an unusual event at that time took place: on April 12, 1961, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin made the first flight into space in the history of the Earth on the Vostok spacecraft. Since then, every year on April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This is a holiday of cosmonauts, scientists, engineers, workers who invent and make rockets, spaceships and satellites.

Student. We live on our planet
In such amazing century.
And the first of the first in the rocket
Soviet man flies.
Not for military intelligence purposes
On a super-fast ship
He flies alone in the Universe
To return to the Earth again.

Leading: People have long dreamed of exploring outer space. They thought for a long time about building a spaceship to fly above the stars. People dreamed of knowing the sky, and not just setting altitude records. IN general work new thousands of inventive minds and new hundreds of thousands of skillful, talented hands were involved... And so they created spaceships and flew into space. But before the famous cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew, on November 3, 1957, a living heart began to beat in the lifeless, cold, always black space of space. In the pressurized cabin of the satellite, the dog Laika lived, breathed, and flew over the world. Other dogs flew after Laika. Maybe some of you know these two famous dogs? After Laika, children, Belka and Strelka followed. We also flew Guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, rabbits - they all honestly served the great dream.

Student. This is who is around the planet
Is he flying in his ship?
Sends greetings to all nations,
He speaks to the whole world.
Having lunch in the universe
The onboard keeps a diary...
This is him, the ordinary one
Rural school student

Leading: So who is Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin? – the first cosmonaut of planet Earth? Where he was born? How did you grow up and study? Why did you choose such a difficult and wonderful profession? Why did the Motherland entrust him with such a dangerous and responsible task? Let's watch a video of the biography of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Screening of the video “Biography of Yu.A. Gagarin"

Guys, what do you think a person who is entrusted with a space flight should be like? (hardworking, hardy, disciplined, healthy, not lazy, kind)
And who knows how many minutes Yu. Gagarin’s flight lasted? (108 min., less than 2 hours). Nowadays, astronauts spend quite a lot of time long time in space.

Student 1. The street is full of ordinary noise
Spring is coming. The working day is in full swing
And from the universe a radio wave
Brings a Russian name: GAGARIN!

Student 2. It bursts into everything,
To all hearts, like a swallow takes flight
And mother - Earth, holding her breath,
He watches the flight of the hero - his son!

Student 3. And an ordinary day blooms with a holiday,
All life from now on - fabulous flight,
A giant step of the space age.
Happy victory people! Congratulations!
It's finished! The long-awaited hour has struck!
The human heart rushed to the stars!

Leading: After Yuri Gagarin, many other cosmonauts went into space.
- Which Soviet and Russian cosmonauts do you know? (Tereshkova, Nikolaev, Leonov, Titov, Savitskaya, etc.)

But also, guys, we must always remember the person who made a great contribution to the development of space - this is Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, he was involved in the construction of rockets and rocket systems.

Very important
Don't forget their names -
To all astronauts and scientists,
Which necessary laws were discovered
And they paved the way for us into space

But who built the first rocket,
You know about it
Designer, academician Korolev.
The first satellite was ready for flight
IN last century, fifty-seventh year.

Four years later there was a new success -

The first man went into space
Gagarin Yuri completed the flight
Our pilot flew around the earth.
Successfully completed the round
Spaceship "Vostok"

Titov, Popovich, Nikolaev and Bykovsky
After Gagarin they flew into space.

More and more new astronauts
And Valentina Tereshkova
She was among the first cosmonauts.
Of course, everyone may want
Look at Earth from space
But will you have enough patience and strength?

Only the one who bravely endured everything
Will go on a space flight.
Let's go guys, space is calling us!

Leading: Today you and I will also take a flight - a journey, but only an imaginary one. During the game we will find out who is really ready to fly into space. And your organization, attention, and speed of reaction will help you. For every small victory you will receive a star, and at the end of the game we will count them and determine the winner.
Doctor. Hello guys! I heard that you are going to fly into space?
Leading: Yes, doctor. We want to fly into space with the guys, look at the stars, and visit interesting planets.
To become an astronaut,
You must have good health
And lead the right way of life,
And it takes a long time to prepare.
And only after many trials
You will become an astronaut.
Now we will check whether you can be sent into space or not. You will need to pass several tests.
So, 1 test of 10 people. You need to stand on one leg for as long as possible in 1 minute. (4 winners per team)
2 test 10 people. You need to stand for 1 minute, stretching your left leg forward and lifting it up right hand. (4 winners to another team)
3 test 3 people (from class 1). You need to turn around yourself several times, then walk along the rope laid out straight. (2 winners, one for each team)
Leading: Well, doctor, can the guys and I fly into space?
Doctor. Can! I see that you guys are capable and healthy. Good luck on your journey!
Leading: Team members take their places at the tables.
Don't look around
Today you are an astronaut.
Let's start training
To become strong and agile:
We stood up, pulled ourselves up,
They jumped and looked around,
And they jumped again,
And again look over your shoulder.
Now take your seats.
I hope there was enough room for everyone?

Leading: Well done guys, the warm-up ended successfully. Now we can safely hit the road. Our space travel will be carried out by two crews called “Lunokhod” and “Raketa”.

So, let's fly. But our journey will be monitored by a team of judges from the flight control center. It has a set of stars and therefore the team that completes the task and passes the relay first receives 2 stars, the other team receives 1. I wish everyone a successful flight and a lot of adventures.

Leading: Now we will do a warm-up. Each team must answer the question quickly and correctly. For each correct answer, the team receives one star.

Competition 1. “Warm-up”.
Lunokhod team:
What is the name of an astronaut's suit? (spacesuit)
What is the name of the spacecraft launch site? (cosmodrome)

Team "Rocket":
Why don't astronauts eat with a spoon? (they are hampered by weightlessness)
What is the fastest mode of transport? (rocket)

Lunokhod team:
1. He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
He's not flying a plane,
And a huge rocket
Who is this? (astronaut)

2. Overtaking night and day
A deer runs around the ground.
Touching the stars with your horn
He chose a path in the sky.
The sound of his hooves can be heard.
He is a pathfinder of the Universe. (satellite)

Team "Rocket":
1. A spark burns through the sky,
But it doesn’t reach us. (meteorite)

2. If you go out on a clear night,
You will see the road above you,
Which is impossible to see during the day. (Milky Way)

Lunokhod team:
Do you know what our planet revolves around? (around the sun)
Aircraft, on which aliens fly. (plate)

Team "Rocket":
How many of you know which planet is Earth's satellite? (Of course this is the Moon, its closest neighbor in space)
The aircraft on which Baba Yaga flew (stupa)

Well done, you answered all the questions!

Leading: Guys! To fly into space, we need a spaceship. And you will build it yourself.

Competition 2. “Build a spaceship.”
Now each team will receive whatman paper and a marker. Each team member must come to the table and draw a part of a spaceship, and last participant writes its name.

Competition 3. “Take your place.”
The next competition is called “Take Your Place.” For this competition we will need two volunteers from the audience. You will be holding a trapdoor hoop in your hands. Each crew must board their spaceship as quickly as possible. To do this you will need to go through the hatch. Crews, form a column! Team members climb through the hoop and take seats in the spaceship. The winner is the team that is the first to take its place in the spaceship.

Leading: So, the crews took their places in the spaceships. To take flight, you need to accurately calculate the course. The next competition is called “Accurate calculation”. Let's open the space map and determine the space latitude and longitude. For the correct answer you get 3 stars.

Competition 4. “Accurate calculation”.
Team “Lunokhod”: What number will be obtained if to the number of heroes (33) led by Chernomor, add the number of gnomes with whom Snow White lived (7), subtract the number of funny pigs (3) and add the number of brothers of Ivan the Fool (2) . Answer: 39.

Team “Rocket”: To the number of months that the stepdaughter met in the forest clearing (12), add the number of kids who were left at home alone (7) and minus the number of Cinderella’s stepsisters (2). Answer: 17.

Host: Well guys, the rockets have been built, accurate calculations have been made, it’s time to go on a space journey. Now we will see whose rockets will be the first to reach the Moon. The next competition is called “Who is the first to the Moon”.

Competition 5. “Who is the first to the moon.”
From each team, 4 people stand in a circle, holding “Rockets” in their hands (a stick attached to a rope, which is attached at the other end to the “Moon” disk). On signal - Start! All players begin to wind the rope around the stick. The first one to reach the goal wins.

Each team receives as many stars as the number of players who completed the task first.

Leading: Distant stars are burning in the sky,
They invite boys and girls to visit.
It doesn't take us long to get ready for the trip.
And now we are ready to fly!
Pilots, check your calculations,
Fill the tanks with fuel.
Listen to the command:
5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Start!

Competition 6. “Planets of the Solar System.”
Our planet Earth is among the 9 planets of the solar system. All planets revolve around the Sun. Some planets are closer to it, others are further away. Now we will hold a competition called “Planets of the Solar System”. You will have to make up the names of the planets from the letters, glue them onto pieces of paper, and submit them to the judging team. You have 5 minutes to complete. The judging team evaluates the speed and correctness of execution.

(Team “Lunokhod” – Neptune, Jupiter; Team “Rocket” – Saturn, Pluto).

Leading: While the teams are completing the task, I invite our fans to also take part in the “Space Journey” and play the outdoor game “Cosmonauts”.

Competition for spectators “Cosmonauts”.
On the floor in the center of the hall I will put circles, 2 less than the children, these will be our places in the rocket. You guys walk around the perimeter of the hall, moving to the music. Say the words with me at the same time:

Fast rockets are waiting for us,
For walks on the planets.
We’ll fly whichever one we want.
But there is one secret in the game: there is no room for latecomers!

When you hear the words: “There is no room,” you need to take a place on the circle. Children who do not have enough space are considered late and are seated in their seats. We repeat the game 3 times, each time we repeat several circles are removed. The winner receives a prize.

Competition 7. “On the craters of the Moon.”
Leading: Earth is an amazing planet. People, animals, and plants live on it. But there is no life on other planets. American astronauts visited the Moon. And they saw a lifeless surface there. Attention! And now we will visit the Moon and walk through the lunar craters. Competition – “On the craters of the Moon”. You have tablets in your hands. The first team member must move the planks and walk along them to cross the craters. Run back, give the boards to the next player and stand at the end of the column. The referee team monitors the correct completion of the task.

Competition 8. “Cosmonaut’s Breakfast.”
Leading: There are no canteens in the universe
And there are no buffets either.
So you need to be prepared
Bring lunch with you.

Yes, you and I have been flying for a long time and are hungry. The astronaut takes all food with him. The astronaut's food is sealed in tubes and bags from which they squeeze the food directly into their mouths. He doesn't need spoons and forks. Now we will hold a competition for small team members, called “Cosmonaut Breakfast”. Kids, get your breakfast, bottle and pacifier. You need to drink it as quickly as possible. Whoever drinks the fastest gets 2 stars.

Leading: Our planet can be called a large magnet that attracts all objects to itself: people, animals, stones. There is a Universal Law of Gravity on Earth, so we cannot jump high; a ball thrown upward quickly returns back. But when the spacecraft goes far from the Earth, the Law of Gravity ceases to operate, and the astronauts in the cabins weigh almost nothing. They swim, fly, hang upside down. This is weightlessness. Now you will have to show the astronauts how they behave in space, accompanied by “space” music.
And at this time, while you are dancing, the judging team will sum up the results of our “Space Journey”.

Leading: This is the end of our space flight. We landed safely on our home planet. Here we are at home again, did you enjoy flying? We flew far above even the clouds. Into space, above the clouds... But home is always better!
Friends and classmates greet space travelers with applause. They are very happy to have you back.

Thanks to our doctor for allowing us to fly into “outer space.” The floor to announce the results is given to the refereeing team.

Awarding the winners with certificates of honor and medals.

Leading: Congratulations on the past holiday “Cosmonautics Day”. Wish you good health, cheerful mood, happy flight into space for knowledge, strong friendship on long years. See you again! Goodbye!

Extracurricular event on Cosmonautics Day for schoolchildren. Scenario

School-wide event "People reach for the stars." Scenario

Zhidikina Oksana Mikhailovna, teacher, GBOU - cadet
boarding school "Dyatkovo Cadet School - Aviation Boarding School named after Hero Soviet Union Kashina I.A.”
Description of material: a school-wide event dedicated to the celebration of Cosmonautics Day. The author's development will help educators prepare the event, class teachers, Deputy Director for educational work.
Target: introducing students to space explorers.
- contribute to the deepening of knowledge in space exploration, in the field of scientific achievements;
- develop memory and creativity;
- to cultivate pride in our country.
Progress of the event
Music is playing

1. This world was created for you and me,
How can we remain out of work:
Distant stars wink,
Distance is not the limit at all.

2. Youth is a fast-paced time
May we always strive above it,
And be ready to fly all the time,
Even if you wait for it all your life.
Readers come out to cosmic music
1. Since ancient times mysterious world planets and stars attracted people's attention, attracted them with its mystery and beauty. Previously, a long time ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, standing importantly on the shell of a huge turtle. This miracle turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars. The mysterious shine of the stars and the bottomless depth of the sky have always attracted people. They have long tried to conquer the sky. And then tales arose about people who could fly, myths and beautiful legends appeared.

2. Icarus and his father lived on an island that belonged to a very cruel king; it was impossible to escape from him either by land or by sea, the only way of salvation was heaven. But how?
Daedalus came up with a very interesting and convenient device - wings. He collected the feathers of birds and held them together with wax. Father and son attached wings to their backs and flew into the sky. Before the flight, Daedalus warned his son not to fly high into the sky, as the sun would melt the wax that held the wings together. The feathers will fly away and he will die. But Icarus was so captivated by the spectacle that he forgot about his father’s instructions and flew too high. The sun melted the wax, the feathers scattered, and Icarus fell into the sea from a great height. This is such a sad story.

3. Several thousand years have passed since then, many generations of kind and smart people. They built ships and, having traveled around the world, learned that the Earth is a ball. And astronomers have proven that the Earth flies in space, revolving around the sun, making one revolution around its axis per year.
The next step was to make a ball with a basket for passengers. A brazier with hot coals was placed in the basket. The ball was constantly filled with hot smoke. But such a ball did not fly long and low. They began to fill the balloon with gas; it could fly for a long time, but it was large and clumsy. He flew in the direction the wind was blowing.

Then the airship was created, and then the airplane.

And they began to fly in the air envelope of the Earth. But people did not stop there; they were attracted by space.
Now it seems familiar to us that spaceships launch from Earth, astronauts live and work at space stations for months, and automatic stations fly to other planets. And once upon a time, space flights were the stuff of science fiction.

Song "Flight"

1. When we grow up, we will fly into space.
Well, for now we want to tell
About those skillful and brave people,
That they conquered space.

2. Very important
Don't forget their names -
To all astronauts and scientists,
Which necessary laws were discovered
And they paved the way for us into space.

3. In Kaluga near Moscow
The teacher lived alone, simple.
All my life I dreamed about space,
The ones you need studied science,
Did a great job
And began to create a theory
Space flights.
He was a genius, and even today
We must remember Tsiolkovsky.

4. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857 - 1935) - Russian scientist, founder of astronautics, who knew physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and mechanics well. He is the author of airship projects, works in the field of aerodynamics and rocketry, one of the founders of the theory of interplanetary communications using rockets, and the developer of the principle of rocket propulsion. Many of his contemporaries considered him crazy. The scientist was able to outline the path along which humanity went into space.
5. But who built the first rocket?
Do you know about this?
Designer, academician Korolev.
The first satellite was ready for flight
In the last century, in the year fifty-seven.
He flew thanks to work
Designers, rocket scientists, workers,
And he was the first in the world, by the way.

6. The name of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1906 -1966), the chief designer of spacecraft, is inextricably linked with space exploration. The chief designer, as the cosmonauts called him, will remain the chief forever. Under his leadership, ballistic and geophysical rockets, the first artificial Earth satellites, and the first spaceships were created, which were the first in history to carry out human space flight and manned spacewalks.

7. “He was sincere and simple,
simple as a sapper -
living life to the fullest.
The bridge that gave people
From the Earth to the very stars."

8. “It was a time when every minute was equal to years... These were the people who made years equal to centuries.”
"We were prisoners on a modest ball
And how many times, in countless changes of years,
The persistent gaze of the Earth in the dark expanse,
I watched with longing the movements of the planets.”

9. And then the twentieth century came. Airplanes were already flying in the sky, and the first rockets were launched into space. People believed that the day was not far when a man would fly into space.
And now... Start! A huge flash blinds. An avalanche of fire bursts out from under the rocket and, reflected from the concrete, clouds it in clouds. Furious rumble. The rocket rises up, leaving the cosmic harbor of the Universe.

10. After 4 years there was a new success -
The first man went into space.
Gagarin Yuri completed the flight.
Our pilot flew around the Earth.
Successfully completed the round
Spaceship "Vostok".

These seconds were the result of all the arguments between the opponents, the result of insights and quarrels, the result of outlined drawings, the result of short reports in the strict offices of the Kremlin and sleepless nights in a small house in the place for which people came up with a beautiful non-Russian name - Baikonur.

11. That morning the quails became afraid,
That they flew to the steppe, soaring from their nesting places,
When the sky feels like it's made of silk
Up against the sky
jet explosion.
And such news spread throughout the world,
As if he had struck
world's finest hour!
To this day we all take care of the newspaper
With a portrait of Yura.
With a message from TASS.
His fate is shrouded in immortality.
Our age has forged his character.
He smiled from Lenin's Mausoleum
And the world, as on Victory Day, rejoiced.

12. 26 years before the Soviet spaceship Vostok entered orbit with a man on board, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky said: “I don’t want to die on the threshold of man’s penetration into Space. I freely imagine the first person to overcome gravity and fly into interplanetary space... He is Russian... He is a citizen of the Soviet Union. By profession, most likely, a pilot. He has intelligent courage, devoid of cheap recklessness. I present him openly " Russian face, the eyes of a falcon."

13. These words were spoken by the great scientist in 1938. Yura Gagarin was about a year old at that time. Who could have predicted then that this particular boy, born into a family of Smolensk collective farmers, would become the first of those inhabitants of the planet whose lot it would be to break the bonds of gravity and penetrate into interplanetary space? And yet, the portrait of the cosmonaut drawn by Tsiolkovsky surprisingly accurately anticipates both the appearance of Yuri Gagarin and the content of it inner world.

Video recording “You know what kind of guy he was...”

14. You say: - Gagarin - and suddenly in front of us
He rushes upward, drawn by a whirlwind,
Into the sky, throwing up the Promethean flame,
The steppe, deafening with enthusiastic thunder.
You will see how inspired he is,
Ball flying around and strings of the Universe
Touching in bold flight with hands
Feeling the interweaving of those invisible strings,
Rushes between them into the immortal expanses,
Listen up!
Singing flows into the heart -
The voice of harmony of Eternity in the world.
He rushes, violating with his daring flight
Star Universe eternal peace.
Sensitive star ears listen
Heartbeats and human sighs.
I see: the calmness of the eye under the eyebrow,
There is a glow of life in a clear smile.
Heard: from the sky - Health is in order.
Glory to our dear Fatherland!
Our contemporary, he lived among us,
I was waiting for a new task from the Fatherland.
Loyal, always ready with friends
Towards new explorations of the secrets of the universe.
He is still between us, the living,
In our aspirations and our concerns,
His name will forever remain in our hearts
A call and symbol of a bold takeoff.

15. We are proud of those people who have connected their lives with the dangerous, difficult, but noble cause of space flight. We are proud that our country was the first to open the road to space!
Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,
How he swept through people's hearts!
It seemed as if the world had involuntarily become kinder,
I was shocked by my victory.
What kind of universal music he thundered,
That holiday, in the colorful flames of banners,
When the unknown son of the land of Smolensk
Was adopted by the Earth-planet.
Resident of the Earth, this heroic fellow
In your space vessel,
In a circular pattern, forever unprecedented,
In the depths of the sky he waved above her...
On that day the Earth seemed to become smaller,
But she became closer to people, maybe closer.
Ah, this day, involuntarily or willingly
Who gave birth to the idea that there is such a line -
On a small Earth - why war?
Why does everything that the human race suffers?
Did you know yourself, from that remote universe
Having reached our earthly shores,
What news, what priceless pledge
Delivered to us from future centuries?
Yes, - In a series of decades every year
We are marking new ones
Cosmic milestones.
But we remember:
The journey to the stars has begun
From Gagarinsky
Russian "Let's go"

16. This flight is unique; a person can live and work in space.
Appeared on Earth new profession- astronaut. Of the more than 40,000 professions that exist on Earth, the profession of an astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. This is quite a feat. The feat is scientific, technical, organizational, but above all - purely human. Cosmonautics a thousand times younger than history humanity, its conscious experience. The conquest of space is just beginning.

17. Years, decades, centuries will pass, people will forget the dates of wars and revolutions, but this day will always be remembered. Day April 12th. After all, it was from this day – April 12, 1961 – that man began space exploration. By decision of the International Aeronautical Federation, this day became World Aviation and Space Day.

"Song "Space"

18. Cosmonaut No. 2 - German Titov, on the Vostok-2 spacecraft, made 17 orbits around the world for the first time in the world, spending more than a day in flight. If the flight
Y. Gagarin proved that a person can fly into space, then the flight of G. Titov showed that a person can live in space, work and relax. He was the first to film the Earth from space. People saw their planet as no one had ever seen it.

19. Titov, Popovich, Nikolaev and Bykovsky
After Gagarin they flew into space.
More and more new astronauts.
And Valentina Tereshkova
She was among the first cosmonauts.

I was not afraid, I boldly stepped on space path. She did her job with honor and proved that women are capable of much, and even flight into space. V. Tereshkova’s feat was continued by the second female cosmonaut, Svetlana Savitskaya.

She not only flew into space, but also worked for many days at the orbital station.
In 1994, Elena Kondakova joined the list of Russian women cosmonauts.

And this list of astronaut names goes on and on. And they are all citizens of our country – Russia.

20. The spacewalk was another victory that brought people closer to the conquest of space. The first spacewalk took place in March 1965. The preparation for it was considerable - three years. There were two cosmonauts on the spaceship - Pavel Belyaev and Leonid Leonov.

Flight duration 1 day 2 hours 2 minutes 17 seconds. During this flight, Leonov was the first to step into outer space and was there for 12 minutes 9 seconds.

Video "I am the Earth..."

21. But on March 27, 1968, the world learned about terrible tragedy– the death of the planet’s first cosmonaut. This happened in the sky of the Vladimir region near the village of Novoselovo. Shortly before his death, Gagarin turned 34 years old. He made a training flight with an instructor, Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Seregin.

22. But sometimes there were failures
And the astronauts died...
So, brave Komarov burned down during the descent.
Another time from overload
The valve opened...
Cosmonauts Dobrovolsky,
Patsayev and Volkov all died heroically in the ball.
Minute of silence
Song "Tenderness"

23. Twentieth century, flying to the galaxies,
Brings solemn news to us all:
There is an astronaut - such a profession,
There is already such a position in the world.
Not familiar with the heavenly map,
And I didn’t avoid mistakes that day -
See everything: - already a portrait over the abyss
Not a dead star, but a man!
Such a position and such a right:
He is the first to seek the path to other worlds.
He's working!
Not honors and glory,
And duty and loyalty rule him.
Song of the companions in the quiet
Star ringing
It thunders and is majestic and simple,
Tomorrow he will accept in firm palms,
He will clarify unclear places,
He will give an account to the people of what he saw.
He, the Soft gaze raised to heaven,
Where the round dances of bright stars twinkle,
Where he recently shone like a star himself.
On March 9, our country will celebrate the 81st anniversary of the birth of Yu. Gagarin. And in our memory he will remain young, with a radiant smile.

24. Yes “... Great things do not die, they remain for people. The achievements of today's cosmonautics live the thought of the first Chief Designer of space, Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. And precisely to today His words include: “What seemed impossible for centuries, what yesterday was just a daring dream, today becomes a real task, and tomorrow - an accomplishment.” (S.P. Korolev).

25. During this time, astronautics has evolved from simple artificial Earth satellites to complex lunar and interplanetary automatic satellites, from single-seat spacecraft to orbital stations with interchangeable crews, from simple experiments in space to fundamental research.

26. Flights are becoming longer and longer. Cosmonauts are already in space not for hours, not for days, but for several months. The spaceships themselves have also changed. Now these huge structures, which have everything necessary for long-term life in orbit, are international space stations - the ISS. Observations of the Sun, planets, and stars are carried out from the ISS.

27. Why do people reach for the stars?
Why in our songs
Is the hero a falcon?
Why is everything beautiful
What he created
The man, after a pause,
Call him tall?
It's not easy to make paths
Until yesterday's misty stars,
But it's harder to find on Earth
What I carried in my heart,
What the river carried across the Earth,
What forever connected the cities,
That ray raged in the darkness,
Illuminated your years.
Not easy,
But you must find
What's in the heart about the stars
The earthly path is a continuation of the path
Until today's bright stars...

28. Listen!
After all, if the stars light up -

So, does anyone want them to exist?
So, someone calls these spittoons
a pearl?
And, straining
in blizzards of midday dust,
rushes to God
I'm afraid I'm late
kisses his sinewy hand,
asks -
there must be a star!
- swears -
will not endure this starless torment!
And then
walks around anxiously
but calm on the outside.
Says to someone:
“Isn’t it okay for you now?
Not scary?
After all, if the stars
light up -
Does that mean anyone needs this?
This means it is necessary
so that every evening
over the roofs
Did at least one star light up?!

29. Now a variety of automatic devices are roaming space and unraveling the mysteries of the Universe. Nowadays, astronautics is one of the newest areas of human activity, and how it will develop in the future depends on all of us. I would like proud and brave people to conquer the cosmic abyss, step over the invisible border of Pluto’s orbit, opening the era of interstellar flights...

30. If you ask our cosmonauts where their journey into space begins, we will certainly hear the answer: “With a dream! A dream becomes a reality if a person is hardworking, inquisitive and persistent.”

Poem by Boris Dvorny “Dream”
Clasping the windowsill with your palms,
You stand with your head thrown back,
And the call signs of thoughts fly
To the distant stars - white doves.
Somewhere there, in the endless darkness,
Beyond the borders of the starry Arctic,
In inaccessible space and time
Other galaxies float by.
I'm sure: in some constellation
There are planets like ours that are green,
And your peers live there -
Astronauts, poets, scientists.
And on the same moonlit midnight,
Throwing back my head dreamily,
A young girl the same age was sad
On a planet in the constellation Pigeon.

Song “Dream to Fly”

31. Sons and daughters of planet blue
They soar up, disturbing the peace of the stars.
The path to interstellar space has been established,
For satellites, rockets, scientific stations.
The era of space is moving forward!
The rockets continue their flight
Starting from Baikonur every year.
People are accustomed to such phenomena.
He keeps his first love in his soul,
Let thousands fly to the stars again,
But Gagarin was the first, he was his own,
Dear, with a childish, mischievous smile.

32. When Cosmonautics Day is celebrated,
Everyone remembers their favorite.
But on this day we will congratulate those
Who creates glory for the country, success:
Everyone who is watching the remote control from Earth,
How cosmonauts perform feats
And those who send ships.
Starting from Mother Earth, -
Everyone who is connected with space science in life.
The people owe them their love.
The country is proud of its astronautics:
We needed it and will continue to need it!

33. Astronauts, thank you.
Our contemporaries, thank you!
I'm in a rush of excited feelings
Thank you again and again:
You opened to earthlings
Pages of heavenly beauties,
Showed us the Earth
From unprecedented heights,
They showed her in a blue halo.
Humanity now knows:
Space will serve people
They will be obedient.
Thank you from the heart, heroes,
Mighty star brothers!
Thank you, astronauts!

Song "Power Air Force"

34. "It is today. And tomorrow?... Settlements on the Moon, travel to Mars. Scientific stations on asteroids, communications with other civilizations... All this is the future. Maybe not so close, but real. After all, it builds on what has already been achieved. And we will not be upset that you and I will not become participants in long-distance interplanetary expeditions. Let's not envy the people of the future. They will, of course, be very lucky; things that we can only dream about will become familiar to them. But we were also very lucky. The happiness of the first steps into space. And let our descendants envy our happiness.” These words were said by Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, March 20, 1967.

35. We're running to school quickly
To our favorite class.
Lots of big and new things to do
Waiting for us.
There will be a day, dear light
We will fly too -
To the secret, fabulous planets
To distant worlds.
Years will pass. Maybe one of us will become an astronaut. And with his flight into space, just like Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, he will glorify our land.

36. To become an astronaut,
You must have good health.
And lead the right way of life,
And you must undergo training.
And only after many trials
You will become an astronaut.

37. Of course, everyone may want
Look at Earth from space.
But will you have enough patience and strength?
Only the one who bravely endured everything
Will go on a space flight.
Let's go guys, space is calling us!

“Nothing is over, everything is just beginning...”
(K. Tsiolkovsky)

Cosmonautics Day.


What is the history of this holiday and what space is - we will talk about this today.

Space is the most discussed and, at the same time, the most mysterious topic on the entire planet Earth. The word cosmos means universe. On the one hand, humanity has learned a lot about it, on the other, we know a tiny percentage of what is actually happening in the Universe. Everything here is interesting - starting from the question of what this space is and what we should do in the future.

Slide 2

Since ancient times, people began to think about the questions: “What is space? What if there is life on other planets besides planet Earth?”


The first person to look into space through a telescope was Galileo Galilei. He did this about 4 centuries ago.

Slide 3

And then scientists and designers created the first spaceship.The first such scientist-inventor was TSIOLKOVSKY Konstantin Eduardovich. Born into the family of a forester. After suffering from scarlet fever in childhood, I almost completely lost my hearing. But this did not stop him from learning. In 1879, he passed the exams for the title of teacher as an external student and in 1880 was appointed teacher of arithmetic and geometry at the Vorovskoe district school in the Kaluga province. During this time he wrote several scientific works in physics.

Tsiolkovsky worked a lot and fruitfully to create the theory of flight of jet aircraft. The most important scientific results were obtained by Tsiolkovsky in the theory of rocket motion. He was the first to solve the problem of landing a spacecraft on the surface of planets without an atmosphere. In 1926-1929 Tsiolkovsky developed the theory of multistage rockets. He examined the influence of the atmosphere on the flight of a rocket, and also calculated the required fuel reserves to overcome resistance forces air shell Earth.

Tsiolkovsky died in 1935, at the age of 78. Monuments to the scientist were erected in Kaluga and Moscow; a memorial house-museum was created in Kaluga; they bear his name State Museum history of astronautics and pedagogical institute, school in Kaluga, Moscow Aviation Technology Institute. A crater on the Moon is named after Tsiolkovsky.

Slide 4.

The greatest scientist Korolev made a huge contribution to the development of space flights Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was born in 1907. This name is inextricably linked with the beginning of the first difficult steps in rocket development. It is impossible to overestimate Korolev’s role in supporting the country’s rocket and space industries, which allowed our state to become a leading space power.
Space complexes were created on earth, and an intercontinental ballistic missile, the Vostok launch vehicle, rose into the heavens for the first time ", (slide 5) Earth satellite - these events took place under the direct leadership and with the personal participation of Korolev.

The chief designer died on January 14, 1966 at the age of 59.
The merits of the scientist were highly appreciated. In cities associated with the life and work of the scientist, monuments were erected and museums were created. His name is given to educational institutions, several cities, countless streets, a high mountain peak and pass, and a lunar crater.

Slide 6.

After the spacecraft was built, it was necessary to test it in action. And animals were the first to go into space.DogLaika became the first animal bred on . Was launched into space on ship » from new . died from overheating. The satellite burned up in .

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August 9, 1960 dogs Belka and Strelka became the first living beings to make a daily orbital flight and return safely. During this time the ship made 17 full revolutions around the Earth.

Slide 8.

On March 25, 1961, the flight of the dog Luck took place, which the first cosmonaut gave a name before the start Star . The one-orbit flight on the Vostok ZKA No. 2 ship was successful. I flew with my dog ​​and mannequin "Ivan Ivanovich" . There were only 18 days left before the first man flew into space.

Monkeys, cats, and turtles have also been in space.

Slide 9.

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin (March 9, 1934, Klushino, Gzhatsky district, Western region - March 27, 1968, near the city of Kirzhach, Vladimir region) - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the highest insignia of a number of states, honorary citizen of many Russian and foreign cities.

On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in world history to fly into outer space. The Vostok launch vehicle with the Vostok spacecraft, with Gagarin on board, was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. After 108 minutes in space, Gagarin successfully landed in the Saratov region, near the city of Engels. Starting from April 12, 1962, the day of Gagarin's flight into space was declared a holiday - Cosmonautics Day . (slide 10,11)

On March 27, 1968, Yuri Gagarin died in a plane crash near the village of Novoselovo, Kirzhach district, Vladimir region, while performing a training flight. In connection with the death of Gagarin, national mourning was declared in the Soviet Union (for the first time in the history of the USSR in memory of a person who was not the head of state). In honor of the first cosmonaut of the Earth, a number of settlements were renamed (including his hometown- Gzhatsk), streets and avenues are named. Many monuments to Gagarin were erected in different cities of the world.

Slide 12.

The first woman to fly into space was Valentina Tereshkova. She is also the only woman the planet that flew into space alone became. All subsequent female cosmonauts and astronauts flew into space only as part of crews. In 2000, the British organization “Annual Assembly of Women” awarded Valentina Tereshkova the title “ Greatest Woman XX century". Valentina Tereshkova is the first and so far the only one in history Russian army female general Valentina Tereshkova was born 1937 Launched in 1963 Vostok 5, piloted by the world's first female cosmonaut. She was 26 years old at that time.


The first person to go into outer space was Leonov Alexey Arkhiovich

A few facts about space:

There is no sound in space, since there is no medium for its propagation.

When water boils on Earth, thousands of small bubbles form. In space, when a liquid boils, one giant pulsating bubble is formed. Scientists believe that this is due to the lack of convection and buoyancy in zero gravity.

- On Earth the flame tends upward, but in space it spreads in all directions. Due to the lack of gravity, in space fire spreads spherically in all directions opposite to the source.

The first space laboratory was Stonehenge. Around 2,600 BC, the Bretons placed huge stones in positions that showed the critical phases of the moon and sun throughout the year.

- All the inhabitants of the Earth, like the planet itself, move at a speed of 530 kilometers per second.
- sunlight reaches Earth in approximately 8.5 minutes.
- Our planet weighs approximately 600 trillion tons.

Satellites of the Earth - one natural Moon, 8300 - artificial satellites.

Artificial Earth (AES) - rotating around

A little about SS. It contains the sun and 9 planets.

Conclusion: Xie Today we are rightfully proud that the first artificial satellite of the Earth was created by scientists of our country, that our automatic stations launched to near and distant worlds - the Moon, Mars, Venus - for the first time, and our compatriot Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the Universe. The twentieth century will forever go down in human history as the century of space exploration.

Quiz for young pilots

The first cosmonaut. Answer: Yuri Gagarin.

The first woman astronaut. Answer: Valentina Tereshkova.

What is another name for a pilot? Answer: Pilot.

What was a pilot called before? Answer: Aviator.

"Holiday home" of aircraft. Answer: Hangar.

Location of combat aircraft. Answer: Airbase.

Paratroopers' headgear. Answer: Takes.

Airplane terminal. Answer: Airport.

Airplane strike against enemy aircraft. Answer: Ram.

Dome over the paratrooper. Answer: Parachute.

Dragonfly plane. Answer: Helicopter.

Aircraft with a jet engine. Answer: Rocket.

The road to space begins with it. Answer: Cosmodrome.

Brand of domestic aircraft. Answer: Yak.

A man who flies into space. Answer: Astronaut.

What is another name for the sun? Answer: Shining light.

Red planet of the solar system. Answer: Mars.

An aircraft adapted for take-off and landing on water. Answer: Seaplane.

One turn. Answer: Turnover.

A staircase used to climb into an airplane or rocket. Answer: Ladder.

    Which country was the first to launch satellite?USSR

    Who is the first woman astronaut?Valentina Tereshkova

    What was the name of the ship on which Yuri Gagarin made his first flight into space on April 12, 1961?East

    Which scientist is the inventor of the space rocket?Tsiolkovsky

    What does "comet" mean in Greek?tailed star

    What planets solar system rotate in the opposite direction to Earth?Venus and Uranus

    What was the maximum altitude at which the ship was during Gagarin's flight?302 kilometers

    What is the name of the planet closest to the Sun? Mercury