Read letters from readers with anomalous stories. Letters to young readers. About the girl Nina D...

Format: A3. R distribution: Russia. Release schedule: weekly. Readership of issue 1: 486,000 people*

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Weekly "Anomalous News" produced since 1997, publishing house S-Media. This is a respected publication that has been on the market for many years, with a large circle of admirers interested in ufology, anomalous and paranormal phenomena, as well as esotericism. The mission of the publication is to unite like-minded people, to accumulate information flows about the unknown, and with comments from experts, to disseminate this knowledge among its readers. The newspaper's editorial office organizes the collection of information on any topic covered on its pages. Readers can talk about what they saw, express their opinion or comment on the published materials. And they will definitely be heard. Such a successful symbiosis, in modern conditions, most fully meets the needs of the audience, increases confidence in the publication and in the information published in it, including advertising information.

The newspaper "Anomalous News" is all the most mysterious, enigmatic and fantastic. This publication is about events and phenomena that do not fit into the understanding and worldview of the average person. "Anomalous News" publishes materials on the results of the latest research and global discoveries in the field of the unknown, paranormal chronicles (a roundup of news around the world); mysteries of the human psyche; secrets of space; aliens and UFOs; stories of alien abduction; poltergeist and teleportation; magical rituals and rituals; the world of spirits and ghosts; time travel and the most incredible scientific discoveries; amazing nearby and anomalous incidents; travel to anomalous zones of the Earth and archaeological sensations; astrologer's corner (recommendations from a professional astrologer); non-fictional stories from letters from readers who encountered anomalous phenomena. And also, a graphic illustrated horoscope for the week and much, much more.

Newspaper "Anomalous News" published weekly, on 16 A3 pages, nationwide distribution, by subscription and retail, in the largest press sales networks KARDOS Retail, MEDIA DISTRIBUTION, SALES, ROSPECHAT, SOYUZPECHAT, ARPI SIBERIA, Segodnya-Press, YugMediaPress, MS PLUS and many others. And also in the supermarket chains MAGNIT, PYATEROCHKA, DIXY, AUCHAN, MONETKA and other food stores, and in 42,000 branches of the Russian Post. In the newspaper "Anomalous News" it is appropriate to advertise services, goods, dietary supplements aimed at improving the health of the human soul and body.

* The readership of the 1st issue of the publication was determined by direct survey (telephone interviews and printed questionnaires) of readers conducted by the publisher. Coverage: Russia (August-November 2018)

Letters from our readers and my answers to them

Lena's letter:

Good afternoon, Svetlana!

For me, the topic of your newsletter is very relevant. It seems to me that even from childhood I was worried about questions of life and death. At this age stage (I’m 33), I think about this more and more often. Sometimes I see very unusual dreams and I think these are not just the fruits of my wild imagination, but something else.

I would really like to get rid of the fear of death, which unfortunately is inherent in almost all people. Therefore, I read and digest various esoteric literature with great interest. I'm trying to change my attitude towards death. Our culture identifies death with fear and negativity, hence the inadequate perception of this natural event. If from childhood we were brought up with a different attitude towards death (even using the example of Mother Nature), then it seems to me that it would be easier for us to live, and, well, die by itself :).

Unfortunately, it’s not often that you meet like-minded people.people, many consider my interests eccentric, for the most part people are attracted to more everyday things. But there is also a holiday in our cemetery! :) I have a beloved sister, with whom we are very close spiritually, although we are distant in a geographical sense. I am Canada, she is Israel. Once upon a time, while living in Israel, I was lucky to meet real spiritual teachers in the person of a married couple. This meeting and communication with them changed my worldview in many ways and I am a hundred times grateful to fate for this gift.

Sorry for the too personal and emotional lines, I don’t want to seem intrusive. It’s just that at this stage of life there is not enough communication with similar people.

Thank you!



Good afternoon, Elena!

What a pleasure it was to receive your letter telling us about yourself!

I completely understand you in everything and find a lot of personalsimilarities. When you go out on the spiritual path and especially begin to grow spiritually, you gradually see that there are less and less people around you. fewer people who understands you. This is normal in our time, the bulk of the population around us is busy with the everyday worries of the material world and often do not allocate even a few minutes a day for their spiritual development. Many call themselves believers and Christians, but in reality they have never even opened or read the Bible. I call such Christians “blind believers” and I myself was one until I was 25 years old.

And your fear of death is also very clear and close to me. When you don’t know what will happen there and you hear short stories from people who have been in a state clinical death, then it is absolutely normal to have fear of the unknown. That is why I created my newsletter to help people and teach them what will happen to us after death. And then, when the time comes and my reader finds himself in that world, I believe that he will remember my words and, probably,will say: “Ah, this must be what the panorama of my life looks like!”, or: “This is what Purgatory is like or I must be inFirst Heaven!" I just want to overcome the fear of the unknown in people!

I myself have been studying the teaching for 5 years and now, after these years, I have completely changed my view on death and I am not at all sad as before when someone I knew died.dies. I immediately begin to analyze and think where is he now, at what stage? But what really helps the dead for us in that world is our love for them! We need to send them our love, think and remember them with love, and then it is easier for them to go through the intended tests in Purgatory, but also then in higher Worlds it helps them to live.

You wrote that you were lucky once in your life and you met real spiritual teachers. Yes, this happens in life. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will open, also says the Bible? And I am very happy for you that this has already happened to you and now you are on the path of spiritual discoveries in yourself. I believe that my newsletter will help you a lot!

Please don't hesitate to write to me! I, like you, have a shortage of people, andespecially girlfriendsWho can I talk to about such topics?

If you can, tell us more about your dreams. From my episode about the World of Desires, you probably already understood that everything that happens to us in a dream - real for that world. It’s as if we have a double life: most of it is here when we are conscious and 1/3 of our life is in the World of Desires. I could help you learn how to control yourself during dreams and give you some tips if you want.

I also offer you Yuri’s commentary statement, which I really liked and which complements the previous issue of questions and answers.

Svetlana, Good working day to you!
I got acquainted with your latest newsletter and your response to Lilia, ours
fellow subscribers. In this regard, I have one comment and specific proposal for you: firstly, your statement:Yes, we live in a mentally ill world!quite fair, timely and concerns, by no means, only the inhabitants of Russia... But I would present your phrase with Max Handel (from which one can understand that our civilization is a global one “ mental hospital") in a more relaxed form: “ a world impoverished in spirituality!” (Net set pa?) - Isn’t it true?


Good day, Svetlana!Happy start to your work,I read the first newsletters,- the main thing is to start.I do not belong to the majority who are afraid of death, but rather to those who look at these things calmly.It is simply a transition from one consciousness to another. And we all need carry out some mission on Earth.I had a chance to accept the Divine not in youth age, and being alreadyan adult.
And when I
accepted God with all my soul and heart, the other side was revealed to meour existence after death. After this realization, they took me there and showed me what it looks likethere. It was January 7, 2003. I haven't shared much with anyone their impressions, but to this day and hour I clearly remember everything down to the smallest detail. If I had just slept, I wouldn't have been able to remember it.

My soul, not my body, was in the form of a smallan elongated cocoon shimmering with millions of diamond reflections. The place we went to looked likesomething voluminous, filled(just beyond my controlreason) a huge amount the same cocoons. They all shimmered, shimmered and communicated. And when I approached them, I was overcome by such understanding, inexplicable love.and peace,Words just fade before what I felt. Nirvana. Every cellme? (my soul?)was imbued with such love...feelings of boundless happiness. I mentally asked if I could stay here foreverbut they also mentally answered me - no, it’s too early!This tenderness and understanding made me want to cry, I didn’t want to leave there. Tears flowed in such a stream, but there were no sobs,my soul cried. So do II woke up all in tears, the pillow was just wet from tears, but those were tears joy, oddly enough, and not disappointment.

Even now, several years later, I remember it aslike it happened to me yesterday. Unfortunately, the second timeI have never imagined such a fabulous trip yet. Maybe that’s why I’m not afraid of death, because I’m already I know what’s next behind it. That's why I didn't respond right awayto your newsletter, not being sure whether other people will understand me, my condition andexperiences. That's all today bye, survivedagain stirred in my soul.

I asked Olga to add to her first letter if she considers it possible.

And here is her second letter:

Hello, Svetlana!

Regarding my previous letter, you can use it as you wish, I make no secret of it. Suddenly with someone
then a similar story happened, that would be great. It’s very difficult to describe in words what happened to me then. Sometimes it's hard to even find the right word, let aloneabout the slightest nuances: what you sense, feel.If any details are important, then I can tell you more precisely what they looked likecocoons. The quantity is indescribable. Light color, one might even say that it was white, but ALL shimmered with reflections, as if the cocoons were covered with this paint: the play of a diamond. But the light was soft, not cutting. They seemed to be adjacent to one another, touching their sides. Shaped like a cylinderonly the ends are equally rounded (not like those of an egg). I understood that these were souls. And when I approached them, it was as if through a round neck, quite large. Someone was accompanying me, I understood this subconsciously.

A few months before this trip, she was with me strange story, three days I held onunusually high temperature, about 40. Not a cold,nothing inflammatory, just shaking and pounding fromtemperature. I didn’t attach any importance to this, and just recently found outthat this is some kind of sign. It's like it's some kind of test. But I don't know if I can trust that source. Over the course of my entire life, a lot of mystical things have accumulated, I used to think so. In a dream, I see what my family is thinking about, if they are next to me during sleep. I later told my husband,what cars he was thinking about, even the make of the car was the same)))). If I say out loud some phrase or wish,this happens, both good and bad, it does not depend on me. Therefore, homemade, seeing that I’m starting
It’s out of place to say something, they shout out loud, “Be quiet, don’t say anything.”I can heal with my hands, I can distinguish the sick from the healthy by the differencetemperatures, like a stream of warm or cold, but no more. I don’t diagnose the disease itself, what exactly it is. Treatment,I don’t do it because I understand well that it can be badit's over for me, it's not always possible to reset"negative". This has always been with me, and not just after the trip.

Some of my comments on Olga’s letters:

Thank you so much for sharing withus so personal and secret!
Yes, what happened to you can be called differently, but the meaning will be the same. In our teaching this is called
Dedication . During it, the person is revealedcertain secrets and at the same time he rises to a step in his development, in the evolution of his development. I understood you so well and you described it very well, also based on personal experience, I think I presented partially (in full - only you can) what it looked like.

Olga was definitely in the higher Worlds (remember our table of the 7 Worlds).I get the impression that This there was a World of Thought, because for us this is the highest World we can reachto reach and at the same time for God, Jesus Christ, this World is the lowest (of course, God is around us, we are His creation, but His “home,” one might say,are the Worlds, starting with the World Abstract Thought(higher regionsthis World) and everything that is above.

The World of Thought is the highest World for us and there we usually look not in the form of a person, but in different ways. Sometimes only the person's head may be visible. And we communicate at the level of thought - just as it was with Olga.

And you can protect yourself in our everyday life, imagining yourself surrounded by similar light. How is this done? Close your eyes and imagine how a white, diamond, sparkling light begins to envelop you in a spiral, starting from the soles of your feet and gradually to the very top of your head. And then you imagine how this light seems to penetrate from inside you to the outside, i.e. you radiate it. Having done this, you thereby “dress” yourself with the matter of Jesus Christ and He protects you from everything bad and evil. You can do this not only for yourself, but also for any other person you want, and he will be protected. But only the effect of this exercise expires after 2 hours and, if you are still in danger after this period, then you need to repeat the exercise again and “dress” yourself in the light.

You can use this every day if you remember this, but especially in some difficult moments in life. Evenjust drive a car - dress yourself and then the car in the light (you can dress inanimate objects too). For example, with practice I can do this very quickly, I can put light on a large group of people at the same time. Or, when I’m flying on an airplane (we know how often they began to crash), I’ll close my eyes and dress the entire plane in white light, and especially the part with the engines, and then I’ll dress the crew of the plane in light. Here you can experiment as much as you want!Or you are about to meet an unpleasant person, dress yourself, and then him, in divine light and he will certainly help you!

I noticed on the road that when I put the lights on our car, often the cars driving next to us begin to be located at a rather large distance from us. I believe it is my light that keeps them from getting too close to us. Yes, it is also important later, with practice, to imagine how this light comes out significantly far from the item you are wearing. For example, imagine an entire building sparkling with light.

Many of our friends whom we taught thisexercise, then thank us and tell us how it helps them in life!

In all my publications I rely on knowledge of the teachings of the Rosicrucians through the works of M. Handel, as well as my husband, Charles Bordner.

Very interesting question Vladimir asked me, which I tried to answer with the help of Charles, because... The question turned out to be quite difficult!


Svetlana, as I understand from reading your publications, the soul of a deceased person must reappear on earth in the body of a newborn. But the world's population is constantly growing. Where do souls come from for new bodies? Logically, there should be a constant number of human souls, therefore the planet’s population should fluctuate around some constant figure, but it is growing.

Best regards, Vladimir

Answer :

You asked a very good question. But, I think you understand that it is only in the power of God himself, our creator, to answer it accurately. We can, based on the knowledge of the teaching, discuss this topic and try to find an answer. I talked to Charles about it and this is what we came up with. Yes, indeed, never before in the history of mankind have so many people lived on Earth at once. According to the Bible and the ancient teachings of the Jews (that’s the name of those distant biblical Jews, it seems?) it is believed that God has already created a certain number of souls and now we are following our evolution and our number cannot, in principle, grow. And in the old days there really was an even distribution of souls in the Physical World and the Higher Worlds. And therefore we can say then that in our time, more than half (emphasis on the 1st syllable) is now here, in the Physical World, and in the Worlds invisible to us there are much fewer souls than there were before. This means, according to the logic of thinking, for some reason God wants us all to be born at about the same time, so that then we can all die together too. And one of our Rosicrucian friends believes that such an increase in the population is preparing us for some kind of big catastrophe on Earth and that then we will all have to die together and go away to live only in higher worlds until a favorable moment for a new birth arrives on Earth, in the Physical World. And indeed, scientists are now increasingly talking about climate change, about the melting of glaciers, which will flood a huge part of the land, and the like. Then this assumption may turn out to be correct. Although Charles says that maybe God is preparing us for something great, something good that we should all experience together. But somehow the good is less believable and I personally am more inclined to the first theory.

Moreover, here in America, there are excellent scientific programs on TV, with very detailed descriptions of what cataclysms our planet has already gone through, and from there I learned that on Earth it has already happened 4 times that all life was destroyed for many billions of years, but Each time after this, time passed and life began again. Maybe a new period like this will come soon? We are only guessing...

And here is a letter-cry from Julia, which I couldn’t read without my heart sinking, but it’s because of letters like this that I created this newsletter to help people get through the grief of losing a loved one.

Letter from Julia from Reni:

Hello, dear Svetlana! Truly you bring Light into consciousness! Thank you for this!

Death. Her first moments...

I read this article with pleasure and sadness. With pleasure - becauseLogically and simply, everything stated complemented my modest biblical knowledge; because I will not make a mistake again; because sincerelyI admire your noble mission in this life. With sadness - because I made a mistake and I often see how people around me make it.

Today - for nine days my Friend has not been breathing! ...Just recently he laughed so contagiously, listened with such attention and gave advice from the bottom of his heart, he was such a handsome and energetic man! A man who distinguished birds by their songs. A man who adored children. A man who knew literature and flora,physics and painting... A man who never made his choice on anything. A man without a mission. A person who has visited this World on an excursion. A man who was philosophical about death! Only in at the very end of his journey, I understood why he was so calm before “leaving”... He had been on this Earth many times, he knew everything, he could do everything... but he didn’t want anything, didn’t stop at anything, nothing captivated him him, everything was quickly lost, being barely found.It took him only 57 years to understand his detachment from the world of the living.. “I don’t understand them, they have such low, limited goals,” he said, already sick, looking out the window at the bustle of the street, “no, I not from this crowd. Maybe I’m from another planet”... And I said: “You can’t fix everyone! And why? Take them like that!" - “But I don’t want to!” - “But God created them this way, don’t criticize his work!” - “He’s not there.If He were, then not would create such imperfection!"...I cut off these conversations, they led to nothing but despair on both sides......

Dear Svetochka, I couldn’t help but cry over his cold face,frozen with a smilethis world. Oh, if only I had read your work earlier!I would have restrained myself for his good, I would not have given him over to be torn to pieces by anatomists...Sorry for the sad lines, but I want to shout about this to the whole world that CONTINUES TO LIVE:I don't have a dad anymore!

I know that he is now convinced of the existence of a Creator. I am sure that only there he will find what he did not find here: perfection, truth and purpose. I'm sure I can help him with this. Of course, for him now“asked for” in monasteries and churches. I want to connect to this. Just needed correct prayer- meaningful and simple. After all, you need to be able to be heard. Share this prayer.And tell me, am I not disturbing him with my frequent thoughts about him, with my grief?

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For long work special correspondent " Komsomolskaya Pravda» has collected stories from readers that are hard to believe unless you hear them yourself.

Over the years of work at KP, many letters of a special, let’s say, topic have accumulated in my archives. Readers have sent and continue to send stories that are hard to believe, and it’s somehow awkward to throw them into the trash. After all, the person wrote, tried, and, judging by his emotions, experienced strong shocks in one case or another, when faced with the unknown.

On October 15, 1989, my mother died. I didn’t have time to say goodbye to her before my death, because I live in another city. And here is the cemetery, last goodbye. I cry and lament: “Dear, beloved mother, goodbye...”.

I kiss the ice-cold face. And suddenly some kind of spiral flew into my completely deaf ear (front-line contusion), and my ear opened. I froze in surprise.

I suddenly hear my mother’s voice: “I’m here.” Then a very gentle, warm (as if it’s not there, but I feel it) touch on my cheek, and I feel the click of a kiss. I bent over my mother’s body, but I was not confused and answered her: “Thank you, mommy, dear, I understood everything, you said goodbye to me, goodbye!”

The dialogue ended, everything went away completely imperceptibly, my ear again closed to all sounds and became normal, deaf.

Maria Afanasyevna K. Krivoy Rog. 1990


In 1923 I worked at a factory in Mariupol. That summer there was a very good harvest in the fields. Many conscripts were mobilized for cleaning. Including me.

The wife and infant and my mother aged 45.

In mid-August, the wife and child went to their parents in the Chernigov region.

We then worked 50 km from Mariupol and did not go home. And then one day after work I went into the wormwood thickets to clean my uniform - it was lice-infested, like everyone else who worked.

While doing this, I suddenly heard the loud, distinct voice of my mother: “Yakov!” I responded and quickly put on my tunic. I was very surprised: how did mom get here? And where is she calling from? After 5-10 seconds I heard again: “Yakov” - but quieter and somehow more alarming.

I came out of the thickets, looked around, and, of course, my mother was nowhere to be found. And soon I received a message that my mother had died.

Many years have passed since then, but nothing like this has ever happened in my life.

Yakov Efimovich O. Mariupol. 1990


My son died an unnatural death. It happened on April 26, 1986. The real reason Investigating authorities did not establish death. The examination concluded that the son hanged himself. But the facts tell a different story.

My 26-year-old son cohabited with the unfaithful wife of his neighbor, the criminal Tokmakov. The latter, returning from prison and learning about it, killed his son. And then he staged his suicide.

In the morgue after the dissection, my daughter and I did not see any traces of violence on the body of the deceased. Only a bright mark from the rope on the neck. The blood had not coagulated and had been drained to the last drop, so the deceased was white, all crouched, his arms raised up and bent at the elbows. The fingers are tightly clenched into fists. The neck is pulled into the shoulders. The teeth are tightly clenched. There is a burn on the lips and mouth.

We immediately realized that Kolya was poisoned with pesticides - judging by the burns in his mouth. But the examination did not confirm this. This is quite natural in the judicial and investigative practice of Uzbekistan, where everything is bought and everything is sold.

On the third day, among those who came to say goodbye to our son, two unknown people appeared in our apartment and looked at the face of the deceased with disgust. The neighbor heard one quietly warn the other: “Be quiet, otherwise everyone will end up in jail.” As it turned out later, one of them was Tokmakov.

And all these facts forced me to turn to my late son at the grave, when I was left alone with him, and ask him to tell the whole truth about his death. Although I am a non-religious person, I probably, like all people, in difficult times hope for a miracle.

I knelt at his coffin and asked my son to come to our house after the funeral. And the first thing that struck me was, albeit belated, the story of Kolya’s colleague. Returning from the cemetery with all of us, this colleague, the only one, saw Kolya, spinning like a whirlwind, running merrily in front of the car.

The son moved now to the right, now to the left and was in sight of this colleague all the time. When we entered the city, Kolya disappeared from sight. And at the house, a colleague again saw how Kolya, pressing against the wall, entered the entrance.

Tom young man This vision was very creepy, so he couldn’t tell us about it right away, but only shared it a few days later. However, a little earlier than this story, my nephew’s wife told me that she saw Kolya in a dream, and he told her: “I was the very first to return home from the cemetery.”

On May 12, Parents' Day, I reminded my son of my request - to tell the truth about my death. That same night I dreamed of Kolya. He handed me a wide black ribbon on which some kind of code was depicted. I couldn’t make out anything, then my son himself read me the meaning of the code: “First they poisoned, then they hanged.”

There was another case: shortly before the 40th day, my daughter suddenly clearly heard Kolya’s voice addressed to me: “Mom, I’m so thirsty, but there’s no water.” My daughter ran into my room and reported this. We went out into the kitchen and saw that the glass that we had filled with water especially for the deceased, according to existing custom, was dry.”

"IN big house Kolya joyfully hugged me, lifted me up and kissed me on the cheek. He said: “Mom, I feel so good,” and walked up the stairs and into some door. I'm following him. I see him looking at certain substances through a microscope. And nearby there are bags with different chemicals. He says something, but I couldn’t understand the words.

And then my sister dreamed that one woman said that Kolya was poisoned with a substance chemical formula which NaOH. We soon found out that it was sodium hydroxide - a caustic alkali. Literally that same day, I found pills at home in a strange package without labeling. I was surprised, tried it on my tongue and was badly burned.

The examination showed that this is exactly the same NaOH hydroxide. But where did we get it from? I think that it was with these tablets that Tokmakov poisoned Kolya. And then, in order to confuse the investigators if they began to look into the death of his son, he planted the pills in our house when he came to us on the day of the funeral.

Galina Shch. Almalyk. Tashkent region. 1987"

I have a lot of letters of this kind: about people’s meetings with demonic entities, and about contacts with UFOs. But I will provide them next time.

At the same time, I note: the optimal way to express Personal Brightness on this site is to write a suitable thematic story. For starters.

The topic of plagiarism raised in the letter is discussed in the next post.


My thoughts
No, this is not a mystical story. This is some essay with explanations. I just want to tell you my attitude towards mysticism. I ask the moderator to post this post for discussion, I am interested in the opinions of other people.
A couple of events happened in my life, but a long time ago. At the time I chalked it all up to something that seemed imaginary to me, and my nerves were gone. But five years later, while talking with one of my relatives on a similar topic, I accidentally learned from him that what happened to me happened to him too. More precisely, he told what happened to him, and I did not say that this is exactly what happened to me. This happened in the same house. I don’t want to describe this story, after what I’ve read here it will seem like baby talk. But it was after that conversation that I began to become interested in all mysticism.
You know, we all, or almost all of us, are interested in what is hidden from us with pleasure. Human curiosity knows no bounds. Let's watch a program about the zone, a closed mental hospital, about Buchenwald. And of course poltergeists, humanoid UFOs and so on.
I somehow became interested in UFOs. Well, we really want to believe that gray men also live somewhere out there, and they will definitely fly to us. If you haven't already arrived. And then we will all turn into a herd. We won't go to work, we won't do anything. Why? They will feed us and give us something to drink. They will treat you, dress you and take you to your planet. Well, to show it there in the intergalactic zoo. But here's the question.
In the USA, after the events in Roswell, Americans were given an idea of ​​what an alien looks like. Gray, thin, a meter tall with a cap, with big eyes. And flies on saucers. This is exactly what the Americans saw. These are the ones we came into contact with. But Azhazhi’s books talk about communist humanoids. Yes, yes. Our people did not know what the alien looked like and described it completely differently. And in robes and ugly and beautiful. Then, apparently, someone realized that they didn’t know Russian. Immediately a device appeared in which the alien spoke in his own language, and he broadcast in Russian. But here’s the problem - the saucers appeared only after the program “Obviously Incredible.” And before that it flew over Soviet Union everything except the plates. Problem. But it’s true that now that everyone has a camera, at least in their phone, saucers have stopped flying. Nobody simply takes them off, they simply don’t exist. And everyone thought that now the Internet would simply be flooded with photo and video facts. But no. Sometimes, of course, something slips through, but it’s not at all right. As one of the heroes said in “The Tale of the Troika” - unconvincing! And there are practically no such stories on websites.
It’s interesting to me that many people write in your stories - I live (we live, lived, lived) (underline as appropriate) in an apartment or house where something is constantly happening. Some people actually have a coven in their apartment every night. The water turns on, the appliances. The light is flashing. And people live! Does the instinct of self-preservation work there for such people? If what is happening can be explained then everything is fine. And when not? How can a person live in such an apartment? I think any sane person would get out of her right then and there. No. They live. They hear footsteps and someone is strangling them. Throws things around. But no problem. They brought the little people to see that they don’t think about themselves at all. So it’s not far from the madhouse. People's psyches seem to be made of cast iron!
It is better to remain silent about stories that happened at the age of 1-7. Then everything you want to see can be seen. And imagination will finalize it.
Well, about those that - “I went to the cemetery at night, old house, a black basement, just for a walk, and naturally there are a lot of ghosts there, so we ran away from there!!!” In general it is better to remain silent.
And another question - Why copy stories from other sites? And don’t even make a postscript because it’s not your story? Raise your own rating? For what?
Although good stories Of course, more than not very good ones. In reality, when a person can describe an event with artistic overtones, describe his emotions and experiences, it really arouses interest!
I'm interested in how site visitors REALLY perceive stories. Do they believe everything they write? Or how do I read for fun, otherwise I’ll have to learn about politics or stars over coffee before (or at the end or during) the working day?