Craig D. M. Modern magic. Eleven lessons in the highest magical art. Calculation of planetary clocks.

Planetary days and hours are important in the practice of astromagic. The correspondence of days and hours to the planets is based on the ancient Chaldean astrological system order of planets. This is the sequence: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon.

The Chaldean sages took into account the relative orbital speed of the planets. In the heliocentric system, this sequence also indicates the relative distance of the planets from the center of their orbits, in other words, the distance of the planets from the Sun. Planetary clocks were used by the Chaldeans to divide the time of day into hours. Each planetary hour of a particular planetary day is ruled by a specific planet.

The planet that rules the day also rules the first hour of that day and gives it its name. For example, the first hour on Sunday, which is the day of the Sun, is ruled by the Sun. The first hour of Monday, which is the day of the Moon, is ruled by the Moon and so on.

In order to calculate planetary hours, you need to know the correspondence of planets to days of the week or planetary days.

Planetary days

Day Planet ruling the day Properties of the day
Monday Moon Femininity, emotions, secrets, affairs related to women
Tuesday Mars Enthusiasm, energy, passion, competition, tasks that require certainty
Wednesday Mercury Communication, letters, communications, matters related to neighbors, brothers and sisters
Thursday Jupiter Increase, luck, gambling, charity, long-distance travel
Friday Venus Love, luxury, beauty, decoration, creativity, pleasure
Saturday Saturn Long-term affairs, career, investments, real estate, institutions
Sunday Sun Success, joy, happiness, goal achievement

The planetary clocks do not coincide with the sixty-minute clocks we are accustomed to. How to calculate planetary hours?

The day is divided into two periods: daytime and nighttime. The hours from sunrise to sunset are considered daytime, and the hours from sunset to sunrise the next day are considered nighttime. These two periods are then divided into twelve equal hours, which form the planetary clock.

The planetary hours of the day and the planetary hours of the night are always of different lengths, with the exception of the equinoxes, when day and night are equal. The following tables will help you calculate the planetary hours:

Daytime planetary hours

Hour Sun Mon VT SR Thu PT SB
1st Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
2nd Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
3rd Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
4th Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
5th Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
6th Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
7th Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
8th Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
9th Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
10th Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
11th Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
12th Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

Night planetary clock

Hour Sun Mon VT SR Thu PT SB
1st Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
2nd Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sontse Moon
3rd Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
4th Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
5th Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
6th Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
7th Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
8th Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
9th Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
10th Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
11th Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
12th Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

How to use planetary days and hours

Each planetary hour is associated with a specific planet and therefore planetary hours can be used to fine-tune the work in the practice of astromagic or, as it was called in the Middle Ages, astral magic. Typically, to perform magical ritual the hour and day are selected whose planet is best suited for the chosen purpose. This time will give you certain hour to work.

Time is important to consider when making talismans. For example, you are going to make a talisman to attract money. Money and prosperity are ruled by Jupiter, so you choose Thursday to make a Jupiter talisman. But to give more “weight” to your talisman, you can calculate the planetary hours for the coming Thursday and choose daytime or night hour Jupiter. Planetary clocks are also good when you can't wait for the appropriate day. If today is Saturday and you need a talisman urgently, then you can choose one of Saturday hours Jupiter. In addition to planetary days and hours, when making talismans you need to take into account lunar phases, choosing those that are more suitable for your talisman.

Planetary days and hours

In classical astrology, a seven-pointed star is used to display any time cycles that determine the rhythms of life in our solar system - the Star of the Magi. Its seven rays correspond to the seven planetary principles.

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Planetary principles relate directly or indirectly to the planets solar system, which set its basic rhythms. The seven planetary principles correspond to the seven days of the week: Sun - Sunday, Moon - Monday, Mars - Tuesday, Mercury - Wednesday, Jupiter - Thursday, Venus - Friday, Saturn - Saturday. Thus, each day of the week is associated with the “protection” of a certain planet.

Sunday (day of the Sun). This day is favorable for any endeavors, creative projects, the beginning of health practices, choice life path, communicating with persons in authority and power, making important decisions, seeking honors and fame, establishing useful contacts, intellectual and creative activity, preparing and conducting presentations, buying or selling gold and jewelry.

Monday (moon day). The emotional mood greatly influences all areas of life, judgment, and decision making. It is better to devote this day to household chores, cleaning, etc.

Tuesday (Mars day). A day of influx of activity, vigor, maximum initiative. The day is favorable to deal with the accumulated matters in one fell swoop. Recommended endeavors related to physical labor, active actions, relations with competitors, tax authorities. Operations, partnership deals, and conflicts with competitors are not recommended.

Wednesday is Mercury day. The day is favorable for mental work, trading, writing letters, commercial transactions, preliminary agreements, new acquaintances and contacts, travel, study, working with information, making plans, reading reports, communicating with brothers, sisters, neighbors, intellectual entertainment, starting research, purchase and sale of cars, office equipment, software, information.

Thursday is Jupiter day. The day is favorable for any business and endeavors, long trips.

Friday is the day of Venus. The day is favorable for dating, marriage, entertainment (but without frills), and buying and selling art objects.

Saturday is Saturn day. The day is unfavorable for beginnings and long trips. It is recommended to devote time to matters that require concentration, concentration, and long-standing matters that require completion.


The characteristics of planetary hours are similar to planetary days. There are planetary hours of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn.

Planetary clocks are not the same as the traditional clocks we use to measure time. Planetary clocks are tied to the moments of sunrise and sunset, their duration can be more or less than 1 hour.

Calculation of planetary clocks

Duration of the daily planetary hour = (Sunset time – Sunrise time)/12

Duration of the night planetary hour = (Sunrise time on the next day – Sunset time on the current day)/12

Sunrise and sunset times for a given area are taken from reference books, almanacs, and astronomical calendars. In programs for constructing horoscopes, the time of sunrise will be the moment it crosses the cusp of the 1st house, and the time of sunset will be the moment the Sun crosses the cusp of the 7th house. Here we are talking about the transit horoscope for the place of residence.

Planetary clock control table

























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Tags: Star of the Magi, seven-pointed star, planetary days and hours, seven rays, classical astrology, planetary principles, days of the week, calculation of planetary hours

The correspondence of days and hours to planets is based on the ancient Chaldean astrological system of planetary order. This is the sequence: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon.
The Chaldean sages took into account the relative orbital speed of the planets. In the heliocentric system, this sequence also indicates the relative distance of the planets from the center of their orbits, in other words, the distance of the planets from the Sun. Planetary clocks were used by the Chaldeans to divide the time of day into hours. Each planetary hour of a particular planetary day is ruled by a specific planet.
The planet that rules the day also rules the first hour of that day and gives it its name. For example, the first hour on Sunday, which is the day of the Sun, is ruled by the Sun. The first hour of Monday, which is the day of the Moon, is ruled by the Moon and so on.
In order to calculate planetary hours, you need to know the correspondence of the planets to the days of the week or planetary days.

Planetary days


Planet ruling the day

Properties of the day

Monday Moon Femininity, emotions, secrets, affairs related to women
Tuesday Mars Enthusiasm, energy, passion, competition, tasks that require certainty
Wednesday Mercury Communication, letters, communications, matters related to neighbors, brothers and sisters
Thursday Jupiter Increase, luck, gambling, charity, long distance travel
Friday Venus Love, luxury, beauty, decoration, creativity, pleasure
Saturday Saturn Long-term affairs, career, investments, real estate, institutions
Sunday Sun Success, joy, happiness, goal achievement

Planetary clock
The planetary clocks do not coincide with the sixty-minute clocks we are accustomed to. How to calculate planetary hours?
The day is divided into two periods: daytime and nighttime. The hours from sunrise to sunset are considered daytime, and the hours from sunset to sunrise the next day are considered nighttime. These two periods are then divided into twelve equal hours, which form the planetary clock.
The planetary hours of the day and the planetary hours of the night are always of different lengths, with the exception of the equinoxes, when day and night are equal.

Daytime planetary hours

1st Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
2nd Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
3rd Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
4th Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
5th Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
6th Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
7th Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
8th Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
9th Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
10th Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
11th Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
12th Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

Night planetary clock

Hour Sun Mon VT SR Thu PT SB
1st Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
2nd Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sontse Moon
3rd Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
4th Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
5th Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
6th Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
7th Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
8th Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
9th Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
10th Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
11th Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
12th Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

Astrological meaning

Planetary clocks have traditionally been used in choosing auspicious times to begin activities, and also to time prayers, spells and magical rituals.

The following table shows the types of actions traditionally favored by each planet:

Hours of the sun: General success and recognition; spiritual illumination; determination, vitality; actions requiring courage or a mood of self-confidence - the recipient important decisions scheduling meetings to reach decisions, making speeches, starting new projects; seeking benefit from father, husband, boss, authorities.
Venus Hours: Love; friendship; artistic and social success; enjoyable, sociable and aesthetic activities such as parties, social gatherings, detailed descriptions/ exhibitions, weddings, visits, dating and looking for romance; installation of ornamental plants; buying gifts, clothes, luxury; cosmetic care; seeking benefits from women.
Mercury Hours: Excellence in research/communication; children; making a good impression; routine actions and actions needed in clear communications; teaching/learning; important business letters/ phone calls; meetings to develop or express thoughts; purchase/sale; general shopping, errands, travel; job applications/interviews; looking for benefits from neighbors, colleagues.
Moon Hours: health; home (buying home, moving); travel/vacation (time of leaving home or taking off); activities removed in time or space – thinking, making reservations, finding lost objects or people; installation of food grain crops; hiring employees; seeking benefit from mother, wife, co-workers.
Saturn Hours: Discipline and patience; giving up bad habits; overcoming obstacles; success with difficult tasks or difficult people; long-term projects – opening up new opportunities by laying the foundations; installation of perennial plants; treatment of chronic illness; creation of repairs; seeking benefits from older people (not relatives) or difficult people.
Jupiter Hours: Wisdom, optimism; money (lending / providing / investing capital / earning / winning); actions requiring enthusiasm; purchase lottery tickets; seeking advice/consultation; dispute resolution; seeking benefit from grandparents, aunts and uncles, advisors (doctors, lawyers, accountants, astrologers).
Hours of Mars: Bravery, adventure; desire prescription; success with radical measures (lawsuits, conflicts, going to war, surgery); sports, exercises; risk; filing complaints; dismissing employees; seeking the benefit of a husband or friend.

For example, a man should ask a woman for a date during the hour of Venus; the woman should ask the man for the date during the hour of Mars; you need to ask the boss for a favor during the hour of sun; money must be invested during the hour of Jupiter; treatments should begin under the lunar hour (except surgery, should begin under the hour of Mars); and so on.
The exact daily hours can be calculated here
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You just need to select Whole World and type your (or large nearby) city. The calculator will recalculate everything itself!

Influence of planetary clocks
(about the book by Vivien Robson “Elective Astrology”)

Hour of Saturn. This hour is favorable for starting ventures that will require a lot of time, restraint and patience, as well as for doing business with Saturnian people such as farmers, gardeners, miners and mine owners, real estate agents and the elderly. This is a good time for buying and selling land, buildings and property in general, for buying grain, coal or other products of the land or mines. The time is also favorable for excavation work, plowing and agricultural work in general, as well as for archaeological and geological research and everything related to ancient and antique things. It is unfavorable for borrowing money and bad for all kinds of travel and travel due to the risk of loss and disappointment. Servants and employees hired at such an hour may turn out to be lazy and irresponsible workers. This is a bad time to get a haircut or to wear new clothes for the first time. This hour is unfavorable for taking medications; It is also unfavorable for the sick person - an illness that begins at this hour can turn out to be protracted and serious.

Hour of Jupiter. This hour is favorable for most purposes. This is a good hour for dealing with lawyers, doctors, clergy, specialists in general, as well as bankers, merchants, real estate owners, grocers, and, in general, Jupiterians. This is a good time to seek favors influential people, borrow and lend money for job searches. At this hour it is good to start traveling, but bad to board a ship. It is good for social events, banquets, joining charitable societies, Masonic lodges. You can start sowing and planting, but this is not a good time to buy animals. This hour is unfavorable for surgical operations, but a person who falls ill at this time will soon recover. This is a great time to get engaged.

Hour of Mars. This hour is unlucky for most purposes, and especially for travel and travel. It is favorable for dealing with doctors, surgeons, dentists, chemists, engineers, military personnel and other people ruled by Mars, as well as for work related to fire and metals, but there may be hidden danger in the latter if Mars is afflicted. It is also said that this hour is favorable for hiring male servants, but this is true only if Mars is favorably aspected. At this hour it is good to start work that requires a lot of strength and energy.

Hour of the Sun. This hour is generally not very favorable; It is mainly good for getting promotions and contacts with influential or titled persons and government officials. This is a bad period for starting construction and for entering a house for the first time, as it threatens quarrels and dissatisfaction; It's dangerous to get sick at this hour. During the hour of the Sun you should not wear new clothes, you should not spend money. This hour is bad for love, courtship and marriage. If the Sun is aspected favorably, this hour is good for communicating with people and everything ruled by the Sun, but if it is afflicted, it should be avoided. This principle applies to all watches.

Hour of Venus. This hour is extremely good for courtship and marriage, for communicating with women or doing things related to women. It is favorable for musical and artistic pursuits and interests, secular affairs and for all kinds of sports, leisure, pleasures and joys. This is a favorable time to begin traveling by land, but not by water; It’s a good time to leave someone else’s house, but a bad time to return to it. This hour is unfavorable for surgical operations, it is bad for putting on new clothes for the first time, and also for starting sewing. You can start sowing and planting.

Hour of Mercury. This hour is favorable for all purchases and sales in general, for writing letters, signing documents, starting school and other Mercury matters. It is good for sowing and planting plants, for sending children to school or college, especially when Mercury makes good aspects to the Moon or Venus, but it is never favorable for marriage. This is a good hour to start traveling, but bad for returning to your home after a long journey or trip, as it is fraught with quarrels and discontent. This time is favorable for borrowing and borrowing money and also for matters related to apprenticeship, especially if Mercury is in good aspect with Jupiter. The hour is bad for buying houses or land, hiring servants, or organizing the release of a prisoner on bail. It is favorable for taking medicines, especially when Mercury has a good aspect with Mars, Jupiter or Saturn, it is a good time to seek the favor of influential people. If Mercury is weak and afflicted, there is a danger of deception and fraud by other people .

Hour of the Moon. This is a favorable time for courtship and marriage, for sending children to school. You can begin your journey at this hour, but returning home from a journey, especially if it took place by water, is better to start at another hour. They say that this hour is favorable for communicating with enemies and opponents. The hour is good for starting friendships, especially between women and in general among the general public. A good time for hiring servants, as well as advertising events and opening shops, you just need to make sure that the Moon is strong and well aspected. This hour is unfavorable for buying animals, especially small ones, for starting construction and borrowing money. It is not good for taking medications and also for sewing clothes.

Influence of tattvas
(according to T. Mityaeva)

Another method of choosing the most favorable time for certain things came to us from India. Indian astrologers have noticed that the general mood of people and the course of various affairs change every 24 minutes. Therefore, even if you are limited in choosing the time of an important matter by just one hour, you have the opportunity to find a more or less favorable minute.

There are five different tattvas in total. Their cycle begins at sunrise and lasts two hours. Exactly two hours after sunrise the cycle begins anew. That is, a day consists of 12 such cycles. Each tattva has its own name, color, ruling planet and astrological significance.




Time in
two hour cycle




0 - 24 min


Green, blue

Mercury, Moon

24 - 48 min



Mars, Sun

48 min - 1 hour 12 min




1 hour 12 min – 1 hour 36 min




1 hour 36 minutes - 2 hours

Akasha-tattva , which begins the cycle, expresses the principle that denies the life of everything physical, the principle of annihilation and destruction of matter. This period is unfavorable for all types of activities except meditation, concentration, self-absorption and serious reflection. During the influence of this tattva, a person is prone to pessimism and a sad mood. Often a person is unable to understand even the simplest things, perception slows down, and forgetfulness is observed. Start creative process this tattva can bring torment and suffering. The beginning of a friendship or love relationship at this time brings disappointments and a quick breakup. Akasha is the tattva of death. Many people die under its influence. It brings sudden death, agony, loss of consciousness. Death with this tattva can come after a long, severe and debilitating illness. Akasha Tattva rarely brings pregnancy, and if it does, it can bring death to the mother.

Vayu-tattva associated with the principle of movement and speed, contacts, exchange of information. During this tattva it is good to start hiking and mountain trekking; a person becomes much more resilient and does not get tired so quickly. Vayu Tattva develops speech and senses. It is recommended to choose this tattva for spiritual work, then it goes quickly. In general, during this tattva it is advisable to solve problems that need a quick answer. It is good to study literature, study, take excursions, give lectures or reports, and do exercises to develop speech. Negative influences of this period are expressed in the fact that at this time gossip, slander, lies and deception, as well as everything vile and hidden, arise and begin to develop. Cold, calculating killers are influenced by this tattva. Conceiving in Vayu Tattva is dangerous and can bring a lot of worries to the mother, difficult childbirth and, very often, abortion. In continuation of Vayu Tattva, there is no need to buy anything, or hire anyone as an assistant, because this person will bring a lot of gossip, slander and intrigue. The beginning of friendships or cordial connections during this tattva is undesirable, and a marriage entered into at this time will not be happy. This time brings deaths from suffocation, paralysis, poisoning or colds. Often a person born in this tattva has an unstable nervous system, can be irritable or envious. Vayu-tattva brings disappointments through money, through the loss of homeland for a long period of time or through illnesses, which are expressed in insufficient activity of organs, high temperature, fever, etc.

Tejas Tattva gives a person a lot of energy, productive forces and a desire for contradiction, mental struggle. Freedom, ability and great deeds are influenced by this tattva. Its principle is hot, Tejas causes excess heat in the body. At this time, a person can bathe in the most cold water, without catching a cold, he is drawn to spicy food. The eyes become sharper. Treatment of painful manifestations leads to improvement. This time is favorable for undertakings in military operations, in enterprises related to fire or iron, weapons, machines and with actions requiring courage and strength. The unfavorable influence of Tejas Tattva is that a person has a tendency to act aggressively, jealously, and a desire to argue. During this tattva the biggest gossips, misunderstandings, anger, arguments and fighting begin. Marriage at this time is also undesirable; spouses will constantly fight for supremacy in the family. During this tattva, hidden diseases appear that cannot be cured, i.e. become chronic. Tejas disrupts the order of the organs, but gives the body greater resistance. It is undesirable to undertake urgent surgical interventions. Tejas Tattva is unfavorable for travel and traveling. Conception in this tattva is unfavorable for the mother and may bring surgical interventions. A person born under the influence of Tejas, despite the most better education, must make a lot of effort to overcome to a certain extent the aggressive and warlike nature.

Prithivi-tattva - the bearer of the will to life, joy, justice and love. This tattva makes the community consciousness more vibrant. She is conservative and promotes the preservation of the existing, she is the personification of law and justice, healthy optimism and humane actions. Prithivi Tattva is devoid of hatred, fear, envy and passion. Any business started during this period is successful and favorable and, moreover, it is strong and reliable. This tattva has a smoothing, unifying effect. Marriages concluded at these moments proceed in harmony and love, friendly and love affairs favorable and durable. A child born on this tattva loves his parents very much and is strongly attached to them. During this period, a person defending his rights will find fair judges and lawyers who will successfully handle his case. Diseases and crises that begin at this time pass safely and quickly. Anyone who begins treatment during this tattva will definitely recover. During Prithivi Tattva, you need to start everything that is long-lasting and lasting - building a house, going to work, moving, establishing strong connections. Prithivi warms the body well and is favorable for caring for it, as well as for nutrition. It is also good during this period to conduct experiments in the treatment of skin, nerves and veins. Childbirth and pregnancy at this time proceed happily, of course, if there are no inharmonious aspects.

Apas-tattva opposite in effect to Tejas Tattva. A dispute arising during Apas Tattva will not have great consequences, it quickly ends in a truce. A fire that occurs during this time will not cause big losses, because will be repaid at the very beginning. If during this tattva one feels sharp pain, then it will pass quickly. Apas has a concentrating effect, and this principle is important in all areas of life. This tattva is favorable for long journeys, especially by sea. During Apas Tattva we have prosperity, wealth and abundance. There is no more favorable time for concluding deals, contracts, investing money, and organizing financial affairs. Apas is considered a time of joy, love, beauty, success, and fertility. It is favorable for shopping, beginning new job, gardening, sowing, planting (especially during the waxing Moon), as well as for relocation to new house. This tattva is very good to practice. creative work, art; it governs spiritual and intellectual development. For an averagely developed person, it creates a desire for earthly success, and for a lowly developed person - for idle pleasures. Apas greatly stimulates the sense of taste. During this time, a person must abstain from alcohol, otherwise undesirable consequences may occur. Sexual life is mainly expressed through the influence of Apas Tattva. She rules conception and the uterus. A woman who becomes pregnant on this tattva has an easy pregnancy and a successful birth. The negative impact of Apas Tattva is that people manifest selfishness, greed, and a tendency to unbridled pleasures.

But do not forget that planetary hours and tattvas are just additional methods that speak of rather weak influences that cannot counteract, say, the adverse effects of an eclipse or "free departure."

Craig D. M. Modern magic.
Eleven Lessons in the Highest Magical Art















Table of planetary or magical hours















Example: Suppose the Sun rises at 5:00 am and sets at 7:00 pm. This results in a period of 14 hours = 840 minutes. Divide this by 12 - you get a magical daytime hour of 70 minutes. This means that the 1st magic hour starts at 5:00 am and ends at 6:10 am. The 2nd starts at 6:10 and ends at 7:20, etc.
Subtracting 70 from 120, we find that the night magic hour lasts 50 minutes. The 1st magic night hour will begin at 7:00 pm and end at 7:50 pm; 2nd - at 7:50 and ends at 8:40, etc.
It is clear that this process can be reversed. You can determine the length of time from sunset to sunrise, divide it by 12 to first determine the length of the night magic hour. You just need to remember that the planetary clock is based on the length of time between sunrise and sunset, sunset and sunrise.

Time to Charge Kabbalistic Talismans
Best: on the day and hour associated with a particular planet.
Acceptable: any day at planetary hour.
Exception: Kether and Chochma, which are not associated with planets.
In the last lesson, we made a talisman for maintaining friendship, which is associated with the planet Sun. The best time to charge it is on Sunday, the day of the Sun at the magic hour of the Sun. But let's say it's Monday and we can't wait for Sunday. We want to charge the talisman in the evening.
The table shows that on Monday the Sun is associated with the 7th magical hour after sunset. If we calculate this hour based on the duration of 1 magical night hour, we get.
After Sunset Planet Time (evening)
1st hour Venus 7:00-7:50
2nd hour Mercury 7:50 - 8:40
3rd hour Lana 8:40 - 9:30
4th hour Saturn 9:30 - 10:20
5th hour Jupiter 10:20-11:10
6th hour Mars 11:10-12:00
7th hour Sun 12:00-12:50, etc.;
But it is possible that we cannot wait until midnight because we have to get up early in the morning.
On Tuesday, the planetary hour of the Sun occurs only 4 magical hours after sunset. It will last from 9:30 to 10:20 pm. This is a more convenient time for us - and we charge the talisman on Tuesday evening.
Remember that the talisman itself is an inert material. It must be activated by the forces of higher planes and guided by our Will. The effect of the following ritual is aimed at giving the inert talisman a balanced movement in a given direction.

Each planet has a time during the day and a day of the week when it is stronger than usual. Therefore, when creating talismans, you need to use this time wisely to capture more planetary energy into your talisman. Planetary days are the same days of the week. Sunday is the day of the Sun; Monday - Moon, Tuesday - Mars; Wednesday - Mercury, Thursday - Jupiter; Friday - Venus, and Saturday - Saturn.

It is necessary to begin work on the talisman on the most suitable planetary day and at the correct planetary time (and it is advisable to finish it at the same hour).
It is not so easy to calculate planetary hours. You need to know the correct sunrise and sunset times, which can be easily found online or in the newspaper.
Then, from the time of sunrise to sunset, you divide the day into twelve equal parts. Remember that at certain times of the year the planetary clock lasts more than sixty minutes, and at other times of the year it lasts less than sixty minutes.

By consulting the table, you can find out which planet is most active during certain planetary hours. For example, on Thursday at the tenth of the day, Venus has the strongest planetary force. If you are consecrating or making a talisman of Mars, the most best time for this will be during the hours and day of Mars, that is, either at dawn or during the eighth planetary hour on Thursday. The same method of counting exists for the night planetary hours. This is the time from sunset until sunrise the next day.

For more information on calculating planetary hours, use a perpetual planetary clock chart or a planetary clock computer program, see Maria Kay Sime's Time for Magic: Planetary Clocks for Meditation, Rituals and Spells.

Daytime planetary hours

Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
2 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
3 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
4 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
5 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
6 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
7 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
8 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Saturn Saturn
9 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
10 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
11 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
12 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

Night planetary clock

Night Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
2 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
3 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
4 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
5 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
6 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
7 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
8 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
9 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
10 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
11 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
12 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

Continued →