Favorable days for Aquarius in May for women

This year will be especially fruitful for you in creatively: there will be many ideas and opportunities to implement them. In January, try to take a little break from work and relax, make and think about plans for the next year. In February you will have to plunge headlong into work, so keep all your business qualities, they will help you out in a wide variety of situations. The support of family and friends will also be pleasant and needed during this period.

Second half of March favorable for starting something new, as well as for establishing relationships with business partners. Use the opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings and avoid future conflicts. The end of May and June is a wonderful period of the year when professional growth and spiritual development. Second half of July– a dangerous time for relationships, try to avoid sharp corners and compromise. August – September It will be nice to rest and gain strength. October will be an active month with many new acquaintances, plans and events.

In November, you should not spend too much time on business. It’s better to put everything off until next month and take care of your health. December will be a good month: you will be active and cheerful, in New Year You will enter in a great mood.

For Aquarius women

– a wonderful friend, cheerful, reckless, easy-going. She is freedom-loving and independent. Even a serious, deep relationship cannot turn her into a homebody. For you, 2017 will be filled with bright meetings and grandiose events. In the first half of the year, single Aquarius women can meet with an old admirer, and this meeting will turn into a long-term romantic relationship.

In May you will lead a very active and eventful life. By getting involved in communication, you will begin to make new acquaintances, many of which may turn out to be very promising. You will be attracted to bright and ambitious people who are full of energy and desire to live life to the fullest. But following their principles, you risk losing true and pure love.

Thanks to your high intelligence, you will be able to win the sympathy of a very worthy person who will help you discover completely new world. But for such a relationship to constantly develop, you will have to match your partner and constantly reach out for him. And this will not always be easy to do.

Be careful at home. An offensive word you accidentally say can linger in the heart of your other half for a long time. And this will only be the beginning of a long quarrel. Therefore, in order not to escalate the situation, try to keep your mouth shut. And if you are boiling inside and want to talk it out, do it better with friends.

Take a closer look at your surroundings. Among your acquaintances there will be a person who has been looking at you with adoration for a long time. You will find a more devoted and faithful partner. So, if you already want to fill your heart with a bright feeling, attend friendly gatherings and parties more often.

Aquarius Woman: Love Horoscope for May 2019

You will easily meet new people and quickly be able to establish relationships with the opposite sex. Your sense of humor will captivate anyone, even the most serious and persistent man. And your experiments with image that have begun will attract large number fans. Just don’t lose your head from such increased attention. Otherwise, miss out on real happiness.

You should not communicate with a partner with whom you are just starting a relationship as equals, and sometimes even by dominating him. Despite your insight and sharp mind, be just a woman and let the man show his importance. Only such a strategy will enable a fleeting romance to transform into a strong connection.

You will be surprised at what interesting thoughts you will begin to have regarding improving the atmosphere in your marriage. You have already become a little bored with each other, but you will try to do everything to rekindle the fire of passion. And you will really succeed. Just don't get too carried away with family productions. At some point, you risk losing something sincere and pure that connected you with your spouse.

Aquarius Man: Love Horoscope for May 2019

It's time for you to think about the status of your relationship. It’s not worth pretending that we are talking about something serious and at the same time not always behaving correctly and correctly towards your partner. You won’t be able to continue in the same spirit for a long time, so you simply risk losing what you have today. So you should still decide and make an important decision for yourself.

The planned meeting with the parents of your other half will be extremely successful. You can slowly prepare for the wedding preparations. Such pleasant chores will allow you to get even closer to your partner.

Your spouse will receive any initiatives with particular enthusiasm. Therefore, feel free to bring all your desires and ideas to life. Don't be ashamed of your childishness. Organize a fun weekend with active sports or exciting quests with your other half. You will receive an incredible charge of positive energy and there will simply be no time left to sort things out.

Beware of women who blatantly flatter you. They pursue only selfish goals and try to win your favor, only to subsequently receive their own specific benefit.

Fickle Aquarians still remain true to their desire to be happy in love. In May it will only intensify and force representatives air sign commit rash, and sometimes even unnecessary and harmful actions for relationships. Love horoscope for May 2019 is intended to protect Aquarius from such developments. Those of them who are truly interested in finding happiness in love will definitely read their astrological forecasts for the last month of spring this year.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for May 2019

None of the zodiac signs has hitherto been as lucky as Aquarius. In May, Uranus’s wards risk making so many mistakes in relationships with their loved ones that it would seem that there should be no forgiveness for them. But the stars have their own vision of this. As a result, Aquarians will get away with it. But this will not happen to all representatives of the air sign. Luck in May will affect only those Aquarius who truly love their soul mates, and everything they have done is nothing more than an annoying oversight. Despite this, the love horoscope recommends that they refrain from taking risks and try not to mess things up.

Love astrological forecast predicts very interesting event in May. What happened will be a little like a romantic acquaintance or long-awaited meeting. It will not appear to Aquarius as the only way to get rid of loneliness. But for the love sphere of this sign, this event will be of enormous importance, as the wards of Uranus will be convinced of in May.

Gives bright predictions for Aquarius and family horoscope. In May 2019, married people born under the auspices of Uranus will be able to not only start relationships with their spouses but also clean slate, but also to bring something special into them that will fuel love for many decades to come.

Love horoscope for Aquarius woman for May 2019

Throughout the last month of winter, Aquarius girls will be haunted by a strange feeling. In May, the love sphere will take a back seat for many of them. But towards the end of the period, Aquarius girls will understand the nature of this feeling. Immediately everything will fall into place, and women will find incomparable happiness.

Single Aquarius girls will have a bright streak in May. It is unlikely that will happen in their life fateful meeting during this period. But there will be no end to the fans of Aquarius women. Flirting, pleasant communication, surprises and incredible attentions - all this will definitely happen to Aquarius girls in May.

The fate of those Aquarius girls who have just begun to build deserves special attention. love relationship in the spring. The couple is expected to experience a turning point in May. Whether it will be pregnancy, a marriage proposal or meeting the parents, the stars do not say. But one thing is certain - the beautiful half of Aquarius definitely does not need to be afraid of a breakup.

Love horoscope for Aquarius man for May 2019

Bachelors will be the luckiest among Aquarius men. In May they will be the happiest, because it is then that they will actually feel the warmth of the family hearth. This will cause a lot of not just pleasant emotions, but the most sublime feelings. As a result, ringing principled Aquarius men will be as easy as shelling pears.

Those Aquarians who were previously categorically unlucky in love, despite encouraging forecasts, will be able to plunge headlong into the pool of passion in May. Suddenly they will begin a new relationship, and not a trace will remain of their old feelings. Remembering their recent sufferings, men will be surprised, because in May they will have no reason to feel unhappy.

As for Aquarius grooms, the stars promise them a small crisis. But it will end quickly, if you do not take into account some of the oddities of the chosen ones. By offering the bride his strong masculine shoulder, Aquarians will instantly eliminate all misunderstandings, and the couple will find happiness again.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for other months of 2019

A short break in May will only benefit you. When will you have the opportunity to calmly look around, think about this and that... In a word, the stars offer you free sailing and it’s up to you.

Work, career. Aquarius May 2017

Incorrigible workaholics can start strengthening ties with foreign or out-of-town partners and will succeed a lot in this direction. You can renew relationships with old friends, old colleagues, and unexpectedly for everyone something new and interesting will come out of this. So, an old idea will suddenly sparkle with new colors and gain new breath, and someone who has been shelving a project will seem promising. You can turn to old friends or high-ranking patrons in case of problems with inspection authorities or legal troubles. In May, with the help of your friends, long-standing problems can be moved forward. Many will take up various organizational activities and decide to change something in the office or other production premises. It would be good for the employee to take a vacation and attend to personal matters. This decision may be correct - in the first half of the month there are no important things to do at work.

Money. Aquarius May 2017

The financial situation is neutral - both income and expenses of May are predictable and reasonable. It may very well be that the main expense item will be home and family affairs.

Love, family. Aquarius May 2017

May is a month of pleasant events in your personal life and family. Likely various events associated with a house, apartment, cottage. And in some cases, they can occur in places far from home. Lovers can be thrown “from the frying pan into the fire”, so emotional and uneven will their relationship be. Many will become “torn” between two attachments – old and new, and ultimately risk being left with nothing. You are not particularly sincere, you keep a lot of things secret, and when the hidden fact is revealed, conflict will be inevitable. The likelihood of your secret being revealed is very high between May 25 and May 30. During this same period, parents will have problems with their children, and here everything depends on the age of the children and the situation in the family. Perhaps the matter will simply end in unexpected expenses. Relations with relatives are gradually being regulated, but they cannot yet be called completely stable. Some controversial issues are still relevant, and some are not, but in any case, “a bad peace is better than a good quarrel.”

The stars foretell a successful month for representatives of your sign for their personal lives. Fiery Mars in the house of love of Aquarius gives new incentives and invites you to go in search of romantic adventures.

Moreover, on May 21, 2017, the Sun moves into the house of love, so amorous affairs will be in the foreground. The New Moon on May 25, 2017 will also take place in your house of love, which is a good omen. Expect exciting events!

The planet of love, Venus, is in the house of communication and travel throughout the month. If you are sociable and active, your chances of success increase. Your friendliness and sense of humor will attract the interest of the opposite sex and cause delight. Single Aquarians have opportunities to meet someone special on the road. If you are looking for love, go on a trip, at least a short one.

For those who have already met their soulmate, the love atmosphere will be harmonious, full of warmth and sensuality. This good period for those who have recently fallen in love, dates and declarations of love will leave an unforgettable experience.

Family Aquarians will actively engage in useful work with their relatives. Maybe you decide to improve your family nest, make it even more comfortable and beautiful. If in lately there were disagreements in the family, in May 2017 you will be able to come to a common opinion. Your spouse and loved ones will accept your suggestions.

Aquarius career and financial horoscope for May 2017

The month will bring good luck in terms of career and finances, but on one condition - if you are ready to persistently pursue your goals. No major problems are expected at work or in business, but delays or slowdowns in the implementation of business projects may occur, so patience will be required.

Compared to previous periods, May 2017 contains more certainty, so it is easier to assess the prospects of a particular idea.

Don't be surprised if your career plans change unexpectedly. Many Aquarians will reconsider their positions in professional life, and some will decide to start something new. The right time for new beginnings is after May 4, 2017, when Mercury completes its retrograde cycle and resumes its direct motion.

However, the stars advise not to rush into making fateful decisions, for example, about changing jobs or career paths. If you have even the slightest doubt, give yourself enough time to think and properly evaluate all the pros and cons.

May 2017 is a particularly favorable time for Aquarius, busy creative work working with children or in the arts. For those who collaborate with partners from other countries and regions, business relations will turn out successfully. The conclusion of lucrative contracts is very likely.

If we talk about finances, the positive influence of Jupiter, Sun and Mars favors a positive decision financial issues. Some will be able to get a well-paid job, others will have additional sources of income. In addition, cash receipts and material assistance can be expected from relatives.


Well-being will please Aquarius. In May 2017 you have abundance vitality, you are confident in yourself and charge others with your optimism. No serious health problems are expected. At the same time, you should be warned about the need to be careful in transport and when traveling.

Communicate more! Through communication, new perspectives will open up, even where you didn’t expect it.