Open music lesson in the preparatory group winter. Integrated music lesson in the preparatory group on the theme: “Winter in music, poetry and painting” of the year. Enrichment and activation of vocabulary

Name: Music lesson summary " White paper winter"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, music, Preparatory group

Position: music director
Place of work: MDOU No. 65 “Spikelet”
Location: Novosinkovo ​​village, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region

Musical lesson for children of the preparatory group
"White Book of Winter"

Target: Creating conditions for musical and creative work with various images associated with the color white. Combining children's experience and knowledge to create a holistic picture of the world.


1. To form children’s understanding of color, sound, movement, as well as their various combinations.

2. Evoke an emotional response to the deep expressiveness of white.

3. Develop children's creative imagination.

4.To holistically develop children’s musicality through the combination of various: visual, auditory, tactile, motor sensations.

5. To develop children’s ability to constantly associative analogies between their own sensory sensations (visual, auditory, tactile) and sounds; plastic, graphic images.

Manuals and materials: White book with illustrations, bells, crystal glasses, metallophone, bells, 2 silver sticks per child, screen, projector, easel, paints, brushes.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle

Music director: Guys, I welcome you to the music hall.

Let's greet each other.

Greetings in a circle

Music director: Now listen to the riddle:

- Clear weather, snow chaos... This is the time of year we call...? (winter)

Let's remember the winter months. (Children speak)

You probably already guessed that today we will talk about Winter.

Look what I have unusual book, and it's called

"White Book of Winter". What do you think you can read about in it?

What is it written about? (Children speak)

Tell me, what color is winter? Where else does he live? white?(Children speak)

What was that? Maybe a light summer breeze? So the first page of our book has opened.

Let's try to portray a winter blizzard with our voice? And let's draw with our hand the movement of your voice. To the sound "U". First girls, then boys. Guys, I felt scared and cold. Let's open another page and see..... (picture of winter nature)

Think and say. What musical instruments can sound winter nature? Take your instruments and we will voice this picture and play the music of winter.

Musical orchestra"Music of Winter"

Musical director: And we continue to leaf through our book.

Open the next page. (picture of Snowflakes)

What do you see? Yes, snowflakes. They are so beautiful and all so different.

I suggest you get creative and depict snowflakes using these silver sticks. Take two magic wands.

Game: “Fold the snowflake”

Musical director: Shall we open the next page? (picture of Ballerina)

Yes, this is a ballerina. How many of you have ever watched ballet?

Now we'll see real ballet based on the fairy tale "The Nutcracker".

What is ballet? Translated from Italian, the word “Ballet” means “dance”.

There are three main components to a ballet: soloists, a corps de ballet (a corps de ballet is when many dancers dance) and an orchestra. Any ballet is based on some literary work. The ballet “The Nutcracker” is based on the fairy tale of the same name by the writer Hoffmann. The music for the ballet “The Nutcracker” was written by the well-known composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.
And we will watch the scene “Waltz of Snow Flakes”.

Video viewing of a fragment of the ballet.

Musical director: Are we opening another page...? (keyboard picture)

Yes, it's a piano keyboard. Why is she here? Yes, the keys are also white. And if you play all the notes from “C” to “C”, you get a white scale. (Let's sing the scale)

Let's sing a song called “White Scale”.

The song “White Gamma” is performed.

Musical director: Let's turn another page of our book. And here...

(Picture “White Dance”)

We see a couple dancing. A man and a woman. They are dancing the Waltz.

At balls and dance evenings, the man always invites the lady to dance.

But if they announce “White Dance”. Then the girl chooses a dance partner. That's why this picture is in our book. So, I announce the White Dance! Girls, invite boys.

"Waltz" performed

Music director: Only one page left (white sheet)

I feel sorry for the poor white color, it’s as if it doesn’t exist.

Here is a white sheet in front of me, everyone can immediately see that the sheet is empty.

What can we do with this sheet? (Children's answers)

Of course we can draw something. How many notes do we have?

Tell me, what else do we have seven? (seven notes, seven days of the week, seven colors of the rainbow.....)

Look, I have a large white sheet and seven colors of paint. I suggest that everyone together make this sheet bright! You sit on chairs and three at a time go to the easel and paint in any color.....

Creative group work “Drawing together”

Musical director: Our lesson has come to an end. What did you remember and like most? (children's answers)

And I give this work to you as a souvenir.....

Tasks: Develop creative skills and imagination in coming up with imitative movements and static poses. To consolidate knowledge about the signs of winter, the properties of snow and ice. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to works of art.

To the accompaniment of lyrical music, children go into the music room and stand in a semicircle. Winter enters.

Winter:(musical director):
I am Zimushka-winter, I love very cold weather.
Whoever plays with me may end up in a wonderful fairy tale!
Winter: Welcome to my kingdom. How many guests came to me? What do you know about winter? What kind of work do I do? (Children's answers) Now let's sing my favorite song about winter chores.


Winter: In the kingdom of Winter there are special wonderful musical instruments. What do you think it looks like? (I play one musical instrument, and the guys compare it with a winter omen. For example, a tambourine - snowflakes are flying; the sound of a glockenspiel is similar - as if the ice is shining; a bell - horses are running in the snow, icicles are sparkling; maracas - the wind is rustling, a blizzard, reminds snowstorms, etc.)
Winter: What instrument is not suitable for Winter? (playing the drum) Why? (Children's answers) Guys, help me depict my winter kingdom on these musical instruments. (I suggest playing musical instruments to the music)


Winter: I think that now the musical instruments should rest, and we will go further with you! Do you love winter fun? (Children's answers) I also like to play.
I was in a hurry to come to you and brought snowballs as a gift!
Get up into the big circle quickly and don’t miss the snowball!


Winter: What other winter fun do you know? I see that all the guys love to play, they know a lot winter fun. Well done! But what else happens in winter, Katya will tell us in her wonderful voice!

SONG “WINTER-WINTER” by L. Vakhrusheva (solo)

Winter: What a wonderful song! Thank you Katya! Guess guys who I'm sending to New Year's holiday to visit you? (Santa Claus) Listen, what is this melody? (I play the intro of a familiar song, and the children guess).


Winter: How joyfully you danced and sang. I see that you are not afraid of frost. What kind of frosts are there in Russia? (Children select epithets) Which cities experienced frosts in winter? (Cities are named)
The boys will tell us about it, and the girls will listen.

SONG “MARCH OF SANTA COASTS” by M. Dunaevsky(boys)

Winter: Girls, tell me, how did the boys sing this song? What is her character like? (cheerful, cheerful, joyful, ringing, etc.) And I know how to calm the frosts and when I fall asleep, the weather is windless and calm. My favorite music will tell you this best!


Winter: I feel that it’s time for me to get ready, go into a real winter forest and gain new strength. I will now harness three white horses and sing a merry song with you!


You have a lot of fun, but it’s time to say goodbye!
My blizzard will help you go home!
Goodbye guys! (Leaves to the music.)

Title: Summary of a music lesson in preparatory group, in winter “Visiting Mother – Winter”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, Music Director

Position: music director
Place of work: MADO kindergarten combined type No. 99
Location: Tomsk region, Tomsk

Summary of the final comprehensive lesson in the preparatory school group, topic: “Winter Sorceress”

Program content:

To cultivate in children a sense of beauty, a love of nature, native land through fine arts, music, poetry.
Develop the ability to give aesthetic assessments, express judgments, and correlate examples of painting, music, and poetry by mood. Evoke an emotional response to an artistic image.
Continue to improve children’s artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems and singing songs; instill sensitivity to the poetic word.
Teach children to distinguish shades of moods and changes in the nature of music. Convey the mood and character of the music in singing, movement, and dance. Create your own dance improvisations.

Enrichment and activation of the dictionary:

Ancient names of the months: gloomy, fierce, snowy; ballet, ballerina, azure.

Reproductions of paintings:

I. Velts “Rime”; I. Grabar " February blue"; A. Savrasov “Winter”.
Audio recording of musical works: P.I. Tchaikovsky “Winter Dreams”, “On Troika”; A. Vivaldi “Winter”; Sviridov “Blizzard” (waltz).
Video recording of a fragment from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Snow Storm"

Equipment and materials:

Music center, computer, plumes (white and silver).

Preliminary work:

Observations of winter phenomena in nature. Examination of reproductions of paintings depicting a winter landscape; listening to music on the theme of winter.
Reading poems about winter, talking about the content, explaining unfamiliar words. Memorizing poems, songs, proverbs about winter. Viewing fragments from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky in video recording.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to the music and greet guests.


Guys, please tell me what time of year it is now? (Winter). Yes, but winter, unfortunately, is ending, and I would like us to finally remember winter today and talk about this wonderful time of year. Guys, do you like winter? Why? (Children's answers).

Indeed, winter is a fun time. On our huge planet called Earth, there are many different countries, but winter is different in every country. There are countries where there is never snow. They are called hot countries. Guys, what country do we live in?
Please tell me what kind of Russian winter we have?

Children's answers:

White, fluffy, silver, cold, snowy, beautiful, icy, magical, fairy-tale, frosty, blizzard, sparkling, harsh, cheerful.


Yes, guys, you are right, our winters are indeed very different. It is both cold and thawed, with snowstorms and dripping snow, with crisp snow.

(The teacher invites the children to sit on the rug and talk, and sits down herself).


Each season has its own 3 months. Name all the winter months.

Children's answers:

December, January, February.


Guys, in the old days, people called December “gloomy”. Why do you think? (Children's answers) Correct, because in December the sun rarely peeks through the low gray clouds, it is a gloomy, sunless month, the days are short, the nights are long, it gets dark early.

And in the old days January was called “fierce”. Why do you think? (Children's answers). I agree with you, because the cold is fierce, the frost is crackling, and the snow is creaking underfoot. And February was popularly called “snowfall”. Why? Yes, this month snowstorms and blizzards sweep up high snowdrifts, and gusty winds drive drifting snow along the ground.

The teacher offers to play the game “Winter Signs”.

Game "Winter Signs"


If the night is frosty,
Quiet and starry,
Smoke is coming out of the chimneys...


So it will be clear during the day.


Blue spots over the forest,
A fine curtain of snow,
The frost has eased a little,
Wind from the south...


Wait for the snowstorm.


If the fish is on a winter day
Walks right under the ice
Walks right under the ice
And his tail hits the ice -
So without a doubt...


Expect warmer weather.


If it's sunset in the evening
Was slightly green
If there is frost on the branches,
There is a bouquet of roses on the glass,
If the smoke is a blue palm
Reaches to the stars
And the wind does not whistle menacingly...


It will be clear and frosty.


Do you know proverbs about winter?


(one by one)

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.
A snowdrift and a blizzard are two friends.
In the winter cold everyone is young.
December ends the year and begins winter.
Winter without snow is summer without bread.
Cold winter - hot summer.
Blizzard in winter, bad weather in summer.
Thank you, frost, for bringing snow.
Father January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

The teacher goes through 1-2 proverbs with the children.


Poets, artists, composers convey their winter mood in music, poetry, and colors. And now let's look at paintings by Russian artists.

(The children, together with the teacher, approach the paintings and look at them to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Winter Dreams”).

Guys, all these pictures are already familiar to you. Name them and who the author is. (Children's answers).
Please tell me how they are similar? (Landscape, winter, trees)
How are they different? (Time of day, colors, etc.)
Look how the artists depicted snow? What determines the color of snow? (from surrounding objects, from weather, from time of day, from lighting) But indeed, snow can create a feeling of calm, silence, stillness, as shown in these paintings. Each artist conveys his mood and feelings in his painting.

What mood does the painting “Rime” by Ivan Velts evoke in you?
What is she like? (Mysterious, alarming, sad, magical, fairy-tale, etc.). Why did you decide this? (Children's answers).

And what about the painting “Winter” by Alexei Savrasov? In your opinion, what is she like? (Calm, thoughtful, quiet, etc.) Why did you decide this? (Children's answers). And “February Azure” by Igor Grabar? Why did the artist call it that? (Children's answers) How do you feel looking at this picture?

Children's answers:

Good mood, joy, fun, delight, etc.)


Looking at these paintings, we saw how artists, using paints, convey the mood of winter. At first glance, you look, all the pictures are the same, but if you look closely, you can see that they are all different and this is all because our winters are different. She can be happy, sad or quiet and calm.

(The teacher invites the children to relax and play.)

Physical education lesson “Snow-snowball”

It creeps along the path.
(Children’s hands are raised up, gradually lowered down)

White blizzard.
The paths were covered in snow. (Smoothly swing your arms left and right)

Melts on the palm.
(Alternately extend the right and left hand forward)

We'll make snowballs
Let's play together
("They're making snowballs")

And snowballs into each other
Have fun throwing
(“Throwing snowballs”)

But it's warm in the yard
(Clap their hands)

Ears are not frozen
(Rub their ears with their palms)

We'll make snow
(Clench your fingers into fists and rotate them in front of your chest.)

Into a huge white lump. (Spread their arms to the sides).

(Children sit on chairs).


Guys, not only artists convey the mood of winter in their paintings, but also the mood can be conveyed in poetry and music. Listen to a fragment of a piece of music (“On Troika” by P.I. Tchaikovsky).

What is the name of this work? Name the composer (Children's answers). Guys, what did you imagine while listening to this music? (Answers: soft snow is falling, snowflakes are spinning, three horses are running along the road, bells are ringing.) What is the nature of the music? (spacious, wide, like a Russian song, solemn, cheerful, joyful).

Our winter for artists, musicians, poets is beautiful, sometimes mischievous, sometimes quiet, like a dream. This is how it sounds in A.S. Pushkina is cold, calm and majestic. (The child reads the poem “Here the clouds are catching up with the north...”) Winter is a cheerful time, everyone is happy about the pranks of Mother - winter, the frost blushes the cheeks, tingles the nose. And the snow is light fluffy, very slippery, the sleds fly over it in such a way that it takes your breath away, fun in winter! (Children read A. Blok’s poems “To the naughty grandchildren...,” I. Surikov “Here is my village...”)

Poems always convey a person’s mood, and those who write about nature involuntarily endow it with the feelings that they themselves experience. And then the moon in the poems becomes gloomy and lazy, and the blizzard looks really mean. (the child reads A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Evening, do you remember...”)

And another poet, Sergei Yesenin, paints winter a little sad. The lines sound calm and sad: “I’m going. Quiet. Ringing sounds are heard. Under the hoof in the meadow..."

And music was written for these poems. Listen to the song “Porosha”, composer G. Struve (Child performs a song).

And composer Z. Roth wrote music for S. Yesenin’s poem “Birch” (Duet performs a song).

Guys, winter is magical! She bewitches nature. Today we saw how different types arts convey mood: artists - in colors, musicians - in sounds, poets - in words. But there is another type of art in which mood and images are conveyed by movements, in dance. This art form is called ballet. Now we will watch a fragment from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, which is called “Snow Storm”, where the ballerinas depict snow, and the Sorceress, Winter, dances with them. (View fragment).

Did you like it? Did you notice: the ballerinas tried to express the gentle, magical nature of the music in dance. They danced gracefully, softly, very plastically and gracefully. We looked at how ballerinas in ballet convey the image of snow in dance movements. And now I suggest you create images where the boys will be winter trees, and the girls are snowing.

(The children are given plumes and “rain”, the children perform an improvisation to the music of Sviridov’s “Blizzard. Waltz”. At the end of the music, the children sit on chairs and put away the attributes. The teacher praises them and is delighted. The Sorceress-Winter enters).


Hello, all honest people!




Today is a difficult day
I came to say goodbye to you!
Over the fields, over the forests
I was a housewife for a long time.
Warm white sweatshirt
The mother tried to cover the earth
All nature was immersed
In my snow-white outfit
All three months in a row.
The children were not afraid of me
The snow and wind did not frighten them:
Skating, skiing, sledding
In fur coats, mittens and hats
Having fun in the cold
And we were in no hurry to go home!
How could I serve you?
She gave me a wonderful holiday.
With colorful lights
With a Christmas tree, confetti, balls.
Time flew by quickly
I didn't have time to notice
That my turn is over
Spring is following me!


Zimushka-Winter, although your time is ending, we are glad to see you.
Play with us, have some fun goodbye. (The game-round dance “Winter-Winter” is played - 2 times, Winter praises the children).


Sorceress Winter, our children know a wonderful song about winter, they will sing it to you now. (Children sing the song “Russian Winter”).


I really liked your song, but unfortunately it’s time for me to leave.
And in memory of myself, I want to leave gifts, watch the ballet, listen to music and remember me. Goodbye! (Leaves).


So we said goodbye to winter, but spring will come soon, and spring has its own sounds and colors, which, just like winter, inspire composers, poets, artists, and we will also get to know their works.

Integrated lesson for children of the preparatory group.

Outline of a music lesson.

Topic: “Winter-winter”

Type of lesson: integrated.

Target : Deepening the perception of music through the integration of various types of arts, organizing musical and recreational work in preschool educational institutions.


  1. Educational - to cultivate in children a sense of beauty through the influence of music, poetry and visual arts.
  2. Developmental - to develop the musical and creative abilities of preschoolers in various types musical activity using health-saving technologies.
  3. Educational - continue to introduce children to innovation activities which contributes to the versatile and harmonious development of the individual.

Preliminary work:

  1. Reading and memorizing poems on winter themes, memorizing songs and dances;
  2. Individual work with children;
  3. Observation of winter phenomena in nature; examination frosty patterns on the windows.

Equipment and materials:

  1. Musical material:
  1. “February” from the cycle “Seasons” (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky);
  2. “Winter” (music by A. Vivaldi);
  3. Physical exercise “It’s freezing outside”;
  4. “Ice Ceiling” (words by S. Ostrovaya, music by E. Hanok);
  5. “Waltz” from musical illustrations to A. Pushkin’s story “The Snowstorm” (music by G. Sviridov)

2. Handouts, TCO:

  1. Carved paper snowflakes, candles, gouache, sheets of cardboard, brushes for each child;
  2. Music center, computer, multimedia projector, phonograms of works;

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall.

Musical director : Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you. The weather is so wonderful today! The sun is shining! I just want to wish everyone: “ Good morning

Valeological song - chant with wellness massage “Good morning” ( Appendix No. 1)

M.r. .: Children, guess the riddle:

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride.

(Answer: winter)

M.R.: That's right, today we will go for a walk in the winter forest. Let's walk along the winter path and look around, admire the beauty.

Children walk in a circle, raising their knees high and pulling their toes. (They walk through the “drifts”).

M.r. .: Look, we found ourselves in a fabulous winter forest. How beautiful it is here! What do you see around?

Children : Snow, snowdrifts, trees.

M.R.: Who do you think lives here?

Children : Bears, hares, foxes, etc.

M.R.: Let's shout "Aw!" Maybe someone will respond.

Exercise "Au" - the main element of this exercise is sliding (gliding), rising intonation with a sharp transition from one register to another. The main goal of this exercise is to activate phonation exhalation, that is, to connect the voice with breathing, which differs in energy costs from speech.

M.r. .: I don't hear an answer. What about you?

Children: No.

Children, at the request of the teacher, sit down on the carpet.

M.R.: Today I want to introduce you to a piece of music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the “Seasons” cycle. The composer dedicated each month of the year piece of music. February is the last month of winter. Music will take us far, far away. We will fly over a snowy forest, you will hear snowflakes talking to the wind. Want to listen? Listen!

Listening to music “February” by P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons”

M.R.: What kind of music is this? What did she tell you about? What did you hear or see? Now we will try to express the character and mood of the music in words. Here is a snowflake, we will pass it on to each other and share our impressions.

Game "Magic Forest"». Children, passing a snowflake, come up with words about the winter forest, based on the mood of the music they listened to. (The forest is fabulous, crystal, ringing, magical...)

The purpose of this game: to activate the vocabulary, to develop skills for children to actively use all parts of speech.

M.r. .: Many composers, poets, painters loved this time of year for its magical beauty, pure, bright, sparkling colors.

Slow music plays, and a teacher enters in a “Winter” costume. Greets children.

M.r. . reads the poem “Hello, winter-winter!” G. Ladonshchikova:

Hello, winter-winter!

We were covered with white snow:

And trees and houses.

The light-winged wind whistles -

Hello, winter-winter!

An intricate trail winds

From clearing to hill.

The hare printed this -

Hello, winter-winter!

We put up feeders for the birds,

We pour food into them,

And the birds sing in flocks -

Hello, winter-winter!

Zimushka, the children know such a good song about you! Listen to it and sing along with our kids.

Children perform a song“Winter”, words and music by S. Nasaulenko. “Waiting for a miracle” by L. Geraskin.

Then Kirill D. reads a poem:

A light cloud over the forest

A fairy tale floated by

And touched with snowflakes

Fir tree branches tenderly

There are snowdrifts all around

White, fluffy,

Hiding all the passages and holes,

And the paths are fast,

Gave me a white fur coat

All the naughty bunnies...

Dissolved into a fragile mystery

A pure winter holiday.

Winter: Through forests and fields

I was in a hurry to visit you.

Along the mountains and paths

I stacked the snowflakes

I wove a carpet from them,

From the sea to the mountains!

There's snow all around

Yes, the frost is crackling.

Are you frozen? Come on, kids, girls and boys, let's warm up a little! Repeat after me!

Children perform self-massagesinging “It’s frosty outside...”

(By doing self-massage to a certain part of the body, the child affects the entire body as a whole. The use of play massage increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the entire body, normalizes vegetative-vascular tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glands).

Winter: Are you warmed up, my boys? Well done! Whoever doesn’t sit in the cold will never freeze!

M.R .: Wow, Winter! The guys and I warmed up! Let's all sit down and relax.

Relaxation “Snowflakes” (Appendix No. 2)

The lights in the hall are turned off, and an image with moving snowflakes is projected onto the ceiling. Children listen to the music “Waltz” by G. Sviridov.

The light turns on.

Winter: What beautiful music, right? (Children's answers)

Guys, would you mind if I invite you to visit my hut?

Children perform the rhythmic dance “Ice Ceiling” (Appendix No. 5)

The guys go into a wooden house.

M.r.: Look, guys, in Zimushka’s hut there are patterns on the window.

Winter: Who painted the patterns on the window for me?

Neither I nor you drew, why are there flowers on the window?


While I was sleeping, while he was sleeping,

Santa Claus drew them.

Old man Frost on the window

I painted it with ice.

Winter : Now, guys, we’ll see what patterns Moroz can draw.

M.R. shows illustrations through multimedia. (Appendix No. 3)

M.r. .: Let us all decorate our windows with patterns. And music will help us draw beautiful patterns.

“Winter” by A. Vivaldi sounds.

Winter gives children small candles (“ice pieces”), children draw patterns on cardboard sheets with a candle, then cover the entire picture with blue gouache. The children give their “windows” to Winter.

Sources used by the teacher in preparation for the lesson:

  1. Internet resources;
  2. “The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten” author – compiler O.N. Arsenevskaya;
  3. Power Point program;
  4. “Waiting for a Miracle” by L. Geraskin;
  5. “Program of education and training in kindergarten” by V. Gerbov;
  6. "Methodology for musical education in kindergarten" N. Vetlugina.

Application for participation in the municipal competition

"Unconventional lesson of the 21st century"

Municipal budget preschool educational institution Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2 “Zhemchuzhinka”


Summary of the integrated GCD

for artistic and aesthetic development (music):

"Zimushka - winter"

Maykop district

Tulsky village


enrichment – ​​emotional and aesthetic perception of preschool children

through music poetic word, artistic design.Tasks:

Artistically - aesthetic development: Music
develop the ability to convey the character of music through expressive singing and musical movement;
improve rhythmic hearing;
create in children a sense of emotional satisfaction from creative activity; cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards winter nature.

Artistic design

Strengthen creative skills in composing geometric shapes various images of “snowflakes”, develop imagination, creative imagination.

Cognitive development : consolidate knowledge about the signs of winter, the properties of snow and ice.

Socially moral development:

To cultivate in children emotional responsiveness to works of art, positive relationships, a sense of friendship and responsibility.

Tools for creating an educational environment:multimedia projector, slides with images of winter landscapes, and illustrations on the topic, winter, snowflakes on a string, geometric figures for laying out snowflakes, musical instruments, musical material,video “Magic sounds of winter” (A. Vivaldi “Winter”).

Musical material: P.I. Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Snow Flakes (audio recording),"Snow Song"music D. Lvova – Companion lyrics.S. Bogomazova (sheet music),"Ice Ceiling" music. E. Honok sl. S. Ostrovsky (audio recording), “Russian Winter” music. etc. L. Olifirova.

Progress of the lesson

Slide 1

To the sound of the “Waltz of Snow Flakes” from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

Musical director. Hello guys. Is this music familiar to you? Name the author (This is the music of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky). What does the music sound like? (light, airy, fast, magical, fabulous, whirling). She invites us to the Kingdom of Zimushka - winter. And snowflakes will help us find our way.

Children take snowflakes on strings and blow on them to the music,

moving at a calm pace in a circle.

Slide 2

Musical director. Here we are in the Kingdom Zimushki - winters. It's so cold here. Snowflakes swirl smoothly and slowly fall to the ground.

Musical director. And here is Zimushka itself - winter.

Here is the hostess herself

Winter is coming to us, coming

I dressed up the trees,

I gave the hare a fur coat.

Whitewashed all the houses

Oh, yes Winter-winter!

(V. Tomilina)


Comes in a white fur coat
Winter beauty
Walks like a queen
The hat has fringe.
Decorated with snowflakes
Sparkling outfit
She will wave her handkerchief -
Snowflakes will fly.
Sprinkles so generously
Fields and gardens all around. 1.
Nature falls asleep
Beneath the soft silver
The blizzard is frolicking,
Frosts are not terrible.
The trees sleep sweetly,
Until sunny spring.
(E. Shalamonova)

Musical director. Zimushka will wave - winter like a snowflake - the snowflakes will spin faster. And if he waves his magic wand, the snowflakes will freeze and become ice figures. Let us fly like a snowball and turn into beautiful ice figures.

The game “Ice Figures” of muses is being played. etc. M. Kartushina

Musical director invites you to sit on the chairs.

Musical director. When the winter season comes, Zimushka - winter goes to travel around the world. It was getting cold where she was passing. She also traveled through our land. How has the weather changed? (it has become cold, snowflakes are flying, a frosty wind is blowing).

New slide – winter landscape. Slide 3

Educator: Look at the painting depicting winter. How the earth has changed!

And the forest is mysterious,
And the forest is mysterious,
Silent silence...

Music supervisor: Winter comes to us as a bright, long-awaited holiday. Every branch, every twig is decorated.

And just a little bit lacking in magic. Sit down on the chairs. I invite you to plunge into magical world music by Antonio Vivaldi.

Music supervisor: AntonioVivaldi – Italian composer. He was famous composer, musician, conductor. He composed large number musical works, and we listened to one of them in the last lesson. It’s called “Winter.” Now we’ll listen to this piece of music again, beautiful music and see pictures of winter nature.

Winter” (Video "Magic sounds of winter")

Listening to a fragment from a piece of music "Winter"

Music supervisor: What did you think of this music?

Children: Excited. Anxious. 2.

Music supervisor: What is her character like?

Children: Kind, magical, fabulous

Music supervisor: Tell me, what main instrument did you hear in this particular piece of music? (Children's answers). Who can tell me whether the entire piece was performed by one violin or a violin ensemble? (Children's answers). Right. This work has parts performed by both a solo instrument and an ensemble of violins. What did you hear at the beginning of the music?

Children: Jagged chords.

Music supervisor: The wind howls and raises clouds of snow. Nature is frozen.

Musical director: Now we will prepare our voices for singing and sing, in winter forest the echo lives, I will begin to sing. And you will be my echo, repeat everything.

Children sing an exercise song to develop their voice and ear for music.

"Musical Echo" music M. Andreeva

Musical director: Guys, tell me the winter season

what happens? (harsh, cold, prickly) What other winter is there?
Children: Cheerful, playful, magical, mischievous, wonderful!

Slide 5
Musical director: I’ll sing to you guys about such a winter song

new song, it's called "Snow Song". Listen.

The music director performs a song."Snow Song"

music D. Lvova – Companion lyrics. S. Bogomazova

    Determining the character (cheerful) of the song

    Determining the structure of the song (chorus, chorus)

    Explain the meaning of the word “commotion” (mess)

    Learning the first verse of a song, correctly conveying the melody

Musical director Guys, you have already learned the cheerful song “Russian Winter”, let’s perform it cheerfully and together.

Children perform a song"Russian winter" music etc. L. Olifirova


Slide 6 “Animals”

Zimushka passed by - winter over snow-covered forests. The animals became cold, they tried to warm up - some ran, some jumped, some flew, and some hid in a hole, and in order not to freeze in the winter season, they prepared for winter, let's remember the fairy tale “Winter in the Forest”, and voice the fairy tale Musical instruments will help us.


In the fall, mice ran through the forest from morning to evening, collecting food for the winter.(box, drum ). And the squirrels jumped on the branches and collected nuts( castanets). And then snowflakes began to fall from the sky(triangle). The snow covered the ground with a fluffy white blanket and traces of small paws became visible in the snow.(triangle). The squirrels began to make their own burrows in the trees, the mice hid in the burrows and made nests for themselves out of grass.(bags, paper ). Everyone had a lot of food. Squirrels gnawed nuts( xylophone – glissando ), mice gnawed grains(comb ). The cold winter wind rustled in the forest( phonogram) . But the squirrels were warm in their nests( click of tongue ), and the mice were happy in their little holes( pee-pee-pee).

Music supervisor: Guys, what do you think?where does snow come from?

Children: He falls from the cloud.

Educator: Snowflakes are formed from small ice crystals in clouds. Inside the cloud, ice crystals grow due to the transition of steam into solid ice crystals. During a very severe frosts ice crystals fall to the ground in the form of “sparkling diamond dust.” And a layer of very fluffy snow, consisting of thin ice needles, forms on the ground. Look how much snow the wind blew, and then the snowflakes flew in before they melted, quickly look for two identical The children search, but do not find.

Slides "Snowflakes"

Educator: It turns out that no two snowflakes are alike. Guys, what do all snowflakes have in common?(Children's answers)


Educator: Absolutely true, all snowflakes have six rays, but none are alike, the frost did its best.

All snowflakes are the same color -
But believe me, there are no twins.
You can't find anything similar here -
Frost tried, and not in vain.

Slide "Snowflake"

Musical director. Zimushka - winter loves to ride his snow sleigh at night. She looks into the windows and draws her snow patterns on them, and let us make beautiful snowflakes out of the figures for Zimushka.

Musical director.

Here are flowers on thin legs

On snowy windows,

Confusing winter with summer,

They bloom white.

My nose is freezing, but it’s of little use -

Winter painted them.

Musical director. Guys, in winter, little animals live in their holes, and who lives next to the forest at the edge of the forest?

Children's response : Winter in the hut!

Slide. "Hut on the edge"

Children dance to a song"The ceiling is icy."

music E. Honok sl. S. Ostrovsky