Summary of the winter music lesson. Integrated music lesson "winter - winter". Children also recite other poems about winter. After this, the teacher asks them questions

Municipal budget preschool educational institution Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 2 “Pearl”


Summary of the integrated GCD

for artistic and aesthetic development (music):

"Zimushka - winter"

Maykop district

Tulsky village


enrichment – ​​emotional and aesthetic perception of preschool children

through music poetic word, artistic design.Tasks:

Artistically - aesthetic development: Music
develop the ability to convey the character of music through expressive singing and musical movement;
improve rhythmic hearing;
create in children a sense of emotional satisfaction from creative activity; cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards winter nature.

Artistic design

Strengthen creative skills to compose various images of “snowflakes” from geometric shapes, develop fantasy and creative imagination.

Cognitive development : consolidate knowledge about the signs of winter, the properties of snow and ice.

Socially moral development:

To develop children's emotional responsiveness to works of art, positive relationship, sense of friendship and responsibility.

Tools for creating an educational environment:multimedia projector, slides with images of winter landscapes, and illustrations on the topic, winter, snowflakes on a string, geometric figures for laying out snowflakes musical instruments, musical material,video “Magic sounds of winter” (A. Vivaldi “Winter”).

Musical material: P.I. Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Snow Flakes (audio recording),"Snow Song"music D. Lvova – Companion lyrics.S. Bogomazova (sheet music),"Ice ceiling" music. E. Honok sl. S. Ostrovsky (audio recording), “Russian Winter” music. etc. L. Olifirova.

Progress of the lesson

Slide 1

To the sound of the “Waltz of Snow Flakes” from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

Musical director. Hello guys. Is this music familiar to you? Name the author (This is the music of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky). What does the music sound like? (light, airy, fast, magical, fabulous, whirling). She invites us to the Kingdom of Zimushka - winter. And snowflakes will help us find our way.

Children take snowflakes on strings and blow on them to the music,

moving at a calm pace in a circle.

Slide 2

Musical director. Here we are in the Kingdom of Winter. It's so cold here. Snowflakes swirl smoothly and slowly fall to the ground.

Musical director. And here is Zimushka itself - winter.

Here is the hostess herself

Winter is coming to us, coming

I dressed up the trees,

I gave the hare a fur coat.

Whitewashed all the houses

Oh, yes Winter-winter!

(V. Tomilina)


Comes in a white fur coat
Winter beauty
Walks like a queen
The hat has fringe.
Decorated with snowflakes
Sparkling outfit
She will wave her handkerchief -
Snowflakes will fly.
Sprinkles so generously
Fields and gardens all around. 1.
Nature falls asleep
Beneath the soft silver
The blizzard is frolicking,
Frosts are not terrible.
The trees sleep sweetly,
Until sunny spring.
(E. Shalamonova)

Musical director. Zimushka will wave - winter like a snowflake - the snowflakes will spin faster. And if he waves his magic wand, the snowflakes will freeze and become ice figures. Let us fly like a snowball and turn into beautiful ice figures.

The game “Ice Figures” of muses is being played. etc. M. Kartushina

Musical director invites you to sit on the chairs.

Musical director. When the winter season comes, Zimushka - winter goes to travel around the world. It was getting cold where she was passing. She also traveled through our land. How has the weather changed? (it has become cold, snowflakes are flying, a frosty wind is blowing).

New slide – winter landscape. Slide 3

Educator: Look at the painting depicting winter. How the earth has changed!

And the forest is mysterious,
And the forest is mysterious,
Silent silence...

Music supervisor: Winter comes to us as a bright, long-awaited holiday. Every branch, every twig is decorated.

And just a little bit lacking in magic. Sit down on the chairs. I invite you to plunge into Magic world music by Antonio Vivaldi.

Music supervisor: AntonioVivaldi – Italian composer. He was famous composer, musician, conductor. He composed a large number of musical works, and we listened to one of them in the last lesson. It’s called “Winter.” Now we will once again listen to this piece of music, beautiful music and see pictures of winter nature.

Winter” (Video "Magic sounds of winter")

Listening to a fragment from a piece of music "Winter"

Music supervisor: What did you think of this music?

Children: Excited. Anxious. 2.

Music supervisor: What is her character like?

Children: Kind, magical, fabulous

Music supervisor: Tell me, what main instrument did you hear in this particular piece of music? (Children's answers). Who can tell me whether the entire piece was performed by one violin or a violin ensemble? (Children's answers). Right. This work has parts performed by both a solo instrument and an ensemble of violins. What did you hear at the beginning of the music?

Children: Jagged chords.

Music supervisor: The wind howls and raises clouds of snow. Nature is frozen.

Musical director: Now we will prepare our voices for singing and sing, there is an echo in the winter forest, I will begin to sing. And you will be my echo, repeat everything.

Children sing an exercise song to develop their voice and ear for music.

"Musical Echo" music M. Andreeva

Musical director: Guys, tell me the winter season

what happens? (harsh, cold, prickly) What other winter is there?
Children: Cheerful, playful, magical, mischievous, wonderful!

Slide 5
Musical director: I’ll sing to you guys about such a winter song

new song, it's called "Snow Song". Listen.

The music director performs a song."Snow Song"

music D. Lvova – Companion lyrics. S. Bogomazova

    Determining the character (cheerful) of the song

    Determining the structure of the song (chorus, chorus)

    Explain the meaning of the word “commotion” (mess)

    Learning the first verse of a song, correctly conveying the melody

Musical director Guys, you have already learned the cheerful song “Russian Winter”, let’s perform it cheerfully and together.

Children perform a song"Russian Winter" music etc. L. Olifirova


Slide 6 “Animals”

Zimushka passed by - winter over snow-covered forests. The animals became cold, they tried to warm up - some ran, some jumped, some flew, and some hid in a hole, and in order not to freeze in the winter season, they prepared for winter, let's remember the fairy tale “Winter in the Forest”, and voice the fairy tale Musical instruments will help us.


In the fall, mice ran through the forest from morning to evening, collecting food for the winter.(box, drum ). And the squirrels jumped on the branches and collected nuts( castanets). And then snowflakes began to fall from the sky(triangle). The snow covered the ground with a fluffy white blanket and traces of small paws became visible in the snow.(triangle). The squirrels began to make their own burrows in the trees, the mice hid in the burrows and made nests for themselves out of grass.(bags, paper ). Everyone had a lot of food. Squirrels gnawed nuts( xylophone – glissando ), mice gnawed grains(comb ). The cold winter wind rustled in the forest( phonogram) . But the squirrels were warm in their nests( click of tongue ), and the mice were happy in their little holes( pee-pee-pee).

Music supervisor: Guys, what do you think?where does snow come from?

Children: He falls from the cloud.

Educator: Snowflakes are formed from small ice crystals in clouds. Inside the cloud, ice crystals grow due to the transition of vapor into solid ice crystals. During a very severe frosts ice crystals fall to the ground in the form of “sparkling diamond dust.” And a layer of very fluffy snow, consisting of thin ice needles, forms on the ground. Look how much snow the wind blew, and then the snowflakes flew in before they melted, quickly look for two identical The children search, but do not find.

Slides "Snowflakes"

Educator: It turns out that no two snowflakes are alike. Guys, what do all snowflakes have in common?(Children's answers)


Educator: Absolutely true, all snowflakes have six rays, but none are alike, the frost did its best.

All snowflakes are the same color -
But believe me, there are no twins.
You can't find anything similar here -
Frost tried, and not in vain.

Slide "Snowflake"

Musical director. Zimushka - winter loves to ride his snow sleigh at night. She looks into the windows and draws her snow patterns on them, and let us make beautiful snowflakes out of the figures for Zimushka.

Musical director.

Here are flowers on thin legs

On snowy windows,

Confusing winter with summer,

They bloom white.

My nose is freezing, but it’s of little use -

Winter painted them.

Musical director. Guys, in winter, little animals live in their holes, and who lives next to the forest at the edge of the forest?

Children's response : Winter in the hut!

Slide. "Hut on the edge"

Children dance to a song"The ceiling is icy."

music E. Honok sl. S. Ostrovsky

Integrated lesson for children of the preparatory group.
"Trip to winter forest»

Outline of a music lesson.

Target : Deepening the perception of music through the integration of various types of arts, organizing musical and recreational work in preschool educational institutions.
Subject: “Hello, Zimushka-winter!”
Type of activity : integrated.
1. Educational - consolidate the gallop step in pairs, improve swing movement skills, learn to imitate game actions.
2. Developmental - to develop the musical and creative abilities of preschoolers in various types musical activity using health-saving technologies.
3. Educational - to cultivate in children a sense of beauty through the influence of music, poetry and visual arts.
Preliminary work :
1. Reading and memorizing poems on winter themes, memorizing songs and dances;
2. Individual work with kids:
3. Observation of winter phenomena in nature: consideration frosty patterns on the windows.
Equipment and materials:
Musical material:
- “December” from the cycle “Seasons” (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky);
- “Winter” (music by A. Vivaldi);
- Phys. minute “It’s frosty outside”;
- “March” by Ts. Puni
- “Side gallop” music. A. Zilina
- “Snowflakes” music. A. Stoyanova
Handouts, TCO:
- Carved paper snowflakes, candles, gouache, sheets of cardboard, brushes for each child;
- Music center, computer, multimedia projector, phonograms of works;

Progress of the lesson :
Children enter the hall and stand in a circle.
Music supervisor: (sings) Hello guys!
Children: (singing) Hello!
Music director : I have a magic wand. We will pass it around, wishing each other health (The teacher affectionately chants the name of the child standing to his right and passes him the wand, and so on in a circle).
M.r. .: Children, guess the riddle:
Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows,
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride.
(Answer: winter)
That's right, guys. (talk about winter) Do you want us to go for a walk in the winter forest today? Let's admire the beauty. Let's walk along the winter path and look around.
Children walk in a circle, raising their knees high and pulling their toes. (Stepping through
"Drifts") to the music of "March" by Ts. Puni

M.R.: And now along the cleared path.
Children move in a side gallop to the music of the “Side Gallop” muses. A. Zilina
M.r. .: Look, we found ourselves in a fabulous winter forest. How beautiful it is here! What do you see around?
Children: Snow, snowdrifts, trees.
M.r. .: Who do you think lives here?
Children : Bears, hares, foxes, etc.
M.r. .: Guys, look, you also have magic wands. Let's play the game "Funny Sticks" with them. Maybe Winter itself will hear us and come to visit us.
Children playing rhythm game "Jolly Sticks" .
Somehow Winter can’t hear us. Guys, do you want to listen to beautiful winter music? And Winter will hear her.
Children, at the request of the teacher, sit down on the carpet.
.: Today I want to introduce you to piece of music P.I. Tchaikovsky from the album “Seasons”. The composer dedicated a piece of music to each month of the year .(question for children) Tell me the winter months. December is the first month of winter. Let's listen, and then you say what you heard, imagined while the music was playing. Music will take us far, far away. We will fly over a snowy forest, you will hear snowflakes talking to the wind. Want to listen? Listen! – reasoning, proposal for children.
Listening to the music “December” by P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons”
Guys, what did this music tell you? (children's answers). What did you hear or see? (children's answers). And now we will try to express the mood

music with words. Here is a snowflake, we will pass it on to each other and share our impressions.
Game "Magic Forest". Children, passing a snowflake, come up with words about the winter forest, based on the mood of the music they listened to. (The forest is fabulous, crystal, ringing, magical...)
The purpose of this game
: activation of vocabulary, development of skills for children to actively use all parts of speech.
.: Many composers, poets, painters loved this time of year for its magical beauty, pure, bright, sparkling colors.
Slow music plays, and a teacher enters in a “Winter” costume. Greets children.
A child reads the poem “Hello, winter-winter!” G. Ladonshchikova:

Hello, winter-winter!
We were covered with white snow:
And trees and houses.
The light-winged wind whistles -
Hello, winter-winter!
An intricate trail winds
From clearing to hill.
The hare printed this -
Hello, winter-winter!
We put up feeders for the birds,
We pour food into them,
And the birds sing in flocks -
Hello, winter-winter!
Music hands: Zimushka, the children know such a good song about you! Listen to it and sing along with our children.
Children perform the song “Winter Song” with movements, words and music by M. Krasev
Then the child reads the poem:
A light cloud over the forest
A fairy tale floated by
And touched with snowflakes
Fir tree branches tenderly
There are snowdrifts all around
White, fluffy,
Hiding all the passages and holes,
And the paths are fast,
Gave me a white fur coat
All the naughty bunnies...
Dissolved into a fragile mystery
A pure winter holiday.

Winter : Through forests and fields
I was in a hurry to visit you.
Along the mountains and paths.
I stacked the snowflakes
I wove a carpet from them,
From the sea to the mountains!
There's snow all around
Yes, the frost is cracking.
- Are you frozen? Come on, kids, girls and boys, let's warm up a little! Repeat after me!
Children perform self-massage while singing “It’s frosty outside...”
And it's freezing outside!
Come on, everyone put their hands to their noses,
They knocked on my knees,
They shook their heads,
Patted on the shoulders
And they sank a little!
(By doing self-massage to a certain part of the body, the child affects the entire body as a whole. The use of play massage increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the entire body, normalizes vegetative-vascular tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glands).
: Have you warmed up, my boys? Well done! Whoever doesn’t sit in the cold will never freeze!
M.R .: Wow, Winter! The guys and I warmed up! Let's all sit down and relax.
Relaxation "Snowflakes" music A Stoyanova
The lights in the hall are turned off, and an image with moving snowflakes is projected onto the ceiling.
The light turns on.
Which Beautiful music, Truth? (Children's answers)
Guys, would you mind if I invite you to visit my hut?
Children perform "Dance around the Christmas tree" Czech folk music
The guys approach the wooden house.
.: Look, guys, in Zimushka’s hut there are patterns on the window.
Winter : Who painted the patterns on the window for me?
Neither I nor you drew, why are there flowers on the window?
While I was sleeping, while he was sleeping,
Santa Claus drew them.
Old man Frost on the window
I painted it with ice.
Winter : Now, guys, we’ll see what patterns Frost can draw.
M.r.. shows illustrations through multimedia.

M.r..: Let us all decorate our windows with patterns. And music will help us draw beautiful patterns.
“Winter” by A. Vivaldi sounds.
Winter gives children small candles (“ice pieces”), children draw patterns on cardboard sheets with a candle, then cover the entire picture with blue gouache. Offers to tell what they drew. The children give their “windows” to Winter.
Musical director: lesson conclusion
What music helped us paint patterns?
- With what movements did we travel through the winter forest?
- What song did we sing for Winter?
Children answer questions.
The music director says goodbye to the children using a musical chant. Children and their teacher go to their group.

Musical director Rusakova A.G.


Musical director Semenova S.Kh.


    summarize and clarify children’s knowledge about winter andwinter fun Oh ;

    expand and intensify lexicon on this topic"Winter, winter fun » .

    Learn to make sentences based on a plot picture.

    Develop speech, memory, attention, thinking.

    strengthen children's ideas about geometric shapes, strengthen the ability to count forward and backward;

    practice naming “neighbors” of numbers, develop attention, logical thinking, imagination; cultivate cognitive interest.

Progress of the lesson:

To the music, children enter the music room.

Music director reads a poem.

The beauty of winter has arrived.

Brought us a lot of snow.

And with it came frost.

It stings your ears, stings your nose.

Not an evil frost. He brought a lot of joy!

He brought winter fun.

Everything that gives children joy!

Children, what time of year did we start our lesson?(children's answers) .

Music director: That's right, about winter. And now I will say winter words, one of the three words will be superfluous, can you guess?

a game"Third wheel" .

2. Sleds, snowballs, bicycle.

3. Flower, snowman, snowball.

4. Frost, tangerine, blizzard.

5. Mittens, apples, felt boots.

Music director: Guys, what winter Games and fun you know? Name them.

D: children's answers.

Music director: Well done! Guys, now I’ll tell you riddles about winter fun, listen to them carefully and give the correct answer.

After autumn came.
And made snowdrifts.

Snow on the fields
Ice on the waters
The blizzard is walking.
When does this happen?

Opened her snowy arms,
The trees were all dressed in dresses.
The weather is cold.
What time of year is this?

The birds have already flown south,
Frosts and snowstorms arrived.
The trees stand in silver,
We are building a fort in the yard.

White fluff lay on the roads,
On steps and thresholds.
Every person knows -
This fluff is called...

Who whitens the glades with white
And writes on the walls with chalk,
Sews down feather beds,
Have you decorated all the windows?

I won't tolerate heat:
I'll spin the snowstorms
I will whiten all the glades,
I'll decorate the fir trees,
I'll sweep the house with snow,
Because I...

They curl around the ground like a snake,
They howl pitifully in the pipe,
Spruce trees are covered with snow.
These are winter...

I have a lot to do -
I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth,
I remove it from the ice of the river,
White fields, houses,
My name is...

He entered - no one saw
He said - no one heard.
He blew through the windows and disappeared,
And a forest grew on the windows.


Dance "Snow and Christmas trees".

Music director : There are a lot of winter activities. Let me now tell you different ones winter activities, if I say correctly, then clap your hands. If it's not right, then we stomplegs :

In winter they collect mushrooms.

In winter they collect berries.

Sledding in winter

In winter they go skiing.

In winter they swim in the river.

In winter they go ice skating.

In winter they ride a bicycle.

In winter they make snowmen.

In winter they walk barefoot.

In winter they play snowballs.

Muz.ruk: Well done, now guess the riddle:

What a ridiculous man

Made your way into the twenty-first century?

Carrot nose, broom in hand,

Afraid of sun and heat.


Music director: Well done.

Physical exercise.

Children, everyone stand in a circle,

Start the game quickly.

(Children stand in a circle, imitate movements) .

In winter we play in the snow, we play, we play.

We walk through the snowdrifts, we walk, we walk.

And on skis we run, we run, we run.

On ice skates we slide, we slide, we slide.

And we sculpt the Snow Maiden, we sculpt, we sculpt.

We love winter as a guest, we love it, we love it.

Music director: Now let’s play the game “Name it kindly.”

Winter is winter.

Snow - snowball.

Christmas tree

The wind is a breeze.

Lump - lump.

Sleigh - sleigh.

Fun "Snowball fight"

Music director: I will take turns throwing a snowball and asking a question. You catch him, respond and throw the snowball back.

What time of year is it now? What month is it? What winter months do you know? Name the days of the week. Count up to 10. Count down from 10 to 1. Name the neighbors of the number.

Music Manager: Children, what time of year did we talk to you about today?

Do you like winter? The final song is “It’s Winter Outside Again.”

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 8"

Abstract directly educational activities By musical education in the senior group

“Hello, winter-winter!”


Musical director

Perutskaya G.N.


Target : development musical abilities in preschoolers.


Introduce children to the new musical work “Waltz of Snow Flakes” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, emotionally perceive and understand the figurative content of musical works.

Learn to distinguish the nature of music, convey its mood with movements, “snowball spinning” - easy running, smooth hand movements.

Encourage you to sing the melody clearly, pronounce the words clearly, and sing expressively.

To develop in children the ability to perform movements to music, coordinating them with the text.

Practice the ability to play bells rhythmically.

Foster a culture of listening to music, friendly relationships when performing team work.

Integration of areas.

"Physical Culture"- continue to accumulate and enrich children’s motor experience, teach them to convey the leisurely, measured nature of music in their movements, imitating skiing.

"Cognition" - enrich children's understanding of seasonal changes in nature.

"Reading fiction " - instill a love for the artistic word.

"Artistic creativity"- continue to develop interest in the application. Strengthen your neat gluing skills. To form a desire to interact with peers when creating collective compositions.

Preliminary work.

1. Conversations with children about winter and wild animals.

2. Learning the words of the round dance “Like thin ice”, the lyrics of the song “Winter”

3. Conducting breathing exercises.

4. Phys. minute “We are making a snowman”

5. Exercise “Ring the bell.”

6. Musical exercises: “In the wilderness, sounds in silence,” “Hello.”

7.Practicing dance moves with snowflakes.

8.Imitation various movements(sleds, skates, skis).

Material and equipment. Telegram, Christmas trees, snowflakes, bells, screen, projector, Whatman paper (attached to the board.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall musical director welcomes them.

Children sing “hello” to the guests.

Music hands Guys, today a telegram was brought to our kindergarten - here it is(is reading).

For the children of the “Golden Fish” kindergarten.

« We invite you to the winter forest

There are many miracles here

You can jump and gallop

It can be fun to play.

Come to the clearing

Help me choose a Christmas tree!” Hares.

Music hands Well, guys, do you want to go into the forest to help the hares choose a Christmas tree and decorate it for the New Year?

Children's answer.

Music hands What time of year is it now?

Music hands So what kind of forest? (winter)

Music hands What will we go on?

Children's answer.

Voss. Let's go skiing.

Voss. We put on our skis, take our poles and go help the bunnies.

Children “go skiing” to the music “Waltz of Skaters”

(then they go sledding and skating)

(while the children are “riding”, the musical director arranges Christmas trees around the hall)

Voss. Here we are!

Music hands You and I found ourselves in a winter forest. How beautiful it is now: all the trees are covered in snow, they are dressed in a magical outfit, you can’t hear the birds, all nature is asleep. Silence. The snow sparkles in the sun.

Voss. Look how many snowflakes attacked the Christmas trees(snowflakes are attached to the Christmas trees).

Music hands Guys, take one snowflake each, now we’ll play with them.

Music hands A large snowflake lies on the palm.

I'll blow a little on this snowflake.

Blow softly - the snowflake lies,

Blow harder - the snowflake flies(breathing exercise).

(when we blow, we don’t puff out our cheeks)

Music hands Where are the bunnies? Let's call them: “Where are you bunnies “ay!”

Music hands They don't hear...

Let's call again(name).

Voss. They don't hear again. Apparently they hid in the forest.

Music hand: Let's remember the song about winter and sing it, maybe the bunnies will hear us.

Song "Winter"

Music hands And now I propose to listen to the music of the winter forest and see how nature has transformed.

Children listen to music. P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of Snow Flakes”

(watching the presentation “Winter Forest”)

Music hands: You've listened to it, now tell me what kind of music it is?

How does it make us feel? What instrument did it sound like? How did the composer depict winter? (children's answers)

Music hands Now, guys, let's take the instruments and try to decorate the music we listened to. Choose the tool that you think will suit you. (children take instruments)

Playing music to previously listened to music

Music hands Guys, tell me, why didn’t you choose spoons and a tambourine?

(children's answers)

Voss. And in the forest the frost is getting stronger. Cold! Music hands It's okay, we'll warm up now. Guys, what do you like to play in winter? And I propose to build a snowman.

Physical exercise “We are making a snowman”

Music hands So that we don’t freeze at all, let’s sing the Russian folk song “Like on thin ice.” Get up in a round dance, sing and dance.

“Like a little white snow fell on thin ice”

(Russian folk song) (2 times)

Music hands Well, are you warmed up? ( Children's answer).

Voss. Guys, guess the riddle.


Our animal lives in anxiety

Takes your feet away from trouble

Well, quickly guess,

What is the animal's name...

Children. Bunny! (a bunny appears on the screen)

Music hands Well, of course it's a bunny. And it seems to me that he is not alone, but together with his mother. Listen!

(pitch detection game)This is the mother bunny(bunny theme in the first octave).And this is the son of a bunny(bunny theme in the second octave).Now close all your eyes, listen with your ears and guess who is jumping in the snow around the Christmas tree: mother is a hare or son is a bunny.

(the game is repeated 2-3 times)

Music hands Oh, how dark everything around was. It started snowing. The snow is falling slowly and slowly. White flakes are swirling. He makes everyone very happy today. And, of course, the guys.

Music hands Now the girls will take white scarves and spin like feathers in a waltz of snowflakes.

Waltz of snowflakes.

Music director And now it's time to choose the best one beautiful Christmas tree for our bunnies(choose.) Soon New Year! And around this Christmas tree the forest animals will dance in a circle: hares, squirrels, foxes. And to make it even more beautiful, we will decorate it with our bells. Let them ring in the winter wind and make the forest animals happy.

Music hands It's time for us to say goodbye to the forest

We need to go back to kindergarten!

Voss. Put on your skis and hit the road.

The music “Waltz of the Skaters” sounds again

Children imitate skiing.

Voss. Well, we returned to our kindergarten.

Today we traveled through the winter forest, and now let's create our own picture of the winter forest, glue the Christmas trees that you made.

(Children take the prepared Christmas trees and paste them onto a picture of a winter forest.)

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of Snow Flakes” sounds.

Children do collective work on appliqué. Then they review and discuss the result of the work.

Music hands Now let's say goodbye to the guests. (Children sing “Goodbye.”)

Tasks: Develop creative skills and imagination in coming up with imitative movements and static poses. To consolidate knowledge about the signs of winter, the properties of snow and ice. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to works of art.

To the accompaniment of lyrical music, children go into the music room and stand in a semicircle. Winter enters.

Winter:(musical director):
I am Zimushka-winter, I love very cold weather.
Whoever plays with me may end up in a wonderful fairy tale!
Winter: Welcome to my kingdom. How many guests came to me? What do you know about winter? What kind of work do I do? (Children's answers) Now let's sing my favorite song about winter chores.


Winter: In the kingdom of Winter there are special wonderful musical instruments. What do you think it looks like? (I play one musical instrument, and the guys compare it with a winter omen. For example, a tambourine - snowflakes are flying; the sound of a glockenspiel is similar - as if the ice is shining; a bell - horses are running in the snow, icicles are sparkling; maracas - the wind is rustling, a blizzard, reminds snowstorms, etc.)
Winter: What instrument is not suitable for Winter? (playing the drum) Why? (Children's answers) Guys, help me depict my winter kingdom on these musical instruments. (I suggest playing musical instruments to the music)


Winter: I think that now the musical instruments should rest, and we will go further with you! Do you love winter fun? (Children's answers) I also like to play.
I was in a hurry to come to you and brought snowballs as a gift!
Get up into the big circle quickly and don’t miss the snowball!


Winter: What other winter fun do you know? I see that all the kids love to play and know a lot of winter fun. Well done! But what else happens in winter, Katya will tell us in her wonderful voice!

SONG “WINTER-WINTER” by L. Vakhrusheva (solo)

Winter: What a wonderful song! Thank you Katya! Guess guys who I'm sending to New Year's celebration to visit you? (Santa Claus) Listen, what is this melody? (I play the intro of a familiar song, and the children guess).


Winter: How joyfully you danced and sang. I see that you are not afraid of frost. What kind of frosts are there in Russia? (Children select epithets) Which cities experienced frosts in winter? (Name the cities)
The boys will tell us about it, and the girls will listen.


Winter: Girls, tell me, how did the boys sing this song? What is her character like? (cheerful, cheerful, joyful, ringing, etc.) But I know how to calm the frosts and when I fall asleep, the weather is windless and calm. My favorite music will tell you this best!


Winter: I feel that it’s time for me to get ready, go into a real winter forest and gain new strength. I will now harness three white horses and sing a merry song with you!


You have a lot of fun, but it’s time to say goodbye!
My blizzard will help you go home!
Goodbye, guys! (Leaves to the music.)

Title: Summary of a music lesson in preparatory group, in winter “Visiting Mother – Winter”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, Music Director

Position: music director
Place of work: MADOU combined kindergarten No. 99
Location: Tomsk region, Tomsk