Drawing winter fun for children with a pencil step by step. Winter drawing with children, selection

Creating a beautiful winter landscape - main topic all publications in this thematic section. Be it the first snow, birds on rowan branches, Frost patterns, snow-covered houses, a forest covered with a white blanket, or all kinds of New Year's scenes - here you will find materials suitable for any age. You will also be pleased with the variety art technician, classical and non-traditional, with detailed instructions on their application in practice.

Choose for your work best activities, on which children will willingly and enthusiastically draw a winter picture!

Winter beauties in an original children's interpretation.

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All sections | Winter drawings. Drawing winter with children

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Drawing winter with preschoolers: step-by-step master classes, a collection of ideas.

Drawing winter with preschoolers

In this article you will find step-by-step master classes on drawing winter with preschool children using different techniques:

  • drawing winter with gouache,
  • we draw winter using the grattage technique,
  • painting with salt.

Master classes will help teachers and parents conduct drawing classes in kindergarten, children's studio and at home.

Master class 1. Drawing winter with gouache with preschoolers

Author of the master class: Parfentyeva Vera, technology teacher, head of the children's club artistic creativity, reader of "Native Path". In the article, the photo shows drawings of children - students of Vera's studio.

Materials and tools for drawing

To complete a winter drawing, you need to prepare for your child:

  • album sheet,
  • paints (watercolor or gouache),
  • brush (you need a wide flat brush),
  • round brushes No. 1 -2, 4-5.

Children's age

This drawing can be drawn by children aged 5 years and older (senior preschool and primary school age.

How to draw winter with children: step-by-step description

Step 1.Prepare the background. To do this, you need to apply several strokes of blue, red, yellow, purple (can be green) paint with a wide brush. Then put white paint on the brush and stretch the color. Until the desired background is obtained, in which one tone transforms into another.

Step 2. We draw the outlines of the trees.

— Apply white paint to a round brush No. 4 or 5, and holding the brush vertically, first mark out the contours of two trees in the center of the sheet (or do it using the poking method). The trees consist of three tiers in the form of a month-like figure or “cloud”. Start drawing from the bottom tier. Make the middle and upper tiers smaller relative to each other.

— Mark round “clouds” for the bushes on the sides of the trees.

— Fill using the poke method inner part each "cloud".

Step 3. Draw snow caps on the trees.

Mix white and black paint on the palette to get a light gray color and also dot the white “clouds” with a gray tint (shadow on the snow caps).

Step 4. We draw trunks and branches of trees and bushes.

Using brush No. 1 or 2, draw thin lines on tree trunks between the tiers of the crown and trunks of shrubs.

Paint the tree trunks with black paint, carefully so as not to touch the crowns.

Draw branches from the trunk.

Step 5. We draw snow on tree trunks and snowdrifts.

  • Use white paint to apply thin lines along the trunks of trees and shrubs.
  • Under the trees, outline the contours of the snowdrifts with a No. 5 brush and fill the “drifts” with white paint.

Step 6. Drawing falling snow.

Spray the finished drawing with white paint, brushing it over the brush, simulating falling snow. How to draw falling snow “spray” You are shown in the photo.

Our drawing is ready. Try to depict winter in a drawing! Good luck in your creativity!

And below is an example children's drawing for this master class. It was drawn by Nastya (7.5 years old).

Drawing winter with children using scratch paper technique

Drawing a winter picture with salt: technique

In the video you will see the drawing technique using the example of a snowman. But you can also create an image of a winter tree, house, clearing, forest.

How to draw winter with gouache: step-by-step video for children 6 years and older

Story pictures are a universal material for speech therapy work in kindergarten. They help the teacher solve the following problems:

  • learn to write a descriptive story;
  • enrich lexicon;
  • develop thinking, attention, imagination.

Various pictures for children depicting winter and winter fun should definitely be among teaching materials speech therapist You can use special thematic sets for kindergarten or select suitable images yourself. Let's consider several options for pictures about winter that will help in your work.

The picture Winter has come opens a series of images of nature selected for the new season. It can be used in classes in the senior and preparatory groups, conducting classes on the topic "", "How animals prepare for the cold", "", "".

The plot picture Winter in the forest helps to clearly show children the changes that occur in nature, in the forest. A beautiful winter landscape helps expand a child's horizons and vocabulary.

Description winter forest can be played out as a journey, an imaginary adventure into a drawn area.

Snow-white Zimushchka-Winter is an ideal background for Russians folk tales, this can also be used in a collective and individual work with kids. A doll tetra on a transparent background superimposed on a forest landscape is suitable for this.

Stories about winter should also include a description of the New Year and Christmas holidays. Children love these Winter pictures more than others and are more willing to engage with them. It is very useful to select images of live Christmas trees in the forest and a decorated Christmas tree at a holiday, and then play “Find the Differences!”

The next picture is called Winter outside the window, it shows the life of the metropolis in the coldest time of the year. For preparatory group good use of the image of snowy streets big city and winter in the village, using a couple of these illustrations you can carry out group work and games. Drawing winter in the city allows you to discuss with children not only changes in nature, but also conduct speech games and exercises on the topic of Transport and Professions, since at this time you can see new cars and people doing special work on the street.

Pictures depicting winter children's games and sports activities, organized at fresh air, represent an excellent opportunity not only to enrich the active vocabulary and narrative speech children, but also to work on consolidating complex sounds. These could be exercises on differentiating between S and S, Z and Z, S and Z, S and Z.

Several subject pictures of winter fun will be useful for working in a group and for carrying out open classes. It will help you to compose a story based on the picture Winter fun, which schematically depicts:

  • name of entertainment, game;
  • its rules;
  • its attributes;
  • number of participants;
  • best season.

For example, if the picture is dedicated to the winter fun “snowballs”, then the following should be noted in the table:

  • the first sound of the game's name is soft S and the snowballs themselves;
  • prohibition of throwing snowballs in the face, at animals and birds, at children;
  • gloves, snow molds, shield, targets;
  • one child and many;
  • snowfall, large snowflakes.

With such support, children will be able to compose their own story not only following the example of an adult, but also with the help of independent analysis. No inscriptions are needed; using clear, schematic pictures, even senior students can easily compose a complete story.

In speech therapy work, it is useful to use a series of plot pictures on the topic of Winter fun, Sports in winter, etc. Here sample list games that can be taught to a speech therapist on the topic of Winter fun using plot-based pictures, one or a series:

  • “What happened next?” (continue story)
  • What's in the picture... (white, cold, fluffy, etc.)
  • "Journey into Drawing"
  • "Guess what I'm talking about!"

The themes of the arrival of winter and winter children's fun are a real “methodological treasure trove” for speech therapists and teachers. There are a huge number of options for using it. We have offered you just a few of them.

Our winter is so severe that soon pedestrian crossings will be made under the snow, and cars clearly need anti-gravity gadgets to fly above the snow level. I'll tell you how to draw winter with a pencil. So many holidays and fun, first Santa Claus with his big red hat will visit us, and his eternal girlfriend the Snow Maiden will also not disappear anywhere, she will come running covered in snow, late, as always. And we’ll just go outside, look at the snow, throw snowballs, and wake up next to an unknown snow woman. Then we’ll go home, and there the whole table will already be set, the Christmas tree sparkles with a rainbow, whoever has a fireplace in the house is completely lucky. There is no better time to gather with family or friends in the cozy warmth, dream about summer, and remember the old times. Let's try to draw one of the beautiful landscapes that can be seen in winter.

How to draw winter with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's draw a long path going beyond the horizon, right above it is a small but noticeable moon, and draw a horizontal line of the mountains.
Step two. Let's create a small winter town. We need several houses with sharp roofs, several trees and, in the very center, their leader - a decorated and shiny Christmas tree.
Step three. Let's shade the entire mountainous area in the background, as well as the walls of the houses and the trunk of each tree. In addition, we will add a small snowman on the right side.
Step four. Now the picture needs more vibrancy. Let's shade out the houses and mountains more closely, draw lines on the path, take a closer look at each noticeable tree, and draw a small fence around the snowman.
Step five. Don't forget the moon. We turn it into a small luminous ball in the heavens, and also finish things up on earth. And let's draw another large tree sticking out in the upper right corner.
However, there are an endless variety of topics for drawing winter landscapes. For it is enough just to go outside and see the picture created for us by nature. Stay safe and have a great winter, don't forget about DayFun and keep drawing. Leave your wishes on the comments page, I will always be glad to see you. Come back often. A few more interesting lessons especially for you.

The article will tell you how to easily and simply draw a winter landscape yourself.

Drawings depicting winter landscapes have a special attractive magic: you want to look at them and hang them on the wall in the recreation area (living room, bedroom, office). Images of snow-covered trees and house roofs inspire human soul a feeling of comfort and tenderness, fairy tales and magic that is present during the New Year.

Drawing winter landscapes is not difficult. Main - choose the right paper and paints. Approximately 50% of the success of the entire work depends on the chosen paper. When painting with paints, you will need thick cardboard from the “craft” category. You can also use colored matte cardboard, for example, blue or black, on which White paint, pastels and pencils look especially contrasting.

When thinking about what you can draw in a winter landscape, the first thing that comes to mind is a house. The house has been present in the human mind since childhood, since the child first sees a fairy tale about Morozko or forest animals. It doesn’t matter what kind of house you imagine, the main thing is to draw it correctly.

We invite you to depict a cozy forest house:

  • Choose a perspective, i.e. approximate location of the house on a piece of paper.
  • It is best if the house is in the center of your image, or close to the center. This way it will attract attention and be the main storyline.
  • To draw an even and proportional house with a roof, you can use a ruler, but then be sure to trace the house template by hand so that the drawing does not look angular.
  • After you have drawn the main lines: walls, roof, windows, threshold, etc., proceed to detailing.
  • Don't rush to draw snow. Only when the house is completely drawn, using white paint or chalk, literally “cover” the house with a “snow cap”. If you only draw with a simple pencil, you will need an eraser.

Step by step drawing:

House in the forest: drawing in stages

House, winter landscape: step one “main lines”

Once the main lines are drawn, sketch out the snow on all surfaces

Start detailing the drawing, depict nature: trees, fir trees, paths and other little things

Erase extra lines eraser

Start coloring the picture with paints

How to draw a child in winter with pencil and paints?

You can decorate a drawing with the image of winter with children having fun. Such a drawing will definitely evoke pleasant emotions and associations with childhood. This idea is also good for drawing New Year cards and pictures for competitions and exhibitions.

How to draw:

  • Plan the storyline in advance: how your characters will be depicted, where and what they will do: dance, play snowballs, build a snowman, sledding, spinning around a Christmas tree, and so on.
  • Schematically depict the figures of children. You must choose a pose for everyone: someone raised their hands up, someone is sitting on a sled, someone has their ears covered or is tickling a friend.
  • After you have depicted the figures of the children, you can begin to detail them and create a winter landscape.

How to portray children:

Children are sledding Snowball games, snowman

Winter fun: kids Making a snowman, playing snowballs

Finished drawings:

Drawing with paints: winter fun

Sledding: painting with paints

Winter drawing with children having fun

How to draw animals in winter with pencil and paints?

Winter is a “fairytale time,” which means that even animals at this time of year enjoy the lush snow, wait for the New Year and have fun. You can draw a landscape depicting any “ forest dwellers": wolf, fox, squirrel, bear, hedgehog, hare and others.

What animals can you draw:

Step by step drawing wolf Step by step drawing of a hedgehog Step by step drawing of a squirrel Step by step drawing of a woodpecker Step by step drawing of a moose Step by step drawing of a hare Step by step drawing of a bear

How to draw a winter landscape with children and animals with pencil and paints?

To make the drawing rich, interesting and positive, draw several storylines straightaway. For example, in a forest or in a clearing, children have fun with winter fun together.

Drawing Ideas:

Forest animals, children: “winter” drawing

Animals: winter fun

Animals meet New Year

Children and animals in winter

New Year winter drawing Children and animals: winter

Winter fun animals Feeding animals in winter

Drawings about winter with children and animals for beginners and children for sketching: photos

If you are not good at drawing on your own, sketching will always help you. You can draw the template through glass or by placing a sheet of white paper on your computer monitor (it is advisable to do this in the dark). Adjust the size and location of the picture yourself.