Music schools of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Procedure for admission to the Moscow Military Music School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. III. Organization of the work of the school admissions committee

In 1987 he graduated from the military conducting department at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky.

From August 6, 1982 to April 30, 2010, he served under contract in the Armed Forces Russian Federation, reserve colonel.

From 2005 to the present, he has been the head of the Moscow Military Music School named after Lieutenant General V.M. Khalilov.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

For almost 15 years of work as the head of the school, Alexander Petrovich Gerasimov made a huge contribution to the activities of the Moscow Military Music School named after Lieutenant General V.M. Khalilov.

The team of Suvorov students under the leadership of Alexander Petrovich Gerasimov successfully performs at various concert venues in Moscow, such as the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory, the Central academic theater Russian Army, State Kremlin Palace, Moscow international house music, concert hall of the Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnesins, concert hall Crocus City Hall, Concert Hall named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, etc.

Today, the Suvorov orchestra, led by the head of the school, demonstrates high performing skills not only in Russia, but throughout Europe: in Germany, France, Italy, England, Poland, and the Czech Republic. The annual trips of the school's 4th year Suvorov orchestra to Switzerland for the "Suvorov Days" dedicated to the transition have become a tradition. Russian army led by Alexandra Suvorov through the Alps.

In November 2018, students of the school performed in Singapore: in an open area in Botanical Garden and at the National University. In October 2019 - they won the hearts of the people of China. Young Khalilovites performed at concert venues in the cities of Harbin (in Bolshoi Theater) and Mudanjiang, took part in several flash mobs.

The Suvorov Orchestra participates in the most important state-level events, military ceremonies, all-Russian and international military music festivals, music competitions, How:

  • brass band festival “Golden Horn”;
  • Moscow open festival of student brass bands “Vivat, student!”;
  • opening and closing ceremonies International festival-competition"Parade percussion instruments» within the framework of the Moscow for Children program;
  • International Festival of Brass Bands named after. V.I. Agapkin and I.A. Shatrova;
  • concert “Ode to Peace” in Lipetsk;
  • award ceremony for the laureates of the Russian Army festival;
  • opening ceremony andCoverings of the International Cadet Games in Patriot Park;
  • International military music festival "Amur Waves" in Khabarovsk;
  • All-Russian festival of brass bands “Fanfare of the Tula Kremlin”;
  • All-Russian festival-competition of Igor Butman “Children’s triumph of jazz”;
  • rock festival "Invasion";
  • musical program “Military Bands in the Parks”;
  • international military music festivals “Tattoo on Stage” in Switzerland and others.

Since 2007, MVMU students have been demonstrating their skill, professionalism and creativity at the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival.

In February 2014, the school's drummers were honored to perform at the closing ceremony of the XII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

On June 12, 2019, on Russia Day, 4th year Suvorov students performed at the march parade of military bands on Nevsky Prospekt and a gala concert on Palace Square St. Petersburg.

Students of the Moscow Military Music School named after Lieutenant General V.M. Khalilov, under the leadership of Alexander Petrovich Gerasimov, also take part in the Victory Parade on Red Square and the ceremonial march in honor of the anniversary of the legendary 1941 military parade.

Under the leadership of Alexander Petrovich, as part of patriotic work, the direction of propaganda concerts in children's music schools and children's art schools in Moscow and the Moscow region developed. Over the past period, more than 35 children's music schools have been enrolled, which has significantly increased the number and level of training of applicants.

Musical groups of the Moscow Military Music School named after Lieutenant General V.M. Khalilov have repeatedly taken part and become laureates of all-Russian and international festivals and competitions, have large number awards

Alexander Petrovich Gerasimov, Colonel, Honored Artist of Russia, Head of the Moscow Military Music School, talks about this unique and one-of-a-kind educational institution. For almost 80 years, students of this educational institution have been opening military parades on Red Square. The young men who receive an education there combine and improve the skill of an artist and the valor of a Russian warrior. Its graduates form the basis of the Russian military band service.

Text: Vera Rzhevkina and Andrey Mushket

– The Military Music School is a unique institution where military discipline is combined with the freedom of spirit of art. What, in your opinion, are the main advantages of such education?

– It seems to me that the main advantage of our educational institution is the environment created at the school, which provides the opportunity for young men aged 15–16 years who have entered our school to study music with concentration without distraction. When I graduated from the civil music school at one time, I had many temptations. There are no such temptations here.

– How is the training program formed? How much time do you devote to music and how long does military training take?

– The training program is formed on the basis of the federal state educational standard (FSES) for secondary vocational education, established by the relevant decree of the government of the Russian Federation. There is not much military training, contrary to false rumors. IN percentage this is no more than 10%. Basically, these are the initial fundamentals of military training, of course, drill training as a specialized one. We train military musicians with a further goal of obtaining a higher military music education, therefore the skill of musicians in the ranks is the most important professional component of a military musician.

– Who are the young people who come to study with you today? What are their expectations and motivations?

- Different. Especially at the time of admission. Most children are brought by the hand by their parents, especially their mothers. Unfortunately, young men aged 15–16 – and this has been proven by psychologists – rarely independently and consciously choose their future profession. As a rule, in such a period of uncertainty, young men do not know where to go to enroll. Many people come here as if they were going to a music school; they perceive the school as a kind of additional education, where it’s just fun to make music. Parents are more aware of the prospects of such training. I would say that the strength of the school and its teaching staff lies in the created atmosphere of lively creativity, which allows us to prepare specialists from our students by the fourth and final year who have decided on their choice of profession, clearly follow this choice and have very good prospects.

- How does it work out? further fate graduates? Do graduates take part in the life of the school?

- Yes. The pride of our school is, of course, our graduates. In general, I am confident in the universality of the principle: an educational institution is highly rated when its graduates are highly rated. Only then can an educational institution be assessed as good and providing good basic training. The bulk of our graduates enter the Military Institute of Military Conductors of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense (the prototype of a modern university is the Military Faculty of the Moscow State Conservatory, which was created in 1935 on the basis of the department of the orchestral faculty of the conservatory). This university is our main customer, and the best of the best go there to later become officers, military conductors and join the not very large, but very glorious detachment of military conductors. Some graduates continue their music education in leading specialized universities: Moscow Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins, the Schnittke Institute, Moscow State Institute of Culture, etc. Some graduates immediately after graduation undergo conscript service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. And here we can proudly say that our graduates, even not the strongest, are in demand in any military creative team as well-trained, knowledgeable military service first-hand, who know how to act correctly in the ranks, who have perfectly mastered the service and combat repertoire. And, as a rule, our graduates form the backbone of military creative teams.

– Is this the only educational institution of its kind in the world?

- Yes. Today, this is the only educational institution in the world where young people are fully supported by the state with a full cycle of residence. Although this year the opening took place on September 1 cadet school, similar to ours, but not within the Ministry of Defense, but on the basis of the Moscow State Institute of Culture, within the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. On the territory of this institute there is a cadet music corps, where children are fully supported by the state.

– A company of drummers traditionally opens parades on Red Square, which confirms the legendary status of the educational institution. How are preparations going for this event?

– First of all, about this military ritual. The military parade on Red Square is the main, most basic and very first of the military rituals that exists in Armed Forces RF. And to take part in it is a great honor, but also a huge responsibility. Literally from the moment of the creation of the Military Music School as the prototype of our school (the school was created in 1937), since 1938, drummers took part in the parade, and since 1940 they were awarded the honor of opening all military parades on Red Square. This magnificent tradition is almost 77 years old. Regarding preparation... Well, firstly, a company of drummers prepares as part of the entire parade squad, and the parade squad begins preparing in November of the previous year. In order to participate in the 2016 military parade, we will begin preparations in November 2015. The active part of the training begins in the third decade of March and until May 9, as part of the consolidated training of the Moscow garrison troops. But before that, there is a lot of work to be done on individual training, coordinating ranks, preparation and training in drumming itself. A company of drummers of 90 people participates in the parade. Of these, there are no more than eight professional drummers, all the rest are brass players who must master drumming, the so-called “Marching March No. 1”, performing which they will then proudly and with maximum efficiency march as the first parade squad on foot across Red Square.

– What other traditions exist that are preserved at the school to this day?

– One of these traditions is the preparation of the school’s combined orchestra for performances at the best concert venues in Moscow and other large cities. The school has a large creative potential, having which, it would be completely wrong not to show it to the audience. Moreover, any performance by a musician in public is the best practical training, since you can teach a musician a lot, for a long time and correctly, but if the musician does not perform, does not have the opportunity to show his art in public, cannot see and hear the listener’s reaction to his performance, he will never turn into a musician, he will remain a student.

– The school orchestra tours a lot both within the country and abroad. What place does the school occupy on an international scale and what, perhaps, is the peculiarity of the Russian school?

– Regarding the Russian school... Yes, a good question. For 16 years there has been a large project called “Suvorov Days in Switzerland”. It has been held for more than 15 years every year in the last ten days of September. In addition, we participate in the international festival “Tattoo on Stage”, which is held in Lucerne. We perform together with recruits (Swiss military personnel-musicians of the first conscription) from Aarau (German: Aarau). This is a Swiss recruit school that trains military musicians. True, the guys there are older. This project is very dear to us, because Switzerland has a very honest public. Against the backdrop of performances by Western European orchestras - and not only Swiss orchestras perform there, bands from Italy, Germany, Great Britain come there, last year there was one from New Zealand - the national palette of the military is extensive, the performance of our guys is usually received with a bang. Even though in purely professionally our children sometimes make inaccuracies that are typical for students.

But due to the correct use of agogics* in music, when sounds are not simply extracted, not only some strokes are performed, but music is performed with elation, with a certain mood, the Suvorovites carry the audience along with them, and the grateful audience responds with warmth. Our music, being very emotional, well performed, quite strongly touches the strings inside even “cold” European listeners, such as the Swiss. As a sign of special favor, the Swiss audience stands up and applauds for a long time. This is a manifestation highest degree admiration from rather spoiled Europeans.

– What, in your opinion, is the most interesting foreign festival you have attended?

– We are often invited to various foreign festivals. But, unfortunately, we cannot afford to accept such invitations often. For several years the organizers have been trying to get our participation major festival in Basel, Switzerland. But we can’t do it because this time falls just during the holidays. And we have no right to disrupt the educational process. We were invited to Scotland to the Edinburgh Festival, one of the oldest, but for the same reasons we rejected the offer, since participation in the festival could interfere with the educational process.

Suvorov orchestras have participated in many foreign festivals, but I can safely say that one of the brightest, most powerful, largest festivals of military brass music is now taking place not outside the borders of our Fatherland, but right here, here in Moscow, on Krasnaya square, and is called the “Spasskaya Tower”. This year it was held for the eighth time. This festival is truly global. Comparing the foreign festivals we have seen, knowing how they are held, there is almost nothing close: in scale, in terms of resources that are involved in this festival, in terms of programs. “Spasskaya Tower” is now truly the best festival on a global scale. Although it sounds pretentious, it is really true.

– What exactly does participation in such a large scale give? large-scale festival like the Spasskaya Tower?

– First of all, the opportunity to see another performing school. A musician who does not listen to other performers cannot develop. This is why festivals are good because you have the opportunity to listen to your colleagues. Second - you recognize another musical culture, it’s always enriching, you hear different music with a different national coloring, a different national flavor. Well, and, perhaps, the most important thing is the opportunity to see your location, so to speak, to see where you are in comparison with other creative teams - above, below, very far to the side or very close, or ahead of the rest - to feel your place in this time segment: how ready you are, how you meet modern standards.

– I know that you collaborate with famous Russian musicians. Tell us about this experience.

– We cannot boast of a very large volume of concert performances, because our main purpose is still study, unlike military creative groups, which are intended to participate in military rituals, provide musical support for various events and prepare concert programs. We are often invited to participate in various events federal level. I had the experience of performing with Oleg Gazmanov, Joseph Davydovich Kobzon, and at one time I performed with Alexandra Nikolaevna Pakhmutova - these are very pleasant memories. For the third year, the school orchestra has successfully participated in the rock festival “Invasion”, which takes place in the Tver region. At the last festival, the orchestra performed together with Diana Arbenina, who in her interviews spoke in excellent terms about working together with us.

– How is the orchestra’s repertoire generally formed? Are there any contemporary works?

– We provide academic education. Therefore, without knowledge of the classics, without performing academic music, it is simply impossible to “lay” the correct performing basis. It must be admitted that the repertoire of military orchestras is not as huge, not as luxurious, as that of symphony and even folk orchestras. Of course, there is an anthology of works for brass bands, especially marching music. First of all, such “pillars” of military marches as Semyon Chernetsky, Nikolai Ivanov-Radkevich, Viktor Runov, Dmitry Pertsev, Yuliy Khait, etc. - marches that were included in the golden collection of Russian military music, ancient Russian marches. Enough large repertoire beautiful works Soviet composers. It should be noted that for brass band During the Soviet period they wrote a lot of good music. Nowadays there are few modern authors writing music for brass bands, and good authors can be counted on one hand. Many modern composers are carried away by the so-called modern vision of music... I don’t want to criticize it, it has a right to exist, it should, of course, develop, but it is quite far from academic music - good classical music.

Thank God that we have a modern author of military marches - Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov, a truly outstanding author who writes magnificent brass music. He wrote many wonderful marches, wonderful works for brass band - lyrical ones, unfortunately, not so well known. The music is very kind and emotional, and almost no one writes such music for brass bands now.

Besides the big brass composition orchestra, the school has a big band that performs jazz music, there are instrumental ensembles that also play rock music, there is a whole palette of genres that are subject to wind musicians. In the system of additional education, which performs the function creative laboratory, are functioning vocal studio, academic and Orthodox choirs, a choreography studio, in a word, all areas that may be of interest to young musicians. The best performing projects, such as the Spasskaya Tower or the Philharmonic Concert, are born at the intersection of these creative directions.

– In addition to this question: are there any fundamental differences in the organization of the orchestra, in the repertoire from other military bands, both ours and foreign?

– No, no, you know, the principles of teaching music are universal and go from teacher to student. This is how it was a thousand years ago, and how it remains to this day. And training in an orchestra cannot be fundamentally different; everything follows the same principle - from individual training through ensemble performance to playing music as part of an orchestra. This universal principle. He works both in the East and in the West, in Eurasia - anywhere, anywhere on the planet.

– Does the modern curriculum at the school differ from the one that existed before?

– I would say it has become richer, more universal. If you want to study in a genre such as rock, please do so. Do you want to do choreography? Yes, there is such an opportunity, we have excellent additional education. Do you want to do martial arts? Please, there is a great master, a sambo coach. Now the range of opportunities for obtaining any competencies from modern Suvorov students has expanded greatly. Therefore, if our young man suddenly does not go to any additional education, we begin to look at him warily, because he must develop himself not only in music, but also in something else. He must be busy 24 hours a day, because four years is the period during which we must put as many good emotions, more good knowledge, and teach the art of music into the heart, soul, and brain of a Suvorov student. And this is impossible without a broad outlook, without the desire to absorb as much information as possible. A musician who is “fixated” only on his “native” instrument is primitive and cannot be a good performer. Any good musician, as a rule, is interested in all genres, tries to try himself almost everywhere - he listens a lot, plays a lot of music, and he always creates feedback with those who listen to him. Then he becomes a master.

– What emotions would you like to evoke in your audience during your performance?

- Very different. Every year we make sure to do a big program in some concert hall Moscow. You can call it reporting concert, in which a combined orchestra, a combined choir, and necessarily a big band take part, in a word - all the creative groups that currently exist at the school. Concerts are held to full houses, we have our own admirers, our own fans, which is very nice. The goal of any concert is to “hook” the listener. These can be some bright emotions, on the verge of humor, or maybe, on the contrary, sorrowful ones that make you think. Any mood. When our boys see the response of the audience, when they see through applause, through the reaction of listeners, through empathy that their presentation musical material success, the greatest, most wonderful moment comes when a musician is born. And a sincere response from the viewer can only be obtained when there is a talented performance. If you play correctly, but didn’t offend, didn’t give any sensuality, didn’t lead anyone along with you... well, at best, they’ll politely give you a couple of claps.

– Studying at a military music school is only education or is there more to it? broad concept?

– Besides good education as such, according to state educational standards, appropriate education is provided here. It was for this purpose that the first cadet corps were created more than 300 years ago. Ivan Betsky, one of the outstanding figures of education under Catherine II, in a memorandum to the Empress wrote about the need for educational institutions to educate a new breed of Russian nobles, where, in addition to teaching the art of war, they would educate, creating a sovereign man, teach him to be such - a person who is oriented subsequently serve the state, be it a military career or civilian service. And the entire history of the Suvorov schools as such and, of course, our school confirms this. Graduates, as a rule, work honestly and hard for the good of the Fatherland, constituting its glory and pride.

– Well, in conclusion, the image of a real man is often associated with a man in military uniform. What qualities, in your opinion, should a today’s college graduate have?

– First of all, he is a good, strong professional. First of all.

– As a musician or as a military man?

– It is inseparable. Military musician is a profession. The ability to work in a team, the ability to subordinate one’s desires to a common desire, the ability to contribute to the common cause - these are all components of a military musician. In any group, including a military creative team. This is smartness, this is concentration. In my opinion, one of the strong qualities of our educational institution is the ability to teach our Suvorov students to work with the material. Fast and succinct. Therefore, some of our graduates who have decided to change their professional trajectory altogether, to leave music - and there are such cases, fortunately there are few of them, but they do exist - they enter MGIMO, and Baumanka, and the Military Medical Academy... In such, it seemed institutions that are far from musical and humanitarian training, and yet they do! And they do it easily. For one simple reason - by this time they have mastered the training methodology and the ability to organize the process in a military manner. Any accomplished musician will say that talent is necessary, but without hard work, without the ability to collect oneself and organize it, it is worth nothing.

The Moscow Military Music School is the only one in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation educational institution secondary vocational (musical) education.

It traces its history back to the 2nd Moscow School of Military Musicians of the Red Army, created in 1937 by a joint resolution of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the RSFSR and the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR.

The school was formed from musically gifted boys from orphanages, children of those who fell heroically in battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland. The school was tasked with training and educating young musicians to join the military bands of the Red Army.

About 200 children study at the Moscow Military Music School. Every year 40-50 military musicians graduate from here. They receive a diploma of secondary specialized education and qualifications as an orchestra artist, leader of a creative group, teacher of a children's music school. The best graduates enter the Moscow Military Conservatory. The remaining young men are sent to the troops and serve in military bands.

The pride of the school is its graduates. During the existence of the Moscow Military Music School, more than three thousand people graduated from it, most of whom became mature and experienced teachers, talented musicians and conductors.

First of all, these are prominent figures in domestic brass music, the Military Band Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and leaders of the country's leading creative groups:

  • Honored Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the State Prize and the Lenin Komsomol Prize, Major General Mikhailov N.M. (1932-2006),
  • Head of the Military Band Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Chief Military Conductor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Member of the Union of Composers of Russia, Major General Khalilov V.M.,
  • folk artists Russian Federation: captain first rank Danilchenko A.S., Ivanov V.I., Politikov S.I., Solodakhin V.M.

Minor male citizens of the Russian Federation aged no more than 16 years (as of December 31 of the year of admission) who have a basic general education can enter the school. musical training in the scope of a children's music school, who, as a rule, master one of the wind or percussion instruments musical instruments, fit for health reasons and meeting the requirements of professional psychological selection. Suvorov officers also undergo mandatory military training.

About the work of the admissions committee.

Job admissions committee The school is regulated by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 405 dated April 24, 2010.

The composition of the school's admissions committee changes by 20% annually. Meetings of the school's admissions committee are documented in minutes, which are signed by all members of the admissions committee and approved by its chairman.

Received personal files of candidates are reviewed by the school's admissions committee.

Candidates who are unfit for health reasons, who do not meet the level of education and age, or who do not have the documents specified in the admission rules in their personal file, are not allowed to take the competitive entrance examination.

Parents (legal representatives) of candidates who are denied admission to competitive entrance examinations are sent a notice signed by the chairman of the school admissions committee indicating the reasons.

If they disagree with the decision of the school's admissions committee, parents (legal representatives) of candidates who are denied admission to competitive entrance examinations may appeal to the chairmen of the school's admissions committee and the central admissions committee for the selection and enrollment of candidates for the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval , Moscow Military Music School and Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

To the parents (legal representatives) of candidates admitted to competitive entrance examinations, the school's admissions committee sends a notice annually, before June 25, indicating the date of the candidate's arrival at the school, on the basis of which military transportation documents are issued at the military commissariat at the candidate's place of residence for his travel to the school.