It would seem that beauty is a broad concept in the Unified State Examination. Text about beauty. exam

(1) It would seem: beauty is a broad concept, and it is not always clear what exactly it means.

(2)When great Fedor Mikhailovich said that this very beauty would save the world, he probably meant the least beautiful people And beautiful views. (3) It was about the beauty of action, the beauty of courage and femininity, the beauty of faith, transparent and honest.

(4) Goodness is beautiful, mercy is beautiful, feat is beautiful. (5) Prayer is beautiful, honesty is beautiful, tenderness is beautiful.

(6) The world is filled with beauty as happiness. (7) Another question is that beauty probably won’t save anyone.

(8) Since the century before last, we have learned to use beauty in a way that suits us.

(9) Turn meanness and vulgarity inside out, making any weaknesses and obscenities beautiful.
(10) At one time, beauty was the infinitely distant center of the universe - and any passionate and honest heart aspired to this center. (eleven) Highest point beauty, its focus, could be called harmony. (12) The world was looking for harmony.

(13) Today, beauty has become the servant of man with his endless desire to endow any of his unsightly actions with nobility and meaning.

(14) Harmonious existence, a harmonious view of things, harmonious being are often replaced by something else. (15)For modern man harmony is comfort. (16) The current harmonious view of things is a stable habit of seeing and knowing what you want to see and know, and a refusal to know about things that are difficult, complex and untidy. (17) Authenticity, which, of course, is the main content and vascular system of beauty, has become somewhat obscene, shameful, and strange.

(18) Genuine mercy is almost inaudible, almost lost among the pompous and vulgar gestures of people who are obviously and thoroughly unmerciful. (19) It is easier for a person who has accomplished a true feat to die three times in a row than to gain the attention of people who are grateful to him. (20) There is no more feat. (21) He has become, in fact, politically incorrect - because he insults a person who is not inclined to heroic deeds. (22) Naturally, there are no national heroes. (23) Or rather, among national heroes there are rare rogues who do not yet know where their place is.

(24) Just as harmony with the extracted essence became comfort, so authenticity was replaced by image. (25) The image is authenticity with the heart and lungs cut out. (26) What remains is a mannequin - with a glued smile, with empty glass eyes... (27) But if you look closely at him, you will immediately notice that his eyes do not blink.

(28) The world is increasingly becoming triune, and our current triune is image, comfort, glamor. (29) They are inseparable and interconnected. (Z0) Image and comfort create glamor. (31)Glamour and comfort make an image. (32) Where here, in these dead ends, under the skies painted with emulsion, can beauty squeeze through, how can it manifest itself into the light of God?

(33) Beauty still doesn’t come, it still doesn’t come. (34) How can she squeeze into our new, wonderful world? (35) We already have a lot of things around here that are pleasant and smooth to the touch.

(36) And abstract concepts take up too much space. (37) Abstract concepts occupy too much of the heart. (38) Abstract concepts force you to breathe too often and at the same time still sometimes suffocate from the incomprehensibility of existence. (39) We drove them out. (40) We want to live concretely. (41) For specific concepts.

(42) But by banishing abstract concepts, we separated ourselves from beauty.

(43) Beauty is not specific. (44) It cannot be formulated, packaged, and then used as needed.

(45) We need to abstract ourselves from specific concepts. (46) There are too many serious people around. (47) Too few beautiful ones.

(According to 3. Prilepin *)

* Zakhar Prilepin (real name Evgeniy Nikolaevich Prilepin; born in 1975) - Russian writer, philologist, journalist, politician, businessman, actor, musician. Multiple Winner literary prizes, such as “Russian Booker of the Decade” (2011), “Super National Best”, “Bronze Snail” for the best science fiction novel of the year - “Black Monkey” (2012), etc. His novel “Sin” is called best book decades (2011).

The text by Zakhar Prilepin, a Russian writer, philologist, journalist, poses the important problem of defining modern concept beauty.
The author devotes his text to this issue because of its topicality and social importance. To begin with, in the first paragraphs the writer gives a true definition of the concept of beauty: “Goodness is beautiful, mercy is beautiful..” (sentences 3-5). We have fallen into tartarar... The author draws the readers' attention to the fact that in modern society beauty in its true form no longer exists: a substitution of concepts has occurred. Unsightly actions are endowed with nobility, weaknesses and lewdness are shown in a good light. Authenticity and harmony, the ingredients of beauty, have been replaced by comfort, image and glamour. And now “probably beauty won’t save anyone.” The writer's conclusions are not reassuring.
The author comes to the conclusion that in modern society the concept of beauty has been distorted, its substitution has occurred, because people want specifics, and abstract concepts such as nobility, honor, dignity, mercy, goodness, feat have begun to take up too much space in their hearts .
I agree with the writer's point of view. Indeed, in our modern world the concept of beauty has become distorted. Its spiritual basis has been forgotten. For modern man, beauty has been replaced by comfort, image and glamor. To confirm the correctness of my opinion, I will give several examples.
Many writers from our homeland have written about the definition of beauty. For example, in L.N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace” we see manifestations of both true (spiritual) and false beauty. Representatives of the first category are Marya Bolkonskaya and Natasha Rostova, and the second is Helen. By drawing images of the hero, Tolstoy convinces readers that true beauty is spiritual beauty.
Another example is the work of I.A. Bunin's "Mr. from San Francisco", which, in my opinion, can serve as a forerunner modern realities. With the sad outcome of the fate of the main character (death), the author seeks to show all the aimlessness, emptiness and worthlessness of the life of this type of person who chased only “external” (false) manifestations of beauty. Unfortunately, in modern society this type of personality is very common.
I come to the conclusion that the author was right. We need to stop following the false god and finally free true beauty from the shackles that bind her!

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We all live as best we can: we dream of love and happiness, we try to achieve something in life, learn new things, acquire interesting, highly paid profession... But we do not live in the desert, but in a society, we are connected with many other people. How can you relate your fate and the fate of other people? Or can you live without thinking about it at all?

It is precisely the problem of communication between personal life path The author dedicates his text to man and the existence of the entire country, the entire society. This problem, which is very relevant today, is revealed by Z. Prilepin using the example of his observations of people and the social situation in the country (sentences 1-6, 14, 17-19), as well as in reasoning inspired by the sore phrase “I am nothing to anyone.” should not".

The simplest thing is to say that nothing depends on the individual, and continue calmly doing what you want: pouring drinking water in vain, throwing garbage at your feet, swearing, not paying attention to the child torturing a stray cat, and to the scoundrels beating some other outcast. But then it won’t be possible to change anything. The main evil in the world is not evil. The main evil is indifference. This is what allows evil to happen.

Each of us is a citizen of our own country, and these are not loud words, but simply a fact. Any action we take makes people and life either better or worse. About this, it seems to me, are the words of Marina Tsvetaeva, who wrote to children so that they do not pour water in vain, because at that moment in the desert a person is dying of thirst: “But this will not make water available to him! “It won’t appear, but there will be one less senseless crime in the world!”

We are all connected to everyone else; Whether we want it or not, everything we do is reflected on all people, and then, by ricochet, on us. In my reasoning, I would like to refer to V. Rasputin’s story “Ivan’s Daughter, Ivan’s Mother.” In it, the author talks about what each person can do for the whole society, and about what indifference leads to. For example, the heroine of the story, Svetka, obediently walks with the criminal, realizing that if she calls for help, not a single passer-by will respond. But there is also an opposite example. Svetka’s brother Ivan seeks to do something to counter the demoralizing influence on society. He decides to study the history of the Russian language, confident that knowledge and love for his native tradition are The best way fight the dictates of immorality.

I am sure that each of us can and should do something for our country and the society in which we live.

The material was prepared by Elena Valerievna Safonova, teacher of the highest qualification category, State Educational Institution SKOSHI No. 31, Moscow

Original text:

(1)B Lately You often hear categorical statements, for example: “I don’t owe anyone anything.” (2) They are repeated, considering it to be good form, by a considerable number of people themselves. of different ages, especially young people. (3) It is no coincidence that the position of extreme individualism today is almost a sign good manners. (4) But first of all, we are social beings and live according to the laws and traditions of society.

(5) However, today very often there are young people who perceive themselves not as a link in an unbroken chain of generations, but as nothing less than the crown of creation. (6) But there are obvious things: life itself and the existence of the Earth on which we walk are possible only because our ancestors treated everything differently.

(7) There is only one way to preserve the land given to us and the freedom of the people - to gradually and persistently get rid of mass individualism, so that public statements about independence from the past and non-involvement in the future of one’s Motherland become at least a sign of bad taste.

(8) A reasonable question arises: who and what needs to be done with people so that they are concerned not only with their own fate, but also with something more?

(9) Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the awakening of civic consciousness. (10) And in this process, as we are convinced, the main thing is to “start with yourself.” (11) I personally started: I screwed in a light bulb in the entrance, paid taxes, improved the demographic situation, provided jobs for several people. (12) So what? (13) And where is the result? (14) It seems to me that while I am busy with small things, someone is doing their own, big things, and the vector of application of our forces is completely different.

(15) Meanwhile, everything that we have: from the land we walk on to the ideals we believe in, is the result not of “small deeds” and cautious steps, but of global projects, huge achievements, selfless asceticism. (16) People are transformed only when they burst into the world with all their might. (17) A person becomes a person in search, in feat, in work, and not in petty soul-searching that turns the soul inside out.

(18) There is a quiet, like an itch, feeling that the state on this earth does not owe anything to anyone. (19) Maybe that’s why lately we’ve heard so often from people that I, too, don’t owe anyone anything. (20) And now I don’t understand: who will defend the country?

(21) You cannot give up your position without even making an attempt to defend your home. (22) This, of course, is a figure of speech inspired by the history and smoke of the Fatherland, in which spiritual and cultural upsurge, a mass desire for reconstruction have always been associated with great upheavals and wars. (23) But they were crowned with Victories that no one could achieve. (24) And we must earn the right to be the heirs of these Victories!

(According to Z. Prilepin*)

* Zakhar Prilepin (born in 1975) – Russian writer, journalist.

(1) It would seem: beauty is a broad concept, and it is not always clear what exactly it means.

(2) When the great Fyodor Mikhailovich said that this very beauty would save the world, he probably least of all had in mind beautiful people and beautiful views. (3) It was about the beauty of action, the beauty of courage and femininity, the beauty of faith, transparent and honest.

(4) Goodness is beautiful, mercy is beautiful, feat is beautiful. (5) Prayer is beautiful, honesty is beautiful, tenderness is beautiful.

(6) The world is filled with beauty as happiness. (7) Another question is that beauty probably won’t save anyone.

(8) Since the time of the century before last, we have learned to use beauty in a way that suits us. (9) Turn meanness and vulgarity inside out, making any weaknesses and obscenities beautiful.

(10) At one time, beauty was the infinitely distant center of the universe - and any passionate and honest heart aspired to this center. (11) The highest point of beauty, its focus, could be called harmony. (12) The world was looking for harmony.

(13) Today, beauty has become the servant of man with his endless desire to endow any of his unsightly actions with nobility and meaning.

(14) Harmonious existence, a harmonious view of things, harmonious being are often replaced by something else. (15) For a modern person, harmony is comfort. (16) The current harmonious view of things is a stable habit of seeing and knowing what you want to see and know, and a refusal to know about things that are difficult, complex and untidy.

(17) Authenticity, which, of course, is the main content and vascular system of beauty, has become somewhat obscene, shameful, and strange.

(18) Genuine mercy is almost inaudible, almost lost among the pompous and vulgar gestures of people who are obviously and thoroughly unmerciful. (19) It is easier for a person who has accomplished a true feat to die three times in a row than to gain the attention of people who are grateful to him.

(20) There is no more feat. (21) He has become, in fact, politically incorrect - because he insults a person who is not inclined to heroic deeds. (22) Naturally, there are no national heroes. (23) Or rather, among national heroes there are rare rogues who do not yet know where their place is.

(24) Just as harmony with the extracted essence became comfort, so authenticity was replaced by image. (25) Image is authenticity with the heart and lungs cut out. (26) What remains is a mannequin - with a smile glued on, with empty glass eyes... (27) But if you look closely at him, you will immediately notice that his eyes do not blink.

(28) The world is increasingly becoming triune, and our current triune is image, comfort, glamor. (29) They are inseparable and interconnected. (30) Image and comfort create glamor. (31) Glamor and comfort make an image. (32) Where here, in these dead ends, under the skies painted with emulsion, can beauty squeeze through, how can it manifest itself into the light of God?

(ZZ) Beauty still doesn’t come, it still doesn’t come. (34) How can she squeeze into our new, wonderful world? (35) We already have a lot of things around here that are pleasant and smooth to the touch.

(36) And abstract concepts take up too much space.

(37) Abstract concepts occupy too much of the heart. (38) Abstract concepts force you to breathe too often and at the same time still sometimes suffocate from the incomprehensibility of existence. (39) We drove them out. (40) We wish to live concretely. (41) For specific concepts.

(42) But by banishing abstract concepts, we have separated ourselves from beauty.

(43) Beauty is not specific. (44) It cannot be formulated, packaged, and then used as needed.

(45) We must abstract ourselves from specific concepts. (46) There are too many serious people around. (47) There are too few beautiful ones.

(According to 3. Prilepin*)

* Zakhar Prilepin (real name Evgeniy Nikolaevich Prilepin; born in 1975) is a Russian writer, philologist, journalist, politician, businessman, actor, musician. Winner of many literary awards, such as “Russian Booker of the Decade” (2011), “Super National Best”, “Bronze Snail” for the best fantasy novel of the year - “Black Monkey” (2012), etc. His novel “Sin” was named the best book of the decade (2011).

So, at the beginning of the essay, we formulated one of the problems that the author of the text was thinking about. Then in the commentary we showed exactly how this problem is revealed in the source text. The next stage is identifying the author’s position.

Remember that if the problem of the text is a certain question, then the author’s position is the answer to the question posed in the text, what the author sees as a solution to the problem.

If this does not happen, the logic of the presentation of thoughts in the essay is broken.

The author's position is manifested, first of all, in the author's attitude towards the depicted phenomena, events, characters and their actions. Therefore, when reading the text, pay attention to the linguistic means that express the author’s attitude towards the subject of the image (see table on the next page).

When identifying the author's position, it is important to take into account that the text may use a technique such as irony - the use of a word or expression in a context that gives the word (expression) the exact opposite meaning. As a rule, irony is condemnation under the guise of praise: My God, what wonderful positions and services there are! How they elevate and delight the soul! But, alas! I do not serve and am deprived of the pleasure of seeing the subtle treatment of my superiors(N. Gogol). Literal reading of ironic statements leads to a distorted understanding of the content of the text and the author's intention.

In addition, when proving their point of view, many authors start from various statements of their real or possible opponents, that is, they cite statements with which they do not agree: “Take care of your honor from a young age,” Pushkin bequeathed in his “ The captain's daughter" "What for?" - another modern “ideologist” of our market life will ask. Why take care of a product that is in demand: if they pay me well for this very “honor,” then I will sell it (S. Kudryashov). Unfortunately, students often attribute such statements to the author himself, which leads to a misunderstanding of the author’s position.

For example, in the text below by V. Belov, the author’s position is not expressed verbally and can only be identified by carefully reading the fragment and benchmarking all its parts.

Everything has already been found out two weeks after returning to native village, everything went around, talked to almost everyone. And only on your own native home I try not to look and walk around him. I think: why bring up the past? Why remember what is forgotten even by my fellow countrymen? Everything is gone forever - good and bad - you don’t feel sorry for the bad, but you can’t bring back the good. I will erase this past from my heart, I will never return to it again.

You have to be modern.

We must be merciless towards the past.

It’s enough to walk through the ashes of Timonikha, to sit in care. We must remember that day and night on earth - as Hikmet said - reactors and phasotrons work. That one counting machine operates faster than a million collective farm accountants, that...

In general, you don’t need to look at your home, you don’t need to go there, you don’t need anything.

But one day I crumple my writing in my fist and throw it into the corner. I run up the stairs. In the alley I look around.

Our house jutted out from the suburb down towards the river. As if in a dream, I approach our birch tree. Hello. Didn't recognize me? It became tall. The bark burst in many places. Ants are running along the trunk. The lower branches were cut off so as not to obscure the windows of the winter hut. The top became higher than the pipe. Please don't white your jacket. When I was looking for you with my brother Yurka, you were frail and thin. I remember it was spring and your leaves had already hatched. You could count them, you were so small then. My brother and I found you in a cattle field on Vakhruninskaya Mountain. I remember the cuckoo crowed. We cut off two of you large roots. They carried you through the lava, and your brother said that you would dry out and not survive under the winter window. They planted it and poured out two buckets of water. It’s true, you barely survived; for two summers the leaves were small and pale. Your brother was no longer at home when you grew stronger and stronger. Where did you get this strength under the winter window? You have to swing like that! Already higher than my father's house.

You have to be modern. And I push away from the birch as if from a poisonous tree. (According to V. Belov)

At first glance, the author calls for abandoning the past in favor of modernity: “You have to be modern. We must be merciless towards the past." However, the author’s true attitude to the past is manifested in his touching memoirs about the birch, which essentially represent a living dialogue with the tree. We see that behind the external indifference (“You have to be modern. And I push away from the birch as from a poisonous tree”) is hidden a love for childhood, for the past, which cannot be erased from human life.

For a correct understanding of the text, it is also important to distinguish between the concepts of author and narrator (narrator). The author of a work of fiction can tell his story on his own behalf or on behalf of one of the characters. But the first person on whose behalf the work is written is still the narrator, even if the writer uses the pronoun “I”: after all, when the author creates piece of art, he describes life, introducing his fiction, his assessments, his preferences, likes and dislikes. In any case, one should not equate the author with the hero-storyteller.

Such a discrepancy can be found, for example, in the following text.

I still remember that jar of mascara. In the morning, it stood on the table next to my father’s drawings, and by noon, on a sheet of whatman paper, out of nowhere, a huge black blot appeared, through which the results of a week’s painstaking work were vaguely visible...

Sergey, tell me honestly: did you spill mascara? - the father asked sternly.

No. It's not me.

Who then?

I don't know... Probably a cat.

The cat Masha, my mother’s favorite, was sitting on the edge of the sofa and looked at us somehow fearfully with her yellow eyes.

Well, we'll have to punish her. From that moment on, she was barred from entering the house. He will live in the closet. However, maybe it’s not her fault after all? - Father looked at me searchingly.

Honestly! I have nothing to do with it! - I answered, looking him straight in the eyes...

A couple of days later, Masha disappeared without a trace, apparently unable to tolerate being unjustly expelled from home. Mom was upset. My father never remembered this incident again. I probably forgot. But I still washed my soccer ball from the telltale black spots...

Then I was naively convinced: relationships between people are most important, the main thing is not to upset your parents. As for the cat... She's just an animal, she can't speak or think. And yet still in any cat's eyes I see a silent reproach... (G. Andreev)

The author's position is not stated directly. However, in the hero’s thoughts about his action, we hear the voice of a sick conscience. It is no coincidence that the cat’s punishment is called unfair, and in the cat’s eyes Sergei reads “a silent reproach.” Of course, the author condemns the hero, convincing us that it is dishonest and base to shift one’s guilt onto another, especially onto a defenseless creature who cannot answer and stand up for himself.

Typical designs

The author believes that...
The author leads the reader to the conclusion that...
Arguing over the problem, the author comes to the following conclusion...
The author's position is...
The author’s position, it seems to me, can be formulated as follows...
The author calls us (to what)
The author convinces us that...
The author condemns (who/what, for what)
The author's attitude to the problem posed is ambiguous.
The author's main goal is...
Although the author’s position is not expressed explicitly, the logic of the text convinces that...

Typical mistakes when formulating the author's position


1) Usually the author’s position is contained in the final part of the text, where the author sums up what has been said, reflects on the above events, the actions of the heroes, etc.
2) Pay attention to the evaluative vocabulary of the text, lexical repetitions, introductory words, exclamatory and incentive sentences - all these are means of expressing the author’s position.
3) Be sure to highlight the formulation of the author’s position in a separate paragraph of your essay.
4) Try to formulate author's position in your own words, avoiding complex metaphors.
5) When quoting, select sentences in which the author’s thoughts are expressed clearly and clearly, if possible. (Remember that not every text contains quotations that accurately express the author's views!)

What does the expert check?

The expert checks the ability to adequately perceive and correctly formulate the author’s position: positive, negative, neutral, ambivalent, etc. attitude to what is being said, the author’s proposed answer to the questions he poses in the text.

1 point is given by the expert if you correctly formulated the position of the author of the source text on the commented issue and did not make factual errors related to understanding the position of the author of the source text.
