The most interesting and highly paid professions for girls. The most in-demand and highest-paid professions in Russia

It is very important that work brings not only decent income, but also a sense of self-satisfaction. Unfortunately, this does not happen often, and in most cases a woman receives neither one nor the other, so it is extremely important to initially choose relevant female professions that bring a stable and high income. Having carefully analyzed the incredibly huge labor market, from simple managers to doctors, we were able to select the most in-demand professions, suitable exclusively for the fairer sex.

A detailed list will be given in this article. We will also describe harmful professions that undermine our body, weaken nervous system and lead to irreversible consequences. So, first, let’s talk about the currently popular specialties:

Sales Manager food products;



HR specialist;

Medical worker;



The above-mentioned women's professions require attentiveness, non-conflict and the highest resistance to stress. All these qualities are mainly characteristic of girls, so there are very few men in this category. The most promising, non-standard and popular professions in Russia in 2012 are in the following areas:

Management and marketing;



Landscape, interior and web design;



These specializations are very popular among girls, the main reason being high pay. Because of great competition in these types labor activity Not everyone manages to occupy positions. To get a vacancy you will need knowledge and good experience; only in this case can you achieve good results in your career.

Behind last decades Female professions related to office activities are in high demand: editor, secretary, office manager, clerk, translator. Many people don’t even realize that these positions can be harmful to health, but we’ll tell you exactly what kind.

Office workers are at risk for this disease, such as in the wrists. This is due to the incorrect placement of the hands at the desk. With constant tension, the middle nerve, which is responsible for the functioning of the middle and index finger. In addition, as a result of prolonged sitting, blood circulation and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system are disrupted, hemorrhoids appear, migraines and vision decreases.

To avoid negative consequences, you need to do simple physical warm-ups throughout the day, take short breaks and be sure to follow basic rules when working with a PC. According to doctors, stress, colds Teachers, educators and broadcasters are most susceptible.

The fact is that these are professions conversational genre, as a result, the ligaments become strained, the throat becomes dry, and as a result it is undermined. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to rinse the throat with anti-inflammatory drugs, exercise the ligaments and always carry still water with you.

As for flight attendants, this is extremely dangerous profession, requiring special patience and endurance. Girls who choose this type of activity will find it difficult to keep and bear a child; due to stressful situations, pregnancy often ends in miscarriage. Therefore on early stages It would be more advisable not to fly.

All women's professions are needed and extremely important in this world, the main thing is not to forget about preventive actions. And in order to prevent the development of irreversible consequences, you should move more, visit Gym, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and, of course, avoid conflict and stressful situations if possible.

Every person dreams of getting not only an interesting and prestigious, but also a highly paid profession. Most of these professions require special skills and abilities, but today the majority of the population has access to mastering these professions. The list of the highest paid professions in Russia, as well as throughout the world, is dynamic.

Jobs that have become low-income leave this list, and occupations that have become profitable move into the top of highly paid professions in Russia. For example, blue-collar jobs like turners, mechanics, etc. have practically disappeared from among the most profitable professions. With the development of the Internet, payment for the work of people working in this field: IT specialists, webmasters, copywriters.

The highest paid professions in Russia

In addition, salaries in Russia differ by region, and therefore the list of the highest paid professions in Moscow may differ slightly from similar list compiled in the province. This may be due to the fact that talented people from all over the country and abroad come to Moscow, who cannot study at home. small homeland realize professional ambitions.

Highly paid professions in Russia in 2017

According to labor exchange data, in 2017, the most in-demand and highly paid professions in Russia include:

Auditors. The development of all forms of business certainly entails a demand for people who are involved in auditing the enterprise regarding the payment of taxes. Today, representatives of this profession can count on average salary about 40 thousand rubles;

. The Internet in Russia has already reached even remote remote villages, and, as a result, the salaries of specialists who can create websites, fill them with content, and monitor their content and condition have increased. The profession is in demand both in Moscow and on the outskirts of the country, and provides workers with a salary of 30-120 thousand rubles, excluding possible third-party earnings;

The key to successful business is the ability to win over the client and attract him with your services. For successful work this profession requires not only professional skills, but also knowledge of psychology, however, this job is also among the ones in demand and highly paid;

Collectors. Difficult situation in the economy leads to an increase in the number of overdue debts, and therefore banking and credit institutions are increasingly resorting to the help of collectors. The profession remains in demand and highly paid, despite a number of recent scandals and incidents related to this type of activity. The top monthly income of a collector can be up to 300-400 thousand rubles;

IT specialists. Not a single enterprise today can do without specialists in information leakage prevention, protection against hacker attacks and break-ins, development software. The shortage of personnel in this profession makes the average salary of employees equal to 60 thousand rubles;

. The number of catering establishments in Russia is growing by leaps and bounds, and therefore any restaurant or cafe would like to have among its employees a qualified chef who has experience, culinary knowledge and talent. Salary reaches 90 thousand rubles per month;

Personal drivers. Despite its low prospects and prestige, employers offer about 70 thousand rudders for it. In some cases, car owners allow drivers to earn extra money from their cars in their free time. This is a predominantly male profession, among personal drivers almost no girls.

Highly paid work depending on gender

Work for men

In the labor market, different demands are placed on people of different sexes, and therefore the most highly paid professions for women and men are different. Thus, a representative of the strong half of humanity has the maximum opportunity to earn money in the following occupations:

Oil and gas industry employee. These usually include engineers, drillers, site foremen, etc. Natural resources constitute a significant part of domestic exports, and therefore competent specialists in this field have been valued since Soviet times to this day;

. Strictly speaking, a woman can be a dentist, but society has already formed a stereotype that this is a predominantly male profession. The honorable work of a dentist in Russia is decently paid, especially when it comes to private clinics;

Logistician. Russia is a country of endless territories, and therefore the ability to quickly and efficiently ensure the safety of goods and organize their delivery to one point or another, for example, from Moscow to Tyumen, is especially valued here. Experience is especially valued in this profession;

Work specialist. Behind last years the professions of welder, turner, mechanic have undeservedly lost their former prestige and honor. However, specialists who continue to work in these specialties can boast of high earnings both in Moscow and in the regions;

Military specialist. Heated up in recent years international situation and the growth in exports of domestic military products have made the professions of military engineers, technicians, and testers very highly paid. The military industry is developing widely in Moscow and in the regions, and there is a great need for workers there.

Work for women

The highest paid professions for girls today are:

. The profession has not lost its relevance for many years and provides specialists with a salary of 100-200 thousand rubles;

Managers. Work at an enterprise must be smoothly run like clockwork, and therefore internal communications specialists, sales managers, and customer service specialists are highly valued by employers;

Accountants. This is a very complex and responsible specialty that requires, in addition to professional skills, also knowledge of various acts, regulations, and laws. On the other hand, this work is usually highly paid;

Manicurists, makeup, stylists, hairdressers. Skill, experience, and knowledge of their field will help beauty specialists create an extensive client base of girls and boys and secure high wages.

Strictly speaking, these lists are very arbitrary, since, in fact, there are very few purely male or women's professions. The main thing is to be a high-quality specialist and love your job, and this is valued higher than belonging to one gender or another.

Highly paid professions in the future

For those young people who are just going to decide on their choice of profession in the coming years, information about which professions will be well paid in Russia in a few years will be very necessary. Experts and analysts believe that after 5-10 years it will be possible to count on high earnings in such specialties as:

In addition, webmasters, logisticians, accountants, and lawyers will remain on the list of potentially highly paid professions.

It is worth keeping in mind that a young specialist, having received a highly paid profession, is unlikely to be able to count on a really high salary in the first years of his working life. High competition and employers' distrust of employees without experience lead to the fact that employee income during this period is relatively low. If a young specialist’s income turns out to be lower than desired, you should not give up and complain about fate. It will be much more productive to remember the proverb “Moscow was not built in a day” and try to become a high-quality specialist in order to gradually reach the desired salary level within 5-10 years. For this preferably:

  • gain comprehensive knowledge on the subject of your work,
  • get another one higher education,
  • learn at least one foreign language (best of all – English),
  • develop positive personal qualities,
  • resort to irregular working hours when necessary,
  • learn to make non-standard decisions to achieve your goals.


Once upon a time, it was indecent for women to earn money. The best profession for a woman was considered to be the absence of a profession as such. This does not mean that the girls could not do anything. Girls were raised to become wives; this was considered the only possible and respected option for organizing their lives.

Nowadays, everything has changed radically. Women have actively mastered not only what is called “originally feminine” specialties, but also many male professions. Now a girl is not only an attachment to a man, but she can also earn a living and build a career. What are the best professions for girls?

The best professions for girls

One of the best professions for girls is the popular specialty of secretary-assistant. In 99 cases out of 100, in the secretarial position in the reception area general director of any company you will see a girl. This position does not always require a higher education; there are companies where the secretary performs purely representative and simple office functions. You can print a document or make a photocopy without a higher education. But, if you want to make a career in this place, then higher education and knowledge will be very useful foreign languages, computer fluency and the ability to connect with people. With such a range of knowledge and talents, you can definitely say that a secretary is the best profession for a woman. A secretary-assistant is a very promising profession, such personnel are required everywhere, and highly qualified secretaries are worth their weight in gold and they do not stay without work.

Here best advice, which can be given to young people: “Find something you love to do, and then find someone who will pay you for it,” - Katherine Whitehorn.

No matter how different we may be, we are all united in one thing - if we have to earn a living, the work must be pleasant and generate income. When choosing a profession, it is important to understand that the future specialty must be in demand in the labor market, otherwise the acquired skills may become passive or, in best case scenario, turn into a hobby.

Girls who finish school tend to take their choice more seriously future profession than young people of the same age. We will try to help school graduates decide on a choice of business that will help them feel confident in adult life.

Promising women's professions

When choosing a specialty, it is necessary to analyze the situation on the labor market in order to understand which specialists will be in demand for a long time. For several decades now, there has been a consistently high demand for IT specialists all over the world. Every company needs a person who is well versed in computers, and this work pays well.

In recent years, there has been a new surge in the popularity of construction professions. We do not encourage girls to become plasterers - we are talking about engineers, designers, planners, architects, etc. The scale of construction is increasing, and there are clearly not enough qualified specialists. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that professionals in this field will always be provided with work and stable earnings.

Professions in which you can compete with men

Women feel more and more confident doing work that not so long ago was considered a man's job. If you do not take into account prejudices, it is quite possible to become a first-class specialist in such, at first glance, unfeminine professions:

Driver. Women drive cars confidently Everyday life. Why not make it a profession? In addition, we are much more careful while driving, and less often than men we become victims of road accidents.

Bartender. If you are sociable and have common sense, you can master this profession. Your task is to maintain communication and not give in to numerous offers from visitors to drink for company.

Police officer. There are niches in this field in which women cope with work better than men. It is unlikely that you need to strive for operational work with the detention of criminals, but you may well become a juvenile affairs inspector, an interrogator or an investigator.

System Administrator. If you are excellent at using a computer, you understand it better than a sewing machine, and you understand that you can become a strong IT specialist , why not try yourself in this matter?

As you can see, it's not on the list researchers and teachers. These professions are noble and worthy of respect, but it is difficult to classify them as promising. If you feel an irresistible attraction to teaching, do not restrain your impulses - you will receive moral satisfaction from your work, but, alas, you will have to forget about material benefits. Microbiologists, geneticists, biochemists, etc. feel good in science. Unfortunately, the prospects are mainly for those who are planning to move abroad and are fluent in a foreign language.

Prestigious professions for women

This world will become different when most girls stop secretly dreaming of becoming a fashion model, actress or singer. Nothing is impossible under several conditions: you are talented, good-looking, ready to work hard, and your parents are not poor people. Mentioning start-up capital is not superfluous - you will need a professional portfolio, good clothes, paid training in special courses, etc. If you do not feel absolutely confident in your choice, let's get down to earth and see what you can do here.

Tour guide and tourist office employee. An interesting and in-demand job - people increasingly prefer active recreation to lying on the beach, therefore, they need a guide.

Bank employee, accountant, auditor, inspector tax office and so on. Specialty "Accounting and Audit" in Lately is extremely popular, since in the future the profession promises a wide choice of work and a decent salary.

Lawyer. These specialists will always be needed, but most law graduates work as legal consultants. Not everyone manages to become lawyers, judges, prosecutors and notaries.

Journalist. A profession that is fashionable at any time, but lacks the romance that many applicants to the Faculty of Journalism think about. The desire to be a journalist, especially on television, is not enough - you need talent and luck.

Translator. A highly sought-after and promising profession: there will always be a job for a competent translator.

Psychologist. Quite a prestigious job, although not in great demand yet. If you feel that psychology is your calling, go study. A competent specialist can work in recruitment agency, conduct trainings, help children.

Sales Manager. The specialty has become very popular in recent years. You need to understand that the ability to sell and the ability to organize sales are not the same thing. If you can reach an understanding with your employer on this issue, career guaranteed.

Fitness trainer. It is not too difficult to enroll in a physical education institute, and you will be able to combine work with taking care of your own health.

Secretary-assistant. It is not uncommon for an assistant manager to become a very influential person in a company.

Stewardess. Great job! you will see the world, receiving a good salary for it. You will need knowledge of foreign languages ​​and excellent health - it is not for nothing that flight attendants retire at 35 years old.

Freelancer. Prestigious, profitable and convenient, but not at all as simple as it might seem. You must be able to do something very well: do accounting, understand computers, develop designs, do manicures, take photographs, organize holidays, etc. If you can work independently and without “sensitive” guidance, everything will depend only on you desire to succeed.

Always relevant and in demand professions for girls

Demanded and prestigious professions do not always coincide. The opportunity to earn a stable income attracts practical and sensible young ladies.

Hairdresser-stylist. A talented master, after completing courses or even without them, can create a miracle. Such hairdressers have regular clients, and some may eventually open their own salon and move to a new career level.

Neil master. Manicures should be done at least once every two weeks, and many women adhere to this rule. Ladies usually prefer to have their own master, to whom they remain faithful for many years.

Cosmetologist. The profession is very feminine. It is better to get a medical education - then the range of opportunities will expand significantly. But for starters, cosmetology courses are enough.

Dressmaker, fashion designer. This profession is for those who have good taste and golden hands. Skilled seamstresses are never left without work. To gain experience, you can start from the cutting machine.

Photographer, cameraman. In addition to talent, the job requires physical endurance.

Organizer of children's parties. In this matter you cannot do without a calling, but if you love children and know how to find relationships with them mutual language, if you manage to have fun like the kids, go for it!

Governess, teacher, tutor. After graduating from the Faculty of Education, you will gain a lot useful knowledge. The demand for good nannies and tutors will never dry up.

The most interesting, profitable and profitable professions nowadays for girls, women and men.

What motives drive people who type into a search engine a query about the highest-paid and most in-demand professions? Ambition, thirst for money or job security? Or maybe future students need a hint before choosing a specialty? Or confidence that the acquired profession will be in demand and relevant for many years after completion of training?

  • Let’s not baselessly condemn “progressive” trends, but let’s try to compile a list of the most paid and profitable professions for women and men.
  • Regardless of the ratings of the most successful and highly paid professions, a good specialist in any industry is one who constantly improves and reaches the pinnacle of excellence. Whether it will be the service sector or accounting or surgery depends on the personal preferences and abilities of the future specialist.
  • Both a photographer and a massage therapist can earn a high income. Only a bad specialist will be without work for a long time, and a good one will not have even a minute of free time. Masseur high level may have an income that exceeds the salary of a mediocre manager, accountant or lawyer. A dentist at a prestigious clinic in Paris can receive a salary that is significantly lower than the salary of a cosmetologist who removes warts with a laser.

Top 10 popular, popular and highly paid professions for women and men in Russia

  • When choosing the type of activity to which your whole life will be devoted, you should be guided by several criteria: the future activity should not only bring pleasure and be well paid, but also top the ratings of the most in demand.
  • This must be taken into account so that by the time you graduate young specialist I didn’t have to think about changing my occupation and starting my studies again, having already chosen another current specialty, since the diploma I had obtained with such difficulty would no longer be useful.
A bad specialist will be without work for a long time, and a good one will not have even a minute of free time
  • Which specialists will be valued by employers and which of them will not lose their relevance in the next 4-5 years? Today there are so many financiers and lawyers that it is very difficult for a graduate of this field to find a job.
  • I have to agree to a position not in my specialty, but this does not stop future students and they continue to storm educational establishments in order to obtain a degree as a specialist in the field of jurisprudence or study the basics of financial literacy. A combination of factors is the reason for the recent growing trend of obtaining a diploma of a second higher education.

A combination of factors is the reason for the recent growing trend of obtaining a diploma of a second higher education

What field of activity should be “attacked” now, so that during the job search the situation of “an extra specialist” does not arise. What solution will ensure a decent salary in the future?

Top 10 professions for men and women in Russia:

The first specialty on our list is engineer

  • Despite the relevance of the profession, there is an acute shortage of qualified personnel in this area. There is a great need for competent engineers in the construction sector. There is also a demand for industrial engineers and electrical engineers, but future students are betting on other specialties.
  • Statistical forecasts are quite sad: according to the data obtained, 68% of professional engineers will retire within 5 years. There are no young specialists who could replace them. There will be only 3.7% of the required number of frames.

There is a great need for competent engineers in the construction sector

Second specialty – service specialist

  • The rapid development of service in the country requires the presence of such workers as service specialists. Any customer appreciates attentive and fast service, be it a night beauty salon, round-the-clock delivery of products to the office or home, or booking hotel rooms.
  • There are a lot of requests, and the goal of the service workers is to respond quickly and be able to smooth out a conflict situation. After all, clients come across different types, which is why employees with excellent communication skills and resistance to stress are valued.
  • Among service business owners, specialists in interesting, rather unusual types of activities are becoming valuable. Among them are animators, guides, those who are next to the client during a business trip, and meet them at the airport.

Third specialty - IT specialist

  • Already, the demand for IT specialists exceeds all conceivable limits. Even the simplest institution needs a competent system administrator: it is necessary to ensure information protection using new programs. The number of requests for new software development is also growing. Professionals in this industry have the highest income in the country.

Already, the demand for IT specialists exceeds all conceivable limits.

Fourth specialty – physician

  • The work of a modern medical worker is now decently paid, which is why all areas in this area are again popular among future doctors and nurses.
  • There is a great demand for highly specialized specialists. Quickly find a decent job wages ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, speech therapists, nutritionists, allergists, good surgeons. IN medical centers There is a real “hunt” for good specialists. They are offered high salaries, paid apartments and the opportunity to regularly exchange experiences with colleagues from other countries.

The work of a modern medical worker is now decently paid

Fifth specialty – ecologist

  • Due to deterioration environmental situation all over the world, the specialty of ecologist is gaining popularity. After all, the quality of people’s lives and their health completely depend on the environmental situation.

Sixth specialty – chemist

  • The profession of a chemist is now more relevant than ever. Especially if we take into account the emerging energy problem of the 21st century: oil and gas are becoming less and less in the bowels of the earth, and replacements have not yet been invented.
  • Since the efficiency of natural sources, such as solar, wind, and water energy, is quite low, the problem of finding an alternative to gas and oil becomes a priority and a solution for it must be found in the near future.

The profession of a chemist is now more relevant than ever

Seventh specialty – psychologist and personal consultant

  • Specialists in the field of psychology can be classified as medical workers. But problems that have arisen recently mental state a person is forced to make an immediate decision.
  • IN staffing table educational institutions and clinics must have a psychologist. Any enterprise has a demand for competent specialists. Private consultation is also becoming commonplace.
  • The range of tasks of a personal consultant is quite wide: it can be either an individual consultation on nutrition or a shopper service.

The range of tasks of a personal consultant is quite wide: from individual advice on nutrition to shopper services

Eighth specialty – marketing

  • Many products that manufacturers offer us remain unclaimed. Other groups of goods, which were recently in great demand, are lost against the background of similar goods, which have a more favorable price-quality ratio.
  • One of the tasks of a marketer is to monitor the market for goods and services, as well as to make forecasts of the demand for certain groups of goods over time or right now. As in any other field, employers value competent marketing specialists.

One of the tasks of a marketer is to monitor the market for goods and services.

Ninth specialty - PR specialists

  • Such specialists are worth their weight in gold today. However, having a PR specialist diploma does not mean that a former student will become a specialist in his field. In the field of advertising, not only the knowledge acquired at the university is valued, but also personal flair, acumen and interest in one’s work.
  • Only competent PR specialists who earn good money for their own creative ideas can count on a huge salary.

Tenth specialty - nanotechnology specialist

  • Specialists in all developing technologies are also highly sought after by employers.
  • Scientists are working to expand the range of industries that use nanoparticles and are also studying aspects regarding their use.

Video: U News. The most in-demand professions of 2015-2020

The demand for various specialties in Belarus reflects global trends. Ratings of the most popular professions such as cooks and sellers, as well as doctors in public clinics.

List of the most popular and highly paid professions in Belarus:

  • IT specialists: salaries of “IT specialists” are constantly growing, and among the requests of employers is the demand for good specialist the most in-demand profession.
  • In Belarus, graduates of law universities experience difficulties finding employment, but an experienced specialist will not be left without work and good earnings.
  • In third place among specialties - office workers. The demand for secretaries and office managers is constantly growing. Payment for such work remains at an average level.
  • In the fourth position are sellers. The salary can be either the minimum or reach two average wages around the country. Due to the constant turnover of personnel in the catering sector and in the industry petty trade There is a constant shortage of labor.
  • The next position is occupied by doctors from state clinics. Due to the medical reforms young doctors prefer to work in private clinics, and positions of highly specialized specialists in the regions remain without candidates.
  • In sixth place are auditors and marketers. It is very difficult for a recent graduate to find a well-paid job in this field, since employers are in demand for experienced specialists who can ensure that there are no errors in financial statements, which are constantly changing.
  • Advertising managers take seventh place. Employers have the most requests for such specialists. This is explained simply: after 3 months, managers leave for another job.
  • Among last positions- cooks. There is a great demand for sushi chefs now.
  • In ninth place are HR specialists or personnel service workers. Small organizations are gradually disappearing. And in large ones, the selection of employees is carried out by the personnel service employee.
  • In tenth place are engineers. Specialists in this field are accepted for high paying job immediately after graduating from university. Such workers can expect rapid wage growth.

Top 10 popular, popular and highly paid professions for women and men in Belarus

Top 10 popular, popular and highly paid professions for women and men in the world


  • Marketers
  • Nanotechnology specialist
  • Business trainer
  • Sales Manager
  • Advocate
  • Secretary-assistant

The most interesting, profitable and lucrative professions for girls nowadays

  • Manager
  • Accountant
  • Stewardess
  • Administrator
  • Realtor
  • Marketer
  • Designer

The most interesting, profitable and lucrative professions for women today

The most interesting, profitable and lucrative professions for men nowadays

  • IT specialist
  • Bank employee
  • Lawyer
  • SMM specialist
  • Architect and engineer
  • Manager
  • Doctors
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketer
  • Accountant

The most profitable job on the Internet: list

  • Copywriter
  • Translator
  • Web Programmer
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Architect
  • Video editor
  • Social Network Administrator
  • Contextual advertising specialist
  • Internet Project Manager

Video: TOP 5 MOST necessary/profitable PROFESSIONS on the Internet