Ruins in paintings by 18th century artists. Ancient ruins in paintings and engravings by Sebastian and Marco Riccia. Sometimes, it is still useful to forget all the knowledge acquired at school and college in order to take a fresh look at simple, long-known things.

Many researchers and those simply interested in the topic of antiquities claim that in the past there was a highly developed civilization on Earth. This is evidenced by traces of mechanical processing of granite and other durable rocks, on which traces of mechanisms unattainable even to us are visible. Namely: sawing discs with a thickness of 1-2 mm, high-quality vessels with a wall thickness of a few millimeters, etc.

Yes, perhaps all this took place in ancient times. But some examples can be explained by the hypothesis of casting and molding from geoconcrete (outcrops of cold fluidolites). It is possible that the traces of cutting tools are just traces of a spatula on the “plasticine” masses.

I believe that there was a highly developed civilization, but it was different, not as we imagine it. Without industry and consumerism, without “crutches” in the form of gadgets and centralized energy supply. And the equipment for production was self-sufficient and universal. At the level of artisanal small-scale production. Drive - manual with a flywheel (inertial drive), or steam engines, about the most vivid examples of which we were later told in history in the form of the first steam locomotives. Each product was individual and, to some extent, a work of art. There was no conveyor belt and no one-size-fits-all standardization.

And this civilization existed recently, back in the Middle Ages. I propose to dive into the evidence of this statement.

Video about exhibits stored in the Hermitage (there are more than 300 of them!) 18th century. These are masterpieces of micromechanics and engineering of that time. To develop such mechanisms today, teams of designers are needed:

In Europe, the fascination with this automation and mechanical toys lasted 200 years. And almost instantly, interest in them disappeared! Even in the palace of the Chinese emperor by the 19th century. About 5,000 similar exhibits have accumulated. Then how many of them were there in all of Europe? How do we have cell phones? And what happened that the tradition of making these machines and interest in them disappeared? Historians say that the invention of the gramophone put an end to such toys. But is it? Maybe there was a completely different reason? Indeed, in our time, electronics in smartphones is only progressing. I doubt that interest in them could instantly disappear throughout the world.

Kulibin's watch

One of the masterpieces kept in the Hermitage collection is Kulibin’s watch:

An egg-shaped clock created by I. Kulibin in 1767 for the arrival of Catherine II for her arrival in Nizhny Novgorod. The clock played Easter melodies every hour. At the end of each hour, miniature figurines performed performances based on biblical motifs. 427 the smallest details. Restorers still cannot restore it, because... cannot unravel the secret of their work.

And now having read this brief information, think: how could a simple self-taught person make such a masterpiece of micromechanics? For a modern engineer, you need to know many disciplines and have vast experience in materials science and the principles of constructing watch mechanisms. This means there was an excellent school even in the outback Russian Empire that time. Or did Kulibin study somewhere? Did you go to Europe or were there other schools here too?

Clock 17-18th centuries. How could symmetrical gears and other parts be made by hand with such precision?

I once carved myself a medallion from a silver plate using a marked template. At my disposal was a hand jigsaw, files and needle files, and polishing paste. But I didn’t get a high-quality product. I did not achieve either good geometry or quality of metal processing. Yes, I am not a jeweler and do not know all of their techniques. But were all watchmakers of that time jewelers? Turning a miniature gear is not like inserting a stone into a ring.

If you look at I. Kulibin’s watches and other watches of European masters of that time more carefully, you can understand that the parts were made by turning, and not by hand. What do we know about lathes of that time? It turns out that they came in a wide variety, here is the information:

Screenshot from a 17th century book. These are weapons machines for making gun barrels at the Tula plant.

Link to a book showing drawings of other machines of those times, namely 1646. Their level is in no way worse than 19th century machines. It was on them that such masterpieces were made, and not with hand tools, as historians write.

A few more photographs of the machines on which high-tech parts were made in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Machine tools before the 19th century.

Check out the work of these three artists. According to official opinions, they all wrote in the style of “Architectural Fantasy”, “Catastrophism”, architectural romanticism and surrealism. This could still be allowed, if not for the complete coincidence with many objects that actually existed before and now cultural heritage. Many matches were shown in this article:

Here are these selections from artists who, most likely, found all this desolation and ruins of majestic buildings:

Secrets of past civilizations. Part 1(click to view)

The French artist Hubert Robert (1733-1808) traveled extensively throughout Europe and left us with very interesting pictures, from which we can unearth something about our past. It is believed that Hubert had a good imagination and he painted many of his canvases only from his many fantasies about majestic ruins, but is this really so? Is this even possible? The paintings clearly show that the people depicted in them live among the ruins of former civilizations and are absolutely unable to even bring them into decent shape, not to mention some kind of restoration. Either people were very lazy, or they could not work on such a scale and using technology unknown to them. Unfortunately, due to the ignorance of our ancestors, not many remnants of past civilizations have reached our times, but existing specimens pose quite a lot of uncomfortable questions to our historians, who either modestly remain silent or speak complete nonsense, thereby polluting historical memory about great civilizations.

Secrets of past civilizations. Part 2(click to view)

Charles Louis Clerisseau (1721-1820) very interesting artist, or rather, his paintings are very interesting. It is believed that Charles worked in the so-called “Architectural Fantasy” style, since historians believe that everything depicted in the artist’s pictures is fiction, imaginary objects and did not exist in reality. We can agree with this, but we can also argue. There is quite a lot of room left for everyone to think for themselves. For our part, we only want to be surprised if all these exquisite architectural solutions with high detail and drawing are just the imagination of the artist, and not traces of past advanced civilizations.

Secrets of past civilizations. Part 3(click to view)

Works by Italian archaeologist, architect and graphic artist Giovanni Battista Piranesi. Giovanni, like his fellow artists Hubert Robert and Charles Louis Clerisseau, he painted in the style of architectural romanticism and surrealism, that is, everything that he depicted on the canvases was the fruit of his imagination. This is what official history tells us. But is this even possible? The paintings clearly show that the people depicted in them live among the ruins of former civilizations and are absolutely unable to even bring them into decent shape, not to mention some kind of restoration. Either people were very lazy, or they could not work on such a scale and using technology unknown to them. The people depicted generally do not fit into the grandiose buildings in scale. That is, either Giovanni is a genius of fantasy, or he drew from life, which could well have been the case in reality. Let's look at the engravings from the point of view of the reality of the events and views depicted on them.

“...Then they scare you with plates, they say, they’re vile, they fly,

Either your dogs are barking, or your ruins are talking.”


Sometimes, it is still useful to forget all the knowledge acquired at school and college in order to take a fresh look at simple, long-known things. And then, something new will certainly open up. I invite you to reflect on my collection of reproductions of paintings by painters of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

Jean-Christophe Miville "Ruins on the Seashore".

To begin with, a short preface. So that the course of my thoughts would be clear, and they themselves would not seem so incredible.

Every morally and physically healthy person sooner or later comes to the realization that all life is a continuous run in a circle. Well, or a zebra, as you like. However, the essence is the same: One day you wake up in the morning and realize that you have spent a lot vitality for pouring from empty to empty. You start to do everything anew, taking into account previous experience, and in the end, another morning comes when you have to rethink everything once again.

And it turns out that many people are unable to admit that what they considered unshakable is actually a delusion or a lie. We were taught perseverance, right? We are convinced that there must be some truths that must remain the basis of everything, without the existence of which chaos will begin. Therefore, a person who renounces his beliefs does not command anyone’s respect. Respect the “persistent” tin soldiers" And in this the main problem. It is very difficult to grasp that fine line between truth and error.

And time flows... And everything around is changing rapidly. You cannot stupidly follow outdated instructions. But at the same time, one cannot deviate from moral norms, otherwise a “spin into a tailspin” is inevitable, which leads to disaster. The Bible describes the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and this is precisely about those who decided that moral standards were outdated and not mandatory. I hope to live to see the times when the new, current sodomite lands will receive what they deserve, in order to be convinced that at least these truths are truly unshakable. Otherwise, we will have to admit that HELL exists, and that is where we are.

So, let’s try to deviate from dogma, but at the same time, not cross the line and not slide into mysticism. Here are some striking paintings by various artists who are less famous than the works of Giovanni Battista Piranesi, but which are united not only by their era, but also by their content.


Unknown artist of the second half of the 18th century.


Pierre Patel the Elder.


Francesco Guardi.


Antonio Canaletto.


Dresden. Antonio Canaletto.


Alessandro Magnasco.


Jacob Van Ruisdael.


Nicholas Peters Berchem.

This master (Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem), painted quite a lot of landscapes in which the main characters are undoubtedly ruins. I called him Nikolai Petrovich Medvedev, and this is not exactly a joke, as many people understand.

A reasonable question: “What do they have in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries?” there are no undestroyed buildings left? There is a reasonable explanation from historians and art critics for this. The explanation is actually simple and logical, and to question it is real madness. At first glance, there really is no need to “fence the garden”; it’s just a cultural trend, fashion, or as it has now become fashionable to say among patriots: “the trend of the times.”

Yes. Fashion and style are subject to the tastes and moods, thoughts and feelings of millions. We all see this “monkeying” everywhere around us. As soon as some famous idiot appears on camera skiing, hundreds of thousands of idiots begin to sweep away ski equipment from store shelves, and secretly admit to each other that since childhood they have only dreamed of getting on skis, when... Well, you know the rest. What? Did you succumb to the epidemic yourself? Is it hard to fly with Siberian Cranes?

Okay, let's get back to our sheep. And also to bulls, sheep and goats, against the backdrop of “ancient” ruins. This is also a “trend”. The same as the shepherds and washerwomen in the landscapes of those years. Did this “current” affect Russia? Do not doubt. Although the memory of Russian ruins was carefully erased in the 19th and even in the 20th century, something still remained. I will show only two works that I have not shown before:


Kyiv Detinets. Unknown artist.


Tower-Ruin in Catherine Park of Tsarskoe Selo.

Now she looks like she should. Nice expensive Tajik European-quality renovation, gloss and glamor. But more recently it seemed to be in line with the European "trend" of the 18th century. Noteworthy is the pebble with a European date, but depicted in Russian numerals.


"Gone" means the number 1762.

To be honest, the reliability of this plate seems very doubtful to me. For many reasons. See for yourself.

But not surprising. The scale of the “cleansing” true history Russia is such that it’s hard to imagine how it was possible to pull off all this. After all, everything that we were able to learn about the pre-Romanov empire was gleaned from sources that were outside the “cleansing” zone, namely in Western universities and libraries.

This fact leaves no doubt about who exactly “cleared” history. Of course the winner. And this winner is clearly not one of our ancestors, otherwise we would be writing the history of the Anglo-Saxons, and not they for us. Although... This is not our method. We are not against the great ancient past European civilization, which, of course, was one hundred thousand miles of guilders better than our savage one.

Of course, I do not assume that hordes of Germans walked through forests and fields and bulldozed all the ancient buildings on the territory of Tartaria. No. It was enough to spit on all this “junk” and not worry about preservation, that’s all. And written sources were destroyed in a similar way. And not only this way, but also deliberately, purposefully.

Both under Peter and Catherine, books, under the pretext of preservation, were taken from the peasants, and whole convoys were taken to Moscow and St. Petersburg, after which their trace was lost in the darkness. It is clear that the “Old Believer heresy” was simply burned.

The Bolsheviks did exactly this in the twenties with the archives of the Romanovs themselves. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Don’t spit in someone else’s well...”

Well, God is their judge. Let's look at the paintings of another bright representative of the “ruinistic” movement in European painting - Giovanni Paolo Pannini, or as I call him, Ivan Pavlovich Panov.

As you can see for yourself, main character creations - ancient ruins. Nothing new, only in the ruins there were no cattle with cattle, but “normal Europeans”. Middle class and nobility. But this does not change the essence. Some ruins still exist today in the form of restored structures, or outright remakes. But most of what surrounded people just recently has been irrevocably stolen and stolen for urgent economic needs.

These subjects are also united by the fact that the artist photographically captured reality, without thinking about the subsequent interpretation of their creations by descendants. And the descendants turned out to be ungrateful, they considered their great-great-great-grandfathers to be half-witted, dark, uneducated dreamers, inclined to exaggerate, embellish, and generally suck things up.

This is what all modern encyclopedias and reference books write about “ruinistic” painting: - “___ SUBMIT IN THIS PLACE THE NAME OF ANY OF THE ABOVE ARTISTS____ - And is known for his picturesque fantasies, whose main motif is parks and real, and more often imaginary, “majestic ruins” (in the words Diderot ), many sketches for which he made during his stay in Italy."

And are we supposed to believe this? Because the authority said it? And if I don’t want to take his word for it, and seeing all this splendor, I can’t believe that the artist reproduced those buildings that have survived to this day with photographic accuracy, and those that are no longer there, he simply took from his head! Why is this happening all of a sudden!?

The truth is that the artists did not invent anything, they documented the world, and we see that in the 18th century, by historical standards - YESTERDAY - the civilization of European peasants, cattle breeders, controlled by a handful of those who had more expensive rags on their bodies, existed on the ruins of gigantic megalithic structures, which they clearly did not build themselves.

Famous ruin artists such as Piranesi, Hubert Robert, Panini are officially considered dreamers. Explaining their ruins in the paintings as a mixture of real architectural objects and those invented by them. But to better understand this, you can compare paintings and engravings with real ruins that you can touch with your hands. I was able to visit Rome and find some objects that struck me in Piranesi's engravings and paintings by other artists. Why did you want to take it apart? Because he was very attentive to detail and depicted everything he saw with photographic accuracy.

Everything is neglected, people in rags are grazing cattle. There is a layer of earth on the ground and on top of the arch. Very similar to traces of flooding.

Everything is like in the engraving. Up close you can see how well the blocks are processed, how the joints are adjusted, how the patterns move from block to block.
It is simply impossible to chisel it with the help of a crowd of slaves. And those people in the engraving clearly have nothing to do with such buildings.

Quite by accident I came across this arch and recognized it immediately.

Now she is huddled among residential buildings:

How many centuries will it last? Equally skillfully made from carved stone blocks.
Obviously, it was spoiled by some powerful force: an earthquake or a flood, or all together.

One of the pyramids that were in Rome. Judging by the pictures, there were several of them. Apparently the cultures of Rome and Egypt were in close contact and influenced each other, since in addition to the pyramids, obelisks with Egyptian symbols still survive in Rome. The obelisks have been in their places for a long time, because... also appears in the paintings of the “ruinists” in the same places as now.


I have long dreamed of seeing this pyramid, so I couldn’t resist posting a few photos, in case someone is interested in the details.
As you can see, the current level of the ground is much higher than that on which the pyramid and the wall adjacent to it stand.
Almost all the ruins in Rome are buried in a layer of earth. They were already immersed to such depths at the time they were depicted by artists.

I wonder how the barbarians could destroy such a grandiose structure with their hands? The textbooks didn’t tell us about this.

That is, someone designed using drawing tools, calculated all the elements, loads, organized production and delivery
building materials, then, according to all the rules, with all the patterns, they built a huge building out of brick. And then the barbarians came with their hands and sticks
did they dig through everything and beat off pieces of several tons with their feet?
When you stand next to these thick, perfectly smooth, patterned walls, you absolutely do not believe the official story.

These people on Capitol Hill look like strangers here, strangers. Weak, sick, dressed in rags.

Pay attention to the height of the people in pointed hats: the horses are up to their chests. Maybe they made such high doorways for them?

My, and not only my conclusion: those who built these buildings, arches and monuments possessed technologies that they could not use according to the official
versions of history. Their civilization was very developed, they built with stone easily and naturally. It is impossible to train any slaves to build like this.
At some point after the disaster, civilization disappeared and buildings collapsed. Well, the artists simply found more ruins, unlike us.
Subsequently they were taken away to Construction Materials, yes to museums. I cannot call these artists dreamers, since I myself was convinced on the spot of the reality of what they depicted.