The most interesting and highly paid professions for girls. The most profitable professions in Russia

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes


After reading biographies business women, sometimes you are surprised by the fact that most of them either do not have higher education, or strive to get it later, at the peak of their career. There are many educated people, but not sociable, resourceful and hardworking people. Of course, we are not talking about doctors or lawyers.

But there are profitable professions, in which you can achieve heights without classical higher education.

We will consider below what are the most profitable professions for girls without higher education in Russia today:

  • Photographer. The list of profitable professions opens with a creative specialty. Do you notice that you get good pictures, not only with a professional camera, but also with a cheap point-and-shoot camera? Do you feel interested in your surroundings, their details, silent meaning? Perhaps you should try your hand at photography. But you shouldn’t get your hopes up about easy work. To make serious money from photography, you need to constantly work. In order to develop skills or form individual style it takes a lot of practice. You also need to read photography theory, attend master’s courses, and take an interest in the work of other photographers. You can build a good customer base in a couple of years with the help of word of mouth, friends and a social network.
  • Hairdresser. Do you know a lot about fashion and have always enjoyed the trust of your friends when it comes to hairstyles? Can you spend hours studying new trends and always highlight what you need? Perhaps you should take a closer look at hairdressing. For this there are hairdressing schools from famous brands care products like Wella or Loreal. The main feature of successful hairdressers is working for themselves. You shouldn’t force yourself into a beauty salon for a fixed fee. Instead, host your clientele at your home or theirs.

  • Specialist in nail and eyelash extensions. “Beauty” professions are always in demand, because women do not skimp on their appearance. However, it is not so easy to break into this area, because there is a lot of demand and, accordingly, a lot of competition. The “good for cheap” approach wins. As 21-year-old manicurist Veronica says, in a couple of years of work she was able to earn money for her own car, travel and rent a more expensive apartment. What do you need for this? First, complete special courses. Secondly, advertise yourself through friends and a social network.

  • Shop assistant. Do you feel like you love people and are ready to interact with strangers on a daily basis? You have many friends and you easily find mutual language with any people? You may be successful in a profession that does not require a college degree, such as a sales consultant. The best part is that you can choose the sales area that you like! For example, flowers, books, toys, clothes and much more. For a generous employer, it would be nice to have experience in sales or a certificate of completion of such courses. 24-year-old sales consultant Maria talks about her work in a large women's clothing chain: “The work is not easy, because we work in the mass market. The downside is that we close only at 22:00, there are more advantages. Cheerful team, a lot of meeting interesting people, promotion to store manager, weekly salary, flexible schedule. And, of course, many sellers receive discounts and gifts from the company.

  • Seamstress. Despite the popularity of mass tailoring, an individual approach will never lose its customer. A private seamstress at home earns approximately 29 thousand rubles. This profession requires starting investments. A room in the house is usually used as a workshop. But you will have to spend at least 50 thousand rubles on a good machine, cutting table and overlocker. Important qualities that will be required from you: the ability to understand the client, perseverance and concentration.

  • Waitress, bartender. Yes, service staff can earn good money. Especially if you have work experience, good English and a certificate from reputable courses. In this case, your chances of getting a place in a good restaurant with excellent working conditions and generous tips are very high. Benefits of work: flexible schedule. Disadvantages: annoying visitors, but in good bars these issues are resolved with the help of security. From you: charisma, honesty, activity, hard work.

  • Stewardess. This romantic profession without higher education is not as simple as they say. You can train to become a flight attendant through a free 3-year course from a major airline. Upon completion of these courses, students will be employed by the sponsoring company. Typically, the requirements for flight attendants are as follows: age up to 35 years, clothing size up to 46, height from 160 to 175, good knowledge of English, pretty appearance. After selection, the contestants undergo a medical examination to determine their state of health, mental stability and fear of heights. Approximate income from 40 thousand per month + the possibility of free travel.

  • Trader. If you are inclined to analyze and think well, you may like the most profitable profession in Russia - a trader. The purpose of the work is to buy and sell currencies and shares on the stock exchange. The process itself requires only a computer, perhaps courses and a small start-up capital. Those who have developed intuition earn more money good organization work and constantly monitors changes on the stock exchange.

  • Assistant manager. Friendly, efficient and responsible women have every chance to make a career in what would seem to be not the most profitable profession in Russia. Good secretaries with knowledge of English and accounting can earn a decent salary in this position. As assistant Olga says, it is important to find a brilliant boss who has something to learn from.

  • Stylist. A stylist's career must begin as a stylist's assistant. The essence of the job is to look after clothes, prepare models for filming, and put things in order after filming or shows. And after about 1.5 years of such work, you will be hired as a stylist. And then you will be invited to famous shows, a good salary, and career growth, for example, to editor or director of a magazine.

Professions for women have always been different from men's. Find out what areas of work are available for women in modern world are the most popular, and also check out the list of the 10 most popular ones.

It cannot be said that today there is a clear division between male and female professions. Many managers say that when selecting personnel, they primarily pay attention to qualifications and experience. However, when looking at advertisements, you can notice gender preferences.

What are the specifics of professions for women?

First of all, it is worth noting that women are rarely employed in areas that require heavy physical work. Of course, there are ladies who make a living from construction, mining raw materials, creating cars, etc., but there are not many of them.

Indeed, women's professions are considered to be secretary, salesperson, and hairdresser. It is worth noting that employers themselves choose representatives of the fair sex for such positions. This is explained by women’s ability to maintain cleanliness and order, as well as stress resistance and communication skills.

With the development of the technical process, an increasing number of women began to work in the IT field. Firstly, this industry is in great demand today, and secondly, women are distinguished by their perseverance and attentiveness, which is important when working with high technologies.

Gone are the days when women worked primarily as teachers, nannies, salespeople or hairdressers. Modern beauties strive to conquer new heights, achieve success and self-realization. Increasingly, it is women who are engaged in the development of technology, solving economic and environmental problems. In the future, the number of IT specialists, financial analysts and female breeders will increase significantly.

The ambition of modern young people is expressed in ambitious impulses to master the highest paid professions in Russia, the ranking of which changed slightly in 2019. Maximum opportunity to realize your abilities, and the right to career growth ─ the most important questions in the process of searching and choosing a profession. It is always clear that the level of qualification of a specialist provides him with high payment.

Having chosen a highly paid direction of development in the profession, you must always remember that remuneration depends on the following factors::

    duration of work in the chosen specialty, more than 10 years;

    excellent fundamental knowledge in areas such as economics, political science, commercial activities;

    mandatory knowledge of foreign languages, at least one;

    have additional higher education;

    high personal qualities: be a leader in a team, the ability to listen and negotiate, work with staff.

In addition to these designated positions, it is necessary to add the ability to work on an irregular schedule, the ability to make non-standard decisions to achieve maximum results in the task at hand. Highly paid professions do not allow time to enjoy your personal life, so this direction is more suitable for young, ambitious people with a good sense of careerism.

Rating of the highest paid professions in Russia in 2019

The highest paid professions in Russia 2019 do not include generally recognized global specialties in the field of medicine - anesthesiologist and surgeon. The question of who earns and how much is constantly worrying young people; it is always discussed when choosing a specialty that can provide a solid reward for the work done in the future.

Often young people, when choosing a profession, rely on factors such as:

    which wage;

    profession and hobby are combined into a specialty;

    professional family continuity.

It should not be confused now that a person works in his specialty only because of his vocation and love for the profession, this happens in rare cases, basically a person works because he is satisfied with the salary. Now, on average across the country, workers receive about 20 thousand rubles, and for this reason it is quite difficult to talk about highly paid professions, since the remuneration for work is 35 thousand rubles. will be considered a worthy payment.

Let’s compare remuneration for labor in 2014 and the current year, let’s see how the payment has changed:

Highly paid professions of 2014

Cash reward

(RUB per year)

Highly paid professions of 2019

Cash reward

(RUB per year)

Head of the Bank Council

$1.8 million conventional units

Gene. director of the enterprise

Heavy industry

3.0-3.5 million

Gene. director of a heavy industry enterprise

$1.0 million conventional units

From 300 thousand to 2.0 million

IT industry specialists

3.5 million

IT specialists

1.5 million

Internal communications managers

2-2.5 million


1.5 million

Chief accountant (large company)

3.5 million

Chief Accountant


2.2 million


220-300 thousand

From 400 thousand to 1.5 million


350-400 thousand

Sales manager

Trade and repair

Purchasing managers

Manufacturing, processing products


Agricultural and forestry specialties

If you compare the results of 2014 in terms of remuneration and 2019, you will notice that the statistics are different, but this depends on the demand for the specialty, and also for 2019 average statistics are provided for all of Russia. If we take cities separately Federal significance, then the remuneration for the work can be 30-50% more.

Senior management

The highest paid professions include management high level management, a specialist who performs the following functions:

    looking for new clients;

    sale of manufactured goods;

    other work organizing and promoting brands.

The work of these people determines whether the products will be sold or not, and the activities of entire enterprises. Specialists at this level supervise lower-level managers in various industries, such as product sales, construction of buildings and structures, and advertising activities. A manager always has the opportunity to replace the manager he supervises and to combine his activities. The remuneration for work in this profession is usually not lower than the annual earnings of a good entrepreneur.

Gas and oil industry specialists

In this industry, specialties, according to the tradition of Russia, are considered one of the highly paid professions in terms of remuneration for labor.

These include :

    oil production - site foreman;

    well drillers;

    engineering specialties of hydrocarbon transportation.

Young people need to think carefully when choosing this direction, because everything here professional activity, this is a narrow specialization. But as time shows, it is in this industry that there is a need for qualified specialists.

IT industry specialists

Promising for development, the industry of information messages occupies the ranking of the highest paid professions in Russia and is in the forefront in terms of remuneration for labor. Specialists in this industry work on the safety and protection of information at any level.

They must be able:

    create and work with databases;

    identify methods of hacking (penetration) of servers;

    control access to high-secrecy files.

Large enterprises always have a specialist who is responsible for protecting information; in addition, he must ensure that all company equipment operates without failures.

Financial audit

Entrepreneurs are already accustomed to the fact that control over the activities of their enterprises is most often carried out by supervisory organizations, and there is no mention of auditing here; this is a secondary task as necessary. Such activities are no longer acceptable and are becoming obsolete in many regions. The Auditor specialty is a separate specialization.

A person engaged in this work must have a lot of knowledge on the basis of which one can make a judgment about the effectiveness of a particular enterprise. This profession in addition to the audit, it provides consulting services on proper management accounting.

Financial specialists

The profession of chief accountant, no matter what kind of enterprise or company, is always in importance, the weight of the position, almost on a par with the director, but purely formally has subordination to him. If you ask young people what the highest paid professions in Russia are, many will name chief accountant. The chief accountant receives high remuneration for work due to high responsibility for financial condition companies or enterprises. For this profession, a higher financial education is not enough; higher courses in business management and training programs are also needed. Good experience is required in this specialty; for this reason, many chief accountants are valued.

Other high-paying specialties

It should be noted that there are many other specialties with a high level of remuneration for labor, these are:

    Programming. Specialists in this profession must be able to:

    create arrays of information necessary for work;

    be able to adjust the supplied software support;

    understand different systems, platforms.

A competent specialist in this profession always receives a decent reward for his work; he is valued like gold.

    In medicine, dentistry. You can notice the lack of good specialists in the field of dental treatment and prosthetics.

    Food industry, chefs. A chef in a restaurant is a highly rewarded profession. Development restaurant business always entails the search for new specialists. Today, gratitude for the work of a chef can reach up to a million, or one and a half million rubles a year.

You should always understand that a person will begin to receive significant pay for work when his knowledge in the chosen specialty corresponds to a high level.

Which profession pays the most in the world?

The highest paid professions in the world according to the rating, of course, differ from professions in Russia, namely:

    medical industry: anesthesiologists and surgeons, dentists ─ these are the most paid specialties;

    senior level managing manager;

    aircraft pilots;

    market analyst;

  • IT industry specialists;

    genetic engineers, breeders.

It can be seen that medicine is paid much higher than in Russia. According to statistics based on information from CNN Money, specialties in medicine are far ahead of the professions of financiers and managers in terms of remuneration for work different levels.

It is important to understand that it is necessary to achieve the highest level of specialization in any profession, only then can you count on high rewards for your work. You must always be ready to learn and learn new methods of work.

In the modern world there are constant changes, this:

    introduced new technologies that need to be trained;

    the primary needs of a person change, the priorities of services change;

    political trends and actions of different countries are taken into account.

It happens that a person has learned a profession that ranks first in terms of pay, but throughout his entire working life he has not been able to achieve complete knowledge of it, which will bring him a decent reward for his work.

Women's professions

The highest paid professions for women in Russia differ little from those for men; many young women are ambitious and dream of realizing their ambitions in business. We must not forget that only a woman can continue human race. For this reason, you need to choose a profession that cannot take everything free time and strength, but which would adequately reward work.

The most correct solution, this is when the choice of profession coincides with a hobby, you cannot stop at industries where there are factors of hazardous work.

As the greats say: “in Russia there is no profession that a woman cannot master, there are only professions that are considered not for men.” The most main profession for a woman - motherhood!

Most of all, women master the following professions with high wages::

    medical workers (high-level specialists);

    counseling rooms for psychology and family;

    accounting, marketing;

    environmental organizations;

    chemical industry;

    service specialists providing services;

    nanotechnology and micro engineering;

    IT industry specialists;

    engineering staff in various fields of industry.

It was the medical field with an emphasis on psychology that became a female profession with decent wages. It should be noted that a woman, having start-up capital and good idea for business, with an entrepreneurial spirit, even without special education, can create a successful business.

Male professions

What are the highest paid professions for men? Many young people ask this question, because choosing the right direction of development in a specialty is important for the rest of their lives. Now there is no specific division of professions into purely female or purely male specialties.

Of course, no one will be surprised by a woman with a jackhammer, but a man doing knitting is always surprising. We must not forget that long time women are fighting for equality in everything, their expansion in different professions achieved great results.

There are still professions with decent pay, where you need male power and stress tolerance, this:

    High-level specialists in IT technologies;

    bank managers;

    legal services;

    civil engineers, architects;

    management personnel (managers at different levels) of the company.

It has been proven by time that gender no longer affects the level of remuneration for work when a person has high knowledge in his specialty.

Constant changes in the world technological processes lead to changes in the distribution of in-demand and highly paid specialties. They are different in each individual country and even in each region. Working as a nurse in a clinic in a small town rarely reaches the average salary for this specialty in cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. Metropolitan rates for fees and remuneration are significantly higher than regional ones; this must be taken into account when choosing a profession.

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Long gone are the days when men earned more than women. Modern representatives of the fairer sex often do good career, because they exhibit such qualities as resistance to stress, perseverance and determination. Highly paid professions in Russia for girls, collected in this article, will help you choose the right direction of activity and achieve high financial results.

Advertising Manager

This is one of the highest paid professions for girls. If you learn how to competently build an advertising campaign, sell advertising products and select qualified personnel, you can earn good money. A good advertising manager earns about 100 thousand rubles a month.


Legal services are always in great demand. This area of ​​activity opens up broad prospects career growth. In addition, your own legal advice is promising and sufficient. Monthly salary Qualified lawyers in the capital range from 20-500 thousand rubles. Such a highly paid profession for girls will allow you to short time achieve complete financial independence.


The most common female profession- This is an accountant. She does not have creativity, since such specialists work with dry numbers, but despite this, this in-demand and highly paid profession opens up great prospects for girls personal growth. If you master this specialty, you don’t have to worry, since accountants are in demand always and everywhere. It is also worth noting that leading specialists who work at large enterprises receive up to 200 thousand rubles per month.

Human Resources Manager

Many people do not know that personnel officer is one of the highest paid professions in Moscow for girls. HR professionals need to communicate frequently with different people, and women do it much better than men. An experienced HR manager receives up to 150 thousand rubles per month. If we talk about career growth, a responsible employee may eventually take the place of the head of the human resources department or join the board of directors of a large company. Another option is your own recruitment agency. This is one of the most.

Top level manager

To take such a position, you need to be a real workaholic. If you are willing to work around the clock, you can rise to the position of director of a company or chairman of a bank. Such vacancies occupy the first places in the list of the highest paid professions for girls in Russia. But to achieve such career growth, you need to work hard.

In addition, these positions usually have high requirements:

  • Higher education;
  • Experience;
  • Age restrictions;
  • Foreign language skills.

IT specialists

This profession is considered male, but despite this, many women achieve great success in this field. An experienced web specialist or Internet project manager earns 60–80 thousand rubles per month. Such prestigious, highly paid professions for girls are in great demand nowadays, so the demand for IT specialists is constantly growing. If you know programming languages, try to realize your talents in this area.

Individual entrepreneur

If you don't want to work for the "master", open your own. This field of activity does not require special education. The most important thing is determination and entrepreneurial spirit.

At the initial stage, you can implement some simple one, for example, in the service sector. Here you can receive financial resources for the purchase of materials as an advance payment from customers. The most important thing in this matter is to create good reputation. In this case, you will quickly develop your own client base and make a good profit. Over time, when the enterprise reaches net income, you can find out which one and open your own enterprise.


This is an area of ​​activity in which you can find many prestigious, highly paid professions for girls. If you have creative abilities and a wild imagination, you can try your hand at creating scenarios for theatrical productions or entertainment public events. But in order to get such a job, you need to gain certain knowledge in the field of drama. Many theaters, film studios, advertising campaigns and holiday agencies need screenwriters. If you are able to think outside the box and creatively, try to master this interesting, highly paid profession for girls. It is worth noting that in advertising, earnings are much higher than in cinema or television.

Creative individuals can also start selling paintings, original souvenirs, exclusive clothing and more. Main secret Success is hard work and patience. Choose one of the most and open your own business. If you constantly develop your enterprise, improve it and attract new customers, the business will bring excellent profits.

Show Business

Many girls dream of becoming famous actresses or singers. But unfortunately, breaking into show business is not so easy. If you manage to take a position in this area, the salary will fully compensate for all your work.

Film and theater actresses, singers, dancers are the highest paid professions for girls in Russia. Show business stars receive huge fees for one concert or filming. Develop your talents, participate in various competitions, that is, do everything to get noticed. You can achieve great success in show business. But for this you need to be persistent, a purposeful person, confident in their abilities.

Image maker

If you are looking for a highly paid profession for girls that you can master in a short time, try becoming an image maker. This is a specialist who helps a person create an image that corresponds to his status and position in society.

The services of image makers are often used business people, as well as parliamentary candidates who want to please their voters. The highest position in this area is image analyst. He analyzes the work of the enterprise in order to identify facts that have an impact on Negative influence for the work of the enterprise. The specialist develops a strategy that allows you to solve all problems and create a good reputation for the company. Image makers and political strategists who work in elections also receive decent salaries.

10 Best High-Paying Professions in the World


Girls who are wondering can take florist courses. This is a very exciting creative activity that brings good income. After you learn how to collect beautiful bouquets from different colors, you can get a job in a flower shop. Over time, when you gain experience, open your own salon or online store. Flower trading is one of the most profitable types of business for 2016, so you should not lose sight of this area of ​​activity.


Such specialists are in demand in all companies related to trade. Marketers are engaged in product promotion, market analysis, developing new advertising strategies, in general, doing everything to promote the company’s brand. In order to take up such a position, it is not necessary to have special education. If you know,

Who to work with? This question worries girls already from grades 9-11, when they begin to think about their future. It is not so easy to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which professions are purely male and which are purely female. If desired, a girl can choose for herself any profession that she would engage in with interest.

Prestigious, in-demand professions for girls graduating from grades 9-11

To master a prestigious profession, you need to gain knowledge and practical skills in your specialty. Secondary specialized and higher institutions are best suited for this purpose. Specialized courses can be a good alternative.

Having mastered the knowledge and skills of the profession, you can begin to compile a portfolio and write a resume. Next there will be many interviews and work as a student or intern with low pay for a probationary period.

List of professions for girls TOP-20

1. Tour operator or guide. One of the most prestigious professions, allowing you to expand your own horizons and learn business communication.

People increasingly prefer to holiday abroad, where both the service and the service culture in general are better. Every year, according to statistics, more than 70% of Russians in Russia go on vacation abroad. For this purpose, they turn to travel agencies and companies, so the demand for tour operators and guides increases every year.

The salary level depends on many factors, including the professionalism and talent of the employee. Salary of a tour operator, guide - 300-800$ .

2. Auditor, accountant, tax inspector, bank employee. Knowledge of the laws of economics and the basics of accounting is never superfluous, not only in Everyday life, but also in professional activities.

In a country where there are financial, economic and market relations, the prestige and demand for these professions will always remain at a high level.

All document circulation and financial flows pass through people in these specialties.

Large companies and small firms will not be able to work without employees who have professional knowledge of economics.

The average salary for economic workers (auditor, accountant, tax inspector) is $350-850.

3. Lawyer, lawyer, notary, lawyer. Professions in demand nowadays. “Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility.”

Legal professionals are valuable workers whose services are well paid. The success of the company as a whole largely depends on the professionalism of their work.

Dealing with any controversial agreement, resolving issues in court, protecting the interests of the company, putting documents in order, entering into inheritance or ownership rights - this is an incomplete list of the responsibilities that legal professionals face every day.

What is the salary of a lawyer, notary, lawyer (for private lawyers - a fee) - $500-1000.

4. Journalist, TV presenter. Interesting profession, which opens up great opportunities for you. People of this profession are recognizable and public, they are always surrounded by a mass interesting people and events.

You can apply your knowledge:

    on television,

    radio stations,

    in circulation,

    on freelance.

The ability to express one’s thoughts beautifully and competently, to express oneself correctly, to avoid conflict situations - all this can be learned in journalism.

The average salary of a journalist is 600-1200$ . In addition, there is always a chance to go on a business trip abroad and combine pleasant work with a wonderful vacation.

5. Translator. Good knowledge of a foreign language is:

    private lessons,

    simultaneous translations,

    Freelance translations.

The salary depends on your level of proficiency foreign language and, on average, is $600-1300.

6. Psychologist. A popular profession in the West. In our country, its popularity is beginning to gain momentum.

Psychologists are in demand in:

    preschool and school institutions,

    social and medical services,

    in large enterprises and firms,

    in private clinics.

A competent psychologist is in demand in any team. If there are people, then there are relationships, and a psychologist is the best bridge in relationships and in resolving conflict situations.

Over time, having at least 5-7 years of work experience, you can open a private psychological office.

How much does a psychologist earn? $400-$800.

7. Sales manager. The most popular specialty in the commercial sector.

To be a truly good “salesperson” you need:

    understand the product he sells,

    have the gift of persuasion and charisma,

    understand human psychology and sales psychology,

    be able to “extinguish” emotional outbursts and conflicts.

How much does a sales manager earn - $400-700 + %% of sales.

8. Fitness trainer, choreographer, choreographer. An energetic and physically healthy profession. People in these professions love sports and combine work with health concerns. Good specialists in demand in:

    fitness clubs,

    various sections,

    entertainment complexes.

The level of a trainer's salary largely depends on his skill and physical fitness and amounts to $500-600.

9. Secretary-assistant. The second person in the company after the manager. Impeccable knowledge business etiquette and document flow is done by the secretary-assistant business card companies.

Basic skills and responsibilities of a secretary-assistant:

    ability to negotiate,

    planning the manager's working day,

    work with incoming and outgoing correspondence.

The average salary of a secretary assistant is $500-800.

10. Stewardess. One of the most dangerous professions in the world. Requirements regarding personal health and appearance- the highest. Flight attendants with chronic diseases or temporary health problems are not allowed to fly. Pension for flight attendants begins at 35 years of age.

The salary of a flight attendant depends on the flight distance - $600-1500.

11. Freelance copywriter. Opportunity to earn money at home on a flexible schedule. Requires self-organization and discipline.

Independent search for customers on various exchanges, forums, through friends. A true freelancer combines several professions at the same time - a journalist, a manager, and the leader himself.

Constant self-education and attendance at seminars necessary for professional growth.

A freelancer must be well versed in computer programs and have reliable access to the Internet. The freelancer determines the time and volume of work independently.

A freelance copywriter earns $100-1500.

12. Hairdresser-stylist. A profession for talented and creative girls. Professional hairdressers and stylists have regular client(s).

Many hairdressers practice visiting the client's home, then the cost of the service increases significantly in price. Wedding and holiday hairstyles will cost the client double or even triple the price.

The salary of a hairdresser-stylist is $350-1000.

13. Neil master. Specialist in women's nails. Everything related to manicure and pedicure, nail extensions and treatment is the work of a nail master.

The cost of a nail technician’s work largely depends on the client’s requirements and the time required to complete the necessary procedures.

The salary of a nail artist is $350-600.

14. Cosmetologist. A good cosmetologist can choose the right comprehensive care for the body and face. The resulting positive effect will force the client to become a regular customer of the master’s procedures. Great importance It has high level and professionalism of a cosmetologist.

The cost of services in beauty salons varies greatly and depends on many factors. Medical education for a cosmetologist required condition official work.

The salary level for a cosmetologist is $350-700.

15. Seamstress-fashion designer. The cost of the craftsman’s services depends on the season and the complexity of the cut of the product.

How much does a seamstress-fashion designer earn? $400-800.

16. Photographer. A photographer’s earnings are $300-500.

17. Waitress. A waitress earns $100-300.

18. Call center operator. A girl with a soft and pleasant timbre of voice who will politely and intelligibly help you sort out the current problem.

Who among us has not contacted support when purchasing a product or topping up our phone? Hotlines operate 24 hours a day.

Psychologically difficult profession. The operator needs to take more than a hundred calls per shift. When choosing this profession, make sure that you can communicate on the phone for a long time and not raise your voice at the client, even if he is wrong.

The average salary of a call center operator is $100-200.

19. Nanny, governess, educator, teacher. Giving birth and raising children is the main purpose of a woman. Many are so passionate about this role that they make it their profession.

The demand for women in these specialties is limitless.

Private educators and teachers are paid an order of magnitude more. The salary level of a nanny, governess, teacher, teacher is $100-400.

20. Organizer of children's parties. A fun and very positive job. Here you will have to work with large and noisy children's companies. A good plus You will need experience working with children.

An organizer of children's parties earns about $200-400.

The hardest and lowest paid profession is to be a Human. No matter who you have to work with, always remember this and be a Human! —Madame Vera