How I organized my guest house business. How to attract clients? Estimated expenses and income

I have a good friend, our mothers were close friends, and Olga Dmitrievna Lebedeva and I have been maintaining friendly relations for more than 20 years. Olga Dmitrievna has worked as a chief accountant all her life, she is a true professional in this matter.

Conducted audits as well. By the way, these skills were very useful to her in starting her own business, where she is already her own boss. Her business is very unusual. Olga and her husband built country house V Leningrad region, planned to live there when they retired.

But I managed to exchange the noisy city for a quiet harbor much earlier than retirement age. Olga opened a mini-hotel in her house. She manages this hotel herself.
Especially for the readers of the BizMama website, I decided to find out how Olga Dmitrievna came to such a decision, what she achieved, and what she strives for.

How to open a mini home hotel from scratch - an excellent women's business

Olga, how did you decide to leave the sought-after profession of chief accountant?
Working with numbers has its own specifics. Sometimes you can’t sleep at night because of the endless numbers; all the reports, debits and credits float before your eyes. You can get used to this, and over time I also got used to the papers and numbers surrounding me, but in lately There were difficulties in my work.

There was something of a crisis on the labor market in the accounting industry; wages were reduced by more than 30%, while employer demands increased. The chief accountant usually works in one place for a long time, and my work experience in last organization been there for more than 7 years.

However, after a series of conflicts with the business owner, I made a firm decision to leave this job. I thought about relaxing in nature, fortunately we have a house right next to the water, and then look for a new place of work.

What prompted you to change?
Old friends came to visit us, a whole group of 15 people. We had been planning such a meeting for a long time, but kept putting it off due to lack of time. There are 5 guest rooms in our house, they were built taking into account that in the future our sons will visit us with their families, and so that there is enough space for everyone. We accommodated all our friends in these guest rooms; there were just 5 families.

I cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner for the whole company, someone always helped me with this. We walked, went to the Gulf, fished, in general, relaxed, as the weather and nature allowed. One of my friends said the phrase: “Olga, you should open a hotel and receive guests.

You’re doing great!” I thought about it, and I liked the idea itself. I have long wanted to try myself not as an employee, but as the owner and manager of my own business.

What was your first step?
My husband supported me in my endeavor. Moreover, the guest rooms have a separate entrance from the street, and the design of the house made it possible to separate the hotel area and the area where my family lived.

Olga, do you remember your first clients?
Of course, I remember, they were Finns - friends of our acquaintances. I was afraid that the language barrier would hinder us, but the Finns spoke Russian fluently. They liked us so much that they promised to advertise our mini-hotel throughout Finland.

And, indeed, then several people called to book a room, referring to our first Finns.

How many clients do you have now?
We are already 3 years old. We have been booking rooms via the Internet for a long time. There were never less than 10 guests at the same time. After some time we plan to do cosmetic repairs, so there will be a short break in work.

What can you wish for aspiring entrepreneurs?
Never give up in the face of difficulties and respect yourself as an individual and professional!

See some tips on how to write your business plan.

And some advice for those who decide to open a mini hotel, where to start?

What do you need to know to open a mini-hotel?

In places where there is an influx of tourists, sea ​​coast or in any city where business people Since people are often looking for a place to temporarily stop, the idea of ​​opening a hotel business will come in handy. With a skillful and competent approach, it will become very successful and profitable.

1. Find a building to accommodate the rooms
An essential condition for starting a business is the availability of suitable premises. If you do not own such real estate, you can do the following:
- rent a room for long term in order to recoup associated costs over time;
- buy a room of the required size or several apartments, in this case, calculate your funds;
- build a hotel premises; The convenience of this option is the ability to initially make the required layout, but keep in mind that the entire process from acquiring a site for construction to the start of operation of the building will take time.
Try to arrange a cafe in your mini-hotel. In any case, there should be shops, bars and other establishments nearby that you can visit.

2. Complete the necessary documents
Many small hotel owners do not register their activities in order to avoid paying taxes. However, having the status of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you will be able to expand your client base with “travel” guests who need documents for reporting. The construction of a new premises or redevelopment of a purchased (rented) territory must also be documented. It is also necessary to draw up contracts with a number of services.

3. Much depends on the choice of personnel and arrangement of the premises
Two receptionists, an accountant, a reservation manager and several housekeepers are enough for a hotel with up to 15 rooms. Naturally, the director of the hotel establishment should be at the head. It is desirable that the staff be permanent, because if the team works well together, then the quality of services increases.

Provide safes for customer valuables and panic buttons. Always make sure your plumbing is in good working order.
The beauty of small hotels is the ability to create a homely atmosphere. The cleanliness of the premises and tastefully decorated interior will leave pleasant impression from your hotel. But most importantly, treat your clients in such a way that they don’t want to say goodbye to this place, and next time they choose you for their temporary stop.

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The project involves the construction and operation of a guest house on its own land plot located on the Azov coast of the Krasnodar Territory. The facility is located in close proximity to the city of Yeisk.

Required investments - 13.8 million rubles. The project is characterized by a high level of costs and a significant payback period, but the risks are minimal, and the market is quite stable.

The main competitive advantage of the project is the high level of quality of services, including the availability of a wide range of additional services. The advantage of a guest house over a hotel lies in much simpler procedures for registering a business and registering with supervisory authorities. In addition, the project does not require highly qualified personnel, a complex organizational structure or business process structure.

Key indicators of the project's economic efficiency are given in Table. 4.

Description of the industry and company

The goal of the project is the construction of a guest house in the resort area (Azov coast of the Krasnodar Territory, Yeisk district). The advantage of a guest house over a hotel is that it has a much simpler operating system: there is no need to convert the land plot into a commercial one, there is no need for a star rating, there is no need to organize a restaurant, etc. The guest house's room capacity can reach 20-30 rooms, which is fully consistent with the goals of the project. The main target group is vacationers during the holiday season, from the beginning of May to the end of September.

In recent years, interest in domestic tourism in Russia has been growing, which is associated with a number of economic and political factors: the annexation of Crimea, the popularization of domestic tourist destinations at the state level, a decrease in the solvency of the population, armed conflicts in the Middle East, etc.

According to the World Tourism Organization, in 2014, Russia was visited by about 28 million tourists from abroad, which places it in 9th place in the world in terms of tourist attractiveness.

According to Rosstat, from 1995 to 2011 the influx of foreign tourists to Russia increased by 27%. On the other hand, during the same period, Russians also mastered many foreign tourist destinations - primarily beach destinations: Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, Greece, Bulgaria. In 2010, the number of domestic tourists was 32 million. Unfortunately, similar data for recent years in open sources Rosstat or Federal agency tourism are not represented. However, it should be assumed that in 2015 domestic tourism destinations were in even greater demand than in previous years; and in 2016, we can expect unprecedented growth in the industry.

The main obstacle to the growth of popularity domestic destinations is an undeveloped infrastructure: relatively low quality of rooms, service, lack of a wide range of services; all this against the backdrop of a fairly high price level.

The coast of the Sea of ​​Azov today represents a slightly more economical holiday option compared to the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory or Crimea. In particular, Yeisk Spit is visited by vacationers even from remote regions, such as the Novosibirsk region, Yamal Autonomous Okrug, etc. However, the main share of visitors are guests directly from the Krasnodar Territory and Rostov Region, who come to relax on the weekend. Territorial and price accessibility allow us to achieve a higher level of occupancy of the guest house compared to a hotel on the Black Sea coast.
Competition in the region under consideration is much lower than on the Black Sea coast, and the same applies to the level of service. Consequently, the company that offers the most will be popular. full range services for their high quality. This is planned to be used as the main competitive advantage of the project.

The guest house itself is a 3-storey building with a basement and an adjacent area with parking and a recreation area for guests. On the ground floor there is a reception area, a kitchen, as well as living quarters for the owners and service personnel, in the basement there are: laundry, boiler room and other technical and auxiliary rooms. The room capacity consists of 10 rooms with a total capacity of 30 people (6 double and 6 triple rooms). Removing a guest house in a straight line from coastline- 800 m, from the public beach - 1200 m; the guest house is within reach public transport for the convenience of guests without a car. It is assumed that you can cook your own food in the equipped kitchen, as well as on the grill located in the adjacent territory.

The management structure of the guest house is also simple. Management is carried out by the owner of the project, being constantly at the guest house. Auxiliary functions for cleaning the house and territory, doing laundry, etc. perform seasonal employees from among local residents. Highly qualified personnel are not required.

The total area of ​​the guest house is 600 sq.m. Investment costs for construction and finishing of the building are calculated based on average market prices construction companies- 18,000 rub. / sq.m. and amount to 10.8 million rubles. Equipment of the building and territory - about 3.0 million rubles. Total - 13.8 million rubles, which are supposed to be taken on credit for a period of 18 months.

All rooms are equipped with split systems, TVs and bathrooms with showers. Creating additional seats in each room is possible through the use of chair beds.

As a form of ownership, it is advisable to choose an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system (the object of taxation is income). The owner performs the main management and commercial functions.

Description of services

The guest house provides, first of all, accommodation services for guests, usually short-term - on average up to 10 days. To ensure competitiveness, it is planned to provide a number of related services, most of them free of charge. Full list services are presented in Table. 1.

The price segment of the project is average; At the same time, the quality of services and the condition of the room stock are above average. This will attract more guests and ensure their loyalty for repeat visits and recommendations.

Table 1. List of services




Double room

Accommodation of 1 guest in a double room

3-bed room

Accommodation of 1 guest in a 3-bed room

Providing Internet via Wi-Fi

for free


Parking on site with 24-hour video surveillance

for free

Car wash

Providing rental of a car wash compressor for self-washing a car (no more than 40 minutes)

Preparation of a light breakfast upon request of the guest at a specific time


Transfer of guests on request from/to the airport or train station by owner's car

Cooking on the grill located on the territory of the guest house, use of the gazebo and table

for free


Laundry service for washing guests' personal belongings. Collection and laundry is carried out by a guest house employee.

from 50 rub.
per item

Self-cooking in the shared kitchen

for free

Licensing of services is not required, confirmation of hotel category is not required. It is necessary to obtain permits from the fire service and the Consumer Supervision Authority.

Sales and Marketing

According to Rosstat, the hotel services market in 2014 decreased compared to 2013, which is associated with a decrease in the solvency of the population and savings cash. There is a decrease in expenses for both tourist and business trips. However, the 2015 results, obtained by extrapolating data from the first three quarters, remain at the 2014 level. At the same time, profit and profitability indicators are growing, reaching record levels.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the main financial indicators of the hotel services market in Russia in 2011-2015, thousand rubles/%

It should be expected that the main decline in the market will occur due to business travel, and the tourist segment will grow in all respects. This is caused, as mentioned above, by the popularization of domestic resorts, infrastructure development and blocking of popular tourist destinations.

The popularity of the Yeisk Spit as a tourist area is due to the mild climate, tourist infrastructure in the immediate vicinity (Yaysk) - a water park, dolphinarium, oceanarium, cafes, restaurants, parks, etc. In addition, this microregion is popular in terms of outdoor activities, primarily windsurfing. In addition, 40 km from Yeisk there is Khanskoye Lake, famous for its healing mud and iodine-bromine and hydrogen sulfide springs mineral waters. Thus, we can only talk about the prospects for the growth of popularity of Yeysk and the Yeisk Spit as a resort.

IN in a broad sense, any hospitality enterprises located in a given microregion can be considered as competitors: boarding houses, hotels, mini-hotels and guest houses. Their total number is about 100 units. However, given the different level of services provided and positioning, only guest houses - about 30 units - should still be considered direct competitors. The main disadvantages of existing guest houses include small capacity - these are mainly private households converted into a guest house; monotonous number of rooms - several identical, rather large rooms; amenities not in the room - shared toilet and shower for several rooms; lack or low quality of additional services - lack of cook services, laundry, linen change every 7-10 days, etc. Accordingly, the implementation of all stated in Table. 1 services will give an undeniable competitive advantage to this project.

Sales of guest house services are carried out through travel agencies, whose average remuneration is 10% of the cost, as well as through Internet sites,, etc.; Part of the sales volume will come from intermediaries working directly at the city’s railway and bus stations. The share of sales through agencies and intermediaries in the first two years of the project can reach 80%, then it will decrease significantly, to 30-40% by the fifth year of the project. In addition, you need to create your own website with full description home, rooms and services. The sales volume of a website with good indexing in search engines can reach 30-40%. The share of repeat visits with good quality of service, ensuring high guest loyalty, should account for at least 25-30%.

Interaction with agencies and intermediaries is carried out directly by the owner of the guest house, without the involvement of third-party specialists.

Production plan

Geographically, the facility is located in close proximity to the city of Yeysk, in direct access to public transport. The distance of the guest house in a straight line from the coastline is 800 m, from the public beach - 1200 m. Yeysk is a resort town on the Azov coast of the Krasnodar Territory, a seaport. The population of the city is 85.7 thousand people; is located at the base of the Yeisk Spit, washed by the waters of the Taganrog Bay and the Yeisk Estuary. The climate is temperate continental, characterized by relatively low precipitation and the absence of frequent temperature changes. The holiday season lasts from the beginning of May to the end of September. The transport infrastructure is represented by a railway and bus station. A regional highway connects Yeysk with the capital of the region, Krasnodar, and the capital of the federal district, Rostov-on-Don.

The required costs for the construction and equipment of the building are 13.8 million rubles. The area of ​​the building is calculated based on the average standards of the hotel industry - 12 sq.m. per guest. total area of ​​the building, which is the average for the mini-hotel segment, i.e. class, higher than guest houses. This will also provide additional competitiveness to the project.

For the construction of the guest house building, it is planned to attract a local construction company selected based on a competition. The selection criterion is not only the final cost of construction, but also the use modern technologies, as well as the quality of projects previously completed by the company. The planned period of construction and finishing of the building is 10-11 months.

The costs of equipping the premises of the guest house are shown in Table 2. In addition to the costs indicated in the table, there are also costs for equipping the local area, a fire alarm system, etc.

Table 2. Costs for equipment of a guest house


Price, rub.

Quantity pcs.


Single bed

Double bed


Bedside table

Coffee table


Wash basin

Shower stall

Split system


Kitchen set

Dining table

Kitchen chair

Bed linen


Washing machine

Heating system with boiler

10% of the total cost


1 347 280

The main part of the work to ensure the functioning of the guest house is carried out directly by the owner and his family. To perform auxiliary work during the high season (June-August), hired workers are hired (Table 3); It is advisable to outsource accounting, as well as security functions.

Table 3. Staffing table and wage fund

Job title

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.

Maid/Laundress/Cleaning lady




Total with deductions:

The main item of current costs is utility bills, which can be divided into a fixed and variable part. To the constant part ( fixed costs) applies to the minimum payment out of season. The variable part changes depending on the number of guests per season. In addition to the seasonality factor, it is also necessary to take into account the occupancy of the hotel due to its popularity; in the first year, maximum occupancy is unlikely to rise above 50% during the high season. However, in the future, occupancy is expected to reach 90%.

The sales plan, taking into account seasonality, is presented in Appendix 1.

Organizational plan

The project owner carries out all management, commercial and marketing functions: planning, market research, interaction with intermediaries and booking systems. This allows you to avoid the cost of paying a manager. In addition, on the scale of a guest house, these functions do not require high qualifications and special knowledge. Accounting is outsourced. Organizational structure, as such, is not provided for the project - hired and outsourced workers are directly subordinate to the project owner.

Financial plan

The costs of the preparatory period include investment costs for the construction and finishing of the building, as well as for the development of the project site - 13.8 million rubles. The costs of the main period include: payment for housing and communal services, wages of hired and outsourcing workers, commissions from travel agencies, booking systems and intermediaries, as well as costs for the provision of additional services, the amount of which is extremely small and difficult to predict.

The financial indicators of the project - revenue, cash flow, net profit - are given in Appendix 1.

Project effectiveness assessment

The project is different high level costs, both financial and time. The advantage is a low level of risks and high profitability upon reaching planned targets.

The payback period of the project is 28 months, the discounted payback period is 34 months. Taking into account the need to service the loan, the project begins to make a profit from the second year of implementation. Project performance indicators are given in Table. 4. The indicators are calculated for a three-year period, however, taking into account the long payback period and the unlimited period of project implementation, already in a five-year perspective they will be significantly higher, up to 1.5 million rubles. net profit per year.

Table 4. Project performance indicators



Discount rate, %

Net present value (NPV), rub.

Payback period (PP), months.

Discounted payback period (DPP), months.

Internal rate of return (IRR), %

Profitability Index (PI)

Risks and guarantees

The project is in the service sector in a well-developed industry. The industry has been mastered both in terms of technology for providing services and in geographically- the region is already quite developed as a resort area. The risks associated with the implementation of the project are minimal. Risk reduction is also influenced by the positioning of the project in the middle segment with high quality of services - if there is a need to increase the profitability of the project, you can increase the cost of services by 20% without noticeable negative consequences for the elasticity of demand. In general, we can say that as the cost increases, demand remains positively inelastic, and acquires significant elasticity as the cost decreases.

The main risks are reflected in Table. 5.

Table 5. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences




on prevention

Increased cost and construction time

Careful selection of contractor. Conclusion of a contract with a fixed period of work and estimate; indication of penalties for changing deadlines due to the fault of the contractor

Uncontrolled deterioration of the economic situation, decrease in the solvency of the population

Choosing an effective pricing policy, increasing profitability. Cost optimization.

Rapid growth of competition in the region

Maximum use of all competitive advantages. Introduction of additional services. Active work with travel agencies. Remuneration directly to travel agency managers.

Natural disaster, emergency, fire

Property insurance, installation of fire alarms, compliance with safety regulations and fire supervision.

Considering that investments are made not in technology, but in a liquid tangible asset, bankruptcy of the enterprise even in the worst scenario for the development of the project is not possible. The cost of an already constructed and equipped guest house building can significantly exceed the costs of its construction and equipment.


Production plan and main financial indicators project over a three-year period

Real estate, if managed correctly, can be not only a safe haven for finances during various economic crises, but also very profitable business. One of best options investment of savings is a guest house.

The business plan of a small hotel is not complicated, but in order to become a successful manager, you need to make every effort. The newly minted businessman will have to decide how financial matters, and organizational. It is very difficult for one person to cope with all the tasks, so, most likely, you will have to hire additional staff.

Comparative analysis of the hotel business

Economically developed countries The situation is considered normal when 60% of residents give their preference to large hotels, and the remaining 40% choose the private sector. The situation currently observed in hotel business Russia is in many ways similar to foreign experience. Significant difference The only thing is that we have virtually no competition in this industry.

In countries Western Europe small guest houses have firmly occupied their niche. In such mini-hotels it is difficult to find a fitness center, bar, swimming pool or casino, but guests, as a rule, do not need all this. People are primarily interested in comfort and quality of service.

A large hotel operates on the principle of a conveyor belt. Her staff views each new client as one of many. Even when ordering a luxury room, it is difficult to get rid of the intrusive service and feigned politeness, for which you have to tip every time. Some people choose a cozy guest house for this very reason.

How to open your own mini-hotel: searching for premises

The first problem that a person who wants to work in the hotel business will face is finding suitable premises. For a small hotel it is not at all necessary to buy a high-rise building, and a private mansion in urban areas will not be easy to find.

It would seem that there is a way out of the deadlock situation. Even today, the housing market is literally overflowing with communal apartments. This is the best option for opening a guest house. The business plan must provide for the availability of a certain initial capital, which will be spent on the acquisition of such residential premises.

If possible, it is better to buy living spaces located above the second floor. It is also necessary to take into account that guests prefer to stay in the central and historical areas of the city. You should pay attention to the presence of cafes and shops nearby.

Classification of private hotel business

In our country, the concepts of “guest house” and “small hotel” are not legally defined. In this regard, difficulties arise in their classification. If we use foreign experience, a hotel in which the number of rooms does not exceed fifty can be considered small.

Russia also has its own unofficial classification. According to its criteria, small hotels (10-30 rooms in specially built buildings) and apartment mini-hotels (5-15 rooms in multi-storey residential buildings) are distinguished. Separately, hostels located in private mansions are also distinguished.

Some people are used to counting stars in order to determine whether a hotel is good or bad. This approach cannot be applied to small hotels, since the requirements for a guest house - regardless of its size - will be the same. For example, to assign 5 stars, the building must have a hairdresser, a tennis court, several elevators and much more.

Daily rental of apartments

In conditions of increased demand for real estate and lack of activity of construction companies, the price square meter living space is constantly growing. That is why people who have several apartments or houses prefer not to sell them, but to rent them out. A similar situation is observed in many countries, but in Russia they engage in daily rental of residential premises successful companies and organizations, not just ordinary citizens.

This paradox can be explained by the fact that official registration hotel business is a very complex procedure from a legal point of view. If the mini-hotel is located in a former communal apartment, then the premises will first need to be converted into non-residential use, and then a complete redevelopment of the space will be carried out. This will take a lot of time and effort.

According to statistics, every second guest house registered in the name of an individual is located in the residential sector. Taxation, which in this case significantly more humane, is another reason for this choice.

Advantages of mini-hotels

According to surveys, people staying in small hotels and private hostels cited lower prices, cozy interiors, and an individual approach to each client as the main reason for their choice. It is very important that guests can feel at home. Large hotels that accommodate hundreds of guests are very poorly suited for these purposes.

A guest house whose business plan is very flexible and easily modified is suitable for both creative personality, and for a businessman. The menu and daily routine can also be discussed with the client in advance. The provision of services such as washing clothes, delivery of fresh newspapers and mail is also of great importance.

The small format allows you to create a feeling of coziness and comfort for the guest, and this is worth a lot. The owner of a guest house can effectively control the quality of services provided.

Step-by-step program of action

A business plan for a guest house is best broken down into several small items. They need to be carried out sequentially, then you won’t have to find funds for everything at once. This approach will help you achieve success in the shortest possible time.

Have you decided to start your own hotel business? This is a fairly promising and profitable business, which, if properly organized, will pay off fairly quickly. The main thing is to choose a place where to open a hotel and advertise it correctly. The best option for beginners is a classic mini-hotel with 10-15 rooms. It is not difficult to open, and with the right approach, it brings profit no less than a traditional hotel.

Studying the market

Are you thinking about how to open a mini hotel? First of all, study the existing market. Where should the hotel be opened? Where it will be in demand. These are resort towns, large cities, and popular tourist settlements. Think about who will be staying in your rooms. Students and young people usually choose hostels - they are satisfied with the low price and shared rooms.

A mini-hotel is an ideal choice for a budding entrepreneur

Mini-hotels are used by people aged 23 to 65 years, who prefer to live in a separate room. Mini-hotels are also popular with married couples, for couples with children and business travelers. Think about who from this target audience could become your client.

Please note: draw up a portrait of your consumer, calculating his age, income level, and the services he needs. Based on this, you can build a future hotel promotion strategy.

After that, do competitor analysis. There are probably already hotels and mini-hotels in your city, since this business brings in good money. Research what rooms they offer, what price range they offer, and what additional services they offer. Find out about room occupancy, opening hours, etc.

Then find the market leaders. They set the tone for the entire hotel business in the city, shape the habits of guests and probably know how to dump. You will need to adapt to the leaders, while offering your visitors more best conditions for less money. Or at least the same conditions.

In what format to open

If you do not have serious experience in the hotel business and a huge starting capital, then the easiest way is to open in the format of a mini-hotel. This is a small hotel that consists of a maximum of 30 rooms. Such mini-hotels are located near the main key infrastructure facilities:

  • bus stations;
  • railway stations;
  • metro stations;
  • vehicle interchanges;
  • in the city center;
  • close to popular attractions;
  • near gas stations or along highways.

A mini-hotel can be built or rented

A mini-hotel means having a shared kitchen and microwave in each room, several showers and toilets. In some cases, showers can be equipped directly in the rooms. Required condition today is the presence of high-speed in the hotel Wi-Fi internet. It would also be useful to have convenient parking nearby, but this is an optional option.

Production plan

Let's look at what it takes to open a hotel with 20 rooms. This is a classic size for a mini-hotel. The numbers should be divided as follows:

  1. 3 luxury rooms. Here it is necessary to make high-quality repairs, equip your own bathrooms, install all the necessary furniture in the rooms and household appliances, create mini kitchens.
  2. 13 rooms for classic double rooms. Moreover, make 7 rooms with two separate beds, 6 with double beds.
  3. Allocate 4 rooms for single rooms.

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You will also need to equip a full-fledged kitchen for preparing food, providing it with dishes and household appliances, as well as create a comfortable bathroom for several people. Additionally, the mini-hotel should have a reception desk with an administrator, technical rooms for storing washing supplies and linen, a boiler room and a separate room for washing and ironing.

You should not choose the cheapest furniture for a hotel. It is advisable to install beds with metal frames, closets with durable doors on several hinges, and cover the floor with industrial linoleum or “office” laminate.

Additionally, the mini-hotel can be equipped with a small bar and a gym. This will allow you to significantly expand your customer reach and bring in additional funds.

Financial plan

There are two options for the development of events:

  1. Find a room of suitable size and rent it.
  2. Build a hotel from scratch.

Of course, the first option will require less initial costs, but you will pay a significant amount every month, reducing your own income. The second option will require serious investments, but in the end you will have your own building in convenient location, which can later be sold or rented if you get tired of doing business.

Constructing your own building takes about two years. The estimated investment amounts are as follows:

  1. Obtaining permits, research and design work - 1 million rubles.
  2. Construction of the building, finishing - 10 million rubles.
  3. Improvement of the surrounding area, creation of your own parking lot - 1 million rubles.
  4. Purchase of furniture and equipment - 5 million rubles.
  5. Other expenses - 1 million rubles.

Total construction own object will cost you approximately 18 million rubles.

A year of hotel operation costs approximately 4.5 million rubles, of which:

  1. Taxes, wages - 2.5 million.
  2. Utilities, current expenses, purchase of linen, washing supplies, etc. - 1.5 million.
  3. Other expenses - 0.5 million.

The expected profit from the hotel is about 7.5 million rubles. Rooms with an average cost of 1000 rubles per day will bring you: 1000 * 20 * 30 = 600,000 per month or 7,200,000 per year when fully occupied (in practice, this figure is 10% less, since to ensure 100% occupancy of the rooms all year round not entirely simple). With proper organization, you will receive 6,500,000 million from the numbers and another about a million rubles from the bar - gym. Net profit will be 7,500,000 - 4,500,000 = 3,000,000 rubles per year.

Please note: Our 3 million does not include rent for the building. If you are building your own, then these 3 million will be your net profit. If you rent it, then approximately another 1.5-2 million will need to be paid for rent.

It turns out that building a hotel from scratch will pay for itself in 5-6 years. A rental building with an income of 1 million per year will pay for itself in 5 years. Therefore, building your own is much more profitable. Or look for options with a mortgage - it’s better to pay off the debt for your building than just pay money for rent.

In a mini-hotel, the administrator can act as a security guard

Organization of work

Do you want to know how to open a hotel from scratch? First of all, you should register. We recommend that you register an LLC and work under a simplified taxation scheme. You can, of course, make it an individual entrepreneur, but in this case you risk more serious fines and liability.

If you want to organize own business, but the question arises of what character it should be, creating your own guest house would be a very good idea. Such a business will be in great demand, a large number of people today love to relax in nature, so if everything is done correctly, there is no doubt that such a business will bring a very good income. However, if such an idea is of interest to budding entrepreneurs, then you need to first draw up a competent business plan for the guest house.

The concept of "guest house" for most people, especially the older and middle generations, evokes associations of an elite, inaccessible ordinary people, places where only a select few can relax.

Indeed, at one time the main clients of the guest houses were high-ranking party leaders, diverse bosses who wanted to take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy a calm and wonderful holiday in nature. As a rule, such a guest house was located far from prying eyes, in a picturesque place, there was a bathhouse, a pond, a bathhouse, often a boat station - in a word, everything that allowed you to fully rest and relax.

Today, a holiday in an elite guest house has ceased to be something elite; every person with a certain amount of money can afford it (and it does not have to be large). Therefore, more and more beginning entrepreneurs are building their business in this area. It is noteworthy that a large number of modern guest houses were built by those entrepreneurs who first vacationed there and then chose to invest their money in such a business. This factor is undoubtedly positive, because only those people who themselves know how to improve the recreation infrastructure can offer guests the best conditions.

What should you consider when organizing such a business?

For those who are planning to open similar business, you should know that getting property for the construction of a mini-hotel in the city is extremely problematic, but finding space for a guest house in rural areas much simpler and much cheaper. It should be noted that a guest house, where you can relax and enjoy all the beauties of nature, will be much more popular than a mini-hotel located within the city. The fact is that allocating a plot of land for the construction of a private house does not require an auction procedure, and finding an estate in a picturesque location that is empty will not be difficult. As for the cost of such an estate, it all depends on its condition and other characteristics - you can buy a house for 5 thousand dollars, or for 50 thousand. It should be taken into account that you can buy a manor for relatively little money, but it is unlikely to be possible to convert it into a guest house at minimal cost, therefore, if you do not have a large initial capital, it is better to purchase a ready-made guest house.

It should be noted that when such a business just began to develop, large number entrepreneurs preferred to build “mini-Europe” in abandoned old estates, turning their houses into real castles. However, such kitsch was not in great demand, so more and more entrepreneurs prefer to build guest houses with local flavor. Thus, you can refuse expensive European-quality renovations, consult with ethnographers, spend a relatively small amount of money, after which you can wait for guests and count your profits.

It should be taken into account that wooden log houses are very popular among guests; making the interior of such buildings does not seem difficult, but installing all the necessary communications - gas, water, electricity - can be very expensive.

When organizing a business such as a guest house, you should take into account that in addition to accommodation, services include organizing excursions, hunting, and fishing. It should be noted that if such services are organized correctly, they can bring very significant income. After the estate has been chosen, the building has been converted into a guest house, you should start recruiting personnel. You should not save on this, since the work of the staff will largely determine how many clients there will be in the house. As for the number of personnel, first of all you should hire: a cook, a cleaner, maids, porters, tour guides and, if you plan to organize hunting and fishing, then rangers. It is strongly recommended to hire all these employees with experience so that there are no misunderstandings later.

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The guest house business plan, after staff has been recruited, involves searching for clients. To do this, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel, it’s enough to order a competent advertising company, but you should keep in mind that it should be ordered from a good advertising agency that is responsible for the quality of its work. It should be noted that the services of a high-quality advertising agency are not cheap, but this is clearly not an item on which you should save. When organizing a guest house, you should great attention devoting attention to national exoticism - not only Russian holidaymakers love this, but also guests from abroad, who are in Russian outback It's getting bigger and they're bringing in a very good income.

So, what other services can the owner of a private guest house offer besides direct accommodation? One of the most basic sources of income is catering (it is best to focus on the national Russian flavor or focus on the cuisine of the area where the guest house is located. You can make very good money by organizing banquets in nature (where game and fish are served as the main dishes , poultry, berries, mushrooms, etc.) If there is a body of water near the guest house (river, pond, lake), then you can organize rental of watercraft (rowing boats, boats, catamarans). Fishing is even more popular, so it’s worth it. pay special attention to this.

Among the services that are very popular, it is worth noting the bathhouse, sauna, and swimming pool. Car parking can also be paid; the business plan of the guest house implies this. However, if the cost of more services is paid, then parking can be provided free of charge.