“Harried worker. Hired workers

Usually an employment contract is concluded.

The following may act as an employer:

  • state enterprises and organizations;
  • non-state (commercial and non-commercial) enterprises and organizations;


Employee(aka proletarian) - a person, in legal terminology individual hired to perform work for other individuals/individuals or for an organization ( legal entities, private or public enterprises). In accordance with Marxist ideology, wage workers began to be defined as a special social class that carries revolutionary energy. According to this theory, it is believed that workers first appeared at the end of the medieval period during the industrial revolution, which affected the Netherlands from the 17th century, and Russian Empire since the 19th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, wage workers had become one of the two main socio-economic classes of the capitalist formation and the revolutionary purpose of the proletariat was the destruction traditional society and the state, through the destruction of the ruling elite class. According to this theory, wage workers, for the most part, belonged to a large, but poor, class that previously consisted of slaves and/or dependent peasants and who were deprived of basic public rights and now must become the hegemon in the social order.

In some cases, civilian employees are provided with special uniforms and (or) military uniforms (without military insignia). Job responsibilities may involve direct work with military equipment and weapons. For the entire time they work in a military unit, civilian employees are not subject to military training (for retraining), and in the event of mobilization being announced, after registration for service they must be sent to the military unit at the place of previous work.

Civilian personnel of the Russian armed forces should not be confused with federal government civil servants who hold various positions in Armed Forces Russian Federation, as well as in other

This social concept, which has two semantic categories:
- firstly, the “hired worker” as the only one in the conditions of commodity production legal form, in which an individual can enter into labor Relations with a legal entity, thereby becoming a participant (in fact, an “integral part” of this legal entity), but at the same time not becoming an “employee” in social terms, but being an economic partner.
In modern economic conditions, when social forms of labor dominate, a member of society can fulfill his objective need to earn money in almost only one form - in the form of hiring, i.e. participation in the creation and activities of a legal entity. All participants of commercial legal entities, including an entrepreneur or CEO, are legally “employees”, while being economic partners in their economic status;
- secondly, this is a certain category of members of society who receive payment for their work not from sources generated by the same work that they perform, but from other sources that do not depend on hired workers. In this case, they are “hired employees” even in the case where formally there is no such “hiring”. Entering into an employment relationship with a legal entity, participating in the formation of the legal entity itself and generating revenue from an “employee” as social category not required. The “employer” has his own money to pay for the employee’s labor services.
“Participants” of commercial legal entities, who formed them and entered into labor relations with them, are “hired employees” in terms of the legal status of the employment process, but at the same time are not “hired employees” in terms of their social status. By creating a source of financing for the production activities of a legal entity, the investment process and payment for their labor, they are “economic partners”.
The absence of a commercial component in the activities of a non-profit legal entity and the nature of the remuneration of its participants do not provide grounds for considering them as “hired employees” in the social understanding of this definition:
- a non-profit legal entity is formed, like a commercial one, by all its participants, to whom it belongs: each participant has its human capital, which is part of the total human capital non-profit legal entity;
- the property of non-profit legal entities with the status of “state” is the common joint property of all members of the company and is formed by all members of the company, including the participants of non-profit legal entities themselves;
- participants of non-profit legal entities, being taxpayers, also take part in financing the activities of non-profit legal entities.
“Participants” of non-profit legal entities, who formed them and entered into labor relations with them, are “hired employees” only in terms of the legal status of the employment process, but at the same time, in terms of their social status, they are not “hired employees”. Participants in non-profit legal entities, being subjects of taxation, also to a certain extent participate in creating a source of payment for their labor and financing the activities of the legal entity. They are also “economic partners”, although the legal status of their partnership is different from the legal status of the participants in a commercial legal entity.
The category of employee still exists today. Moreover, the differences between an employee and an economic partner are very large, especially in legal terms. But the legal violations committed by the legislative bodies in relation to the participants practically equated economic partners with employees. Moreover, don't legal status serves as a justification for the social status of a member of society, and the objective social status member of society, determined by the origin of the source of payment for his work, is the basis for determining his legal status.
Participant labor activity can be considered an employee only when he, through his work, creates objective grounds for his remuneration, but does not create a source for such remuneration.
Examples: a gardener, a tutor, a nanny, a team of construction workers renovating an apartment, perhaps a member of a legal entity who specifically stipulated in his employment contract their right to wages regardless of the activities of the legal entity.
  • HIRE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    LABOR - the labor of an employee working under a contract of employment at an enterprise of which the employee is not the owner...
    1) the first Russian Social Democratic newspaper, published in 1885 in St. Petersburg by the “Party of Russian Social Democrats” (see Blagoev group). 2 issues came out:...
    social democratic a newspaper published twice a week since July 29, 1906 in Saratov. Ed.-ed. P. V. Vadiksov. Edition...
  • WORKER V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    1, -his, m. A person belonging to the class of wage earners engaged in productive or auxiliary labor in a factory, construction, agricultural or other ...
  • HIRE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , oh, oh. 1. Working, acting, hired. N. Rabochiy. N. labor. 2. Hired, not owned. Rented premises. ...
    WORKERS FACULTY (rabfak), in 1919-40 general education. uch. an institution in the USSR for training young people who did not have a Wed. education; were created...
  • WORKER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    WORKING VOLUME of piston engine internal. combustion, the volume released by the piston in the cylinder when the piston moves from the minimum point. volume to the point...
  • WORKER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    WORKING CLASS, proletariat, social group industrial society, including those employed as wage earners, especially physical labor. From ser. 19th century appeared in Europe...
  • WORKER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "WORKER AND THE THEATER", theatrical art. magazine, 1924-37. ...
  • WORKER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "WORKER AND COLLECTIVE FEMALE", sculpt. group, created IN AND. Mukhina for the USSR pavilion at the World Exhibition in 1937 in Paris (architect B.M. ...
  • WORKER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    WORKING DAY, time of day during which an employee is busy at a factory or institution. Duration R.d. regulated...
  • WORKER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    WORKING YEAR in Russia Federation, a year of work as an employee at one enterprise (institution), calculated from the date of entry to work ...
    ? a social democratic newspaper published twice a week from July 29, 1906 in Saratov. Editor-publisher P. V. Vadiksov. Edition...
    worker, workers, workers, workers, workers, workers, workers, workers, workers, workers, workers, workers, ...
  • WORKER in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker man, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, worker, ...
  • HIRE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, hired, ...
  • HIRE in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: ...
  • WORKER in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    1. Syn: employee, hired worker, proletarian (book), worker 2. Syn: operational, operating (about the regime), operational, ...
  • HIRE in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: ...
  • WORKER in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    cm. …
    Syn: worker, hired worker, proletarian (book), worker Syn: operational, operating (about the regime), operational, ...
  • HIRE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: ...
    1. m. 1) Someone who is professionally engaged in production work and belongs to the working class. 2) One who works for hire; ...
  • HIRE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • WORKER in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    worker 2, ...
  • HIRE in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • HIRE in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • WORKER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    worker 2, ...
  • WORKER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    worker 1, ...
  • HIRE in the Spelling Dictionary.
    2 related to the initial stage of work, preliminary Working hypothesis. worker 2 Colloq living by his labor R. people. R. person (worker). ...
  • HIRE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    working, active, hired N. worker. n. work. hired hired, not owned Rented premises. n. ...
    worker, m. Under capitalism - the same as a proletarian; in the USSR - a person professionally engaged physical labor and belonging...
  • WORKER in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Working, working. 1. Adj. to worker 1, consisting of workers, intended for them....The proletariat of the USSR has turned into a completely new class, into...
  • HIRE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    hired, hired. 1. An employee, produced on the basis of hire. A hired worker for a kulak or landowner was called a farm laborer. Hired labor. ...
    worker 1. m. 1) One who is professionally engaged in production work and belongs to the working class. 2) The one who works according to...
  • HIRE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    adj. 1) Correlative in meaning. with noun: hiring associated with it. 2) Inherent to hiring, characteristic of it. 3) a) Working...
    I m. 1. Someone who is professionally engaged in production work and belongs to the working class. 2. One who works for hire; ...
  • HIRE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1. ratio with noun hiring associated with it 2. Inherent in hiring, characteristic of it. 3. Employed person. Ott. ...
    I m. 1. One who is professionally engaged in production work in the sphere of material production or in the service sector and belongs to ...
  • HIRE in the Bolshoi Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    adj. 1. ratio with noun hiring associated with it 2. Working, employee. Ott. trans. Acting out of self-interest; ...
  • WORKING DAY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    A working day is that part of the day during which the worker applies his labor in production. In primitive economic relations, when...
  • WORKING DAY in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? A working day is that part of the day during which the worker applies his labor in production. In primitive economic relations,...
  • WORK in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    HIRE - see HIRE LABOR ...
  • FINLAND in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Suomi), Republic of Finland (Suomen Tasavalta). I. General information F. v a state in the north of Europe. Borders with the USSR to the east (length ...
  • FAMILY FARM SUSTAINABILITY THEORY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    family holdings (farms)" theory, a version of the "sustainability of small peasant farming" theory, which has become widespread in the bourgeois political economy mainly after...
  • WORKS OF K. MARX AND F. ENGELS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    K. Marx and F. Engels. Collection, publication, distribution and study literary heritage the founders of scientific communism is one of the most important conditions...
  • Page 1

    Hired workers only support the struggle of the peasants against the feudal owners and serfdom - this is not at all like what Mr. Rakitnikov wants.  

    Quite a few of them, as we have seen, exploit hired workers. The average peasant is a petty bourgeois, oscillating between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.  

    Among wage workers, kenshchinas generally make up a smaller share than among family workers.  

    Mr. Rakitnikov imposes support for the economy of the petty bourgeois on the class of hired workers.  

    The relationship between hired workers and the owner is built only on the basis of contracts and, we emphasize once again, the current legislation. And the law, for example, requires that an employee of a private enterprise be subject to social and health insurance to the same extent as an employee of a state-owned enterprise. A small private rental or cooperative enterprise has the right, at its own discretion, at the expense of own funds introduce additional benefits for social security, social protection of their employees - depending on rising prices, for example, commodity hunger and other troubles. This circumstance is very important. And you don’t have to delay, don’t wait, but simply exercise your rights.  

    The class of hired workers, which arose in the second half of the 14th century, constituted then and in the next century only a very insignificant part of the population] its position found strong support in the independent peasant economy in the countryside and the guild organization in the cities. Both in the countryside and in the cities, employers and workers stood socially close to each other. The variable element of capital greatly prevailed over its constant element.  

    The class of wage laborers, which arose in the second half of the fourteenth century, constituted then and in the next century only a very insignificant part of the population; his position found strong support in independent peasant farming in the countryside and guild organization in the cities. Both in the countryside and in the city, employers and workers stood socially close to each other. The variable element of capital greatly prevailed over its constant element. As a result, the demand for wage labor increased rapidly with the accumulation of capital, and the supply of wage labor only slowly followed demand. A significant part of the national product, which later turned into a capital accumulation fund, at that time was still included in the worker’s consumption fund.  

    The exploitation of wage workers serves as the basis for the class solidarity of the industrial and commercial bourgeoisie.  

    The new value created by hired workers breaks down into the equivalent value of labor power and surplus value.  

    Entrepreneurs and hired workers are equal in personality. The worker, although his income is certainly less than that of the entrepreneur, still works rationally and systematically, being as much an instrument of God in his professional asceticism as his master. On the other hand, Protestant ethics decisively breaks with the traditional moral condemnation of entrepreneurship: money acquired by honest, rational entrepreneurship serves as a sign of God’s blessing on righteous labors and is therefore worthy of respect. Moreover, an entrepreneur provides work to other people - in essence, provides them with the opportunity to fulfill their duty to God - and this is also a very useful and good thing.  

    For other private/individuals or for organizations (legal entities, private or public enterprises). In accordance with Marxist ideology, wage workers began to be defined as a special social class that carries revolutionary energy. According to this theory, it is believed that workers first appeared at the end of the medieval period during the industrial revolution, which affected the Netherlands from the 17th century, and the Russian Empire from the 19th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, wage workers had become one of the two main socio-economic classes of the capitalist formation and the revolutionary purpose of the proletariat was the destruction of traditional society and the state through the destruction of the ruling elite. According to this theory, wage workers, for the most part, belonged to a large, but poor, class that previously consisted of slaves and/or dependent peasants and who were deprived of basic social rights and were now expected to become the hegemon in the social order.

    In some cases, civilian employees are provided with special uniforms and (or) military uniforms (without military insignia). Job responsibilities may involve direct work with military equipment and weapons. For the entire time they work in a military unit, civilian employees are not subject to military training (for retraining), and in the event of mobilization being announced, after registration for service they must be sent to the military unit at the place of previous work.

    During the Second World War in the USSR, combat losses among civilian specialists of the Red Army were equated to the losses of the rank and file of the Red Army of the USSR Armed Forces.

    Civilian personnel under a similar system are widely used in a number of other armies of the world. For example, in the US Army, in addition to civilian personnel working on a permanent basis in the military system, it is also practiced to attract persons on a fixed-term contract, that is, with those needed for this moment In the army, specialists conclude a contract for a certain specific time on specified terms.

    Civilian personnel of the Russian armed forces

    The term “civilian personnel” was first introduced in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated February 23, 1996 No. 85 “On measures to strengthen the rule of law in labor relations in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”