Large ethnographic dictation - the most difficult questions. Federal Agency for National Affairs. Our official VKontakte group

On the eve of National Unity Day, November 3, 2017, a cultural and educational event “Big ethnographic dictation».

The uniqueness of Russia lies in its national diversity. There are 193 peoples living in our country. How well do we know their history, customs, traditions, culture? To answer these questions, a Great Ethnographic Dictation is being conducted.

This year the event received international status - Rossotrudnichestvo joined in its organization. Therefore, not only residents of Russia, but also compatriots abroad will be able to check the level of ethnographic literacy.

The organizer of the “Great Ethnographic Dictation” is Federal agency on nationalities affairs.

Our official group In contact with: , .

Last year, almost 90 thousand people wrote the “Great Ethnographic Dictation”: 35 thousand in person and more than 50 thousand online. The youngest participant in the Dictation was a 12-year-old girl from the Ulyanovsk region, the oldest was an 80-year-old man from Mordovia. The average score for the Dictation across the country was 54 points out of 100 possible.

A trial test is also already available, after passing which the participant receives points. Maximum amount possible points - 100. Questions for the test were taken from 2016.

Anyone can become a participant in the Dictation. It is enough to contact any regional site for writing it, regardless of place of residence, or to the foreign representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo. Their addresses can be found on the website

On the eve of National Unity Day, residents of our country wrote a Great Ethnographic Dictation. We published - many of them turned out to be quite complex. Read the extensive report from the event. It's time to test your knowledge. So, here we go:

1. Answer: B) according to Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. Answer: D). After the conquest of Kazan by Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1552, the Udmurts became part of the Russian state.

3. Answer: A). The State Historical, Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve is located 68 km from Petrozavodsk, the capital of the Republic of Karelia.

4. Answer: A-3-I, B-4-IV, B-1-II, D-2-III

5. Answer: B). Avarets

6. Answer: B). Kayum Nasyri is an outstanding scientist, writer and educator of the Tatar people.

7. Answer: A). Semyon Dezhnev - Russian traveler, explorer, sailor, explorer of the North, Eastern Siberia And North America, Cossack chieftain, fur trader.

8. Answer: D). Appaz Iliev is a Russian long-liver living in Ingushetia.

9. Answer: B), C). Currently, Ingrians live mainly in Russia - St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Karelia, Western Siberia.

10. Answer B). Maria Sycheva (Uglovskaya), engraver. In 1931 she joined the “Northern Mobile” artel and from 1942 led the Velokoustyug silver blackening artel.

11. Answer: A). Nifkhi are a small indigenous people of Sakhalin.

12. Answer: B).

13. Answer: D). Amet-Khan Sultan - graduate of the first Kachin military aviation school, during the Great Patriotic War went from pilot to squadron commander.

14. Answer: B). Folk dance, which is one of the most common collective round dances in rural areas. Performed as a cheerful circle dance, often accompanied by choral singing. The performers hold hands or shoulders of each other and make synchronized rhythmic movements, raising and lowering their arms.

15. Answer: B). The historical name given to Bashkir warriors by the French in the era Napoleonic wars 1807-1814.

16. Answer: B). The collection includes 61 fairy tales: 29 tales about animals, 16 fairy tales and 16 everyday tales from the main collection.

17. Answer: D). Altai plucked musical instrument with 2 hair strings.

18. Answer: B).

19. Answer: D).

20. Answer: A). The Koran in Russia was first published in 1787 by decree of Catherine II in the Shnor printing house, based on a specially created font based on the drawings of the Tatar mullah Usman Ismail and with his comments. The first edition was only 20 copies.

21. Answer: B).

22. Answer: D). A doll woven from grass called “cuckoo tears” was most often called a cuckoo.

23. Answer: B). These are something like sandals - light shoes for shepherds and wanderers.

24. Answer: A).

25. Answer: B).

26. Answer: B). Rostov still remains the only center for the production of painted enamel in our country.

27. Answer: A). A ritual effigy, a ritual doll, constructed from scrap material, significant in size, is called Maslenitsa or Kostroma.

28. Answer: A). Ritual cookies “Voznesenskie staircases” are a stairway to heaven.

29. Answer: A). Ryazan residents received the nickname “slant-bellied” for their manner of putting axes in their sash under their sheepskin coat. The ax at the side of the belt outweighed the sash, so the figure was a cross-bellied one.

30. Answer: A). this is a poem by a Soviet and Russian Balkar poetess, national poet Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Tanzili Mustafaevna Zumak?lova.

International educational campaign
"Great ethnographic dictation - 2018"

“Believe in Russia, love her,
and she will be your mother"

Ivan Yakovlev,

Topic “1. Socio-political and legal spheres of implementation of state national policy Russian Federation»

1. "We, multinational people Russian Federation, united by a common destiny on their land..." - what state document starts with these words?

A. Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR

B. Constitution of the Russian Federation

IN. the federal law“On guarantees of the rights of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation”

G. Federal Law “On National-Cultural Autonomy”

Correct answer: B

2. From what government source is it officially known about the number of nationalities and languages ​​in the Russian Federation?

A. Information from government tax authorities

B. Passport registration of citizens and registration at place of residence

B. State census

D. Information Russian Academy sciences

Correct answer: B

3. Which of the following corresponds to the goals of the state national policy of Russia?

A. All peoples of Russia retain their identity and form a Russian civil nation

B. Civic identity leads to the disappearance of the peoples of Russia

B. The preservation of culture and identity is provided only for certain peoples of Russia

D. Solving the priority problems of the Russian economy

Correct answer: A

Topic “2. Administrative-territorial structure of the country, national-cultural development in the conditions of the federation, geographical information about the cultural diversity of Russia and its regions"

4. Russia is a federal state and consists of equal subjects - republics, territories, regions, cities federal significance, autonomous region, autonomous okrugs. How many republics are there in the Russian Federation?

Correct answer: B

5. According to the current law, indigenous small peoples North, Siberia and Far East Russia recognizes ethnic communities of small numbers. What is this number?

A. One thousand people

B. Ten thousand people

B. Fifty thousand people

D. One hundred thousand people

Correct answer: B

Topic “3. Historical information about the cultural diversity of Russia and its regions

6. Which of the world-famous researchers made a special contribution to the ethnographic study of the peoples of Eastern Siberia?

A. Fyodor Ivanovich Miller (1705-1783), author of many works, including “On the peoples who lived in Russia from ancient times”

B. Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay (1846-1888), conducted pioneering research on the peoples of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania

V. Nikolai Nikolaevich Kharuzin (1865-1900), one of the founders of Russian ethnography, studied the Sami, Finns, Khanty, Mansi

G. Dmitry Ivanovich Anuchin (1843-1923), resolved the issue of the source of the Volga

Correct answer: A

7. The oldest mosque in Russia, built in 733-734, and included in the UNESCO World Heritage Register, is located in the city:

A. Bolgar

B. Astrakhan

V. Derbent

G. Kazan

Correct answer: B

8. Which one Turkic peoples Does Russia name itself in honor of one of the Golden Horde khans of the 13th century?

A. Kumyki

B. Nogais

G. Karachays

Correct answer: B

Topic “4. State language of the Russian Federation, state languages ​​of the republics, native and other languages"

9. In which territory is Russian the official language?

A. In all subjects of the Russian Federation except autonomous okrugs and republics

B. In all subjects of the Russian Federation except the republics

B. In those subjects of the Russian Federation that have their own laws on state languages

D. Throughout the Russian Federation without exception

Correct answer: G

10. Are the rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation limited by law if the citizen does not know or does not know enough the state language?

A. Knowledge of the state language gives the right to vote in elections of candidates to bodies state power and local government

B. Knowledge of the state language determines the basic political, economic, social and cultural rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation

B. The basic political, economic, social and cultural rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation do not depend on knowledge of any language

D. Knowledge of the state language determines cultural rights for citizens

Correct answer: B

A. About 50 languages

B. Up to 100 languages

B. Up to 200 languages

D. Over 200 languages

Correct answer: G

Topic “5. Material cultural heritage Russia"

12. What does the name of the Russian doll “Matryoshka” mean?

A. The name of a girl who wears bright makeup and attracts attention

B. A peasant mother with many children with a portly figure

V. Based on the name of the village of Matera from the story by Valentin Rasputin

D. By character name Soviet cartoon

Correct answer: B

13. What is the name of the ancient jewelry technique of folk craftsmen of the Kostroma region, which is an openwork or wire pattern in the form of frosty patterns?

A. Chainmail weaving

V. Filigree, filigree

Correct answer: B

14. Why do the Mari have groves? special meaning?

A. They were sung by one of the creators of the Mari literary languages

B. These are places of public prayer

V. The capitals of the Mari principalities were located there

G. These are museum-reserves folk architecture

Correct answer: B

15. What traditional folk craft of the Urals has received universal recognition and continues to this day?

A. Stone-cutting and lapidary production

B. Dymkovo toy

V. Zhostovo painting

G. Khokhloma

Correct answer: A

16. In a traditional log hut, the roof is placed “on the males”. What it is?

A. Wide slopes of the roof, similar to the wings of birds

B. Roof with supports in the form of figures in the manner antique statues

B. Roof without rafters

G. Roof decorated with carvings

Correct answer: B

17. Name the settlement where the famous center of the Chukchi-Eskimo bone carving industry is located

A. Komsomolsk-on-Amur

B. Khabarovsk

V. Whalen

G. Salekhard

Correct answer: B

Topic “6. Intangible cultural heritage of Russia"

18. There is a Russian proverb: “The first pancake is lumpy.” But in fact it sounded like “the first damn komam.” Who were the “comas” for whom pancakes were baked in the spring to appease?

B. Bears

Correct answer: B

19. What is “pel-nyan” or bread ear in Udmurt?

A. Pleten

V. Pelmen

G. Ancient money of the population of the Urals

Correct answer: B

20. What do the Bashkirs and Tatars treat (welcome) newlyweds to make the life of a young family rich and happy?

A. Bread and salt

B. Chuck-chuck

B. Butter and honey

G. Echpochmak

Correct answer: B

21. Enamel is a Russian folk craft that has existed since the 18th century in the Yaroslavl and Vologda regions. What does enamel look like?

A) A work of art made using glassy powder, enamel

B) Clay whistle toy

B) Wood carving

D) Openwork weaving of gold threads, reminiscent Frost patterns

Correct answer: A

22. In the old days in Rus', women's headdresses were distinguished between married and maiden ones. What was the difference?

A. They were no different, these are fictions

B. For married women, the headdress completely covered their hair

B. Married women wore only down scarves

G. Girls' scarves were always made of silk

Correct answer: B

23.What does the traditional name “syrok” mean in the Urals?

A. Peled fish, a valuable commercial species of whitefish

B. Culinary dish

B. Type of mushrooms

G. Autumn wind

Correct answer: A

24. Where and when did the artistic Kasli casting originate, the cast iron elements of which were coated with black paint “Dutch soot”?

A. In Crimea in Scythian times

B. In the Urals at the end of the 18th century

B.During Mongol invasion V Central Asia

G. In Alaska during the reign Russian Empire

Correct answer: B

25. Tsagan Sar is one of the favorite holidays among the Kalmyks of Russia. The name of the holiday translates as “ white month", because White color means purity, light and goodness. People put on their best clothes, cook best dishes for guests. What is celebrated during Tsagan Sar?

A. Buddha's birthday

B. Beginning of spring

B. The coming of winter

D. Driving farm animals to pastures

Correct answer: B

26. Which item of clothing did the Kuban Cossacks borrow from their neighbors? Caucasian peoples:

A. Burka, Circassian

B. Bloomers and sash

V. Cap

Correct answer: A

27. Which people have towel wrestling? traditional look sports?

A. Bashkirs

B. Armenians

V. Circassians

Correct answer: A

28.What dish in the form of a round open pie appeared in Western Siberia together with Russian settlers?

A. Shanga - a traditional savory pie of the Russian North filled with pea porridge

B.Vatrushka - ancient Slavic flatbread filled with cottage cheese

V. Kurnik - Russian pie or “king of pies” with a large number of fillings from porridge, cabbage, meat, mushrooms

G. Kulebyaka - old Russian multi-layer pie made from meat, cabbage, buckwheat porridge, eggs, fish

Correct answer: A

29. What is used as a traditional watch among the nomadic peoples of Siberia?

A. Periods of insect activity

B. Dog barking

B. Rays of the sun penetrating through the smoke hole of the home

D. Frequency of appearance of wild animals near domestic deer

Correct answer: B

30. To protect meat from midges in the traditional dwellings of the peoples of Siberia, the product is hung. Why doesn't meat spoil?

A.Located in a ventilated place

B.Remains frozen

B.Exposed to smoke from the fireplace

D. Children and women drive away midges

Correct answer: B

Dear participant of the Great Ethnographic Dictation! Thank you for participating in the campaign and we remind you that the results will be summed up by November 27, 2018. You can find out your result by your identification number (indicated on the answer form) on the website of the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs or on the promotion website http:// miretno. ru/ . Good luck!