Learn to draw Soviet cartoon characters. How to draw Disney with a pencil step by step

In today's interesting and rather difficult lesson, I will tell you how to draw the cartoon character Pluto step by step with a pencil for beginners. We have often drawn popular cartoon characters, these were , and even . This master class will teach you how to correctly portray the Disney dog ​​Pluto. In this drawing large number difficult moments, there is a lot to learn for beginners.

I will teach you how to draw only the head of a cartoon character. Pay attention to the shape of the head, the opening of the mouth and the tongue sticking out of it. The dog’s ears are also an important element. But the eyes and everything else also need to be depicted correctly in order to get a beautiful drawing.

We will start, as usual, with auxiliary lines and more. Let's divide the main first step into three stages. The first is the circle, the very top of the head. The second part is similar to a figure eight, on which a large oval nose will be located in the future. And the third is a vertical semi-oval that connects to the second part. They all intersect or connect with each other. This step will not be difficult, I hope.

Next, draw in the upper part of the head, in a circle, the part where the eyes will be located. We completely redraw the hero from his original in the cartoon. In the central part, draw an oval nose located horizontally and an arc above the nose. And also, small lines on the sides that will form ears in the future.

Finishing the drawing top part heads, where the top of the head and eyes are. We will also improve the place where the ears will stick out. This step is considered the easiest.

Immediately double the line in the mouth area, this is the lowest block. You also need to draw the eyes. Two small semi-ovals standing next to each other. Just like in the cartoon, we make them small relative to the entire area for the eyes.

The last step is relatively difficult. From the very beginning, we erase the lines that are no longer needed, on top of the head, above the nose and for the tongue. Let's depict a long tongue sticking out. And the main element of this step is the ears. The character should have them in different directions; the right one may be slightly larger than the left.

This is how we learned to draw a cartoon character with a pencil step by step, I hope everything works out for you and there are no problems.

Children are the main audience for watching various kinds of cartoons. A good cartoonist is one who can extract the main features of an object or person and simplify them to attract a child's attention. Masters such as Walt Disney, Hanna and Barbera, Chuck Jones, Jim Henson, Walter Lantz and many others, by studying children's opinions and perceptions, achieved the charm of the whole world with their magical and eternal characters. IN this lesson we will look at how to easily and correctly draw cartoon characters, which both children and adults will be delighted with.

The final version will look like this:

Lesson details:

  • Complexity: Average
  • Estimated completion time: 2 hours

Understanding Human Perception

Man is a creature who has very interesting feature- we can transform parts that form a very complex structure or object into a fairly simple form.

Can you tell that the two images below represent the same object?

It may seem strange that you can look at a picture and say it's a car.

What happens to most people, except artists, who cannot retrieve from their memory all the details of a car, the appearance of a dog, or the facial features of a child? They begin to associate very simple and primitive shapes with specific features of each object. So, for example, how many children came home from school with a piece of paper like that in their hand and said, “This is Mom and Dad!”?

You don't want to draw like that, do you? If you don't want to, let's pick up a pencil and start drawing!

1. Creating your first character

The basic shape of a cartoon shape will be a circle. A circle is all it takes. From the circle you can determine the basic proportions of the character's head.

Draw vertical and horizontal lines that intersect in the center of the circle, as in the picture below:

Step 1

We draw oval-shaped eyes with a slight slope on the sides. Necessaryleave a gap between the eyes about the same size as the eye.

Step 2

At the top of the eye ovals, lightly mark the character’s eyelashes. Draw above the eyelasheseyebrows that convey a kind of surprise. Draw the shape of the eyebrows that you get, in the future you will adapt to your own style.

Draw the pupils so that they are centered (this is a very effective tactic used by cartoonists to make characters look more likable).

Advice: to give more life eyes, you can draw a small line under them to simulate wrinkles.This is another very interesting tactic that gives a special flavor to the character’s facial expressions.

Step 3

Now the most interesting point lesson. It is at this stage that we will determine what our character will be: thin, fat, young, old. Our character will be young.

Drawing the jaw:

Step 4

The nose will be from the front. In order not to use a lot of details, let's draw it in general outline. Quite often the nose is drawn in detailon one side of the face due to the fact that the light falls on only one side.

Step 5

Our character is a child. Making a mouth - something simple and with an expression of innocence.

Please note that in cartoon style Children, regardless of gender, have a fairly simple mouth shape without lips.

Step 6

The shape of the ears is quite simple.

Step 7

Finishing the boy's haircut.

I don't know how to draw hair. Help!

In order to draw perfect hair, you don't need to be a designer or stylist. No the right way draw hair, so you should try until you get the right one for this case. Just remember that hair shape can convey certain personal qualities character. Oddly enough, hair can express age, rebellion, conservatism. Incredible, right? What's your hairstyle?

Accurate and quick way Drawing hair for cartoons is all about finding the appropriate photo on the Internet! Once you've found the perfect style, place an example image next to your tablet or piece of paper and start designing a simplified version of it.

First character completed successfully! Congratulations!

Now let's work on a different character using the same template as for the boy.

2. Creating an older character

Step 1

Let's start with the eyes. This time we will draw faster, adding wrinkles, eyebrows and eye pupils. Please note that we didn't change much, but we just widened the eyebrows a little. Older people have thicker eyebrows, which take up more space on the forehead. We draw eyelashes in the same way as in the previous version.

Step 2

The chin will be slightly larger than the previous character.

Step 3

Create the nose. The shape is completely different. Please note that the nostrils are located very close to the bottom of the eyes. The idea is to get a good result by slightly exaggerating the body parts.

Step 4

Instead of a mouth, draw a large mustache.

Step 5

Add the same ears as the boy. However, the hair will be of a different shape - we will add a little on the sides, and leave a bald patch on top.

Our character is like a mad scientist.

3. Creating a female character

Creating a sister for a boy:

How did it happen so quickly? Very simple... Women have a thinner facial structure. Consider some features:

  • thin eyebrows;
  • larger and more expressive eyelashes;
  • thinner chin;
  • small nose with fewer details;
  • long hair.

That's it! Once you start to feel more confident, you can draw a few more characters with different details.

4. Facial expressions

Let's draw a girl after receiving the news that the school holidays have come to an end.

Now let's go back to the boy and ask his opinion on this matter:

It feels like he's up to something!

Notice the changes in the boy's face:

  • one eyebrow lower than the other;
  • eyes half closed;
  • added a smile (one side is higher than the other, in line with the eyebrows);
  • the pupils moved under the eyelashes.

That's all! Everything is as simple as shelling pears!

5. Draw in profile

Let's draw two circles.

We will create a boy and a girl in profile:

The ear remained in the center of the circle.

Pay attention to these details when composing male and female characters:

  • the boy has thicker eyebrows;
  • the girl's chin moves forward a little;
  • the girl's nose is thinner and sharper;
  • A boy has no eyelashes, while a girl has large and thick ones.

6. Playing with angles

Eyes, nose, mouth, ears - all these details make the face change its shape if you look at them from different angles. You can often observe this in cartoon characters.

Notice how real eyes are simplified when converted to cartoon.

The actual shape of the nose is made up of several cartilages. His form is radically simplified in the cartoon.

Understanding how the mouth behaves under different angles is important. Remove unnecessary details and try to maintain only the basic shape of the lips. The ears are also greatly simplified.

Now we will put into practice everything we have learned. Below are circles with arrows that show the direction of view. We can practice our drawing skills in different positions:

Let's mark the eyes for each of the circles:

Now let's add various shapes jaws:

You can complete the drawings yourself, based on the knowledge that was provided to you in this lesson. Remember:

  • the face needs to be simplified and rounded;
  • exaggerate certain parts of the face and its expression.

Once you have managed to mark the direction of the eyes and select the corresponding chins, try using your creativity and finish the drawing. If you draw for at least 10 minutes a day using the rules presented here, you will be able to draw cartoon faces as easily as breathing.

Let's summarize the drawing of characters:

  1. Draw a circle for the skull;
  2. We set the direction in which the character will look;
  3. Make an oval eye contour;
  4. Draw the pupils of the eyes that look at the nose if you want to create a cute character. Don't forget the eyelashes;
  5. Choosing the right eyebrows depending on age and gender;
  6. Create the corresponding jaws;
  7. Add simple ears without unnecessary details;
  8. We search for the required hairstyle on Google and use it in our sketch;
  9. Let's celebrate!

Here's what happened:

An example of how to use the same template to create different emotions. Notice that only the eyelashes and eyebrows have been changed. Nothing more!

7. Study of nationalities

We are approaching the end of the lesson. I would like to encourage you to continue to experiment with facial expressions and, if possible, explore the face more. Learn how the eyes and mouth behave in different situations. Take a look at different nationalities and learn their key features.

For example, African Americans have a slightly flattened nose and rounder cheekbones.

Whenever possible, try to draw your characters more realistically. Watch on people's behavior in real life. Look at photographs, study the style of your favorite artist, or look online for inspiration. TOWhen we look at real life, we can extract quality information for our sketches.But remember: observations real world does not mean copying it!You want your character to be unique and not a copy of the real thing, right?

Great job!

Now you know the basic techniques that are used by the best animators around the world. Good luck!

We hope you enjoyed the lesson.

Explore other techniques for drawing cartoon characters' heads.

The sky is the limit!

Translation - Duty room.

I already have a lesson on my website about how to learn to draw cartoon characters in manga style. It is made using a simple pencil technique. Unlike the previous lesson, this manga-style drawing on a tablet is very bright and colorful.

Drawing Girl's Eyes in Anime Style
Eyes of the drawing cartoon characters in anime style - this is the basis of this style. All the characters of girls drawn in anime style are distinguished by their huge eyes - black, green, but always huge and expressive.

The beloved cartoon character Sonic the Hedgehog is the symbol of Sega's children's video game. This game was so loved by children that Sonic the Hedgehog “moved” from the game into comics and cartoons. I offer you a very simple one online lesson, how to draw Sonic. Thanks to the fact that the lesson is done in stages, you can easily learn how to draw Sonic the Hedgehog.

Want to cheer yourself up? Then take a pencil and a piece of paper and try to draw the main character of the cartoon about the funny bear Winnie the Pooh. Paint Winnie the Pooh It’s not difficult at all step by step and you’ll definitely get a good picture of Winnie the Pooh.

Pictures of Spider-Man attract with their dynamism and brightness. Usually, pictures from the movie "Spider-Man" make a good theme for your computer desktop, but not everywhere you can download them online for free. Let's try to draw Spider-Man ourselves.

Iron Man is a cartoon and comic book hero from the Avengers series. To draw an Iron Man you need to be able to draw not only cartoons, but also a person.

Winx are popular heroes of the popular cartoon. To make a cartoon drawing more impressive, you need to color it with colored pencils. But first, learn how to correctly draw Flora, the cartoon character from Winx, step by step with a simple pencil.

In this lesson we learn how to correctly draw cartoon characters in manga style with a pencil. Every anime fan wants to be able to draw manga, but it is not easy for everyone because drawing a person is difficult.

There are various types anime used to draw cartoons, such as the well-known Pokemon cartoon. Drawing cartoon characters about Pokemon is very exciting, because the picture turns out to be contrasting, even if you draw the cartoon only with a simple pencil.

Patrick is a character from the children's cartoon "SpongeBob". He is SpongeBob's neighbor and is close friends with him. The cartoon character Patrick has a rather funny, awkward body. Patrick is essentially a starfish, which is why he has a five-pointed body shape.

In this section we will try to draw SpongeBob or SpongeBob step by step, as you like. Spongebob or spongebob is a cartoon character who lives at the bottom of the ocean in the city of Bikini Bottom. The prototype for it was the most common dishwashing sponge.

In this section we will learn how to draw a cartoon Shrek. But first, let's remember that Shrek is a troll who lives in a swamp. He has a large body and large facial features, larger than normal humans.

Every girl has tried to draw at least once. beautiful pictures girls. But, probably, not everyone succeeded. It is very difficult to maintain exact proportions in a drawing, because drawing a person’s face is very difficult.

There are different dolls: Barbie, Bratz and just dolls without a name, but it seemed to me that it would be more interesting for you to draw such a doll that looks like a princess. This doll has a princess-like dress with lots of decorations and a high collar, huge eyes and a smiling, kind face.

Drawings of cartoon Smeshariki should be colorful and bright, it is not necessary to complete the last step of the lesson, shading Krosh’s drawing with a simple pencil. If you know how to use paints, then color the Smeshariki bright colors or colored pencils.

The drawings of the cartoon characters Krosh and Hedgehog are united by one common detail - the shape of their body is made in the form of a ball. A black and white sketch of a Hedgehog, made with a simple pencil, at the last step you must color it with paints or felt-tip pens, draw a colorful landscape around it, and then your drawing from the cartoon - Smesharik Hedgehog will be like a frame from a cartoon.

This drawing is dedicated famous character cartoon about Pokemon - Pikachu. Let's try to draw a Pokemon with a simple pencil step by step.

About who Dasha is

Many children are delighted with the American educational series “Dasha the Explorer” (in the original Dora The Explorer / Dora the Explorer). It is demonstrated as bilingual (English/Spanish) and is intended for Spanish-speaking children to learn English. If a child asks how to draw a cartoon character, you can invite him to portray Dasha. This is a cheerful dark-skinned girl who exists both in the cartoon and on the computer (an interactive version was released simultaneously with the series computer game with this heroine). The atmosphere in both the game and the series is friendly. Dasha is a reasonable and balanced girl. Thanks to this character, she always remains caring and delicate. Each of her lessons begins with the fact that, together with her friend, the monkey Shoe, they ride on tropical vines. The shoe always accompanies Dasha on her travels; she trusts him with her magic backpack. It contains a map that determines the travel route in each episode and many other interesting things. Not only does this girl travel on her own, but every time she takes out a star from her magic backpack and teaches children to cast spells and speak English. In each new series Dasha will give the children one word to study, which they will repeat after her, first in Spanish, and then in English. The article can help teach your child how to draw cartoon characters step by step.

How to draw cartoon character Dasha: step 1

We draw a round head, dividing it into four equal parts, and outline the mouth and nose of the future face with a stroke. We draw a torso, a skirt, outline arms bent at the elbows with schematic lines, then the same legs in shoes. Having learned how to draw cartoon characters, your child will subsequently be able to draw any character he likes.

How to draw cartoon character Dasha: step 2

At this stage we draw Dasha’s stylish hairstyle, her slanted eyes and a wide smile. We also continue to draw her body, for example, a shirt. We move down, designing the girl’s skirt and her hands. We draw the pupils of the eyes, after which we finalize the lines of clothing, arms, legs and face. Have you already drawn the outlines of all the details? All that remains is to color the drawing to make Dasha come to life.

How to draw cartoon character Dasha: step 3

This last stage. All that remains is to color the cartoon character Dasha the Explorer. She has brown eyes with white highlights, a pink blouse with white trim, an orange skirt, white knee socks and white shoes. You can color inside the outline with pencils, paints, felt-tip pens and gel pens. Let the child choose what he likes. If he completed his work on creating a hero, it means he has enough patience and perseverance. Your child has grown up and is ready to further develop his artistic talent. Now you were drawing together a hero invented by someone else creative person, perhaps later he will come up with his own hero.

The most vivid childhood memories are somehow connected with cartoons. We tried to imitate our favorite characters, getting up earlier on the day off to watch “Merry Carousel.” And when “DuckTales” began, there was generally a holiday. Today we will learn how to draw cartoon characters. It will be interesting even for adults.

Let's get ourselves a Dalmatian

You can't argue about tastes. Some people like Soviet cartoons, where the wolf is a dangerous but very kind hero, and the bunny is a positive and cunning character. And some people simply adore the cartoons of Walt Disney, who became famous throughout the world. You can list the names of your favorite cartoons endlessly.

Read also:

Remember this adorable cartoon about 101 Dalmatians? Mischievous, funny, funny and cheerful puppies every now and then misbehaved or fought with evil. Today we will tell you how to draw cartoon characters step by step with a pencil. Let's start with one of the main characters of the fascinating Western cartoon - the Dalmatian. You can come up with a nickname for him yourself.

Required materials:

  • a simple pencil;
  • sheet of paper;
  • eraser;
  • compass.

  • Draw a circle at the top of the sheet.
  • Let's shift the axis a little to the right side and draw two guide lines. They intersect, but not in the center.
  • From these lines in the shape of an unfinished oval we will draw two eyes.
  • In the middle, in the shape of an inverted triangle with rounded corners, draw a nose.
  • We need to immediately draw the line of the muzzle. Let's begin to remove it from the right eye.
  • By inside eyes, draw a line and draw it outside the circle in a straight line.
  • Now let's draw a small arc, a connection and another arc. If you look closely, these are ovals of the letter “B” upside down.

  • From the outside of the right eye we will draw another contour of the muzzle.
  • We draw eyebrows above the eyes in the shape of arcs. We thicken them with additional lines.
  • From the previously drawn line of the muzzle we will draw a smooth curved line- this will be the dog's mouth.
  • On the left side, in the shape of an irregular rectangle with rounded corners, draw an ear.

  • Draw a line down from the left ear - this will be the neck.
  • WITH right side Let's draw a raised ear for the muzzle.
  • Draw a tongue in the form of an oval and divide it in the middle with a smooth line.

  • Below the neck we draw two circles. One at the front is larger in diameter, and the second at the back is slightly smaller. These circles will help us correctly position the puppy's body in space.
  • Let's draw the Dalmatian's paws in the form of four curved lines.

  • In the back part we smoothly connect the neck with the outline of the circle, erase the remaining lines with an eraser.
  • We draw the front legs in volume, making a smooth transition to the body, and then the hind legs.

  • At the bottom of the paws we will draw divisions to add volume.
  • On the neck we will draw a collar consisting of two parallel lines and an oval pendant.
  • We randomly distribute elongated spots throughout the body.

  • The drawing can be colored with paints or a pencil.
  • You need to paint over part of the ear, the inside of the mouth and the spots on the Dalmatian’s body with black.

Bambi the elephant - favorite character

Many children are interested in learning how to draw Disney cartoon characters. Cartoon series characters and feature films Walt Disney World is always distinguished by its colorful and vibrant appearance. They are all cute and wonderful. In today's lesson fine arts We will learn step by step how to draw the funny baby elephant Bambi.

Required materials:

  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils;
  • black felt-tip pen;
  • sheet of paper.

Step-by-step description of the creative process:

  • We will start drawing by drawing a large oval diagonally. This will be the torso.
  • Draw a circle on the right side of the oval. This will be the baby elephant's head.
  • On both sides of the head circumference we draw ears, pay attention to their shape. You can draw rectangles and then extrude and round the corners.

  • Let's draw all the details of the head.
  • Let's draw an oblong proboscis, eyes and mouth. Let's give our cartoon character a joyful expression.

  • We erase the auxiliary lines between the body and head with an eraser.

  • You need to draw a hat on the baby elephant's head.
  • First, let's draw a small oval, and from it upward - a rectangle with rounded corners.
  • The tip of the cap resembles a triangle and hangs back, so we will bend it to the left.

  • To make the baby elephant beautiful and stylish, we will draw a scarf on his neck. Let's depict it with several lines, curved in an arc, under the head.

  • On the baby elephant's paws we will make small parallel strokes in the middle. They will resemble folds.
  • Let's draw the claws on each paw in the form of unfinished ovals.
  • Draw a small tail in the form of an oblong triangle at the back.

  • Once again, use a pencil to outline all the contour lines.
  • On the baby elephant's face we will draw eyes, a mouth and a tongue.
  • Let's give the appearance expressiveness and believability.

  • Let's look at the sketch. If there are any auxiliary lines left, wipe them off with an eraser.
  • First let's color the background.
  • Take a blue pencil and shade it across the entire sheet.
  • You can remove shavings from the colored pencil rod with a blade and shade it with your fingers.
  • Paint the inside of the ears beige.
  • Paint the scarf with a bright color.
  • We color the claws with a blue pencil.

  • Using a black pencil or felt-tip pen, carefully outline the outlines.
  • Let's make all the lines expressive and clear.
  • We color the body and head of the baby elephant with a blue pencil.
  • Let's paint the hat and add expressiveness to the eyes and mouth.

  • We just need to do a couple of touches. On the background around the baby elephant, we will do shading with a yellow or bright orange pencil.