Define the concept of “individual style of activity of a leader. Individual characteristics of leadership style

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Sample test for the specialty "Management"

for applicants for short distance education

  1. The limited right to use the organization's resources and direct the efforts of employees to perform certain tasks is...
- delegation



  1. An organizational structure that allows you to respond flexibly to changes environment:
- linear




3. Elements of the management infrastructure are:

Information support systems;

Control functions

Labor market

Market of goods and services

4. Specific management functions:


Sales of products


Supply of production resources

5. General management functions include:





6. The individual style of a manager is determined by:

The choice of management methods;

The degree of freedom in decision making for subordinates;


7. Elements of the internal environment of the organization

Reward system

Corporate culture



8. Components of the role of managers related to decision making:

Motivation of subordinates

Settlement of disputes and other problems

Initiation of new projects

9. Classification of objective elements of organizational culture:

- Location of the organization

Organizational boards

The language of communication

- Equipment and furniture

10. Sociotechnical systems are

People involved in the production process


Structures with production management

Computer systems replacing certain number workers.

11. I began to conduct research on informal groups:


12. Elements of the control system are:

Organizational structure

Fixed assets

Management documentation

Software and hardware

13. Causes of conflicts:

Differences in power and status

Similarity of goals

Clear division of responsibilities

Lack of resources

14. The role of feedback in the management cycle is performed by the functions


- control


15. Definition of conflict:

The collision of oppositely directed tendencies, caused by differences in views, positions, interests


Any non-consent of the parties

16. Leadership is a process




  1. Meskon M.H. and others, Fundamentals of Management. – M.: Delo, 2007.
  2. Vesnin V.R. Fundamentals of Management. - M.: Triada, Ltd., 2006.
  3. Vikhanovsky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management. – M.: Gardarika, 2008

Sample test for the specialty "Management"

for applicants for short distance education

The limited right to use the organization's resources and direct the efforts of employees to perform certain tasks is...




An organizational structure that allows flexible responses to environmental changes:





3. Elements of the management infrastructure are:

Information support systems;

Control functions

Labor market

Market of goods and services

^ 4. Specific functions of management:


Sales of products


Supply of production resources

5. General management functions include:





^ 6. The individual style of a manager is determined by:

The choice of management methods;

The degree of freedom in decision making for subordinates;


^ 7. Elements of the internal environment of the organization

Reward system

Corporate culture



8. Components of the role of managers related to decision making:

Motivation of subordinates

Settlement of disputes and other problems

Initiation of new projects

^ 9. Classification of objective elements of organizational culture:

Location of the organization

Organizational boards

The language of communication

Equipment and furniture

^ 10. Sociotechnical systems are

People involved in the production process


Structures with production management

Computer systems that replace a certain number of workers.

^ 11. I began to conduct research on informal groups:


12. Elements of the control system are:

Organizational structure

Fixed assets

Management documentation

Software and hardware

^ 13. Causes of conflicts:

Differences in power and status

Similarity of goals

Clear division of responsibilities

Lack of resources

^ 14. The role of feedback in the management cycle is performed by the functions




15. Definition of conflict:

The collision of oppositely directed tendencies, caused by differences in views, positions, interests


Any non-consent of the parties

16. Leadership is a process




Meskon M.H. and others, Fundamentals of Management. – M.: Delo, 2007.

Vesnin V.R. Fundamentals of Management. - M.: Triada, Ltd., 2006.

Vikhanovsky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management. – M.: Gardarika, 2008

The basis for the formation of an individual work style of a manager in managing the motivation of hired personnel is the development of his professional system of activity.

Formation of motives professional activity manager involves, first of all, a shift in motive to the goal of work activity, as a result of which the manager finds “his” subject of activity. To form professional motivation What is important is the manager’s “acceptance” of the profession and finding personal meaning in it. As a result of the formation of professional motivation, the manager’s holistic behavior is formed.

Forming the goal of professional activity involves highlighting and taking into account the following points. The central point of activity is the goal. The goal itself is seen as perfect image result; level of achievement to which one should strive. The goal of professional activity also acts as an image of the result; a production task specified under certain conditions. The main stages of determining a goal are highlighting the field of acceptable results and clarifying a specific goal (as the most optimal one).

Forming an idea of ​​the program of activities involves:

  • - formation of an idea of ​​the components (structure) of activity;
  • - forming an idea of ​​how to perform activities;
  • - formation of an idea of ​​the program of activities.

The formation of an information basis for activities (IBA) involves highlighting and considering the following points. Levels of IOD formation: sensory-perceptual (perception of information); cognitive (assessing the significance of information); figurative and operational (processing information and constructing information samples). Features of the formation of the IOD: information often changes, which requires flexibility of the IOD; The diversity of information makes it necessary to quickly switch from one type of activity to another.

Formation of a decision-making block. General decision-making scheme:

  • a) awareness of the problem;
  • b) problem resolution. In this case, it is assumed: development (development) of the decisive rule, method of solution; formation of a criterion for achieving a goal and the preference for choosing a solution method;
  • c) checking the solution;
  • d) selection correction.

The formation of a system of professionally important qualities is based on the following premises:

  • 1) a person already has certain qualities, and when mastering the profession of a manager, they are restructured in accordance with the characteristics of this professional activity;
  • 2) the general logic of such a restructuring of activity: reconfiguration of qualities in accordance with professional activity, the emergence and development of new qualities and abilities, the formation of an individual style of activity.

There are three aspects in the formation of an individual style of activity:

  • 1) the formation of “symptom complexes” that characterize individual personality traits;
  • 2) changes in the intensity and frequency of manifestation of individual properties as they develop;
  • 3) the emergence of new connections between individual properties.

Style reflects the relationship between the objective requirements of activity and personality traits. Depending on the various objective requirements of activity, the same personality properties are expressed in different styles. An individual style of activity should be understood not as a set of individual properties, but as an expedient system of interrelated actions, with the help of which a certain result is achieved. Individual actions form an integral system precisely due to the expedient nature of their connection. When forming the psychological structure of a manager’s professional activity, mastering the profession itself is considered as a process of “disobjectification, individualization of a normatively specified way of activity. The main stages of mastering the profession of a manager:

1) cognitive and 2) practical stage, as the central moment in the formation of the psychological structure of activity. At the same time, individual actions are mastered, and then actions as a whole.

The development and formation of professional self-awareness is one of the central moments in the formation of a professional manager. The term “self-consciousness” is in many ways close to the terms “I-image”, “I-image”, “I-concept”. Images of a person’s self-awareness (along with images of the surrounding world) are a necessary basis for expedient regulation, self-regulation of his work activity and interaction with people around him, because this interaction is significantly determined by how a person understands his place among people, “who he takes himself for,” what he thinks about how he looks “in the eyes” of others.

“Professional ideology” plays an important role in understanding professional identity. Professional ideology is a system of statements that are outside the categories of truth and aimed at justifying social position, status, professional or non-professional grouping. A. Meneghetti describes a phenomenon close to professional ideology - a “stereotype of a professional association,” which “configures and prescribes behavior and relationships within the framework of any public institution, law, religion, or any social group.”

Professional self-awareness is the self-awareness of a person for whom specific work activity is the main means of establishing self-esteem as an accomplished individual.

Management style is the typical manner and way of behavior of a manager. Over the past few decades, many theories and classifications of management styles have emerged in economics. There are two approaches to studying styles: traditional and modern. The traditional approach includes “one-dimensional” management styles.

“One-dimensional” styles are characterized by one factor, these include: authoritarian, democratic and liberal-permissive.

Styles can be classified by different criteria(Fig.1)

Figure 1. Leadership styles

It should be noted that in relation to some people and in some situations, the traditional style of leadership turns out to be more effective than the modern one: if a subordinate does not do anything that deserves praise, then he needs to point out his mistakes and determine ways to eliminate them. However, when he achieves the first good results, he should be praised.

The business style of leadership is manifested when the most important thing for the leader is the interests of the business, the ultimate goals of the team. This leadership style implies maximum use of the following leadership qualities:

the ability to focus on the main goal of the team’s activities, i.e. purposefulness, practicality, etc.;

the ability to choose the shortest path to achieving a goal, i.e. ability to think analytically, business activity, courage;

independence of thinking, proactive and innovative approach to business, i.e. the ability to generate ideas, prudence, initiative, the ability to take justified risks, the desire to improve qualifications;

criticism of practical thinking, i.e. the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, wisdom, flexibility, practicality, common sense;

efficiency of decisions and actions, i.e. ability to find shortest paths solutions management tasks; independence, business activity, flexibility; the ability to use your time effectively and efficiently;

anticipating new problems, the ability to deal with them before their resolution requires great effort;

focus on the competence of subordinates.

The bureaucratic leadership style is characterized by the dominance of form (i.e. the bureaucratic structure itself) over content (production management tasks) and implies the presence of the following features: blind faith in the rationality of once established organizational structures and order; the idea that the absolute criterion of importance is the opinion of superiors; the remoteness of the internal laws and goals of the bureaucratic hierarchy from the real demands of life; lack of control from below, lack of accountability labor collectives; the desire to shift responsibility to superiors, which results in irresponsibility (at the same time, those higher up also strive to relieve themselves of responsibility by creating a visa system and an approval procedure); assessing an employee not by knowledge of the matter, the ability to find an effective, non-standard solution, but by the ability to act, focusing, first of all, on the internal laws of the functioning of the apparatus; difficulty in accessing the masses to the subjects of bureaucratic management; creating a situation where individuals or individual organizations are beyond criticism (especially from below); narrowing of publicity.

Depending on the degree of manifestation of collegiality and unity of command, three main leadership styles can be distinguished: authoritarian (autocratic), democratic and liberal.

Authoritarian style is the use of orders, instructions, instructions that do not involve objections from subordinates. The manager himself determines who should do what, when, how, gives commands and demands reports on their execution. The authoritarian leadership style is used in emergency situations - in a military situation, in the event of various types of natural or man-made disasters. In addition, some employees who do not like to make decisions on their own prefer an authoritarian leadership style.

The main need of the authoritarian style is to be in the center of attention of the group he leads, he should have all the power without reserve, and he himself decides all issues - small and large. His instructions are brief, strict, and sometimes have threatening overtones. In his opinion, subordinates are too passive, constantly need instructions, and if they express their point of view, they encroach on his authority. The autocrat tries to support such authority, often formal, with external attributes of power: he addresses his subordinates in an emphatically formal manner, and introduces additional formalities for visitors. He prefers obedient workers, regardless of whether they have the necessary knowledge.

A democratic leadership style implies friendly advice, instructions in the form of requests, and the active participation of subordinates in the development of management decisions. This is the most effective leadership style, because it fosters initiative, a creative attitude to work, and a sense of responsibility and ownership in subordinates.

A democratic leader does not command, but inspires, does not instruct, but advises. Employees feel less like subordinates and more like employees responsible for the work performed by the team.

Before making a decision, a democratic leader tries to discuss it with employees, systematically informs them about the state of affairs in the team, without hiding either successes or difficulties. He reacts correctly to criticism addressed to himself, never shows his superiority in anything, does not avoid responsibility for his own decisions or the mistakes of his subordinates, and formulates his instructions clearly.

A liberal leadership style is the leader's non-interference in the work of subordinates, at least until the subordinates themselves ask the leader for advice. This style is permissible only in those limited cases when subordinates are higher than the manager in terms of their qualifications or equal to him and at the same time know the main production tasks of the team no worse than him.

A liberal leader does not demonstrate his leadership position; he addresses his subordinates with emphatic politeness, which, of course, impresses his subordinates.

However, a liberal leader is not very active in his work, is indecisive, easily succumbs to the influence of others, and is ready to give up what he has just decision taken, V difficult situations does not show integrity and consistency.

At an enterprise run by a democrat, the activity of workers is constant, regardless of whether the boss is present at his workplace. The picture is completely different in an organization led by an autocrat: as soon as he leaves, labor activity drops sharply; it increases just as sharply immediately after his return. And in an enterprise run by a liberal, the absence of a manager only encourages labor activity; with his return, it falls catastrophically - obviously, such a boss simply interferes with work.

An autocrat is acceptable and tolerable in complex and dynamic conditions, but it is hardly worth trusting him with the leadership of creative, teaching, research teams, and especially public organizations. It is inappropriate to appoint a liberal as the leader of a team where there is a need to make and energetically implement decisions and take risks. So, of the three main leadership styles, preference should be given to the democratic style. The autocratic style is advisable only in exceptional cases (emergency situation, special character of a subordinate, etc.), and the liberal style can only be used as an exception in relation to individual subordinates of particularly high qualifications - in other cases it can lead to anarchy, sharply reduce management efficiency. In the presence of an authoritarian style, as already mentioned, the emphasis is on administrative methods of leadership, i.e. on the managerial activities of the manager; in the presence of a democratic style - more on socio-psychological methods of leadership, i.e. the ability to communicate with people and inspire them to do productive work; in the presence of a liberal style - on organizational methods, i.e. to clearly regulate the rights and responsibilities of employees, which they must implement without the direct intervention of the manager himself.

There are also “Multidimensional” leadership styles. IN modern conditions the success of the business is predetermined not only by the nature of the relationship between the manager and the subordinate and the degree of freedom that is given to them, but also by a number of other circumstances. An expression of this are “multidimensional” management styles, which represent a complex of complementary, intertwined approaches, each of which is independent of the others. Initially, the idea of ​​a “two-dimensional” management style was formed, which is based on two approaches. One of them focuses on creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, establishing human relationships, and the other - on creating appropriate organizational and technical specifications, in which a person will be able to fully reveal his abilities.

A dynamic style that changes in accordance with changing situations and management objects may be optimal. A good leader must have different styles leadership and know under what circumstances and in relation to which subordinates this or that leadership style is most appropriate.

However, the basis of the optimal leadership style should be a democratic style, which is characterized by the unity of management theory and practice, close communication with the organization’s personnel, a sense of responsibility to society, and the ability to contact different people, respectful attitude towards subordinates, constant care for them.

An individual leadership style based on a democratic style, which turns into authoritarian in acute situations, and in relation to creative individuals highly qualified - liberal, can be considered the optimal leadership style.

When assessing an individual's leadership style special meaning is given to the manager's ability to achieve mutual understanding with employees of different ages, floor, different professions, different education, marital status, temperament, qualifications. Also valued is the ability of a leader to convince people, to inspire them to carry out even tasks that are unpleasant for them, to captivate them, to help them replace their usual way of action with a new, more rational, more effective one, to help them make contact.

An effective individual leadership style actively promotes team unity. It is often believed that the main task of a manager is to implement the production plan. Meanwhile, even the best leader will not be able to fulfill such a plan without an efficient, cohesive team. It is more correct to consider that the main task of a manager is not only to implement the plan, but also to create a team capable of performing high tasks.

The formation of the correct individual style will be facilitated by adherence to the following principles.

Feedback. Subordinates, as a rule, seek to receive an assessment of the work they have done directly from their supervisor. According to psychologists, such feedback is a key point in the work process. The manager must be able to timely and accurately evaluate the work of his subordinates.

Definition of freedom of action of a subordinate. Knowing the character of his subordinates, the manager must decide in each individual case how to make the employee’s work more effective - give him some freedom of action or indicate that he does only what is ordered.

Consider the subordinate's attitude towards work. A leader who soberly assesses the role of work in people’s lives, without exaggerating or belittling it, helps his subordinates develop the correct psychological orientation, establish a school of life values, and clearly define the place of work in their lives.

Focus on the final results of work. It is important not to give people the idea that the labor process itself has no value. An experienced manager, when evaluating the work of his subordinates, takes into account both the result itself and the element of labor competition.

The leader must instill in his subordinates that the best way to make a career is to perform well today's daily duties, supplementing this with hints about the desirability of promotion.

Personal behavior of the leader. The manager is obliged to treat all subordinates without exception with a certain interest and respect. A good leader cannot afford to express personal likes and dislikes.

This does not mean, of course, that the manager is obliged to be a friend of every subordinate. In the end, his attitude towards his subordinate to a certain extent depends on the attitude of the subordinate towards him. Do not be overly gloomy and serious. The leader must understand that humor helps soften the most tense situations.

The individual leadership style adopted by the boss has a strong influence on the group value system adopted in the team, on those unwritten norms and rules of behavior that are accepted by the majority of members of this team and which have a huge impact on their joint work. labor activity. The individual style of a manager determines the nature of the rules of behavior for the entire production team.

The authority of the leader. An individual leadership style, corresponding to the general production environment and the characteristics of the team being led, actively contributes to the formation of high authority of the manager.

The true authority of a leader is a well-deserved respect for him and is based on such components as knowledge, experience, intelligence of the leader, his trust in his subordinates and his exactingness towards them, caring for them, high personal qualities.

It is known that subordinates carry out the instructions and instructions of an authoritative leader more willingly, faster and more thoroughly. An ineptly formed individual leadership style contributes to the emergence of false authority in the manager, which reduces the effectiveness of leadership; Subordinates often flatter the leader without actually respecting him.

In general, the components of the formation of a positive reputation of a manager can be his professional competence, leadership qualities and personal authority in the organization, leadership style, image, efficiency and healthy image life, its assessment by society in different areas and situations. Therefore, constant personal self-control should be inherent in a manager in all life situations.

So, the success of a manager’s work depends not only on his professional, but also on his psychological preparedness for management or the organization as a whole. First of all, he must never forget that he himself is not only a leader, but at the same time a subordinate, therefore he must be able to obey, carry out the instructions of his leadership, and be disciplined. The psychological preparedness of a leader is, first of all, a management culture, good manners, the ability to manage one’s feelings and emotions, a sense of responsibility, and collectivism.

A leader must control his emotions - otherwise a person loses control over his behavior and may make a rash decision. Great importance for a leader is his ability to speak simply, accessiblely, expressively, emotionally, clearly and concisely. The leader's quiet and calm tone gives his words weight and a businesslike character.

The manager should not show familiarity: you need to remember that when addressing someone as “you”, the interlocutor also gains the right to address you as “you”. Such treatment in another situation may express psychological closeness and cordiality of the relationship, but in some situations (for example, the address of a young boss to an elderly subordinate) it is offensive.

It is necessary to be extremely attentive and patient: if a subordinate comes with an impossible request, the manager should not directly tell him that his desire is absurd (the final explanation for the unreality of the request is The best way communication with such a subordinate).

A manager must be able not only to speak, but also, no less important, to listen, and also to challenge a subordinate to a conversation in order to understand him. Psychological impact exert pressure on the subordinate appearance leader, and his ability to behave in society. A leader must be an authority for a subordinate, because nothing hurts or inspires as much as the word of an authoritative person.

Thus, the formation of a leader’s individual style is a rather complex psychological process that ultimately entails lasting changes in the leader’s behavior and actions, therefore, that individual style that not only increases production efficiency, but also contributes to personal improvement of both the leader himself and each of his subordinates.

There are two approaches to studying styles: traditional and modern. The traditional approach includes “one-dimensional” management styles. “One-dimensional” styles are characterized by one factor, they include: authoritarian, democratic and liberal-permissive. TO modern approach include business style management and bureaucratic. There are also “Multidimensional” leadership styles, which represent a complex of complementary, intertwined approaches, each of which is independent of the others.