Methods of psychological influence on people. Psychological techniques - how to influence people

The effect on humans depends on what mechanisms of influence were used: persuasion, suggestion or contagion.

The most ancient mechanism of influence is infection, it represents the transfer of a certain emotional and mental state from one person to another, based on an appeal to the emotional-unconscious sphere of a person (infection with panic, irritation, laughter). The effect depends on the degree of intensity of the emotional state of the influencing person (we will conventionally call him a speaker) and the number of listeners. The higher the emotional state of the speaker, the stronger the effect. The number of people must be large enough to create a feeling of unity with the crowd under the influence of the emotional trance of the speaker.

Suggestion is also based on an appeal to the unconscious, to a person’s emotions, but by verbal means, and the speaker should not be in an emotional trance, but should be in a rational state, confident and authoritative. Suggestion is based mainly on the authority of the source of information; if the suggestor is not authoritative, then the suggestion is doomed to failure. Suggestion is verbal in nature, i.e. One can only suggest through words, but this verbal message has a shortened character and an enhanced expressive moment. The role of voice intonation is very important here (90% of effectiveness depends on intonation, which expresses persuasiveness, authority, and significance of words).

Suggestibility- the degree of malleability to suggestion, the ability to uncritically perceive incoming information, varies from person to person. Suggestibility is higher in individuals with a weak nervous system, as well as in individuals with sharp fluctuations in attention.

People with poorly balanced attitudes are more suggestible (children are suggestible), people with a predominance of the first signaling system more suggestible. There are three main forms of suggestion:
1) hypnotic suggestion (in a state of hypnosis);
2) suggestion in a state of relaxation - muscular and mental relaxation;
3) suggestion when active state person's wakefulness. Suggestion techniques are aimed at reducing a person’s criticality when receiving information and using emotional transference. Thus, the transfer technique assumes that when transmitting a message, a new fact is associated with well-known facts, phenomena, people to whom a person has an emotionally positive attitude, in order for this emotional state to be transferred to - new information(a negative attitude can also be transferred; in this case, incoming information is rejected). Techniques of evidence (quoting a famous person, scientist, thinker) and “appeal to everyone” (“most people believe that...”) reduce the criticality and increase a person’s compliance with the information received.

Belief appeals to logic, human reason, assumes enough high level development logical thinking. It is sometimes impossible to logically influence people who are underdeveloped. The content and form of persuasion must correspond to the level of development of the individual and his thinking. Requirements for the source and content of persuasive influence:
1) persuasive speech should be constructed taking into account the individual characteristics of the listeners;
2) it must be consistent, logical, as evidence-based as possible, and must contain both generalizing provisions and specific examples;
3) it is necessary to analyze the facts known to the listeners;
4) the person who persuades must himself be deeply convinced of what he is proving. The slightest inaccuracy or logical inconsistency can dramatically reduce the effect of persuasion.

The process of persuasion begins with the perception and evaluation of the source of information:
1) the listener compares the information received with the information he has, and as a result, an idea is created of how the speaker presents the information, where he gets it from. If it seems to a person that the speaker is not truthful, hides facts, makes mistakes, then trust in him drops sharply ;
2) is created general idea about the authority of the persuader, but if the speaker makes logical errors, no official status or authority will help him;
3) the attitudes of the speaker and the listener are compared: if the distance between them is very large, then persuasion may be ineffective. In this case, the best persuasion strategy is: first, the persuader reports elements of similarity with the views of the persuaded, as a result, better understanding and the precondition for persuasion is created.
Another strategy can be used when they first report a large difference between attitudes, but then the persuader must confidently and convincingly defeat alien views (which is not easy - remember that there are levels of selection, selection of information). Thus, persuasion is a method of influence based on logical techniques, which are mixed with social and psychological pressures of various kinds (the influence of the authority of the source of information, group influence). Persuasion is more effective when the group is persuaded rather than the individual. Conviction is based on logical methods of evidence, with the help of which the truth of a thought is justified through other thoughts.
Any proof consists of three parts: thesis, arguments and demonstrations. A thesis is a thought whose truth needs to be proven; the thesis must be clear, precise, unambiguously defined and supported by facts.

An argument is a thought whose truth has already been proven and therefore can be given to justify the truth or falsity of a thesis. Demonstration - logical reasoning - a set of logical rules used in proof. According to the method of conducting evidence, there are direct and indirect, inductive and deductive. In some cases, a boomerang effect is possible - when persuasion leads to results that are opposite to the intentions of the persuader. It happens:
1) when the initial attitudes of the persuader and the persuaded are separated by a large distance and from the very beginning the speaker shows this, but does not have the proper authority, compelling arguments and the audience blocks itself with “filters”, does not listen, rejects the information and becomes even more entrenched in its position;
2) in the case of ideological overload, an abundance of information, arguments, evidence for an insignificant reason, an emotional barrier is created that rejects all convincing arguments, although outwardly a person can pretend to agree;
3) if the impact is carried out on the focal installation.

The degree of effectiveness of the influence of information on a person’s attitudes also depends on the parameter of primary-secondary information (the first information received about any new event, fact is perceived easier, more trustingly, without the influence of previous prejudices, but information about some long-known event, person, which acted last, may cancel out the previously existing relationship with this person.
The repetition of information can cause cumulativeness - the gradual accumulation of propaganda influence with the systematic repetition of information in various variations, but these repetitions should not be excessive - otherwise information satiety, fatigue and rejection of annoying information arise.
An important socio-psychological phenomenon is imitation - the reproduction of the activities, actions, qualities of another person whom you want to be like. Conditions for imitation:
1) the presence of a positive emotional attitude, admiration or respect for this person - the object of imitation;
2) less experience of a person compared to the object of imitation in some respect;
3) clarity, expressiveness, attractiveness of the sample;
4) availability of the sample, at least in some qualities;
5) conscious orientation of a person’s desires and will towards an object of imitation (one wants to be the same). Imitation - most important factor in the development of a child’s personality, but is also inherent in adults to a certain extent. Young people imitate, first of all, what is socially new, and preference is often given not only to socially significant models, but also to outwardly dynamic, bright examples (examples of cinema, fashion), although socially insignificant or even socially negative in essence.

The psychological impact that people have on each other suggests that there is a change in the mechanisms of regulation of human behavior and activity. The following are used as means of influence:
1) verbal information, a word, but it should be taken into account that the meaning and meaning of a word can be different for different people and have different effects (the level of self-esteem, breadth of experience, intellectual abilities, character traits and personality type are influenced here);
2) non-verbal information (intonation of speech, facial expressions, gestures, postures acquire a symbolic character and affect the mood, behavior, degree of trust of the interlocutor);
3) involving a person in a specially organized activity, because within the framework of any activity a person occupies a certain status and thereby reinforces a certain type of behavior (for example, a change in status in interaction leads to a change in behavior, and also real experiences associated with the implementation of a certain activity can change a person, his condition and behavior); 4) regulation of the degree and level of need satisfaction (if a person recognizes the right of another person or group to regulate their level of satisfaction of their needs, then changes can occur; if they do not recognize it, there will be no impact as such).

The method of influence is a set of means and an algorithm for their use. Methods of influence - a set of techniques that implement influence on
1) needs, interests, inclinations - i.e. sources of motivation for activity and human behavior;
2) on attitudes, group norms, self-esteem of people - i.e. on those factors that regulate activity;
3) on the states in which a person is (anxiety, excitement or depression, etc.) and which change his conduction. Let's look in more detail at what methods of influence are used.

1) Methods of influencing sources of activity are aimed at creating new needs or changing the incentive force of existing motives of behavior. To form new needs in a person, the following techniques and means are used: involving him in a new activity, using the person’s desire to interact with a specific person, or involving the entire group in this new activity and using the motive of following disciplinary norms, or using the child’s desire to join to adulthood or a person’s desire to increase prestige. At the same time, when involving a person in a new activity that is still indifferent to him, it is useful to ensure that the person’s efforts to carry it out are minimized - if the new activity is too burdensome for the person, then the person loses desire and interest in this activity.

In order to change a person’s behavior, it is necessary to change his desires and motives, i.e., to make changes in the system of the hierarchy of motives. One of the techniques that allows you to do this is regression, i.e. unification of the motivational sphere, updating of motives of a lower sphere (safety, survival, food motive, etc.) is carried out in the event of unsatisfaction of the basic vital needs of a person (this technique is also carried out in politics in order to “knock down” the activity of many layers of society, creating quite difficult conditions for them for food and survival).

2) In order for a person’s behavior to change, it is necessary to change his views, opinions, attitudes: to create new attitudes, or to change the relevance of existing attitudes, or to destroy them. If the attitudes are destroyed, the activity disintegrates. Conditions that contribute to this: the uncertainty factor - the higher the level of subjective uncertainty, the higher the anxiety, and then the focus of activity disappears. Uncertainty in assessing personal prospects, in assessing one’s role and place in life, uncertainty about the significance of the effort expended in study, in work (if we want to make the activity meaningless, we reduce the significance of the effort), uncertainty in the incoming information (its inconsistency, it is unclear which of them can be trusted ), uncertainty of moral and social norms- all this causes human tension. The method of creating uncertain situations allows you to put a person into a state of “destroyed attitudes,” “losing oneself,” and if you then show the person a way out of this uncertainty, he will be ready to perceive this attitude and react in the required way, especially if suggestive maneuvers are performed: an appeal to in the majority opinion, the publication of the results of public opinion in combination with involvement in organized activities.

Thus, the method of creating uncertainty allows for a change in target, semantic attitudes and a subsequent radical change in his behavior and goals. The method of orienting situations, when almost every person has been in the same role for some time, in the same situation, has experienced the same requirements for himself and for his activities, like all other people from his environment or group - this allows everyone should develop the same required attitude towards this situation, change their behavior in this situation in the required direction.

The required social attitude is formed in a person,
1) if he is periodically included in the relevant activities;
2)receives relevant information repeatedly;
3) if he is included in a prestigious group that is significant for him, in which this position is, this attitude is supported (for example, the leaders of the labor movement are included in the asset of the company, in a prestigious post, after which they quite quickly assimilate the attitudes and positions required by the administration - this technique known since antiquity and was called “co-optation”).

In order to form an attitude towards the required attitude or assessment of a particular event, the method of associative or emotional transfer is used: include this object in the same context with something that already has an assessment, or evoke a moral assessment, or a certain emotion about this context (for example , in Western cartoons, dangerous and bad aliens were depicted with Soviet symbols, hence the transference “Everything Soviet is dangerous, bad”) could have occurred.

In order to strengthen and actualize the required attitude, but capable of causing a person’s emotional or moral protest, the technique of “combining stereotypical phrases with what they want to introduce” is often used, since stereotypical phrases reduce attention, emotional attitude person for a certain moment, sufficient to trigger the required installation (this technique is used in military instructions, where they write “Launch a missile at object B” (and not at city B), since the stereotypical word “object” reduces a person’s emotional attitude and strengthens it readiness to carry out the required order, the required installation). To change a person’s emotional attitude and state to current events, the technique of “remembering the bitter past” is effective - if a person intensively remembers past troubles, “how bad it was before...”, seeing the past life in a black light, an involuntary decrease in disharmony occurs , reducing human dissatisfaction with today and creating “rosy illusions” for the future.

This technique has been used many times in our country. To discharge the negative emotional state of people in the required direction and with the required effect, the technique of “canalization of mood” has been used since ancient times, when, against the background of increased anxiety and frustration of people’s needs, seeing the growth of indignation and dissatisfaction of people with the actions of rulers, an outpouring of anger from the crowd is provoked on people who only indirectly or almost not involved in the emergence of difficulties, but acted as “scapegoats” or a lightning rod, allowing them to divert the anger of the crowd from the rulers to the desired direction for the ruler himself. The search for “guilty switchmen” is still used to solve similar problems of influencing people.

If all three factors (motivation, desires of people, and attitudes, opinions, and emotional states of people) are taken into account, then the impact will be most effective both at the level of an individual and at the level of a group of people. Each group has its own group norms, which determine and regulate the behavior of group members and the group as a whole. To change a group's behavior, it is necessary to influence and change its group norms. The leader can actively influence group norms, or this can be achieved through the inclusion of the group in other activities. What does resistance depend on? It depends:
1) on the level of group cohesion;
2) from fixing on the content of previous group norms and new requirements;
3) on the degree of discrepancy between group norms and the content of the implemented attitudes and norms. The higher all these factors are expressed, the stronger the resistance. By including a group in cyclical activities of the required direction and nature, objective conditions are created for the need to change group attitudes and norms, and when all attention is concentrated on the implementation of the activity, the fact of developing new attitudes and norms is “obscured”, “noisy”, and if there is “noise” , then the previous settings are not updated, but are gradually erased. You can influence group cohesion through: 1) the group’s awareness of its social role or its difference from other groups; 2) the use of group symbols, signs, mottos, since the factors of identifying someone with the category “one of our own” create conditions for the growth of group cohesion; 3) creation, formation of a “we-feeling”, when a person feels within a group, identification occurs with a certain group, which makes a person especially sensitive to influence.

This “we-feelings” effect is used by politicians, playing “common people”, adopting the behavior patterns in the group that are characteristic of it: through words, intonations, clothing, cultural norms. What determines whether people will come into contact with each other or not, whether they will continue it or interrupt it? From a behaviorist's perspective, this depends on the reinforcement (positive or negative) they can receive during contact. When the behavior of a contact is implemented, the expectation of a positive, positive result that is necessary for the person is anticipated - reinforcement.

If the interlocutor can and does give what is expected, the contact continues. If a person understands that he will not receive what he expected, then the contact stops. Contact is a benefit, but it is accompanied by certain costs, how much effort must be spent, how much damage can be suffered. Relationships are only stable if a person is confident that the amount of positive benefits from contact is higher than the costs that he may incur. That is, a person is guided by “maximization of gain.” Moreover, it is advisable for a person to be convinced that another person will not benefit more than you from the benefit he brings to you.”

From the point of view of the cognitive approach, a person comes into contact with another person, is aware of this other person, himself and the situation in which the contact takes place, and it is not the stimuli themselves that determine the person’s behavior, but how he perceives them.

Thus, contact of people with each other and their influence on each other can occur in a variety of forms, directions discussed above, using different means, techniques and methods.

It often happens that we need to win over a person, influence his attitude to the situation, environment, or difficulties that have arisen. How to do it? Today we will talk about 10 fairly simple but incredibly effective ways to influence a person. They are not new, and some use these methods subconsciously, others have learned and noticed that certain behavior allows them to influence people, and for those who are just about to master this technique, our article today.

All methods have been used repeatedly by me, have been tested by thousands of other people, and have been proven by scientists. Therefore, there is no doubt about their effectiveness and efficiency. It is enough just to know how and in what situation to apply this or that psychological trick. If you doubt yourself and think that you won’t succeed... I recommend reading the article:
The techniques of influence and manipulation that will be discussed today will be useful if you want to win over an investor, a lender, or establish or strengthen relationships with partners, suppliers or buyers. In general, anyone who wants to run a business more competently and successfully simply must understand the intricacies of psychology and be able to influence people.

Ask for a favor

Ask people for favors, and thereby you can win them over. This effect It's called the Benjamin Franklin effect. One day, the future president of the United States needed to gain the favor of one person who didn’t even want to greet him. Then Franklin resorted to a trick. He very politely, with all the culture and mannerism, asked him for a favor - to give him a very rare book. Then he also politely thanked him and left. Previously, the man had not even greeted Franklin, but after this incident their relationship began to improve, and over time they became friends.

This psychological trick worked a thousand years ago, Franklin actively used it, and it is still relevant today. The whole secret is that if a person has already done you a favor once, he will be more willing to do it again, and with each new favor your relationship will only strengthen and your trust will grow. Human psychology is such that he thinks that if you ask for something, then you will respond to his request and help in a difficult situation.

Demand more

This technique has received interesting name- forehead on the door. You must ask a person for more than you expect to receive from him. You can ask to do something incomprehensible, ridiculous, a little stupid. There is a high probability that such a request will be refused, but this is exactly what you need. After a few days, feel free to ask for exactly what you wanted from the very beginning. The feeling of awkwardness and discomfort that will arise due to the fact that you were refused the first time will force the person to accept the request and help.

A very interesting psychological trick, and it works in 95% of cases. Of course, there are very stubborn people with whom it is difficult to find an approach, but it still exists, you just need to be more inventive.

Call the person by name

In many of his books, the famous psychologist and writer Dale Carnegie notes that if you want a more loyal attitude towards yourself, then be sure to call the person by name. This psychological technique is incredibly helpful in influencing a person.
For every person, his name is like a kind of spell, a wonderful combination of sounds, and a part of his whole life. Therefore, when someone pronounces it, he becomes one step closer, receives favor, trust and a loyal attitude towards himself.

The use of a person’s social status or titles in speech has a similar effect. If you want to make friends with someone, then call him a friend, speak calmly and measuredly. Over time, this person will also see you as a friend and begin to trust you. If you want to work for someone, then call him boss, thereby showing your recognition and willingness to follow his instructions. Words have incredible power, and correctly chosen and timely words can change any situation and any attitude towards you.


It would seem that flattery is the most obvious psychological trick that can influence a person. But it's not that simple. If you are going to flatter, then do it sincerely, because they will immediately see the falsity, and such flattery will do more harm than good.
Scientists have proven that flattery works best with those who have high self-esteem and are confident in achieving their goals. If you flatter such people, you will only confirm their opinion of yourself and feed their growing ego.

And if you are going to flatter someone who has low self-esteem, then do not expect a good result. Sometimes such actions can cause a negative attitude, and vice versa, spoil the opinion of you. Therefore, be careful if you are going to tell someone how good he is.


This method is better known as mimicry. Many of you use it on a subconscious level, without even suspecting that in this way they gain the trust of your interlocutor. You copy behavior, gestures, manner of speaking and explaining yourself. But if you use this technique consciously, it will be many times more effective.

Like attracts like, and people really like to communicate with those who are similar to them and share their opinions and vision of the world. Therefore, if you use mimicry, you will very quickly gain the favor and trust of your interlocutor. Very interesting fact, even some time after the conversation, the person whose actions were reflected is more loyal to all other interlocutors who had nothing to do with the conversation.

Take advantage of weaknesses

Under the influence of alcohol or fatigue, the protective barriers of our brain weaken. It is in such a situation that a person is most susceptible to influence. If you need to ask for something or get approval for certain actions, then tired man, in most cases, will give the go-ahead, as long as you don’t touch him and don’t ask too many questions. The answer, most likely, will be something like: “Yes, we’ll definitely do it tomorrow. Remind me in the morning.” But in the morning you will achieve what you want, because you already received preliminary consent yesterday.

Offer something that is hard to refuse

This technique is the opposite of the one we discussed in the second paragraph. If there you start with a big request, get a refusal and move on to the main one, then here it’s the other way around. You need to ask for a small favor, one that will be hard to refuse. Then move on to more requests. Over time, the person will begin to trust you, and you will be able to ask for what you originally wanted.
Scientists conducted one experiment. In supermarkets they asked people to sign a petition to protect forests and protect the environment. Quite a simple request, right? Most completed it without any problems. Then they asked to buy some trinket, and emphasized that all the money raised would go specifically to protecting forests. Of course, many complied with this request.
Recently I myself fell for such manipulation, but knowing about this method, I was able to resist. A nice girl stopped me on the street and asked me to answer a few questions:

1. How do you feel about poetry?
2. Do you think the state supports young writers enough?
3. Are you a fairly generous person?
4. Buy a book for 200 rubles, and all the proceeds will go to the development of the club of young and promising people.

Look how clearly and beautifully everything is done. Easy questions that can be answered in 1 word or in a short phrase, everything is logically connected and correctly arranged. Of course, I refused to buy the book, because I understand that this is manipulation and a way to sell me something that is completely unnecessary. But many people, having answered that they are generous people, cannot then refuse and not buy a book that they will not read.

Know how to listen

If you want to win over your interlocutor, you need to be able to not only speak beautifully and clearly, but also listen carefully. When you hear an idea in a conversation with which you fundamentally disagree, you should not immediately express your thought. This way you will provoke a small conflict, and a piece of doubt will ignite inside. If you still decide to express your opinion, then first try to express agreement with part of what was said, and only then continue.

Repeat after your interlocutor

A very, very subtle and effective way. It is in my favor, and its skillful use promises you success in any negotiations. If your goal is to achieve understanding, trust and favor with your interlocutor, then show that you understand him, paraphrase what was said and agree with the voiced thought.

Psychologists call this method reflective listening. It is thanks to him that the psychologist builds a trusting relationship with the patient, easily learns about his problems and concerns, and can better understand and help the person faster.
Using this technique, you can influence anyone, but it is advisable that the person already has a good or neutral attitude towards you. By paraphrasing and repeating his thoughts, you will make it clear that you listened carefully and remembered everything the other person said. It’s nice to be treated like this; trust instantly grows.


What is the simplest movement that makes it clear that you agree with what was said? That's right, nod of head. By listening to a person and nodding your head from time to time, you give the interlocutor’s subconscious a certain signal, which says that you agree with everything that was said, listen carefully and analyze.

One of the areas of psychology is methods of psychological influence on people. They include various ways influencing others, which are used by people in Everyday life in the process of building family, social and professional relationships.

When interaction occurs between individuals, it does not matter at what level, it involves some influence on each other through persuasion, imitation, suggestion or contagion. Moreover, the last method is the most common and has been used since ancient times.

Infection as a hidden influence on others.

What are the main methods of psychological influence on a person through infection? Their actions are aimed primarily at the emotional, unconscious sphere of perception of the individual. Examples of infection are laughter, which others begin to unconsciously support, panic, negative emotions that one person provokes, and the majority subsequently picks up. Thus, there is a transfer of mental and emotional moods from one person to another. How strong the influence will be depends on the emotional mood of the individual, which is the source of infection. In order to influence a large number of people, a significant superiority in the crowd of susceptible individuals is necessary. This stimulates the source's ability to feel oneness with a group of individuals, given their own high level of emotional sensations.

Suggestion as a hidden influence on others.

This technique is also aimed at the emotional, unconscious side of the individual's subconscious. The main instruments of influence here are verbal indicators: words, facial expressions and gestures. In order to inspire a person with this or that information, it is necessary to provide it in the form summary, but at the same time as meaningful as possible, using expression.

The man himself who provides psychological impact on people through the use of suggestion, should not be at the level of emotional trance. The basis of successful suggestion is the recognition of the authority of the source’s opinion, and for this he needs to have common sense, show confidence in his point of view and competently work with objections and doubts. The result will not be achieved if the individual who is trying to instill information is not an authority for the opponent.

The intonation with which the suggestor conveys information is of great importance in achieving the goal; the tone must be confident, authoritative; meaningful, weighty arguments and words must be used in the conversation.

Each individual reacts differently to suggestion, due to his level of resistance to outside influence, lack of critical perception of information coming from outside and other characteristics of the psyche and subconscious. It is much easier to exert a psychological influence on people through suggestion if they have unstable attentiveness, or their nervous system is shaken and weak.

Suggestion can be carried out in three main forms:

1. A person is given certain information while he is awake;
2. The object of suggestion is in a relaxed state, namely its muscular and mental abilities;
3. Suggestion using hypnosis.

The first type of suggestion involves influencing the subconscious of the object when he is in a state of wakefulness, and it, in turn, is divided into subtypes: behavioral elements of suggestion, emotional and intellectual. Let's try to look at each subtype as an example in order to paint a complete picture of a particular suggestion.

Elements of emotional suggestion.

In order to influence a person, to convince him that the information provided is really correct, it is necessary first of all to influence his emotions. For example, in order to show a person the whole essence of the concepts that you are trying to instill in him, it is necessary to use undeniable arguments. The task of emotional suggestion– present information in such a way that your opponent has no doubts that you are right, arguing with visualization, examples or other available methods.

Elements of behavioral suggestion.

Influencing the subconscious of a person through the use of various forms of suggestive behavior. Let's say a person finds himself in a group of people where there is a stir around one event or fact. After some time, he himself will be carried away by the object of interest of others, maintaining agitated behavior.

Elements of intellectual suggestion.

Sometimes, without even thinking about how to influence people and what needs to be done for this, people unconsciously become suggestive. For example, you have probably encountered the fact that you suddenly notice the habit of adopting the same posture during a conversation as your boss. Or your habits with your best friend suddenly become almost the same, and the manner of communication is very similar to the way your colleague communicates. These people did not want to instill anything in you, but this happened unconsciously, without intent.

In order for suggestion to be effective, the opponent must perceive the information with minimal criticality. To do this, they use an emotional reorientation of significance from one piece of information to another, or evidence.

Methods of psychological influence, based on the reorientation of the significance of information, include certain ways of presenting information. in order to achieve a goal and inspire a person positive attitude To the topic of suggestion, we can draw an analogy with those moments that evoke approval from the object. For example, in order to stimulate the active development of an individual in a certain direction, one can cite the successes and achievements of other people as examples. In the same way, you can act in the opposite way, for example, in order to convince a person to act in one way or another, you can give an example of a situation where someone did a similar act and only got additional problems.

In order to exert a psychological influence on people through suggestion, it is necessary to minimize the critical perception of the information provided. This can be done through the technique of witnessing. To do this, you should resort to quotes from successful people, give examples from life experience professional and celebrities who can stimulate both positive and negative effects. The choice of the direction of emotional perception depends on what a person wants to achieve by instilling information. Some experts advise using psychological influence techniques based on a person’s subconscious desire to fit in with the majority. For this purpose we provide public opinion, as a stimulator of positive perception of information.

Attempts to instill certain information in a person can take place at a time when he is in a relaxed state. Here the main emphasis is on the fact that the individual begins to inspire himself with some information, relying on the imagination, as a lever for controlling the state of his own psyche and well-being. Experts believe that there is a relationship between a person’s muscular system and his emotional stress and experiences. During stressful situations, an increase in tension in almost all muscle groups is felt, but when an individual relaxes, his intensity of emotions also fades away.

Emotions can also be controlled through breathing. A person, being in an excited emotional state, breathes quickly and unevenly, while taking shallow breaths. In a relaxed state, respiratory processes are normalized, a person inhales air deeper, slower and more rhythmically. This is a form of psychological influence, called auto-training, aimed at self-control and managing one’s own emotions. For achievement desired result You need to learn a number of exercises that will help you manage emotional manifestations and influence your own well-being.

Autotraining allows you to use methods of psychological influence on people, who are divided into three main groups.

Group 1. Impact on skeletal muscles and the respiratory process to control the central nervous system.

Group 2. Control of the psychophysical state of an individual through representation, imagination and images formed through feelings and emotions.

Group 3. Control of the psychophysical state using suggestion based on words and reasoned arguments.

It is by achieving a relaxed state that a person is much better able to perceive images formulated in the subconscious based on emotional and sensory sensations. It is on the basis of visualization of these images that an individual manages to manage his feelings, psychological state, forming his own mood. To do this, he can directly use images in order to influence psychological condition, or initially influence the well-being of the body, and through it - on mental functions.

In order to provide hidden influence on the psychophysiological state, you will need to master a number of specific training actions. It is by using them that you will be able to manage your condition much faster, focusing on verbal suggestion of something to yourself. Thus, you should pronounce the instructions out loud, as if telling yourself what you need to feel, what to do, and so on. For example: I have enough strength, I can handle it, I’m not cold, and others. The phrase should not be pronounced quickly, in rhythm with your breathing. Inhaling, say the first part of the phrase, exhaling - the second. To achieve the effect, repeat the action two or more times.

In order to instill information in an individual using hypnosis, it is first necessary to enter him into hypnotic trance. Then the person will be completely under the influence of the one who is hypnotizing him, which will make it possible to control his emotions, behavior and sensations. With the help of hypnosis, it is possible to influence the subconscious, motor and mnemonic functions, the personal and sensory zone of the individual. Science has still not been able to fully substantiate what hypnosis is and how it works, recognizing it as a unique way of influencing people.

A person who is in a hypnotic state does not control behavior with the help of his brain, which stimulates a loss of control over his behavior, perception of the situation and critical understanding of his own actions. By hypnotizing an individual, they can suggest to him that his senses are keenly aware of external influences, or, conversely, that his sensitivity is reduced. For example, to a person, an ordinary rustle may seem like a rumble, and a strong noise may feel like a light whisper. Hypnotic state can stimulate paralysis of the voice, legs or arms, but at the same time it allows you to control the processes of memory and thinking of a person, directing them to restore certain moments in memory or exclude them from memories. The peculiarities of psychological influence using hypnosis are that a person can tell secret information, do something without meaning to, or play certain suggested roles in such a state.

This often becomes the reason for using hypnosis to deceive, obtain secret information or lure material resources in humans. Hypnosis can make dramatic changes in the psyche, behavioral and emotional characteristics of an individual.

Scientists believe that the psychological impact on people is practically beyond the control of the human cerebral cortex, because it affects the unconscious perception of reality, and consciousness does not take part in it.

Any form of psychological influence through suggestion can have a positive result, but only if carried out with humane intentions. In some situations, suggestion is the only way to contact a person, for example, when he is in a state of passion, or simply does not perceive this or that information.

How to influence people with persuasion.

When convincing an opponent of something, the expectation is that he will voluntarily accept the facts that are presented to him. Any methods of pressure and coercion are excluded here; the object of persuasion can either agree with his opponent or remain unconvinced. The key direction of influence of beliefs- this is the human mind, which obliges the one who convinces to build logical chains and argue their arguments. The level of human development in the cultural and intellectual field of both participants in the discussion is of great importance. Whether you can convince your opponent depends on his personal characteristics, mood and state of mind during the conversation, his opinion about the source of his beliefs and the environment.

It is easier to convince a person who is intellectually developed, thinks logically, has an easygoing and kind character, and is currently in an excellent mood. Attention should be paid environment: if there is a tense, restless and irritable atmosphere around, then the objectives of psychological influence may not be achieved. But a calm, pleasant and comfortable environment will be an excellent ally in the process of persuading your opponent.

That is why most serious and important business meetings take place in a relaxed, calm atmosphere. But it will still be much more difficult to convince a person who has a complex character, is in a negative mood, or whose intelligence is at a low stage of development. Before you begin to convince an individual, you need to analyze him personal characteristics and select the most appropriate methods of psychological influence. So, what should a convincing opponent and his arguments be like:

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the opponent in a conversation in order to influence his subconscious;
The speech must be constructed consistently, using logical arguments, evidence base, using examples and generalizations;
In the process of persuasion, one must rely on the facts that the opponent knows about;
In order for conviction to really have an effect on a person, one must oneself be completely convinced of one’s own rightness. If the persuader himself presents information with doubts, omissions, or without a sufficient number of arguments, he is unlikely to be able to achieve results.

How does the opponent perceive and evaluate the persuader?

In order to decide for himself how to relate to the source of information and the information itself, a person first compares the proposed data with his own idea of ​​​​the object of belief. If doubts arise about the truthfulness, reliability or concealment of facts, then psychological influence techniques will not have the desired effect, since the level of trust will be low;

It is very important that in the process of persuasion a logical chain of arguments and arguments is used, each of which must be justified and explained. Otherwise, it will not be possible to convince a person no matter how authoritative and status the position of the source of information would be;

The commonality of attitudes and principles of both sides of the discussion is very important, otherwise the effectiveness of beliefs will be much lower. It is necessary to initially indicate existing general views and concepts, and if they are absent, then try to reorient the person with the help of examples, facts and generally accepted dogmas.

Beliefs are always based on logic, confirmed by the authority, status and recognition of the person expressing them. These methods of psychological influence on people work more effectively on a group of listeners than during a conversation with one person. Thus, you should logically justify your rightness using other thoughts and opinions. All evidence includes thesis, argument and demonstration part.

Thesis the thematic object of belief itself is called, which should be clearly and understandably formulated, confirmed with the help of various facts. For example: Ginger root is very beneficial for the body and health. This is the opinion of leading experts in the field of medicine, who have repeatedly mentioned this fact in the literature.

Arguments- these are those judgments that have already been recognized by society, which are used to indicate the falsity or truth of a thesis.

Demo part is a set of logical justifications and evidence base, which are divided into direct, indirect, inductive and deductive. Inductive judgments are commonly called judgments that are based on conclusions made in the process of one or several situations that are aimed at achieving a general logical conclusion. The deductive evidence base is formed on the basis of general logical conclusions, while dividing them into separate, almost individual situations.

Unfortunately, we cannot assume with a hundred percent guarantee how to influence people so that they listen and support the direction of persuasion, and do not perceive everything the other way around. There are a number of situations where the opposite effect is quite expected, these include:

The author of a belief cannot justify the correctness of his position to his opponents if they have a radically different view of the object of discussion;
There are too many abstractions in the conversation: a large amount of general information, facts that do not relate to a specific issue, but characterize general essence Problems.
In a conversation, previously stated facts and information are very often repeated. This stimulates rapid fatigue among the audience, a feeling of intrusiveness and, as a result, irritation arises.

All types of psychological influence are equally used in various spheres of human life: these are political, economic, management processes, educational, pedagogical, scientific areas, and many other areas in which people are forced to contact each other.

The use of imitation when influencing a person.

Another very significant tool of psychological management is imitation. This process is based on the conscious or unconscious imitation of behavioral characteristics, personal qualities, opponent's movements. Imitation helps to understand each other at the level of actions, feelings, actions, without the need for explanations and reflection on the reasons.

Imitation can act both for the benefit of a person and to his detriment. After all, focusing on how another person would act in the current situation, we lose the opportunity to fully use our thoughts, feelings and sensations in the decision-making process.

Conscious imitation is:

A positive emotional attitude towards the person whom the object imitates: he evokes admiration, respect, and the desire to be like;
Lack of proper level of awareness about a specific issue, in contrast to the object of imitation;
Positive traits someone whom a person imitates: charisma, beauty, charm, etc.;
A subconscious craving to have as much resemblance as possible to a person accepted as an idol or ideal.

Unconscious imitation.

The individual unconsciously imitates the characteristics of his opponent. Moreover, he does not notice this fact immediately, and the object of imitation, in principle, does not seek to have any psychological impact on people. The basis is often unconscious envy, or an emotional outburst that causes communication with the object of imitation. Almost all children imitate their parents, later idols or peers, and sometimes they carry the desire to imitate throughout their lives. Sometimes it is the effect of imitation that pushes people to take certain actions, both positive and negative. For example, a teenager starts smoking because his classmates do so. Or a young man begins to actively engage in sports in order to be like his idol: a football player or an actor. These methods of psychological influence on people are used involuntarily by the objects of imitation, because it is clear that the celebrity does not have the goal of persuading anyone to lose weight or gain weight, but, nevertheless, they have such an influence on their fans.

Carolina Emelyanova

A person lives in society, constantly being in communication and interaction with other people. Social status a person, his success is determined by his ability to communicate with other people, find an approach to them and negotiate. In the course of life, a person not only influences other people, but he himself is influenced by them, often against his own interests.

Knowing about human psychology and psychological methods of influencing a person is useful not so much in order to manipulate others in your own interests, but in order to avoid such manipulations. Below are the main examples of “dirty” psychological techniques that should be avoided, as well as some psychological communication techniques that can be used without fear, since they do not harm someone else’s reputation and dignity.

The methods of psychological influence listed in this section are called negative for the reason that they negatively affect the mental state of the person being influenced. Sometimes a negative effect concerns not only the mental state of the target, but also his social well-being. Examples of such psychological effects on human consciousness will be given below in order to be aware of the typical tricks of manipulators and not fall for them.

Such methods of manipulation are destructive, and information about them is provided for the purpose of avoiding such effects, and not to use them on other people. It should be understood that the manipulator does not always use it consciously. Sometimes this happens on a whim, and not always even with the intention of causing harm. Often the manipulator is so focused on gaining his own benefit that he does not think about the fact that he is harming someone else.

However, there is another category of people - those who know exactly how to psychologically influence a person during a conversation. Usually these are not just ill-wishers, but employees of large corporations, marketers and other media workers specially trained in psychological methods of influencing people, who pursue specific goals in their manipulations.

Such selfishness, of course, cannot serve as an excuse for traumatic actions. A person who has come under such a “harmful” influence often requires the help of a professional psychologist in order to restore peace of mind and continue to live a full life. One of these specialists is a psychologist-hypnologist. Nikita Valerievich Baturin.


Criticism as a psychological influence is most often used in two ways:

  • In the first case, the manipulator artificially creates an image of his own authority in front of the victim. In this case, the victim is forced to believe that the opponent is a great expert in the field of the dispute, and his opinion is immutable. In fact, it often turns out that the manipulator is a specialist in a completely different field, or is not a great expert at all. Such manipulation is used when the manipulator does not feel much strength in his arguments: they do not sound convincing enough on their own, and “pressure by the authority” of the interlocutor begins.
  • In the second case, the manipulator, on the contrary, plays on the authority of the interlocutor. First, his competence is emphasized in every possible way, and then the manipulator “catches” the victim on factual errors, deficiencies in formulation and other imperfections in the argument.

In addition, cases of the use of “benevolent rudeness” are not uncommon. This technique consists in the fact that the victim of manipulation is first told how wonderful she is and what successes she is making, and then, under the guise of “adequate” criticism in the most correct terms, she is given a portion of unreasoned criticism, passed off as “wishes.” After reading something like this, the victim of a psychological impact on a person is left with mixed feelings: on the one hand, they wished him well with this message, but on the other hand, his soul is now disgusting.

In its various variations? First of all, remember that criticism has adequacy and weight only in those cases when it is demanded (when you yourself are open to criticism, ask for it and let the public know that you are ready to listen to it) and when it is adequate, i.e. e. when specific arguments are given for shortcomings, and not a general emotional assessment. There is nothing wrong with adequate criticism if it is presented correctly. However, if the manipulator tries to humiliate you through criticism, the best way will point out to him his own shortcomings in the argument, or politely tell him that his opinion was not in demand.

Threat and intimidation

Threats and intimidation are the most direct and simple manipulation that exists. They can threaten you with anything - from deprivation of any privileges to physical violence. There are even highly spiritual manipulators who intimidate the victim with curses or heavenly punishment.

The strategy to combat such manipulations should be built depending on the constructiveness of the message. If a person has real power over the victim of manipulation, that is, this is his immediate supervisor or patron, then the best way to cope with such pressure is to get out of his control by finding another source of resources. Many victims of manipulation find themselves under the control of their bosses, who threaten them with dismissal or loss of bonuses. In such cases, you need to start looking for a place to work, and, if possible, record threats in order to transfer them to the authorized bodies.

If the manipulator does not have real power over the victim, he threatens with physical violence or various spiritual forms of violence - damage, witchcraft, etc. In the second case, it is easiest to ignore such babble, since any forms of witchcraft only work on those people who sincerely believe in them. In the first case, everything is a little more complicated - you need to be careful, record threats on some media, find witnesses, and contact law enforcement agencies. Remember that a threat to life and health is no longer an area of ​​psychology, but an article in the Criminal Code.


Self-praise is a form of feigned authority. At the same time, the manipulator ascribes or exaggerates the attributes of his person: he says that he has a special education, status, abilities, connections that he does not have. If it is not possible to verify the information that the interlocutor is flaunting, it is necessary to remember that all these feigned attributes are just a way to show off in order to divert the opponent from the main thing - from the weakness of one’s own position in the dispute.

If your interlocutor is trying his best to show what an important person he is, ask yourself the question - “So what?” Rely on the arguments and facts that he gives. Keep the discussion to the point - don’t let feigned superiority distract you from the thread of the conversation. Lead - after all, in a discussion the status of the opponent does not matter at all, only the information being discussed is important.

Rumors and gossip

Another common form of manipulation is reference to rumors and gossip. Simply put, the manipulator turns to the victim with the message “I heard out of the corner of my ear that ...”, and cites rumors of varying degrees of improbability. It should be noted right away that no one will be pleased when his person is discussed behind his back in a negative light. Therefore, such a message immediately provokes a violent emotional reaction in the victim, who can easily be led in the direction desired by the manipulator.

The psychology of influencing people allows you to use gossip and rumors in different ways - to set the victim against the intended source of information, to force you to give out some information under the “sauce” of justification, etc. The main thing to remember in such situations is if you have become a victim of rumors , there is no need to spread them further. You don't know where the information to the manipulator came from. You don’t know in what form he received it and what he uses it for. Remember that well-mannered person does not allow himself to take information from gossip. Do not justify yourself to the gossiper - answer with dignity, giving out as much information as you consider necessary.

Acceptable methods of psychological influence on a person

Knowledge about how a person can be used not only to harm others. Here are a few psychological tricks in communication, the use of which will not harm anyone, but will help make interaction more effective:

  • Don't discuss another person's failures and failures unless you can offer a viable alternative. This recommendation fits into the short advice “If you criticize, make suggestions.” If you understand that nothing can be changed in the current situation, or if you simply don’t like something in a person’s actions, but you cannot offer a worthy replacement option, refrain from making negative comments in his direction, because they will not improve your communication more pleasant and efficient.
  • End the conversation on a positive note. This is how it will turn out for a person pleasant impression, and next time he will be more willing to start contacting you than if you ended the conversation on the negative.
  • If you need to criticize someone, do not forget to emphasize their merits. This point is in addition to the first: if you need to explain “how not to do it,” always back it up with a positive example and a list of “how not to do it.”
  • In a discussion, refer only to arguments. Do not humiliate the personality of your interlocutor - this is the lowest and most tactless technique when conducting a dispute. Do not consult “authorities” unless their opinion is backed by factual evidence. To argue reasonedly, follow the bare facts and rely only on the constructive elements of the dialogue.
  • Remember the rule of three yeses. If you have to conduct a discussion, prepare your arguments in such a way that the interlocutor will definitely agree with them at least three times in a row. Once the psychological threshold of three “agreements” has been passed, it will be much easier for a person to continue to accept your position.
  • Watch the body language and facial expressions of your interlocutor. Involuntary movements of the muscles of the face and body during a conversation will help you identify “trigger” arguments. These are the most painful points for the opponent, on which you can continue to put pressure and receive a response. Also pay attention to “yes” and “no” gestures - nodding, waving, shaking your head. This will help you understand how a person really feels and whether it matches the words.

You can manipulate in for various purposes, with varying degrees of skill. You should not forget just one thing: in order to maintain calm and a clear conscience, you cannot use those methods that leave your opponent in a situation of fear, hopelessness, and helplessness. And if such methods have unbalanced you, you should contact a psychologist so that he can help restore peace of mind and learn how to avoid such “traps” in the future. It is also useful to study special literature on how to influence a person psychologically - not only to benefit from manipulation, but also to protect against such “dirty” techniques.

How to influence a person, make him act differently, change his behavior, feelings, thoughts? Such manipulations can be carried out on a subconscious level. To do this, you need to know some psychology techniques that every person can use. For everything to work out, you need to delve into some subtleties.

Not only psychologists, but also ordinary people, it doesn't even require magic. When communicating with a person, it is important to pay attention to the intonation with which words are pronounced. It is intonation that can work wonders. Since ancient times, when sorcerers cast a spell, they changed the speed of speech and focused attention on individual words.

You might think that magic, various witchcraft rituals are something mystical. Even a small amount of knowledge of psychological science helps some people without special effort influence others. Often magic is based on the process of planting hidden commands in the subconscious of the subject, because of this the illusion is created that the person has independently changed own life, fate, or that this is the work of a magician.

You don't need to have superpowers to influence a person. It is enough to know a little theory and skillfully apply it in practice. During communication, they deliberately use certain phrases to manipulate a person. They can be highlighted by gestures or intonation. The subject with whom the conversation is being conducted may not even notice that his interlocutor is using any techniques. And at this time a certain phrase had already been deposited in his subconscious.

For example, if you need to reassure a friend, you can say: “My colleague’s house was searched yesterday, but at the same time he was in a state of complete calm and confidence.” It is the end of the sentence that is emphasized intonationally. The conversation is about a colleague. On a subconscious level, words about how to behave are remembered.

Learning about hidden influence

An important condition for hidden commands that can change a person’s life are the levels of their perception. It is forbidden to mix the two levels semantically. If this rule is not followed, then the command will not influence the person’s subconscious, but will be perceived consciously.

If you say: “Now let’s relax and enjoy life,” you will not achieve a positive result. The call will be understandable to others, but psychologically it is incorrect, since it will not reach the subconscious level. It will be possible to lift the mood of upset or tired people and influence the human psyche with the help of a story. It is enough to briefly outline the sentences with hidden commands. It may talk about how friends recently spent time at a club, relaxed, and the evening was just beginning. Thanks to this technique, the mood in the circle of gathered friends will quickly rise.

Intonation influence on a person is effective when highlighting individual, necessary phrases. Auxiliary words that serve as a frame for key words are pronounced in a normal tone.

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Due to this, it will be possible to achieve the desired effect. For maximum effectiveness in managing people, it is permissible to pause before and after pronouncing an important part of a sentence.

To really change a person’s subconscious in the right direction, it is necessary to use hidden phrases as competently as possible, while being careful. You cannot use negative phrases or commands in a negative direction. Thanks to them, you can ruin a relationship with a person, offend, upset, and often cause harm.

Psychology is a science that is based not only on theoretical knowledge; even understandable truths require practical confirmation. If you are not sure that you will be able to convince someone or force them to do something, you can first practice on another person. You can ask how he would perceive such actions or words.

It is not always possible to use hidden phrases to change a person’s fate, to lift one’s mood, or to distract one from negative thoughts. You can consider a case where a friend divorced his wife or lost property. Positive stories highlighting individual words with intonation are not always convincing and effective. There are other methods for this.

Variety of methods

The psychology of the impact on a person can be different. The methods used can be non-imperative and imperative, disciplinary. Often it is possible to change a person’s destiny thanks to beliefs. With their help, the impact is made on consciousness. For example, explaining to a child why he should study at a higher educational institution, you can ensure that the child graduates from university, after which he will become a successful scientist, businessman, politician, etc.

Influence through beliefs allows you to achieve what you want. To do this, it is enough to competently explain, highlight the essence of the issue or problem, and remind about the causes and consequences. After the right conviction, a person makes the necessary decision seemingly independently, since he understands its significance.

You can influence a person at a distance or directly in a conversation with him through praise. This is the type of positive influence that should be applied to all people. A person’s life will become more joyful and enjoyable if one celebrates his achievements in career, study, and sports.

It will be possible to influence others, change their thoughts and behavior through a psychological technique in the form of suggestion. To do this, they use different means (speech and not only). Through suggestions, it is easy to change a person’s destiny, since the suggested information takes the form of an internal attitude. With its help, you can stimulate and guide a person in the process of forming his intentions. Psychologists use various forms that change a person’s subconscious. This is an emotional-volitional type of influence, persuasion and pressure.

Thoughts and consciousness can be influenced through coercion. This influence is used when other techniques do not work or there is no time to use them. Coercion is associated with an expressed requirement to accept a certain behavioral standard, so one can be forced to agree with by decision or existing point of view. With the help of coercion, it is sometimes possible to avoid the development of a conflict, for example, to force someone to perform some action at the moment.

If we consider methods of disciplinary influence on individuals, reprimands, warnings, and punishments are popular. Warnings are mild in nature, signaling more severe consequences that will be applied in the future (if necessary). Reprimands are often used by managers for their employees. Punishment is depriving a person of something important, for example, an object.

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The power of suggestion

When faced with problems in the family, in school, at work, people often try to change their better side human destiny. Many try to turn to experienced people who, using a conspiracy, will force, for example, drinking husband give up bad habit, return to his wife, etc.

In fact, such methods really help in most cases. The conspiracy is usually pronounced out loud. The presence of the patient is not necessary, but he often also has to perform certain actions (drink a special herbal infusion or something else).

In fact, a conspiracy is something close to prayer. You can also say certain words to the person himself to help himself in finding a job, getting a higher position, having a successful marriage, etc. All spoken words or thoughts that are not spoken out loud must be sincere, you must believe in your own actions.

In practice, in order to have a positive impact on fate, to change life for the better, you should say certain phrases every day. They have a positive effect on consciousness and attract good luck and prosperity. These include the following proposals:

  1. I am sure that something wonderful will happen today.
  2. I am confident in the excellent outcome of every situation in life.
  3. Every day I feel better and better (it will affect a person’s destiny and make him healthier).
  4. May today be a good day.

Such attitudes have incredible power and set the subject up for positive thoughts.

The impact on human behavior, be it a conspiracy or any psychological techniques, may be invisible to the subject. It is not difficult to master the rules of influencing the subconscious of people around you, especially if you consolidate them in practice. They should be used only for good purposes, when trying to change human life for the better.

20 Easy Ways to Influence

  1. Interest

Any person seeks personal gain in different situations. When you explain your position once again, be sure to tell the listener what he can find for himself.

  1. To find a compromise

It is simply impossible to zombify a person. If you want to influence someone, learn to negotiate and, if necessary, make compromises.

  1. Communicate

Of course, communication is the main key to influence. The more you develop your communication skills, the more people will support your opinion.

  1. Become an inspiration

To convince other people of something, you yourself need to radiate cheerful enthusiasm.

  1. Hypnotize

Of course, you don’t need to hypnotize your interlocutor in the literal sense of the word. This is done with the help of charm. It should not be forgotten that most people are more willing to agree with those they respect and love.