What planets are mentioned in the Star Wars films: names, descriptions, interesting facts. Star Wars: Return of Naboo Planet Naboo star wars

In the Star Wars universe, it is inhabited by two societies independent from each other - the Gungans, who live in underwater cities, and the people who inhabit the surface of the planet. The natural climatic conditions of the planet are reminiscent of the temperate and subtropical or equatorial belts of the Earth, and the planet itself from Space is emphatically reminiscent of ours, combining the green landscapes of the land and the blue expanses of the World Ocean, covering 85% of the surface of Naboo. Homeworld Padmé Amidala Naberrier and Jar Jar Binks, as well as Senator and future Emperor Palpatine.

Mention in films

The planet Naboo appears in four of the six films of the film saga: in the films “Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace Episode II: Attack of the Clones Naboo is one of the main locations in the Star Wars films. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" and the updated DVD version of the film "Star Wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi » planet depicted in final scenes. The Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo dates back to 32 BBY, with the planet subsequently becoming the scene of a battle between Trade Federation droids and local Gungan militia.


The planet is located in the Chommel sector of the Galaxy and has 3 satellites. Naboo phenomenon long time remained a mystery to astrophysicists: due to the lack of a solid molten core, the voids in the center of the planet are rich in plasma, which makes the planet unique and one of a kind in the entire Galaxy. The use of plasma in abundant quantities is the basis of energy for both land and underwater inhabitants of the planet. The land surface of Naboo, occupying just over 15% of the entire surface of the planet, is covered with grassy meadows, virgin forests, green hills, rugged swamps and small lakes. The topography of Naboo is predominantly flat. The longest mountain range, the Gallo Mountains, crosses the largest continent, separating the Great Plains of the north from the Lianorma Marshes of the south. At the bottom of the Paonga sea south coast swamps is the underwater capital of the Gungans Oto Gunga. Oto Gunga is connected to the sacred centers of worship of the Gungans by an extensive system of caves and passages they have studied, inhabited by fantastic giant monsters (like those observed from their bongo by Jar Jar, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the episode "The Phantom Menace").


For a long time human culture on Naboo remained nomadic, but over time the first real cities began to develop. These included the oldest human settlement on Naboo, Deeja Peak in the Gallo Mountains, as well as the agricultural communities of Keren and Theed, whose bountiful harvests provided income for the nascent aristocracy. Political centers of influence concentrated in Theed and Dij's Peak, while Keren became a leading center of trade. Kaadara developed as a small fishing town, and Moenia became the only human colony on the original Gungan territory of the Lianor Swamps.

The human civilization of Naboo developed into a feudal society with hereditary nobility, but without serfdom in its classical form. The head of state became the “High King” - a ceremonial position to which princes from the royal family were appointed. One of these kings, Narmel the Explorer c. 2000 BBY sent several expeditions of colonists to the swampy moon of Naboo - Rory - where they founded a settlement named after Narmel.

Theed Hegemony

By 1000 BBY, a political crisis led to a planetary conflict affecting most of the city-states of Naboo. The end of the wars was put by King Jafan of Theed, who united all human cities under his rule and made his hometown the royal capital of the entire planet. During the reign of the Jafan dynasty, Theed was continuously built up. The Royal Palace of Theed and the statues of prominent philosophers displayed in front of it, created during this time, testify to the flowering of Naboo art. The royal line of Jafan was interrupted by 150 BBY, and from that moment on, the position of ruler (king or queen) became elective, with the main criterion being the intellectual abilities of the applicant. The political institutions of Naboo, combining monarchical and republican tendencies, took on a form vaguely reminiscent of a gentry republic like the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

During the reign of King Veruna, who ascended the throne in 47 BBY, mines and processing plants were built in the very center of Theed, allowing Naboo to become a leader in the entire Galaxy in the export of plasma necessary for spaceships and providing the population with energy. The Naboo government entered into an agreement with the Trade Federation, under which the latter acted as an intermediary in the plasma trade. However, the Federation took advantage of Naboo's lack of sophistication in financial transactions, buying plasma at reduced prices and making huge profits from it.

Veruna, having learned about the financial fraud of the Federation, decided to put an end to the unequal treaty. Anticipating a military conflict, the ruler of Naboo began to build up the military potential of the planet, armed forces which, due to the stabilization of the political situation, were reduced to the palace guard of Theed and a small but effective corps. The Federation's huge orbital stations were to be countered by a squadron of N-1 class mobile swept space fighters, the first examples of which were stationed in Theed's hangar. However, these plans of Veruna turned out to be unpopular among the population of Naboo, which was taken advantage of by Senator Palpatine, who represented Naboo in the Galactic Senate. Under pressure from Palpatine, the king was forced to abdicate the throne in 32 BBY, and fourteen-year-old Padmé Naberrie, who had previously ruled Theed for two years in a row, was elected in his place. Taking the throne name Amidala, the young queen promised to find a diplomatic solution to the emerging conflict.

Conflict with the Trade Federation

In order to protect the interests of Naboo, Padmé Amidala negotiated with the Trade Federation and asked the leadership of the Galactic Republic to establish appropriate taxation on interstellar trade conducted by the Federation. In response, Federation governor Nute Gunray, instigated by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, imposed a military blockade of the planet in order to sign an enslaving treaty with Naboo.

To conduct negotiations, the Senate sent two Jedi knights - Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi - to the Trade Federation governor as intermediaries, but the negotiations failed, as Nute Gunray gave the order to eliminate the ambassadors. However, they managed to escape and even establish contact with the Gungans through Jar Jar Binks, who was expelled from Oto Gungi. When the negotiators arrived in Theed, it was already occupied by Federation troops.

The Royal Council of Naboo prohibited the use of military formations until the end of negotiations, so Theed was given up almost without a fight. The palace guard, subordinate to Captain Panaka, was disarmed, and the population largest cities Nabu, along with the government, was taken to the countryside concentration camps. These actions were intended to force Queen Amidala and Governor Bibble to agree to the Federation's terms. However, the queen and her entourage were released from Jedi custody, and Amidala and her handmaidens were able to leave Naboo in search of support in the Galactic Senate.

Queen Amidala failed to gain serious support from the Senate, so she returned to Naboo and personally led the resistance against the invaders. She met with the Gungan leader Boss Nass, calling on him for help in the fight against a common enemy. Having concluded an alliance treaty for the first time in hundreds of years, the Gungans and the land inhabitants of Naboo developed a joint plan of action. The Gungans pitted their army against Federation battle droids. Built on a medieval model, the Gungan army, equipped with catapults and energy shields, heroically resisting the droid army, superior to the Gungan in both numbers and technical equipment, lured the Federation forces from the cities of Naboo into open spaces.

During the battle with the droids, a squad led by Padme infiltrated the palace in Theed. Fighters from Theed Hangar attacked and destroyed the Trade Federation's main station, cutting off power to the droids fighting the Gungans. Queen Amidala personally arrested the viceroy, after which Federation troops were interned. For her courage and dedication, Padmé Amidala was offered the position of queen for life, which could be passed on to her heirs. Amidala refused this offer.

Rise of the Empire

Padmé Amidala served as Queen of Naboo for two four-year terms, the maximum allowed for a Naboo monarch. She was succeeded by Queen Jamilla, who reigned from 24-20 BBY. At the suggestion of the new queen, Padmé Naberrie took the post of senator from Naboo (24-19 BBY). In parallel with her, Jar Jar Binks sat in the Senate, becoming the first representative of the Gungans in the galactic parliament.

The inhabitants of Naboo, which was recovering from the occupation, provided serious support to their fellow countryman Palpatine, who continued to head the Senate, in his “firm hand” policy. Despite the prevailing sentiments in society regarding the need to strengthen executive branch To combat the separatists, Senator Amidala early recognized the authoritarian tendencies in the government of the Republic and continued to actively oppose the creation of an army of the Republic, reporting directly to the Chancellor. However, in the absence of Amidala in the Senate, the danger civil war became so threatening that another Naboo representative, Jar Jar Binks, proposed giving the Chancellor "emergency powers" to allow the use of a clone army. Attempts by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, including the Trade Federation, to capture Naboo during the Clone Wars were unsuccessful.

After Palpatine’s coup and the execution of “order 66,” according to some sources, several Jedi knights hid on Naboo and escaped death. There is also reason to believe that among them were members of the Council of the Order. But Darth Vader, who understood the essence of the structure of government on Naboo, feared the rebellion of this planet from the very beginning. His fears were confirmed when counterintelligence discovered the Jedi hiding. A landing force led by clone guards took control of the planet. Some militia fighters also fought on the side of the knights in the battles. The result was the execution of all rebels and the subordination of Jamilla to the Empire. However, for reasons of secrecy, information about the “purge” on Naboo was hidden from many until the very moment of the overthrow of the emperor. In general, the people of Naboo, unlike Padmé, supported the establishment of the Galactic Empire. Many of them served the Imperial authorities, and Captain Panaka even became an assistant to Emperor Palpatine. This time marks the reign of the popular Queen of Naboo Kailanta, who denies political system both the corrupt Old Republic and the authoritarian Empire. Therefore, Kaylanta refused to change the democratic provisions of the Naboo Constitution, and appointed Padmé Amidala's niece Puja Naberrie as the planet's representative in the Imperial Senate, where she also sat cousin Leia Organa. Queen Kailantha was killed by an Imperial clone for refusing to hand over a Jedi who had escaped the Imperial purge.

Basic Galactic, Huttian, Aqualish, Bokke, Lasatnian, Ithorian, Ubesian, Ewokian, etc.

The movement of peoples begins to settle into its shores. The waves of the great movement have subsided, and circles are formed on the calm sea, in which diplomats rush, imagining that they are the ones causing the lull in the movement.
But the calm sea suddenly rises. It seems to diplomats that they, their disagreements, are the reason for this new onslaught of forces; they expect war between their sovereigns; The situation seems insoluble to them. But the wave, the rise of which they feel, is not rushing from where they expect it. The same wave is rising, from the same starting point of movement - Paris. The last surge of movement from the west is taking place; a splash that should resolve the seemingly intractable diplomatic difficulties and put an end to the militant movement of this period.
The man who devastated France, alone, without a conspiracy, without soldiers, comes to France. Every watchman can take it; but, by a strange coincidence, not only does no one take it, but everyone greets with delight the man whom they cursed the day before and will curse in a month.
This person is also needed to justify the last collective action.
The action is completed. Last role played. The actor was ordered to undress and wash off the antimony and rouge: he would no longer be needed.
And several years pass in which this man, alone on his island, plays a pathetic comedy in front of himself, petty intrigues and lies, justifying his actions when this justification is no longer needed, and shows the whole world what it was like what people took for strength when an invisible hand guided them.
The manager, having finished the drama and undressed the actor, showed him to us.
- Look what you believed! Here it is! Do you see now that it was not he, but I who moved you?
But, blinded by the power of the movement, people did not understand this for a long time.
The life of Alexander I, the person who stood at the head of the countermovement from east to west, is even more consistent and necessary.
What is needed for that person who, overshadowing others, would stand at the head of this movement from east to west?
What is needed is a sense of justice, participation in European affairs, but distant, not obscured by petty interests; what is needed is a predominance of moral heights over one’s comrades—the sovereigns of that time; a meek and attractive personality is needed; a personal insult against Napoleon is needed. And all this is in Alexander I; all this was prepared by countless so-called accidents of his entire past life: and education, and liberal initiatives, and surrounding advisers, and Austerlitz, and Tilsit, and Erfurt.
During people's war This face is inactive because it is not needed. But as soon as the need for a general European war appears, this face at the moment is in its place and, connecting European peoples, leads them to the goal.
The goal has been achieved. After last war 1815 Alexander is at the pinnacle of possible human power. How does he use it?
Alexander I, the pacifier of Europe, a man who from his youth strove only for the good of his people, the first instigator of liberal innovations in his fatherland, now that he seems to have the greatest power and therefore the opportunity to do the good of his people, while Napoleon exile makes childish and deceitful plans about how he would make humanity happy if he had power, Alexander I, having fulfilled his calling and sensing the hand of God on himself, suddenly recognizes the insignificance of this imaginary power, turns away from it, transfers it into the hands of those despised by him and despised people and says only:
- “Not for us, not for us, but for your name!” I am a human being too, just like you; leave me to live as a human being and think about my soul and God.

Just as the sun and each atom of the ether is a ball, complete in itself and at the same time only an atom of a whole inaccessible to man due to the enormity of the whole, so each personality carries within itself its own goals and, at the same time, carries them in order to serve common goals inaccessible to man. .
A bee sitting on a flower stung a child. And the child is afraid of bees and says that the purpose of a bee is to sting people. The poet admires a bee digging into the calyx of a flower and says that the bee’s goal is to absorb the aroma of flowers. The beekeeper, noticing that the bee collects flower dust and brings it to the hive, says that the bee's goal is to collect honey. Another beekeeper, having studied the life of a swarm more closely, says that the bee collects dust to feed young bees and breed the queen, and that its goal is to procreate. The botanist notices that, by flying with the dust of a dioecious flower onto the pistil, the bee fertilizes it, and the botanist sees the bee’s purpose in this. Another, observing the migration of plants, sees that the bee promotes this migration, and this new observer can say that this is the purpose of the bee. But the final goal of the bee is not exhausted by either one, or the other, or the third goal, which the human mind is able to discover. The higher the human mind rises in the discovery of these goals, the more obvious to it is the inaccessibility of the final goal.
Man can only observe the correspondence between the life of a bee and other phenomena of life. The same goes for the goals of historical figures and peoples.

The wedding of Natasha, who married Bezukhov in 13, was the last joyful event in the old Rostov family. That same year, Count Ilya Andreevich died, and, as always happens, with his death the old family fell apart.
Events last year: the fire of Moscow and the flight from it, the death of Prince Andrei and Natasha’s despair, the death of Petya, the grief of the countess - all this, like blow after blow, fell on the head of the old count. He did not seem to understand and felt unable to understand the meaning of all these events and, morally bending his old head, as if he was expecting and asking for new blows that would finish him off. He seemed either frightened and confused, or unnaturally animated and adventurous.
Natasha's wedding occupied him for a while with its external side. He ordered lunches and dinners and, apparently, wanted to appear cheerful; but his joy was not communicated as before, but, on the contrary, aroused compassion in the people who knew and loved him.
After Pierre and his wife left, he became quiet and began to complain of melancholy. A few days later he fell ill and went to bed. From the first days of his illness, despite the doctors' consolations, he realized that he would not get up. The Countess, without undressing, spent two weeks in a chair at his head. Every time she gave him medicine, he sobbed and silently kissed her hand. On the last day, he sobbed and asked for forgiveness from his wife and in absentia from his son for the ruin of his estate - the main guilt that he felt for himself. Having received communion and special rites, he died quietly, and the next day a crowd of acquaintances who had come to pay their last respects to the deceased filled the Rostovs’ rented apartment. All these acquaintances, who had dined and danced with him so many times, who had laughed at him so many times, now all with the same feeling of inner reproach and tenderness, as if making excuses for someone, said: “Yes, whatever it was, there was the most wonderful Human. You won’t meet such people these days... And who doesn’t have their own weaknesses?..”
It was at a time when the count’s affairs were so confused that it was impossible to imagine how it would all end if it continued for another year, he unexpectedly died.
Nicholas was with the Russian troops in Paris when news of his father's death came to him. He immediately resigned and, without waiting for it, took a vacation and came to Moscow. The state of financial affairs a month after the count's death became completely clear, surprising everyone with the enormity of the amount of various small debts, the existence of which no one suspected. There were twice as many debts as estates.
Relatives and friends advised Nikolai to refuse the inheritance. But Nikolai saw the refusal of the inheritance as an expression of reproach to the sacred memory of his father and therefore did not want to hear about the refusal and accepted the inheritance with the obligation to pay debts.
The creditors, who had been silent for so long, being bound during the count's lifetime by the vague but powerful influence that his dissolute kindness had on them, suddenly filed for collection. A competition arose, as always happens, to see who would get it first, and the very people who, like Mitenka and others, had non-cash bills of exchange - gifts, now became the most demanding creditors. Nicholas was given neither time nor rest, and those who, apparently, pitied the old man, who was the culprit of their loss (if there were losses), now mercilessly attacked the young heir, who was obviously innocent before them, who voluntarily took upon himself to pay.
None of Nikolai's proposed turns succeeded; the estate was auctioned off at half price, and half of the debts still remained unpaid. Nikolai took the thirty thousand offered to him by his son-in-law Bezukhov to pay that part of the debts that he recognized as monetary, real debts. And in order not to be thrown into a hole for the remaining debts, which the creditors threatened him with, he again entered the service.
It was impossible to go to the army, where he was in the first vacancy of a regimental commander, because the mother was now holding on to her son as the last bait of life; and therefore, despite the reluctance to remain in Moscow in the circle of people who knew him before, despite his aversion to civil service, he took a position in the civil service in Moscow and, taking off his beloved uniform, settled with his mother and Sonya in a small apartment, on Sivtsev Vrazhek.
Natasha and Pierre lived at that time in St. Petersburg, without a clear idea of ​​​​Nicholas' situation. Nikolai, having borrowed money from his son-in-law, tried to hide his plight from him. Nikolai's position was especially bad because with his one thousand two hundred rubles salary he not only had to support himself, Sonya and his mother, but he had to support his mother so that she would not notice that they were poor. The countess could not understand the possibility of life without the conditions of luxury familiar to her from childhood and constantly, not understanding how difficult it was for her son, she demanded either a carriage, which they did not have, in order to send for a friend, or expensive food for herself and wine for son, then money to give a surprise gift to Natasha, Sonya and the same Nikolai.
Sonya drove household, looked after her aunt, read aloud to her, endured her whims and hidden dislike, and helped Nikolai hide from the old countess the state of need in which they were. Nikolai felt an unpaid debt of gratitude to Sonya for everything she did for his mother, admired her patience and devotion, but tried to distance himself from her.

Naboo (planet)

Astrographic data
Distance from Center

Middle Ring

Circulation period
Rotation period
Number of suns
Number of moons
Physical data

85% (mostly in underground caves)




suitable for human breathing



Social data
Main population

Mention in films

The planet Naboo appears in four of the six films of the film saga: in the films “Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace Episode II: Attack of the Clones Naboo is one of the main locations in the Star Wars films. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" and the updated DVD version of the film "Star Wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi planet is depicted in the final scenes. The Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo dates back to 32 BBY, with the subsequent transformation of the planet into a battleground between Trade Federation droids and local Gungan militia.


The planet is located in the Chommel sector of the Galaxy and has 3 satellites. The Naboo phenomenon has long remained a mystery to astrophysicists: due to the lack of a solid molten core, the voids in the center of the planet are rich in plasma, which makes the planet unique and one of a kind in the entire Galaxy. The use of plasma in abundant quantities is the basis of energy for both land and underwater inhabitants of the planet. The land surface of Naboo, occupying just over 15% of the entire surface of the planet, is covered with grassy meadows, virgin forests, green hills, rugged swamps and small lakes. The topography of Naboo is predominantly flat. The longest mountain range, the Gallo Mountains, crosses the largest continent, separating the Great Plains of the north from the Lianorma Marshes of the south. At the bottom of the Paonga Sea, off the southern coast of the swamps, is the underwater capital of the Gungans, Oto Gunga. Oto Gunga is connected to the sacred centers of worship of the Gungans by an extensive system of caves and passages they have studied, inhabited by fantastic giant monsters (like those observed from their bongo by Jar Jar, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the episode "The Phantom Menace").


Although the Gungans inhabiting the seas are the oldest described intelligent inhabitants of the planet, even the underwater inhabitants themselves talk about the pre-Gungan civilization of humanoids. Their civilization may have ceased to exist tens of thousands of years ago, leaving behind monuments and ruins across the planet. The largest of these ruins, the remains of the temple of the "Ancients", are revered as sacred place Gungans. The collapse of the states of the “Ancients” was apparently associated with their disruption of the balance of the marine ecosystem.

Human colonization

For several millennia, the Gungans reigned supreme over the planet until human colonization of the planet began c. 4000 BBY. At this time, refugees from the planet Grizmalt settled in the mountains, meadows and steppe plains. It is believed that the name "Naboo" itself is an ancient Gungan word meaning "people of the plains". The two civilizations coexisting on the planet - people from land cities and Gungans from water areas and swamps - for centuries chose not to contact each other, and cultural influences were excluded. However, open clashes occurred very rarely - human settlements and tribal alliances were more often at enmity with each other than with the Gungans.

For a long time, human culture on Naboo remained nomadic, but over time, the first real cities began to develop. These included the oldest human settlement on Naboo, Deeja Peak in the Gallo Mountains, as well as the agricultural communities of Keren and Theed, whose bountiful harvests provided income for the nascent aristocracy. Political centers of influence concentrated in Theed and Dij's Peak, while Keren became a leading center of trade. Kaadara developed as a small fishing town, and Moenia became the only human colony in the original Gungan territory of the Lianor Marshes.

The human civilization of Naboo developed into a feudal society with hereditary nobility, but without serfdom in its classical form. The head of state became the “High King” - a ceremonial position to which princes from the royal family were appointed. One of these kings, Narmel the Explorer c. 2000 BBY sent several expeditions of colonists to the swampy moon of Naboo - Rory - where they founded a settlement named after Narmel.

Theed Hegemony

By 1000 BBY, a political crisis led to a planetary conflict affecting most of the city-states of Naboo. The end of the wars was put by King Jafan of Theed, who united all human cities under his rule and made his hometown the royal capital of the entire planet. During the reign of the Jafan dynasty, Theed was continuously built up. The Royal Palace of Theed and the statues of prominent philosophers displayed in front of it, created during this time, testify to the flowering of Naboo art. The royal line of Jafan was interrupted by 150 BBY, and from that moment on, the position of ruler (king or queen) became elective, with the main criterion being the intellectual abilities of the applicant. The political institutions of Naboo, combining monarchical and republican tendencies, took on a form vaguely reminiscent of a gentry republic like the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

During the reign of King Veruna, who ascended the throne in 47 BBY, mines and processing plants were built in the very center of Theed, allowing Naboo to become a leader in the entire Galaxy in exporting plasma necessary for spaceships and providing energy to the population. The Naboo government entered into an agreement with the Trade Federation, under which the latter acted as an intermediary in the plasma trade. However, the Federation took advantage of Naboo's lack of sophistication in financial transactions, buying plasma at reduced prices and making huge profits from it.

Veruna, having learned about the financial fraud of the Federation, decided to put an end to the unequal treaty. Anticipating a military conflict, the ruler of Naboo began to increase the military potential of the planet, whose armed forces, due to the stabilization of the political situation, were reduced to the palace guard of Theed and a small but effective corps. The Federation's huge orbital stations were to be countered by a squadron of N-1 class mobile swept space fighters, the first examples of which were stationed in Theed's hangar. However, these plans of Veruna turned out to be unpopular among the population of Naboo, which was taken advantage of by Senator Palpatine, who represented Naboo in the Galactic Senate. Under pressure from Palpatine, the king was forced to abdicate the throne in 32 BBY, and fourteen-year-old Padmé Naberrie, who had previously ruled Theed for two years in a row, was elected in his place. Taking the throne name Amidala, the young queen promised to find a diplomatic solution to the emerging conflict.

Conflict with the Trade Federation

In order to protect the interests of Naboo, Padmé Amidala negotiated with the Trade Federation and asked the leadership of the Galactic Republic to establish appropriate taxation on interstellar trade conducted by the Federation. In response, the Federation governor, Nute Gunra, incited by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, imposed a military blockade of the planet in order to sign an enslaving treaty with Naboo.

To conduct negotiations, the Senate sent two Jedi knights - Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi - to the Trade Federation governor as mediators, but the negotiations failed, as Nute Gunroy gave the order to eliminate the ambassadors. However, they managed to escape and even establish contact with the Gungans through Jar Jar Binks, who was expelled from Oto Gungi. When the negotiators arrived in Theed, it was already occupied by Federation troops.

The Royal Council of Naboo prohibited the use of military formations until the end of negotiations, so Theed was given up almost without a fight. The palace guard, subordinate to Captain Panaka, was disarmed, and the population of the largest cities of Naboo, along with the government, was taken to out-of-town concentration camps. These actions were intended to force Queen Amidala and Governor Bibble to agree to the Federation's terms. However, the queen and her entourage were released from Jedi custody, and Amidala and her handmaidens were able to leave Naboo in search of support in the Galactic Senate.

Queen Amidala failed to gain serious support from the Senate, so she returned to Naboo and personally led the resistance against the invaders. She met with the Gungan leader Boss Nass, calling on him for help in the fight against a common enemy. Having concluded an alliance treaty for the first time in hundreds of years, the Gungans and the land inhabitants of Naboo developed a joint plan of action. The Gungans pitted their army against Federation battle droids. Built on a medieval model, the Gungan army, equipped with catapults and energy shields, heroically resisting the droid army, superior to the Gungan in both numbers and technical equipment, lured the Federation forces from the cities of Naboo into open spaces.

The palace in Theed abandoned by the droids was instantly occupied task force led by Padmé. Fighters from Theed Hangar attacked and destroyed the Trade Federation's main station, cutting off power to the droids fighting the Gungans. Queen Amidala personally arrested the viceroy, after which Federation troops were interned. For her courage and dedication, Padmé Amidala was offered the position of queen for life, which could be passed on to her heirs. Amidala refused this offer.

Rise of the Empire

Padmé Amidala served as Queen of Naboo for two four-year terms, the maximum allowed for a Naboo monarch. She was succeeded by Queen Jamilla, who reigned from 24-20 BBY. At the suggestion of the new queen, Padmé, Naberrie took the post of senator from Naboo (24-19 BBY). In parallel with her, Jar Jar Binks sat in the Senate, becoming the first representative of the Gungans in the galactic parliament.

The inhabitants of Naboo, which was recovering from the occupation, provided serious support to their fellow countryman Palpatine, who continued to head the Senate, in his “firm hand” policy. Despite the prevailing public sentiment regarding the need to strengthen the executive branch to combat the separatists, Senator Amidala early recognized the authoritarian tendencies in the government of the Republic and continued to actively oppose the creation of an army of the Republic reporting directly to the Chancellor. However, in Amidala's absence from the Senate, the danger of civil war became so threatening that another Naboo representative, Jar Jar Binks, proposed giving the Chancellor "emergency powers" to allow the use of a clone army. Attempts by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, including the Trade Federation, to capture Naboo during the Clone Wars were unsuccessful.

After Palpatine’s coup and the execution of “order 66,” according to some sources, several Jedi knights hid on Naboo and escaped death. There is also reason to believe that among them were members of the Council of the Order. But Darth Vader, who understood the essence of the structure of government on Naboo, feared the rebellion of this planet from the very beginning. His fears were confirmed when counterintelligence discovered the Jedi hiding. A landing force led by clone guards took control of the planet. Some militia fighters also fought on the side of the knights in the battles. The result was the execution of all rebels and the subordination of Jamilla to the Empire. However, for reasons of secrecy, information about the “purge” on Naboo was hidden from many until the very moment of the overthrow of the emperor. In general, the people of Naboo, unlike Padmé, supported the establishment of the Galactic Empire. Many of them served the Imperial authorities, and Captain Panaka even became an assistant to Emperor Palpatine. This time marks the reign of the popular Queen of Naboo, Kailanta, who rejects the political systems of both the corrupt Old Republic and the authoritarian Empire. Therefore, Kaylanta refused to change the democratic provisions of the Naboo Constitution, and appointed Padmé Amidala's niece Puja Naberrie as the planet's representative in the Imperial Senate, where her cousin Leia Organa also sat. Queen Kailantha was killed by an Imperial clone for refusing to hand over a Jedi who had escaped the Imperial purge.

Notable Monarchs of Naboo

  • King Narmel (c. 2,000 BBY)
  • Queen Yarm (???)
  • King Japhan (c. 532 BBY)
  • King Veruna (47 BBY - 32 BBY)
  • Queen Amidala (32 BBY - 24 BBY)
  • Queen Jamilla (24 BBY - 20 BBY)
  • Queen of Apaylan (20 BBY - 12 BBY)
  • Queen Kailantha (12 BBY - 4 ABY)

Notable Senators from Naboo

  • Senator Vidar Kim (??? - 52 BBY)
  • Senator Palpatine (52 BBY - 32 BBY)
  • Senator Padmé Amidala (24 BBY - 19 BBY)
  • Alternate High Representative Jar Jar Binks (24 BBY - ???)
  • Senator Pooja Naberrier

Some facts

  • The word "nabu" comes from Ancient East: in Mesopotamian mythology, a god named Nabu patronized wisdom and writing, and the ancient Egyptians called one of the Libyan tribes “nabu” (or “rabu”).
  • The architecture of Theed, the administrative center of Naboo, was designed and executed in the Roman-Early Byzantine style.
  • Theed was filmed in Italian city Caserta, and the surrounding territories of Naboo - in Spanish Seville. Computer technology was also used to model Queen Amidala's palace.
  • In the original English version of The Phantom Menace, the adjective "Nubian" is used to refer to Padmé Amidala's ship instead of the lexically correct (derived from Naboo) "Nabooan". It was subsequently clarified in the Star Wars expanded universe that Nubia is a planet central worlds, on which the J-Type 327 Nubian ship was designed.
  • In the first draft of the script for The Phantom Menace, Naboo was supposed to be called Utapau, a derivative of "Utopia". The name was previously considered to be the first name for Tatooine, and was eventually given to the planet first depicted in Revenge of the Sith.
  • IN " funny translation"Goblin", entitled "Storm in a Glass", the name of the planet is changed to Marabou; Accordingly, it is believed that the orbital station of the “rubber muzzles” (the Trade Federation in the original) is located in near-marabush space. The underwater city of Oto Gunga is depicted as an underwater reindeer herding state farm “Deep Sea Reindeer”, which employs the workers of Chukotka (Gungans in the original).


  • Naboo (Russian) on Wookieepedia: Wiki about Star Wars

Description of flash game

Star Wars: Return of Naboo

Star Wars: Naboo Rescue

The film Star Wars is familiar to almost every person, but today we will play a flying game that tells events that were not shown in the film. When the forces of the Intergalactic Empire besieged the planet Naboo, the rebels decided to return it back, since the planet was one of the centers of resistance. One of those who is going to end the blockade of the planet is Luke Skywalker, an experienced pilot. Together with their squad, which has already destroyed superior enemy forces more than once, they fly out on a combat mission. Their main task– destroy the energy generators that power the headquarters ship’s power shield. It is from this ship that all orders are given to the droids. If you destroy the ship, the droids will simply turn off and the blockade will end, and the rest of the army will simply be left without command and will be forced to flee from the battlefield. All rebels fight with all their might, as the planet Naboo is a symbol of resistance and its talisman. If we lose this planet, then the militia will end.

You are not a slave!
Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Mention in films

The planet Naboo appears in four of the six films of the film saga: in the films “Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace Episode II: Attack of the Clones Naboo is one of the main locations in the Star Wars films. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" and the updated DVD version of the film "Star Wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi planet is depicted in the final scenes. The Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo dates back to 32 BBY, with the planet subsequently becoming the scene of a battle between Trade Federation droids and local Gungan militia.


The planet is located in the Chommel sector of the Galaxy and has 3 satellites. The phenomenon of Naboo has long remained a mystery to astrophysicists: due to the lack of a solid molten core, the voids in the center of the planet are rich in plasma, which makes the planet unique and one of a kind in the entire Galaxy. The use of plasma in abundant quantities is the basis of energy for both land and underwater inhabitants of the planet. The land surface of Naboo, occupying just over 15% of the entire surface of the planet, is covered with grassy meadows, virgin forests, green hills, rugged swamps and small lakes. The topography of Naboo is predominantly flat. The longest mountain range, the Gallo Mountains, crosses the largest continent, separating the Great Plains of the north from the Lianorma Marshes of the south. At the bottom of the Paonga Sea, off the southern coast of the swamps, is the underwater capital of the Gungans, Oto Gunga. Oto Gunga is connected to the sacred centers of worship of the Gungans by an extensive system of caves and passages they have studied, inhabited by fantastic giant monsters (like those observed from their bongo by Jar Jar, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the episode "The Phantom Menace").


For a long time, human culture on Naboo remained nomadic, but over time, the first real cities began to develop. These included the oldest human settlement on Naboo, Deeja Peak in the Gallo Mountains, as well as the agricultural communities of Keren and Theed, whose bountiful harvests provided income for the nascent aristocracy. Political centers of influence concentrated in Theed and Dij's Peak, while Keren became a leading center of trade. Kaadara developed as a small fishing town, and Moenia became the only human colony in the original Gungan territory of the Lianor Marshes.

The human civilization of Naboo developed into a feudal society with hereditary nobility, but without serfdom in its classical form. The head of state became the “High King” - a ceremonial position to which princes from the royal family were appointed. One of these kings, Narmel the Explorer c. 2000 BBY sent several expeditions of colonists to the swampy moon of Naboo - Rory - where they founded a settlement named after Narmel.

Theed Hegemony

By 1000 BBY, a political crisis led to a planetary conflict affecting most of the city-states of Naboo. The end of the wars was put by King Jafan of Theed, who united all human cities under his rule and made his hometown the royal capital of the entire planet. During the reign of the Jafan dynasty, Theed was continuously built up. The Royal Palace of Theed and the statues of prominent philosophers displayed in front of it, created during this time, testify to the flowering of Naboo art. The royal line of Jafan was interrupted by 150 BBY, and from that moment on, the position of ruler (king or queen) became elective, with the main criterion being the intellectual abilities of the applicant. The political institutions of Naboo, combining monarchical and republican tendencies, took on a form vaguely reminiscent of a gentry republic like the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

During the reign of King Veruna, who ascended the throne in 47 BBY, mines and processing plants were built in the very center of Theed, allowing Naboo to become a leader in the entire Galaxy in exporting plasma necessary for spaceships and providing energy to the population. The Naboo government entered into an agreement with the Trade Federation, under which the latter acted as an intermediary in the plasma trade. However, the Federation took advantage of Naboo's lack of sophistication in financial transactions, buying plasma at reduced prices and making huge profits from it.

Veruna, having learned about the financial fraud of the Federation, decided to put an end to the unequal treaty. Anticipating a military conflict, the ruler of Naboo began to increase the military potential of the planet, whose armed forces, due to the stabilization of the political situation, were reduced to the palace guard of Theed and a small but effective corps. The Federation's huge orbital stations were to be countered by a squadron of N-1 class mobile swept space fighters, the first examples of which were stationed in Theed's hangar. However, these plans of Veruna turned out to be unpopular among the population of Naboo, which was taken advantage of by Senator Palpatine, who represented Naboo in the Galactic Senate. Under pressure from Palpatine, the king was forced to abdicate the throne in 32 BBY, and fourteen-year-old Padmé Naberrie, who had previously ruled Theed for two years in a row, was elected in his place. Taking the throne name Amidala, the young queen promised to find a diplomatic solution to the emerging conflict.

Conflict with the Trade Federation

In order to protect the interests of Naboo, Padmé Amidala negotiated with the Trade Federation and asked the leadership of the Galactic Republic to establish appropriate taxation on interstellar trade conducted by the Federation. In response, Federation governor Nute Gunray, instigated by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, imposed a military blockade of the planet in order to sign an enslaving treaty with Naboo.

To conduct negotiations, the Senate sent two Jedi knights - Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi - to the Trade Federation governor as intermediaries, but the negotiations failed, as Nute Gunray gave the order to eliminate the ambassadors. However, they managed to escape and even establish contact with the Gungans through Jar Jar Binks, who was expelled from Oto Gungi. When the negotiators arrived in Theed, it was already occupied by Federation troops.

The Royal Council of Naboo prohibited the use of military formations until the end of negotiations, so Theed was given up almost without a fight. The palace guard, subordinate to Captain Panaka, was disarmed, and the population of the largest cities of Naboo, along with the government, was taken to out-of-town concentration camps. These actions were intended to force Queen Amidala and Governor Bibble to agree to the Federation's terms. However, the queen and her entourage were released from Jedi custody, and Amidala and her handmaidens were able to leave Naboo in search of support in the Galactic Senate.

Queen Amidala failed to gain serious support from the Senate, so she returned to Naboo and personally led the resistance against the invaders. She met with the Gungan leader Boss Nass, calling on him for help in the fight against a common enemy. Having concluded an alliance treaty for the first time in hundreds of years, the Gungans and the land inhabitants of Naboo developed a joint plan of action. The Gungans pitted their army against Federation battle droids. Built on a medieval model, the Gungan army, equipped with catapults and energy shields, heroically resisting the droid army, superior to the Gungan in both numbers and technical equipment, lured the Federation forces from the cities of Naboo into open spaces.

During the battle with the droids, a squad led by Padme infiltrated the palace in Theed. Fighters from Theed Hangar attacked and destroyed the Trade Federation's main station, cutting off power to the droids fighting the Gungans. Queen Amidala personally arrested the viceroy, after which Federation troops were interned. For her courage and dedication, Padmé Amidala was offered the position of queen for life, which could be passed on to her heirs. Amidala refused this offer.

Rise of the Empire

Padmé Amidala served as Queen of Naboo for two four-year terms, the maximum allowed for a Naboo monarch. She was succeeded by Queen Jamilla, who reigned from 24-20 BBY. At the suggestion of the new queen, Padmé Naberrie took the post of senator from Naboo (24-19 BBY). In parallel with her, Jar Jar Binks sat in the Senate, becoming the first representative of the Gungans in the galactic parliament.

The inhabitants of Naboo, which was recovering from the occupation, provided serious support to their fellow countryman Palpatine, who continued to head the Senate, in his “firm hand” policy. Despite the prevailing public sentiment regarding the need to strengthen the executive branch to combat the separatists, Senator Amidala early recognized the authoritarian tendencies in the government of the Republic and continued to actively oppose the creation of an army of the Republic reporting directly to the Chancellor. However, in Amidala's absence from the Senate, the danger of civil war became so threatening that another Naboo representative, Jar Jar Binks, proposed giving the Chancellor "emergency powers" to allow the use of a clone army. Attempts by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, including the Trade Federation, to capture Naboo during the Clone Wars were unsuccessful.

After Palpatine’s coup and the execution of “order 66,” according to some sources, several Jedi knights hid on Naboo and escaped death. There is also reason to believe that among them were members of the Council of the Order. But Darth Vader, who understood the essence of the structure of government on Naboo, feared the rebellion of this planet from the very beginning. His fears were confirmed when counterintelligence discovered the Jedi hiding. A landing force led by clone guards took control of the planet. Some militia fighters also fought on the side of the knights in the battles. The result was the execution of all rebels and the subordination of Jamilla to the Empire. However, for reasons of secrecy, information about the “purge” on Naboo was hidden from many until the very moment of the overthrow of the emperor. In general, the people of Naboo, unlike Padmé, supported the establishment of the Galactic Empire. Many of them served the Imperial authorities, and Captain Panaka even became an assistant to Emperor Palpatine. This time marks the reign of the popular Queen of Naboo, Kailanta, who rejects the political systems of both the corrupt Old Republic and the authoritarian Empire. Therefore, Kaylanta refused to change the democratic provisions of the Naboo Constitution, and appointed Padmé Amidala's niece Puja Naberrie as the planet's representative in the Imperial Senate, where her cousin Leia Organa also sat. Queen Kailantha was killed by an Imperial clone for refusing to hand over a Jedi who had escaped the Imperial purge.

Basic Galactic, Huttian, Aqualish, Bokke, Lasatnian, Ithorian, Ubesian, Ewokian, etc.

There is hardly a person who has never heard of George Lucas' cult film epic " Star wars" The planets presented in the saga arouse keen interest among all its fans. Tatooine, Naboo, Hoth, Coruscant - what are the most famous worlds fictional galaxy, what fantastic creatures inhabit them? The answers to these questions are given below.

List of Star Wars planets: the most famous

So, which worlds of the fantasy epic are most remembered by its fans? The list of Star Wars planets below will help you get to know George Lucas's iconic franchise better.

  • Naboo;
  • Coruscant;
  • Tatooine;
  • Kashyyyk;
  • Endor;
  • Yavin 4;
  • Bespin;
  • Camino.

A detailed story about each of these fantasy worlds is given below.


Getting acquainted with the Star Wars planets is worth starting with Naboo. It is located on the border of the Outer Rim. This world is characterized by a temperate subtropical climate. Amphibious Gungans are the only ones among its fantastic inhabitants.

The planet Naboo is surprising in that it does not have a core in the traditional sense of the word. Its interior is filled with water and corroded by caves. "The Phantom Menace" is an episode through which viewers learn that the voids in the planet's core are chosen for life by huge monsters that pose a threat to all who encounter them.

The surface of the planet Naboo from Star Wars looks completely different. It is inhabited by creatures who adhere to the ideals of pacifism. The indigenous people are friendly and keenly interested in art and science. Amphibious Gungans become helpless when the need arises to defend themselves from external aggression. It is not surprising that this planet was chosen as a target by the aggressive Trade Federation.


What other fantasy worlds does the Star Wars movie saga introduce viewers to? The planet Tatooine is also part of the Outer Rim, orbiting a double star. The sandy land constantly suffers from a lack of moisture, and a small number of cities are typical. The vast majority of the world's inhabitants have chosen to live on moisture-producing farms scattered throughout. One cannot fail to mention the largest spaceport, Mos Eisley, where criminals of all stripes gather.

The indigenous inhabitants of Tatooine are Tuskens and Jawas. Tuskens are warlike humanoids who have earned a bad reputation. These thugs mainly trade in robbery and slave trading. Jawas are the polar opposite of their brutal neighbors. Representatives of this race are characterized by short stature, bad smell. They are assumed to be of inorganic origin. Traditionally, Jawas wear long brown robe with huge hoods that allow only their sparkling eyes to be seen.


Coruscant is the name of a planet from Star Wars that also managed to make a big impression on audiences. Its rivers, seas and oceans dried up many years ago; residents learned to get water from the planet's ice caps. From time immemorial, Coruscant has served as the seat of government bodies of both Republics, and is also home to the famous

The intelligent inhabitants of Coruscant are mired in a technology race. They do not care about preserving nature, they are only interested in technical progress. The inhabitants of the planet are forced to wear special helmets and raincoats that allow them to escape from dangerous emissions.


Planet Hoth from Star Wars also deserves detailed description. This icy land is located in the Outer Rim, adjacent to the asteroid belt of the same name. The living conditions here cannot be called comfortable. The inhabitants of the planet are forced to put up with not only low temperatures, but also meteor showers.

The fauna of Hoth does not have the diversity typical of many other fantasy worlds of the epic. Here you can meet wild snow monsters called vamps. The rebel alliance chose the planet for their Echo base; it was located in a huge ice cave and had seven levels. Imperial forces destroyed the structure during the Battle of Hoth.


Kashyyyk is a fantastic planet located in the Middle Rim, which is famous for its impenetrable jungle. Cruel predators hide in the shadows of the trees, constantly attacking its other inhabitants.

The intelligent race of Kashyyyk are the furry humanoid Wookiees. They build their cities on tree branches. One of these settlements, called Rvookrrorro, occupies an entire kilometer.


Endor is another world that cannot be ignored when listing Star Wars planets. Initially, it and Kashyyyk were one world, then a separation occurred. This silvery gas giant is located in the Outer Rim, has nine moons, and casts a strong gravitational shadow. Much of Endor is characterized by lush vegetation. It was this planet that was chosen for the construction of the second Death Star.

The fauna of Endor is diverse. On this land you can meet bloodthirsty boar-wolves and harmless ponies. Semi-wild Ewoks are an intelligent race. It is interesting that the final battle of the epic took place on this planet.


Introduces viewers to others interesting planets movie saga "Star Wars". The clone planet Kamino is one of them. It can be called the most stylish world of the epic film, largely due to the fact that this land is completely covered with water. Fans of George Lucas' brainchild had the opportunity to admire Kamino thanks to the exciting episode "Attack of the Clones."

Gray cities, located on huge stilts, are high above the raging waves. Kamino was nicknamed the Planet of the Clones because it was here that cloning was perfected. The inhabitants of the planet faced the threat of extinction, which prompted them to take control of reproduction. The world is populated by ascetics who cannot get rid of the fear of death. At first glance, humanoids may seem peaceful and courteous, but they are ready to fight any danger to the flawless gene pool. The inhabitants of Kamino do not seek contact with the inhabitants of other planets.

Yavin 4

Yavin is a giant planet located in the Outer Rim. Its fourth moon, Yavin 4, is most famous. It was chosen for their base by the rebels who fought the first Death Star. This is where the famous Jedi Academy is located.

This moon is characterized by a sultry tropical climate. The dry season gives way to a wet season, a typical phenomenon is violent hurricanes. Also, the inhabitants of Yavin 4 from time to time encounter rainbow storms, during which the sun rises behind the gas giant.

The fauna of the planet is characterized by diversity. Here you can find jumping purple spiders, slimy salamanders, and semi-intelligent woolamanders. It was on Yavin 4 that the alchemist Neiga Sadow conducted his dark experiments, which is why various monsters appeared on its territory, which the Jedi Academy was forced to fight.


What other Star Wars planets have fascinated fans of the saga? Bespin is a gas giant located in the Outer Rim. At the center of the planet is a solid metal core, the surface of which is covered with a layer of molten metal. The life zone is located in a layer of multi-colored clouds, the height of which is about 1000 kilometers. It represents a thirty-kilometer air gap.

The inhabitants of Bespin specialize in the extraction of tibanna gas, this substance is actively used in cooling systems. There are several floating colonies, and the main attraction is the majestic Cloud City. It is a huge metropolis floating in the clouds.

The planets of Star Wars amaze with their beauty and realism, how did the creators of the epic film achieve this? The role of the planet Tatooine was brilliantly played by the deserts of Tunisia; no grandiose scenery was required, but the film crew was tired of the sand and heat. Episodes featuring the landscapes of cold Hoth were filmed in snowy Norway. The Guatemalan jungle played the role of Yavin 4, and special drawings were created to film the beauty of Endor. The views of the sad clone planet Kamino are the result of computer graphics.