Which European people are Russians genetically closer to? In the West, they discovered the genetic code of the Russians and shuddered. Russians, Slavs, Indo-Europeans and haplogroups R1a, R1b, N1c, I1 and I2

Scientists have recently come close to deciphering the human genetic code. This in many ways allowed us to take a fresh look at the history of the Russian ethnic group, which turned out to be more ancient and not as homogeneous than previously thought.

In the depths of centuries

The human genome is a changeable thing. During the evolution of humanity, its haplogroups have undergone mutations more than once. Today, scientists have already learned to determine the approximate time when this or that mutation occurred. Thus, American geneticists found that one of these mutations occurred about 4,500 years ago on the Central Russian Plain. A boy was born with a different set of nucleotides from his father - he was assigned the genetic classification R1a1, which arose instead of his father's R1a.

This mutation, unlike many others, turned out to be viable. The R1a1 genus not only survived, but also spread over a large part of the Eurasian continent. Currently, approximately 70% of the male population of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are carriers of haplogroup R1a1, and in old Russian cities this number reaches 80%. Thus, R1a1 serves as a kind of marker of the Russian ethnic group. It turns out that in the veins of most men modern Russia the blood of an ancient boy who lived in the late Neolithic era flows.

Approximately 500 years after the birth of haplogroup R1a1, migration flows of its representatives spread to the east – beyond the Urals, to the south – to Hindustan and to the west – to the territory of modern European countries. Archaeologists also confirm that the inhabitants of the Central Russian Plain went far beyond the boundaries of their ancestral range. Analysis of bone remains of burials in Altai of the 1st millennium BC. e. showed that in addition to the Mongoloids, pronounced Caucasians also lived there.

There is no Tatar

One of the issues of the popular science publication The American Journal of Human Genetics published an article about research by a Russian-Estonian team of scientists into the gene pool of the Russian people. The researchers' findings were quite unexpected. First: the Russian ethnos is heterogeneous in its genetic nature. One part of the Russians, living in the central and southern regions of the country, is close to the neighboring Slavic peoples, the other part - in the north of Russia - is genetically closely related to the Finno-Ugric peoples.

The next conclusion is more interesting. Scientists have never been able to detect the notorious Asian element in the Russian genome. The Tatar-Mongol set of genes is not present in any noticeable quantity in any of the Russian populations. It turns out that the established expression “Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar” is wrong.

The head of the laboratory of genomic geography at the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Oleg Balanovsky, considers the Russian gene pool to be “almost entirely European,” and calls its differences from the Central Asian one “really great,” as if they were two different worlds.

Academician Konstantin Scriabin, head of the genomic direction at the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, agrees with Balanovsky. He says the following: “We did not find any noticeable Tatar additions in the Russian genome, which refutes theories about the destructive influence Mongol yoke" In addition, Siberians, according to the scientist, are genetically identical to the Old Believers - they have the same “Russian genome.”

Researchers also pay attention to the slight difference in genotype between Russians on the one hand and neighboring Slavic peoples - Ukrainians, Belarusians and Poles - on the other. The difference between the southern and western Slavs and the inhabitants of the Russian north is more pronounced.

Special markers

According to anthropologist Vasily Deryabin, the Russian genotype also has its own clear physiological markers. One of them is the predominance of light shades of eyes among Russians: gray, blue, gray-blue, blue. We have 45 percent of them, in Western Europe there are fewer – about 35 percent. There are many Russians and fair-haired people. According to anthropologists, there are no more than 5 percent of Russians with natural black hair. In Western Europe, the chance of meeting a black-haired person is 45%.

Contrary to popular belief, there are not many snub noses among Russians - about 7%, in about 75% of cases the nose is straight. Also, among Russians there is no epicanthus - a fold typical of representatives of Mongoloid peoples at the inner corner of the eye.

The Russian ethnic group is characterized by a predominance of blood groups I and II; among Jews, for example, group IV is more common. Biochemical studies have also shown that in the blood of Russians, as well as other European peoples, there is a special RN-c gene, but it is absent in the Mongoloids.

Northerners are closer

Research Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Anthropology named after. D.N. Anuchin of Moscow State University conducted an in-depth study of the gene pool of the Russian people, during which they established a difference in the genotype between the Russians and our northern neighbors the Finns - it amounted to thirty conventional units. But the genetic differences between the Russian ethnic group and the Finno-Ugric peoples (Mordovians, Mari, Vepsians, Karelians, Komi-Zyrians, Izhorians), who traditionally lived in the north of our country, correspond to only three units.

Scientists talk not just about the genetic unity of Russians with the Finno-Ugrians, but about their common origin. Moreover, the specific structure of the Y-chromosomes of these ethnic groups is in many ways identical to the peoples of Hindustan. But this is not surprising, given the direction of settlement of the genetic ancestors of the Russian people.

Where did the Russians come from? Who was our ancestor? What do Russians and Ukrainians have in common? For a long time, the answers to these questions could only be speculative. Until geneticists got down to business.

Adam and Eve

Population genetics deals with the study of roots. It is based on indicators of heredity and variability. Geneticists have discovered that all of modern humanity can be traced back to one woman, whom scientists call Mitochondrial Eve. She lived in Africa more than 200 thousand years ago.

We all have the same mitochondrion in our genome - a set of 25 genes. It is transmitted only through the maternal line.

At the same time, the Y chromosome in all modern men is also traced back to one man, nicknamed Adam, in honor of the biblical first man. It is clear that we are only talking about the closest common ancestors of all living people; their genes came to us as a result of genetic drift. It is worth noting that they lived in different time– Adam, from whom all modern males received their Y chromosome, was 150 thousand years younger than Eve.

Of course, it’s a stretch to call these people our “ancestors,” since out of the thirty thousand genes that a person possesses, we have only 25 genes and a Y chromosome from them. The population increased, the rest of the people mixed with the genes of their contemporaries, changed, mutated during migrations and the conditions in which people lived. As a result, we received different genomes of different peoples that subsequently formed.


It is thanks to genetic mutations that we can determine the process of human settlement, as well as genetic haplogroups (communities of people with similar haplotypes who have a common ancestor who had the same mutation in both haplotypes) characteristic of a particular nation.

Each nation has its own set of haplogroups, which are sometimes similar. Thanks to this, we can determine whose blood flows into us and who our closest genetic relatives are.

According to a 2008 study conducted by Russian and Estonian geneticists, the Russian ethnic group genetically consists of two main parts: the inhabitants of Southern and Central Russia are closer to other peoples who speak Slavic languages, and the indigenous northerners are closer to the Finno-Ugric peoples. Of course, we are talking about representatives of the Russian people. Surprisingly, there is practically no gene inherent in Asians, including Mongol-Tatars. So famous saying: “Scratch a Russian, you will find a Tatar” is fundamentally incorrect. Moreover, the Asian gene also did not particularly affect the Tatar people; the gene pool of modern Tatars turned out to be mostly European.

In general, based on the results of the study, there is practically no admixture from Asia, from beyond the Urals, in the blood of the Russian people, but within Europe our ancestors experienced numerous genetic influences from their neighbors, be they Poles, Finno-Ugric peoples, peoples of the North Caucasus or ethnic group Tatars (not Mongols). By the way, haplogroup R1a, characteristic of the Slavs, according to some versions, was born thousands of years ago and was common among the ancestors of the Scythians. Some of these Proto-Scythians lived in Central Asia, while others migrated to the Black Sea region. From there these genes reached the Slavs.

Ancestral home

Once upon a time, Slavic peoples lived on the same territory. From there they scattered around the world, fighting and mixing with their indigenous population. Therefore, the population of current states, which are based on the Slavic ethnic group, differ not only in cultural and linguistic characteristics, but also genetically. The further they are geographically from each other, the greater the differences. Thus, the Western Slavs found common genes with the Celtic population (haplogroup R1b), the Balkans with the Greeks (haplogroup I2) and the ancient Thracians (I2a2), and the Eastern Slavs with the Balts and Finno-Ugrians (haplogroup N). Moreover, interethnic contact of the latter occurred due to Slavic men who married Aboriginal women.

Despite the many differences and heterogeneity of the gene pool, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles and Belarusians clearly fit into one group on the so-called MDS diagram, which reflects genetic distance. Of all the nations, we are closest to each other.

Genetic analysis makes it possible to find the above-mentioned “ancestral home where it all began.” This is possible due to the fact that each migration of tribes is accompanied by genetic mutations, which increasingly distort the original set of genes. So, based on genetic proximity, the original territorial one can be determined.

For example, according to their genome, Poles are closer to Ukrainians than to Russians. Russians are close to southern Belarusians and eastern Ukrainians, but far from Slovaks and Poles. And so on. This allowed scientists to conclude that the original territory of the Slavs was approximately in the middle of the current settlement area of ​​their descendants. Conventionally, the territory of the subsequently formed Kievan Rus. Archaeologically, this is confirmed by the development of the Prague-Korchak archaeological culture of the 5th-6th centuries. From there the southern, western and northern waves of Slavic settlement had already begun.

Genetics and mentality

It would seem that since the gene pool is known, it is easy to understand where it comes from national mentality. Not really. According to Oleg Balanovsky, an employee of the Laboratory of Population Genetics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, between national character and there is no connection with the gene pool. These are already “historical circumstances” and cultural influences.

Roughly speaking, if a newborn baby from a Russian village with a Slavic gene pool is taken directly to China and raised in Chinese customs, culturally he will be a typical Chinese. But as far as appearance and immunity to local diseases are concerned, everything will remain Slavic.

DNA genealogy

Along with population genealogy, today private directions for studying the genome of peoples and their origins are emerging and developing. Some of them are classified as pseudo-sciences. For example, Russian-American biochemist Anatoly Klesov invented the so-called DNA genealogy, which, according to its creator, “is a practically historical science, created on the basis of the mathematical apparatus of chemical and biological kinetics.” Simply put, this new direction is trying to study the history and time frame of the existence of certain clans and tribes based on mutations in male Y chromosomes.

The main postulates of DNA genealogy were: the hypothesis of the non-African origin of Homo sapiens (which contradicts the conclusions of population genetics), criticism of the Norman theory, as well as the extension of the history of the Slavic tribes, which Anatoly Klesov considers the descendants of the ancient Aryans.

Where are such conclusions from? Everything is from the already mentioned haplogroup R1A, which is the most common among the Slavs.

Naturally, such an approach gave rise to a sea of ​​criticism, both from historians and geneticists. In historical science, it is not customary to talk about the Slavs-Aryans, since material culture(main source in this issue) does not allow determining continuity Slavic culture from the nations Ancient India and Iran. Geneticists even object to the association of haplogroups with ethnic characteristics.

Doctor of Historical Sciences Lev Klein emphasizes that “Haplogroups are not peoples or languages, and giving them ethnic nicknames is a dangerous and undignified game. No matter what patriotic intentions and exclamations it hides behind.” According to Klein, Anatoly Klesov's conclusions about the Aryan Slavs made him an outcast in scientific world. How the discussion around Klesov’s newly announced science and the question of ancient origin Slavs, so far we can only guess.


Despite the fact that the DNA of all people and nations is different and in nature there is not a single person identical to another, from a genetic point of view we are all extremely similar. All the differences in our genes that gave us different colour skin and eye shape, according to Russian geneticist Lev Zhitovsky, make up only 0.1% of our DNA. For the remaining 99.9% we are genetically the same. Paradoxical as it may seem, if we compare the various representatives human races and our closest relatives, chimpanzees, it turns out that all people differ much less than chimpanzees in one herd. So, to some extent, we are all one big genetic family.

For the first time in history, Russian scientists conducted an unprecedented study of the Russian gene pool - and were shocked by its results. In particular, this study fully confirmed the idea expressed in our articles “Country of Moksel” (No. 14) and “Non-Russian Russian Language” (No. 12) that Russians are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns.

“Russian scientists have completed and are preparing for publication the first large-scale study of the gene pool of the Russian people. The publication of the results could have unpredictable consequences for Russia and the world order,” this is how the publication on this topic in the Russian publication Vlast sensationally begins. And the sensation really turned out to be incredible - many myths about Russian nationality turned out to be false. Among other things, it turned out that genetically Russians are not “Eastern Slavs” at all, but Finns.


Over several decades of intense research, anthropologists have been able to identify the appearance of a typical Russian person. They are of average build and average height, light brown-haired with light eyes - gray or blue. By the way, during the research it was also obtained verbal portrait typical Ukrainian. The standard Ukrainian differs from the Russian in the color of his skin, hair and eyes - he is a dark brunette with regular facial features and brown eyes. However, anthropological measurements of the proportions of the human body are not even the last, but the century before last, of science, which has long ago received at its disposal the most accurate methods of molecular biology, which make it possible to read all human genes. And the most advanced methods of DNA analysis today are considered to be sequencing (reading the genetic code) of mitochondrial DNA and DNA of the human Y chromosome. Mitochondrial DNA has been passed down through the female line from generation to generation, virtually unchanged since the time when the ancestor of mankind, Eve, climbed down from a tree in East Africa. And the Y chromosome is present only in men and therefore is also passed on to male offspring almost unchanged, while all other chromosomes, when transmitted from father and mother to their children, are shuffled by nature, like a deck of cards before being dealt. Thus, unlike indirect signs ( appearance, body proportions), sequencing of mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome DNA indisputably and directly indicate the degree of kinship between people, writes the magazine “Power”.

In the West, human population geneticists have been successfully using these methods for two decades. In Russia they were used only once, in the mid-1990s, when identifying royal remains. A turning point in the situation with the use of the most modern methods to study the titular nation of Russia occurred only in 2000. Russian Foundation basic research allocated a grant to scientists from the Laboratory of Human Population Genetics of the Medical Genetics Center Russian Academy medical sciences. For the first time in Russian history, scientists were able to fully concentrate on studying the gene pool of the Russian people for several years. They supplemented their molecular genetic research with an analysis of the frequency distribution of Russian surnames in the country. This method was very cheap, but its information content exceeded all expectations: a comparison of the geography of surnames with the geography of genetic DNA markers showed their almost complete coincidence.

The molecular genetic results of Russia's first study of the gene pool of the titular nationality are now being prepared for publication in the form of a monograph “Russian Gene Pool”, which will be published at the end of the year by the Luch publishing house. The magazine “Vlast” provides some research data. So, it turned out that the Russians are not “Eastern Slavs” at all, but Finns. By the way, these studies completely destroyed the notorious myth about the “Eastern Slavs” - that supposedly Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russians “make up a group of Eastern Slavs.” The only Slavs of these three peoples turned out to be only Belarusians, but it turned out that Belarusians are not “Eastern Slavs” at all, but Western ones - because they are genetically practically no different from the Poles. So the myth about the “kinship blood of Belarusians and Russians” was completely destroyed: Belarusians turned out to be virtually identical to the Poles, Belarusians are genetically very far from Russians, but very close to Czechs and Slovaks. But the Finns of Finland turned out to be much closer genetically to the Russians than the Belarusians. So, on the Y chromosome genetic distance between the Russians and the Finns of Finland is only 30 conventional units (close relationship). And the genetic distance between a Russian person and the so-called Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, Vepsians, Mordovians, etc.) living on the territory of the Russian Federation is 2-3 units. Simply put, genetically they are IDENTICAL. In this regard, the magazine “Vlast” notes: “And the harsh statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia on September 1 at the Council of the EU in Brussels (after the denunciation by the Russian side of the treaty on the state border with Estonia) about discrimination against the Finno-Ugric peoples allegedly related to the Finns in the Russian Federation loses its substantive meaning . But due to the moratorium of Western scientists, the Russian Foreign Ministry was unable to reasonably accuse Estonia of interfering in our internal, one might even say closely related, affairs.” This philippic is only one facet of the mass of contradictions that have arisen. Since the closest relatives for Russians are Finno-Ugrians and Estonians (in fact, these are the same people, since a difference of 2-3 units is inherent in only one people), then Russian jokes about “inhibited Estonians” are strange, when Russians themselves are these Estonians. A huge problem arises for Russia in self-identification as supposedly “Slavs,” because genetically the Russian people have nothing to do with the Slavs. In the myth about the “Slavic roots of the Russians,” Russian scientists have put an end to it: there is nothing of the Slavs in the Russians. There is only the near-Slavic Russian language, but it also contains 60-70% non-Slavic vocabulary, so a Russian person is not able to understand the languages ​​of the Slavs, although a real Slav understands any Slavic languages ​​(except Russian) due to the similarity. The results of mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that another closest relative of Russians, besides the Finns of Finland, are the Tatars: Russians from the Tatars are at the same genetic distance of 30 conventional units that separates them from the Finns. The data for Ukraine turned out to be no less sensational. It turned out that genetically the population of Eastern Ukraine is Finno-Ugric: Eastern Ukrainians are practically no different from Russians, Komi, Mordvins, and Mari. This is one Finnish people, who once had their own common Finnish language. But with the Ukrainians of Western Ukraine, everything turned out to be even more unexpected. These are not Slavs at all, just as they are not the “Russo-Finns” of Russia and Eastern Ukraine, but a completely different ethnic group: between the Ukrainians from Lvov and the Tatars the genetic distance is only 10 units.

This close relationship between Western Ukrainians and Tatars may be explained by the Sarmatian roots of the ancient inhabitants of Kievan Rus. Of course, there is a certain Slavic component in the blood of Western Ukrainians (they are more genetically close to the Slavs than the Russians), but these are still not Slavs, but Sarmatians. Anthropologically, they are characterized by wide cheekbones, dark hair and brown eyes, dark (and not pink, like Caucasians) nipples. The magazine writes: “You can react to these strictly scientific facts, showing the natural essence of the reference electorates of Viktor Yushchenko and Viktor Yanukovych. But it will not be possible to accuse Russian scientists of falsifying these data: then the accusation will automatically extend to their Western colleagues, who have already more than a year delay in publishing these results, each time extending the moratorium period.” The magazine is right: these data clearly explain the deep and permanent split in Ukrainian society, where two completely different ethnic groups actually live under the name “Ukrainians.” Moreover, Russian imperialism will take this scientific data into its arsenal - as another (already weighty and scientific) argument to “increase” the territory of Russia with Eastern Ukraine. But what about the myth about the “Slavic-Russians”?

Recognizing these data and trying to use them, Russian strategists are faced with what is popularly called a “double-edged sword”: in this case, they will have to reconsider the entire national self-identification of the Russian people as “Slavic” and abandon the concept of “kinship” with Belarusians and the entire Slavic World - no longer at the level scientific research, but at the political level. The magazine also publishes a map indicating the area where “truly Russian genes” (that is, Finnish) are still preserved. Geographically, this territory “coincides with Russia during the time of Ivan the Terrible” and “clearly shows the conventionality of some state borders,” the magazine writes. Namely: the population of Bryansk, Kursk and Smolensk is not a Russian population at all (that is, Finnish), but a Belarusian-Polish one - identical to the genes of Belarusians and Poles. An interesting fact is that in the Middle Ages the border between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Muscovy was precisely the ethnic border between the Slavs and Finns (by the way, the eastern border of Europe then passed along it). The further imperialism of Muscovy-Russia, which annexed neighboring territories, went beyond the boundaries of ethnic Muscovites and captured foreign ethnic groups.


These new discoveries by Russian scientists allow us to take a fresh look at the entire politics of medieval Muscovy, including its concept of “Rus”. It turns out that Moscow’s “pulling of the Russian blanket over itself” is explained purely ethnically and genetically. The so-called “Holy Rus'” in the concept of the Russian Orthodox Church of Moscow and Russian historians was formed due to the rise of Moscow in the Horde, and, as Lev Gumilyov wrote, for example, in the book “From Rus' to Russia”, due to the same fact, Ukrainians and Belarusians ceased to be Rusyns, ceased to be Russia. It is clear that there were two completely different Russias. One, Western, lived its own life as Slavs, united into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia. Another Rus' - Eastern Rus' (more precisely Muscovy - because it was not considered Russia at that time) - entered the ethnically close Horde for 300 years, in which it then seized power and made it “Russia” even before the conquest of Novgorod and Pskov into the Horde-Russia. It is this second Rus' – the Rus' of the Finnish ethnic group – that the Russian Orthodox Church of Moscow and Russian historians call “Holy Russia”, while depriving Western Rus' of the right to something “Russian” (forcing even the entire people of Kievan Rus to call themselves not Rusyns, but “outskirts” ). The meaning is clear: this Finnish Russian had little in common with the original Slavic Russian.

The very centuries-old confrontation between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Muscovy (who seemed to have something in common in Rurikovich Russia and in the Kievan faith, and the princes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Vitovt-Yurii and Jagiello-Yakov were Orthodox from birth, were Rurikovichs and Grand Dukes of Russia, did not speak any other language except Russian knew) - this is a confrontation between countries of different ethnic groups: the Grand Duchy of Lithuania gathered the Slavs, and Muscovy gathered the Finns. As a result, for many centuries two Russias opposed each other - the Slavic Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Finnish Muscovy. This also explains the glaring fact that Muscovy NEVER during its stay in the Horde expressed a desire to return to Rus', gain freedom from the Tatars, and become part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. And its capture of Novgorod was caused precisely by the negotiations of Novgorod on joining the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This Russophobia of Moscow and its “masochism” (“the Horde yoke is better than the Grand Duchy of Lithuania”) can only be explained by ethnic differences with primordial Russia and ethnic closeness to the peoples of the Horde. It is this genetic difference with the Slavs that explains Muscovy’s rejection European image life, hatred of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Poles (that is, the Slavs in general), a great love for the East and Asian traditions. These studies of Russian scientists must necessarily be reflected in the revision of their concepts by historians. Including a long time ago it is necessary to include in historical science the fact that there was not one Rus', but two completely different ones: Slavic Rus' - and Finnish Rus'. This clarification makes it possible to understand and explain many processes in our medieval history, which in the current interpretation still seem devoid of any meaning.


Attempts by Russian scientists to study the statistics of Russian surnames initially encountered a lot of difficulties. The Central Election Commission and local election commissions flatly refused to cooperate with scientists, citing the fact that only if voter lists are kept secret can they guarantee the objectivity and integrity of federal and state elections. local authorities authorities. The criterion for including a surname in the list was very lenient: it was included if at least five bearers of this surname lived in the region for three generations. First, lists were compiled for five conditional regions - Northern, Central, Central-Western, Central-Eastern and Southern. In total, across all regions of Russia there were about 15 thousand Russian surnames, most of which were found only in one of the regions and were absent in others.

When superimposing regional lists on top of each other, scientists identified a total of 257 so-called “all-Russian surnames.” The magazine writes: “It is interesting that at the final stage of the study they decided to add surnames of residents of the Krasnodar Territory to the list of the Southern region, expecting that the predominance of Ukrainian surnames of the descendants of the Zaporozhye Cossacks evicted here by Catherine II would significantly reduce the all-Russian list. But this additional restriction reduced the list of all-Russian surnames by only 7 units - to 250. From which followed the obvious and not pleasant conclusion that Kuban was populated mainly by Russian people. Where did the Ukrainians go and were they even here? big question" And further: “The analysis of Russian surnames generally gives food for thought. Even the simplest action - searching for the names of all the country's leaders - gave an unexpected result. Only one of them was included in the list of bearers of the top 250 all-Russian surnames - Mikhail Gorbachev (158th place). The surname Brezhnev occupies 3767th place in the general list (found only in the Belgorod region of the Southern region). The surname Khrushchev is in 4248th place (found only in the Northern region, Arkhangelsk region). Chernenko took 4749th place (Southern region only). Andropov is in 8939th place (Southern region only). Putin took 14,250th place (Southern region only). And Yeltsin was not included in the general list at all. Stalin's last name, Dzhugashvili, was not considered for obvious reasons. But the pseudonym Lenin was included in the regional lists at number 1421, second only to the first president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev.” The magazine writes that the result amazed even the scientists themselves, who believed that the main difference between bearers of southern Russian surnames was not the ability to lead a huge power, but the increased sensitivity of the skin of their fingers and palms. A scientific analysis of dermatoglyphics (papillary patterns on the skin of the palms and fingers) of Russian people showed that the complexity of the pattern (from simple arcs to the loops) and the accompanying sensitivity of the skin increases from north to south. "The man with simple patterns on the skin of his hands, he can hold a glass of hot tea in his hands without pain,” Dr. Balanovskaya clearly explained the essence of the differences. “And if there are a lot of loops, then such people make unsurpassed pickpockets.” Scientists publish a list of the 250 most common Russian surnames. What was unexpected was the fact that the most common Russian surname is not Ivanov, but Smirnov. This whole list is incorrect, it’s not worth citing, here are just the 20 most common Russian surnames: 1. Smirnov; 2. Ivanov; 3. Kuznetsov; 4. Popov; 5. Sokolov; 6. Lebedev; 7. Kozlov; 8. Novikov; 9. Morozov; 10. Petrov; 11. Volkov; 12. Soloviev; 13. Vasiliev; 14. Zaitsev; 15. Pavlov; 16. Semenov; 17. Golubev; 18. Vinogradov; 19. Bogdanov; 20. Vorobyov. All top all-Russian surnames have Bulgarian endings with -ov (-ev), plus several surnames with –in (Ilyin, Kuzmin, etc.). And among the top 250 there is not a single surname of “Eastern Slavs” (Belarusians and Ukrainians) starting with -iy, -ich, -ko. Although in Belarus the most common surnames are -iy and -ich, and in Ukraine - -ko. This also shows deep differences between the “Eastern Slavs”, for Belarusian surnames with –i and –ich are equally the most common in Poland – and not at all in Russia. The Bulgarian endings of the 250 most common Russian surnames indicate that the surnames were given by the priests of Kievan Rus, who spread Orthodoxy among its Finns in Muscovy, therefore these surnames are Bulgarian, from holy books, and not from the living Slavic language, which the Finns of Muscovy do not have was. Otherwise, it is impossible to understand why Russians do not have surnames of Belarusians living nearby (in -iy and -ich), but Bulgarian surnames - although the Bulgarians are not at all bordering Moscow, but live thousands of kilometers away from it. The widespread use of surnames with animal names is explained by Lev Uspensky in his book “Riddles of Toponymy” (Moscow, 1973) by the fact that in the Middle Ages people had two names - from their parents and from baptism, and “from their parents” it was then “fashionable” to give names animals. As he writes, then in the family the children had the names Hare, Wolf, Bear, etc. This pagan tradition was embodied in the widespread use of “animal” surnames.


A special topic in this study is the genetic identity of Belarusians and Poles. This did not become the subject of attention of Russian scientists, because it is outside Russia. But it is very interesting for us. The very fact of genetic identity of Poles and Belarusians is not unexpected. The very history of our countries is confirmation of this - the main part of the ethnic group of Belarusians and Poles is not the Slavs, but the Slavicized Western Balts, but their genetic “passport” is so close to the Slavic that in the genes it would be practically difficult to find differences between the Slavs and the Prussians, Masurians, Dainova , Yatvingians, etc. This is what unites the Poles and Belarusians, the descendants of the Slavicized Western Balts. This ethnic community also explains the creation of the Union State of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The famous Belarusian historian V.U. Lastovsky in “A Brief History of Belarus” (Vilno, 1910) writes that negotiations began ten times on the creation of the Union State of Belarusians and Poles: in 1401, 1413, 1438, 1451, 1499, 1501, 1563, 1564, 1566, 1567. - and ended for the eleventh time with the creation of the Union in 1569. Where does such persistence come from? Obviously, only out of awareness of ethnic community, for the ethnic group of Poles and Belarusians was created by dissolving the Western Balts into themselves. But the Czechs and Slovaks, who were also part of the first in the history of the Slavic Union of Peoples of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, no longer felt this degree of closeness, because they did not have a “Baltic component” in themselves. And there was even greater alienation among the Ukrainians, who saw little ethnic kinship in this and over time entered into complete confrontation with the Poles. Research Russian geneticists allow us to take a completely different look at our entire history, for many political events and political preferences of the peoples of Europe are largely explained precisely by the genetics of their ethnic group - which until now has remained hidden from historians. It was genetics and the genetic kinship of ethnic groups that were the most important forces in the political processes of medieval Europe. Genetic map of Nations, created by Russian scientists, allows you to look at the wars and alliances of the Middle Ages from a completely different angle.

The results of research by Russian scientists about the gene pool of the Russian people will be absorbed in society for a long time, because they completely refute all our existing ideas, reducing them to the level of unscientific myths. This new knowledge must not only be understood, but rather one must get used to it. Now the concept of “Eastern Slavs” has become absolutely unscientific, the congresses of the Slavs in Minsk are unscientific, where it is not Slavs from Russia who gather, but Russian-speaking Finns from Russia, who are not genetically Slavs and have nothing to do with the Slavs. The very status of these “congresses of the Slavs” is completely discredited by Russian scientists. Based on the results of these studies, Russian scientists called the Russian people not Slavs, but Finns. The population of Eastern Ukraine is also called Finns, and the population of Western Ukraine is genetically Sarmatian. That is, the Ukrainian people are not Slavs either. The only Slavs from the “Eastern Slavs” are the Belarusians, but they are genetically identical to the Poles - which means they are not “Eastern Slavs” at all, but genetically Western Slavs. In fact, this means the geopolitical collapse of the Slavic Triangle of the “Eastern Slavs,” because the Belarusians turned out to be genetically Poles, the Russians were Finns, and the Ukrainians were Finns and Sarmatians. Of course, propaganda will continue to try to hide this fact from the population, but you can’t hide an sew in a bag. Just as you can’t shut the mouth of scientists, you can’t hide their latest genetic research. Scientific progress cannot be stopped. Therefore, the discoveries of Russian scientists are not just a scientific sensation, but a BOMB capable of undermining all currently existing foundations in the ideas of peoples. That is why the Russian magazine “Vlast” gave this fact an extremely concerned assessment: “Russian scientists have completed and are preparing for publication the first large-scale study of the gene pool of the Russian people. The publication of the results could have unpredictable consequences for Russia and the world order.” The magazine did not exaggerate.

American geneticists Harvard University For several decades, detailed studies have been carried out on the inhabitants of Europe, Asia, America, Oceania and Africa for differences in heredity among people of different races and nations that inhabit our planet.

Scientists were able to find out that all people on earth are divided into 22 clans, which trace their origins to a common ancestor at the base of the clan. Naturally, there were initially much more genera, but only these 22 genera survived in the process of evolution. This was done thanks to the analysis of the male Y chromosome and the mutations that have occurred in it over many millennia. Each person carries within himself a kind of “biological document” that cannot be lost - this is human DNA. DNA genealogy methods allow you to gain access to that part of DNA that is passed unchanged from father to son in a straight line male line- Y chromosome.

Lives in Europe 4 main genera, which are also called haplogroups:
1)R1b - Western European
2)R1a - Eastern European or Eurasian
3)I - Old European (divided into I1-Scandinavian and I2-Balkan)
4)N - Balto-Finnish or Finno-Ugric

Based on these studies, Ukrainians are predominantly characterized by the R1a genus, which is found in more than 55% of the population, and in some areas reaches 80% of the people living there. In the northern, originally Russian (Russian) regions (Novgorod, Pskov, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk, Kirov regions) the percentage of this genus does not exceed 30-35%. In these regions of Russia, two other genera are common - N (Balto-Finnish) and I1 (Scandinavian). Only in some southern Russian regions genus R1a occurs with a frequency of 50-55%.

The R1a genus is predominantly characteristic of steppe peoples and their descendants (among Western Europeans it is extremely rare and does not exceed 3-8%). Among Europeans, in addition to Russians, this genus is widespread among Poles (about 57%), Ukrainians (more than 55%), Belarusians (about 50%), Czechs (more than 35%), and Hungarians (about 25%). Among some Asian peoples, the R1a genus is dominant - among the Pashtuns of Afghanistan (70%) and the Balochis of Pakistan (70%), the Punjabis of Pakistan and India (80%), the Tajiks and Kyrgyz (about 70%), the Nogais, Bashkirs and Kazan Tatars (from 40 to 50%), Altaians - 47%, Kazakhs and Uzbeks - approximately 30%, Crimean Tatars- 33%. Of the already non-existent peoples, haploggroup R1a was the main one among the Khazars, Scythians and Sarmatians. This was shown by genetic samples taken at their burial sites.

How are things going with the Slavs and Balts in general? From which genera do they predominantly come?
1. Poles - 57% R1A, 16% R1b (Western European), 7% I1 (Scandinavian), 10% I2, 5% N
2. Ukrainians - 55% R1a, 2% R1b, 15% I2, 4% I1, 5-10% N, 8% E (African), 7% J (Semitic)
3. Belarusians - 50% R1a, 10% R1b, 3% I1, 16% I2, 10% N (Finno-Ugric)
4. Russians (all) - 47% R1a, 8% R1b, 18% I1+I2, 20% N
5. Slovaks - 47% R1a, 17% R1b, 17% I1+I2 (in total), 10% E, 3-5% N
6. Czechs - 38% R1a, 19% R1b, 19% I2+I1, 8% E, 6% J
7. Slovenes - 37% R1a, 21% R1b, 12% I1, 20% I2, 7% E, 3% J
8. Croats - 37% R1a, 16% R1b, 32% I2, 6% I1, 6% E, 6% J
9. Serbs 20% R1a, 11% R1b, 30% I2 (Balkan), 20% E, 6% J
10.Bulgarians 20% R1a, 20% R1b, 20% I2, 20% E, 11% J
11.Bosnian Croats - about 75% I2 (Balkan)
12. Russians (north) - 35% R1a, 5% R1b, 35% N (Finno-Ugric), 15% I1 (Scandinavian)
13. Russians (center) - 45% R1a, 8% R1b, 5% I1, 10% I2, 15% N, 5% E
14. Russians (south) - 55% R1a, 5% R1b, 15% I2 (Balkan), 5% I1 (Scandinavian), 5-10% N
15. Latvians - 40% R1a, 40% N, 11% R1b, 7-8% I1+I2
16. Lithuanians -38% R1a, 45% N, 5% R1b, 10% I1+I2
17.Estonians -35% R1a, 9% R1b, 33% N, 18% I1
18. Norwegians - 28% R1a, 28% R1b, 34% I1, 5% N, 1% I2
19. Swedes - 20% R1a, 22% R1b, 35% I1, 11% N, 4% I2
20. Finns - 8% R1a, 4% R1b, 59% N, 28% I1, 1% I2

It is also interesting to note that the Rurikovich family - the founders Ancient Rus' turned out to be Balto-Finnish or Finno-Ugric in origin (genus N). The American study was based on DNA analysis of several dozen descendants of this glorious princely family.

Almost seventy years ago, on May 22, 1949, an incident occurred that gave the science of psychiatry a new term - “Forrestal syndrome.” Named after James Forrestal, the first US Secretary of Defense, who committed suicide in a naval hospital shouting “The Russians are coming!”

They say that the general was not all right in his head - he saw enemies, Russian spies and conspiracies everywhere. As a result, I scared myself to death...

What is happening now in America and a number of European countries is very similar to the “Forrestal syndrome” epidemic. Anti-Russian hysteria has reached such a level there that, willy-nilly, you begin to fear for the mental health of the entire Western civilization. Russia is to blame for everything, simply because it exists.

Well, God, as they say, is with them. Let them go crazy with fear or anger...

However, in all this “monotony of feelings” addressed to us, there is one point that cannot but be alarming. Therefore, in the last century, humanity paid for it with millions of lives.

This refers to the Nazi racial theory of “superior” and “inferior” races, with its pseudoscientific idea that the superiority of some and the inferiority of others are due to biological nature. That is, there are “genetically correct” nations, and there are “genetic garbage”.

On this “formula” the Nazis built a gigantic death machine to exterminate entire nations. Jews, Gypsies, Slavs - primarily Russians and Poles - were subject to extermination as “inferior” races, from the point of view of the ideologists of German Nazism.

In Nuremberg, during the tribunal (1945−1946) of Nazi criminals, this misanthropic theory was recognized as unscientific and condemned, like its followers.

And today we again hear speeches about “wrong genetics.” And they sound exclusively to Russians, who, it turns out, have a “genetic inclination” to deception and lies.

This is what he thinks, for example: former director US National Intelligence James Clapper.

“Everything we know about the Russians: how they interfered in our elections, and in general what the Russians are used to doing, who are almost at the genetic level inclined and committed to deception, infiltration, assimilation, extraction of benefits and all that stuff. So we have something to be concerned about."- quotes the speech of a retired American general on NBC's Russian Spring.

And the famous Senator McCain, in an interview with Australians, recently frightened the world that the Russians are more dangerous than ISIS *.

What is there to be surprised when the Ukrainian authorities are trying to portray the residents of Donbass as “genetically defective”, many of whom, by the way, also consider themselves Russian. Students in pathological Russophobia have long surpassed their overseas teachers.

One can, of course, explain all this by progressive insanity or paranoia of individuals.

But is this the only reason that they want to turn Russians into “world evil” today?

“SP” addressed this and other questions to to CEO Institute of Regional Problems, political scientist Dmitry Zhuravlev:

First, although American ideology has never been based on genetics, until recently. Simply because its foundations were laid in the eighteenth century, when genetics did not yet exist. No. Even Mendelian. But the thesis “God is with us!” has always been there. That is, the idea of ​​God's chosenness American nation has always been. In this sense, they differ from Hitler in only one way - they did not use genetic theory to prove this thesis.

Yes, they were not looking for a biological basis. But they didn’t look for it, not because they were so fundamentally better. But because they were so confident in their superiority that they did not consider it necessary to prove it.

As for Ukraine, the guys want to show their uniqueness so much that they are ready to admit the genetic inferiority of all humanity, except them and the Americans. This is a problem. For young countries this is generally a very difficult problem: how to differentiate yourself? And in conditions of war psychosis, it takes on such ugly forms. Moreover, the basis of the ideology of modern Ukraine is the OUN-UPA**, whose leaders, in general, have not gone far from Hitler.

Why are Russians the target of this genetic insanity?

In Ukraine it’s clear. The most terrible enemy. Crimea was “taken away”. Donbass - “conquered”. But for some reason we constantly feed the “great Ukrainian nation.”

Here, by the way, one of their observers said that “we must apply sanctions to Russia, and Russia has no right to apply sanctions to Ukraine. Because Russia is an aggressor, but Ukraine is not.” And this is completely serious - the man did not see any problem in his words.

- Everything has been clear with Ukraine for a long time. But other countries, where there seems to be no reason for psychosis, why are they going crazy?

Because for them we are different. We are white, but different.

That is, two reasons. Firstly, the fact that, despite being externally similar, we give completely different cultural codes. This is really seriously scary. The second reason: we are the only country in the world that is capable of inflicting unacceptable military damage on America. This reason has nothing to do with culture or nation. It is purely military and political.

And therefore we are, in principle, to blame. Even if, like in the “nineties,” we shout at all corners that “America is the best!”, “We must live like in America!”, “We will do everything to live like in America!”

Only if we behaved like in the 90s, then only the generals would be afraid of us. And if we behave as we do now, and do not give out the codes they are accustomed to, then it is not only the generals who are afraid of us. But almost the entire elite.

Why does this happen in the form of psychosis? Because there is a clear degradation of modern elites. In reality, this is a much more serious issue.

The fact is that practically since 1945, the world for the West has been quite stable. And the elites of stable times are the elites who did nothing. Because the elite is a “mechanism” to ensure stability.

If this stability already exists, then the elite stops working. And any structure that ceases to fulfill its function begins to degrade. Because if there are functions, then we are forced to attract worthy people to implement this function. When there is no function, they attract not the worthy ones, but the most convenient ones. Usually the most convenient ones are idiots.

The other side of the same coin is itself liberal ideology.

- In what sense?

In the sense that liberal ideology today is very different from the liberalism of the nineteenth century, when it was a fairly rational theory. That is, nineteenth-century liberalism says that a person should be free from power - the state should not limit human freedom (well, within some limits). The current one is that a person should be free from society.

Here I am - and there is nothing else. If there is “something”, it’s his problem, don’t let it bother me. This “something” - be it faith, family, social relations, economics - does not concern me. There is only my navel, I look at it, and I am great.

Such an ideological basis cannot create anything other than psychiatric problems. Because a person is never truly free from society. If he considers himself to be one, then he should call a doctor.

That is, the current Western liberal ideology generates psychosis in itself. And our otherness lies precisely in our reluctance to accept it. And this just causes angry hysteria.

We are infidels. After all, liberal ideology in its current form can only exist as a “religion.” And if we do not accept it, then we will be treated as people who believe incorrectly.

- Are we heretics for them?

Yes. And the attitude towards heretics is always an emotional one. This is how they treat us. In this sense, everything is clear.

The question is, what to do about it? In your mind, what to do with the sick? They need to be treated. You can't argue with that. After all, what is a crazy person? If you could stop him, say: “No, the Russians are not coming”... But if you turn away, he will still do something to himself.

- But if Hitler had been stopped in time, this infection would not have spread throughout Europe...

That's another question. Crazy people need to be limited. If madness is a private matter, it is treated - and well. And if madness turns into a form of state policy, then the result is just the Nazi Reich.

If Hitler sat privately at home and talked about the greatness of the German nation, it would be offensive. But nothing more. But if this turns into a basis for making political decisions, it is very dangerous.

Fortunately, despite the fact that Russophobia is a widespread phenomenon in Western society, there are still quite a lot of sensible people there. They may not like us. But in order for their dislike for us to turn into a basis for action, there must still be some basis.

The closest example is Mr. Trump. Why is he hated so much? He is a man with his own shortcomings and very serious ones. But he, as a businessman, is a man of reality. And not a fan of liberal “religion”. He is an unbeliever in this sense.

At the same time, he, like the majority of the American elite, is confident in the chosenness of the American people. But he, as a rational person, does not consider this a reason to do outright stupidity.

It is precisely the people of rationality who are our greatest allies today, no matter how they treat us.

Brzezinski recently died. He was a consistent enemy of Russia. Always. He lived to crush Russia. This was his dream, his fix idea. But he was a rational man. Therefore, it was possible to negotiate with him.

- At the end of his life, it seems he changed his position regarding our country?

No. The dream remains the same. He just, as a rational person, realized that it was unattainable. And he had the character to say so.

Yes, he still dreamed that all Russians would fly to the moon. But, as a smart person, he did the math and realized: they won’t fly away. And he said this honestly: “A unipolar world is impossible.”

But he was a “knight of the unipolar world.” The destruction of the USSR and the absolute hegemony of the United States is what he dreamed of in the 70s. But even then it was possible to talk to him. And many Russian Soviet diplomats and politicians communicated with him. Despite the fact that he was a consistent anti-Soviet and Russophobe.

Brzezinski is just proof that the enemy, if he is sensible, in general, is much less harmful than these who are ready to jump out of the window.

Therefore, today the task for us is to find support in the West in the person of people, for example, Henry Kissinger, and to resist psychosis. You see, when you are running a real business, you cannot be mentally ill. Because you need to produce something, achieve some results... This will not work if you are sick.

And these “troubadours of Russophobia” like McCain, they are not engaged in any specific activities. That's why it's so easy for them to say what they say. Reality doesn't bother them.

But contact with those who rely on common sense is probably the only tactic we can afford today. Arguments are powerless against faith. We cannot convince these people that they are wrong. Because they do not rely on any arguments. They simply believe that “Russia is an evil empire”, that “all Russians are inferior, they must be destroyed and live happily.”

It is impossible to fight this logically. You just need to find those who don’t believe in it. There are quite a lot of them, including high-ranking people. If there were no such people, Trump would not have become president. And Merkel would not have come to Moscow, but would have continued to talk about “how we can curb Russia.”