The cultural code of multinational Russia. The multinational composition of the Russian population: a source of strength or weakness? Multinational structure of Russian society culture

Basic concepts - nation and nationality

Russia is one of the multinational states of the world. This means that people of more than 100 nationalities live in our country.

The concept of “nation” is of Latin origin and translated means tribe, people.

Currently " nation“is a stable community of people, historically formed in the process of development, living in the same territory, having a common culture, language, and identity.

A nation is characterized by an economic community and a unified system of political life. She has a special way of thinking, mentality, and self-esteem.

Nationality- this is the belonging of a person or group of people to a certain nationality or nation.

Russia is a multinational state

The ethnic, that is, national, composition of the Russian population presents a motley picture.

More than 100 peoples live on the territory of the Russian Federation, 7 of which have a population of more than 1,000,000 people - Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Chechens, Armenians.

All nations differ in origin, language, culture, customs, traditions, and lifestyle. Most of them are indigenous, for whom Russia is their main or even only place of residence. In addition, on the territory of our country live representatives of peoples whose main place of residence is outside the Russian Federation, for example, Ukrainians, Armenians, Germans, etc.

The largest people in Russia are the Russian people. Its representatives live in all parts of our Motherland: from the northernmost to the southernmost, from the western to the eastern borders. Russians make up about 85% of the total population of our country.

It was around the Russian people that the formation of statehood took place. Old Russian state began to take shape in the distant 9th century on the lands Eastern Slavs, who are the ancestors of the Russian and the Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples close to him.

Initially, our state developed as a multinational state, since people of other nationalities lived on its territory along with Russians. Finno-Ugric, Turkic, Baltic, Slavic peoples lived in peace, shared experiences with each other, exchanged knowledge, defended themselves against enemies together, and celebrated victories together. For many centuries, Russians formed the basis, the core of the multinational Russian state. In all spheres of life: in politics, in economics, and in culture, the Russian people still play a leading role. It unites the peoples of our country into one big family. This happens, first of all, thanks to Russian culture and the Russian language, which has become the language of interethnic communication. The leaders of our state speak it, laws are issued, and paperwork is conducted.

Russian is the state language of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the large ones, whose number exceeds a million people, our country is home to very small peoples, numbering several hundred, sometimes several dozen, or generally only a few people.

Nations whose number does not exceed 50,000 people are classified as small in number, for example, Chukchi, Kets, Shors, Izhoras, Vods and others. The number of many small peoples is decreasing not only as a result of natural decline; living side by side, peoples are closely intertwined, mixing of blood occurs due to interethnic marriages, and sometimes the dissolution of some peoples into others. This process is called assimilation. Therefore, it is very important to try to preserve these peoples and their identity, since they have their own unique culture, primarily language, customs, traditions, folklore, clothing, national cuisine etc.

We are citizens of Russia

The main pride of our state is its people. And it doesn’t matter what nationality you are, what nation you belong to, as long as you love your homeland and strive for its prosperity.

Together with Russian culture, the national cultures of the peoples of Russia constitute the inexhaustible wealth of our Motherland. The interaction of cultures is so close that national differences fade into the background, and we are talking about the heritage of Russian culture.

Any citizen of Russia is proud of the achievements of our scientists and inventors. We admire the works of our painters, listen to the music of our composers. At the same time, we do not think about the nationality of their authors. For us they are Russians, our compatriots. And this is the most important thing.

It is impossible to single out any one people of Russia as special or exceptional. The basic law of our country - the Constitution - speaks of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, of the equality of all citizens of Russia. Equality is one of our most important achievements. The Russian peoples, together and each individually, contribute to the strength and power of our Motherland.

Brief lesson summary

Thus, there are many differences between the peoples of our country, but they are all closely connected by a common historical destiny, they are all Russians, that is, citizens of the Russian state.


It is difficult to find a country in the world where the population of the same nationality, the same culture lives. In many states, and primarily federal ones, they live different peoples, nationalities, ethnic and religious groups. Therefore, education in the spirit of patriotism, respect and friendship of peoples, religious tolerance reflects the meaning and goals of educational actions to achieve harmony between people, the development of education as a factor in the intellectual and social progress of the Russian people. It is impossible to maintain peace in our time if we do not learn to understand each other and mutually respect the culture of other peoples.

The goal of multicultural education for government employees internal affairs - to promote, using all available means of educational influence, the creation in Russia democratic state, which is characterized by tolerance, cultural pluralism, equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for all citizens, participation of all in making decisions affecting the life of society, justice, respect for the decisions of the majority and protection of the rights of the minority, freedom of choice for people to choose their cultural identities.

A sense of human dignity is unthinkable without national identity, based on a feeling of spiritual connection with one’s native people. National consciousness and feelings are a particularly delicate area of ​​relations, requiring sensitivity, restraint, and respectful penetration into the lifestyle and beliefs of another people. Special care is necessary in relation to small peoples with a heightened sense of their national rights and interests.

National feeling leads the people to spiritual blossoming. The higher the sense of nationality, the more a person realizes the essence and historical role of his people, the brighter and more expressively the virtues of a particular individual belonging to this people are manifested. A healthy sense of belonging to one’s own nation is as natural as a child’s love for his parents, home, like his penchant for his native language.

The life of any people has its own, centuries-established psychology of perception. outside world, which is based on the specific way of life of people. Each ethnic group has a special mentality - its own way of life, biologically and socially determined spirituality, way of thinking, mindset, moral attitude, worldview.

Historical experience showed that ignorance of the culture of one’s people, their past and present leads to the destruction of the connection between generations - the connection of times, which causes irreparable damage to the development of man and the people as a whole. In this regard, it should be noted that lack of knowledge of the basics of national culture, traditions, and customs makes it difficult educational work in a multinational team of an internal affairs agency, leads to various kinds of difficulties, and sometimes to conflicts. Consequently, we are talking about the fact that managers and employees of educational departments must be bearers of national consciousness, love the country, their people and convey this love in the process of holding patriotic events, introduce employees to the origins of their native national spirit and teach the perception of the spiritual values ​​of other peoples.

As you know, culture is not inherited - various components of culture come to a person over the years. Practice shows that educators experience particular difficulties in educating employees when they are faced with the manifestation of arrogance, national arrogance, humiliation of foreign culture, etc. by some of them. Tensions in interethnic relations, conflicts between peoples and republics became especially pronounced at the turn of the 90s XX centuries have shown the limitations of our ideas about the indestructible friendship of peoples. For many decades of building socialism, the prospect was presented as a rapprochement, merging of nations and the creation non-national community. This made it unnecessary to form a culture of interethnic communication among young people, because the goal of state policy was to erase national borders.

Today National-patriotic education helps to establish relations of friendship, equality, mutual respect, comprehensive cooperation and mutual assistance of peoples and nations. True patriot respects other cultures and people of other nationalities. The higher the level of national culture, the higher the culture of a person in general, the more carefully he treats people of other nationalities.

Culture is a diverse phenomenon. Today there are more than 300 definitions of this concept. This circumstance has led to many definitions of the culture of interethnic communication. Therefore, those interpretations of this quality that are valuable are those which contain the idea of ​​national tolerance. It is interpreted as specific trait national character, the spirit of peoples, as an integral element of the structure of the mentality, oriented towards tolerance, the absence or weakening of a reaction to any factor in interethnic relations.

Interethnic tolerance - this is a personality trait that manifests itself in tolerance towards representatives of other national (ethnic) groups, taking into account their mentality and uniqueness of self-expression.

Due to this culture of interethnic communication - a quality of a person that characterizes the general level of his education, willingness and ability to communicate with representatives of different cultures, the ability to take into account their national specifics, delicacy and tolerance in any situation. This quality represents a system of personality characteristics moral ideas and ideas, forms and methods of behavior, specific types of activities that are carried out for the purpose of interaction, deepening mutual understanding and mutual influence of cultures between people of different nationalities.

The culture of interethnic communication is a multifunctional phenomenon that has an integrative characteristic and depends on the general level of employees, on their ability to perceive and observe universal human norms and morals. It is obvious that the culture of interethnic communication is based on the principles of humanism, trust, equality and cooperation.

The culture of interethnic communication has the following structural components:

· cognitive - knowledge and understanding of the norms, principles and requirements of general humanistic ethics - such as duty, responsibility, honor, goodness, justice, conscience, etc.; problems of theory and practice of interethnic relations;

· motivational - the desire to master the history and culture of one’s nation, as well as other peoples; interest in communicating with other people, representatives of other nationalities;

· emotional-communicative - the ability to identify, empathy, reflection, empathy, complicity, adequate self-esteem; self-criticism, tolerance;

· behavioral-activity - mastery of one’s emotions, the ability to objectively assess the situation, intransigence towards violations of human rights of any nationality and faith.

In accordance with these components, the main directions of educational activities are identified.

The organized process of cultivating a culture of interethnic communication, according to Z. T. Hasanov, includes familiarizing people with the system of scientific knowledge about the rights and freedoms of humans and peoples, about nations and their relations, about races and religious denominations; formation of civil and universal feelings and consciousness; development of positive experience of a culture of communication with people of different nations, races and religious denominations; ensuring highly moral motivation for the actions and behavior of students in the process of their communication.

When organizing the educational process, one should proceed from the fact that interethnic relations influence people in a variety of ways. To reveal the mechanisms of this influence and determine the goals and content of organized education determined by them, according to Z. T. Hasanov, is advisable according to the following parameters:

“relations between peoples and countries of the world, the formation of universal feelings of consciousness and culture of interethnic communication;

relations between the peoples of the countries of the European Community and the formation of feelings and consciousness of Europeanness among young people;

relations between the peoples of the CIS and the formation among young people of feelings and consciousness of belonging to the Commonwealth;

relations between the peoples of Russia and the formation of Russian self-awareness, patriotism and citizenship among young people;

ethnosocial conditions of national-territorial entities (republics, regions, districts) and the formation of national, national and civil-patriotic feelings and consciousness among young people;

ethnosocial conditions of national-cultural autonomy and the formation of national and civil-patriotic feelings and consciousness among representatives of small, dispersed peoples and national minorities.”

Interethnic relations in the aggregate represent the unity of the universal and national, which is uniquely manifested in certain regions, states, interstate and international associations.

When organizing the process of educating employees about the culture of interethnic communication, it is necessary to provide for comprehension and mastery of the experience of various levels of development of interethnic relations.

The relationships between peoples and countries of the world and the ethnosocial situation that has developed in the human community have a real impact on the formation of universal human norms of cultural behavior in people. It is important to streamline the influence of the ethnosocial environment on a person, to form her own positive experience of interethnic communication, and the ability to correctly respond to environmental influences.

In modern conditions, people’s lives and their future largely depend on general position in the world. Thanks to the funds mass media, tourism perceives the world as an environment that has a real impact on people's lives.

Education aims to engage employees to universal human achievements and values. In this regard, the content of education should include the following directions: ethno-demographic situations in various countries and in the world as a whole; socio-ethnic changes that have occurred in the world; unity and indivisibility of a contradictory, multi-ethnic world; the tendency of peoples to integrate in Europe and other regions of the world; planetary processes and global problems peoples

Global education involves instilling in employees interest and respect for the cultures of the peoples of the world, comprehension of the global and specific in these cultures, attention to global events, understanding of their nature and consequences. In addition, it is designed to foster a sense and awareness of responsibility for the present and future of the world in which they live. As a rule, prejudices towards foreign cultures (and even towards one’s own) arise due to people’s lack of knowledge about peoples and their relationships, about national cultures and traditions.

For the development of a culture of interethnic relations, it is important cross-cultural literacy , which manifests itself in the ability to empathize, feel and understand the problems of other people, respect and accept the culture of another people.

Necessary Special attention educate historical memory, the truth about the formation and development of our multinational state, which is of particular importance for establishing objective truth and forming a personal position. The value of historical knowledge is that it is bearer of culture, stimulates the sphere of human spiritual activity. In the pedagogical aspect, the unity of historical knowledge and culture signifies the inviolability of intercultural and interethnic ties, promotes mutual understanding and mutual enrichment of peoples.

Plays an important role in introducing cultures, solving problems of mutual understanding and mutual enrichment, and enhancing the culture of interethnic communication. language . The development of national languages ​​is today one of the priority tasks of the state policy of the Russian Federation. In different regions of the country, their solution is approached differently, but what is common to all is the preservation of languages ​​as the basis of life and culture of ethnic groups, and the harmonization of interethnic relations. Intercultural bilingual education aims to prepare people who can communicate fluently in their own and Russian languages, at the same time giving them the opportunity to identify themselves with their native culture and get acquainted with other cultures. Regulation of language policy is aimed at the harmonious development of Russian and other languages, the revival, development and mutual enrichment of national cultures, strengthening the friendship of peoples, unity and cooperation, as well as strengthening the international unity of all nations and nationalities.

Learning languages ​​is one of the most effective ways to educate in the spirit of tolerance and mutual understanding. After all, only mastery of the language of another culture opens up the possibility of its comprehensive and reliable understanding. The learning of indigenous languages ​​by representatives of other nationalities is a powerful means of acquiring the best national traditions and culture.

Such an outcome will greatly complicate normal interethnic and interfaith relations.

Russia according to the constitution is multinational state. More than 180 peoples live on its territory, including not only indigenous people countries, but also representatives of other states, nations and cultures. Moreover, according to official data, Russians make up about 80% of the population, representatives of other nationalities make up just over 20% of the population.

As you know, the territory of the Russian Federation is 17,098,246 km², its population in 2012 is 143.2 million people. Russia ranks first in the world in terms of territory and ninth in terms of population. Russia borders on eighteen countries, which is the largest number in the world, namely: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Abkhazia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea.

According to the results of the national census conducted in October 2010, the population of Russia was 142,905,200 people. Russia is thus the most populated country in Europe. Russian Federation is distinguished by significant ethnocultural diversity. The majority of believers (about 75% of the population) profess Orthodoxy, making Russia the country with the largest Orthodox population in the world. But at the same time, on the territory of the Russian Federation, according to the All-Russian Census of 2010, there live 194 nationalities with different culture, religion and mental characteristics.

For greater clarity, let's take two cities federal significance and consider percentage population in cities. Among the nationalities, we will choose those whose number exceeds others and are of the greatest interest today.

Russians (77.71%) −Moscow - 9930410 people. (8.9% of the total number of Russians in the Russian Federation); St. Petersburg - 3908753 people. (3.5%);

Tatars (3.72%) − Moscow -149043 people. (2.8%);

Ukrainians (1.35%) − Moscow - 154,104 people. (8.0%); St. Petersburg - 64446 people. (3.3%);

Chechens (1.00%) - Moscow - 14524 people. (1.0%);

Armenians (0.83%) - Moscow - 106,466 people. (9.0%);

Azerbaijanis (0.42%) − Moscow - 57,123 people. (9.5%); St. Petersburg - 17717 people. (2.9%);

Ossetians (0.37%) - Moscow - 11311 people. (2.1%);

Belarusians (0.37%) − Moscow - 39,225 people. (7.5%); St. Petersburg - 38,136 people. (7.3%);

Uzbeks (0.20%) - Moscow - 35595 people. (12.3%); St. Petersburg - 20345 people. (7.0%);

Tajiks (0.14%) - Moscow - 27,280 people. (13.6%);

Georgians (0.11%) - Moscow - 38934 people. (24.7%); St. Petersburg - 8274 people. (5.2%);

Jews (0.11%) - Moscow - 53,145 people. (33.9%); St. Petersburg - 24132 people. (15.4%);

Dagestanis (0.02%) - Moscow - 5997 people. (27.9%); St. Petersburg - 1138 people. (5.3%).

According to a sociological study conducted in August 2012 in 79 of 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, religiosity among Russians, a total of 143.2 million people, was distributed as follows: Orthodox believers - 41%; Muslims (including Sunnis, Shiites, and mostly those not belonging to a particular Muslim denomination) - 6.5%; Christians who do not belong to a particular denomination - 4.1%; other Orthodox (including parishioners of the Georgian, Serbian, Armenian Apostolic and other churches) - 1.4%. Other religions such as Buddhism, Old Believers, Protestants, Catholics and Jews make up less than one percent, but the number of irreligious and atheists makes up 12.9%.

To resolve possible conflicts and ensure the prosperity of all nations together, it is necessary to have a strong administrative apparatus, in the form of systems, concepts, programs and laws at the federal level. What is needed is an apparatus that represents a system of modern views, principles and priorities in the activities of federal bodies state power and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of national relations. An important factor is the need to ensure the unity and integrity of Russia in the new historical conditions development Russian statehood, coordinating national interests and the interests of all peoples inhabiting it, establishing their comprehensive cooperation, developing national languages ​​and cultures.

There is no doubt that to achieve such goals, the state has developed a number of documents, programs, concepts and laws. In 2011, a department for national relations was created in the Department of Culture of the Russian government. It is clear that the state is interested in implementing its national policy, in order to avoid national conflicts, strife, and even worse, genocide. But can a view from above really reflect and convey all the features of the daily life of an ordinary citizen who enjoys public transport, moves around the city without security and which, in general, will not be able to do anything if threatened by any outside means or in case of mass superiority. And is it possible to be sure that state laws will work when moral or physical damage is caused to one national group in relation to another, not to mention the female sex or children.

On the news agenda, residents of the Russian Federation are observing various changes and transformations in laws and programs of a national and religious nature, an example is the law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations”, “On legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”, “On citizenship of the Russian Federation” and many others. At the same time, every morning the media publishes and voices various incidents against the backdrop of national and religious differences. Every day the population learns about various brawls and clashes, both with the use of physical force and cold and firearms; the use of violence against young people and children of the dominant ethno-national group at a certain moment in relation to Russians, Uzbeks, Ukrainians and so on. According to sociological surveys, a small percentage of the population of Slavic appearance will decide to walk late at night in their area, along markets or points of mass gathering of people of other nationalities.

And at this stage, the question arises about the response to provide assistance. Will every Russian, Ukrainian, Tajik or Dagestani rush to help? young man or a girl in a difficult situation, where racial superiority will clearly not belong to the person in trouble? The question remains open, because a very small percentage of the population can give an honest answer to a question asked.

Many people in our country have the impression that interethnic strife is provoked precisely by government officials and leaders and is aimed at destroying Russian Orthodox unity and integrity. But if you look not from an anti-state point of view, then you can conclude that this issue was not taken so seriously close attention than it was required. And the consequences of the arriving wave of emigrants were not thought out in more detail by the ruling elite, and their main goals were aimed at boosting the economy and developing international relations with nearby states and nations. But in any case, there can be many answers, as many as there are opinions on this topic.

Among the many anti-Russian theses, one can single out one that is used by all the enemies of the Russian people without exception. They use it because it is the most destructive for us. This is the thesis that “Russia is a multinational country.” What makes it destructive is not the very recognition of the fact that many peoples live in Russia, but that false conclusion, which is made from it - about the equivalence of the peoples of Russia. In an incomprehensible way, the 120 million Russian people who created Russia became only “one of the peoples inhabiting it.”

However, this is not all: the thesis about “multinationality” does not even mean “equality” of the Russian Giant with the Lilliputian peoples.
In the state created by our ancestors, the Russian people found themselves virtually powerless compared to other peoples. Having received political status in the form of their own republics and autonomies, they have the opportunity to pursue a policy of their own national development in these territories.

The Russian people do not have such an opportunity.

The status of a “multinational country” does not allow the implementation of the National Development Policy towards the Russian people at the all-Russian level. But to carry it out officially at any level other than the state level is unacceptable and criminal. After all, this will mean denying the Russian people the right to all of Russia.

It turns out that we seem to be at home, but nothing belongs to us.

The Russian people do not have an official political status - that is, their very existence is actually not recognized.

The current president has defined the Russian people as the “cement” that holds Russia together.

What kind of status is this - “cement”? Other Peoples have both political status and political rights, but the Russian people are “cement”?!

Another, much more outstanding political figure and real reformer, Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, said the following about this: “A people who do not have national identity are the manure on which other peoples grow.” To be manure (sorry, “cement”) for the existence and development of other Nations - this is the status determined for the Russian people in Russia today.

The enemies of the Russian people go so far as to openly call nothing other than the Russian a threat to Russia. national identity. This comes from the very top. This nonsense is poured on us from TV screens. We are simply enveloped in this nonsense.

What kind of state have we received that sees the national unity of the Russian people as a terrible enemy? Who does it belong to, who does it serve? How does it turn out that the national oppression of Russians is the key to the existence of this state?

The answer to these questions is simple. They are trying to make us believe in outright nonsense by substituting concepts. Our political lack of rights is indeed the key to existence, but not of the state, not of Russia, but of the regime of national betrayal and occupation.

In an effort to keep control of the country in its thieves' hands, this government decided to replace with itself the basis of the state integrity of Russia - the unity of the Russian people. Instead of developing the Russian people, as the basis for the existence and development of all of Russia, we are offered to rely on the existing political regime, creating the illusion of his indispensability. Pathetic blackmailers are introducing the idea that if they don’t exist, Russia won’t either. One can only wonder - how could Russia exist without them, the “irreplaceable” ones, to this day, for more than one thousand years?!

Only a narrow-minded mind does not understand where all this will lead. Any power is finite. Moreover, one that is built on the disintegration of society, on theft and lawlessness.
Any serious socio-economic and political crisis (and these happen regularly) will lead to the natural result of such a policy: the national elites nurtured by the regime will begin to tear apart the country created by the Russian people. And without national unity, the Russians will not have the strength to stop this.

Only an immature mind can believe that the interests of Russia can exist separately from the national interests of the Russian people. The people are the creator of Russia, the people are its master.

Vladimir Tkach

Our country is huge, it is inhabited by many different people, which may differ from each other in height and physique, eye shape and skin color, traditions and folklore. Even the average schoolchild can give examples of the peoples of Russia, and this is not surprising, since motherland studied in all educational institutions Russian Federation.

This article is aimed at revealing the most unknown and at the same time really interesting data about the customs and traditions of the peoples of Russia. The reader will get a lot useful facts, thanks to which it will subsequently become easier for him to understand those who, like him, are called Russians.

In fact, the peculiarities of the peoples of Russia (at least some of them, for example, those living in the Far North) cannot but surprise even the most sophisticated and experienced travelers. We'll talk about this and much more in this article.

Ethnic composition of the peoples of Russia. general information

How big and vast our country is, so diverse and powerful is the population living in it. No wonder in times Soviet Union Passports had the line “Nationality”. The Union collapsed, and yet the Russian Federation still remains a multinational state, where more than a hundred peoples live under one sky.

According to regularly conducted population censuses, it can be stated that indigenous Russian peoples make up about 90% of the population, of which 81% are Russians. How many peoples live in Russia? Ethnographic scientists argue that it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, and in their reports they, as a rule, unite the indigenous peoples of the country into groups whose proximity is expressed not only geographically, but also culturally and historically. In total, there are more than 180 historical communities in the country. The religions of the peoples of Russia are also taken into account during the selection process.

With such an abundance of representatives of the ethnic group of a huge country, one cannot help but pay attention to the very small peoples, whose culture and way of life are often on the verge of extinction. Inexorable facts in most cases indicate precisely that the number of nationalities that most of us have not even heard of is gradually declining. That is why the government of our country made a completely logical decision to tell the younger generation about the customs and traditions of the peoples of Russia since primary classes secondary school. At first, all this is presented in the form of fairy tales and legends, and a little later, from grades 7-8, students become more familiar with life and culture.

Little-known residents of a huge country

There are representatives of the peoples of Russia that you have never even heard of. Don't believe me? And in vain. Although it must be said that in reality there are few of them. The description of the peoples of Russia, who managed to preserve their culture, traditions, and most importantly, faith and way of life, deserve special attention.


Not everyone knows that lake people or so-called vodlozers live in Karelia today. True, only five villages have survived to this day, and the inhabitants number no more than 550 people. Their ancestors were immigrants from Moscow and Novgorod. Despite this, in Vodlozerye they still honor Slavic customs. For example, the path to the forest is prohibited unless you first appease its owner, the devil. Every hunter must make an offering: take the killed animal as a gift.


Examples of the peoples of Russia would be incomplete without mentioning the Semey peoples. With their way of life, they seem to personify the life of pre-Petrine times. These representatives of the peoples of Russia are considered Old Believers who once settled Transbaikalia. The name of the nationality comes from the word “family”. According to the 2010 census, the population is 2,500. Their unique culture is still pristine, that is, little has changed since the time of their ancestors. Every year, scientists from all corners of the globe come to these places to study the crafts of the peoples of Russia. By the way, not everyone knows that village family houses are now more than 250 years old.


The nationality owes its appearance to migrants from the Cossacks and Pomors who once created their own subethnic group here. Despite the difficult living conditions, they, albeit partially, managed to preserve their culture and language.


This is exactly what the Siberians called the first Russian settlers of the 16th century. Their descendants bear the same name. Today, the way of life of the Chaldons is very similar to the life of the Slavs before the establishment of princely power. Their uniqueness is also expressed in the fact that their language, appearance, and culture are completely different from either Slavic or Mongoloid. Sadly, the Chaldons, like other small peoples, are gradually dying out.

Tundra peasants

They are considered descendants of the Eastern Pomors. These are very friendly people who actively interact with others. They are characterized by a unique culture, faith and traditions. True, in 2010, only 8 people classified themselves as tundra peasants.

Vanishing peoples of the country: Khanty and Mansi

Related peoples, the Khanty and Mansi, were once the greatest hunters. The fame of their bravery and courage reached all the way to Moscow. Today both peoples are represented by residents of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug. Initially, the territory near the Ob River basin belonged to the Khanty. The Mansi tribes began to populate it only in late XIX century, after which the active advancement of peoples began in the northern and eastern parts of the region. It is no coincidence that their faith, culture, and way of life were built on the basis of unity with nature, because the Khanty and Mansi led a predominantly taiga lifestyle.

These representatives of the peoples of Russia did not have a clear distinction between animals and humans. Nature and animals have always come first. Thus, peoples were forbidden to settle near places inhabited by animals, and too narrow nets were not used in fishing.

Almost every animal was revered. So, according to their beliefs, the bear gave birth to the first woman, and the Great Bear gave fire; elk is a symbol of prosperity and strength; and they owe it to the beaver that it was thanks to him that the Khanty came to the sources of the Vasyugan River. Today, scientists are concerned that oil developments could have a negative impact not only on the beaver population, but also on the way of life of an entire people.

Eskimos are proud inhabitants of the north

The Eskimos firmly settled in the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. This is perhaps the most eastern people our country, the origin of which remains controversial to this day. Animal hunting was the main activity. Before mid-19th centuries, a spear with a tip and a rotating harpoon made of bone were the main tools for hunting.

Citing examples of the peoples of Russia, it should be noted that the Eskimos were almost not affected by Christianity. They believed in spirits, changes in the human condition, and natural phenomena. Sil'a was considered the creator of the world - the creator and master, maintaining order and honoring the rites of his ancestors. Sedna sent booty to the Eskimos. Spirits who bring misfortune and illness were depicted as dwarfs or, conversely, giants. A shaman lived in almost every settlement. As a mediator between man and evil spirits, he entered into peaceful alliances, and for some time the Eskimos lived in calm and peace.

Whenever fishing was successful, fishing holidays were organized. Celebrations were also organized to mark the beginning or end of the hunting season. Rich folklore and extraordinary Arctic culture (carving and bone engraving) once again prove the uniqueness of the Eskimos. The property of the peoples of Russia, including them, can be seen in the capital's ethnographic museums.

Famous reindeer herders of Russia - Koryaks

Talking about how many peoples live in Russia in this moment, one cannot fail to mention the Koryaks who live in Kamchatka and this people still displays the features of the Okhotsk culture that existed in the first millennium new era. Everything changed radically in the 17th century, when the formation of Koryak-Russian ties began. Collectivism is the basis of the life of this people.

Their worldview is associated with animism. This means that for quite a long time they animated everything around them: stones, plants, the Universe. Shamanism also took place in their customs. Worship sacred places, sacrifices, religious objects - all this underlies the culture of the Koryaks.

All Koryak holidays were and remain seasonal. In the spring, reindeer herders celebrate the festival of horns (Kilvey), and in the fall - the day of slaughtering elk. In families where twins were born, a wolf festival was held, since newborns were considered relatives of these predators. At all events, active imitation of animals was clearly visible: in dancing and singing. IN last years a policy is being pursued to preserve the heritage and heritage of the unique Koryak people.

Tofalars - an endangered people of the Irkutsk region

A description of the peoples of Russia is impossible without the Tofalars, an ethnic group of more than 700 people who are stationed in the territory Irkutsk region. Despite the fact that most Tofalars are Orthodox, shamanism continues to this day.

The main activity of these people is hunting and reindeer herding. Once upon a time, the favorite drink was elk milk, which was drunk boiled or added to tea. Until the Tofalars became a settled people, their home was a conical tent. IN Lately the purity of the people is being lost. However, the culture of the ancient Tofalars has survived to this day.

Original and proud people - Archin people

Today the Archin people are small ethnic group, which was classified among the Avars in the 1959 census. Despite this fact, the originality and conservative way of life of this people allowed them to preserve their language. Modern Archa residents revere their culture, many of them have higher education. However, in schools, teaching is conducted only in the Avar language.

The fact that the Archin people speak the Avar language once again proves that they belong to a large, socially significant nation. The life of the people is not subject to global changes. Young people do not want to leave the villages, and mixed marriages are very rare. Although, of course, a gradual loss of traditions is occurring.

There are so many peoples in Russia, so many traditions. For example, when celebrating a holiday, Archin residents do not decorate a Christmas tree, but put on fur coats and sheepskin hats and begin to dance the lezginka to the accompaniment of zurna, drum and kumuz.

The Last of the Vod People

Let us continue to give examples of the peoples of Russia. The Vodi people have a population of barely 100 people. They live on the territory of the modern Leningrad region.

Vod - Orthodox. However, despite this, remnants of paganism still exist: for example, at the beginning of the 20th century, animalism was visible - the worship of trees and stones. Rituals were performed according to calendar days. On the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, bonfires were lit, and the girls began to tell fortunes. Collective feasts and ritual fishing were held. The first fish caught was fried and then put back into the water. The choice of a partner to drive fell entirely on the young. Matchmaking, unlike today, was divided into two stages: matchmaking itself, when the bride and groom exchanged pledges, and tobacco, when the matchmakers smoked tobacco and ate pies.

During the preparations for the wedding, ritual lamentations could often be heard. Curious that the wedding is before XIX century was “two-ended”: after the wedding, the groom went to celebrate with his guests, and in fact, the bride did the same. And until the middle of the 19th century, during the wedding ceremony, the bride’s hair was shaved on her head, as if symbolizing the transition to new stage- stage of married life.

Nivkhs - residents of the Khabarovsk Territory

Nivkhs are a people located in the territory. Their number is more than 4,500 people. It seems that this is not so much, if you take into account how many peoples live in Russia at the moment, however, everything, as they say, is known in comparison, for example, with the Vod people. Nivkhs speak both Nivkh and Russian languages. It is believed that they are the descendants of the ancient population on Sakhalin.

Traditional industries include fishing, hunting and gathering. In addition, dog breeding was one of the main occupations of the Nivkhs. They not only used dogs as vehicle, but they also ate them, and made clothes for themselves from dog skins.

The official religion is Orthodoxy. Nevertheless, until the middle of the 20th century, traditional beliefs remained. For example, the cult of the bear. The bear festival was accompanied by the slaughter of an animal raised in a cage. Caring attitude to nature, the rational use of its gifts is in the blood of the Nivkhs. Rich folklore, applied arts, witchcraft is still passed on from mouth to mouth.

Indigenous peoples of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

A smaller number of people than the Selkups cannot be found in the entire North. According to the latest census, their number is only 1,700 people. The name of this people comes directly from the ethnic group and is translated as “forest man.” Traditionally, Selkups are engaged in fishing and hunting, as well as reindeer herding. Until the 17th century, that is, until Russian merchants mastered sales, handicraft and weaving actively developed.