The novel Eugene Onegin theme and idea of ​​the work. Moral problems in the novel Eugene Onegin

"(from articles 8, 9)

“First of all, in Onegin we see a poetically reproduced picture of Russian society, taken in one of most interesting moments its development. From this point of view, “Eugene Onegin” is a historical poem in the full sense of the word, although among its heroes there is not a single historical figure. The historical dignity of this poem is all the higher because it was in Rus' and was the first and most brilliant experience in this field. In it, Pushkin is not just a poet, but also a representative of the newly awakened social consciousness - an immeasurable merit!

...The form of novels like Onegin was created by Byron... Byron wrote about Europe for Europe... this personality... sought... to judge his past and real history... Pushkin wrote about Russia for Russia ... he was far from being tempted to create something in the Byronian style, writing a Russian novel ... And yet his “Onegin” - in highest degree original and national-Russian work. Together with his contemporary a brilliant creation Griboyedov - “Woe from Wit” - Pushkin’s poetic novel laid a solid foundation for new Russian poetry, new Russian literature. Before these two works, as we have already noted above, Russian poets still knew how to be poets, chanting objects alien to Russian reality, and almost did not know how to be poets when starting to depict the world of Russian life...

...Together with Pushkin’s Onegin, his (Griboedov’s) “Woe from Wit” was the first example of a poetic depiction of Russian reality in the broad sense of the word. In this regard, both of these works laid the foundation for subsequent literature and were the school from which both Lermontov and Gogol came. Without Onegin, A Hero of Our Time would have been impossible, just as without Onegin and Woe from Wit, Gogol would not have felt ready to portray Russian reality, filled with such depth and truth.

...The secret of the nationality of every people lies not in its clothing and cuisine, but in its, so to speak, manner of understanding things. In order to correctly depict any society, one must first comprehend its essence, its peculiarity, and this cannot be done otherwise than by actually knowing and philosophically appreciating the sum of the rules by which society is held together. Every people has two philosophies: one is learned, bookish, solemn and festive, the other is daily, homely, everyday. Often both of these philosophies are more or less in close relationship to each other, and whoever wants to depict society needs to get acquainted with both, but the latter especially needs to be studied... And it was a deep knowledge of this everyday philosophy that made Onegin and Grief from the mind” with original and purely Russian works.

Among Pushkin’s great merits is the fact that he brought out of fashion both the monsters of vice and the heroes of virtue, painting simple people instead of them.

In the twenties of the current century, Russian literature moved from imitation to originality: Pushkin appeared. He loved the class in which the progress of Russian society was almost exclusively expressed and to which he himself belonged, and in Onegin he decided to present to us inner life this class, and with it society in the form in which it was in the era it chose, that is, in the twenties of the current century.”

Characteristics of Onegin

“The poet did a very good job choosing his hero from the highest circle of society. Onegin is by no means a nobleman, Onegin is a socialite...

...Most of the public completely denied the soul and heart in Onegin, seeing in him a cold, dry and selfish person by nature. It is impossible to understand a person more erroneously and crookedly! This is not enough, many good-naturedly believed and believe that the poet himself wanted to portray Onegin as a cold egoist. This already means - having eyes, not seeing anything. Social life did not kill Onegin’s feelings, but only cooled him to fruitless passions and petty entertainments... Onegin was neither cold, nor dry, nor callous... poetry lived in his soul... in general, he was not one of the ordinary, ordinary people. Involuntary devotion to dreams, sensitivity and carelessness when contemplating the beauties of nature and when remembering the novels and loves of previous years - all this speaks more about feeling and poetry than about coldness and dryness. The only thing is that Onegin did not like to get lost in dreams, he felt more than he spoke, and did not open up to everyone. An embittered mind is also a sign of a higher nature, because a person with an embittered mind is dissatisfied not only with people, but also with himself. A dozen people are always happy with themselves, and if they are lucky, then with everyone. Life does not deceive fools; on the contrary, she gives them everything, fortunately they ask for little from her - food, drink, warmth...

Onegin is a kind fellow, but at the same time a remarkable person. He is not fit to be a genius, he does not want to be a great person, but the inactivity and vulgarity of life choke him; he doesn’t even know what he needs, what he wants; but he knows, and knows very well, that he does not need, that he does not want what self-loving mediocrity is so happy with, so happy... A spark of hope still smouldered in his soul - to be resurrected and refreshed in the quiet of solitude, in the lap of nature, but he I soon saw that a change of place does not change the essence of some irresistible circumstances that are not dependent on our will... Onegin is a suffering egoist... He can be called an involuntary egoist...

What happened to Onegin later? Did his passion resurrect him for a new suffering more consistent with human dignity? Or did she kill all the strength of his soul, and his joyless melancholy turned into dead, cold apathy? We don’t know, and why should we know this when we know that the powers of this rich nature are left without application, life without meaning, and the novel without end? It’s enough to know this so that you don’t want to know anything else..."

Characteristics of Lensky and Olga

“In Lensky, Pushkin portrayed a character completely opposite to the character of Onegin, a completely abstract character, completely alien to reality. Then it was a completely new phenomenon, and people of this kind really began to appear in Russian society.

Lensky was a romantic both by nature and by the spirit of the times. There is no need to say that this was a creature accessible to everything beautiful, lofty, pure and noble. But at the same time, “he was an ignoramus at heart,” always talking about life, but never knew it. Reality had no influence on him: his joys and sorrows were the creation of his imagination. He fell in love with Olga - and what was his need, that she did not understand him, that if she got married, she would become the second, corrected edition of her mother, that she still had to marry - both a poet, a friend of her childhood games, and for a lancer satisfied with himself and his horse? Lensky adorned her with virtues and perfections, attributed to her feelings and thoughts that she did not have and about which she did not care... Lensky saw in her a fairy, a sylph, a romantic dream, without at all suspecting the future lady. In Onegin’s simple desire to play a trick on him, he saw betrayal, seduction, and bloody insult. The result of all this was his death, which he had sung in advance in vaguely romantic verses...

People like Lensky, with all their undeniable merits, are not good in that they either degenerate into perfect philistines, or ... become these outdated mystics and dreamers, who are just as unpleasant as ideal old maids, and who are more enemies of all progress than people are simply, without pretensions, vulgar. ...Becoming themselves the center of the world, they calmly look at everything that is happening in the world, and repeat that happiness is within us, that our souls should strive towards the supra-stellar side of dreams and not think about the vanities of this earth, where there is both hunger and need ... The Lenskys have not disappeared even now; they have just been reborn. There is nothing left in them that was so charmingly beautiful in Lensky... in them there are only claims to greatness and a passion for staining paper. They are all poets, and the poetic ballast in the magazines is supplied by them alone. In a word, these are now the most intolerable, most empty and vulgar people.

...Olga is a simple, spontaneous being, who never reasoned about anything, never asked about anything, to whom everything was clear and understandable out of habit, and to whom everything depended on habit. She cried a lot about Lensky’s death, but was soon consoled, married a lancer, and from a graceful and sweet girl she became a lady of the dozen, repeating her mother, with the slight changes that time required.”

Characteristics of Tatiana

“It was a great feat of Pushkin that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce Russian society of that time and in the persons of Onegin and Lensky showed his main, that is, male, side; but perhaps the greater feat of our poet is that he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman...

Tatyana's nature is not complex, but deep and strong. Tatyana does not have these painful contradictions that plague too complex natures; Tatyana was created as if all from one solid piece, without any additions or impurities. Her whole life is imbued with that integrity, that unity, which in the world of art constitutes the highest dignity work of art. Passionately in love, a simple village girl, then a society lady, Tatyana is always the same in all situations of her life; the portrait of her as a child, so masterfully painted by the poet, subsequently appears only developed, but not changed.

...Tatiana is an exceptional being, a deep, loving, passionate nature. Love for her could be either the greatest bliss or the greatest disaster of life, without any conciliatory middle. With the happiness of reciprocity, the love of such a woman is an even, bright flame; otherwise, it is a stubborn flame, which willpower may not allow it to break out, but which is the more destructive and burning the more it is compressed inside. A happy wife, Tatyana would calmly, but nevertheless passionately and deeply love her husband, would completely sacrifice herself for the children... but not out of reason, but again out of passion, and in this sacrifice, in the strict fulfillment of her duties, she would find her greatest pleasure, your supreme bliss. And all this without phrases, without reasoning, with this calmness, with this external dispassion, with this external coldness, which constitute the dignity and greatness of deep and strong natures.

This marvelous combination of coarse, vulgar prejudices with a passion for French books and respect for the profound creation of Martyn Zadeka is possible only in a Russian woman. All inner world Tatiana was a thirst for love; nothing else spoke to her soul; her mind was sleeping, and only the grave grief of life could wake it up later, and even then in order to restrain passion and subordinate it to the calculation of prudent morality... A wild plant, completely left to itself, Tatyana created her own own life, in the emptiness of which the inner fire that was devouring her burned all the more rebelliously because her mind was not occupied with anything.

Without the book, she would have been a completely dumb creature, and her burning and drying tongue would not have found a single living, passionate word with which she could relieve herself from the oppressive fullness of feeling. And although the immediate source of her passion for Onegin was her passionate nature, her overflowing thirst for sympathy - yet it began somewhat ideally. Tatyana could not fall in love with Lensky, and even less could she fall in love with any of the men she knew: she knew them so well, and they offered so little food to her exalted, ascetic imagination... And suddenly Onegin appears. He is completely surrounded by mystery, his aristocracy, his secularism, his undeniable superiority over this entire calm and vulgar world, among which he appeared as such a meteor, his indifference to everything, the strangeness of life - all this produced mysterious rumors / which could not help but act on Tatyana’s imagination , could not help but win over and prepare her for the decisive effect of her first date with Onegin. And she saw him, and he appeared before her, young, handsome, dexterous, brilliant, indifferent, bored, mysterious, incomprehensible, all unsolvable mystery for her undeveloped mind, all seduction for her wild imagination... There are women whom a man can arouse to his attention only by indifference, coldness and skepticism, as signs of enormous demands on life or as a result of a rebelliously and fully lived life; poor Tatyana was one of these women...

...Explanation of Onegin with Tatyana in response to her letter. The effect this explanation had on her is understandable: all the poor girl’s hopes were crushed, and she withdrew even deeper into herself from the outside world.

So, an act of consciousness finally took place in Tatiana (after visiting Onegin’s house): her mind woke up. She finally understood that there are interests for a person, there is suffering and sorrow, besides the interest of suffering and the sorrow of love. But did she understand exactly what these other interests and sufferings were, and if she did, did this serve to alleviate her own suffering? Of course, I understood, but only with my mind and head, because there are ideas that must be experienced both in soul and body in order to fully understand them, and which cannot be studied in a book. And therefore, even if the book acquaintance with this new world of sorrows was a revelation for Tatyana, this revelation made a heavy, joyless and fruitless impression on her: it frightened her, horrified her and forced her to look at passions as the death of life, convinced her of the need to submit to reality , as it is, and if you live the life of the heart, then silently, in the depths of your soul, in the silence of solitude, in the darkness of the night, dedicated to melancholy and sobs. A visit to Onegin's house and reading his books prepared Tatyana for the rebirth from a village girl into a society lady, which so surprised and amazed Onegin.

Now let's go straight to Tatiana's explanation with Onegin. In this explanation, Tatyana’s whole being was fully expressed. This explanation expressed everything that makes up the essence of a Russian woman with a deep nature, developed by society, everything: fiery passion, and the sincerity of a simple, sincere feeling, and the purity and holiness of the naive movements of a noble nature, and reasoning, and offended pride, and vanity with virtue , under which slavish fear is disguised public opinion, and cunning syllogisms of the mind, which has paralyzed the generous movements of the heart with secular morality...

Tatyana does not like light and would consider leaving it for the village forever for happiness; but as long as she is in the world, his opinion will always be her idol, and the fear of his judgment will always be her virtue...

...Tatyana is a type of Russian woman... Enthusiastic idealists who have studied life and women from Marlinsky’s stories demand that this extraordinary woman despise public opinion. This is a lie: a woman cannot despise public opinion, but she can sacrifice it modestly, without phrases, without self-praise, understanding the greatness of her sacrifice, the full burden of the curse that she takes upon herself, obeying another, higher law - the law of her nature, and her nature - love and selflessness..."

“So, in the person of Onegin, Lensky and Tatyana, Pushkin depicted Russian society in one of the phases of its formation, its development, and with what truth, with what fidelity, how fully and artistically he depicted it! We are not talking about the many intercalated portraits and silhouettes included in his poem and completing the picture of Russian society, high and middle; We are not talking about pictures of rural balls and metropolitan receptions - all this is so known to our public and has been appreciated by it for so long... Let us note one thing: the personality of the poet, so fully and brightly reflected in this poem, is everywhere so beautiful, so humane, but in at the same time, predominantly artistic. Everywhere you see in him a man who, soul and body, belongs to the basic principle that constitutes the essence of the class he depicts; in short, you see the Russian landowner everywhere... In this class he attacks everything “that is contrary to humanity, but the principle of the class for him is the eternal truth... And that is why there is so much love in his satire itself, its very denial so often looks like approval and admiration ... Remember the description of the Larin family in the second chapter and especially the portrait of Larin himself... This was the reason that much in Onegin is now outdated. But without this, perhaps Onegin would not have come out so complete and complete. detailed poem Russian life, such certain factor to deny the thought that is developing so rapidly in this very society...

“Onegin” was written over the course of several years, and therefore the poet himself grew with him, and each new chapter of the poem was more interesting and mature. But the last two chapters are sharply separated from the first six: they clearly belong to the highest, mature era artistic development poet. One cannot say enough about the beauty of individual places, and there are so many of them! The best include the night scene between Tatyana and the nanny, Onegin’s duel with Lensky, and the entire end of the sixth chapter. In the last two chapters we don’t even know what to praise especially, because everything in them is excellent; but the first half of the seventh chapter (description of spring, memory of Lensky, Tatyana’s visit to Onegin’s house) somehow especially stands out from everything with the depth of sad feeling and marvelously beautiful verses... The poet’s deviations from the story, his appeals to himself are filled with an extraordinary grace, sincerity, feeling, intelligence, wit; the personality of the poet in them is so loving, so humane. In his poem, he was able to touch on so much, hint at so many things that belong exclusively to the world of Russian nature, to the world of Russian society! "Onegin" can be called an encyclopedia of Russian life and to the highest degree folk work. Is it surprising that this poem was received with such enthusiasm by the public and had such a huge influence on both contemporary and subsequent Russian literature? And its influence on the morals of society? It was an act of consciousness for Russian society, almost the first, but what a great step forward for it!.. This step was of heroic scope, and after it standing in one place became impossible... Let time pass and bring with it new needs, new ideas, let Russian society grow and overtake Onegin - no matter how far it has gone, it will always love this poem, will always fix its gaze on it, filled with love and gratitude...”

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is key work in the context of literature and culture. The combination of several directions, an unusual form of presentation and the presence of the author as a character in the work makes the novel unusual and attractive.

Genre of the work

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself defined the genre of his work. In his opinion, this is a novel in verse, tied to the lyric epic. While there were no questions about the definition of Onegin as a novel - several plot lines, duration of action, a certain number of heroes, the question of lyric-epic affiliation raised doubts. Pushkin himself dispelled them. He explained his position on this matter as follows: in the novel, the lyrical beginning is occupied by the author’s thoughts and various lyrical digressions, and the epic is represented by the development of events associated with love line heroes.

The need to choose the form of a work, according to researchers, is also natural and predictable. Pushkin himself repeatedly mentioned that in his time Russian prose was actually undeveloped, since the Russian language was in most cases not in demand among aristocrats, as well as among writers, so the question of the development of the language and its acquisition of specific forms and expressions that allowed the thought to be widely illuminated was absurd. In contrast, the poetic form was popular and acquired a certain linguistic basis.

The structure of "Eugene Onegin"

Pushkin's novel consists of 10 chapters. However, it is impossible to find all 10 chapters in the novel itself. There are quite objective reasons for this. The first seven chapters do not cause any particular difficulties or misunderstandings - presumably they all correspond to the original intention of the author (this postulate cannot be absolutely certain, since some parts, such as the 6th chapter, have not reached us in manuscript form). The eighth chapter of “Eugene Onegin” was supposed to narrate the journey of the main character after the duel with Lensky, and describe Odessa and the surrounding settlements. Some fragments of this chapter were published in Moskovsky Vestnik, but later Pushkin refused to place it in the novel. The place of the 8th chapter was taken by the 9th, which according to Pushkin’s plan was supposed to be the last chapter. This chapter talks about the meeting of Onegin and Tatyana after Eugene's trip.

Some time later, after the publication of the novel, Pushkin decided to write a sequel. Fragments of the 10th chapter have reached us. The incompleteness of the chapter and the encryption of its text have significantly complicated the concern of researchers of Pushkin’s work. According to literary scholars, in chapter 10 Pushkin planned to talk about Onegin’s trip after meeting Tatyana in Moscow and his death. This chapter was supposed to put an end to his novel, but Pushkin did not have time to realize his plan.

Heroes of the novel

Like any other novel, Pushkin’s work has a wide system of images that can be divided into two categories - main and secondary.

The main characters of the novel

The main characters of Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” are only two characters - Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina.

Evgeny Onegin

Eugene Onegin is a young aristocrat by birth (at the time of the story, he is about 26 years old). He is not in any service. Onegin devotes all his time to social life. Lately This way of life disgusts him, but out of habit, Onegin still follows the usual rhythm of life.

Tatyana Larina

Tatyana Larina is an aristocrat by birth, a girl who stands out noticeably in society both in her appearance (her beauty is different from the canons of aristocratic society) and in her favorite activities (Larina does not do needlework and does not know how to affectate). Tatyana dreams of becoming the heroine of a love story, but her dreams are rudely shattered by the non-reciprocity and order of society.

Minor characters of the novel

The secondary characters of the novel include Olga Larina, Vladimir Lensky, Polina Larina, Filpyevna, Zaretsky, Princess Alina, Prince N.

Olga Larina

Olga Larina is the main character of the novel sister. However, she is not at all like her older sister - Olga is a classic example of an aristocrat of that time. The girl has external characteristics that are a standard and an example to follow, she adores social life, and in general she is a flighty person, a cutesy coquette.

Vladimir Lensky

Vladimir Lensky is a neighbor of Onegin and the Larins. A young man is in love with Olga and is going to marry the girl. He is quick-tempered and very jealous. Vladimir does not know how to restrain his emotions, or think sensibly in moments of emotional stress.

Polina Larina

Polina Larina is the mother of Tatyana and Olga. The woman was forcibly married to Dmitry Larin. Over time, she was able to love her husband and live happily married to him.


Filipevna is Tatyana Larina’s nanny. This is a sweet and kind old lady who knows many unusual and mysterious stories.

Zaretsky is Vladimir Lensky's friend and neighbor. He is present at the duel between Vladimir and Evgeniy, and then takes the body of the deceased Lensky to the family estate.

Princess Alina

Princess Alina is the sister of Polina Larina. The woman was unable to get married in her time and remained an old maid. She sheltered Tatiana and Polina Larin during the bride fair.

Prince N

Husband of Tatyana Larina. Military general. Apparently he is a very virtuous person.


Evgeny Onegin is an orphan, his father left only a bunch of debts as an inheritance to his son, so creditors willingly demanded the return of money from his son. Onegin's problem is solved by illness and the possibility of his uncle's premature death - as the only heir, Onegin inherits his uncle's estate. This made it possible to pay off creditors and remain with the estate. Onegin is not in the service - his whole life is devoted to social life. It’s true that Eugene does not enjoy this - balls, theaters, women - it all disgusts him, so Onegin believes high hopes to move to the village - he thinks that he can take a break from it all and find peace here.

Dear readers! We invite you to read the poem by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”.

In the village, Evgeniy meets his neighbors - Vladimir Lensky and the Larin sisters. Despite the fact that Vladimir and Evgeniy are completely different people both in terms of temperament and outlook on life, they still find a way to interest each other during communication.

A friendship develops between the young people. Vladimir Lensky has long been in love with the youngest Larina, Olga. The young man has long been captivated by the girl and even proposed to her. Onegin is extremely surprised by Lensky’s act - it seems unthinkable to him that such an interesting and intelligent man would choose Olga as his wife, while her sister Tatyana is much more interesting as a person. However, Onegin does not try to dissuade Lensky from such a dubious position regarding the choice of his wife. Evgeny perceives what is happening as a fact, without interfering in the process. At this time, Tatyana Larina falls in love with Evgeny. The girl writes a letter to Onegin in which she talks about her feelings - Evgeny keeps the fact of writing this letter a secret, but does not reciprocate the girl.

At Tatiana's name day, where Onegin ended up at the whim of Lensky, Evgeny decides to punish Vladimir for dragging him to the Larins - he flirts with Olga, which outrages Vladimir. Lensky challenges Onegin to a duel. In the duel, Vladimir dies, and Onegin, after this event, goes on a trip. Returning to Moscow, Onegin pays a visit to his relative and learns that Tatyana has become his wife. Evgeny realizes that he is in love with Tatyana, but now their relationship is impossible - although the woman does not love her husband, she will not cheat on him. The novel ends with a scene of explanations of the feelings of Onegin and Larina - Evgeny realized too late that he loved Tatyana and this provoked a tragedy in their lives.


Analysis of the composition of Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” is complicated by the presence of two storylines. In this regard, a displacement of some compositional elements occurs.
The first chapter of the novel is an exposition for both the first line and the second. Here we get to know the main character and his habits.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The second chapter is the beginning for the first storyline - “Onegin-Lensky”. In this chapter, Evgeny sees Lensky for the first time, and friendly relationships develop between the young people.
The third chapter is the beginning for the second storyline - “ Onegin - Larina" Evgeniy comes to the Larins' house for the first time and meets Tatyana and her family.

The fourth and fifth chapters are naturally presented as a development of action - a series of events outlines the general situation around the personality of the main character, revealing his essence.

The sixth chapter is the culmination and at the same time the denouement for the Onegin-Lensky storyline: in this chapter there is a quarrel between Vladimir and Eugene, a duel and, as a result, the death of Vladimir.
The seventh chapter in the “Onegin-Larina” storyline is a continuation of the development of the action - after Onegin’s departure, Tatyana discovers new, hitherto unknown to her qualities of Onegin.
The eighth chapter is the culmination and denouement within the Onegin-Larina storyline.


Theme of the odd man out

Within literature, Eugene Onegin is a classic example extra person is a personality in art who is “ahead” of his time. That's why life position Onegin and his despondency and disappointment are not understandable to everyone around him. High society recreated the erroneous position about the meaning of life among the essence of aristocrats - in fact, one can say that this is precisely what provoked Onegin’s apathy.

Love theme

The theme of love, in fact, is the second most important in the novel. Love in people's lives is one of the most powerful feelings, so it is not surprising that Pushkin also pays a lot of attention to this topic. In "Eugene Onegin" this theme is embodied in two forms - Onegin and Tatyana and Vladimir and Olga.

In both the first and second pairs there is an element of truth, selfless love. In the case of Onegin and Tatyana, she is represented by Tatyana, who loves Evgeniy, despite all his negative qualities. In the case of Lensky - Olga, such a person is Vladimir.

Theme of friendship and devotion

This theme, like the theme of love, is covered in two ways: Vladimir Lensky sincerely believes in friendship and devotion. Evgeny Onegin, on the contrary, believes that true friendship, like true love- a complete invention. Evgeny is selfishly busy with his feelings and thoughts, he does not care about the feelings of other people. He does not value people and does not feel affection for them - Onegin easily “says goodbye” to people. Olga Larina in this position is a character similar to Evgeny - a girl who was anxiously awaiting her wedding with Lensky easily forgets her lover and marries another person.

Theme of education and lifestyle

On the pages of the novel, Pushkin exposes the traditional principles of education and their results. Basic principles in the life of aristocrats, typical behavior of people in this category. The author reflects on the necessity of some positions accepted in society and their absurdity.


The influence of society on the individual

Pushkin argues that certain stereotypes and rules operate in human life.

Very often people are guided in their actions by them, because they are afraid of condemnation, or they thoughtlessly live according to the principle “this is how it is accepted.” Very often, a person feels uncomfortable; he understands that this system does not allow him to find happiness, but he does not dare to deviate from stereotypes.

The problem of happiness

Every person strives for happiness. Revealing this problem in the novel, Pushkin prompts the reader to think that the problem of happiness contains many components - ethical, political, religious, etc. Only if a person experiences harmony in all aspects can he find true happiness.

The essence of life

This question is philosophical, both in general social terms and in Pushkin’s novel. Using the example life path Onegin Pushkin is trying to figure out what makes our life useless. Are there activities and things in the world that would not just entertain us, but would be useful and expedient?

Byronic despondency

This problem is very closely related to the previous one. Very often in life we ​​experience dissatisfaction, as it seems out of the blue (Onegin is rich, noble, handsome - he has everything to be happy, but as a result he is deeply unhappy). What are the reasons for such dissatisfaction and is it possible to get rid of it - that’s what occupies Pushkin.

Personality and egoism

While society strives to educate people as individualists, it immediately educates egoists who are indifferent to life and the feelings of other people. They are ready to sacrifice everything because of a mere trifle or boredom, and these sacrifices are not justified - they could have easily been avoided.

The idea of ​​the novel

The idea of ​​“Eugene Onegin” is a description of the contemporary Pushkin way of life of the aristocracy in the context of pre-revolutionary times. Based on this position, the novel acquires important historical and social significance.

Tatyana Larina, who stood out from the crowd, was forced to come to terms with the rules and hide her true essence. Alexander Sergeevich in the novel shows that society is trying to put on a Procrustean bed everyone who at least somehow stands out from the general mass. As a result, society loses unusual individuals who could actively develop environment and a system of relationships.

Direction in literature

Roman A.S. Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” is unusual not only for its form and problems, but also for its focus in literature. It is this work that personifies the transition from romanticism to realism. It is logical that such a transition was carried out smoothly, which means that in Pushkin’s work it is possible to find both features of romanticism and features of realism.

The first chapters of the novel are clearly marked by romanticism - this is reflected in the description of Tatyana’s image, her manner of presenting information and the images used in the letter to Eugene.

And the very image of Eugene in the first half of the novel is purely romantic and akin to the Byronic images of Childe Harold and Don Juan. Then Pushkin begins to use realistic manner writing. It is unlikely that the author specifically planned such a transition; it is likely that this was realized historically - the novel was written for almost 7 and a half years, so the transition from romanticism to realism was determined by real historical events and new positions in society. In the last chapters, Pushkin adds pragmatism, which would be quite natural for realism, but against the background of the romantic beginning it looks tragic and brutal.

Influence on the further development of literature

Pushkin's novel, like all his works, had a significant influence on the development of literature. In fact, this novel, despite the fact that it was written in verse, became a catalyst for the development of prose. However, the paradoxes did not end there - the more novels in prose began to be published, the less importance contemporaries attached to Pushkin’s work.

Pushkin showed innovation in creating images of the main characters. Evgeny Onegin became the first image of the “superfluous man” - a character who had significant difference from the classic Byronic character, but was also endowed with a sense of dissatisfaction with the world.

The image of Tatyana Larina is also innovative in its essence - for the first time in literature the reader was given female image, endowed with “masculine” character traits along with traditionally feminine ones.

Thus, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin managed to create a unique and unique novel. The events described in it made me think about the truth human life and provoked the emergence of a new kind of people ready to change the environment in the direction of loyalty and humanity. In the field of literary criticism and art, this work also had a significant influence - it became the impetus for the development of atypical images.

Analysis of the novel “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin: the essence, meaning and idea of ​​the work

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History of creation

History of the creation of the novel Writing the novel took Pushkin more than seven years (1823 - 1830). It was published in separate chapters: the first chapter of the novel appeared as a separate book in 1825, the second in 1826, the third in 1827, at the beginning of 1828 the fourth and fifth chapters appeared, and in March 1828 - the sixth, seventh came out in March 1830 and the last - the eighth - was published in 1832. In sketches general plan The novel had nine chapters, but during the writing process the plan changed slightly, so that in the first complete edition of Eugene Onegin (1833), Pushkin included eight chapters and “Excerpts from Onegin’s Journey”

In addition, at the same time in Boldino the tenth chapter of “Eugene Onegin” was written, which Pushkin burned, and only separate excerpts from the drafts have reached us (the poet encrypted the draft text, and literary scholars managed to decipher incomplete 16 stanzas), containing pro-Decembrist messages that were dangerous for Pushkin the statements, as can be assessed from the restored parts, are very caustic and caustic. The tenth chapter is not included in the canonical text of the novel. Completed work on "Eugene Onegin" on September 26, 1830.

Genre. Subject. Problem. Idea.

“Eugene Onegin” Pushkin analysis A. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” is the first realistic novel not only in Russian, but also in world literature.

Genre - socio-psychological novel in verse.

Theme - depiction of Russian life first quarter of the XIX century

Main characters: Evgeny Onegin, Vladimir Lensky, Tatyana Larina, Olga Larina.

Composition: built “mirror”: Tatiana’s letter - Onegin’s response - Onegin’s letter - Tatiana’s response.

The main conflict of the novel: the conflict of two life philosophies, the conflict of man and society, the conflict of man and the environment.


A man against the background of an era, time, the meaning of his existence on earth.

The problem of education and upbringing;

Literary creativity;

Fidelity in married life;

Human relationships;

True and imaginary life values;

Internal freedom of a thinking individual and the dictates of a secular society;

The ideal of female beauty;

Family relationships.

"Eugene Onegin" is a work about love. Pushkin's love is high, free feeling. A person is free in his choice and happy with it, but not in this novel. ALTHOUGH Tatiana loved Onegin, she was not happy with him, she did not even receive love in return. The theme of love can be traced through two meetings between Tatiana and Evgeniy.

Lyrical digressions - this is a compositional and stylistic device that consists in the author’s deviation from the plot narrative and the introduction of direct author’s speech. They create the image of the author as a living interlocutor, a storyteller, and open the world of the narrative outward, introducing additional themes not related to the plot. In Eugene Onegin, lyrical digressions make up a significant part - almost a third of its volume. Lyrical digressions perform numerous functions in the novel: they mark the boundaries of the novel’s time and replace the plot narration, create the completeness of the image characteristic of an “encyclopedia” and provide the author’s commentary on events. It is lyrical digressions that introduce the author’s “I” and allow for a kind of dialogue with readers. By creating a distance between the author and the hero, they allow Pushkin to take the position of an objective researcher in relation to the events and characters depicted, which is necessary in a realistic work.

Plot and composition.


Evgeny Onegin:

Main character Romana - young landowner Evgeny Onegin, this is a person with a complex, contradictory character. The upbringing that Onegin received was disastrous. He grew up without a mother. The father, a frivolous St. Petersburg gentleman, did not pay attention to his son, entrusting him to “poor” tutors. As a result Onegin I grew up as an egoist, a person who cares only about himself, about his desires and who does not know how to pay attention to the feelings, interests, and suffering of other people. He is capable of offending, offending a person without even noticing it. Everything beautiful that was in the young man’s soul remained undeveloped. Life of Onegin- boredom and laziness, monotonous satisfaction in the absence of real, living work.

Image of Onegin not made up. In it, the poet summarized the features typical of young people of that time. These are people who were provided for through work and serfs who received a disorderly upbringing. But unlike most representatives of the ruling class, these young men are smarter, more sensitive, more conscientious, more noble. They are dissatisfied with themselves, their environment, and the social order.

Onegin in his views and requirements for life he stands above not only his rural landowner neighbors, but also representatives of the St. Petersburg high society. Having met Lensky, who received higher education at the best university in Germany, Onegin could argue with him on any topic, as with an equal. Friendship with Lensky reveals in Onegin’s soul the possibilities of faithful, friendly relations between people hidden behind the mask of cold egoism and indifference.

Seeing Tatyana for the first time, without even talking to her, without hearing her voice, he immediately felt the poetry of this girl’s soul. In his attitude towards Tatyana, as well as towards Lensky, such a trait as goodwill was revealed. Under the influence of the events depicted in the novel, evolution occurs in Eugene’s soul, and last chapter In the novel, Onegin is no longer the same as we saw him before. He fell in love with Tatiana. But his love does not bring happiness, neither to him nor to her.

In the novel “Eugene Onegin” Pushkin portrayed a frivolous young man who, even in love, cannot give himself advice. Running away from the world, Onegin could not escape from himself. By the time he realized this, it was already too late. Tatyana doesn't believe him now. And this opens Onegin’s eyes to himself, but nothing can change.

“Young rake” - these words can briefly describe Evgeniy at this time. He does not serve anywhere, leads a social life, attends balls and dinners, and pays a lot of attention to his appearance. He knows how to seem smart and subtle, but in fact his knowledge is superficial, and he uses it only to impress.

He loves women, but his hobbies are superficial. Using his charm, he conquers women, and then quickly cools down.

Evgeniy Onegin in the village

In the end, Evgeny cools down to this lifestyle. Having had enough of both balls and female attention, he is going to travel, but then his uncle dies, and Eugene remains the heir of the estate.

Here we recognize Onegin on the other side. Not afraid to cause the displeasure of the local landowners, he replaces corvee for the serfs with a light quitrent. Having escaped from the entertainment of the capital, he does not visit his neighbors even in the village, but he becomes close friends with the naive but sincere Lensky.

Killing a friend and rejected love

This friendship ends tragically. The ardent young man sends a challenge to Evgeniy. Onegin realizes that it is better to apologize to his friend, but narcissism forces him to put on his usual mask of indifference and accept the challenge. Lensky dies at the hands of Onegin.

Having received Tatiana's letter, Evgeniy was touched. He sympathizes with Tatyana, but does not love her yet. Having never experienced true love towards a woman, using her as a bargaining chip, he is generally not able to take this feeling seriously. Therefore, Evgeniy, as usual, plays the role of an experienced, cold-hearted person, while at the same time showing nobility. Evgeny did not take advantage of Tatyana’s feelings, but did not escape the temptation to lecture the girl in love.

Epiphany Onegin

Several years passed and he had to cruelly regret his coldness. In adulthood, he is no longer interested in spectacular poses, he is less focused on himself. Having met Tatyana, a married lady who has perfectly studied the art of “ruling oneself,” Evgeniy selflessly falls in love with her. Time does not heal him, months pass, and he still thinks only about her, driving himself almost to madness.

An explanation occurs; he learns that Tatyana still loves him, but is not going to break fidelity to her husband.

Pushkin hero capable of real feelings, but his early commitment to the world spoils him, forcing him to sacrifice love and friendship in favor of posing. When Onegin finally begins to “be” and not “seem,” many mistakes can no longer be corrected.

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The novel in verse by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” is perhaps the most famous work writer, one of the key components of his work. Raised in the novel eternal problems love and fidelity, the search for the meaning of life, the conflict between romantic ideas and harsh reality. "Eugene Onegin" is also a reflection of the era preceding the Decembrist uprising, it shows the characters and thoughts of people from high society those times.


“Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the pinnacle of the writer’s creativity. This novel in verse, which the poet wrote over the course of eight years, from 1823 to 1831, took a central place among Pushkin’s works. “Onegin” not only reflects the colors of the turbulent era of the early 20s of the 19th century, it also traces the creative evolution of the writer. In his immortal novel, Pushkin paints images of bright heroes of the era between Patriotic War and the Decembrist uprising, gives the reader an idea of ​​their characters and emotional experiences.

The main character of the novel, a young man from high society named Eugene Onegin, is presented to the reader by the author as a “young rake” born in the capital, “on the banks of the Neva.” Pushkin portrays Onegin complex figure, the author feels a certain sympathy for his hero, at the same time, in describing his life and character, Pushkin constantly resorts to irony. Onegin is portrayed as a secular “dandy” who knew only two verses from the Aeneid, and even then “not without sin.” His talents are rather meager, and his knowledge is mostly superficial, while Evgeniy does not hesitate to demonstrate in society the deep knowledge and intellectual merits he supposedly has: “... He had the lucky talent to touch on everything lightly without compulsion in a conversation, to keep it with the learned air of a connoisseur.” silence in an important dispute..."

In life, Onegin is a slacker who is not given to intellectual efforts, “he was sick of persistent work.” In the shower young man- an intellectual emptiness that he quickly tries to fill by reading books in order to “appropriate someone else’s mind for himself.” And yet, even with such bad abilities and character traits, Eugene is not alien to romance; as the novel progresses, he tends to look for himself, to doubt the correctness of his life.

Another key character in the novel is Tatyana from the provincial noble family of the Larins. Living in a romantic world French novels and believing in the real great love, Tatiana sincerely falls in love with Eugene and writes him a piercing letter, but Onegin himself reacts very coldly to sincere manifestations of love from the young girl. For a long time he has not tolerated “tragic-nervous phenomena, girlish fainting, tears,” and therefore, instead of showing reciprocity towards Tatyana, Onegin decides to take a kind of “revenge” on her, flirting with her sister Olga, which infuriates the poet Lensky, who is in love with Olga. Having recently arrived from Germany, young and energetic, full of bright thoughts and desperate aspirations, the rather hot-tempered poet Vladimir Lensky is the embodiment of a young romantic and idealist of that time. His fate turns out to be tragic - he dies in a duel with Onegin.

Evgeny Onegin strives to get away from his idle and meaningless life, he is bored in the village in which he was forced to settle and from which he runs away as a result. Traveling around the Caucasus, having visited Odessa, Onegin nevertheless returns to St. Petersburg, where he meets a completely different Tatyana, greatly changed and no longer showing her former tender feelings for Eugene. In Evgeniy’s absence, Tatyana wondered whether he really was what she imagined him to be, “is he really a parody”? Now, having married and become a society lady, an “unapproachable goddess,” she can no longer be for Eugene that naive girl, driven crazy by love for him. The characters seem to change places: the aloof Tatyana decisively rejects Evgeny and leaves him alone, broken, as if struck by thunder.

“Eugene Onegin” is a novel about unrequited love, which raises problems of sincerity of feelings, fidelity in love and in life. Rejected and broken Onegin is like a sentence to that insidious and selfish “young rake” who was unable to find the meaning of his life, for whom it costs nothing to break the dreams and hopes of others. But the author does not dare to completely destroy Eugene; he leaves him alone with himself. Who knows how this secular egoist will change at a time when the whole country is on the verge of great unrest? The reader can only guess what awaits Onegin and Tatiana on the eve of the Decembrist uprising.

Even more essays on the topic: “Eugene Onegin”:

The novel “Eugene Onegin” occupies a central place in the work of A. S. Pushkin. It is a real treasure of classical Russian literature, a truly world-class work.

This novel uniquely and in all facets reflects the special poetic talent of the author. Difficult to define main idea, main idea"Eugene Onegin". The novel does not belong to those works in which the author either on his own or through the mouth of someone characters expresses his idea, and the content of the work, its entire action must confirm the correctness of this idea, convincingly reveal it and develop it in all details. On the other hand, “Eugene Onegin” is not like those works in which the characters are chosen and characterized in such a way, the events develop in such a way that for an attentive reader the thought, the idea of ​​the author itself seems to follow from the content.

When reading the novel, one gets the impression that the author did not want to prove anything and did not have any clear idea. But in reality, Pushkin showed various pictures of Russian life early XIX century, painted types of representatives of noble society characteristic of that era.

The author depicted reality exactly as it was at that time, in all its life truth, without specially selecting anything and without deliberately condensing any events. But if you look closely, it becomes clear that life is not structured correctly. With such a life arrangement, only mediocre people, whose interests are petty and limited, can be happy. For example, Tatyana and Olga's father and other village neighbors of Evgeny Onegin spend their lives calmly, eating and drinking, empty talk and petty chores. They are satisfied with themselves, do not strive for anything, do not even read books, considering them “an empty toy.” Such is Olga, who quickly forgot her groom who died in a duel. So is her mother. She was married to an unloved man, she resigned herself, took up housekeeping, and soon even began to enjoy such a life.

People with high demands on themselves and others, who have subtle and strong feelings, are unhappy in this life. They either die, like Lensky, or continue to live with a devastated soul, like Onegin and Tatyana. Wealth and high position in society, what they inherited does not make life easier and does not bring satisfaction. They are not accustomed to working to achieve any high goal, and their character traits, upbringing and position prevent them from achieving their personal happiness. The realization of mistakes comes to them too late. Onegin thought that freedom and peace were a substitute for happiness, but he was wrong. Tatyana understands that she acted rashly, rushing to marry an unloved person, because “happiness was so close...”.

But all these mistakes cannot be blamed only on the heroes themselves. The environment made them this way. The environment that surrounded them from birth shaped their characters and developed a certain type of behavior. It was the environment, says Pushkin, that made these inherently beautiful, intelligent and noble people unhappy.

The author strives to show serfdom, in which the norm is backbreaking peasant labor and idleness of the serf-owners. This norm cripples both peasants and nobles, landowners, even the best and most humane of them. This is a sad conviction in the abnormality of the way of life, in the impossibility of real happiness, in the fact that there are no noble people in the noble society surrounding the poet. honest people, is reflected in the lyrical digressions:

He who lived and thought cannot

Don't despise people in your heart...

...That serpent of memories, that one is gnawed by remorse.

Having destroyed all prejudices,

We respect everyone as zeros,

And in units - yourself...

It is bitter for him to admit this, but betrayal can be expected even from decent people who, “without any malice or pretense,” can repeat a rumor or gossip “a hundred times by mistake.”

The most capacious characterization of secular society is given by Pushkin at the end of the sixth chapter, where he depicts the environment that so distorts and hardens even the purest and noblest soul. He concludes that only a high poetic gift - “young inspiration” - can save a person brought up by this environment and rotating in it from spiritual decay.

These sad and bitter thoughts about the grave disadvantage of the entire modern life system are most fully expressed by Pushkin in the last sad lines of the novel, where the poet envies people who left life with its sorrows early:

Blessed is he who celebrates life early

Left without drinking to the bottom

Glasses full of wine,

Who hasn't finished reading her novel?

And suddenly he knew how to part with him,

Like me and my Onegin.

However, the author does not suggest giving up and being sad about the impossibility of happiness. There is a lot in his work light paintings, beauty in the depiction of life, nature; depicts many good, honest and high feelings, experiences and actions; at the same time, all the social reasons for the unfavorable life of the heroes of the novel, all the circumstances that created the characters of the characters and predetermined their fate are realistically indicated.


A.S. Pushkin worked for a very long time and persistently on his novel “Eugene Onegin”. You can say this is his many years of work. The novel was something special for him. Pushkin was a genius, people were not indifferent to his works. He gave a lot to humanity, his works and Pushkin’s personality will never be forgotten.

In his novel, he described the main character Onegin as a man who cannot find his meaning in life. He was tired of the empty life he led. He was terribly tired of balls, theaters, restaurants. Onegin became disillusioned with his life, fell into depression, even tried to write, but nothing came of it. He strived for something higher; many would be satisfied with the life that Onegin had.

Having left for the village, he enjoys the beauty of nature, but this also bothers him. Having met Lensky, he becomes attached to him. They were different, but complemented each other perfectly. But Onegin’s unsuccessful joke led to a duel with Lensky. He wanted to give up the duel, but was afraid of ridicule. One bullet decided the fate of Lensky, who dreamed of a happy family, but this was not to be; he died at the hands of his own friend. Onegin never thought that his actions were selfish. He rejected a passionate letter from Tatyana, but later he regretted his actions.

He can be described as a suffering egoist who, in search of his own meaning in life, harms the people around him. For him it was a game, but friendship and love do not tolerate such an attitude. He did not know the limits in his actions, sometimes he completely went too far. Lensky considered Onegin his friend, but was he Lensky's friend? Or he again decided to get rid of his boredom in this way. He must answer this question for himself. For he will never be able to find his way in his life without Lensky and Tatyana.

Having lost everyone he could, he is left alone with himself. Having lost all self-respect, he suffered alone, he lacked the person who would help him through this difficult time. Onegin himself brought himself to this state. I wouldn’t blame him, he got his due, there’s nothing worse than being left alone in this big and cruel world.

Why am I not wounded by a bullet in the chest?

Why am I not a frail old man?

How is this poor tax farmer?

I'm young, life is quite strong,

What should I expect? Longing, longing...

These words show his condition and how unhappy he was. He had lost hope of light at the end of the tunnel. After all the events that happened to him, I think that he has changed as a person. He has become a more mature person who realizes what he needs from this life. He realized that Tatyana was the one he loved, but he realized it too late. Tatyana was already married, she had a family and children. She acted very bravely, rejecting Onegin’s declaration of love, as he had done to her earlier. This event shows that Onegin has already matured as a person, he is no longer the guy who does not know what he needs from this life, except entertainment. Onegin is a man moods.

He is capable of various actions, including stupid ones, which he himself sometimes regretted. Onegin was a very talented person, but to reveal your talent you also need desire. But he never reached his potential. What soon bores you will soon teach you, so it said folk proverb. The outcome of his life is sad:

Having killed a friend in a duel,

Having lived without a goal, without work

Until twenty-six years old,

Languishing in idle leisure

Without work, without wife, without business,

I didn't know how to do anything.

Not everyone deserves to be alone. Happiness must be achieved and earned. It doesn't fall from the sky. Every person's life is like a movie and you main actor in it, where tragedy and happiness happen, but everywhere there is teaching. The novel “Eugene Onegin” should show that falling to the very bottom of life is much easier than rising and feeling like a happy person again.


The novel by A. S. Pushkin is a unique work in Russian literature. As expected in a novel, it has the main and minor characters, their background is given, their feelings and actions are described, but the main thing that distinguishes the work from general series, rises above him - these are the brilliant verses with which the author speaks.

“Eugene Onegin”, representing a “novel in verse” that has no analogues, combines two types of literature: lyrical and epic. Therefore, next to the heroes of the work, the reader constantly feels the presence of the author, empathizing with his characters, explaining their characters and actions, directly addressing the reader and challenging him to an argument, arguing on the most different topics... Pushkin even depicts the figure of the author on the pages of the novel as one of the heroes - Onegin’s friend in St. Petersburg.

Let us take a closer look at how the author and hero appear before readers on the pages of the novel “Eugene Onegin.” Probably, first of all, it should be said that both the author and the hero are not static from the first to the last page of the work. Let us remember that A.S. Pushkin created the novel over the course of seven years, the author changed, matured, and his talent gained strength.

Together with the author, his hero also changes. Pushkin began writing “Eugene Onegin” while still a young man, while in southern exile, and finished the work in the famous Boldin autumn, after the Decembrist uprising, having lost many friends, becoming a famous poet throughout reading Russia. Yes and main character novel, Onegin: if in the first chapter we see a “rake”, a “dandy”, a bored representative of the “golden youth” of St. Petersburg, then in the eighth chapter we see a man deeply experiencing unhappy love, suffering from pangs of conscience for the murder he committed in a duel, understanding that he lived best years wasted.

At the beginning of his novel, Pushkin diligently emphasizes the “difference” between himself and the hero, since in many ways they are really similar and the reader can assume that the author is hiding under the mask of Onegin: this is exactly what the tradition prescribed, coming from the idol of the romantics, Byron, who endowed the heroes with their own thoughts and feelings .

In fact, both the author and Onegin are young people belonging to secular society, who find pleasure in brilliant but empty pastimes: restaurants, theaters, balls. Their youth flies by, and both of them feel disillusioned with secular entertainment. Pushkin depicts to the reader his meetings with Onegin during this period:
I was embittered, he was gloomy;
We both knew the game of passion;
Life tormented both of us;
The heat in both hearts has faded....

On white nights in St. Petersburg, the author and his hero walked along the embankments, reminiscing early years, argued, reflected, and were planning to go on a trip abroad together, but fate decreed otherwise: Pushkin ended up in southern exile, Onegin in the village. Despite the obvious external resemblance The characters of the author and the hero, Pushkin and Onegin cannot be seriously compared. And not only because Onegin is the creation of a poet, the fruit of his imagination. Let us remember how Onegin tried to fight boredom: he tried to read and study literary creativity. However, nothing worked out for him. Pushkin is, first of all, a brilliant poet, a man for whom literature - main component of life.

The attitude of the author and hero to nature is directly opposite, village life: Flowers, love, village, idleness, Fields! “I am devoted to you with my soul,” Pushkin exclaims, describing the “lovely corner” where Onegin “was bored” after inheriting the estate from his uncle. Rural solitude always evoked a surge of creative energy in Pushkin: he created his best works in Mikhailovskoye and Boldin.

The author goes hand in hand with the hero throughout the entire novel. He defends him from accusations of coldness when Onegin lectures Tatyana in response to her declaration of love. Pushkin shows that the main character is “struck” by Lensky’s death, cannot find a place for himself, and sets out to travel. When secular society laughs at Onegin’s disappointment, considering it just a fashionable mask, Pushkin angrily brands the soulless world, and the reader understands that Onegin’s “blues” are not a tribute to fashion, but the sincere experiences of an intelligent and noble man who has not found a worthy use for his strengths and abilities.

Thanks to Pushkin’s brilliant poems, the image of the “suffering egoist” Onegin is immortalized in world literature, and the unsurpassed “novel in verse” gives us the opportunity to hear the voice of the great poet.