The role of children's fiction in child development. The role of fiction in the development of preschool children

Own innovative teaching experience

Innovative teaching experience:

"The role of fiction

in the development of children's speech."

teacher of MBDOU "Kommunarsky kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Novikova Svetlana Mikhailovna

Speech is beautiful when it is like a stream,
Runs among the stones - clean, leisurely,
And you are ready to listen to its flow and exclaim:
“Oh, how beautiful you are!”

The problem of speech development in preschool children is complex, as it is based on data not only from psychology and pedagogy, but also from general linguistics, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics.

Results of research by psychologists, linguists, prerequisites for integrated approach to solving problems of speech development of children (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Peshkovsky).

The approach to this problem is based on the idea of ​​the patterns of speech development of preschool children, formulated in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonina, A.A. Leontyeva, F.A. Sokhina.V. general view their views on the nature of linguistic abilities and the development of speech activity can be presented as follows:

A child’s speech develops as a result of generalization of linguistic phenomena, perception of adult speech and his own speech activity;

Language and speech are considered as the core located at the center of various lines of mental development - thinking, imagination, memory, emotions;

Leading direction, and in teaching the native language - the formation of linguistic generalizations, elementary consciousness of the phenomena of language and speech;

Orienting the child to linguistic phenomena creates conditions for independent observation of language, for self-development of speech.

Language learning and speech development are considered not only in the linguistic sphere (as the child’s mastery of language skills - phonetic, grammatical, lexical), but also in the sphere of children’s communication with each other and with adults (as the mastery of communication skills), hence the formation of not only culture becomes important , but also the culture of communication.

This direction is presented in the Federal State Educational Standards preschool education in the educational field “speech development.

The art book provides excellent examples literary language. In stories, children learn laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness. From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary.

Relevance and prospects of experience

Speech development is one of the centralplaces in preschoolinstitution, this is explained by the importance of the period of preschool childhood in the child’s speech development and its formation. During these years, the child masters the sounds of his native language, learns to pronounce words and phrases clearly and grammatically correctly, and his vocabulary quickly accumulates.

Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expressiveness. When reading a book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development clearly appears, language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Mastery of linguistic and visual-expressive means serves to develop artistic perception literary works.

By promoting the development of the speech of our students through fiction, weWe solve the following problems:

Develop articulatory and vocal apparatus, speech breathing, auditory perception, speech hearing.

To form, clarify and activate vocabulary that allows preschoolers to characterize the diversity of the world around them.

Encourage the use of adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and prepositions in speech.

Crystallize children's speech, preventing numerous lexical errors, incorrect agreement of words in a sentence, enrich children's speech by mastering new grammatical forms.

Continue to improve dialogic and monologue speech: actively participate in the conversation, answer and ask questions.

Practice composing stories based on paintings, illustrations, and in the process of describing toys.

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience, the conditions for the emergence and formation of experience

The main task of speech development preschool age- this is the mastery of the norms and rules of the native language, determined for each age stage, and the development of their communicative abilities.

In studies of this direction (F.A. Sokhin, A.I. Maksakov, E.M. Strunina), it was found that the greatest activity in language acquisition is achieved if children are involved in active speech work.

I noticed that children in preschool age experience great interest and need in speech development. And, therefore, this must be supported, strengthened and developed.

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​the experience is to instill a love of reading (perception) of art tests;formation in children During the preschool period, speech development and its formation occur. During these years, the child masters the sounds of his native language, learns to pronounce words and phrases clearly and grammatically correctly, and quickly accumulates vocabulary. With the development of speech in preschoolers, the need for communication increases. The rules of communication are gradually being clarified, and children are mastering new formulas of speech etiquette. But in some situations, children refuse to use generally accepted speech forms. There may be several reasons for this. The most important thing is the lack of communication, reading and listening to fiction and, as a result, the preschooler’s poor vocabulary. The most important way to solve this problem is training speech etiquette children, especially senior preschool age, through reading fiction, since it is during this period that the foundation of moral principles is laid, moral culture, the emotional-volitional sphere of the personality develops, and the productive experience of everyday communication is formed.

Unfortunately, in our time there is a “deficit” of respectful attitude towards the interlocutor or simply towards to a stranger: It is not necessary to say hello to your neighbor; you don’t have to thank them for the service provided; you don’t have to interrupt them. Therefore, I believe that this topic is quite relevant at the moment.

Theoretical basis of experience

I began my work on this topic by studying methodological literature.

Such domestic teachers as K. D. Ushinsky, A. P. Usova, E. I. Tikheeva, E. N. Vodovozova, O. S. Ushakova dealt with issues of speech development in preschoolers. The basis modern techniques based on the research of domestic scientists D. B. Elkonin, A. V. Zaporozhets, N. S. Rozhdestvensky, Yu. K. Babansky, L. P. Fedorenko and others. At the origins of self-development and pedagogy children's creativity, word creation was the work of amazing scientists, child psychologists and teachers: A.V. Zaporozhets, N.A. Vetlugina, F.A. Sokhin, E.A. Flerina, M.M. Konina. Games and exercises for the development of speech in preschoolers were developed by O. S. Ushakova and E. M. Strunina, as well as researchers and teachers pedagogical universities, who conducted their research under the guidance of F.A. Sokhin and O.S. Ushakova (L.G. Shadrina, A.A. Smaga, A.I. Lavrentiev, G.I. Nikolaychuk, L.A. Kolunova). The authors conducted experimental studies in Moscow preschool institutions and found that children have difficulties communicating with peers.

Technology of experience. System of specific pedagogical actions, content, methods, techniques of education and training

Children with expressive speech and clear diction often perform at matinees: they read poetry and participate in mini-skits. The rest of the children remain only passive observers and listeners. There are fewer such children in the group.

To achieve the goal, I identified the following tasks:

. Develop an interest in fiction.

. Expand and activate children's vocabulary.

. Introduce the main genre features fairy tales, stories, poems.

. To improve children's artistic and speech performing skills when reading poems and dramatizations.

. Draw children's attention to visual means of expression; help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instill sensitivity to the poetic word.

. Develop creativity in children.

When building a system of work on the development of speech in preschoolers, I identified the main areas of activity:

. work with society (city children's library, city museum, municipal theater, etc.).

From the book, the child learns many new words and figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

When familiarizing yourself with fiction, the connection between speech and aesthetic development clearly appears; language is assimilated in its aesthetic function.

E.A. Flerina noted that a literary work provides ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics of the image, and definitions with which the child operates. By means of artistic expression even before school, before mastering grammatical rules Small child practically masters the grammatical norms of the language in unity with its vocabulary. Preschool children are listeners, not readers; a work of art is conveyed to them by a teacher, so their mastery of expressive reading skills is of particular importance.

When selecting books, I took into account that a literary work should have cognitive, aesthetic and moral functions. Requirements modern life, pedagogical science force you to constantly reconsider the circle children's reading, supplementing it with new works. Special attention I pay attention to the development of children’s figurative speech in the process of familiarization with various genres literature (fairy tale, short story, poem, fable) and small folklore forms.

There are certain methods of familiarizing yourself with fiction:

Reading by the teacher from a book or by heart, i.e. verbatim transmission of the text.

2. The teacher’s story, i.e. free text transmission.

3. Staging. This method can be considered as a means of secondary familiarization with works of art.

4. Learning by heart.

Reading and storytelling using visual material includes:

Reading storytelling with toys (repetition of the tale “Kolobok” is accompanied by a display of toys and actions with them);

Tabletop theater;

Puppet and shadow, flannelgraph;

Filmstrip, transparencies, TV shows.

Fiction is an important source and means of developing all aspects of children's speech. Various genres of literature and folklore works lay the foundation for the formation of love for the native language, its accuracy and expressiveness, accuracy and imagery. The development of a child’s figurative speech is carried out in unity with the development of the aspects of speech: phonemic, lexical, grammatical. Speech becomes figurative and lively if the child develops an interest in linguistic richness and develops the ability to use a wide variety of expressive means in his speech. It is very important to draw the child’s attention to the figurative language of fairy tales, stories, poetry, works of oral folk art, including small folklore forms: proverbs, riddles, nursery rhymes, songs, counting rhymes, phraseological units.

The development of all aspects of speech has a great influence on the development of independent verbal creativity, which can manifest itself in a child in a wide variety of genres - writing fairy tales, short stories, poems, nursery rhymes, riddles.

I use these all the time folklore works when dressing, feeding, washing, going to bed, during play activities and in the process of communicating with nature. Folk nursery rhymes, jokes, and chants provide excellent speech material, which I use in speech development classes and in joint activities with children. Nursery rhymes are built on many repetitions; individual words, phrases, sentences and even quatrains are repeated. Children memorize quatrains and actively use them in Everyday life

Working with children great attention I pay attention to riddles; they are an important technique in all types of activities. A riddle - a game of recognition, guessing, exposing what is hidden and hidden - is loved and interesting by the child. Guessing and inventing riddles has an impact on the diversified development of children's speech. Riddles use various means of expression (epithets, comparisons, definitions), which contributes to the formation of figurative speech of the child. Riddles enrich children's vocabulary due to the polysemy of words, help them see the secondary meaning of words, and form ideas about the figurative meaning of a word.

The child likes cheerful and funny poems; word games help children master their native language perfectly. The child’s speech is enriched with words and expressions he remembers, phonemic hearing develops, and attention to grammatical lexical norms becomes more acute. Changelings, confusions, and fables help us with this.

Fables are healthy food for a child's soul, a child's insatiable need for laughter, fun and joy. The child laughs because he knows how to speak correctly. Funny, incorrect words in poetry do not confuse the child, but serve, as K. I. Chukovsky put it, as an exam of mental strength. The child learns to understand himself and check his thoughts. Confusion teaches creativity, awakens thought and imagination.

An important place in my work is given to teaching children to understand the figurative content and general meaning of proverbs and sayings. K.D. Ushinsky called proverbs and sayings an excellent means of developing figurative speech. Proverbs and sayings are folk wisdom, a set of rules of life. They are poetic, the idea is expressed in them laconically, sharply, completely. In addition to the direct meaning, folk sayings also have a figurative meaning.

Children's most favorite genre in fiction is the fairy tale.

Forms of work: reading, discussion, learning.

In addition to them, I use such forms of organizing and conducting classes as: conversations, travel through fairy tales, observations, excursions to the library, exhibitions of drawings, competitions, entertainment, theatrical games.

Methods used in the work: visual, verbal, practical.

Such techniques allow you to remember good books, awaken thought, develop the creative imagination of children.

Working methodswith a fairy tale include 3 main areas:

1. Familiarize children with the fairy tale, with its genre features, linguistic and expressive means.
2. Mastering special means of literary and speech activity.
3. Development of imagination, fantasy, word creation with the help of fairy tales and the creation of your own fairy tales.

We introduce children 4-5 years old to the compositional features of a fairy tale, distinguishing it from a story or poem; with figurative words and expressions in a fairy tale. I use the most interesting techniques in my work when introducing a fairy tale:

surprise moments (arrival of toy guests, fairy-tale heroes);
riddles about the main characters;
looking at illustrations in a fairy tale;
viewing a thematic exhibition;
I show book covers, read fairy tale titles to children;
we analyze proverbs and their connection with the idea of ​​a fairy tale;
I invite the children to name their favorite fairy tales or remember fairy tales where the hero is the same character.
Nothing develops speech better than theatrical activity children, It affects the degree of language acquisition and the expressiveness of children's speech. In my practice I try to widely use: puppet shows and theatrical performances for children, to conduct literary leisure and fairy tale evenings. Fiction provides rich material for artistic and speech activity.

Thus, by introducing children to fiction, we develop children’s speech culture. I consider the main result to be the ability to speak grammatically correct, accurately and expressively.

When organizing work on the development of speech in preschoolers, I identified the main areas of activity:

. creation of a speech development environment;

. work with children; working with parents;

. Creation of a subject-development environment.

In the group, she created a subject-development environment in the form of a book corner, which included albums with images of domestic and foreign writers, the theater corner has been updated different types theaters, for dramatization and improvement of speech and performing skills in children. Selected and systematized didactic games, enriching and activating vocabulary: “Travel”, “Rhyme”, “Who hid and where”, improving sound culture speech (“Sound domino”, “Find the sound”, “Who is screaming like that?”, “Listening to the sounds of the street”, developing coherent speech, memory, thinking, imagination in preschoolers (“Imagine”, “Say which one:”, “Shirt”) - topsy-turvy”, “Talking about polysemantic words”, “The Wizard”, “Circus”, “Animals and their babies”, “Poets”, etc.).

She created a collection of expressive means of language “The Box of Wisdom” (riddles, proverbs, sayings, idioms, Tongue Twisters).

Designed visual and didactic aids “Stories from pictures”, “Portraits of children’s writers”, “ Ambiguous words”, Verbs, etc.

I designed a folder with illustrations for fairy tales.

. Work with children.

To work with children this direction developed a long-term plan for cognitive development using fiction. Every day we read books with our children not only according to the program, but also new books, books by modern authors, and educational literature. When selecting books, I take into account the interests of children and comprehensive thematic planning.

In our group we have a “Book Hospital”, in which children are “treated” by books.

. Working with parents.

Before organizing work with parents, I conducted a survey, which showed that 43% of parents do not read books to their children very often, despite the fact that the children listen with pleasure. Parents read mostly fairy tales (50%), poetry (36%), classic children's literature (7%), encyclopedias (7%), and after reading, they do not discuss the content with their children. Therefore, I concluded that parents need to:

To introduce the importance of fiction in the development of a preschooler;

Learn how to choose the right literature;

I prepared and conducted consultations with parents:

1. The role of books in the development of a child.

2. A book in your home.

3. How to make reading fun.

4. Learning poetry - developing memory.

Folders - moving:

1Education of the future reader.

2. “10 rules for parents”

3. "Book"

4. Poems for Book Day.

5. Proverbs and riddles about books.

For parents we hold exhibitions of books on certain topics (“My favorite fairy tale”, “Books about animals”, “What to read about nature”, etc.) Every month we place in the parent’s corner a list of literature recommended by the program for reading for a given month, text poems to learn by heart.

Traditionally, the group conducts family readings together with parents, where parents tell their favorite fairy tales from childhood and discuss the works they have read.

Thus, interaction with parents influenced the increase in children’s knowledge, skills and abilities in this area, in the process of becoming familiar with fiction.

. Relationship with teachers.

For kindergarten teachers, I prepared and conducted consultations based on the experience “The Role of Didactic Games and game exercises in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech”, “Formation of coherent speech in the process of teaching storytelling in the middle group”.

Analysis of the effectiveness of the experience

The main result of the work done is that children love books, listen carefully, look at them, exchange their impressions, actively use expressive means of language in speech, and fantasize. Fiction contributes to the development of feelings, speech, intelligence, determines positive attitude to the world.

Increasing children's interest in books and fiction.

Development cognitive interests children.

Children's desire to use a book as an information reference, a model of behavior and speech.

Children’s ability to ask questions about the text they read and retell it.

Children's caring attitude towards books. Improving the reading culture in the families of pupils. All subsequent acquaintance with the huge literary heritage the child will rely on the foundation that we lay in preschool childhood.

Thus, the system of work on the development of children’s speech through exposure to fiction is purposeful and has an individually differentiated character.

Targeted experience

The presented innovative pedagogical work experience arouses interest among teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Work experience presentedunified implementation work system project activities into the educational process:mini-projects, notes directly educational activities with the inclusion of game elements, entertainment, holidays; consultations for parents, children's drawings, data from internal monitoring of the development of preschoolers.

Teachers of preschool educational institutions can use their work experience in practice.Developments and presentations of events and notes are posted on MAAM’s personal mini-site. ru.

Used Books

Ismagilova A.G. Style of pedagogical communication of a kindergarten teacher / A.G. Ismagilova. - M.: Knowledge, 2009. - 96 p.

Gvozdev N. A Questions of studying children's speech / N.A. Gvozdev. - St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2007. - 472 p.

Loginova V.I., Maksakov A.I., M.I. Popova and others; Speech development in preschool children: A manual for kindergarten teachers. Edited by Sokhin F.A. - M., Education, 1984 - 223 p.

Zaporozhets A.V. Psychology of fairy tale perception by a preschool child. // Psychology of preschoolers. Reader / Comp. G.A. Uruntaeva - M.: ed. "Pedagogy", 1998. - 138 p.

Pavlova, L.D. Early childhood: development of speech and thinking / L.D. Pavlova. - M.: Education, 2000. - 208 p.

Pavlova L.N. Folklore for little ones.// Preschool education No. 10, 1990

Speech development in children up to three years/ Ed. I.V. Dubrovina, A.G. Ruzskoy - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 208 p.

Pechora, K.L., Pantyukhina, G.V. Children early age in preschool institutions / K.L. Pechora, G.V. Pantyukhin. - M.: Vlados, 2007. - 176 p.

Smirnova L.N. Speech development in children 2-3 years old. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006

Ushakova O.S., Gavrish N.V. Introducing preschoolers to fiction. - - M.: Sphere shopping center. 2009. - 176s

Ushinsky K.D. Native word - Novosibirsk, 1994.-128 p.

Flerina E.A. Living word in preschool institutions. M.-1993-91s.

I. Lykova. Visual activities in kindergarten. First junior group. Federal State Educational Standard DO. Publishing house Tsvetnoy mir 2014 - 144 pages

Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. First junior group. Federal State Educational Standard. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014

15 Gerbova V.V. Development of speech in different ways age group kindergarten. Junior mixed age group; Mosaic-Synthesis - Moscow, 2009. - 128 p.

Gurovich L.M. Child and book: A book for a kindergarten teacher. Edited by Loginova V.I. - M., Education, 1992 - 64 p.

Yulia Gladkikh
The role of fiction in the formation of personality and speech development baby

Fiction serves the powerful, an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education children, it has a huge influence on development and enrichment of the child’s speech.

In poetic images fiction opens and explains to kid the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It enriches emotions, cultivates imagination and gives to kid wonderful examples of Russian literary language. These samples different in my own way influence: in stories, children learn conciseness and precision of words; the poems capture the musicality, melodiousness, and rhythm of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, show how rich their native speech is in humor, lively and figurative expressions, and comparisons.

"Kindergarten Education Program" sets the task of instilling in children a love for artistic expression , respect for the book, determines that range of works fiction that children need to read, tell, and memorize.

Repertoire literary works given in "Program" for all age groups, is mandatory for every teacher, and it is also mandatory to complete all tasks that are set in connection with familiarizing children with fiction.

Preschool children are listeners, not readers, artistic The work is conveyed to them by the teacher, so their mastery of expressive reading skills takes on special importance.

In front of the teacher stands difficult task- each artistic convey the work to children as a work of art, reveal its intent, infect listeners with an emotional attitude towards literary characters , their feelings, actions or to the author’s lyrical experiences, i.e., intonationally convey your attitude towards the characters and acting persons. And for this, it is necessary for the teacher himself, before introducing children to the work, to understand and feel it, to be able to analyze it from the point of view of content and artistic form. And, of course, the teacher must master the technique of reading and storytelling - clear diction, means of intonation expressiveness (correctly place logical stresses, pauses, control the tempo, being able to speed up or slow it down, in the right places raise or lower your voice).

Only subject to expressive communication to literary child works of each genre can speak of its correct perception.

Ability to perceive literary work, realize along with the content and elements artistic expressiveness goes without saying the child does not come: we need it develop and educate from a very early age to form the ability to actively listen to a work, to listen attentively to artistic speech .

Of course, this is a very difficult task - to convey to child and cognitive, both moral and aesthetic essence literary work, but it is necessary. When analyzing a text, it is very important to maintain a sense of proportion, avoiding straightforward moralizing, naked edification, and correctly combining questions on the content with questions about artistic form of the work.

During the lessons, children learn the works recommended by the program. The teacher uses a variety of methodological tools to deepen the initial perception of the works and help children better understand the author's intention. But the recommended list artistic works for each age group is only the minimum that must be mastered during the year. At the same time, it is not always envisaged that children will meet again in classes with the same literary work. Meanwhile, preschool children have an important feature - a constant need for repeated perception of the same poems, stories, and fairy tales.

Reading and storytelling of books is organized at all moments of the life of children in kindergarten; it is associated with games and walks, with everyday activities and work.

The teacher uses nursery rhymes, songs, and short poems in connection with life circumstances. While dressing for a walk, it may be appropriate to read a poem by E. Blaginina “I’ll teach my brother how to put on shoes”(“I know how to put on shoes, if I just want to, I’ll teach my little brother how to put on shoes. Here they are, boots: this one is from the left leg, this one is from the right leg”). Calming baby, the teacher touches his fingers and sentences nursery rhyme: “Finger-boy, where have you been? “I went to the forest with this brother, and cooked cabbage soup with this brother.”

While washing, the teacher reads poetry: “Water, water, wash my (Vitino, Vovino) a face, so that the eyes shine, so that the cheeks blush, so that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites.” It’s good if folk songs, jokes and jokes are heard constantly and teach child's mind, amuse, create a mood. The teacher needs to know many short poems, proverbs, and inversions, so that at any appropriate time he can address them to the children.

In order to developing children's interest in fiction and education careful attitude A corner of the book is created in each group for the book. It's calm, comfortable, aesthetically pleasing decorated place, where children have the opportunity to communicate with a book in an intimate setting, look at illustrations, magazines, and albums.

Requires periodic material changes (literature, paintings, portraits) and connection with educational work in the group. For example, in a book corner you can prepare children for a conversation about Moscow: look at illustrations, photographs, make an album.

In younger groups, a book corner is not immediately organized, since children do not have the skill to use a book, and often they use it as a toy.

Many books for children are designed for leisurely, extended reading. Reading "to be continued" develops in a child habit of listening to a book, forms sustained interest in fiction. It is even more attractive for child and he needs what day is it preschool institution scheduled by the minute. While reading, you should create an environment close to home, in no way reminiscent of classroom activities.

Free hours are a great time to read poetry. It is not always possible to memorize a poem, and even learn to read it expressively within one lesson. In class, as a rule, the first meeting with a poetic work takes place, where the teacher helps to kid penetrate into his mood, see the pictures painted by the poet, enjoy the music of the poetic word. Children repeat lines of poetry with pleasure and try to remember them, but real memorization comes later, because the assimilation of the text by memory and consciousness, as psychologists testify, is delayed from the moment of memorization. IN free time The teacher consolidates the poems learned in class in the children’s memory and works on reading them expressively.

Free time from classes is rich in opportunities for organizing a variety of artistic activity : dramatizations of children's favorite books; dramatization games, creative role playing games on literary themes ; viewings of puppet and shadow theater, filmstrips; literary matinees and entertainment. Actively participating in performances, literary games , matinees and entertainment, children often rediscover literary works, learn more deeply literary text. Participation child in art activity often becomes the impetus for his interest and love for the book. After all, any staging, any literary matinee - the fruit of a long acquaintance with the book: reading and learning a work, acting out a plot, dramatizing roles, drawing invitation cards, making scenery, registration hall and much more. The main thing is to involve all children in active preparation for the future performance.

In each age group there is an area for literary and artistic activities and area for theatrical games. The most significant categories of equipment are various screens and doll sets, theatrical costumes, stage area for tabletop theatre, board-printed games, portable diascopes and filmoscopes for older children.

Various types of work with the book, which the teacher organizes in his free time from classes, play a special role role in the formation preschooler as a future reader. This is primarily due to the fact that the atmosphere of freedom and ease makes baby more relaxed in creative manifestations, allows him to more fully realize his individual literary interests and inclinations. It is also significant that child during these hours he takes an active reading position, he performs in a variety of roles - both as a listener of the book, and as a reader-performer, and as an actor, and as artist, and as a guesser literary mysteries, and so on.


Alekseeva, M. M. Methodology development speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers [Text]: textbook. manual for students of higher and secondary pedagogical education. textbook establishments /M. M. Alekseeva, V. I. Yashina. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 400 p.

Gurovich, D. M. Child and book [Text]: a book for kindergarten teachers / D. M. Gurovich, L. B. Beregovaya, V. I. Loginova. - M.: Education, 1992. – 64 p.

Ushakova, O. S. Development speeches when getting acquainted with fiction [Text] / About. S. Ushakova // Development speech of preschool children age: a manual for kindergarten teachers / ed. F. A. Sokhina. – M., 1984. – P. 144-161.

4. Describe the methods of teaching coherent speech and their use depending on the age and level of speech skills of children.

5. Show an approximate sequence of work on teaching descriptive and narrative speech using the example of one type of storytelling (of the student’s choice).

Chapter VIII. Methods of working with fiction in kindergarten

§ 1. The role of children's fiction in the formation of a child's personality and speech development

Children's books are considered as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental basis of education. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, “reading books is the path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds the way to a child’s heart.” Fiction shapes moral feelings and assessments, norms moral behavior, cultivates aesthetic perception.

Works of literature contribute to the development of speech and provide examples of the Russian literary language. E. A. Flerina noted that a literary work provides ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics of the image, definitions with which the child operates. By means of artistic expression, even before school, before mastering grammatical rules, a small child practically masters the grammatical norms of the language in unity with its vocabulary.

N. S. Karpinskaya also believed that a fiction book provides excellent examples of literary language. In stories, children learn laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness.

From the book, the child learns many new words and figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

When familiarizing yourself with the book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development clearly appears; language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Mastery of linguistic figurative and expressive means serves to develop the artistic perception of literary works.

1. Peculiarities of children’s perception and understanding of literary works of different genres 3
2. Objectives and content of introducing children to fiction 4
3. Principles for selecting literary works 7
4. Methods of familiarization with fiction 8
Conduct comparative analysis speech development programs for preschool children in the section “Acquaintance with fiction” 11
References 15

2. Peculiarities of children’s perception and understanding of literary works of different genres

The impact of fiction on the mental and aesthetic development child. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of a preschooler.
The importance of introducing children to the beauty of their native word and developing a culture of speech was pointed out by teachers, psychologists, and linguists (K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheyeva, E.A. Flerina, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Leontiev, F.A. Sokhin, A.M. Aidarova, etc.
Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language.
Its educational, educational and aesthetic value, since, expanding the child’s knowledge about the world around him, it influences the baby’s personality and develops the ability to subtly sense the form and rhythm of the native language.
The problem of perception of literary works of different genres by preschool children is complex and multifaceted. The child goes through a long journey from naive participation in the events depicted to more complex forms of aesthetic perception. Researchers paid attention to characteristics preschoolers’ understanding of the content and artistic form of literary works. This is, first of all, concreteness of thinking, a small life experience, direct relation to reality. Therefore, it is emphasized that only at a certain stage of development and only as a result of purposeful perception is it possible to form aesthetic perception, and on this basis - the development of children's artistic creativity.
Based on the analysis of a literary work in the unity of its content and artistic form, as well as in the active development of means artistic expression children master the ability to convey certain content in figurative words.

2. Objectives and content of introducing children to fiction

The most important sources for the development of expressiveness of children's speech are works of fiction and oral folk art, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, phraseological units).
The educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance of folklore is enormous, since it, expanding knowledge about surrounding reality, develops the ability to feel subtly art form, melody and rhythm of the native language.
The artistic system of Russian folklore is unique. The genre forms of works are extremely diverse - epics, fairy tales, legends, songs, traditions, as well as small forms - ditties, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings, the language of which is simple, precise, expressive.
The formation of figurative speech should be carried out in unity with the development of other qualities of a coherent utterance, based on ideas about compositional features fairy tales, short stories, fables, poems, a sufficient supply of figurative vocabulary and an understanding of the appropriateness of its use in relevant essays.
IN younger group Familiarization with fiction is carried out with the help of literary works of different genres. At this age, it is necessary to teach children to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, and also to follow the development of action in a fairy tale and sympathize with the positive characters.

Natalya Gukaichenko
The role of fiction in children's development

Fiction serves the powerful, an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education children, it has a huge impact on development and enrichment of children's speech.

In poetic images fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It makes emotions more intense, fosters imagination and gives preschoolers excellent examples of Russian literary language. These samples are different in their influence: in stories, children learn the conciseness and precision of words, in poetry they capture the musicality, melodiousness, and imagery of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the Russian word, show how rich their native speech is in humor, lively and figurative expressions, and comparisons. Preschool children are listeners, not readers. Before us stands important task- each work must be conveyed to children like a work of art, to reveal its intention, to infect the listener with an emotional attitude towards read: feelings, actions, lyrical experiences of the characters.

Defining objectives is essential literary education in kindergarten. Slide No. 3

The ability to perceive correctly literary work, realize along with the content and elements artistic expressiveness does not come to the child on its own yourself: we need it develop and educate from a very early age. In this regard, it is very important to form children the ability to actively listen to a work, to listen attentively to artistic speech. Thanks to these skills, the child will develop his own bright, imaginative, colorful, grammatically correct speech.

In our work, we pay great attention to the issue of the influence of children's literature for children's development, including speech. The relevance of this topic to modern stage due to the need to study works fiction. Correctly delivered speech is one of the keys to a person’s success in modern world. Competent, emotionally rich speech will allow you to quickly and easily find mutual language with any people, organically fit into any team.

In our age of new information technologies the role of the book has changed. Already at preschool age, children prefer other sources to books information: television, video production, computer. Therefore our role as teachers is to interest preschoolers, to arouse their interest in literary works , instill love for artistic expression, respect for the book. The book gives you the opportunity to speculate "to fantasize". She teaches us to think about new information. Develops creativity, creativity, ability to think independently.

Velika the role of fiction in child development, without which successful schooling is impossible.

Each of us has heard that loving to read is good and not loving is bad. And I just heard that the book is a source of knowledge. And about the fact that children who love a book are much better develop and succeed in school, everybody knows. But, unfortunately, parents complain that their child does not like books, that children prefer to receive information from any sources, just not from books... as a result, the formation of text is disrupted thinking: i.e. the ability to read, analyze, interpret, memorize texts, and also create new ones. Therefore, every adult should clearly understand that today children, as never before, we need to learn to be readers. They cannot do this on their own.

Your work on inclusion children to fiction started by writing long-term plan SLIDE No. 4, No. 5; selection literature, illustrative material.

One of the ways to implement our work on this topic was the project “Dad, Mom, I am a reading family”.After all, it is of particular importance for the reading fate of a child family reading.

A successful find in working with parents is the project method. Today it is becoming more and more widely used in the pedagogical practice of our institution. The project method is teaching and raising a child through activities, and when working with families, through joint activities children and parents.

One of the features of the various activities carried out is that children are engaged together with their parents. This allows:

Parents gain a deeper understanding of their child.

Bringing the family together through reading works of art .

News individual work with every child and his family.

For the successful implementation of the project, there are certain tasks that need to be solved not only in the family, but also in kindergarten Slides No. 6, No. 7

The project offers a variety of forms, methods and techniques for working with children and parents.

Conducted a survey of parents "Reading at home", conversation with parents and children. Conducted Parent meeting “How to organize family reading”. (SLIDE No. 8) The interviews indicated an alarming fact: only a third of families practice family reading. All further work was aimed at enriching knowledge children, bringing parents, teachers and children. This was facilitated by collective forms work: photo exhibition “I grow with the book”, making homemade books, exhibition of drawings "From the pages of a book I've read", SLIDES No. 9, No. 10 introduced the tradition of the group "Book Tree". Parents attach leaflets to it about the works they read at home. We have prepared consultations for parents. SLIDE No. 11

"Reading fiction» closely related to all educational areas. A series of open classes. SLIDE No. 12, No. 13, No. 14

Artistic We use the word in all routine moments.

A special place in working with children is occupied by the use of didactic material- mnemonic table. SLIDE No. 15 Mnemonics techniques make it easier to memorize children and increase memory capacity by forming additional associations. K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.” Because visual material preschoolers learn it better; the use of mnemonic tables allows children to more effectively perceive and process visual information, save and reproduce it.

The project offers a variety of forms, methods and techniques for working with children. We read books, play s/r. didactic games, travel through fairy tales, look at portraits of children's writers and get acquainted with their biographies.

Children are offered a wide range games: SLIDE No. 16, No. 17 No. 18 No. 19, No. 20

Performed a dramatization of a fairy tale "Teremok" in front of parents and kids, prepared and showed musical fairy tale "Magic Flower".

Are used different kinds theaters SLIDE No. 21

In addition, children display their impressions of the books they read in productive ways. activities: modeling, drawing, appliqué. SLIDE No. 22

Informed selection necessary techniques, methods, games, largely decides the matter. Thanks to this selection, the closest communication between the teacher, parent and child occurs, whom adults encourage to perform speech acts, and also increase interest in fiction. Practice reading before bed and long reading, i.e., we read a large work over the course of several days. This allows you to secure children Sustained interest in the work makes it possible to remember what you read earlier.

The project is implemented in the game form: with switch on children in various types of creative and practically significant activities, in direct contact with objects of the surrounding society (library). We went on an excursion to the library. Children become more inquisitive, their interest in books and works of various genres increases. Many children signed up for the village library. Children ask more to be read to. SLIDE No. 23 They themselves invite parents to the library.

Prepared and introduced children with that how the first books appeared. SLIDE No. 24

Joint events are held with school: participation of 1st grade students in a theatrical festival “Moidodyr and everything, everything, everything”, took part in the quiz "On the roads of fairy tales", which took place at school and took first place. SLIDE No. 25

Parents provide great assistance in implementing the project. They take part in matinees, entertainment dressing up as heroes various works; in productions puppet theater. SLIDE No. 26, No. 27, No. 28, No. 29

And most importantly - children there is a need to read a book and this means that all the work that we do will not be in vain.

I would like to end my speech with the words Sukhomlinsky: “Reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds the way to a child’s heart. If a child has not been instilled with a love for books since childhood, if reading has not become a spiritual need for the rest of his life, during his adolescence the teenager’s soul will be empty, and bad things will creep out into the light of day, as if from nowhere.”

I would like to wish all teachers to find this path and make it mutually interesting and meaningful both for themselves and for their students.

Publications on the topic:

"The role of fine motor skills of the hands in the development of speech in preschool children." Report for a seminar on speech development of preschool children"Role fine motor skills hands in the development of speech of preschool children"The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: "Sources of abilities.

MBDOU " Kindergarten general developmental type with priority implementation of social activities personal development» «Unconventional.

“The role of physical activity in the physical development and health of children” Bazanova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, teacher of the First Qualification.