Entertainment in the preparatory group "Quiz on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky." Literary quiz game based on the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

All-Russian conference “Organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education”

GOAL: To cultivate in children an interest in the works of K. Chukovsky, a desire to learn new fairy tales; a friendly attitude towards each other, a sense of empathy, a desire to help others; to cultivate faith in goodness, friendship and love, in triumph over evil.

MATERIAL: portrait of K.I. Chukovsky, children's drawings based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky, his books, illustrations for works, box with lost things, cut-out pictures (towel, faucet, washcloth, jug, soap), “The Magic Book of Fairy Tales”, audio recordings: “The bears were riding a bicycle” from the fairy tale “The Cockroach” by music. I. Tsvetkov, words by K. I. Chukovsky,

PRELIMINARY WORK: reading fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Fly-Tsokotukha”, “Fedorino’s grief”, “Confusion”; productive activity: drawing on the theme: “Heroes of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales”, modeling on the theme: “Fedorina’s dishes”, applique on the theme: “The multi-colored dress of Mukha-Tsokotukha.”

Progress of the lesson

To the audio recording “The bears were riding a bicycle” from the fairy tale “The Cockroach” by muses. I. Tsvetkova, words by K.I. Chukovsky, children enter the elegantly decorated hall and sit on chairs.

HOST: Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house lived for many years a tall, gray-haired man, whom all the children in the country knew. Scientist, writer, translator, literary critic, K. Chukovsky wrote many poems and fairy tales for children.

Chukovsky is a pseudonym. Real name writer Korneychukov Nikolai Vasilievich Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And it turned out like this.

His little son fell ill. Korney Ivanovich carried him on the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a crocodile, he walked the streets.” The boy suddenly became quiet and began to listen. The next morning, when he woke up, he asked his father to tell him yesterday’s tale. It turned out that he remembered it all, word for word.

I suggest you go to a magical fairyland where they live good fairy tales Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Do you agree? (Children's answers).

HOST: Close your eyes. We will go to a fairyland.

Grandfather Korney is visiting
All children are invited.
But he is especially happy
Invite these guys.
Who can listen to fairy tales?
Or likes to read them.

Just like at our gate, a miracle tree grows, not flowers, not leaves on it, but fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky (the tree is decorated with fairy tales).

HOST: Guys, look how many fairy tales have grown on the tree. Do you know all the fairy tales of Grandfather Korney? We'll check it now.

HOST: Books are requested:

And now
You, friends, get to know us.
Think together guys
We need to remember these fairy tales!

1 . The bears were riding a bicycle.
And behind them is a cat backwards.
And behind him there are mosquitoes balloon.
And behind them are crayfish on a lame dog.
Wolves on a mare. Lions in a car.
Bunnies on a tram.
Toad on a broom...
They drive and laugh, chew gingerbread.
Suddenly a terrible giant came out of the gateway,
Red-haired and mustachioed Ta-ra-kan! ("Cockroach")

2. Suddenly from my mother's bedroom
Bow-legged and lame
The washbasin runs out
And shakes his head. (“Moidodyr”)

3. A fly walked across the field,
The fly found the money.
A fly went to the market
And I bought a samovar. ("Fly Tsokotukha")

4. Suddenly a jackal came from somewhere
He rode on a mare:
Here's a telegram for you
From a hippopotamus!:
"Come doctor
To Africa soon
And save the doctor
Our kids" (“Doctor Aibolit”)

5. The cockroaches came running
All glasses were drunk.
And the insects are three cups each,
With milk and pretzel. ("Fly Tsokotukha")

6. And the foxes took the matches,
Let's go to the blue sea,
The blue sea has been lit.
The sea is on fire,
A whale ran out of the sea... (“Confusion”)

7. And in the Big River
The crocodile lies
And it’s not fire that burns in his teeth, -
The sun is red
The sun is stolen. ("Stolen Sun")

8. And behind them along the fence
Fedora's grandmother gallops:
"Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!
Come home!”

But the trough answered:
“I’m angry with Fedora!”
And the poker said:
“I am not Fedora’s servant!” (“Fedorino’s grief”)

9. My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant.
- Where?
- From a camel. ("Telephone")

10. Small children!
No way
Don't go to Africa
Go for a walk in Africa!

Sharks in Africa
Gorillas in Africa
Large in Africa
Evil crocodiles.

They will bite you
To beat and offend, -
Don't go, children,
To Africa for a walk. ("Barmaley")

Presenter: Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales. Why do you guys like these fairy tales?

Children's answers: Because they are kind, funny, interesting, instructive.

Presenter: What do fairy tales teach us?

Children: Be kind, neat, polite.

A GAME Competition.

On the table there are objects from different fairy tales K.I. Chukovsky. Children are divided into 4 teams. Each team must select those things that only fit their fairy tale.

1st team - fairy tale “Moidodyr” (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, comb).

2nd team - fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief” (plate, saucer, pan, spoon, fork).

HOST: Wherever Chukovsky was: on the tram, in line, at the doctor’s, he did not waste time, but composed riddles for children. Listen and guess.

I had a cart
But there was no horse
And suddenly she neighed
She neighed and ran.
Look, she ran
A cart without a horse. (Car)

It was a cheerful house, a wonderful house.
And something knocked inside him.
And he crashed, and from there
A miracle jumped out alive.
So warm, so
Fluffy and golden. (Chick)

A steam locomotive without wheels,
What a miracle locomotive!
Has he gone crazy?
Did you go straight across the sea? (Steamboat)

I'm lying under your feet,
Trample me with your boots
And in the morning take me to the yard
And hit me, hit me.
So the kids can roll on me
Flounder and somersault on me. (Carpet)

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk.

Host: Chukovsky has a poem about hedgehogs.

Poem "Hedgehogs Laugh"

By the groove
Two boogers
They sell pins to hedgehogs.
You can't help but laugh!
Everyone can't stop:
“Oh, you stupid boogers!
We don't need pins:
We ourselves are stuck with pins.”

Game "Collect needles for hedgehogs."

Equipment: Two drawings of a hedgehog, 2 markers.

Progress of the game: Teams need to draw needles for the hedgehog. Whose team will complete the task faster?

Presenter: Now children senior group They will tell us an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Fly Tsokotukha.”

Presenter: Guys, what characters do these fairy-tale names belong to?

A game "Who is who".

  • Aibolit - (doctor)
  • Barmaley - (robber)
  • Fedora - (grandmother)
  • Karakula - (shark)
  • Moydodyr - (washbasin)
  • Totoshka, Kokoshka - (crocodiles)
  • Tsokotuha - (fly)
  • Red-haired, mustachioed giant - (cockroach)

A GAME "Black box".

In the box is the favorite treat of crocodiles from the fairy tale “Telephone”.

- What is this? (Galosh)
In the box is what the crocodile swallowed in the fairy tale “Moidodyr”.
- What is this? (Washcloth)
In the box is what the butterfly was treated to in the fairy tale “The Cluttering Fly.”
- What is this? (Jam)
In the box is what the doctor used to treat hippos in the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit.”
- What is this? (Chocolate)
In the box is what the mosquitoes rode in the fairy tale “The Cockroach.”
- What is this? (Ball)

  1. Teacher's opening speech.
  2. Itour- “Remember the fairy tale.”
  3. IItour - « Who is who".
  4. IIItour."Competition of experts."
  5. Questions for fans.
  6. IVtour."Basket of lost things."
  7. Vtour."Guess a riddle"
  8. VItour."Decipher the names fairy-tale heroes».
  9. Playing with the audience.
  10. Theatricalization of fairy tales.
  11. Summing up and awarding the winners.

Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house lived for many years a tall, gray-haired man, whom all the children in the country knew. It was he who came up with many fairy-tale heroes: Mukha-Tsokotukha, Barmaleya, Moidodyra. This guy's name was wonderful person Korney Chukovsky. April 1, 2007, if he were alive, he would be 125 years old.

Korney Chukovsky is literary pseudonym writer. His real name is Nikolai Vasilievich Korneychukov.

He got up very early, as soon as the sun rose, and immediately got to work. In spring and summer I dug in the garden or in the flower garden in front of the house, in winter I cleared the paths from the snow that had fallen overnight. After working for several hours, he went for a walk. He walked surprisingly easily and quickly, sometimes he even started racing with the kids he met while walking. It was to these kids that he dedicated his book “From Two to Five.”

Scientist, writer, translator, literary critic, K. Chukovsky wrote many poems and fairy tales for children.

WITH early years his poems bring joy to all of us. Not only you, but also your parents and grandparents could not imagine their childhood without the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky!

Today we will take you on an unusual journey, we will meet the heroes of Korney Chukovsky’s fairy tales.

I round "Remember the fairy tale."

Remember what words the line ends with and name the fairy tale .

Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor... ( Aibolit)

Suddenly from the gateway -
Scary giant
Red-haired and mustachioed... ( cockroach)

I am the Great Laver
Famous... ( Moidodyr)
Umyvalnikov chief
And the commander of the washcloths.

The pigs meowed - meow - meow,
Kitties... ( grunted, oink-oink)

There's a robber in Africa
There's a villain in Africa
In Africa it’s terrible... ( Barmaley)

People are having fun -
The fly is getting married
For the dashing, daring
Young... ( mosquito)
"Fly Tsokotukha"

The sun was walking across the sky
And it ran behind a cloud.
The bunny looked out the window,
It’s become a little bunny... ( dark).
"Stolen Sun"

No no! Nightingale
Doesn't sing for pigs
Better call... ( crow)

And the dishes come and go
It walks through fields and swamps.
And the kettle said to the iron
- I have more to go... ( I can not).
"Fedorino grief"

Only suddenly, from behind a bush
Because of the blue forest,
From distant fields
Arrives... ( sparrow)

And behind him are the people
And he sings and shouts:
- What a freak, what a freak!
What a nose, what a mouth!
And where does this come from... ( monster).

And I don't need
No marmalade, no chocolate
But only the little ones
Well, very small... ( children)

2nd round "Who is who".

Which characters do these fairy-tale names belong to?

Aibolit - ( doctor)
Barmaley - ( robber)
Fedora - ( grandmother)
Karakula - ( shark)
Moidodyr - ( wash basin)
Totoshka, Kokoshka - ( crocodiles)
Tsokotuha - ( fly)
Barabek - ( glutton)
Red-haired, mustachioed giant - ( cockroach)

III round. "Competition of experts."

Solve the crossword puzzle based on the works of K. Chukovsky and find out the name of the writer’s first fairy tale.


  1. The name of the shark in Chukovsky's fairy tales.
  2. A monster from a fairy tale that devours baby animals.
  3. The name of the fly is the birthday girl.
  4. The name of one of the crocodiles who met the dirty one.
  5. The head of the wash basins and the commander of the washcloths.
  6. Who returned the stolen sun?
  7. What word did Aibolit repeat on his way to Africa?
  8. The title of a poem in which animals dragged a hippopotamus from a swamp.


  1. Chukovsky's first fairy tale.

Questions for fans. (while the teams are filling out the crossword puzzle).


  1. In what work did the dishes re-educate their owner? ( "Fedorino grief")
  2. Name the fairy tale in which it happens terrible crime- attempted murder? ( "Fly Tsokotukha").
  3. Which hero was a terrible villain, and then reformed? ( "Barmaley")
  4. What was the name of the boy who defeated the Crocodile? ( Vanya Vasilchikov)
  5. In which fairy tale is the sparrow glorified? ( "Cockroach")
  6. Name a fairy tale main idea which can be expressed in the words: “Cleanliness is the key to health!” ( "Moidodyr", "Fedorino's grief")
  7. What did the animals ask for in the poem - fairy tale “Telephone”: ( Elephant - chocolate, Gazelles - carousels, Monkeys - books, Crocodile - galoshes)
  8. On whom did Aibolit and his friends travel to Africa? ( Wolves, whale, eagles)
  9. What “horned beast” were the tailors afraid of in the poem “The Brave Men”? ( snail)
  10. In which fairy tales is the crocodile the hero? ( “Confusion”, “Cockroach”, “Moidodyr”, “Telephone”, “Barmaley”, “Stolen Sun”, “Crocodile”)

Crossword check.

IV round. "Basket of lost things."

I have different things in my basket (bag). Someone lost them. Help find their owner, remember the fairy tale and the lines that talk about this item.

  • Telephone ( My phone rang)
  • Balloon ( Bears rode a bicycle...followed by mosquitoes in a balloon)
  • Soap ( So the soap jumped)
  • Saucer ( And behind them are saucers)
  • Galosh ( Send me a dozen new galoshes)
  • Thermometer ( And sets them a thermometer)
  • Sieve ( The sieve jumps across the fields)
  • Gloves ( And then the bunnies called: “Can you send some gloves?”)
  • Coin ( A fly walked across the field, the fly found some money)
  • Chocolate ( And he gives everyone a chocolate bar in order.)
  • Collar ( The crocodile looked back and swallowed Barbosa, swallowed him along with the collar)
  • Washcloth ( And the washcloth was like a jackdaw, like it swallowed a jackdaw)

V round "Guess a riddle"

(Appeal to the portrait)
- Tall, long arms with large hands, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, an unruly strand of hair hanging on the forehead, laughing eyes and an amazing easy gait. This is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

He was distinguished by great hard work. " “Always,” he wrote, “no matter where I was: on the tram, in the line for bread, in the dentist’s waiting room, “to avoid wasting time, I composed riddles for children.”

Guess the riddles of K. Chukovsky. ( children make a wish)

Wonderful home.
Was White House,
Wonderful house
And something knocked inside him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so fluffy and golden.
(Egg and chicken)

Wonderful cave.
Red doors in my cave,
White animals sit at the door.
Both meat and bread - all my spoils -
I gladly give it to white animals!
(Mouth and teeth)

Oh, don't touch me:
I'll burn you without fire!
They carry me along the water.

A wonderful locomotive.
A steam locomotive without wheels!
What a miracle - a steam locomotive!
Has he gone crazy?
He went straight across the sea!

The sage saw a sage in him,
Fool - fool, ram - ram,
The sheep saw him as a sheep,
And a monkey - a monkey.
But they brought him to him
Fedya Baratova,
And Fedya saw the shaggy slob.

Wonderful horses.
I have two horses, two horses,
And the water is hard
Like stone!
(Skates and ice)

Toothy mystery.
I'm not wandering through forests,
And by the mustache, by the hair ,
And my teeth are longer,
Than wolves and bears.

Round VI: “Decipher the names of fairy-tale characters.”

Insert vowels into the encrypted words to get the names of fairy-tale characters.










(Barmaley, Moidodyr, Aibolit, Karakula, Barabek, Tsokotukha, Fedora, Cockroach, Crocodile, Hippopotamus)

Playing with spectators(while the teams are working)

Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the action he committed.

K. Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And it turned out like this. His little son fell ill. K. Chukovsky took him on the train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to compose him a fairy tale:

Once upon a time there was a crocodile,
He walked the streets.

The boy suddenly became quiet and began to listen.

K. Chukovsky's fairy tales help all children navigate the world around them and make them feel like a fearless participant in imaginary battles for justice, for goodness and freedom. The poems of K. Chukovsky cultivate the ability to empathize, sympathize, and rejoice. Let us all rejoice together and watch the dramatization of excerpts from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales.

Dramatization of fairy tales.

We will encounter the works of K.I. Chukovsky many more times. In high school you will meet Chukovsky the translator. He translated from English “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”, “The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Prince and the Pauper”, “Rikki – Tikki – Tavi” and other books.

Irakli Andronikov wrote that “ Chukovsky has inexhaustible talent, smart, brilliant, cheerful, festive. Never part with such a writer for the rest of your life.”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the fairy tales read by K.I. Chukovsky.


Maintain interest and love for fiction;

Enrich and activate vocabulary;

Expand your horizons.


Develop children's thinking and creative abilities;

Develop a sense of self-confidence and a sense of teamwork;

Develop attention logical thinking, coordination of speech with movements.


Cultivate kindness and respect for each other.

Materials and equipment:

  1. Quiz summary.
  2. Portrait of a writer.
  3. Costumes for children - fairy tale characters.
  4. Exhibition of books with fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

5. Chips for correct answers, tape recorder.

Preliminary work:

Getting to know the portrait of the writer;

Reading and dramatization of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky;

Discussion of each fairy tale;

Creative works on art activities (based on fairy tales).

Progress of the event:

Organizing time

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

Jury presentation. Greetings from the teams.

The children have already been divided into 2 teams:

Team “Moidodyra” and team “Mukha-tsokotukha”, captains have been chosen.


Dear guys, we are glad to welcome you to the literary quiz. Today I invite you to a fairyland, one of our writers, who loved to write for the youngest children. All children love to listen to fairy tales. And you and I have read a lot of fairy tales. And today we will once again plunge into the world of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

Listen carefully to the quiz questions and answer quickly. For each correct answer, the team will receive a chip. The team with the most chips at the end of the quiz will be the winner.

1. Captains competition.

“Name the piece” - they name one piece at a time, if they can’t, the team will help or skip a move.

2. Competition "Who is this?"

Educator: “Which fairy tale characters do these fairy-tale names belong to?”

Teams answer in turns.

Aibolit (doctor)

Barmaley (robber)

Fedora (grandmother)

Karakula (shark)

Moydodyr (washbasin)

Cluttering (fly)

Red-haired, mustachioed giant (cockroach)

Totoshka, Kokosha (crocodiles)

3. Riddles about fairy tale heroes.

For each correct answer 1 point. For guessing a riddle intended for another team - 2 points. Teams guess in turns.

1. With Tanechka and Vanechka

I dreamed of straightening out

But then he became kinder

And he even fell in love with children. (Barmaley.)

2. I bought a samovar,

And the mosquito saved her. (Fly Tsokotukha.)

3. What kind of toothy thief is this?

Did you steal the red sun?

Oh, the bear will beat him,

It will be bad practice in the future. (Crocodile.)

4. This fairy-tale hero

Bowlegged and lame.

He is famous everywhere

And the dirty guy is angry with everyone. (Moidodyr.)

4 Physical education lesson: “Tales of Chukovsky.”- And the dishes go forward and forward - through the fields, through the swamp. (Children walk in a circle)

I run, run, run - I can’t hold on (they run in a circle).

Suddenly, out of my mother’s bedroom, bow-legged and lame,

The washbasin runs out and shakes its head (head tilts to the right and left).

5. Guess the work from the passage:

1. Long, long time crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

Pies and pancakes,

And dried mushrooms. ("Confusion.)

2. I want to drink tea

I run to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me

He ran away like from fire. (“Moidodyr.”)

3. But they didn’t listen to the ghazals

And they were still making noise:

Really, really

Are all the swings on fire?

What stupid gazelles! ("Telephone".)

4. He hit the copper basin

And he cried out: “Kara-baras!” (Moidodyr.)

5. Boots squeak

Heels are knocking -

There will be, there will be midges

Have fun until the morning: (“Fly - clatter”)

6. And now to him from behind the tree

Shaggy wolves run out: (“Aibolit”)

7. “Riddles of K. I. Chukovsky.”

1. There was a white house

Wonderful house

And something knocked inside him.

And he crashed, and from there

A living miracle ran out -

So warm, so fluffy and golden.

(Egg and chicken.)

2. I have two horses

Two horses.

They carry me along the water.

Like stone!

3. Oh, don't touch me:

I'll burn you without fire!


4. She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die.


5. I took a walk across the field

And I bought a samovar,

And then he married me

Brave little mosquito. (Fly Tsokotukha.)

6. He is kinder than everyone else in the world

He heals sick animals.

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled him out of the swamp. (Dr. Aibolit.)

7. Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

They want milk. (Hedgehog.)

8. They flew into a raspberry

They wanted to peck her.

But they saw a freak -

And get out of the garden quickly!

And the freak is sitting on a stick,

With a beard made from a washcloth. (Scarecrow.)

7. “From what fairy tale did these guests come to us?”

The teacher shows all the characters from the fairy tale “Chicken” at once. One point is awarded to the team that recognizes the fairy tale faster.

8. “Guests from fairy tales.”

The teacher sets up a stool with a napkin and a samovar.

A girl from the first team comes out in a Russian costume and addresses the opposing team:

And on a white stool,

Yes, on an embroidered napkin

The samovar is worth

It's like it's burning hot.

Guess which fairy tale I'm from? (“Fedorino’s grief.”)

A boy from the second team comes out wearing a bear hat and addresses his opponents:

“Oh, where did you thick-fingered people disappear to?

Who did you throw me, old man, at?”

Guess which fairy tale I'm from?

9. Summing up the results of the quiz.

The teacher praises the children. The jury or teacher determines the winning team.

Awarding the team with memorable gifts.

Literary quiz based on the tales of K.I. Chukovsky

for older children preschool age


Continue to cultivate children's interest in the work of K.I. Chukovsky, consolidate children’s knowledge about the fairy tales they read.

Equipment and inventory used:

1. Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky.

2. Exhibition of books by K.I. Chukovsky.

4. Chips for correct answers.

6. Certificates for winners and participants.

Preliminary work:

Reading the works of K. Chukovsky: “Telephone”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “The Stolen Sun”, “Confusion”, “Fedorino’s Grief”, etc.; viewing illustrations; watching cartoons based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky; drawing heroes of fairy tales by K. Chukovsky.

Progress of the event:

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

On the screen is a portrait of K.I. Chukovsky.


Children! You and I are in amazing country fairy tales and today we will meet with the creativity of the amazing children's writer.

This man was born on April 1, 1882. And you know that on this day we celebrate the day of laughter and fun. Therefore, fate itself predicted that he would write funny and kind fairy tales for children. And this man’s name was K.I. Chukovsky (showing a portrait).

He wrote many fairy tales: Muhu-Tsokotuhu, Moidodyra...

What other tales by K.I. Do you know Chukovsky?

Children's answers

Today we have gathered in this hall to take part in a quiz and find out how well you know the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

2 teams participate in the quiz.

Greet them:

Team 2 of group “Sun”, team 7 of group “Flower”.

Applause for the teams

The motto of the team "Sun":

We are little rays
We are the sun's children.
Cheerful and brave
Girls and boys!

Team motto "Flowers"

We are Flowers - children,
Boys and girls!
In our own kindergarten
We live, grow, bloom!

The task of the teams is to listen carefully to the quiz questions and answer quickly. For each correct answer, the team will receive a chip. The team with the most chips at the end of the quiz will be the winner.

And so, we begin...

I. Answer quickly and clearly.

1. Who wrote the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit?” (Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky)

2. What did the bunnies ride on in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (By tram)

3. What fell on the elephant in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (Moon)

4. Why did the herons, who asked for drops to be sent to them, have stomach ache in the poem “Telephone”? (They ate too many frogs)

5. What did Doctor Aibolit treat sick animals in Africa? (Gogol-mogol)

6. Who attacked the clattering fly? (Spider)

7. Which fairy tale by Chukovsky begins with a name day and ends with a wedding? (Fly Tsokotukha)

8. In what fairy tale did Tanechka and Vanechka run away to Africa? (Barmaley)

9. Who taught order to the boy from the fairy tale “Moidodyr”? (Wash basin)

10. Who swallowed the sun from the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun”? (crocodile)

11. In which fairy tale is it the other way around? ("Confusion")

Well done guys, you did a good job with this task.

II. "Say the word"

Only suddenly, from behind a bush,

Because of the blue forest,

From distant fields

Arrives..... (Sparrow)

Long, long time crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

Pies and pancakes,

And dried….. (Mushrooms)

I'm for a candle

The candle goes to the stove!

I'm for a book

Ta - run

And skipping

Under …. (Bed)

Fleas came to Mukha,

They brought her boots

But the boots are not simple -

They have clasps….. (Gold)

Darkness has fallen

Don't go beyond the gate:

Who got on the street -

Got lost and... (disappeared)

And behind her are forks,

Glasses and bottles

Cups and spoons

Jumping along... (path)

And such rubbish

All day:

Dean - di - laziness

Dean - di - laziness

Dean - di - laziness

Either the deer will call, then... (seal)

Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor... (Aibolit)

Suddenly from the gateway -
Scary giant
Red-haired and mustachioed... (cockroach)

I am the Great Laver
Famous... (Moidodyr)
Umyvalnikov chief
And the commander of the washcloths.

The pigs meowed - meow - meow,
Kitties... (grunted, oink-oink)

There's a robber in Africa
There's a villain in Africa
In Africa it’s terrible... (Barmaley)

People are having fun -
The fly is getting married
For the dashing, daring
Young... (mosquito)

The sun was walking across the sky
And it ran behind a cloud.
The bunny looked out the window,
It’s become a little bunny... (it’s dark).

No no! Nightingale
Doesn't sing for pigs
Better call... (crow)

And the dishes come and go
It walks through fields and swamps.
And the kettle said to the iron
- I can’t go anymore... (I can’t).

III. Work based on illustrations for fairy tales

The presenter shows the illustrations, and the children guess which work this illustration is from.

IV. Captains' competition “Fairy tales quarreled” (mosaic) team captains must put together a picture and guess the fairy tale.

V. “Magic bag”, the teacher takes objects out of the bag; the children must say a line from Chukovsky’s work:

1. Phone (My phone rang)

2. Balloon (Bears rode a bicycle, followed by mosquitoes in a balloon)

3. Soap (Here the soap jumped up)

4. Saucer (And behind them are saucers, ding la-la),


The tales of Korney Chukovsky are kind, funny, and interesting. Fairy tales sound great, develop our speech, enrich us with new words, form a sense of humor, make us stronger and smarter. Our quiz is coming to an end. Let's count the number of chips earned by the teams.

Teams counting their chips

Teams are awarded certificates for winning and participating in a quiz based on fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky

Under cheerful music teams leave the hall

Tatiana Izotova
Literary quiz based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky for children of senior preschool age

Literary quiz on fairy tales K. Chukovsky for children of senior preschool age


1. Introduce students to the life and work of K.I. Chukovsky,

identify reader interest.


1. Develop children thinking,

1. Form children feelings of love for Russian writers and poets.

3. Promote the development of children sense of humor based fairy tales K. AND. Chukovsky.

4. Foster a careful and caring attitude towards books.

Progress of the quiz.

1. Organizational moment


You know, guys, I'll tell you what,

I'll give a literary quiz today,

you will, You learn fairy tales today,

and the one who knows a fairy tale, you need to answer.

But who I wrote these fairy tales for children? (answers children)

2. Opening remarks


Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house lived for many years a tall, gray-haired man, whom all the children in the country knew. It was he who came up with many fairy-tale heroes: Muhu-Tsokotuhu, Barmaleya, Moidodyra. The name of this wonderful man was Korney Chukovsky. (a portrait of K.I. appears Chukovsky)

He would be 133 years old now.

– Tall, long arms with large hands, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, an unruly strand of hair hanging over the forehead, laughing light eyes and a surprisingly easy gait. This is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Roots Chukovsky is the literary pseudonym of the writer. His real name is Nikolai Vasilievich Korneychukov.

He got up very early, as soon as the sun rose, and immediately got to work. In spring and summer I dug in the garden or in the flower garden in front of the house, in winter I cleared the paths from the snow that had fallen overnight. After working for several hours, he went for a walk. He walked surprisingly easily and quickly, sometimes he even started racing with the kids he met while walking. It was to these kids that he dedicated his books.

Scientist, writer, translator, literary critic, TO. Chukovsky wrote many poems and fairy tales for children.

Today we will take you on an unusual journey, meet the heroes fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky.

3. Surprise moment (the phone rang). The teacher answers the phone and answers.


Guys, it was Fedora's grandmother who called. She says that's all fairy tales got mixed up, and asks us to come by train and help. But to get on the train, we need tickets. To do this, you need to go to the table, take a ticket with a number and find a seat on the train with the same number. Children sort out tickets to the music. So, let's go! (melody sounds "Fun Train")

Stop (1)

The task is called "Who is who?" I ask you a question, and you can check the correct answer on the slides.

1. From whom, guys, did the dishes run away, because

You didn’t want to be dirty?

2. She walked and walked across the field and suddenly found some money?

3. He went to Africa and cured animals, who

it was, answer us quickly?

4. Who defeated the evil cockroach and simply

Did he swallow it right away?

5. Who is the first in this called a fairy tale on the phone

and who did he talk to on the phone for a long time?

6. Was this not an easy job when they dragged him out of the swamp?

7. Who will save the fly from fairy tales who will answer without tips?

Stop (2)

Guys, do your parents remember? Chukovsky's fairy tales?

A game "Wonderful bag".

This bag contains various things. Someone lost them. Let's help find their owners. Parents take out objects and name the character from fairy tales.

1. Telephone – "My phone rang".

2. Balloon - “The bears were riding a bicycle.

And behind them is a cat backwards

And behind him are mosquitoes in a balloon" (Cockroach) .

3. Soap – “So the soap jumped up and grabbed my hair.” (Moidodyr) .

4. Saucer – “And behind them are saucers...”. (Fedorino grief) .

5. Galoshes – “Send me a dozen new galoshes” (Telephone).

6. Thermometer – “And we set and set thermometers for them” (Aibolit).

Stop (3)


Division into teams.

On the table are attributes from different fairy tales K. Chukovsky. Each team must select those that suit their fairy tale.

1 team- fairy tale"Moidodyr" (soap, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste)

Team 2 - fairy tale"Fedorino grief" (plate, pan, spoon, glass)

1 team - fairy tale"Fly Tsokotukha" (cup, samovar, pretzels, honey)

Team 2 - fairy tale"Aibolit" (thermometer, cotton wool, phonendoscope, syringe)

Stop (4)

Didactic game "Give me a word"

1. And with him the mother hare,

I also went dancing.

And she laughs and screams:

“Well, thank you, ... (Aibolit!”

2. And behind her are forks,

Glasses and bottles

Cups and spoons

Jumping on... (track)

3. The Bear approached quietly,

Pushed him lightly:

"I'm telling you, villain,

Spit out the sun... (quickly!"

4. Suddenly it flies from somewhere

Little Mosquito,

And in his hand the Little One is burning... (flashlight).

5. And then they called bunnies:

Is it possible to send... (gloves?

6. And then they called monkeys:

Send please... (books!

7. Suddenly from my mother’s bedroom,

Bowlegged and lame,

The washbasin runs out

And it shakes... (head).

8. But one morning

The kangaroo galloped up

I saw a barbel

Screamed in the heat of the moment:

“Is this a giant?

It's just... (cockroach!

Stop (5)

"Put the puzzle together"


And now the tasks for all of you are different

and, of course, not very simple,

You need to put together puzzles to guess the hero.

On the tables there are puzzles for two teams of fairy tales: "Moidodyr" And "Fly Tsokotukha".

On command, children must collect a picture and remember an excerpt from this fairy tales.

Stop (6)

"Reading fairy tales»


Now sit down on the chairs and listen carefully fairy tale.

Reading fairy tales"Miracle Tree".

Guys, what was hanging on this tree? (boots, etc.) Let us find these items on the table (children choose pre-cut pictures) and decorate our tree with them. Application "Miracle - Tree".


Yes, guys, I praise you and thank you all, and now you all sit down and smile at each other.

Fedora-Egorovna comes out to the music.

Oh guys, thank you! How smart and well-read you are. You helped us, and now that's it fairy tales fell into place. For this I brought you a sweet treat. Eat to your health and don’t forget our fairy tales!.

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