Summary of educational activities in a mixed-age group on visual arts on the topic “Russian nesting doll. Summary of the conversation on fine arts in the mixed-age group “World of Painting”

Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) in mixed age group on the theme “Golden Autumn”

Program content:

Teaching function:

    Teach children to reflect in a drawing their impressions of the golden autumn, to convey its comfort.

    Learn to convey the bright colors of autumn in a drawing.

    Learn to use three colors: the younger subgroup - red, orange, yellow.

    Improve technical skills.

    Learn to position the image throughout the sheet: above, below, to the right, to the left.

    Introduce landscapes by Russian artists (I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, V. Polenov “Golden Autumn”).

Educational function: V to instill in children a love of nature, to develop curiosity and the desire to explore the world, to find an explanation for the environment.

Developmental function: activate the vocabulary: leaf fall, foliage, leaf; about the color of the foliage - crimson, gold.

Equipment: reproduction of paintings by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", V. Polenova "Golden Autumn", album sheets, brushes, cotton swabs, sponge, watercolor paints, gouache paints, palettes, napkins, jars of water.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator : Good morning, Guys! I'm very pleased to see you. Today we have guests at our lesson, let's welcome them.

Now listen to the poem and determine what time of year it says:

Golden leaves are falling and flying,
Golden leaves cover the garden.
There are many golden leaves on the paths,
We will make a nice bouquet out of them,
We will put the bouquet in the middle of the table,
Golden autumn has come to visit us.
E. Blaginina

Children : - about autumn!

Educator : Right. Guys, let's close our eyes for a minute and imagine that we are in autumn forest. What changes in the forest with the arrival of autumn?

Children: Leaves on trees and bushes turn yellow and red, fall off, wither, and fall off. Blowing strong winds. Animals are preparing for winter, etc. Flocks of birds fly away to warmer regions. Often windy weather. Almost all the trees are bare. Leaves fall, fly and spin. They cover the entire ground with an autumn carpet.

Educator . Guys, let's play the game "Choose a Word"

    In autumn the mood is sad, and in summer -... (funny)

    In spring the leaves on the trees are green, and in autumn... (yellow)

    In summer the rain is warm, and in autumn -... (cold)

    In autumn the days are short, and in summer... (long)

    Birds arrive in spring, and in autumn... (fly away)

    In autumn the days are cloudy, and in summer -... (clear)

Educator. Autumn nature enchants and delights not only us poets, but also artists. Artists talk to people without words, using paints.

Now we will look at reproductions of paintings famous artists: Isaac Ilyich Levitan "Golden Autumn" and Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov "Golden Autumn".

    What time of year is shown in the picture?

    Why do you think so?

    What kind of autumn did the artist see? (Gold autumn)

    That's right, the artist conveyed the signs of autumn: different colors of foliage (golden, crimson, red, brown)

So you should show the bright colors of autumn in your drawings.

Educator. Today you will also be artists, and we will also draw in our paintings golden autumn. The younger children will draw autumn leaves with cotton swabs, and the older children will use stamps.

Senior subgroup

Educator. Guys, paint the leaf with the colors of autumn in a free manner using a brush, leaving the tree unpainted.

Junior subgroup

Educator. Guys, dip it in cotton swab into water, then dry it a little on a napkin, and now into paint. Our stick should run along the branches, leaving traces. And there are fallen leaves under the tree, don’t forget to run around there with a stick (they draw using different colors).

Educator. Let's give the paints a couple of minutes to dry and do some physical education.

We are leaves, we are leaves, we are autumn leaves,

We were sitting on a tree, the wind blew and we flew away.

We flew, we flew, and then we got tired of flying,

The breeze stopped blowing and they gathered together in a circle.

Junior subgroup

Educator. Guys, look how beautiful your drawings are. What colors did you use today? Did you like drawing with sticks?

Educator. We've drawn, and now we can play.

D/i "Leaves"

Senior subgroup

Educator. And you guys' paint is dry. Now the most exciting thing awaits you: please complete your drawings with the missing elements - leaves, which we will draw not with a brush, but with the help of stamps (sponges).

At the end of the lesson, the teacher and the children look at the drawings.

Educator. Is it possible to find out what time of year is shown in the pictures?

How did you know it was autumn?

How can you call autumn in bright yellow tones?

What did you use to create the drawings?

What color paints did you use?

Educator. All the guys did their best, and the drawings turned out bright and expressive, and finally a golden autumn arrived in our group.

Complex lesson for children of different ages from 3 to 7 years (familiarization with the environment + drawing) “Sorceress – Water”

Target: give four-year-old children an idea of ​​what great importance has water for every living thing in the world; introduce children 5–6 years old to the form in which water exists in nature (rain, snow, ice, fog, etc.)
educational: introduce the properties of water (transparency, temperature, taste; water is a solvent)
developing: activate and enrich children’s vocabulary with nouns and adjectives on the topic of the lesson;
educational: develop social skills; ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the partner’s opinion;
Visual material: toy “Kapitoshka”, “droplets” made of cardboard, a map, pictures depicting snow, ice, clouds, etc., jars of water, salt, sugar.
Organizing time.
Preparation for the main stage (introduction to the topic)
- Guys, look at the map. Who knows what is indicated in blue on the map? (Water) The topic of our lesson is “Water the Sorceress”. And a “droplet” will help me.
- What is water needed for? (children's answers).
Summary: There is not a single living organism on Earth that can live without water.
- Imagine what would happen if all the water on Earth disappeared? (Children's answers)
- Guys, the drop asks you to determine whether the water in three jars is the same in color, transparency, taste, and temperature.
- How do we determine color, transparency? (Eyes)
- Temperature? (Hand)
- Taste? (tongue)
Children determine with their eyes, hand, tongue, color, transparency, temperature, taste.
Summary: The water is clear, colorless, cold, and tastes salty and sweet.
- Guys, look, you can’t see the salt or sugar, but the taste remains. That's magic! It turns out that water has the ability to dissolve salt and sugar.
Assimilation of new knowledge
Teacher's story: - Do you know where water comes from? Ivan Bunin has a poem “Spring”
In the wilderness of the forest, in the wilderness of green,
Always shady and damp,
In a steep ravine under the mountain
A cold spring gushes out of the stones,
It boils, plays and hurries.
Spinning in crystal clubs,
And under the branchy oaks
It runs like molten glass.
- That's where it comes from pure water. The spring forms a stream. Then the streams flow into lakes and rivers. Animals and birds drink water from lakes and rivers. And plants drink water from underground. Rain waters the earth.
- Water is a real magician. She knows how to transform and change! It can be in liquid and solid state.
The teacher invites the children to guess riddles about water.
First it flies, then it runs,
Then he lies on the street...
Then without a bot or galoshes
You won't cross it dry. (rain)
Doesn't burn in fire
And it doesn’t drown in fire. (ice)
She grows upside down
It grows not in summer, but in winter
The sun will warm her up a little,
She will cry and die. (icicle)

What kind of stars are through?
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through - cut-out,
And if you take it, there is water in your hand. (snow)
Physical minute.
Invite children to spin like snowflakes to slow music.
- Do any of you, children, know what else water can turn into! (in rain, steam, fog, dew, clouds, etc.)
Primary test of knowledge.
Game “Name It Correctly”
Show children pictures that depict snow, ice, clouds, etc.
- This is also water. Name the form in which you see the water in the picture.
Independent work of children
Work in groups.
"Kapitoshka" invites children to draw a picture about rain. We will work in groups. And the “droplet” will look at how you can negotiate and work together.
Reinforcing the material covered
"Kapitoshka" asks children questions and gives small “drops” for the correct answer
Questions:- What can water turn into?
- What properties does water have? (transparency, colorless, odorless)
- Why is water a magician?
- What does it dissolve?
"Kapitoshka" praises children and asks them to remember the rules for using water.
1. Close the water tap.
2. Do not release water in a strong stream.
3. Take as much water as needed.
4. Keep rivers and lakes clean and do not litter.

Abstract classes mixed age groups.

Educational area: "Creation".

Section: "Drawing".

Topic: “Funny Snowmen.”

Purpose of the lesson:

Know: 2nd junior, middle group.

What time of year does it snow, what color is the snow, call the season winter, that you can play games with snow, make snowballs and a snowman. In winter, sledding downhill, skiing, skating (middle group). Know what shape the Snowman is, how to sculpt it. Know what color snow to call. Be able to:

2nd junior group: draw a circle (large and small), hold the brush correctly in your hands and pick up paint, carefully paint over it without going beyond the outline of the circle. Bring the product to the desired image using felt-tip pens.

Middle group: draw a circle correctly, hold the brush in your hand above the metal tip with three fingers, and carefully pick up the bristles of the brush white paint Squeeze out excess on the edge of the jar. Create an image using felt-tip pens, add your own elements to the image and drawing.


Teach children to work in a team and not interfere each other, but to help. Foster independence, creativity, perseverance, accuracy. Develop your imagination and love of drawing. Bring up positive emotions from the work completed.

Move classes:

Motivational - incentive:

The teacher uses a playful technique: he reports that a bunny has come to visit. He offers to show him how we can play and practice. The teacher tells the children that his friend came with the bunny, but who will help him guess the magic snowflake?

(Children show interest and listen carefully to the riddle).

The teacher asks a riddle:

I wasn't raised

Made from snow,

Instead of a nose cleverly.

Inserted a carrot

Eyes are coals.

Lips are bitches

Cold, big

Who am i?

The children guess the riddle in unison, Snowman answers.

Organizationally- search:

The teacher suggests drawing a snowman, but so that he doesn’t melt, put a magic snowflake next to him and listen to the snowman’s story.

I was a sad snowman.

And he looked sad

I still haven’t found any friends,

And that's why I was sad.

But one day I went

Visit in kindergarten came in.

The teacher offers to look at it and asks the question: What type of snowman does it look like?

The children answer: he is sad, sad.

Why is he sad?

The children answer: he has no friends.

The teacher offers to help the snowman find friends, but first consider him and asks questions:

What shape is it?

Children answer: The snowman is round, a big “lump of snow”, show with their hands the size of the “lump of snow”, then a smaller “lump of snow”.

The teacher offers the children junior group draw circular movements in the air with your index finger, the shape of a circle, each “lump of snow”, large and small.

What colour?

Children of the younger group answer: snowman white.

The teacher clarifies what parts the snowman consists of, offers to show each detail and reinforce the name with group repetition

Children answer: the head is a small circle and big circle- torso.

The teacher offers to remember what else the snowman has and helps the children with answers.

Children answer (middle group): there is a bucket on the head, a carrot on the face, eyes and mouth, and a broom stands next to it.

Offers to start drawing friends for the snowman at their workplaces.

Reminds you of how to correctly hold a brush in your right hand with three fingers and carefully pick up white paint, squeezing out the excess on the edge of the jar.

Children listen and observe the actions of the teacher, following his instructions. The teacher asks: “Where do we start doing the work?”

Children ( middle group) answer: “First, draw a large circle - the body, and paint it over, and then a small one - the head.

The teacher pays attention to the seat at the table. During the drawing process, if necessary, conducts an individual demonstration. Offers to play a game while the paint dries.

He invites the children to the carpet and has a physical education session.

Physical education minute: « Let's warm it up pens».

My hands are frozen. How can you warm them up? We rub our hands vigorously.

Children answer: blow on them, rub them together, put on mittens.

The teacher offers to go to their places to complete their work. Children in the middle group work independently; the teacher reminds them of the technique of painting round shapes. To complete and obtain the desired image, the teacher suggests drawing additional parts (bucket, eyes, nose, mouth) with a felt-tip pen.

Children in the middle group finish drawing a broom next to the snowman.

The children finish their work.

Reflexive - corrective:

The teacher sums up the lesson, hangs the work on the board, and invites them to consider it. Children evaluate their work and their comrades, and are happy with what happened. The snowman thanks the children for drawing him such beautiful snowman friends. The teacher notes different variants snowmen designs, and different moods. Encourages children's desire to make a beautiful, neat drawing done independently.

KSU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School".

Drawing lesson notes

in a mixed age group.

Topic: "Funny Snowmen."

Educator: Galenko E.R.


Summary of entertainment in visual arts in the preparatory group

Subject: “Journey to the country of Risovandia”.

Program content:

  • consolidate children’s technical skills acquired during the year in classes, evoke positive emotions, improve children’s mood;
  • strengthen children’s ability to work in extreme conditions and draw with one line;
  • cultivate the ability to empathize, worry about comrades, the desire to help each other, and enjoy the overall result.

Progress:music sounds, children walk by and sit on chairs.

Hello guys! Do you know why we came here? No? Do you want me to tell you? Today he came to us very interesting hero. Now I'll show it to you. Here he is ( showing a toy Pencil). Who do you think this is? That's right, Pencil. This Pencil came to us from the country of Risovandia. But what is he like? Funny? No. He is sad because he left his country and now cannot find his way back. He's lost! What do you think we should do now? Right! We need to help him. But the path to the country of Risovandia is very difficult. You and I will have to overcome many obstacles before we get to this country. And two rescue teams will go to this country along two different roads. Team No. 7, called “Paints,” will go one way, and team No. 5, called “Brushes,” will go another. And then we will see whose team can help Pencil faster, and therefore become the winner of our game. Each team has assistants - fans. They should encourage the participants, and in some competitions they will be able to help the team score points.

Well, that's it! There are teams! All the guys are dexterous, brave, strong, and are not afraid of any obstacles. You can go on a trip to the unknown country “Risovandia”.

Suddenly appears new hero- Blot “K.”.

K. - Where are you going? To the country of Risovandia? For what?

Ved. – Help Pencil find his home.

K. - A pencil? You don't have the courage! You won't even get past the first obstacle!

Ved. - And who are you, anyway! She came in, didn’t introduce herself, you don’t know us, and yet you’re saying that we won’t be able to overcome the obstacles?

K. – Yes, if you want to know, I am Blob! I also live in the country of Risovandia!

Ved. - Oh, you Blob! Then come in, sit down and see that our children can overcome all obstacles and help Pencil. Really, guys?

The Blob walks by, takes the chair from the child, and sits down.

Ved. - Blob! Well, what are you doing?

K. - Like what! I need to sit down too!

Ved. - Well, look, we’ve even set up a chair for you.

K. – Okay then, I’ll go and sit down. But you will still never get to the country of Risovandia!

Ved. - We won’t make any guesses! Let's invite teams to overcome the first obstacle, a strip of mountains and bumps. The “Paints” team will overcome the mountains, and the “Brushes” team will overcome the bumps. Listen carefully to the task. You need to connect all the mountains and all the bumps with one line. Each participant, running, can connect only two mountains or hummocks, return to the place and pass the baton to another participant. Reade set Go!

At the end of the competition, we award one point to the winning team.

1 competition: Together with Klyaksa, we call one player from each team. We invite them to complete the figures.

2 competition: We invite the children to take turns drawing little people performing different movements. The condition of the competition is that movements should not be repeated. The team that draws the most moves gets a point. Fans can help teams.

3 competition: We call the team captains and offer to draw a portrait of the Blob.

4 competition: The Blob offers the “Paint” team a painted cloud, and the “Brush” team the sun. You need to paint drops of rain or rays of the sun. Fans can help teams.

Ved. - Here we are in the country of Risovandia! It's time to count the points and determine the winner.

After summing up, the Blob enters the conversation.

K. – Well done! These are the children! I didn’t even think you could do everything!

Ved. - Just wait! After all, we haven’t given a gift to the winners yet! They get our Pencil! Now he will live in their group. Take care of him!

K. - Yes, yes! But I didn’t come empty-handed either, I brought each one a pencil.

He takes out pencils cut out of paper, each of which has a sweet prize attached - a candy.

Ved. – Let’s thank our Blob for the gifts and invite her to our group to drink tea with sweets.

Summary of a subject lesson on painting with paints in the preparatory group

Subject: “Wonderful book” (with paints).

Program content:

  • teach children to reflect the plot of an episode from a fairy tale, passing it on characteristics: heroes, their appearance, emotions correspondence of the plot to the text of the fairy tale;
  • learn to compose a composition, use different image plans;
  • teach to select color scheme, if necessary, mix paints to obtain the desired shade;
  • cultivate creative activity, the ability to show your attitude towards the hero through a drawing.

Progress:- Guys, look, I brought you such a book today. It's so bright, the illustrations are so colorful! Here she is! Look at her cover. And on it is written “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” Have you read such a fairy tale? Do you know who wrote it? Right! A. S. Pushkin. Let's quickly look at the illustrations that the artist drew for this fairy tale.

I open a book without illustrations.

Oh guys! And the illustrations have disappeared somewhere! Yesterday I looked, they were all there, but now only the text remains! Some villain must have enchanted them to make the book ugly and throw it away. What do we do? Maybe, you know? Right! Let's draw the illustrations ourselves and then paste them into the book. We will do even better. Well, shall we try?

I distribute the stories among the children.

And in order for the drawings to turn out fabulous, we need to visit the fairy tale ourselves. Sit all comfortably, put your hands on your knees, close your eyes.

I turn on the music.

You heard magical fairy-tale music and immediately found yourself in an unknown land where the castle of Tsar Saltan is located. And now each of you has seen the plot that he will draw. Remember the traits of your heroes, see what is around them. Look at everything in detail so you can go back and draw what you saw.

Now the music gets quieter and it’s time for us to return. Now you will open your eyes and find yourself in kindergarten again.

Now you can pick up your brushes and start working like real illustrators. Just, to begin with, sit correctly, place your feet exactly under the table so that it is comfortable to draw.

Independent work of children.

Partial demonstration of drawing techniques;

Approval, praise, verbal encouragement;

If necessary, I use the technique of drawing with a child’s hand on a draft;

I automate the technical skills of each child: the ability to hold a brush correctly, paint with the end of the bristles and the entire surface, and convey perspective in a drawing.

I warn the children about the end of work five minutes in advance.

I analyze children's works:

Now Karina will be our editor-in-chief at the publishing house and will choose the best, in her opinion, plot for the text “Three girls under the window...” Why did you choose this plot? Why did you like him? Is everything drawn here correctly? Guys, let's take this story into our book?

Taking turns, I invite the children to be the editors-in-chief and choose the next illustration for the book.

After all the pages are filled with drawings, I summarize the lesson:

This is a wonderful book we have illustrated. Now she is again very bright, colorful, and now she is not afraid of any villain, right? Well, those guys whose drawings were not chosen for the book, don’t be upset. We will design these drawings, make frames and take them to the exhibition.

Summary of a lesson on visual arts in the middle group

Subject: “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak” (thread painting, drawing with a glue brush, foam rubber).

Program content:

  • teach children to draw the plot of a fairy tale following the example of a teacher in unconventional technology: perform an oak trunk using the technique of stenciling with a glue brush, a tree crown using the thread painting technique, a cat using a template and a glue brush;
  • learn to regulate the pressure of a simple pencil when tracing a cat template, draw with the end of the pile and the entire surface;
  • develop memory;
  • cultivate a desire to use it in work different techniques drawing.

Previous work: reading an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, a complex thematic lesson.

Progress: Guys, now I’ll read an excerpt to you, and you listen carefully and tell me from which work I took it. Agreed?

I’m reading an excerpt from the poem “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...” accompanied by quiet, calm music.

Is this work familiar to you? What is it called? Right! Do you remember how you and I read it, and even visited such a country for a lesson? Do you want us to make Lukomorye ourselves today? Then watch how I will do it. I'll take a blank sheet of paper and put a stencil of an oak trunk on top of it. Then, I’ll take the foam rubber, put brown paint on it and start applying it from top to bottom, tightly filling the entire surface of the barrel with paint. When the trunk is ready, you can begin to crown the tree. To do this, you need to take a glue brush and spread glue over the entire crown. Then take green threads and glue them. So it turned out to be real green oak. All that remains is to make the cat itself. There are different cat templates on the table: the cat lies, sits, stretches. You need to choose one that you like best, and outline it with a simple pencil. Next, take a clean glue brush, pick up orange paint and, holding the brush vertically, begin to apply the very end of the bristles from the head, gradually moving towards the tail. I try not to go beyond the contour. Then I’ll finish drawing the cat’s eyes, nose, and mouth. This is what I got in Lukomorye. And now each of you will make your own Lukomorye. You can start working.

I'll see you off individual work:

Help in creating a pattern;

In the selection of elements, colors;

Individually with Alena, Sasha, Ksyusha I work on developing technical skills: the ability to hold a brush vertically, paint with the end of the bristles and the entire surface.

As the children complete their work, I blur the drawing with water.

I’m conducting an analysis of children’s works: - Look at how Sasha created Lukomorye: the oak tree is so spreading and the cat is just like a real one – fluffy, fluffy. Do you think it’s good for a cat to live in such Lukomorye?

I take one or two more papers and also do a detailed analysis.

Today in class we painted Lukomorye, and for this we used different drawing techniques: foam rubber, a glue brush, and even thread. And the work turned out wonderful. Now all our cats have their own home - Lukomorye.

Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the middle group.

Subject: "Bakery” (modeling from dough).

Program content:

  • expand children's knowledge about the process of growing bread;
  • learn how to make a variety of baked goods: rolls, pretzels, cheesecakes, etc.;
  • learn to use techniques for transforming a cylindrical shape in your work: twisting, folding into a ring, etc.;
  • learn how to transform a disc-shaped shape: twist, fold, etc.;
  • consolidate the ability to decorate your work with small details, use a stack;
  • encourage any manifestations of creativity, cultivate respect for the work of the baker.

Previous work: conversation with children on the topic “Where does bread come from?”

Progress: Music sounds...

Guys, aliens visited us this morning. They learned that we have an unprecedented product on Earth. What do you think this product is? Do not know? Then now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you’ll immediately understand what I’m talking about.

Raised, raised,
They beat, they beat,
Crushed, crushed,
Baked in the oven
They were served to the table.

Right. This is bread. Where do we get bread from? It probably grows on trees, and people collect it and sell it? No? Indeed, this is the hard work of people. Let's remember together what needs to be done to grow bread. So what should you do first? Plant the grain. What happens next? What do people do when the ears of corn have grown and ripened? That's right, they're reaping. So what is next? The ears are threshed. Then the grain is ground in millstones into flour. And the baker makes dough from flour and bakes a variety of bakery products: buns, cheesecakes, braids and much more. So today you and I will be real bakers and make different dough products. There is a piece of dough on your tables. Divide it into two equal parts and make any two baked goods. In order to get a bagel, you need to roll out the cylinder and connect the two ends, if you twist the cylinder, you get a braid, if you roll it up, you get a bun. And if you roll it into a cylindrical shape, you get a roll. Now each of you will think carefully about what he will sculpt, and after that you can start working.

Independent work of children. I remind you how to sit correctly at the table.

I carry out individual work:

I remind you of sculpting techniques;

If necessary, I use repeated demonstrations, verbal encouragement, and praise;

Help in decorating the work with small details.

I warn you five minutes in advance that the work is finished.

I analyze children's works. I involve the children themselves in the analysis: I suggest they find the most original work. I ask, what did you like about the work? Is the work decorated with small details? What's interesting and unusual about your work?

Let me summarize the lesson: - Today in class we remembered how people grow bread, we tried to sculpt it ourselves from dough. I liked the work of Sasha, Masha, Katya: they showed creativity and independence. And Vadim and Sveta will try harder next time and they will come up with different original products.

Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the senior group.

Subject: “Portrait of my dad” (modeling using bas-relief technique).

Program content:

  • introduce children to a new method of modeling using the bas-relief technique;
  • teach how to make a portrait of the pope, passing it on individual characteristics: color of eyes, hair, presence of mustache, beard, etc.;
  • learn to apply plasticine in a thin layer, use various sculpting techniques: rolling, unrolling, flattening, etc., when sculpting eyes and eyebrows, use a stack;
  • learn to maintain consistency in modeling: from general to specific;
  • encourage children to convey their attitude, their feelings towards loved ones in the image, to cultivate a desire to talk about them.

Previous work: acquaintance with various genres of painting.

Progress: On my easel there are several works made in different genres. Find the portrait genre among them. Well done! How did you guess? Right. In such works, the face occupies most of the page; the eyes, nose, and eyebrows are drawn very accurately and correspond to a particular person. In addition to the face, the shoulders are also visible, but there are no arms, legs, or torso in the portrait. Let's see, who is depicted in our portrait? Who knows what holiday our men will have? Let's make a gift to our dads, grandfathers, brothers today in class and draw their portrait. But let's draw in an unusual way, and in the technique of bas-relief with plasticine. Look, I'll show you how to do it.

I am performing a partial demonstration of how to draw with plasticine: eyes, nose, eyebrows, lips.

Now sit comfortably, close your eyes and remember what kind of eyes, nose, straight or wavy dad has, and whether there is a smile on his face.

Let's repeat once again what we do first, what then, and how we finish our work. Those who have already remembered can begin to implement it.

Independent work of children. I remind you how to sit correctly at the table.

I carry out individual work:

Help when applying plasticine to cardboard;

In clarifying the proportions of the face;

In mixing plasticine to obtain the desired shade;

If necessary, I use repeated demonstrations, verbal encouragement, and praise;

Individually with Alena, Sasha, Ksyusha, I strengthen the ability to use the stack correctly.

I warn you five minutes in advance that the work is finished.

I analyze children's works. I invite one child to tell about his dad, what he is like, and whether he managed to portray him the way he wanted. I note the positives in the work, but also mention the shortcomings.

Let me summarize the lesson: - Today, each of us gave a gift to our dad - we drew his portrait. We will frame these portraits and give them to dads for the holiday.

Summary of GCD in different age groups according to visual arts on the topic

"Russian doll"

Software tasks:

*Fto create interest in wooden and homemade (cut-out silhouettes) matryoshka toys and their colorful outfit.

* Develop the desire to create images of objects using the simplest patterns (colored spots, bright strokes, circles, alternating lines) using drawing techniques.

* Develop a sense of color when choosing gouache paints. Stimulate the desire to create your own version of combinations ornamental patterns by color, showing creativity.

* Cause an emotional response to the created image.

* Cultivate a kind attitude towards game characters and a desire to help them.

* Enrich your active vocabulary (sarafan, Russian nesting dolls)

Materials: tinted album sheets of paper different types, cut out silhouettes of nesting dolls, watercolor paint 5-6 colors, brushes, rags, wet wipe.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Today I will tell you about toys that have long been known in our country, which have become authentic Russian souvenirs.

But guess what kind of toys we are talking about:

Scarlet silk handkerchief,

Bright sundress flower.

Hand rests

On wooden sides.

And there are secrets inside,

Maybe three, maybe six.

Got a little flushed

Our Russian... (Matryoshka)

Of course, this is a matryoshka doll, the most unusual toy.And I invite you to the museum of wooden toys.

Look how many there are here.

What is she, matryoshka? (ornate, painted, beautiful)

Why is it painted? (sundress decorated with flowers)

What is the matryoshka made of? (made of wood)

Guys, do you know that they make matryoshka dolls with a secret? The matryoshka opens up. Look.

How many dolls?

Dolls FIVE.

Have you noticed that the nesting dolls are different? (the biggest, the biggest, the smallest, even smaller, the smallest).

- How beautiful the nesting dolls are, how bright colors it was painted by the artist. You admire her and your heart rejoices. They are very elegant, painted, kind Russian nesting dolls.

There are several types of nesting dolls in Russia.

1) Sergievskaya matryoshka (red, orange, yellow, green and blue)

2) Semyonovskaya nesting doll (yellow and red colors. The bouquet takes up the entire apron and scarf)

3) Vyatka matryoshka (bright, colorful with large flowers in the center of the sundress)

4) Polkhovsko-Maidanovskaya (Multi-petal rose flower)

5) Gzhel matryoshka (They are decorated with blue-blue flowers)

6) Khokhloma matryoshka (There are many different berries in their costumes)

Exercise for the eyes: And now it is necessary for your eyes to rest (The teacher gives each child a small nesting doll) These nesting dolls will help us. First we perform the movements right hand, take a matryoshka doll in it

up and down (3p) we lower and raise our hand, we follow only with our eyes, we do not tilt our head

Now we wave our hand in front of us left and right (3p). We only follow the nesting doll with our eyes

Now we move our hand in a circle (3p)

Now take the matryoshka doll in left hand and we do the same movements with our left hand.

Children easily and naturally perform movements (up and down, right and left, diagonally, in a circle), either with their left or right hand and visually trace them. The gaze focuses on the matryoshka doll. There is no need to strain your eyes, you can blink

Matryoshkas love colorful, beautiful clothes and love to dance.

Our nesting dolls are waiting for their girlfriends to have fun together at the holiday. But something is delayed. Did something happen? Oh, here they are. (The teacher draws the children’s attention to the paper cut-out silhouettes of nesting dolls that stand on the tables). It just seems that they are not yet ready for the holiday, they are sad because their sundresses are not elegant. But they so want to be beautiful again. They love Russian nesting dolls colorful clothes. What to do?

Let's dress the nesting dolls in elegant clothes.

- Before we get started, let's remember what the matryoshka is wearing.

What's on her head? (kerchief)

On the body? (sundress)

What is the sundress decorated with? (with flowers)

Sometimes the nesting doll wears an apron on her sundress; it is also always decorated with flowers and patterns.

What patterns can be used to decorate an outfit for nesting dolls?

Stripes, circles, spots, strokes, flowers.

(Showing children techniques for creating a pattern. The teacher demonstrates methods of drawing. At the same time, pays attention to the order of changing paints with washing the brush clean water and wipe with a cloth)

(We place the sippy cup and watercolor on the right, the rag on the left)

Dip the brush in water, take paint of any color and start painting.

A thin line with the tip of a brush, a wide line with a full bristle brush, spots with the tip of a brush, a circle with the tip of a brush, wavy line the tip of the brush, the flower with the tip of the brush.

Independent work of children to music. During the drawing process, the teacher reminds about the rules for using watercolors and encourages those who use different colors.

After finishing drawing, children cover the silhouettes of nesting dolls with their sheets. The teacher helps to gather them into a round dance: “How beautiful and cheerful the nesting dolls have become. How elegant all the nesting dolls are! They are happy with their outfits. You helped them come to the holiday looking so beautiful. They will have fun."

Analysis of works.

Guys, look at your nesting dolls. How beautiful they are. Do you like your works? Which nesting doll did you like best? Tell us why you liked the job.

Now have some fun with the nesting dolls. Song "Matryoshka"

We are funny nesting dolls,

Okay, okay.

We have boots on our feet,

Okay, okay.

We tied scarves

Okay, okay.

Our cheeks are flushed,

Okay, okay.

In our colorful sundresses,

Okay, okay.

We look like sisters

Okay, okay.