Summary of a drawing lesson in a mixed-age group on the topic: “Funny Snowmen.” Summary of an integrated lesson in a mixed-age group of pre-school children

Software tasks:
Jr. gr. - Expand children's understanding of the natural phenomenon of leaf fall.
Learn to identify yellow, green, red colors, draw leaves using the brush method, evenly placing the drawing over the entire surface of the sheet of paper. Form an active and passive vocabulary for children. Develop brush skills. Develop aesthetic perception; Creative skills.
Wed. gr. - Teach children to depict autumn. Practice the ability to draw a tree, correctly conveying its structure, with multi-colored foliage, using three colors - red, green and yellow; make additions to the drawing that enrich its content. Clarify children's knowledge about the landscape. Induce a feeling of joy from bright, beautiful drawings.
A bouquet of fallen leaves of different trees; gouache paints green, red, yellow flowers, brushes No. 4, album sheets (for the youngest group with images of trees). Flannelograph, pictures for flannelgraph (leaves), easel, multi-colored paper leaves, hoops (red, yellow, green), napkins; music “Autumn” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Methodical instructions.
I. Part.
Invite the children to go for a walk in the park.
Educator: “Guys, I suggest you go to the city park, and we’ll go on bicycles.” Children lie on their backs and perform the “bicycle” exercise to the song from “I’m Spinning, I’m Spinning, I’m Spinning the Pedals.”
-So you and I arrived at the park. Look how beautiful he is!
Viewing autumn illustrations accompanied by music (an excerpt from Tchaikovsky’s “The Seasons” - “Autumn” is played).
- Guys, what time of year is it? (Autumn).
- Guys, what signs of autumn do you know? (In autumn a cold wind blows, it's raining, leaves turn yellow, leaves are falling, birds fly south).
Children are offered pictures with signs of autumn and one picture with snowfall (rain, wind, leaf fall, snowfall).
- Guys, choose the sign that does not relate to autumn. (It's snowing.)
- You are right, but these paintings have a common feature - they are landscapes. A painting that depicts nature is a landscape. (Children repeat).
-What can you say about autumn? What is she like? (Autumn is beautiful, autumn is sad, etc.)
- How beautiful the trees are in their golden and crimson robe! See how colorful leaves, quietly spinning, fall to the ground. There are so many of them on the ground, as if everything is covered with a beautiful, bright carpet.
Didactic game"Colorful leaves."
- On our walk, we saw beautiful colorful leaves. What color are they? (Children's answers.) We have green, red, and yellow leaves (shows pictures for the flannelgraph - multi-colored leaves).
The teacher lays out pictures of leaves on the table and suggests first choosing and attaching green, then red and yellow leaves to the flannelgraph.
Autumn leaves are so beautiful that you feel very sorry for them, because they quickly dry out and crumble. How can we save the leaves? We can draw them. To do this you need to choose a paint. Here I have a box of paints. Who can help me choose green, red and yellow paint? (Children choose.)
Physical education minute.
We are autumn leaves.
They sat on the branches,
The wind blew and they flew.
They flew, flew and landed on the ground.
The wind came again
And I picked up all the leaves,
Twisted them, twisted them
And he lowered it to the ground.
Children perform actions (squat, spin) in accordance with the text.
II. Part.
Educator: - Today we will draw a lot of beautiful leaves, creating from them the same carpet that lies on the ground. To paint, we need a brush, which we must first wet in a glass of water. Then you need to put a little paint on the bristles of the brush and remove the excess on the edge of the jar. Now I can draw the first leaf (draws a leaf using the luring method), then another leaf. To paint a leaf of a different color, I need to rinse the brush well in a glass of water and only then pick up the paint of the desired color. (The teacher draws several leaves different color.) I need help. We need to draw a lot of leaves to make a carpet. Can you help? (2-3 children draw on the teacher’s sheet). “But to make it work beautiful landscape autumn forest, there should be a lot of trees. See if there are images of bare trees in the group? (Children find) You will become wizards and turn these boring trees into an autumn landscape."
During the drawing process, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the leaves should be located over the entire surface of the sheet of paper. Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn".
At the end of the work, the teacher reminds that the brush will last a long time if, after painting, it is thoroughly washed and dried.
Wed. gr. - Exercises, mobile-didactic game “Find your color.”
The teacher gives the children pieces of paper of different colors (red, yellow, green) and invites the children, on command, to run to the hoop of the corresponding color. During the game, the teacher stimulates the children’s actions with words, for example: “Now the fastest is the team of green leaves. But the red and yellow leaf teams will come together even faster.”
III. Part.
- Look at the wonderful drawings we made - these are also landscapes! Why? (Trees and nature are depicted). Multi-colored leaves decorated our bare trees. This is how we all together depicted the leaf fall that would decorate our group.
Outside the window the autumn leaf has turned yellow,
He broke away, spun, and flew.
The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze,
Everyone is spinning and playing under the window.
And when the cheerful wind flew away,
A yellow leaf on the asphalt, bored.
I went into the yard and picked up a leaf,
I brought it home and gave it to my mother.
O. Chusovitina

Connection with other activities. Learning poems about autumn and leaf fall. When walking, pay attention to how they fall autumn leaves. On their colorfulness, variety of colors. Invite children to collect leaves and pretend that leaves are falling, tossing the leaves up, and run through the fallen leaves.
Then the children choose one sheet they like.

Summary of GCD in different age groups according to visual arts on the topic

"Russian doll"

Software tasks:

*Fto create interest in wooden and homemade (cut-out silhouettes) matryoshka toys and their colorful outfit.

* Develop the desire to create images of objects using the simplest patterns (colored spots, bright strokes, circles, alternating lines) using drawing techniques.

* Develop a sense of color when choosing gouache paints. Stimulate the desire to create your own version of combinations ornamental patterns by color, showing creativity.

* Cause an emotional response to the created image.

* Cultivate a kind attitude towards game characters and a desire to help them.

* Enrich your active vocabulary (sarafan, Russian nesting dolls)

Materials: tinted album sheets of paper different types, cut out silhouettes of nesting dolls, watercolor paint 5-6 colors, brushes, rags, wet wipe.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Today I will tell you about toys that have long been known in our country, which have become authentic Russian souvenirs.

But guess what kind of toys we are talking about:

Scarlet silk handkerchief,

Bright sundress flower.

Hand rests

On wooden sides.

And there are secrets inside,

Maybe three, maybe six.

Got a little flushed

Our Russian... (Matryoshka)

Of course, this is a matryoshka doll, the most unusual toy.And I invite you to the museum of wooden toys.

Look how many there are here.

What is she, matryoshka? (ornate, painted, beautiful)

Why is it painted? (sundress decorated with flowers)

What is the matryoshka made of? (made of wood)

Guys, do you know that they make matryoshka dolls with a secret? The matryoshka opens up. Look.

How many dolls?

Dolls FIVE.

Have you noticed that the nesting dolls are different? (the biggest, the biggest, the smallest, even smaller, the smallest).

- How beautiful the nesting dolls are, how bright colors it was painted by the artist. You admire her and your heart rejoices. They are very elegant, painted, kind Russian nesting dolls.

There are several types of nesting dolls in Russia.

1) Sergievskaya matryoshka (red, orange, yellow, green and blue)

2) Semyonovskaya nesting doll (yellow and red colors. The bouquet takes up the entire apron and scarf)

3) Vyatka matryoshka (bright, colorful with large flowers in the center of the sundress)

4) Polkhovsko-Maidanovskaya (Multi-petal rose flower)

5) Gzhel matryoshka (They are decorated with blue-blue flowers)

6) Khokhloma matryoshka (There are many different berries in their costumes)

Exercise for the eyes: And now it is necessary for your eyes to rest (The teacher gives each child a small nesting doll) These nesting dolls will help us. First we perform the movements right hand, take a matryoshka doll in it

up and down (3p) we lower and raise our hand, we follow only with our eyes, we do not tilt our head

Now we wave our hand in front of us left and right (3p). We only follow the nesting doll with our eyes

Now we move our hand in a circle (3p)

Now take the matryoshka doll in left hand and we do the same movements with our left hand.

Children easily and naturally perform movements (up and down, right and left, diagonally, in a circle), either with their left or right hand and visually trace them. The gaze focuses on the matryoshka doll. There is no need to strain your eyes, you can blink

Matryoshkas love colorful, beautiful clothes and love to dance.

Our nesting dolls are waiting for their girlfriends to have fun together at the holiday. But something is delayed. Did something happen? Oh, here they are. (The teacher draws the children’s attention to the paper cut-out silhouettes of nesting dolls that stand on the tables). It just seems that they are not yet ready for the holiday, they are sad because their sundresses are not elegant. But they so want to be beautiful again. They love Russian nesting dolls colorful clothes. What to do?

Let's dress the nesting dolls in elegant clothes.

- Before we get started, let's remember what the matryoshka is wearing.

What's on her head? (kerchief)

On the body? (sundress)

What is the sundress decorated with? (with flowers)

Sometimes the nesting doll wears an apron on her sundress; it is also always decorated with flowers and patterns.

What patterns can you decorate an outfit for nesting dolls?

Stripes, circles, spots, strokes, flowers.

(Showing children techniques for creating a pattern. The teacher demonstrates methods of drawing. At the same time, he draws attention to the order of changing paints with washing the brush clean water and wipe with a cloth)

(We place the sippy cup and watercolor on the right, the rag on the left)

Dip the brush in water, take paint of any color and start painting.

A thin line with the tip of a brush, a wide line with a full bristle brush, spots with the tip of a brush, a circle with the tip of a brush, wavy line the tip of the brush, the flower with the tip of the brush.

Independent work of children to music. During the drawing process, the teacher reminds about the rules for using watercolors and encourages those who use different colors.

After finishing drawing, children cover the silhouettes of nesting dolls with their sheets. The teacher helps to gather them into a round dance: “How beautiful and cheerful the nesting dolls have become. How elegant all the nesting dolls are! They are happy with their outfits. You helped them come to the holiday looking so beautiful. They will have fun."

Analysis of works.

Guys, look at your nesting dolls. How beautiful they are. Do you like your works? Which nesting doll did you like best? Tell us why you liked the job.

Now have some fun with the nesting dolls. Song "Matryoshka"

We are funny nesting dolls,

Okay, okay.

We have boots on our feet,

Okay, okay.

We tied scarves

Okay, okay.

Our cheeks are flushed,

Okay, okay.

In our colorful sundresses,

Okay, okay.

We look like sisters

Okay, okay.


Teach children to build a circular pattern from the center, symmetrically arranging the elements on the radial axes;

Learn to use a variety of straight, rounded lines, shapes, and plant elements in a pattern;

Develop the ability to use a brush (paint with the end, the whole brush, move freely in different directions);

Induce in children a desire to create a collective composition from painted snowflakes.


demonstration - flannelgraph, envelope with an image of snowflakes, blank snowflake mockup.

handout - a blank model of a snowflake for each child, gouache white, thin brush, napkin, sippy cup, brush stand.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organization of children.

Children, guests came to our lesson and want to see how you can draw beautiful patterns. Sit quietly at the tables, put your hands on the table.

2. Main part.

Guys, in the morning, when I was going to work, at the gate of our kindergarten I was greeted by a snowman. He had a bag of letters over his shoulders, and he handed one of them to me. I didn’t stop him, he was in a hurry. I looked at the envelope and guessed who it was from. I think that you will also look carefully at the envelope and say who it is from. ( Children look at the envelope and express their opinion)

I’ll tell you a secret this letter from Santa Claus, let’s see together what he sent us. ( The teacher opens the envelope and takes out a model of a snowflake. Shows it to the children.)

Yes, it's a snowflake. I think that Santa Claus heard how we were diligently preparing for the New Year and learned a poem about a snowflake. Let's remember him. ( Children read a poem.)

S. Yesenin. "Snowflake"

Light fluffy white snowflake

How pure, how brave!

The stormy road easily rushes by

Not to the azure heights, but begs to land.

But now the long road ends

A crystal star touches the earth.

A brave fluffy snowflake lies

How clean, how white

Wait guys, there’s something else in the envelope. It's strange what it could be ( the teacher takes out an empty clean snowflake). This is probably a hint from Santa Claus. This snowflake has six corners, let's count them. ( Children count the corners. If the score is correct, praise the children; if they are wrong, correct them.)

Now we will draw unusual frosty lace.

What color is the snowflake? ( children's answers).

We will paint with thin, thin brushes using white gouache paint in work on a dark background.

Let's remember where to start drawing so that the snowflake turns out beautiful ( children's answers).

All snowflakes are different, but at their core they have general shape (the teacher shows a drawing of a snowflake - the basis is six rays diverging from one point).

I’m showing a drawing technique, guys, be careful: I put a dot in the middle and draw six rays, one ray up, one ray down, two rays to the left and two rays to the right - this is the basis of the snowflake. Now I connect the rays: I draw circles - one around the point, the second further ( The teacher shows drawing techniques.)

Now it needs to be turned into magic lace - it can be dots, curls, leaves, spots, berries, branches and anything you want. Look - the snowflake is thin, light, graceful. Let's remember how we draw thin lines? ( Children's answers. If the children find it difficult, the teacher reminds them of drawing techniques.)

It’s not difficult at all, and Santa Claus sent you clues in the form of snowflakes ( A teacher with children examines the contents of an envelope) You see, children, how caring Santa Claus is, he not only sent snowflakes, but also suggested how to draw them correctly. We won’t let him down, we’ll draw him beautifully and send him our snowflakes. ( The teacher removes the samples.)

The kids get to work!

After completing the work, the teacher invites the children to rest.

Finger gymnastics

“Today we drew, (stroke our hands, fingers)

Our fingers are tired.

Let them rest a little (shake your hands)

They will start drawing again.

Let’s move our elbows back together (elbows behind the back)

Let's start drawing again.

3. Analysis.

Well, now look at your snowflakes, how beautiful they are. We carefully get up and put the snowflakes on my table. Take a closer look: whose snowflakes have the thinnest lines and beautiful patterns. ( Collective discussion of works.)

We will collect our works, and, putting them in an envelope, we will send them to Santa Claus. Let him see what kind of masters we are, and just a little bit of wizards.

Now, guys, tell me, what did we do in class today? (Answers children.) We learned how to build a circular pattern from the center, symmetrically arranging the elements on the rays. We repeated and consolidated the techniques of working with a brush (paint with the end, with the whole brush, move freely in different directions). I think you enjoyed being fabulous artist, and Santa Claus will like your snowflakes.

Lyudmila Fesenko
Lesson notes for a multi-age group unconventional drawing in the second junior and middle groups

Subject: “Dandelions are yellow flowers like the sun” Target: Middle group: Continue to develop children's ability to apply skills unconventional drawing. 2 junior group: paper ball printing and drawing with a cotton swab. Tasks: Develop hand motor skills, creative thinking , orientation on a sheet of paper, persistent interest in unconventional drawing; sense of color, creative imagination of children. Consolidate knowledge colors: yellow and green. The ability to correctly hold a soft brush and position the image across the entire sheet; draw with crumpled paper, plastic fork. Educate children careful attitude to nature. Vocabulary Job: outline, pokes, paper ball, plastic fork. Methodical techniques: conversation, solving riddles, surprise moment, dynamic pause, visual demonstration of a drawing, productive activity, encouragement.

Material: Paper white: gouache yellow, green. Hard brushes, a piece of white printing paper, napkins, brushes for drawing flower leaves. Butterfly outlines for a surprise moment. Did. a game "Find out by description", solving riddles. TSO: music. Billingual component: gul-flower, sary-yellow, zhasyl-green. Move classes. Educator: - Guys, would you like to become little wizards and create miracles? Children: - Yes! Educator: - Then let's close our eyes and say the magic spell “Top - stomp, Clap - clap, Turn around yourself, Turn into a little wizard!” Educator: Now we have turned into wizards, and I invite you to go to magical land Risovandia. You are ready? Children: - Yes! Educator: What time of year is it now? What happens in nature (Spring, nature wakes up) Educator: Spring has come to us, How much light and warmth! The snow is melting, the streams are babbling. Sparrows are jumping in the puddles! And very soon the guys will wake up from their winter sleep bees, butterflies, bugs. (The teacher draws attention to the butterfly sitting in a corner of nature) Educator: Guys! Who is this sitting in our corner of nature? Children: Butterfly. Educator: Yes, she brought us a letter. Guys, shall we read it? Children: Yes, let's read it. (The teacher reads the letter): "Hello guys! Meadow butterflies are writing to you. Spring has come and we woke up after a long sleep. But here trouble: the first grass has not yet appeared on the earth, the green leaves have not blossomed on the trees, have not bloomed spring flowers in the meadows. And without their nectar, aroma and sweet juice, we butterflies can die. Help us guys! Butterflies" Educator: Guys, do you want to help butterflies? Children: Yes! Educator: Since you and I turned into wizards and ended up in the country Risovandia, then we will try to help the butterflies. (The teacher invites the children take your seats) (Children 2 ml. g. sit at a table on which there is a butterfly on a stand) - Educator: I’ll tell you a riddle now, and you guess what plant it’s about. On the lawn, near the forest, flowers bloomed. Yellow like the sun. On a green leg. And as soon as they grow up, the hats will be put on, soft, airy and obedient to the wind. (Dandelions)- Guys, look how beautiful the dandelions are in the picture. (children look at a photo or picture). Let's look at it and find out what parts this flower consists of? (Stem, leaves, flower, root.)- Guys, how is this flower similar to the sun? (Round, yellow.) Educator: And now, let's turn into artists and draw dandelions on the green meadow for the butterflies. Paint We will paint the flowers yellow, and the leaves green. Let's remember how in Kaz. language is possible say: green, yellow? Children:(Sary is yellow, Zhasyl is green.)- Guys, what do you think we will be? draw dandelion? (With tassels). But there are others on your tables items: paper balls, cotton buds, plastic forks and soft brushes. The teacher shows the reception drawing dandelion:painting the outline of the flower with a paper ball and a plastic fork, and the stem and leaves with a finger and a soft brush. Watch how I dip a fork into the gouache and, placing it on the sheet, draw a circle. Leaves and stem are painted with a soft brush. And Aruzhan, Bogdan, Mansur will paint over the flower with a paper ball, and the stem and leaves finger paint. So let's get to work! But first, let's do some fun finger exercises. Are you ready? Clench your hands into a fist, put them on your side, straighten your palms, play a little! And now, guys, let's pick up magic objects and begin paint. (Music by E. Grieg sounds "Morning". Children draw). Individual work with children 2 ml. gr. Reflection: The butterfly really liked the dandelions, she praises the children (Children get up and leave the table) Individual work with children. (Children's works are put on display.) Educator: What a beautiful flowering meadow you have created! Educator colorful butterflies). Educator: Guys, look how fun it is here! How many butterflies flocked to the dandelion lawns! Do you think we helped the butterflies? Children: Yes. Educator: And the butterflies tell you for it "Thank you".

Educator: Guys! Now close your eyes for a moment. (Children close their eyes. They look down at the drawings colorful butterflies).Educator: Guys, look how fun it is here! How many butterflies flocked to the dandelion lawn! Do you like it here? Children: Yes, I like it. Educator: Flowers decorate meadows and forests, But this is not only the beauty of nature - Bees find a healing gift in them, And butterflies drink sweet nectar from them. There is no need, friends, there is no point in tearing them, There is no need to make bouquets out of them... The bouquets will wither... The flowers will die... And there will no longer be such beauty! Guys, let the flowers remain in your pictures and please us for a long time. Guys, who did we help today?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of unconventional drawing in 2nd younger group“Flower for Mommy” Prepared by teacher - Tsyryapkina N.A. Objectives: To introduce.

Notes on non-traditional drawing in the second junior group “Basket of Berries” Notes on non-traditional drawing in the 2nd junior group on the topic “Basket of Berries” “Basket of Berries” Purpose: To familiarize children with drawing.

Summary of an open lesson on unconventional drawing in the middle group “Journey to the underwater kingdom” Objectives: To form and enrich children’s ideas about the seasons, to clarify and systematize ideas about fish and their places of residence.

Summary of an open lesson on non-traditional drawing in the second junior group Abstract open class in non-traditional drawing in the 2nd junior group. Topic: “Kolobok” Purpose: To develop skills in drawing with wool.

Notes on non-traditional drawing in the second junior group “Chick-chick-chick, my chickens” Goal: Teach children to draw with their fingers. Objectives: 1. Introduce children to a new way of drawing - finger painting. 2. Consolidate knowledge.

Svetlana Tretyakova

Drawing lesson notes

mixed age group

« Large and small spruces» teacher Tretyakova S.N.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", « Artistic creativity» , "Reading fiction» , « Physical Culture» , "Communication", "Socialization", "Safety".

Tasks: To develop children’s aesthetic perception of the environment and hand motor skills. Teach children 4 years old draw a Christmas tree, children 5-6 years old continue to teach draw a Christmas tree, achieving expressive transmission of needles using different techniques. Learn to convey the difference in height of old and young trees, their color and structure, drawing with the end of a brush. Cultivate accuracy in work and respect for nature.

Material: gouache, tinted paper, illustrations, educational game "Build a Christmas tree"- cubes "Fold the pattern".

Preliminary work. Looking at fir trees while walking around the site, as well as looking at illustrations showing needles different ways.

Progress of the lesson.

Children go to the middle of the carpet.

Guys, we have guests, let's say hello unusual: with each other, with guests, with fingers.

Finger game "Good morning".

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, listen to the riddle.


She looks like a hedgehog

Like a hedgehog, she is covered in needles too,

There are fruits on it - cones.

The girls are waiting for her, the boys,

When it's New Year's Eve

He will come to visit them for the holiday.

What is the riddle about? Christmas tree.

Listen to the poem.

I. Tokmakova "Eli..."

Ate at the edge of the forest -

To the top of the sky -

They listen, they are silent,

They look at their grandchildren.

And the grandchildren are Christmas trees,

Thin needles -

At the forest gate

They lead a round dance.

Educator: Children, what is the poem talking about? - about Christmas trees.

And what kind of Christmas trees are we talking about? - about Christmas trees big and small.

I show illustrations that depict big and small spruces.

Questions for children:

What is shown here?

What kind of Christmas trees do you see? - high and low.

What color is the Christmas tree? - green.

Children, what are the branches on the Christmas trees covered with? - pine needles.

Which Christmas trees are fluffier? - big Christmas trees fluffier, there are a lot of branches and needles on them (needles).

Children, how should we treat them and the nature that surrounds us? - do not break branches, do not cut down Christmas trees, do not light fires in the forest.

Get up, let's rest: physical education lesson - Our Christmas tree.

Our Christmas tree is big. Make circular movements with your hands.

Our Christmas tree is tall. They stand on their toes, raising their hands up.

Taller than mom, taller than dad, they squat, arms forward, and stand on their toes.

Reaches to the ceiling. Reaching up.

Let's dance merrily, alternately put our feet on the heel,

We will sing songs, spreading our arms to the sides and placing them on our belts.

So that the tree wants

Come visit us again!

If you want to build a Christmas tree out of cubes, go to the beds. Didactic game "Build a Christmas tree" Ask who has tall and who has short spruces. Children, today we will be with you draw Christmas trees – big and small, go to the tables.

I show you how to consistently draw a spruce. I'll take a sheet and put it vertically, what color will we use? draw the trunk – brown. We start from the top, paint with the tip of the brush, gradually pressing the brush with the entire bristles. To show how thick the old spruce trunk is draw on the other side, we also draw another trunk, on the other hand, we get such a gate. And now we draw the branches with dark green paint, start from top to bottom, and use the end of the brush to complete small strokes. It turns out so spruce "paws".

A small Christmas trees next to big ones, at the forest gate in the clearing they dance in a round dance. Let's paint their thin trunks with light green paint. small Christmas trees, let's draw on the branches, paint them as if they were skirts, triangles.

Bottom line:

At the end classes We look at all the drawings and choose those that the children liked.

Guys, find the tallest spruce.

Which picture has the fluffiest Christmas tree?

Which Christmas tree has beautiful, fluffy branches?

Well done guys, everyone tried their best, we got a real one spruce forest, if you want to play a game, you will be bunnies.

Outdoor game "The gray bunny jumped".

Children randomly jump on the carpet and perform movements according to the text.

The little gray bunny was galloping, The bunny was looking for food for himself, Suddenly, on the top of the hare’s head, The ears stood up like arrows, A quiet rustle is heard, Someone is sneaking through the forest, The bunny confuses the tracks, Runs away from the fox.

Publications on the topic:

Hello! Dear colleagues, today I want to present to your attention a photo report of the educational educational activity for modeling “Big and small carrots” with middle-aged children.

Hello dear colleagues! Since September 1, I have recruited new children aged 3 years and older. We now have a new group that is enrolling children. mine.

Summary of an integrated educational activity on cognitive development for children of the early age group “Big and Small” Video Synopsis of an integrated educational activity on cognitive development for group children early age on the topic “Big and Small” Date:.

Summary of GCD for application in the second junior group “Big and small balls” Target: knows how to select large and small round objects; paste the image onto a landscape sheet. Priority educational.

Implementation in educational fields: « Cognitive development"(formation of a holistic picture of the world and elementary mathematical concepts.