Theater activity project "theater and us". "We're playing theater." Short-term project of theatrical activities in a preschool educational institution

Natalya Trofimova

Project “Playing theatre”

Target: Creating prerequisites for the creative development of a child’s personality through theatrical activities


Development of creative abilities

Development of communication skills

Moral education

Forming a sense of successful self-realization

Instilling cultural and aesthetic norms

Creating conditions for joint activities of children and adults


Children, teachers of secondary and preparatory groups

Musical director

Teacher additional education according to activity.


Implementation deadlines: September - November

Expected results: Production of the fairy tale “Hares and Fox” by E. Tilicheeva (collection “ Music games, publishing house "Music", 1964) - with the participation of children from the secondary and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions.

As a result, children’s level of emotional responsiveness, organization, and mobility will increase. Theatrical activities will be a powerful stimulus for the creative development of the child; it will have a beneficial effect on the formation of teamwork skills and a responsible attitude towards one’s words and actions. Theatrical activities will contribute to the cohesion of the children's team and reduce the “distance” between adults and children.

Implementation stages

1. Introduction to the theater

Watching video materials and presentations dedicated to the theater

Conversations about the culture of behavior in the theater

Introduction to theater professions

Visiting children's performances in theaters in our city

Educators, teachers: selection of teaching materials on the topic “Theatre”

Working with parents:

Information stand “Our theaters”

Consultation “Theatrical Culture”

Joint visits to children's theaters in the city

2. Getting to know literary source

Work with children:

Reading fairy tales

Choosing a fairy tale for production

Discussion of characters/characters

Moral of the story (instructive meaning)

Getting to know musical characteristics heroes (music material by E. Tilicheeva)

Drawing fairy tale characters, modeling

Production of posters, tickets, programs

Work with teachers, educators:

Scenario discussion

Work on a literary source (editing) in accordance with the program requirements for the development of preschoolers

Making a fairy tale model

Working with parents:

Getting to know the work of E. Tilicheeva, author of the fairy tale “Hares and the Fox”

Conversation about the importance of theatrical activities in the development of the personality of preschool children

Consultation for parent corners “How to instill in children an interest in the theater?

3. Work on the play

Joint activities with children:

Preparatory studies, exercises

Distribution of roles

Learning the text - expressiveness of speech, diction, articulation, facial expressions,

Learning musical numbers

Work on the expressiveness of movements characteristic of a given character

Construction of mise-en-scène

Working on stage culture

Rehearsals individual, subgroup, combined

Educators, teachers:

Preparation (production) of scenery, attributes, costumes

Selection of musical material

Construction of mise-en-scène

Discussion of makeup

Working with Parents:

Preparation/production of scenery, attributes, costumes

Conversations about the importance of systematic activities with children

4. Demonstration of work results

Plot-role-playing game "Theater"

Screening of the play for parents at the Autumn Festival

Screening of the play as part of the “Theatre Week” for all preschool children (Appendix)

Educators, teachers:

Exhibition of children's works

Organizational issues related to children's performances

Working with parents:

Consultation “The Art of Being a Spectator”

Video/photography of a children's performance

Exhibition of photographs “Ladder of Success” - about children’s participation in the play

5. Analysis of work results

Educators, teachers:

Encouraging the children of the performance participants

Discussion of the project results at the pedagogical council

Working with parents:

Questioning parents on work results

Collecting reviews


"Theater Week"

Day of showing fairy tales to everyone age groups preschool educational institution

Plot-role-playing game “We are going to the theater”

Children - spectators (accompanied by teachers) go at the appointed time to watch the play "Hares and the Fox". Along the way, they look at the poster, drawings, and the exhibition “Plasticine Fairy Tale” (a demonstration of children's works prepared with the participation of an additional education teacher in art activities).

They approach the fake cash register, where they are met by a child - cashier (preparatory group):

Cashier: Hello guys!

Children and teacher: Hello! We want to buy theater tickets for today's performance!

Cashier: We don't sell tickets, they are given for guessing!

Educator: How do you mean “for the answer”?

Cashier: If you guess my riddles, then you get tickets to the theater!

Cashier reads riddles about fairy tales to children:

1. Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

2. Somehow the mouse is not big

She dropped the egg on the floor.

The woman is crying, the grandfather is crying.

What a fairy tale, give me the answer!

(Chicken Ryaba)

3. In the fairy tale, the fox is a cheat

She cleverly deceived the bunny,

But he helped him in trouble

One brave cockerel.

(Zayka's hut)

4. Dragged away by angry birds

Sister's little brother,

But little sister, no matter how small

Still, she saved the baby.

What kind of birds were they in the fairy tale?

And who did they serve?

(Geese swans and Baba Yaga)

5. He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose -

Didn't swallow anything

And he was left with his nose.

(Fox and crane)

6. Walking briskly along the path,

They carry the water themselves in buckets.

(At the behest of the pike)

7. There is neither a river nor a pond.

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

8. The mouse found a home for itself,

The mouse was kind:

In that house after all

There were a lot of residents.


9. It was baked from flour,

It was mixed with sour cream.

He was chilling at the window,

He rolled along the path. (Kolobok)

Cashier: Well done, I praise you guys! We solved all the riddles.

Here are the tickets -...get them! Come to our theater!

The cashier hands the children tickets that have been prepared in advance by a group of children in a free activity.

Children: Thank you!

Cashier: Welcome to a fabulous show!

At the entrance to the “theater” hall, the audience is greeted by a child - an usher.

In the hall: a theater bell sounds.

Musical director conducts a conversation with children: Hello, guys! I am glad to see you in our music hall! Today we will play “To the Theater”. Have any of you gone to a real theater? What was it called? What is “theater”? Do you know that we have kindergarten is there a THEATER too? Where is he located? (In the music room). It is called " Wonderland" Everything here is like in a real theater! There is a stage, spectator rows, scenery, backstage, dressing room, costume room.... And even a theatrical call. Do you hear? (the second bell sounds) How many times does the theater ring the bell? You heard the first call before I greeted you. What does each call mean? (children answer). Right. Before the start of the performance, the audience is in the foyer of the theater, and with the first bell the doors open to auditorium and guests can take seats according to the tickets purchased. The second call is more intended for artists; it requires them to be ready to go on stage. The third bell announces the start of the theatrical performance.

How should you behave during the performance? (children's answers)

Children are shown a presentation on “Rules of Conduct in the Theatre,” during which they memorize the “basics” of theater etiquette and answer questions in the form of “choose the correct answer.”

Musical director: Today we will see a fairy tale by Elena Tilicheeva - “Hares and Fox”. And it will be played by young actors from the middle and preparatory groups.

The third bell sounds: The bell rings, it starts pouring - our fairy tale begins!

Children watch the play "Hares and Fox"

At the end of the performance, the Musical Director conducts a short conversation with the children on the topic “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - good fellows lesson!". Children tell what the fairy tale taught them. The presenter sums up the moral of the tale:

1. “Strangers” should not be allowed into the house,

Everyone should know this!

2. We can’t live without friends,

Friendship should be treasured!

MADOU "TsRR-D/S No. 87" Syktyvkar

Project on theatrical activities in the senior group

"Theater and us"


Mikhailova M.A.

Syktyvkar, 2016


Now children know much more than their peers 10-15 years ago, they decide faster logic problems, but much less often they admire and are surprised, indignant and worried.

Increasingly, children show indifference and callousness, their interests, as a rule, are limited, and their games are monotonous. Many preschoolers are passionate about computers, and adults often follow the children’s lead, purchasing computer games that involve wars with monsters and vampires, without thinking about the harm this causes. personal development child.

As a rule, such children do not know how to occupy themselves in free time and they look at the world around them without surprise and special interest, as consumers, not creators.

Intensive changes in the surrounding life, the active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all its spheres dictate to the teacher the need to choose more effective means training and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies. We conducted a survey of parents, which showed that: · 64% of preschoolers by the age of 5-6 years have no interest in theatrical art and activities. Because theater reflects phenomena surrounding reality, then the lack of knowledge on such an interesting and exciting activity created a need to work in more detail with both children and their parents. So, we decided to find out everything we could about the theater.

Target: To shape the development of creative abilities through theatrical activities, the development of artistic abilities in children.


Type: Creative, mid-term.

Participants: Educators senior group, children, parents, music director.

Expected Result:

Parents and children get acquainted with the history of the theater, its types, methods of production and performance. The desire to visit theaters with children is increasing. Bonds between parents and educators are strengthened. Children's artistic abilities develop.

Implementation stages:

    Preparatory stage

Collection of literature

Conversations with children

Consultations with parents

Drawing up a work plan

Making attributes

Selection of visual information and moving folders

    Main stage


Conversation: “What is theater?”

View slides with different types theaters: opera, ballet, drama, puppet

Production of theater tickets

Watching children's outdoor performances in preschool educational institutions

Plot- role-playing games with children “Theater”, “Family”

Finger Theater

Outdoor games with heroes

Reading Russian folk tales

Games for developing facial expressions

Bi-Ba-Bo Theater: “Kolobok”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Teremok”

View slides about the history of the theater and theatrical costume

Matinee rehearsals

Dramatization of fairy tales

Learning poems

Album design "Theater and We"

Breathing exercises

Articulation gymnastics

Finger gymnastics

Exercises to develop fine motor skills (with plasticine, with rings, with napkins, with pencils)

Theatrical performances

Making various types of puppet theater


Visiting the theater with a child

Preparing to show a fairy tale for children (choosing a work and script, learning the script, rehearsals)

Making attributes

    The final stage

Showing the fairy tale for older children “Little Fox and Sister Gray wolf» younger preschoolers

Participation of children in the Fairytale Chest festival

Creating an Album


Questionnaire for parents

1.How old is your child?

2. How long does he attend preschool?

3. In what forms does a child manifest creativity?

4.Does he share his impressions about theatrical performances, activities, and holidays held in kindergarten?

5. Do they evoke an emotional response in him? puppet shows?

6.Are there children’s cassettes or disks with recordings of fairy tales in the house?

7. Do you organize theatrical performances at home?

8.Have you been to the theater with your child?

9.Your wishes and suggestions for theatrical activities in our garden.

Thank you very much!

After conducting the questionnaire, we set the following tasks:

    Arouse interest in theater among children and parents;

    To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (the use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppeteering) through playing fairy tales;

    Develop memory, expressive competent speech, vocabulary, form correct sound pronunciation;

    To interest parents in purchasing and producing different types of theater and provide information on ways to perform it at home with children and in a group;

    Involve parents in creating joint activities;

    Develop emotional sphere child through theatrical activities (games, sketches);

    Conduct final events (card index of theatrical games, staging a fairy tale, creating an album);








Conversation with children about mood, rules of behavior, and their observance. View presentations

"Theatre", "Professions in the Theater"

Reading works,

word games, viewing slides about the history of theater and theatrical costume.

Reading works

Preparing for children's participation in the Fairytale Chest festival

Participation of children in the Fairytale Chest festival

Showing the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf” to older children to younger preschoolers


Consultation for parents “Theater at Home”

Involving parents in the production of attributes.

Visit to the drama theater

Preparing to show a fairy tale for children


The selection of the card index is theatricalized

Visit to the drama theater

Book exhibition “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Equipment for the pedagogical process

Selection of presentations to enrich plots and game actions.

Manufacturing and purchasing didactic material to theatrical games.

Album art

Articulation gymnastics

open your mouth wide - “hot”
close your mouth - "cold"
"Brush your teeth"
smile, open your mouth
the tip of the tongue with inside“brush” the lower and upper teeth alternately
"Kneading the dough"
slap your tongue between your lips - “five-five-five-five-five...”
bite the tip of your tongue with your teeth (alternate these two movements)
open your mouth wide
stick out broad tongue and give it a “cup” shape (i.e. slightly raise the tip of the tongue)
stretch your lips forward with tension (teeth closed)
smile, exposing closed teeth with tension
lips in a smile
open your mouth slightly
use the tip of your tongue to stroke ("paint") the palate
click your tongue like you're riding a horse
touch your wide tongue to the roof of your mouth
lips in a smile, mouth open
the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth
arch your tongue, resting the tip of your tongue on your lower teeth
"Let's catch the mouse"
lips in a smile
open your mouth slightly
say “ah-ah” and bite the wide end of your tongue (catch the mouse by the tail)
stretch out your lips
open your mouth slightly
click with a “narrow” tongue (like a horse’s hooves click)
"The steamer is humming"
lips in a smile
open your mouth
pronounce with tension a long “y-y-y...”
"The elephant drinks"
stretching your lips forward like a tube to form an “elephant trunk”
“get some water” while smacking your lips slightly
"Turkeys are chatting"
quickly move your tongue along your upper lip - “ba-ba-ba-ba...”
mouth closed
the tip of the tongue with tension alternately rests on the cheeks
Hard balls - "nuts" - form on the cheeks
open your mouth
tip of tongue behind upper teeth
tip of tongue behind lower teeth
smile, open your mouth
move the tip of the tongue (like a clockwise direction) from one corner of the mouth to another
open your mouth slightly
put your wide tongue on your lower lip
"Delicious jam"
open your mouth
lick your upper lip with a wide, cup-shaped tongue
puff out your cheeks
deflate your cheeks
make a “mushroom” (i.e. suck your wide tongue to the roof of your mouth)
Without lifting your tongue, open and close your mouth (do not close your teeth)
open your mouth
the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth - “de-de-de...”
put cotton wool on the tip of your nose
With a wide tongue in the shape of a “cup”, pressed to the upper lip, blow the cotton wool up from the nose
"Put the ball into the goal"
“push” your wide tongue between your lips (as if you are driving a ball into a goal) blow with your tongue pressed between your lips (do not puff out your cheeks)
It is necessary to carry out articulation gymnastics in game form.

Breathing exercises.

Exercise 1.

"Hamster." The child pretends to be a hamster - puffs out his cheeks and walks like this for several steps. Then he turns around, slaps himself on the cheeks, letting out the air.

Exercise 2.

"Rose and dandelion." The child stands upright. Inhale deeply through your nose - “smells a rose”, exhale - letting out as much air as possible, “blows on a dandelion”.

Exercise 3.

"Crow". The baby stands with his arms down and his legs slightly apart. Inhale - arms spread wide to the sides (wings), exhale - arms slowly lower, the child says: “Karrrrr.”

Exercise 4.

"Hen". The child sits on a chair with his arms down. Quick inhalation – hands are raised, palms up, to the armpits (wings). Exhale – lower your arms, turning your palms down.

Exercise 5.

« Balloon" The child lies on his back, hands on his stomach. As you inhale, the balloon tummy slowly inflates, and as you exhale, the balloon tummy slowly deflates. Exercise 6. “Wave”. The child lies on his back, arms along the body, legs together. Inhale – arms rise up and back, touching the floor. Exhale - the hands return to the starting position, while the child says: “Vni-i-i-z.”

Exercise 6.

"Watch." The child stands, arms down, feet shoulder-width apart. Depicting a clock, the child waves his straight arms back and forth, saying: “Tick-tock.” Exercise 8. “Diver”. The child should imagine that he is going underwater to the sea. A deep breath is taken and the breath is held for as long as possible.

GBOU d/s 2504 Moscow

Pedagogical project:

Theatrical games for developing the creative abilities of older children preschool age

“Creativity is not the preserve of only geniuses who have created great works of art.

Creativity exists wherever a person imagines, combines, creates something new."

(L.S. Vygotsky)

Relevance of the problem

The current stage of development of the preschool education system is characterized by the search and development of new technologies for teaching and raising children.

In this case, an active approach to the child’s personality is used as a priority. One of the types of children's activities widely used in the process of education

And the comprehensive development of children is theatrical activity, which fully allows for the implementation of all the principles of education.

From a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities because at this age children are extremely inquisitive,

They have a great desire to explore the world around them. And adults, encouraging curiosity, imparting knowledge to children, involving them in various types of theatrical activities, help expand children's experience.

And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than the thinking of older children.

It is not yet crushed by dogmas and stereotypes, it is more independent. And this quality must be developed in every possible way. Preschool age provides excellent opportunities for developing creativity.

And the extent to which these opportunities were used will largely depend creative potential already an adult.

Formulation of the problem:

Nowadays children know much more than their peers 10-15 years ago; they solve logical problems faster, but are much less likely to be amazed and surprised, indignant and worried.

Increasingly, children show indifference and callousness, their interests, as a rule, are limited, and their games are monotonous. Many preschoolers are passionate about computers, and adults often follow their children’s lead.

purchasing computer games-wars with monsters, vampires, without thinking about the harm this causes to the personal development of the child.

As a rule, such children do not know how to occupy themselves in their free time and look at the world around them without surprise and special interest, as consumers, not creators.

Intensive changes in the surrounding life, the active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all its spheres dictate the teacher the need to choose more effective means of teaching and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies. To identify the relevance of this problem for our preschool institution, we conducted diagnostics among children (Appendix No. 1)

and a survey of their parents (Appendix No. 2), which showed that: · 64% of preschool children by the age of 5-6 have no interest in theatrical art and activities · 53% of children have a low level of development of creativity in speech, motor and productive activities · 65% of parents have little understanding of theatrical art · 12% of parents do not know the theaters of our city. The goal of the project: to develop the creative abilities of children of senior preschool age through theatrical games.

Project objectives:

1. Encourage children to fantasize and come up with their own plot.

2. Develop the ability to come up with new game ideas.

3. Teach children to transform into roles and improvise.

4. Learn to get used to artistic image, take a creative approach to depicting the plot.

5. Develop in children creative expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions, and movements.

Tasks pedagogical activity teacher:

1. Use theatrical games to solve the main problems of educational areas in accordance with FGT.

2. Through theatrical games, develop creative abilities. 3. Complicate the game material by setting more and more creative tasks for children.

4. Create an atmosphere of creativity and trust, giving each child the opportunity to speak out about the game process

5. Encourage improvisation, the ability to feel free in a role.

6. Unleash the creative potential of children by involving them in various activities and theatrical performances

Base characteristics:

The project materials can be used in the teaching activities of educators with children aged 5–6 years in general development groups in preschool educational institutions.

Stages and timing of the project

1. Preparatory (formative) - (September)

2. Main (practical) - (October-April)

3. Final - (May)

Conditions for the implementation of project activities

The environment is one of the main means of developing a child’s personality, the source of his individual knowledge and social experience.

I tried to create favorable conditions in the group for independent theatrical activities of children.

The subject-spatial environment provides joint theatrical activities for children and is the basis for the independent creativity of each child, a unique form of self-education.

The group has created a corner for theatrical activities, which houses:

· Props for performing skits and performances (set of dolls, screens, costume elements, masks, game props).

· Attributes for various playing positions:

1. “actor” (costumes, masks, dolls, theatrical props);

2. “director” (scenery, various material for the production of theatrical attributes, books, cassettes with recordings of music, theatrical noises, books with fairy tales - audio recordings);

3. “spectator” (places for spectators, posters, box office, tickets, binoculars, “money”, props for the buffet);

4. “designer” (types of paper, glue, paints, markers, pencils, fabrics, threads, buttons, boxes, natural materials).

The next step was the organization of work with preschoolers, consisting of 2 stages:

· creating an emotionally prosperous atmosphere;

· enriching children's play creativity; preparation and holding of theatrical games.

This provided: · an integrated approach to organizing the educational process;

· high level development of theatrical knowledge and skills; · creating conditions for the development of children's creative expressions;

· optimal load on the child in order to protect him from overwork.

The creativity of children in their theatrical and play activities was manifested in three directions:

· productive creativity (writing your own stories or creative interpretation of a given story);

· performing (speech, motor);

· design (scenery, costumes, paraphernalia, etc.).

Enriching children artistic means the transfer of the image was facilitated by sketches from read works or the selection of any event from a fairy tale and its drawing (the audience guesses).

The sketches in which children moved to fragments of musical works were interesting. The children actively discussed what was best to play and coordinated their plans and desires.

The game was repeated several times and everyone had the opportunity to try themselves in the role they liked; they agreed on two or three casts of “artists.”

In order to assimilate the sequence of events and clarify the images of the characters, artistic and creative activities were organized: drawing, appliqué, modeling on the theme of the work.

Children in subgroups were given a task, for example, to sculpt figures of characters to act out a fairy tale.

At the same time, there was no need for special memorization of the text. The main directions in the development of theatrical play consisted of a gradual transition of the child from playing according to one literary or folklore text to a game of contamination, implying the child’s free construction of a plot in which the literary basis is combined with its free interpretation by the child or several works are combined.

From a game where expressive means are used to convey the characteristics of a character, to a game as a means of self-expression through the image of a hero; from a game in which the center is the “artist”, to a game in which a complex of positions “artist”, “director”, “scriptwriter”, “designer”, “costume designer” is presented, but at the same time the preferences of each child are associated with some one of them, depending on individual abilities and interests;

from theatrical play to theatrical play activity as a means of personal self-expression and self-realization of abilities.

I worked with children without direct instructions, and placed greater emphasis on indirect influences through the organization of joint activities, games, playful communication, and the use of literature and art.

Forms of organization of the educational process

· Conversations and organized activity;

· Didactic and theatrical games, exercises;

· Artistic and productive activity;

· Design of exhibitions of children's works, joint creativity of children and their parents; photo exhibitions;

· Trips to the theater and photo excursions; · Conducting theatrical performances;

· Sports, music, folklore entertainment and holidays

The children's form of organization was carried out in free and joint activities in the afternoon.

She suggested that the children work sitting or standing, whatever suited them. Children could move away from their workplace to look at the activities of their comrades, ask for advice,

Ask for help or offer your own, or find something else to do. Having completed this or that task, no one waits for anyone, restores order and goes about his business without attracting attention.

When working with children, game techniques were used with the inclusion of characters such as Dunno, Pinocchio, Cheburashka, etc., who admit inaccuracies, make mistakes, and get confused.

The children gladly came to their aid, were happy, felt self-confident, and realized the importance and usefulness of knowledge and skills.

The work was based on seasonality, various manifestations of nature, calendar holidays, and on what is close, dear and interesting to children. She organized joint activities in the form of a game through a fairy tale.

For example: “Visiting autumn”, “ Winter Tales» etc. A special creative atmosphere reigned in the joint activity. All activities were accompanied by vivid experiences and surprise moments.

After all, only a child living surrounded bright images, fantasies, capable of creating anything. Once a month a creative day was organized where children were given the opportunity to engage in any type of activity. Working together with children to be productive artistic activity organized in small subgroups (6-8 children).

Creative tasks are available for children of senior preschool age, for which they are united by interests.

Each subgroup was offered a choice creative task, which the subgroup does “in secret” from others during the week.

At the end of the week, exhibitions, competitions, games and other activities were organized, and the fruits of children's creativity were demonstrated. Due attention was paid to entertaining games and exercises, experimental games with materials and tools, as well as game tasks, which were carried out in all forms of organizing productive activities and, of course, in any free time at different regime moments.

For better assimilation and organization of assimilation educational material The following techniques and methods were used: explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, research, heuristic (partially search), diagnostic, reflective.

Games used in joint activities and routine moments were combined into several blocks:

FIRST BLOCK “Introduction to the theater.”

The purpose of this block is to broaden the horizons of children, educate people who love and understand art, striving for theatrical creativity.

Our preschool educational institution works in partnership with visiting theaters (puppet theaters “Tales of Lukomorye”, “Dolls Laugh”, “Poteshki”, dramatic “ A Clockwork Orange", the theater "Magic Magic", who come to the garden, where they get to know the "theater" and the theater artists directly.

Trips are also organized with parents and children different theaters: « an old house", Theater " Musical comedy" A very interesting excursion to the Puppet Theater, where there is a toy museum.

Here we get acquainted with the history of toys, how toys “play roles”. We also introduce the children to the professions of people working in the theater. Children listen with interest to the story about various theaters and look at the illustrations. Have been developed didactic games And visual material to prepare children for theatrical games

SECOND BLOCK “The Magical World of Theater”.Games and sketches that introduce children to the basic emotions of a person, the means by which children understand each other and the world of adults. To sum up each emotion, a game with pictures “Emotions for Everyone” was played: situations are given that the child must, as it were, pass through himself and give an answer. Thus, the child’s behavior was corrected, the ability to be open and sensitive, and to understand the feelings and emotions of other people developed.

THIRD BLOCK “I am a little actor.”Goal: training the speech apparatus, various groups muscles, breathing. This includes creative games with words, exercises on diction, intonation, finger games, games to develop speech expressiveness. One of the types of games in this block is rhythmoplasty. Rhythmoplasty games allow you to achieve:

· liberation of the child, to feel the capabilities of his body;

· development of expressiveness of body movements; · development of motor abilities;

· muscle freedom, relieve muscle tension.

In the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is activated and the sound culture of speech is improved.

The role played by the child, especially the dialogue with another character, confronted the little actor with the need to express himself clearly, distinctly, and intelligibly.

The games and sketches used helped children feel the ease and joy of communicating with peers and adults, and be ready for improvisation and creativity.

In the afternoon, joint activities included games - dramatizations, preparation for theatrical performances, and puppet theater.

Dramatization games were carried out in the form of verbatim retelling in person (by role) work of art, read by the teacher, or a free retelling of the text by children - a role-playing game for children.

A literal retelling of the text was carried out together with the children, I took on the role of the leader, and the children were assigned other roles. The dramatization of a work of art in which children freely retell the lines of each character occurs as a plot-role-playing game.

As a rule, these were fairy tales, read many times.

Puppet theater is a type of plot-based “director’s” game: here children are invited to recite the text of a work of art by role, forcing them to simultaneously act for the heroes of this work

The works are ordinary toys (toy theater), parsleys (puppets put on the fingers), cut out pictures, etc. I used puppet theater as a methodological tool to activate children's speech.

Working with a doll allows you to improve fine motor skills hands and coordination of movements; be responsible for managing the doll; express through the doll those emotions, feelings, states, movements that are ordinary life for some reason the child cannot or does not allow himself to express himself; allows you to learn to find adequate bodily expression of various emotions, feelings, states

Working with parents(Appendix No. 4) Children’s creativity was facilitated by close contact between teachers and parents, where parents became active allies and assistants in organizing children’s artistic and speech activities.

Parents were invited to participate in creating the scenery for children's plays, making costumes together with the children, and helping in memorizing the texts of the roles. One of the interesting forms of work was

attracting parents to participate in theatrical performances as actors. Parents were also involved in working on puppet theater. They provided assistance in making puppets for various theaters and decorations. In the fall, I suggested that parents make them with their children. working together“Vegetable Theater”, dolls on wooden spoons, made from gloves.

Parents and their children purposefully watch videos, visit theaters, and read works.

To carry out effective work on theatrical activities at home, recommendations were offered to parents in the form of consultations. “Home puppet theater”, “ Home theater as a means of forming relationships in the family”, “Doll gloves”, “Chewed paper”, “On the role of parents in the development of a child’s speech”.

All this contributed to broadening their horizons, enriching their inner world, and most importantly, taught family members mutual understanding and brought them closer together.

The manifestation of such a common interest united the family, the team of children, teachers and parents.

Form of work with parents(Appendix No. 4)

· Thematic consultations, reminders. The goal is to interest parents in joint activities with their children. (Appendix No. 5)

· Questionnaire “Do you like theater?”, “Does your child like to fantasize?”, the purpose of which is to identify the creative capabilities and interests of children. (Appendix No. 2)

· Shows - competitions. "Our Tales". The goal is to bring children and parents closer together, to create a strong motivation for parents to collaborate with their children.

Working with the teaching staff(Appendix No. 8)

Work on developing children's creative abilities in theatrical activities was carried out in close contact with the second teacher, junior teacher, speech therapist, and music director.

The entire kindergarten team took part in the preparation of theatrical performances: they helped make scenery, posters, and develop costume sketches.

During classes with a speech therapist, children practiced clear diction, worked on the expressiveness of speech, and correct speech breathing

Together with the musical director we selected musical works, learned them, worked on staging dances.


1.1 preparatory stage

1.Diagnostics of the level of creative abilities in children (Appendix No. 1)

2. Study of methodological literature.

3.Creation of an emotionally prosperous atmosphere in the kindergarten group, special pedagogical conditions for the development of children’s creativity.

4. Organization of a subject-development environment.

5.Drafting long-term plan work on developing creative abilities in older preschoolers through theatrical games (Appendix No. 3).

6. Creating interest among project participants

7. Development of a cyclogram of joint activities of specialists including various forms of work.

8. Questioning of parents (Appendix No. 2 (1)) September educators senior educator music director

Stage 2 – practical(Appendix No. 3)

1. Development of speech creativity, expressiveness of speech

2. Development of creativity in motor activity

3. Productive creativity. Entertaining games and exercises, experimental games with materials and tools, game tasks. (They are carried out in all forms of organizing productive activities, in any free time, at different regime moments).

4.Theatrical games.

5. Work on staging a theatrical performance: Expressive reading of the work and conversations about what was read; the right to free choice and voluntary participation in the performance: Work on the role.

6. “Creative workshop” (together with parents, create the necessary costumes or elements of costumes, scenery, etc.). October - April educators senior educator music director

Stage 3 – final

1. Speech at the teachers’ meeting with the topic “Theatrical games for the development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age” (Appendix No. 8)

2 Dramatization of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” new way"(for parents) 2. Quiz for parents 3. Exhibition of creative works “Our Creativity” (Appendix No. 9)

4. Creation book exhibition“Our fairy tales” 5. Photo exhibition “We are actors” 6. Diagnosis of the level of creative abilities in children (May) (Appendix No. 1)

5. Analysis of the results of diagnostics of creative abilities in children of the older group.

6.Parent survey. (Appendix No. 2 – (2)) April April during the year May May teachers, music director teachers, music director senior teacher

Expected results

The implementation of a project to develop children’s creative abilities through theatrical games in joint and independent activities will help:

· development of psychophysical abilities (facial expressions, pantomimes); mental processes (perception, imagination,

fantasy, thinking, attention, memory, etc.), speech (monologue, dialogue); creative abilities (the ability to transform, improvise, take on a role).

· enriching the theatrical experience: children’s knowledge about the theater, its history, theatrical professions, costumes, attributes, theatrical terminology.

· solving the main problems of educational areas in accordance with FGT (any problem of any educational activity is solved by children easier, simpler and faster if children play it out).

· appropriate inclusion of theatrical elements in integrated classes:


Theatrical activities have become a significant assistant in solving educational problems.

And the active use of gaming activities helped us with this. As a result, the result is more effective, and the knowledge is much stronger.

The game plot makes it possible to interest children, since the natural need to intervene in the course of events and influence them forces children to make every effort to complete tasks.

Assessment of the quality of project implementation

There is an opportunity to involve children in active independent activities.

90% of the group’s parents were involved in working with the children, which helped build relationships between the project participants.

Working on the project helped shape the desire to produce original creative work. During collective activity preschoolers learned to interact productively,

hear each other, express their emotions in words and movements (facial expressions, gestures, etc.).

Practical significance of the projectMy project is aimed at developing the creative abilities of older preschoolers through theatrical games.

The project implements general educational and educational tasks. The knowledge acquired by children in the learning process is strong and sustainable.

Participants in the educational process are ready for further creative development. Upon completion of the project, work on developing children's creative abilities does not stop.

The subject-development environment is enriched, cooperation with teachers of other groups and parents is developed.

City of Kazan Republic of Tatarstan

Goal: To develop an interest in theater and modern theatrical activities in children and their parents, to develop artistic abilities in children.

  • Arouse interest in theater in children;
  • To instill in children primary skills in the field of theater arts (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppeteering);
  • To interest parents in visiting the theater with their children;
  • Provide information to parents about ways to play games at home with their children;
  • Develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in preschoolers

A problem that is significant for children, which the project aims to solve:

Unfortunately, today, our children are brought up not on fairy tales, but on modern cartoons. Most parents don't have time to sit down with their child and read a book. Child psychologists consider this a big omission of adults in raising their children.

Expected Result:

Parents and children get acquainted with the history of the theater, its types, methods of production and performance. The desire to visit the theater with children increases. Bonds between parents and educators are strengthened. Children's artistic abilities develop.

Relevance of the project:

With the help of theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and the questions posed make children think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. In the process of playing, listening, viewing works, the child’s vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech and its intonation structure are improved, the child’s creativity is manifested, and the experience of various experiences is accumulated. Children's artistic abilities develop from performance to performance. Theatrical activities contribute to the harmonious development of preschool children. Their life in kindergarten becomes more interesting, meaningful, and fulfilling. vivid impressions, the joy of creativity.

Forms of implementation:

  • Reading fiction
  • Speech and breathing exercises
  • Entertainment
  • Conversations
  • Views theatrical works for children, presentations
  • Working with parents
  • Role-playing games
  • Photo design - newspapers
  • Going to the theater

Implementation stages:

Preparatory stage

  • Collection of literature
  • Conversations with children
  • Drawing up a work plan
  • Making attributes
  • Development of recommendations for parents
  • Selection of visual information

Main stage

  • Watching children's performances
  • Stand design recommendations for parents:

"Theater in a child's life" ;

"Play with your children" ;

“The role of fiction in the development of children’s speech”

  • Role-playing games with children "Theater"
  • Finger Theater
  • Games for expressing emotions "Make a Face"
  • Reading folk tales
  • Games for developing facial expressions
  • Theater “Kem narsә yarata” , "Three Daughters"
  • View slides about theaters and theatrical costumes
  • Rehearsals
  • Learning poems
  • Photo design - newspapers "We are artists"
  • Breathing exercises
  • Articulation gymnastics
  • Finger gymnastics
  • Fine motor skills exercises
  • Poetry dramatization

Project products for children:

Modeling, drawing and applique “A hero from a favorite fairy tale, drawing characters from the fairy tale “Kem nerse yarata” , new knowledge and impressions, meaningful time spent with parents, children's books.

for teachers:

theme album design "Heroes of our favorite fairy tales" , card index of proverbs, sayings, riddles, multimedia presentations, finger theater, organization of an exhibition of children's works.

for parents:

The final stage (project presentation)

  • Photo - newspaper "We are artists"
  • Theatrical activities of children as part of the holiday
  • Fairy tale show "Three Daughters" parents for children

Theater project
"We are playing theater"
(preparatory group)

Abstract to the project:

This project“We Play Theater” is intended for children of senior preschool age 6-7 years old.
The project selected different types of theatres: cone theatre, puppet theatre, tabletop theatre, dress-up and mask theatre, flannelgraph theatre.
The project uses technology, bright modern visibility, comprehensive - thematic planning, various types of theaters for children of senior preschool age.
This project will help children make an amusing trip into the magical world of theater. Overcome timidity, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, theater helps the child develop comprehensively.

Project participants:
-Children preparatory group, teacher, parents of students
Children's age:
-children age 6-7 years
Project type:
-practice-oriented, group
-presentation of the project at the pedagogical council.

Relevance of the project:

“It’s not for nothing that children love fairy tales.
After all, that’s what’s good about a fairy tale,
That there is a happy ending in it,
The soul already has a presentiment.
And for any test
Brave hearts agree,
Waiting impatiently
Have a happy ending..."
(Valentin Berestov)

Nowadays, children do not suffer from a lack of information. And the main carriers for preschoolers are kindergarten and family. In kindergarten, the child is in a constant state of discovery in a variety of areas: fine arts, music and much more.
Little pioneers in constant search of the unknown. They are driven by interest and endless curiosity.
Our task is to direct the child’s interest in the right direction, to open before him the opportunity to develop spiritually and mentally.

Children's theater, thanks to its enormous emotional impact on the child's soul, is able to take on developmental tasks: feelings - emotions, memory, imagination, intelligence and resourcefulness, broadening one's horizons, kindness and pity, courage.
Theater is always a holiday for a child, a bright, unforgettable experience.
The expression “The fairy-tale world of childhood” is not empty words. In the life of a child from his very birth there is a fairy tale with its good heroes.
Will an adult believe that a chicken can lay a golden egg, or dream of a magic wand that will solve all problems? Of course not.
And the child is convinced that if he waves a magic wand, a miracle will happen.
Children believe in miracles and that somewhere on earth there is an extraordinary fairy-tale country in which birds and animals can talk to each other and live in friendship. And this country exists, and it is called Theater!!!
The fairy-tale world of theater is a land of real fantasies and good fairy tale, a game of fiction and reality, colors and light, words, music and mysterious sounds.
Theater is a fertile ground for creativity; everyone who wants to take part in this action will find something to their liking.

It’s impossible to play in the theater without emotions. That is why the same poem will be told by a child expressively and artistically at one time, and sluggishly and monotonously at another.
“Emotions energize and organize perception, thinking and action”
When learning a role, the child tries to use facial expressions to expressive speech and convey the mood of the hero of the fairy tale with movements.
This is where the child gets acquainted with various emotions:
Interest, surprise, fear, grief, anger, shame.
Theatrical creativity has an emotional development effect on children when he plays a role, interacting with peers, or sitting in the auditorium.
Every time, leaving the theater, any child takes away with him, albeit a small, but discovery.
The words spoken by K.S. Stanislavsky about creativity in the theater can also be applied to children’s theater, since they contain the essence of the foundation and success of any theater:
« Creative work over the role and over the transformation of the playwright’s verbal work into a stage story, everything from beginning to end proceeds with the participation of the imagination.”
Theater is an inexhaustible source for the development of real feelings and fantasies for a child.

The child constantly plays, learning about the world and himself through play. In the theater, a child unwittingly finds himself in situations, the way out of which requires some intelligence. Such moments arise infrequently and only in in that case, if adults and children take part in a game called theater on equal terms.
IN children's theater Against the background of active emotional development, two more directions in education exist and harmoniously complement each other: the development of intelligence in a child and the instilling in him of social and moral qualities.
A variety of children come to the theater. The behavior of some of them can be characterized as constrained, shy, timid, and indecisive.
Some children remain like this for a short time, their stiffness is associated with the new environment in which they find themselves: new faces, unfamiliar objects.
Performing in front of an audience, and especially in front of friends, will not be a psychological barrier for them.
The relationship that exists in children's theatrical activities forces children to more often contact each other with requests and questions.
Children become more sociable, they make new friends, which in turn makes them relaxed.

Theater for a child becomes an amazing, special world. Where any wish will certainly come true, and no matter what happens, everything will certainly end well.

Expected Result:
- Awakening children's interest in theatrical activities
- Children must master some types of theatrical activities
(cone theatre, puppet theatre, tabletop theatre, dress-up and mask theatre, flannel theatre) according to their age
-Develop the ability to convey the character’s character through intonation expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, and gestures
- Master theater design skills
Involving parents in making different types of theater and creating costumes
- To convey all theatrical activities to parents through questionnaires, consultations and conversations.

Objective of the project:
-Introduce children to theatrical art and theatrical activities

-Create conditions for organizing joint theatrical activities
-Expand children’s understanding of the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, scenery
-To form an artistic and aesthetic developmental subject environment in the group
- Create conditions for joint theatrical activities between children and adults, aimed at bringing children, parents and teachers closer together (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, staff, organizing performances by children of older groups in front of younger ones).
-Develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in children
- Contribute to the self-realization of each child and the creation of a favorable microclimate, respect for the individual little man
-Ensure interconnection with other activities:
music, fiction, design, drawing.

Working with parents:
- Issue of consultations “Playing theater with children at home”
-Conversations with parents
-Assistance in the production of theatrical props

Forms of work:

1. Joint activities with children:
-theatrical games
-outdoor games
-speech games
- fairy tales - retellings
-usage various types theaters
- viewings of theatrical works
-story-based role-playing games
-visiting theaters
- theater show
2.Independent activities of children in theater corner
3.Integration with other educational areas:
- artistic creativity
- design
-reading fiction
- music
- speech development
4. Interaction with family
- joint theatrical and leisure activities
- preparing recommendations for parents on organizing theatrical activities
-parents and children visiting theaters and performances
5. Interaction with the deputy. head of educational and methodological work
-consultations music director
All works help to increase theatrical activity.

Thematic plan:

September. Conversation with children:
"Introduction to the Theater"

"Curtain and stage for the theater"
Lesson notes
"What is theater"

Russians folk tales
October. Conversation with children:
“How to come up with your own theater, what is needed for this”
Psycho-gymnastics “Imagine yourself differently”
Visit to the doll exhibition
Hood. - aesthetic development(Drawing)
"Zayushkina's hut"
November. Introduce children to several types of theaters
"Cone Theater"
Fairy tale dramatization:
Finger gymnastics:
Selection board games about animals
December. Conversation with children:
“My favorite fairy tales”, “Favorite fairy-tale characters”
Hood. - aesthetic development (Drawing)
"Create your own theater"
A selection of fairy tales and heroes finger theater
“The Fox and the Crane”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”

Fairy tale dramatization:
Reading fiction:
"Fairy tales - retellings"
January. Visit to the puppet theater:
"Friendship of Friends"
Conversation with children:
“The names of the theaters, the heroes of these theaters”
Viewings of theatrical works
Story-based role-playing games
February. Reading fiction:
"Masha and the Bear"
Joint activities with parents
Organizing a library visit
Hood. - aesthetic development (Modeling)
« Fairytale hero any fairy tale"
Introduction to puppet theater
March. Participation of children in the production of the play
"Finding Cinderella"
Plot - role-playing games in the theater corner
Hood. - aesthetic development (Applique)
D/i “Collect a fairy tale”
April. Visit to the puppet theater
« Cheerful friends»
Reading fiction:
"The Ant and the Dragonfly"
Puppet theater show for kids
May. Working with parents:
Questionnaire "Theater and Children"
Tabletop theater show:
Stand design for parents
D/i “Guess the fairy tale from the description”

Types of theaters:

Tabletop theater
The name of this type of theater speaks for itself - play activities are carried out on the table. Its peculiarity is that the scenery and characters must be small in size so that it is possible to place all the necessary attributes of the game on the surface

Theater on flannelgraph
(board covered with fabric)
To organize this type of activity, you will need a flannelgraph made by yourself and character figures of the chosen work of art, on which you need to attach Velcro or velvet paper to the back side.
Thus, as the plot develops, the child is invited to attach the necessary figures to the flannelgraph.

Theater with disguises and masks
This is a theater where children take on the role of a chosen character. Children, with the help of an adult or independently, act out short fairy tales.
For better visibility, children need costumes. You can buy them in a store or sew them yourself. In kindergarten, in each group or at home, it is advisable to have a costume room, where costumes are sewn by the hands of parents and children.
Masks - caps - are made according to the size of the performer's head. These can be knitted hats or characters drawn on cardboard, which are attached with an elastic band around the head.

Puppet show
This type of theatrical art is very popular with children, as it allows them to work with a doll and rehearsal process open up to each child individually, overcome the complexes of embarrassment and uncertainty, learn to play with the help of a doll, revive it with your actions and manner of moving and speaking.

Cone Theater
Helps to learn to coordinate hand and eye movements and to accompany finger movements with speech. Express your emotions through facial expressions and speech.

Project conclusions:

The children became interested in theatrical activities. The children got acquainted with different types of theaters. Thanks to joint activities during the project, the relationship between children and adults was strengthened.
Children have become more sociable with each other, liberated, confident in themselves and their abilities, and are not afraid to speak in front of the public.
In my parents I found support not only preparatory work(making scenery, costumes, toys), but I saw them as talented teachers of my children.
I showed parents that only through joint activities can they get to know their child better, his temperament, and friendly relations between children and adults.
Created an atmosphere of creativity. My project allowed children, parents and teachers to show their creative activity and fully reveal the emotional capabilities of children.
Thus, we can conclude that the “We Play Theater” project has created favorable conditions for the development of children’s abilities in theatrical activities.

List of used literature:

Artemova L. V. “Theatrical games for preschoolers.”
Antipina A. E. “Theatrical activities in kindergarten.”
Baryaeva L. I., Vechkanova I. I., Zagrebaeva E. A., Zarin A. A. “Theatrical games and activities with children”
Ivanova G.P. "Theater of Moods"
Makhaneva M. Theatrical activities of preschool children
Migunova E.V. Organization of theatrical activities in kindergarten: Educational and methodological manual.
Petrova T.I., Sergeeva E.L., Petrova E.S. Theatrical games in kindergarten.
Internet resources