Types and specifics of teaching activities. General characteristics of teaching activities

With the emergence of the teaching profession, however, nowhere from public life hasn't disappeared family education, public education, spontaneous and accidental education of children and youth.

As before, almost the entire society is engaged in some kind of pedagogical activity. The pedagogical component is present in the activities of any management structure; the pedagogical function is realized by art; Doctors, journalists, and directors become educators. Pedagogical activity turns into an attribute of general human culture.

Thus, purpose pedagogical activity consists of forming relationships between people in a variety of areas.

Let's highlight these areas:

  • 1. Family, family relationships - a person is raised primarily in a family, experiencing the influence of parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives. At the same time, he influences the people close to him.
  • 2. The sphere of self-education, the formation of oneself as an individual, as a specialist. These processes begin around adolescence and then for most people continue throughout their lives.
  • 3. Management sphere - in enterprise teams. institutions and organizations; the person at the head of the team passes on his experience and knowledge to the young and leads them along.
  • 4. The sphere of global interhuman relations - establishing relationships, mutual understanding, cooperation, the ability to compromise, agreement in the sphere of international, interhuman relations.

We have identified areas in which general pedagogical activity is manifested. Its forms are quite versatile.

But along with general pedagogical activities, there is professional pedagogical activity. It is carried out by specially trained people - teachers.

Definition of teaching activity.

According to psychologist L.M. Mitina, “pedagogical activity includes the professional activity of a teacher aimed at solving the problems of development and training of the younger generation” Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and professional. M.: - 1994, P. 15..

Pedagogical activity is a type professional activity, the content of which is training, upbringing, education, development of students (children of different ages, students of schools, technical schools, vocational schools, higher educational institutions, institutes of advanced training, institutions of additional education, etc.) Introduction to pedagogical activity. M., "Academy". 2000, p.6..

Features of teaching activity:

  • 1. Pedagogical activity is unique. Uniqueness is determined by its object. The object of pedagogical activity is a living, developing personality. Characteristic feature The object of pedagogical activity is that it acts simultaneously as the subject of this activity. Therefore, for the success of teaching activity, not only interest in it, passion for it, and responsibility for it are important. But its success also depends on the attitude of the children themselves towards the teacher, i.e. from their relationship.
  • 2. Many means are used in pedagogical activity, but the main one is the word of the teacher. His word is at the same time a means of expressing and understanding the essence of the phenomenon being studied, a tool of communication and organization of schoolchildren’s activities. Using the word, the teacher influences the formation of personal meaning, awareness of the significance of objects, processes and phenomena of the surrounding reality.
  • 2. The results of pedagogical activity, firstly, “materialize” in the mental appearance of another person - in his knowledge, skills, and abilities, in the traits of his will and character; secondly, they are not immediately obvious; they may be distant in time. In the process of development of a child’s personality, periods of progressive changes are observed, and perhaps even the opposite. In some cases, difficulties arise in assessing the results of teaching activities from the current position of society. For example, a teacher develops moral values ​​and guidelines that, from the standpoint of today’s specific situation, turn out to be unclaimed.
  • 3. Let's consider another very relevant feature of pedagogical activity today. Modern market relations suggest considering teaching activity as a sphere of providing educational services. These services include training in additional educational programs, individual educational routes, tutoring, etc. - something that goes beyond the relevant educational standards.

The logic of building a market for educational services dictates the need to protect consumer rights. Among his rights: the right to information about services, the right to choose a service, and the right to guarantee the quality of the services provided. In the education system, these consumer rights are ensured by educational programs and educational standards. A variety of programs and standards form the field of choice for educational services. Educational programs are created in order to inform the consumer about the essence of services. Programs and standards act as a guarantee of the quality of educational services. In this sense, under educational services refers to those that government agencies can provide to the population, institutions and organizations. Thus, in educational institutions, educational services are provided to society through teaching activities.

So, we come to the understanding that teachers are engaged in expediently constructed, organized pedagogical activities. But a significant part of society in a certain area also takes part in pedagogical activities. The question arises: can a mass profession rely on a single talent or calling? Or can anyone do this activity?

There is a concept of medical contraindications to the choice of professions, types of work, and forms of professional training. Such contraindications may also be psychological plan. Contraindications are statements about which activities are not recommended or are categorically unacceptable for certain health problems, diseases, or character traits.

These are the contraindications for the teaching profession given in his book by A.V. Mudrik.

If your health is poor and the doctors think it will not improve, and you agree with them, then it is better to choose a quieter job than teaching.

If, despite long and hard work on yourself, you have poor diction, then it is better for you not to become a teacher.

If, despite all your efforts, you cannot make contact with people, then do not rush to enter a pedagogical educational institution.

If people, junior or senior, cause you persistent hostility or constantly irritate you, then refrain, at least for a number of years, from entering the teaching path.

If your comrades say that you lack kindness, that you are often unfair, that you have a difficult character, consider whether you can get rid of these shortcomings before becoming a teacher.

If you are captured by some idea, the realization of which is the conscious goal of your life, then do not rush to abandon it and become a teacher.

But what if you are already studying at a pedagogical university?

There are two ways to correct a mistake: abandon the chosen path and try, after testing yourself well, to find your place; the second option is to force yourself to work hard to correct your shortcomings and work, work on yourself.

Teaching work is characterized by very high nervous tension. In order to master the mass of children, to capture them with one’s pedagogical and educational influence, it is necessary, as the People’s Commissar of Health I.A. Semashko noted, exceptionally high neuro-psychological tension. The work of a teacher is excessively large in volume and is associated with limited opportunities for recreation and exposure to the fresh air.

Contraindications to choosing professions of this type(including teachers) are weak nervous system, speech defects, inexpressiveness of speech, isolation, self-absorption, unsociability, pronounced physical disabilities (as sad as this may be), sluggishness, excessive slowness, indifference to people, “dull-heartedness,” lack of signs of disinterested interest in a person.

But what about someone who has already chosen the profession of a teacher, who has already become a student at a pedagogical educational institution? There is no need to despair, you need to work hard and persistently on yourself. A lot can be changed if you know what needs to be changed, what needs to be worked on. To do this, the book provides various kinds of tests with which you can test yourself and find out what qualities of a teacher’s personality you need to develop in yourself Mudrik A.V. Teacher: skill and inspiration. M., 1996. P.38..

But the most important contraindication is the lack of desire to work with people, focusing only on one’s own self.

The teaching profession is special in its essence, significance and inconsistency. Activities of a teacher by social functions, requirements for professionally significant personal qualities, by complexity psychological stress close to the activities of a writer, artist, scientist. The peculiarity of a teacher’s work lies, first of all, in the fact that its object and product is man, the most unique product of nature. And not just a person, not his physical essence, but the spirituality of a growing person, his inner world. That is why it is rightly believed that the teaching profession is one of the most important in modern world.

The specificity of the teaching profession is expressed in constant communication with children who have their own worldview, their own rights, and their own conviction. Because of this, the leading aspect of a teacher’s pedagogical skill is the ability to correctly direct the development process of the younger generation, to organize all the activities of students so that each of them has the opportunity to fully develop their inclinations and interests. Pedagogical work as a specific social phenomenon characterized by special functions and consists of the following components:

a) work as a purposeful activity;

b) subject of labor;

c) means of labor.

But in this general view These components are inherent in any type of labor. In this case, what is the specificity of pedagogical activity?

Firstly, pedagogical work as a socially significant activity consists in the formation of the younger generation, its human qualities. Pedagogical work is a process of interaction between a person who has mastered culture (teacher) and a person who has mastered it (student). It largely carries out the social continuity of generations, the inclusion of the younger generation in the existing system of social connections, and the natural capabilities of a person in mastering certain social experiences are realized.

Secondly, in pedagogical work the subject of work is specific. Here he is not the dead material of nature, not an animal or plant, but an active human being with unique individual qualities.

This specificity of the subject of pedagogical work complicates its essence, since the student is an object that is already a product of someone’s influence (family, friends, etc.). Having become the subject of a teacher’s work, he at the same time continues to remain an object that is influenced by other factors that transform his personality. Many of these factors (for example, the media) act spontaneously, multifacetedly, various directions, The most important of them, having the greatest persuasiveness and clarity, is real life in all its manifestations. Pedagogical work involves the adjustment of all these influences emanating from both society and the student’s personality. Finally, the means of pedagogical work with which the teacher influences the student are also specific. On the one hand, they represent material objects and objects of spiritual culture intended for the organization and implementation of the pedagogical process (drawings, photo, film and video materials, technical means, etc.). On the other hand, the pedagogical means is a variety of activities in which students are involved: work, play, learning, communication, cognition.

In pedagogical work, as in other types of work, a distinction is made between the subject of labor and its object (subject). However, the student in this work is not only its object, but also its subject, since the pedagogical process will only be productive when it contains elements of the student’s self-education and self-training. Moreover, the process of teaching and upbringing transforms not only the student, but also the teacher, influencing him as an individual, developing in him some personality qualities and suppressing others. Pedagogy - pure human form activities born of the needs of social life, the needs of the development of human culture, which can be preserved and developed if society is able to pass it on to new generations. The pedagogical process in this regard is an indispensable condition for the existence human history, its progressive development, without which material and spiritual culture could neither exist nor be used.

The purpose of the pedagogical process determines not only its organization, but also the methods of teaching and upbringing, the entire system of relations in it. Changes in the historical forms of pedagogical activity are ultimately determined by the needs of society for certain types of human personality, which dictates the goals and objectives of education, its methods and means, directs the activities of the teacher, although outwardly it may seem that the teacher himself chooses what he will teach and how. The result of pedagogical work is also specific - a person who has mastered a certain amount of social culture. However, if in material production, which is aimed at nature, the process ends with the receipt of the product of labor, then the product of pedagogical labor - a person - is capable of further self-development, and the influence of the teacher on this person does not fade, and sometimes continues to influence him throughout life. As we see, the most important feature of pedagogical work is that from beginning to end it is a process of interaction between people. In it, the object is a person, the instrument of labor is a person, the product of labor is also a person. This means that in pedagogical work the goals, objectives and methods of teaching and upbringing are carried out in the form of personal relationships. This feature of pedagogical work emphasizes the importance of moral aspects in it.

The work of a teacher has always been highly valued in society. The importance of the work he performed and his authority were always determined by his respectful attitude towards the teaching profession. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato said that if a shoemaker is a bad shoemaker, then the state will not suffer much from this - the citizens will only be slightly worse dressed, but if a child educator does not perform his duties well, entire generations of ignorant and bad people will appear in the country. The great Slavic teacher Jan Amos Komensky, who lived in the 17th century, who is rightfully considered the founder of scientific pedagogy, wrote that teachers “were given an excellent position, higher than which nothing can be under the sun” (Komensky Y.A. Selected pedagogical works. M ., 1955. P. 600). He argued that teachers are parents spiritual development students; The immediate concern of teachers is to inspire students with a good example.

The importance of the teaching profession in society has always occupied an important place in the works of great teachers, writers, public figures our country. So, in the 19th century K.D. Ushinsky, the founder of the Russian school of scientific pedagogy, emphasizing the high social role of the teacher in society, wrote: “An educator who stands on a par with the modern course of education feels like a living, active member of an organism fighting the ignorance and vices of humanity, a mediator between everything that was noble both high in the past history of people, and the new generation, the keeper of the holy covenants of people who fought for the truth and for good. He feels like a living link between the past and the future...” (Ushinsky K.D. On the benefits of pedagogical literature).

Considering pedagogy “in a broad sense as a collection of sciences aimed at one goal,” and pedagogy “in a narrow sense” as a theory of art “derived from these sciences,” K.D. Ushinsky in his work “Man as a Subject of Education” wrote: “The art of education has the peculiarity that almost everyone seems familiar and understandable to it, and to others even an easy matter, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically. Almost everyone admits that parenting requires patience; some think that it requires innate ability and skill, i.e. skill, but very few have come to the conviction that in addition to patience, innate ability and skills, special knowledge is also needed...” (Ushinsky K.D. Selected pedagogical works: In 2 vols. M., 1974. Vol. 1. pp. 229, 231).

K.D. Ushinsky emphasized that the teacher must have a wide range of knowledge in various sciences, allowing him to study the child in all respects. Important importance in the pedagogical heritage of the great Russian teacher is given to the requirements for the personal qualities of the teacher. He argued that no statutes or programs can replace the individual in the matter of education, that without the personal direct influence of the educator on the student, true education, penetrating character, is impossible. V.G. Belinsky, speaking about the high social destiny of the teaching profession, explained: “How important, great and sacred is the rank of an educator: in his hands is the fate of a person’s whole life” (Belinsky V.G. Selected pedagogical works - M.-L., 1948. P. 43). The great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy, as we know, made a great contribution not only to literature, but also to the theory and practice of education. Experience in Yasnaya Polyana and is now the subject of close study. Speaking about the teaching profession, he wrote: “If a teacher has only love for his work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has love only for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read the entire book, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and his students, he is a perfect teacher” (L.N. Tolstoy, Ped. soch. - M., 1953. P. 342).

The ideas of progressive pedagogy about the social and moral role of the teacher were developed in the statements of famous public figures and teachers of the 20th century. A.V. Lunacharsky argued: “If a goldsmith spoils the gold, the gold can be poured. If they spoil gems, they go for marriage, but even the largest diamond cannot be valued more expensively in our eyes than the person born. The corruption of a person is a huge crime, or a huge guilt without guilt. You need to work on this material clearly, having determined in advance what you want to make from it” (Lunacharsky A.V. About public education. - M., 1958. P. 443). The last decade in the history of our country is characterized by complex, sometimes contradictory processes. Spiritual guidelines that until recently seemed unshakable are becoming a thing of the past. With the liquidation of the Iron Curtain, the process of interpenetration of spiritual values, both from the West and the East, is gaining rapid momentum. The domestic school and pedagogy are actively involved in the global educational space, absorbing the positive experience of foreign pedagogy. At the same time, one cannot help but admit that foreign pedagogical theories and technologies adopted are not always truly progressive. At the same time, students are bombarded with a huge stream of Western pseudoculture, which often forms a distorted idea of ​​the essence of certain moral values. In these difficult conditions, the role of the teacher as a defender and guide of moral values ​​that have been tested for thousands of years, including characteristic values For Russia.

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1. The concept of the teaching profession, teaching activity

2. Professional functions of a teacher

3. Style of teaching activity

4. Features of the teaching profession




Among professions, the profession of a teacher is not entirely ordinary. Teachers are busy preparing our future, they are educating those who will replace the current generation tomorrow. They, so to speak, work with “living material”, the damage of which is almost equivalent to a disaster, since those years that were aimed at training are lost.

The teaching profession requires comprehensive knowledge, boundless spiritual generosity, and wise love for children. Only by joyfully dedicating yourself to children every day can you bring them closer to science, make them want to work, and lay unshakable moral foundations.

The activity of a teacher is every time an entry into the inner world of an ever-changing, contradictory, growing person. We must always remember this so as not to injure or break the fragile sprout of a child’s soul. No textbook can replace the relationship between a teacher and children.

A teacher is one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. Lies on the teacher big circle responsibility for improvement younger generation, shaping the future of the country. The teaching profession is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word and read books.

Many of us remember school with warmth and delight. However, different teachers left different marks on our soul. You want to meet some of them and even discuss life plans, you can congratulate someone on a holiday or go see them for a cup of tea, and it also happens that you don’t even want to remember someone, and someone has simply disappeared from memory…

It is not enough for a teacher to know his subject well; he must have an excellent understanding of pedagogy and child psychology. There are many specialists in different fields, but not everyone can become good teachers.

1. The concept of the teaching profession, pedagogical activities

Profession - type labor activity, requiring certain knowledge and skills acquired as a result of special training and work experience.

Teacher - a person who conducts teaching or educational work(teacher, educator, lecturer, associate professor, professor, etc.)

The emergence of the teaching profession is objectively based on the need to transfer social experience to new generations. Society could not develop if the younger generation did not have the opportunity to creatively master the accumulated experience. The meaning of the teaching profession is revealed in the activities carried out by its representatives and which are called pedagogical.

Pedagogical activity is special kind social activities aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing certain roles in society.

Pedagogical activities are carried out not only by teachers, but also by parents, public organizations, heads of enterprises and institutions, the media. As a specific professional pedagogical activity, it takes place only in specially organized educational institutions.

The purpose of pedagogical activity is connected with the implementation of the goal of education. It is developed and shaped as a reflection of the trend social development, presenting a set of requirements to modern man, taking into account his spiritual and natural capabilities. It contains, on the one hand, the interests and expectations of various social and ethnic groups, and on the other, the needs and aspirations of the individual.

The implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is associated with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of students, the creation of an educational team, and the development of individuality.

The main functional unit, with the help of which all the properties of pedagogical activity are manifested, is the pedagogical action as a unity of purpose and content. The concept of pedagogical action expresses something common that is inherent in all forms of pedagogical activity (lesson, excursion, individual conversation, etc.), but cannot be reduced to any of them. At the same time, the pedagogical action is that special one that expresses both the universal and all the richness of the individual.

2. Professional functions of a teacher

Professional functions are those that are directly related to the teaching and educational activities of the teacher. There are as many of them as there are types of activities.

They relate to relationships with children (pupils) and their parents, with colleagues (teachers) and with the school administration, education departments, with representatives of the public and with various other educational institutions in addition to the school. If we continue to present the issue along this path, it will be difficult to “embrace the immensity” and come to any definite conclusions. Therefore, we will reduce the types of pedagogical activities into five groups, based on their leading content, which reveals the main direction of this activity.

Let us dwell on a brief description of different types pedagogical activity and professional functions of a teacher.

1. Educational function. It is basic, constant in time, continuous as a process and the widest in terms of coverage of people. It never stops, applies to all age groups of people and happens everywhere. “Every minute of life and every corner of the earth, every person with whom a developing personality comes into contact, sometimes as if by chance, in passing, educates.” It is thanks to education that the purposeful formation and development of a diversified and harmoniously developed personality occurs. Therefore, we have the right to consider this professional function of a teacher to be basic and all-encompassing.

2. Educational function. Teaching as a section of the educational process belongs to the sphere of activity of a professional teacher. Systematic training can only be carried out by a sufficiently trained professional. And at the same time, teaching is the main means of education. While teaching, the teacher develops in the student mainly intellectual and cognitive abilities, and also forms his moral and legal consciousness, aesthetic feelings, ecological culture, hard work, spiritual world. Consequently, we consider the teaching function of a teacher to be one of the most important professional functions.

3. Communication function. Pedagogical activity is unthinkable without communication. It is through communication, in the process of communication, that the teacher influences students, coordinates his actions with colleagues, parents of students, and conducts all educational work. This means that the communicative function is also professional and pedagogical. It is so important that Lately Many scientific teachers (I. I. Rydanova, L. I. Ruvinsky, A. V. Mudrik, V. A. Kan-Kalik, etc.), psychologists (S. V. Kondratieva, K. V. Verbova, A. A. Leontiev, Ya. L. Kolominsky, etc.).

4. Organizational function. A professional teacher deals with different groups pupils, with their colleagues, parents of students, with the public. He has to coordinate his actions of different nature and each participant find his place to the best way his abilities emerged. The teacher decides what educational activity or activity should be organized, when (day and hour) and where (school, classroom, museum, forest, etc.) it should be held, who will participate in it and in what role, what equipment (format) will be needed. Good organization educational work also ensures high results. That is why we consider the organizational function to be professional and pedagogical.

5. The correctional function is associated with the fact that the teacher constantly monitors, diagnoses the progress of the educational process, and evaluates intermediate results. Its result is not always and not immediately the same as it was mentally (ideally) conceived or expected. In the course of work, the teacher has to make adjustments (corrections) to his actions and the actions of his students. If the educational process is not adjusted based on diagnostics, its result will be unpredictable. This explains that the correctional function is also professional for the teacher.

In pedagogy and psychology there are other judgments about the professional functions (and corresponding pedagogical abilities) of teachers. Thus, the research of psychologist N.V. is well known and widely recognized. Kuzmina, conducted back in the 60s. In her opinion, the main professional functions of a teacher are the following: constructive, organizational, communicative and gnostic (initially it was not listed). From her point of view, our approach coincides in its communicative and organizational functions.

A completely different classification of a teacher’s professional functions is proposed by psychologist A.I. Shcherbakov. These are two large groups: a) general labor, which includes those functions that were studied by N.V. Kuzmina, Gnostic ones are replaced by research ones and b) actually pedagogical ones. The meaning of this classification is that the first group of functions can indeed be attributed not only to the teaching profession, but also to many others.

The approach and judgments of scientists Yu.N. are of interest. Kulyutkina (teacher) and G.S. Sukhobskaya (psychologist) about the functional roles of the teacher. In his work at different stages of the educational process, the teacher acts as a practical executor of his own plans, then as a methodologist and researcher. Scientists rightly note that the same teacher, depending on the stage of teaching and educational work, performs first one, then another, then a third function.

These are some of the approaches of different teachers and psychologists to considering the professional functions of a teacher. It remains to be said that the professional functions of a teacher can only conditionally be considered separately, but in fact they are interrelated. Thus, we have already said that the teaching function is a special case of the educational function, the communicative function serves all others, the organizational function correlates with all the previous ones, and the correctional function is a condition for the success of all educational activities and, therefore, is associated with the corresponding functions.

3. Style of teaching activity

Each person, depending on his individual psychological characteristics, and in particular on the type nervous activity, produces its own individual style pedagogical activities. Based on a combination of dynamic, meaningful and effective characteristics of pedagogical activity, A. K. Markov and A. Ya. Nikonov identified four types of such styles: emotional-improvisational, emotional-methodical, reasoning-improvisational and reasoning-methodical. The teacher has to determine his style and, if necessary, improve it. This is how the authors characterize the emotional-improvisational style. “You have many advantages: a high level of knowledge, artistry, contact, insight, the ability to teach interestingly educational material. However, your activities are characterized and determined by shortcomings: lack of method, insufficient attention to the level of knowledge of weak students, insufficient demands, overestimation of self-esteem, increased sensitivity, causing excessive dependence on the situation in the lesson, etc.

Based on the above characteristics, the dependence of the educational process on the teacher’s style is clearly visible. As a result, your students have a strong interest in the subject being studied and high cognitive activity with fragile knowledge, insufficiently developed skills... and a number of its individual psychological characteristics.

It is important that the above characteristics of a teacher correlate with those traits that determine the success of communication in general, according to V. Levi, V. A. Kan-Kalik. Such traits are; interest in people, quick and accurate reaction to the interlocutor, artistry, kind, optimistic, open, non-aggressive attitude towards people, lack of bias and anxiety. Obviously, it is the teacher, due to the specifics academic subject, which requires the organization of pedagogical communication as a means (conditions) and goal of learning, it is necessary to purposefully develop these qualities in oneself if they are not sufficiently identified.

4. Features of the teaching profession

A person’s belonging to a particular profession is manifested in his characteristics of activity and way of thinking. According to the classification proposed by E.A. Klimov, the teaching profession belongs to the group of professions whose subject is another person. But the teaching profession is distinguished from others primarily by the way of thinking of its representatives, a heightened sense of duty and responsibility. In this regard, the teaching profession stands apart, standing out as a separate group. Its main difference from other professions of the “person-to-person” type is that it belongs to both the class of transformative and the class of management professions at the same time. Having the formation and transformation of personality as the goal of his activity, the teacher is called upon to manage the process of her intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of her spiritual world.

The main content of the teaching profession is relationships with people. The activities of other representatives of professions such as “human-human” also require interaction with people, but here it is connected with the best way to understand and satisfy human needs. In the profession of a teacher, the leading task is to understand social goals and direct the efforts of other people to achieve them.

The peculiarity of training and education as an activity of social management is that it has, as it were, a double subject of labor. On the one hand, its main content is relationships with people: if a leader (and a teacher is one) does not have proper relationships with those people whom he leads or whom he convinces, then the most important thing in his activities is missing. On the other hand, professions of this type always require a person to have special knowledge, skills and abilities in some area (depending on who or what he supervises).

A teacher, like any other leader, must know well and imagine the activities of the students whose development process he leads. Thus, the teaching profession requires dual training - human science and special.

The uniqueness of the teaching profession lies in the fact that by its nature it has a humanistic, collective and creative character.

Humanistic function of the teaching profession

The teaching profession has historically had two social functions - adaptive and humanistic (“human-forming”). The adaptive function is associated with the adaptation of the student to the specific requirements of the modern sociocultural situation, and the humanistic function is associated with the development of his personality and creative individuality.

On the one hand, the teacher prepares his students for the needs at this moment, to a specific social situation, to the specific needs of society. But, on the other hand, he, while objectively remaining the guardian and conductor of culture, carries within himself a timeless factor. Having as a goal the development of personality as a synthesis of all the riches of human culture, the teacher works for the future.

The collective nature of pedagogical activity

If in other professions of the “person - person” group the result, as a rule, is the product of the activity of one person - a representative of the profession (for example, a salesman, doctor, librarian, etc.), then in the teaching profession it is very difficult to isolate the contribution of each teacher, family and other sources of influence in the qualitative transformation of the subject of activity - the student.

With the awareness of the natural strengthening of collectivist principles in the teaching profession, the concept of a collective subject of pedagogical activity is increasingly coming into use. The collective subject in a broad sense is understood as the teaching staff of a school or other educational institution, and in a narrower sense - the circle of those teachers who are directly related to a group of students or an individual student.

The creative nature of a teacher's work

Pedagogical activity, like any other, has not only a quantitative measure, but also qualitative characteristics. The content and organization of a teacher’s work can be correctly assessed only by determining the level of his creative attitude towards his activities. The level of creativity in a teacher’s activities reflects the degree to which he uses his capabilities to achieve his goals. The creative nature of pedagogical activity is therefore its most important feature. But unlike creativity in other areas (science, technology, art), the teacher’s creativity does not have as its goal the creation of a socially valuable new, original, since its product always remains the development of the individual. Of course, a creative teacher, and even more so an innovative teacher, creates his own pedagogical system, but it is only a means to obtain the best result under given conditions.

Motives are what motivates human activity, for the sake of which it is performed. pedagogical educational personality

The creative potential of a teacher’s personality is formed on the basis of his accumulated social experience, psychological, pedagogical and subject knowledge, new ideas, abilities and skills that allow him to find and apply original solutions, innovative forms and methods and thereby improve the performance of his professional functions. Only an erudite and specially trained teacher, based on a deep analysis of emerging situations and awareness of the essence of the problem through creative imagination and thought experiment, is able to find new, original ways and means of solving it. But experience convinces us that creativity comes only then and only to those who work conscientiously and constantly strive to improve their professional qualifications, expand their knowledge and learn from experience. best schools and teachers.

The area of ​​manifestation of pedagogical creativity is determined by the structure of the main components of pedagogical activity and covers almost all its aspects: planning, organization, implementation and analysis of results.

In modern scientific literature Pedagogical creativity is understood as a process of solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances. Addressing the solution of an innumerable set of standard and non-standard problems, the teacher, just like any researcher, builds his activities in accordance with general rules heuristic search: analysis of the pedagogical situation; designing the result in accordance with the initial data; analysis of the available means necessary to test the assumption and achieve the desired result; evaluation of the received data; formulation of new tasks.

Communication is a concept used in social psychology in two meanings: 1. To characterize the structure of business and interpersonal connections between models. 2. To characterize the exchange of information in human communication at all.

However, the creative nature of pedagogical activity cannot be reduced only to the solution of pedagogical problems, because in creative activity the cognitive, emotional-volitional and motivational-need components of the personality are manifested in unity. However, solving specially selected problems aimed at developing any structural components creative thinking (goal setting, analysis that requires overcoming barriers, attitudes, stereotypes, enumeration of options, classification and evaluation, etc.) is the main factor and the most important condition development of the creative potential of the teacher’s personality.

Heuristics is a system of logical techniques and methodological rules for theoretical research.

The experience of creative activity does not introduce fundamentally new knowledge and skills into the content of teacher professional training. But this does not mean that creativity cannot be taught. It is possible, while ensuring constant intellectual activity of future teachers

and specific creative cognitive motivation, which acts as a regulating factor in the processes of solving pedagogical problems.

Creativity is an ability that reflects the deep-seated ability of individuals to create original values ​​and make non-standard decisions.

These can be tasks to transfer knowledge and skills to a new situation, to identify new problems in familiar (typical) situations, to identify new functions, methods and techniques, to combine new methods of activity from known ones, etc. Exercises in analysis also contribute to this. pedagogical facts and phenomena, identifying their components, identifying the rational foundations of certain decisions and recommendations.

Often, teachers involuntarily narrow the scope of their creativity, reducing it to a non-standard, original solution to pedagogical problems. Meanwhile, the creativity of the teacher is no less manifested in solving communicative problems, which serve as a kind of background and basis for pedagogical activity.

Each teacher continues the work of his predecessors, but the creative teacher sees wider and much further. Every teacher, in one way or another, transforms pedagogical reality, but only the creative teacher actively fights for radical changes and himself is a clear example in this matter.


It is not a fact that a great professional or scientist will be able to teach children, especially at school. This requires a special personality, unique qualities of the teacher.

Personal qualities required for a teacher:

a penchant for working with children;

the ability to inspire interest in your idea and lead;

high degree of personal responsibility;

self-control and balance;

tolerance, non-judgmental attitude towards people;

interest and respect for the other person;

desire for self-knowledge, self-development;

originality, resourcefulness, versatility;




demanding of oneself and others;

observation (the ability to see trends in a child’s development, in the formation of his abilities, skills, and the emergence of needs and interests).

For each individual person, education has a more or less pronounced personal value. The process of obtaining education, which in developed countries takes a quarter life path modern man, makes his life meaningful and spiritual, colors it with a variety of emotions, satisfies the needs for knowledge, communication, and self-affirmation. In the course of education, the potential abilities of the individual are identified and developed, self-realization is achieved, and the “human image” is formed. With the help of education, a person adapts to life in society and acquires the necessary knowledge and skills.

List of used literature

1. Rakova N.A. Pedagogy modern school: Educational and methodological manual. - Vitebsk: Publishing House "VSU named after. P.M. Masherov." - 215 s. 2009.

2. Slasten in V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.I. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Slastenina

3. Dzhurinsky A.N. History of pedagogy: Proc. aid for students pedagogical universities. M.: Humanite. Ed. VLADOS center, 1999.

4. Antigolova L.N. Ethical and psychological aspects of a teacher’s work. Omsk. -2009.

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Pedagogical activity is a type of social activity aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society.


1. The object of pedagogical activity - an individual (child, teenager, young man), group, collective - is active. He himself strives to interact with the subject, shows his creativity, responds to the assessment of the results of his activities and is capable of self-development.

2. The object of pedagogical activity is plastic, that is, it is susceptible to the influence of the subject, it is educable. He is constantly developing, his needs change (this is the reason for his activity), his value orientations, motivating actions and behavior develop and change.

It is right to say that the process of individual development is never completely completed. The content of pedagogical activity is built according to the concentric principle, or rather, along a spiral.

3. Pedagogical activity and process turn out to be very dynamic factors. The subject, taking into account the changing situation, is constantly looking for the optimal option for pedagogical actions, operations and means of pedagogical influence on the object of education. It combines science and practice, pedagogical creativity.

4. In addition to the subject-teacher, in pedagogical activity other, unregulated factors influence the development of the individual. For example, the surrounding social and natural environment, hereditary data of the individual, the media, economic relations in the country, etc. This multifactorial influence on the individual often leads to the fact that the result of pedagogical activity significantly diverges from the intended goal. Then the subject has to spend additional time and effort to correct the activity so that its product (result) corresponds to the goal.

5. The subject and result of pedagogical activity are not a material, but an ideal product, which is not always directly observable. Its quality and level are often determined indirectly rather than by direct measurement.

6. Pedagogical activity is a successive and promising activity. Based on previous experience, the subject organizes it; at the same time, he focuses on the future, on the future, and predicts this future.

7. Pedagogical activity is of a searching and creative nature. This feature is explained and caused by several reasons: the activity of the object of activity, the multifactorial influences on the object, the constant changeability of the conditions and circumstances in which the teacher finds himself in his professional work (this has already been mentioned earlier). Inevitably, almost every time he has to re-construct methods of interaction with students from known and mastered techniques and means.

These are some of the features of pedagogical activity that distinguish it from other types. This leads to a number of features of the pedagogical process. Let's name some of them.

When determining the structure of professional pedagogical activity, researchers note that its main originality lies in the specificity of the object and tools.

N.V. Kuzmina identified three interrelated components in the structure of pedagogical activity; constructive, organizational and communicative.

Constructive activity is associated with the development of technology for each form of student activity and the solution of each pedagogical problem that arises.

Organizational activities are aimed at creating a team and organizing joint activities.

Communicative activity involves establishing connections and relationships between the teacher and students, their parents, and their colleagues.

A detailed description of the structure of pedagogical activity was given by A.I. Shcherbakov. Based on an analysis of the professional functions of a teacher, he identifies 8 main interconnected components-functions of pedagogical activity: informational, developmental, orientational, mobilizational, constructive, communicative, organizational and research.

A.I. Shcherbakov classifies constructive, organizational and research components as general labor ones. Specifying the function of the teacher at the stage of implementation of the pedagogical process, he presented the organizational component of pedagogical activity as a unity of information, development, orientation and mobilization functions.

I. F. Kharlamov, among many types of activities, identifies the following interrelated types of activities: diagnostic, orientation-prognostic, constructive-design, organizational, information-explanatory, communicative-stimulating, analytical-evaluative, research-creative.

Diagnostic activity is associated with the study of students and establishing the level of their development and education. To do this, the teacher must be able to observe and master diagnostic methods.

Forecasting activity is expressed in the constant setting of real goals and objectives of the pedagogical process at a certain stage, taking into account real possibilities, in other words, in predicting the final result.

Constructive activity consists of the ability to design educational and educational work, select content that corresponds to the cognitive abilities of students, and make it accessible and interesting. It is associated with such a quality of a teacher as his creative imagination.

The organizational activity of a teacher lies in his ability to influence students, lead them, mobilize them for one or another type of activity, and inspire them.

In information activities, the main social purpose of the teacher is realized: the transfer of the generalized experience of older generations to young people. It is in the process of this activity that schoolchildren acquire knowledge, ideological, moral and aesthetic ideas. In this case, the teacher acts not only as a source of information, but also as a person who shapes the beliefs of young people.

The success of teaching activities is largely determined by the ability of a professional to establish and maintain contact with children, to build interaction with them at the level of cooperation. To understand them, and, if necessary, to forgive them; in fact, all the activities of a teacher are communicative in nature.

Analytical and evaluation activities consist of receiving feedback, i.e. confirmation of the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and achievement of the set goal. This information makes it possible to make adjustments to the pedagogical process.

Research and creative activity is determined creative character pedagogical work, the fact that pedagogy is both a science and an art. Based on principles, rules, recommendations pedagogical science, the teacher uses them creatively every time. To successfully implement this type of activity, he must master the methods of pedagogical research.

All components of pedagogical activity are manifested in the work of a teacher of any specialty.

Pedagogical communication (Kan-Kalik) is a system of interaction between a teacher and children, the content of which is the exchange of information, personal knowledge, and the provision of educational influence. The teacher acts as an activator of this process, organizes it and manages it.

Based on these definitions, we can distinguish three main features (sides) of communication: - communicative, perceptual, interactive. It is important to note the unity and interconnection of all three sides, their harmony.

With all the diversity of pedagogical situations, it is customary to distinguish three types of pedagogical communication

1 Socially oriented (lecture, speech on radio, television), where the speaker acts as a representative of society, a team, a group, and the task he solves is a social task. It either encourages listeners to direct social activity, or unites them around social meaningful idea, develops or changes their beliefs and attitudes. In such communication it is directly realized public relations, social mutual influences are organized.

2 Group subject-oriented communication is included in collective work and its direct service, helping the team solve the problem facing it. The problem solved in this type of communication is also social; the subject and purpose of such communication is the organization of collective interaction in the process of work, in our case educational work.

3. Personally oriented communication - communication of one person with another, this is the starting cell of communication, it can various: business, aimed at joint activities, and essentially coincide with the subject-oriented one, maybe. clarification of personal relationships and have no connection with the activity.

According to V.A. Kann-Kalik structure of the process of professional and pedagogical communication includes:

1. Modeling by the teacher of upcoming communication with the class (prognostic stage).

2. Organization of direct communication at the moment of initial interaction (communicative attack).

3. Management of communication during the pedagogical process.

4. Analysis of the implemented communication system and its modeling for future activities.

Often the teacher’s communication with the student itself is presented to him in a compressed form and is not differentiated by stages or the nature of the teacher’s activity.

What does a teacher need at each stage?

The modeling stage requires knowledge of the characteristics of the audience: the nature of its cognitive activity, probabilistic difficulties, and work dynamics. The material being prepared for the lesson should be mentally presented in the situation of the upcoming interaction and thought out not only on behalf of the teacher, but also on behalf of the students, if possible in different versions.

The “communicative attack” stage speaks for itself: you need a technique for quickly involving the class in work, you need to master the techniques of self-presentation and dynamic influence.

At the stage of managing communication, it is necessary to be able to support the initiative of schoolchildren, organize dialogical communication, and adjust your plan to suit real conditions.