What should you wear to the gym? We select clothes. The right choice of fitness clothing is an important condition for successful training.

Let's say you're a complete newbie. And we’ve never been to the gym, except at school. Believe me, everything is not scary at all, you will be accepted and loved there, especially if you can follow these 10 simple rules.

1. There is no need to despise group classes.

For some reason, it is generally accepted that housewives over forty go to group groups to chat over relaxed exercises. And you should go to some X-Pump yourself! And when the last housewife holds on steadfastly, and you begin to die at the 41st minute of class, you will understand how very wrong you were.

2. Don't make gross food mistakes!

It would be stupid, for example, to eat a banana right before training - then instead of your own subcutaneous fat, you will burn the unfortunate banana. Sometimes beginners pour protein into a shaker and for some reason drink it during training, which also reduces its effectiveness. Drink BCAA's during your workout and save the protein for later!

3. Dress correctly

You won't believe it, but there are people who go to fitness in rubber slippers. There are also smart guys who come in sneakers
Converse. Believe me, they work out in jeans too. Remember that sportswear is sportswear, you will not confuse it with casual clothing.

Girl dressed incorrectly for fitness

4. Don’t talk on the phone/whatsapp

People who are doing important exercise while sitting on their phones are especially infuriating. If you really need to exchange a few words, at least sit on the bench!

5. Are you a man? Forget about the leg trainer!

It’s especially funny when you, a fragile girl, growling and grimacing, do the last approach to the biceps, and at this time some fat guy is looking at you relaxedly, putting his legs together.

6. Don't dive into the pool as a fish!

It's incredibly annoying. And absolutely all men are guilty of this. Especially men in their fifties with round bellies. WITH On the other hand, I didn’t see girls in sports swimsuits and with athletic figures trying to prove something to someone by diving with a fish. They calmly go down the stairs into the pool and begin to swim.

7. Girls, don’t go crazy on cardio.

Many girls come to the gym just for cardio training. Yes, you will burn fat, but beautiful figure You can’t sculpt without weighting. So don't harm yourself.

You've finally decided to take charge of your fitness and want to lose a few extra pounds of fat and/or gain a few pounds of muscle.

The most reasonable way to achieve your goal is, of course, to visit the gym. There you will be able to exercise under the supervision of an experienced trainer, purposefully pumping up the most problematic muscle groups and gradually increasing the load.

But, getting ready for classes for the first time, you suddenly realize that you have absolutely no idea what clothes you wear in the gym. This question is especially important, of course, for girls, but the male part of society is sometimes puzzled by this problem, since it is known that we are always greeted in an unfamiliar place solely by our clothes.

Selecting shoes

The right choice Shoes are perhaps the most important part of choosing sports equipment. High-quality shoes that are appropriate for the type of activity you choose will prevent accidental injuries. It is strictly forbidden to wear slippers to the gym, as they do not secure the foot and do not protect the toes. When wearing slippers to classes, it is easy to slip and get dislocated or, if you drop a heavy equipment on your foot, injure small bones.

The easiest way to choose shoes for the gym is in specialty store. For running and cardio training, there are special sneakers that partially absorb the shock load on the foot. It is convenient to carry out strength training in weightlifting shoes with thin anti-slip soles. If you do a little bit of everything, choose versatile running shoes.

Socks and knee socks

Sneakers are not worn on bare feet, so socks or knee socks are a mandatory part of sportswear. Give preference to sports models made from natural fiber that absorb moisture well. Cotton socks that are thick but soft enough are ideal. They do not irritate the skin, fit tightly and reliably on the foot, absorb sweat perfectly and are easy to wash.

Make sure that the elastic bands of socks or knee socks are not too tight and do not squeeze the blood circulation in your legs, otherwise, instead of benefiting from the exercises, you will experience swollen, heavy limbs.


The right choice of underwear for going to the gym is especially important for girls and ladies. In this case, aesthetics must give way to expediency: products made from synthetic lace, elegant underwire bras, thongs and other delights will have to be left for more suitable occasions. Your choice will be classic panties made of cotton jersey and cotton seamless bras.

T-shirts and tank tops

To play sports, you need comfortable clothing, so choose T-shirts that are sized: they should fit comfortably to the body, without clinging to the protruding parts of the exercise equipment. It’s better to avoid overly tight T-shirts, which the fair sex likes to show off in, if your goal is sports activities and not finding new boyfriends.

You should not choose things with an abundance of decorative details - laces, rivets, pockets, etc. The best option is a comfortable, fairly loose, smooth T-shirt or tank top.

Shorts, leggings, sweatpants

In the gym you can work out in shorts or sweatpants; girls often prefer to wear leggings. The requirements for this clothing are traditional: pants should softly fit the body without restricting movement, but also not dangle, clinging to sports equipment. The material must be well breathable and absorb moisture, which is inevitable during physical activity.

Too tight pants, in addition to the obvious inconvenience, will rub the skin and impede blood circulation. Ladies should avoid revealing shorts that are too short, as they may reveal more to prying eyes during exercise than you are willing to show.

Materials for sportswear

Natural cotton knitwear remains the most popular for sewing sportswear, the hygienic properties of which deserve all praise. At the same time, today leading sportswear companies have developed a whole series synthetic materials with properties not inferior to natural fiber.

When performing high-impact strength training, wear special sportswear made from two-layer knitwear, which absorbs sweat well and at the same time prevents hypothermia.

Surely many people are familiar with the problem when you have decided to go to fitness, but day after day you put off training for a variety of reasons. Often the reason for such “postponement for later” is the elementary lack of a beautiful, and most importantly, comfortable, sports uniform. Now we’ll figure out what you need to wear to the gym so that your workouts bring only positive results.

Urban style. Yes or no?

Sports style of clothing has become part of our daily life finally and irrevocably. The “sport-chic” style has generally become one of the main trends of the season. But despite all this, everyday city clothes are completely unsuitable for real training. Now there are many specialized brands of clothing and shoes, so for your own convenience it is better to purchase at least one set designed specifically for sports.

How to choose the perfect outfit?

  • Considering that nowadays almost every fashion brand offers a special sports clothing line, choosing an excellent option that suits your taste and budget will not be difficult.
  • When choosing clothes for sports, you should not take into account your intentions to lose weight or, conversely, gain weight. An outfit for the gym should fit you perfectly, not be too tight, but not hang loose on your body.
  • Multi-layering in a sports set is not best option. If you want to get a good sweat on to lose weight, it's best to achieve this effect naturally.
  • Minimum set for fitness - a sports top, two T-shirts or T-shirts, leggings and a pair of sneakers.


As a top for your sports outfit, choose tank tops or T-shirts made from breathable materials that quickly absorb moisture. The T-shirt should fit slightly around the body, but not restrict movement. It's also worth paying attention to the neckline. Things that are too open can make you uncomfortable when bending over, for example.

It is advisable to take a sports jacket or hoodie for training. Firstly, it will save you from the cold if your exercise machine is located directly under the air conditioner. Secondly, after heavy exercise, even in summer, going straight outside is quite dangerous. A hoodie will help regulate body temperature and leave no chance of catching a cold.


As for the bottom half of your workout wardrobe, don't wear wide pants to your workout. Such models will not make your figure more attractive, but will only cause inconvenience when exercising on exercise equipment. Instead, you should pay attention to tight leggings or sports breeches, which will ensure normal blood circulation and keep your legs toned.

Short shorts, again, are best left for home workouts, unless, of course, the gaze of the opposite sex is more important to you than the training process itself.


What really deserves special attention are the shoes. The wrong shoes can turn a workout into torture. To avoid this, choose shoes based on the type of physical activity you plan to do. For treadmill and other cardio equipment, as well as for active sports games Running shoes are ideal.

And forget about sneakers! They have no place in the gym!


All the sports spirit and motivation can easily disappear when you find that, except for stuffing all your things into an ordinary handbag or plastic bag, you have no other way to bring everything to the gym. Of course, if your intentions are serious and your sports activities will not stop after three trips to the gym, you need to get a sports bag.

For those who are used to traveling to the fitness club by car or by bus, a sports bag with a wide strap would be an ideal option. And for those who are going to travel on foot, on a bicycle or on a skateboard, a backpack that is not too large and without unnecessary weighting parts is best suited.

A detail you can't do without

It is also advisable to purchase socks for sports in sports stores. The models presented there do not contain seams and are made of durable materials, which means they will eliminate the possibility of calluses.

Having decided to take up fitness and getting ready for their first class, many beginners have little idea of ​​what clothes for the gym will be most suitable. To help them make their choice, we have summarized the experience of experienced athletes and made recommendations for choosing clothes and shoes for fitness and bodybuilding.

What should an athlete's equipment be like?

So that clothes and shoes for sports activities helped in achieving their goals, they must meet the following requirements:

  • provide thermal comfort;
  • be comfortable when moving;
  • comply with safety standards;
  • do not distract others from training;
  • present your appearance in a favorable light;
  • always be clean and tidy.

In addition to these points, some fitnessists believe that sportswear for fitness should have status, and choose only products from prestigious brands. This is a personal matter for everyone, but beginners are unlikely to spend significant sums on sports equipment. High-quality sportswear can be bought inexpensively, and in addition, with regular training, the size of your clothes can soon change significantly.

Let's consider each of the requirements for clothing and shoes for the gym in more detail.

Thermal comfort

Whatever the temperature in the gym, during intense physical activity You definitely won’t freeze. You will likely feel hot and sweaty during your workout. That's why best choice There will be a short-sleeve T-shirt made of knitwear that absorbs sweat well, and shorts below the knees, or sports pants made of fairly light and hygroscopic stretch fabric.

Do you need tracksuits, trowels, and sweatshirts in the gym? Yes, having any of these things is desirable. They usually do a warm-up before strength training. If it's cool enough in the gym, then by warming up, you'll be more likely to warm up your muscles during the warm-up.

When working out on exercise machines, you can take off your sweatshirt or trowel while remaining in your T-shirt. And at the end of the workout, when you head to the locker room, outer sportswear will come in handy. By insulating your body, which is hot and damp from sweat, you will protect yourself from drafts and avoid colds.

There is an opinion that by exercising in warm clothes, feeling temperature discomfort and sweating heavily, the exerciser will lose weight faster. Actually this is not true. Weight loss with increased sweating occurs not due to accelerated fat burning, but due to getting rid of fluid. A sauna has a similar “weight loss” effect. Having restored the water balance, the body returns to its weight. Extra layers of clothing do not affect the intensity of fat burning; they can only make the workout more difficult and uncomfortable.

When talking about thermal comfort, we cannot fail to mention gym shoes. Sweaty feet are a common problem, especially among men. When choosing sports shoes, there are many criteria that will be discussed in detail below. To ensure that your feet do not overheat during training, you should pay attention to sports models with mesh inserts. They promote good ventilation of the feet, prevent excessive sweating and all related problems.


What types of materials are best for sportswear? Previously, it was believed that clothes made from natural fabrics: cotton, linen were best suited for sports. But the experience of athletes completely refutes this statement. Cotton and linen knitwear absorbs sweat well, but it takes a long time to dry and, remaining wet, cools the body. Constant skin contact with sweat-soaked fabric can cause diaper rash and chafing.

Clothes made from synthetic materials designed specifically for sports are much more comfortable during training. They are highly hygroscopic and breathable, quickly absorb and evaporate moisture. Due to this, they are much more comfortable for sports than cotton and linen. This is exactly the rare case when synthetics are preferable natural materials.

The same goes for socks. Contrary to popular belief, the best socks for sports are not cotton, but special socks for sports, characterized by increased hygroscopicity and the absence of any seams.

However, for those who want to lose weight and only do cardio exercises for now, cotton jersey T-shirts will do just fine. They are especially suitable for those who are shy excess weight, because unlike tight-fitting sports jersey, a loose, elongated cotton T-shirt does a good job of hiding figure imperfections.

Comfort while driving

Items must be properly sized. When working out in the gym, you have to move not only a lot, but also in a variety of ways. Therefore, clothing for fitness should stretch well in all directions so as not to restrict movement when performing any exercise. Clothes that are too tight are not acceptable. Tight belts, tops that pinch the armpits, and pants that cut into the crotch should be excluded. Choose low-cut socks, without elastic that compresses the shin.

When choosing a T-shirt, shorts, trousers, evaluate whether it is comfortable to squat, bend, or stretch in them. Pay attention not only to freedom of movement, but also to ensure that when performing exercises, individual parts of the body, for example, the lower back and buttocks, are not excessively exposed. After all, not only physical, but also psychological comfort is important.

An important condition for the comfort of men and women's clothing for fitness is the absence of rough seams. Sweaty and hot skin with constant contact with rough seams and hard labels will chafe and become injured, causing pain.

Safety standards

The safety of training largely depends on sportswear. Clothing that is too loose is dangerous because it can get caught on protruding parts of the exercise equipment and cause you to lose your balance.

Another danger loose clothes is that the instructor cannot see how correctly the strength exercises are performed. Only in tight-fitting sportswear is it possible to notice from the outside the incorrect position of the body and errors in movements. This gives the instructor the opportunity to correct the student’s mistakes and teach him the technique.

Hiding in a robe, you can avoid criticism, but at the same time master strength exercises incorrectly. And the wrong technique will not only prevent you from achieving desired results, but can also cause injury, which happens quite often.

Shoes play a big role in ensuring the safety of training. She must fit under certain type loads. Read more about this in the corresponding section.

Rules of decency

The desire to demonstrate the advantages of a figure and attract the attention of members of the opposite sex is quite understandable, but people usually go to the gym for a completely different purpose. Provocative sportswear that reveals the details of your physique distracts from training, which can have a bad effect on both your workout results and your reputation.

When choosing clothes for the gym, it is recommended to be more modest; all the advantages of a figure can usually be appreciated without provocatively revealing clothes. Moreover, open sweaty areas of the body leave unpleasant wet marks on benches and seats of exercise equipment. To whomever it will be noticed, too much open clothes will help to arouse not sympathy, but, on the contrary, hostility from others.

Attractive appearance

When choosing clothes for the gym, your priority should be comfort and safety. But we must not forget about the aesthetic side. You should like yourself in these clothes. Even if your physical fitness While it is far from perfect, the reflection in the gym mirror should be pleasant to you. This will create an upbeat mood and increase motivation for regular exercise.

How to dress for the gym so that your appearance is presented in the most favorable light? The principles for choosing sportswear are the same as for the rest of your wardrobe:

  • emphasize the advantages of your figure;
  • try to hide flaws as much as possible;
  • choose shades that match your skin and hair tone, eye color.

There are many opportunities to adhere to these recommendations when choosing sportswear. Depending on whether it is necessary to emphasize the beauty of the legs and hips or, conversely, to hide their shortcomings, you can choose: tight or loose shorts of various lengths, leggings, loose sports trousers. The same applies to the upper part of the sports uniform - by varying the sleeve length, neck shape, degree of fit, you can choose the most suitable model of a T-shirt or top.

Remember that light shades visually increase volume, while dark shades reduce volume. This allows you to visually adjust the proportions of the upper and lower parts of the figure.

Cleanliness and neatness

One of the most important conditions for an attractive appearance in the gym is cleanliness and freshness of clothes. It is necessary to wash your underwear, T-shirt, shorts and socks after each workout. Shoes also need to be dried and aired; you should not forget them in your bag until the next workout, as this can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The lifespan of sportswear is determined not only by its appearance, but also by its freshness. Even if the T-shirt has not faded or stretched, it is time to replace it if the moisture absorbed into it does not go away after washing. bad smell. On average, replacement of sportswear with intensive use is required once every six months.


Shoes for the gym should be selected taking into account the type of training. To exercise on a treadmill, you should purchase running shoes, and for strength training– weightlifting or wrestling. High-quality athletic shoes securely fix the foot and promote alignment of the joints of the knees and ankles during exercise. strength exercises. This serves as an excellent injury prevention and protects joints from rapid wear and tear.

Athletic shoes are not suitable for running and jumping. Due to its rigidity, the spine experiences shock loads during running, which can cause problems with the intervertebral discs. Therefore, if you plan to do both strength and cardio training, purchase two types of shoes and do not forget to change them.

For fitness classes with elements of cardio aerobics and step aerobics, running sneakers are suitable. If stretching exercises predominate (yoga, Pilates), then buy soft, flexible shoes - moccasins, sneakers, sneakers.

One of the important requirements for shoes is that they should not be worn out. Professionals recommend changing running shoes after 500 miles, which is approximately 1 pair per year for two runs per week.


Many people think that it makes no difference what kind of underwear to use for training, because it is not visible under clothes. This is not entirely true. The wrong selection can cause inconvenience and even the most comfortable outer sportswear cannot compensate for it.

Special underwear designed for sports is made of synthetic materials that fit tightly to the body and provide comfort and good ventilation. This is especially important during intense workouts and heavy sweating.

It is recommended to select underwear for exercise in the gym from hygroscopic materials that have sufficient elasticity. The selection of sports bras for women deserves special attention. They should support the chest well so that during active movements it is fixed and the skin does not stretch. At large size You should choose a bra with wide shoulders and a belt. Since the support properties of bras weaken over time, it is recommended to replace these items of women's sportswear every 6-9 months.


When working with large free weights, you may need gym gloves to help you grip the weights more securely and avoid blisters. Sports gloves differ from regular gloves in having cut fingers and the presence of gel pads on the palms. A beginner does not need this accessory; put off purchasing it until you move on to training with heavy barbells and kettlebells.

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! Somehow in my articles I undeservedly bypassed our beautiful half of humanity – women. It seems like spring is already here, and the eighth of March has passed, and the articles are all harsh, purely masculine (When will it get warmer?). Therefore, this article is, as it were, a rehabilitation for my forgetfulness about lovely ladies. True, the article is not entirely feminine, it’s kind of a mix, i.e. will be useful for both men and women. The first ones are to find out which representatives of the opposite sex, girls , can be found in gyms in principle. The latter will become familiar with the mistakes that they are already making or will make as soon as they appear on the threshold of the fitness room. So, girls in the gym - what are they like?

So, take your seats, our light spring article begins...

Girls in the gym: notes from an experienced

In the first part (purely male, so to speak) I'll tell you about them. Yes, yes, it’s about them - fighting friends and your faithful companions in life, girls. Because Beach season is just around the corner and girls (like diligent students) are preparing for the main summer event in advance, the number of the latter in fitness rooms has increased significantly. According to my observations, if previously there was an average of one guy per single man 2 girls, now this figure is somewhere in the region of 3 to 4 .

So, because the ladies who come are all different, I have accumulated some small notes/observations from a hunter, which until now were in my head, now I decided to put them on paper. In general, the notes concern those types of women who can visit or are already visiting your gym/fitness room. Read carefully, men, maybe you will recognize someone from this list and tell them about the article dedicated only to them :). Although the listed types are conditional, we tried to be drawn as accurately as possible; we can say that the probability of hitting 80-90% . So let's take it easy. Girls, no offense.

I don’t know, maybe I’m lucky with the sports institution, maybe the stars are favorable, but I’ll take the liberty of saying that with representatives at least 5 from 7 I have encountered and communicated personally with the types described. I won't say that the following email types are the majority. (most likely the other way around), many come to the gym to really work, and sometimes even better than many men, but it’s still worth telling about such unusual buds.

Girls in the gym: types

So here's the top 7 representatives who are most noticeable and stand out from the crowd in any gym:


It usually blooms with spring and appears in the hall around the beginning of April. Global goal - for the May holidays (or rather, a possible trip to Turkey) gain the figure of the goddess Aphrodite. It is not possible to understand exactly how the set goal is going to be achieved, because Only one type of exercise equipment in this flower causes sacred horror and panic.

All exercises and recommendations are performed with a facial expression: “Well, hello, we’ve arrived. Couldn’t they come up with anything smarter?” and only under the watchful supervision of a trainer located two steps behind. During the second training, mournful songs and moans begin, such as: “everything hurts,” “I can’t do this,” “Are you kidding me.” Usually after the third lesson it disappears and appears during the next thaw.

“Gentle creature”

This whole look emphasizes its unearthly, feminine fragility and ephemerality, regardless of the actual proportions and tonnage of the body. For carrying 1 kg dumbbells over a distance 2-3 meters she needs a whole bunch of assistants. More 3 She doesn’t do the exercise for minutes on principle, because she believes (and knows) that she will not be illusory “tired.”

“Glamourous beauty”

This one is always in the “squeak” of fashion and knows that you must come to the fitness room in a stylish outfit (emphasizing in every possible way the most appetizing aspects of the figure, real or imaginary), completely unsuitable for sports activities. Give her free rein, she would repaint the walls of the hall “cute” pink and would pedal on an exercise bike with shoes with the highest stiletto heels. Her hair is the longest and flowing, which is why it can often be found on the floor of the hall.

Sweat during a workout? God forbid...the mascara will run, and then who will be Miss Universe of the Hall?


They usually walk in pairs 2 people, but despite their small number, they make more noise than the State folk choir. Their favorite pastime is telling each other (across the hall) how Esteban Rodrigo is doing (in 139 series) treated Juanita badly or who was kicked out from frontal place“House 2”.

If any exercise equipment comes into their field of vision, then good luck, because they will get off it in at least an hour. But of course, they did one approach - they made a fuss, they did it again - they did it some more, and all this without leaving the cash register. Well, the true buzz of “laughing girls” comes from intimate conversations with a coach, all at once, in one voice and on the same topic: “Will nothing happen if we indulge ourselves a little with dessert at our leisure, but also actively work out in the gym?”

“Unlimited tariff subscriber”

Only in the hall does she feel “like a fish in water” and can talk a lot on her cell phone. He calls incessantly, but she is so sociable that she is unable to refuse anyone, even on 5 minutes. Favorite exercise machines are seated or lying down (on legs), because... It is most convenient to talk in them. As soon as you try to drive her away, she will declare that she is busy doing an exercise, it’s just an important business call, and as soon as it’s over, she will immediately kick 100 kg in 10 approaches.


This interesting person comes to the fitness room with a specific goal. She read somewhere that in such establishments there are many men who, when they see her, 100% they will throw down the barbells and dumbbells and begin vying with each other to offer to touch their steel press, biceps, and maybe even a hand with a heart will be offered. For the especially impressionable, a different program has been prepared - some should simply freeze, others should fall unconscious and stack themselves in piles.

“The Huntress” comes in full combat readiness, not forgetting to first carefully put on makeup and expose herself as much as possible. The gait is free - “from the hip”, the eyes shoot in all directions and hit the target like a sniper. He usually leaves unsalted with the thoughts: “What do these men want? there’s such a girl in the hall, and they’re pulling all sorts of pieces…”

“Temporarily losing weight”

Usually he has certain problems with weight, so he zealously tries to follow all the instructions of the trainer, splashes with enthusiasm, and gushes with energy. However, through 1-2 months, without noticing significant changes in volumes, it fades away. The force of inertia somehow keeps her in the gym for a couple of weeks, but then the case is abandoned, and everything returns to normal, namely, Snickers-Weekers, bounty-uyaunty :). There is only one conclusion - the temptation to eat “yummy” food will at one blow defeat all the arguments in favor of self-care and going to the fitness room.

So, in fact, these are all the representatives of the fair sex whom I was lucky enough to meet, and, what is most pleasant, to personally communicate in the gym. You may add a couple or three more types to this list; the main thing here is to turn on your powers of observation and take a good look. In the end, it’s not all about pulling pieces of iron; you also have to social life hall to follow.

We’ve finished with the male half of the article, now let’s move on to the purely female half.

Girls in the gym: top 10 female mistakes

Dear ladies, we will start by finding out how a gym/fitness room can be useful to you personally, and in the end we will bring out the stereotypes that sit in the head of each of you about this kind of establishment.

All women want to be slim and have appetizing shapes, but the beauty of the body is built not only on the absence of fat, but also on the presence of muscles. Only developed muscles can make your butt and legs attractive, and because... You spend most of your time doing household chores, and your muscles simply have nowhere to go, because they need a varied load. In addition, nothing emphasizes the waist more than the back and shoulders. Nothing keeps your chest toned like the pectoral muscle.

So, this is all to say that only dynamic exercises in fitness or gyms can provide a high-quality load on the muscles. Therefore, going to this kind of establishment opens up a lot of opportunities for a woman:

  • You will become more resilient and stronger. Of course, a woman should not be a “draft horse,” but the combination of tenderness and strength is a bomb for men;
  • Strength training is the most best way fight against overweight, they will help you mold the body of your dreams, because only the shape of the muscles makes it attractive and desirable;
  • Active training normalizes the menstrual cycle. This is due to improved blood supply to the pelvic organs. Therefore, various lunges, squats, and jumping are the most effective exercises here;
  • Testosterone production increases (male sex hormone), which is also necessary for a woman, and exactly the right amount is produced during strength training. It will make you many times more energetic, give you vigor and add tone;
  • Your sex life with your partner will become much brighter. This is primarily due to powerful stimulation, improved blood supply and tone to the pelvic muscles. Therefore, not only you, but also your companion will benefit.

In fact, look at how many benefits there are from visiting the gym. Yes, and I’ll tell you a secret, men prefer moderately muscular women's bodies, than just “low-fat” - so now let’s finish reading the article and go straight to the gym!

Well, before you run away :), let's look at the list of the most typical mistakes that they do day after day (from generation to generation) Almost all the “new” girls. Remember them and try not to do them, and if you already visit the gym, then record whether they are in your program.

Mistake #1. Side bends with dumbbells

Itself, perhaps favorite exercise from the women's arsenal, with which they think to remove the hated sides. Almost all girls do it selflessly, until they sweat, but they get the exact opposite effect - this exercise (and its analogue - lateral crunches in a hyperextension machine) increases the waist, i.e. spreads it out wide. So do it either very rarely (1 once a week), or throw it in the firebox altogether.

Mistake #2. Constant cardio training

Sometimes girls are so caught up in losing weight that they don’t notice how addicted they are to cardio. They do them before, after and during the workout itself and probably want to achieve amazing body definition, but in fact they get high level (a stress hormone that negatively affects muscles) covered in blood and looking haggard. It turns out that the more often (more 3 once a week) and longer (more 40 minutes) we pedal on an exercise bike or just run, the more cortisol destroys our proteins, the smaller our muscle mass and the slower the metabolic processes proceed. Therefore, everything is in moderation 2-3 once a week for 40 minutes is enough.

Mistake #3. Image is nothing, thirst is everything

Often, many girls in the gym do not normalize their water-salt metabolism, or simply drink insufficient amounts of water. Usually during classes, many girls (guys) do not bother themselves with large bottles of water; they have enough 0,5 liters per workout. However, the optimal option is the consumption rate: for women - up to 1 liter, men - up to 2 liters If you don't drink enough fluid, you'll get tired faster, significantly slow down your metabolism, and end up dizzy.

Mistake #4. Dislike of dumbbells

Most women believe that dumbbells are purely male equipment and if you touch them, you can develop huge muscles and become “masculine.” However, cardio exercises alone will not help you build the body of your dreams, because the fat will be “burned off,” and what will remain underneath it, skin and bones?

It's strength training (including dumbbells) will help you gain tight buttocks, a flat stomach and good muscles shoulder girdle, all this will ultimately improve your entire appearance and will add attractiveness. Also, do not forget that the better developed the muscles (the more there are), the more calories you burn even at rest. Well, it’s not worth talking about strengthening bones and ligaments at all.

Mistake #5. Overloading the abs to reduce your waist

What girl doesn't dream of flat stomach and a wasp waist? Sometimes girls in the gym, in order to get what they need, ladies are ready to “pound” abdominals all known exercises are various types crunches, hanging leg raises, side bends, the list goes on and on.

However, you cannot reduce your waist by over-exerting your abdominal muscles. By doing various exercises, you can only create the illusion of a tight belly, but to reduce the layer (which covers the abdominal muscles) Twisting and folding are certainly not enough, so stop “hammering” the abs.

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See you soon.

PS.If you have questions, additions, or other differences, then comments are at your service.