Biography of L.N. Tolstoy. The birthplace of the great Russian writer and philosopher Tolstoy is Yasnaya Polyana - the village where Lev Nikolaevich was the fourth. Presentation on the topic of the biography of Leo Tolstoy Presentation on the topic of Leo Tolstoy

190th birthday

L.N. Tolstoy

(09.09.1828 - 07 (20).11.1910)

in portraits

I.N. Kramskoy. L.N. Tolstoy. 1873

  • The ancestors belonged to an old noble family.
  • Great-great-grandfather - Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy - was granted estates under Peter I, fell into disgrace under Peter II and ended his life in the Solovetsky Monastery.
  • Grandfather - Ilya Andreevich, served as an officer in the Preobrazhensky Regiment. After marrying the daughter of the Minister of War, he retired, then moved to Kazan, where he served as governor until his death.

Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy -

military man, participant in the War of 1812.

Married Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya,

who was raised by her father

Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky -

a man of strict rules.

  • N.S. Volkonsky made sure that he only daughter received an excellent education. Teachers and governesses taught her German, English, Italian and the humanities; from childhood, she spoke French as a native language. Her father taught her exact sciences. Maria Nikolaevna devoted a lot of time to music lessons and read a lot. Her diaries testify to her undoubted literary talent, which is confirmed by her other works: poems, stories, literary translations.
  • At the age of 19, Maria Nikolaevna was introduced high society Petersburg. By the time she entered the world, she had become a sensible, lively and independent girl. She was not a beauty, they said that the most remarkable thing about her appearance was her expressive, radiant eyes. Portraits of her have not survived; only one image of her has reached us - a silhouette as a child.

"Childhood period"

The family had five children: Nikolai, Sergei, Dmitry, Lev and Masha.

The birth of her daughter cost Maria Nikolaevna her life.

Leva was two years old at the time.

Aunt Tatyana Aleksandrovna Ergolskaya was involved in upbringing.

  • After the death of their father, grandmother and aunt, the children were taken to Kazan under the care of Pelageya Ilyinichna Yushkova.
  • 1844 – admission to the university (studying for 1 year at the Department of Oriental Languages, two years at the Faculty of Law).
  • 1847 - leaves university. But he became one of the most educated people of his time.

Kazan University

P. I. Yushkova - the writer’s aunt

When Tolstoy was 13 years old, the family moved to Kazan, to the house of a relative and guardian of the children, P. I. Yushkova. Living in Kazan, Tolstoy spent 2.5 years preparing to enter university; at the age of 17 he entered there. Lev Nikolaevich already at that time knew 16 languages, read a lot and studied philosophy.

But his studies did not arouse any keen interest in him and he passionately indulged in social entertainment. In the spring of 1847, having submitted a request for dismissal from the university “due to poor health and domestic circumstances,” Tolstoy left for Yasnaya Polyana with the firm intention of studying the entire course of science.

4 years of searching

  • Engaged in economic activity in Yasnaya Polyana;
  • Enjoys social life;
  • Passed the exam for the degree of candidate of law in St. Petersburg;
  • Served in the office of the Tula Deputy Assembly.

Tolstoy L.N. 1849

  • 1851 - together with his brother Nikolai, he left for the Caucasus to join the active army.
  • Then, with the beginning of the Russian-Turkish War (1853-1856), he was transferred to the Danube Army. Defended Sevastopol. He returned home in 1855 with the Order of St. Anne “For Bravery” and the medal “For the Defense of Sevastopol”

Literary activity first half of the 50s

  • In the Caucasus, he wrote the story “Childhood,” which he sent to Sovremennik.
  • 1855 stories:
  • "Sevastopol in December"
  • Sevastopol in May"
  • Sevastopol in August 1855"

Tolstoy in Sovremennik

Features of creativity (according to N.G. Chernyshevsky)

  • 1) dialectics of the soul;
  • 2) the beauty of moral feeling.
  • In Tolstoy's war stories the main thing is not battle scenes, but an image of a man at war.

L.N. Tolstoy. Photo from 1855

  • Returned from the war.
  • Plunged into literary life Petersburg.
  • 1857, 1860-1861 – travels abroad.
  • Spiritual quest.

  • 1859 - opens a school for peasant children
  • 1872 – “ABC”.

  • In 1870, Leo Tolstoy, while continuing to teach peasant children, wrote the novel Anna Karenina.

  • In 1883, Lev Nikolaevich founded the publication “Posrednik”.
  • In 1898, Leo Tolstoy wrote the novel “Resurrection.”

"War and Peace"

Leo Tolstoy writes "War and Peace"

Literary activity of the 60-70s

  • 1863-1869 – “War and Peace.”
  • 1873-1877 – “Anna Karenina”.
  • 1882 – “Confession”:

“A revolution happened to me, which had been preparing in me for a long time. What happened to me was that the life of our circle - the rich, the scientists - not only became disgusting to me, but also lost all meaning. I renounced the life of our circle, admitting that this is not life.”

  • Tolstoy sets out his understanding of Christian doctrine. In particular, he wrote that the meaning of true Christianity goes back to the Sermon on the Mount, and its main commandment “non-resistance to evil through violence.”
  • The idea of ​​immortality should be understood as the eternal gratitude of the living for the benefits shown to them.
  • The Kingdom of God on earth consists of “peace among all people among themselves.”
  • "Simplification."


For harsh statements against

official Orthodoxy, the Holy Synod in 1901 excommunicated Tolstoy from the church.

Photo from 1885

  • Writes for “Ignati and their children”;
  • Expression appears in the narrative instead of the former lengthy narrative;
  • "Resurrection"
  • "Hadji Murat"
  • "After the Ball"

  • In 1862 he married the daughter of a Moscow doctor, Sofya Andreevna Bers. We moved to Yasnaya Polyana.
  • Of the 13 children, 8 remained. Two losses - son Vanechka (1895) and daughter Masha (1906)
  • Relationships are complicated.

Tolstoy's family: Mikhail, Lev Nikolaevich, Vanechka, Lev, Alexander,

Andrey, Tatyana, Sofya Andreevna, Maria. Photo from 1892.

  • On the night of October 27-28, 82-year-old Tolstoy left home.
  • Headed south.
  • On the way he fell ill.
  • I got off at Astapovo station.
  • On November 7 he died of pneumonia.

World recognition



  • Everyone wants to change humanity, but no one thinks about how to change themselves.
  • Everything comes to those who know how to wait.
  • All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
  • Let everyone sweep in front of his own door. If everyone does this, the whole street will be clean.
  • It's easier to live without love. But without it there is no point.
  • I don't have everything I love. But I love everything I have.
  • The world moves forward thanks to those who suffer.
  • The greatest truths are the simplest.
  • Everyone is making plans, and no one knows whether he will survive until the evening.

Scientists, cultural figures,

  • His face is the face of humanity. If the inhabitants of other worlds asked our world: who are you? - humanity could answer, pointing to Tolstoy: here I am.

Dmitry Merezhkovsky

Scientists, cultural figures, politicians about L. N. Tolstoy

  • What struck me most about Tolstoy was that he backed up his preaching with actions and made any sacrifices for the sake of the truth. He was the most honest man of its time. His whole life is a constant search, a continuous desire to find the truth and bring it to life. Tolstoy never tried to hide the truth or embellish it; fearing neither spiritual nor temporal power, he showed the world the universal truth, unconditional and uncompromising.

Mahatma Gandhi

Scientists, cultural figures, politicians about L. N. Tolstoy

  • Tolstoy is the greatest and only genius of modern Europe, the highest pride of Russia, a man whose one name is fragrance, a writer of great purity and holiness.

Alexander Blok

Scientists, cultural figures, politicians about L.N. Tolstoy

  • The world may not have known another artist in whom the eternally epic, Homeric element would have been as strong as Tolstoy. In his works lives the element of the epic, its majestic monotony and rhythm, similar to the measured breath of the sea, its tart, powerful freshness, its burning spice, indestructible health, indestructible realism.

Thomas Mann

  • "Resurrection"(English) Resurrection, 1909, UK). 12 minute silent film novel of the same name(filmed during the writer’s lifetime).
  • "Power of Darkness"(1909, Russia). Silent film.
  • (1910, Germany). Silent film.
  • (1911, Russia). Silent film. Dir. - Maurice Maitre
  • "Living Corpse"(1911, Russia). Silent film.
  • "War and Peace"(1913, Russia). Silent film.
  • (1914, Russia). Silent film. Dir. - V. Gardin
  • (1915, USA). Silent film.
  • "Power of Darkness"(1915, Russia). Silent film.
  • "War and Peace"(1915, Russia). Silent film. Dir. - Y. Protazanov, V. Gardin
  • "Natasha Rostova"(1915, Russia). Silent film. Producer - A. Khanzhonkov. Starring: V. Polonsky, I. Mozzhukhin

  • "Living Corpse"(1916). Silent film.
  • (1918, Hungary). Silent film.
  • "Power of Darkness"(1918, Russia). Silent film.
  • "Living Corpse"(1918). Silent film.
  • "Father Sergius"(1918, RSFSR). Silent film film by Yakov Protazanov, in leading role Ivan Mozzhukhin
  • (1919, Germany). Silent film.
  • "Polikushka"(1919, USSR). Silent film.
  • "Love"(1927, USA. Based on the novel “Anna Karenina”). Silent film. As Anna - Greta Garbo
  • "Living Corpse"(1929, USSR). Starring: V. Pudovkin
  • (Anna Karenina, 1935, USA). Sound film. As Anna - Greta Garbo
  • « Anna Karenina"(Anna Karenina, 1948, UK). As Anna - Vivien Leigh

  • "War and Peace"(War & Peace, 1956, USA, Italy). As Natasha Rostova - Audrey Hepburn
  • "Agi Murad il diavolo bianco"(1959, Italy, Yugoslavia). As Hadji Murat - Steve Reeves
  • "People too"(1959, USSR, based on a fragment of “War and Peace”). Dir. G. Danelia, starring V. Sanaev, L. Durov
  • "Resurrection"(1960, USSR). Dir. - M. Schweitzer
  • (Anna Karenina, 1961, USA). As Vronsky - Sean Connery
  • "Cossacks"(1961, USSR). Dir. - V. Pronin
  • (1967, USSR). In the role of Anna - Tatiana Samoilova
  • "War and Peace"(1968, USSR). Dir. - S. Bondarchuk
  • "Living Corpse"(1968, USSR). In ch. roles - A. Batalov
  • "War and Peace"(War & Peace, 1972, UK). Series. As Pierre - Anthony Hopkins
  • "Father Sergius"(1978, USSR). Feature film Igor Talankin, starring Sergei Bondarchuk

  • "Caucasian Tale"(1978, USSR, based on the story “Cossacks”). In ch. roles - V. Konkin
  • "Money"(1983, France-Switzerland, based on the story “False Coupon”). Dir. - Robert Bresson
  • "Two Hussars"(1984, USSR). Dir. - Vyacheslav Krishtofovich
  • (Anna Karenina, 1985, USA). As Anna - Jacqueline Bisset
  • "A Simple Death"(1985, USSR, based on the story “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”). Dir. - A. Kaidanovsky
  • "Kreutzer Sonata"(1987, USSR). Starring: Oleg Yankovsky
  • "For what?" (Za co?, 1996, Poland / Russia). Dir. - Jerzy Kawalerowicz
  • (Anna Karenina, 1997, USA). In the role of Anna - Sophie Marceau, Vronsky - Sean Bean
  • (2007, Russia). In the role of Anna - Tatiana Drubich
  • "War and Peace"(2007, Germany, Russia, Poland, France, Italy). Series. In the role of Andrei Bolkonsky - Alessio Boni.

  • "The Passing of the Great Elder"(1912, Russia). Director - Yakov Protazanov
  • "Leo Tolstoy"(1984, USSR, Czechoslovakia). Director - S. Gerasimov
  • "The Last Station"(2008). In the role of L. Tolstoy - Christopher Plummer, in the role of Sofia Tolstoy - Helen Mirren. Film about last days writer's life.

The dog and its shadow

Bug carried a bone across the bridge. Look, her shadow is in the water. It occurred to the Bug that there was not a shadow in the water, but a Bug and a bone. She'll drop the bone so she can take it. She didn’t take that one, but hers sank to the bottom.

Bad game Petya and Vanya played like this: they are like sheep beat a friend friend's forehead to forehead. The game was bad: Vanya became cone on his forehead, and Petya's lump on the eye.

Frog and mouse

The frog and the mouse started a quarrel. They went out onto the hummock and began to fight. The hawk sees that they forgot about him, went down and grabbed both of them.

Monkey and Pea The monkey was carrying two full handfuls of peas. One pea popped out; The monkey wanted to pick it up and spilled twenty peas. She rushed to pick it up and spilled everything. Then she got angry, scattered all the peas and ran away.

Jackdaw and jug The jackdaw wanted to drink. There was a jug of water in the yard, and the jug only had water at the bottom. Jackdaw was out of reach. She began throwing pebbles into the jug and added so many that the water became higher and could be drunk.

Turtle and eagle The turtle asked the eagle to teach him to fly. The eagle did not advise, because it was not appropriate for her; and she kept asking. The eagle took her in his claws, lifted her up and let her go; she fell on the rocks and was broken.

Ant and dove The ant went down to the stream: he wanted to drink. The wave washed over him and almost drowned him. The dove carried a branch. She saw that the ant was drowning, and threw it a branch into the stream. The ant sat on a branch and escaped. Then the hunter laid a net on the dove and wanted to slam it. The ant crawled up to the hunter and bit him on the leg. The hunter groaned and dropped his net. The dove fluttered and flew away.

Lambs and wolf Sheep walked under the forest. Two lambs wandered away from the flock. The old sheep said: – Don’t be naughty, lambs, trouble won’t last long. And the wolf stood behind a bush and said: “It’s not true, the lambs, the sheep is old, her legs can’t walk, she’s so jealous.” Run alone all over the field. .

. The lambs did just that. They walked away from the herd, and the wolf caught them and ate them.

Man and cat The man had a lot of mice. He took a cat into the house so that she would catch mice, and the cat thought that she was then taken so that she herself would become fat. The cat began to eat bones and milk and became fat and smooth. And the cat stopped catching mice. She thought: “While I was thin and rough, I was afraid that they would drive me away, but now I have become smooth and beautiful, and the man will not drive me away. He won’t soon handle another cat like he did me.”

And the man sees that the cat doesn’t catch mice, and says to his wife: “Our cat is no good, look for a bad kitten.” He took the fat cat, took it out into the forest and abandoned it.

Hares and frogs Once the hares came together and began to cry for their lives:“We die from people, and from dogs, and from eagles, and from other animals.” It’s better to die at once than to live and suffer in fear. Let's drown ourselves! And the hares jumped into the lake to drown themselves. The frogs heard the hares and splashed into the water. One hare says:

Stop, guys! Let's wait to drown; The life of a frog is apparently even worse than ours; They are afraid of us too.

Lion and mouse The lion was sleeping. The mouse ran over his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her in; She said: - If you let me in, I’ll do you good. The lion laughed that the mouse promised to do good to him, and let it go. Then the hunters caught the lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard the lion's roar, came running, chewed the rope and said:

Remember, you laughed, you didn’t think that I could do you any good, but now you see that good can come from a mouse.

Mouse, rooster and cat The mouse went out for a walk. I walked around the yard and came again to mother. - Well, mother, I saw two animals. One is scary and the other is kind. Mother asked: - Tell me, what kind of animals are these? The mouse said:- One scary one, he walks around the yard like this, his legs are black, his crest is red, his eyes are bulging, and his nose is hooked. When I walked past, he opened his mouth, raised his leg and began screaming so loudly that I didn’t know where to go from fear.

“It’s a rooster,” said the old mouse. “He doesn’t harm anyone, don’t be afraid of him.” Well, what about the other animal?“The other one was lying in the sun and warming himself. Its neck is white, its legs are gray and smooth. He licks his white chest and moves his tail slightly, looking at me. The old mouse said: - You’re a fool, you’re a fool. After all, it's the cat itself.

Two roosters and an eagle Two roosters were fighting near a dung heap. One rooster had more strength. He beat the other one and drove him away from the dung heap. All the chickens gathered around the rooster and began to praise him. The Rooster wanted people in the other yard to know about his strength and glory. He flew up onto the barn, beat his wings and sang loudly: - Look at me, everyone Killed the rooster! None have There is such a strong rooster in the world! I didn’t have time to sing an eagle flies, knocked down a rooster, grabbed him in his claws and carried him to his nest

Hedgehog and already Once the hedgehog came to the snake and said: - Let me go to your nest for a while. I already let him in. As soon as the hedgehog climbed into the nest, the hedgehog’s pain ceased to exist. I already told the hedgehog: “I only let you in for a while, but now go away, my teeth are all pricking against yours.” needles, and they hurt. Yozh said: “He who is in pain, go away, but I feel good.”

Cat and fox The cat and the fox talked about how to get rid of dogs. Cat says: “I’m not afraid of dogs, because I have a trick for them.” And the fox says:- How can you get rid of dogs with one trick! I have seventy-seven tricks and seventy-seven subterfuges!

While they were talking, hunters came and dogs came running. The cat has one trick, she jumped up a tree, and the dogs didn’t catch her, and the fox began to do her dodges, but didn’t dodge, the dogs caught her.

Mice and cat It became bad for the mice to live because of the cat. Every day, it will take two or three. Once the mice came together and began to judge how they could escape from the cat. They tried and tried, but they couldn’t come up with anything. Here's one mouse saying:“I’ll tell you how we can save ourselves from the cat.” After all, that’s why we are dying because we don’t know when he will come to us. You need to put a bell around the cat's neck so that it rattles. Then whenever he is close to us, we will hear him and we will leave.

“That would be good,” said the old mouse, “but someone needs to put a bell on the cat.” It's a good idea, but tie a bell around the cat's neck, then we'll thank you.

  • Cell obliquely

The presentation on the topic “Biography of Tolstoy” tells the story of the life of the great writer, who is not only the author of many works, but is also an outstanding figure who made a significant contribution to the development of Russian culture and the life of society of his time.

Who is intended to view the slides of the presentation about Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy? Himself to a wide circle spectators. A teacher can conduct an interesting literature lesson using this development; students can independently prepare for a lesson or test on the topic “The Life of Tolstoy” at home. Why not, at your leisure, just look through the slides of a beautiful presentation with facts from the biography of Leo Tolstoy, learn about his childhood and adult life and expand your horizons.

Download the presentation on the topic “Biography of Tolstoy”, which contains facts about his childhood, youth, creative success, available for free from the website for students in grades 10-11 or anyone who wants to get to know the life of this great moralist, writer and artist all rolled into one, who glorified an entire era.

Long before school, children became acquainted with the children's stories of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. These are “Kostochka” and “Filippok”, “Fire” and “Two Comrades”. It is unlikely that their parents told them about who the author of such amazing works was.

A presentation on the topic "Biography of Tolstoy" was created for children in grades 2 - 4. It talks about a difficult life in accessible language. amazing person. From the presentation slides, students will learn:

  • About Tolstoy's mother - Princess M.N. Volkonskaya
  • About the writer's father - Count N. I. Tolstoy
  • About the wife of Lev Nikolaevich - S. A. Bers
  • About service in the artillery troops
  • About writer friends
  • About activities in the literary and social fields

A short biography of L.N. Tolstoy, which fits on 14 presentation slides, will arouse interest in his work among children in grades 2–4.

The presentation reveals new interesting facts from the life of L.N. Tolstoy for 10th grade students, which they may not yet know. The name of Tolstoy became known throughout the world due to his enormous contribution to literature and influence on society. He is considered as great among the galaxy of writers, and is revered like Pushkin and Dostoevsky.

The presentation presents several of the most important milestones from Tolstoy's life:

  • Joyful period early childhood
  • Study at Kazan University
  • About the turbulent life of adolescence
  • L. N. Tolstoy’s attitude to war and freedom
  • Literary creativity
  • Folk school
  • A turning point in consciousness
  • Care and death

Download presentation material from interesting facts biographies can be used not only for a literature lesson, but also for promoting the work of L. N. Tolstoy on extracurricular activities.

A presentation on the topic “Biography of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy” can be used in grades 7 - 10 when getting acquainted with new works of the writer or at class hour, dedicated to the life of this amazing Russian figure. It can rightfully be attributed to greatest people era.

Presentation “Biography of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy” intended to be shown to a wide range of viewers. A literature teacher may include a presentation in her class. The children will be able to independently review its contents and prepare a report for the lesson. Slide shows can also be used in extracurricular activities. Colorfully designed work contributes to better perception and assimilation of the material. The teacher displays a quote from the writer on the screen. Students will be able to find out the attitude of the writer himself to certain events in his life. This design of the slides makes it possible to better assimilate the presented material.



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Slide captions:

Biography of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

L.N. TOLSTOY (1828-1910). BIOGRAPHY.

Leo Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 on the estate Yasnaya Polyana, near Tula, in a noble family. Without my Yasnaya Polyana, I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it. Without Yasnaya Polyana, maybe I see more clearly general laws, necessary for my fatherland... L. TOLSTOY, “Memories in the Village”

Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya (1790-1830). Mother of L. Tolstoy. I don’t remember my mother at all. I was one and a half years old when she died... everything I know about her is wonderful... L. Tolstoy “Memoirs”

Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy (1795-1837). Father of L. Tolstoy. The first place...occupies, although not in terms of influence on me, but in terms of my feelings for him,... is my father. L. Tolstoy “Memoirs”

In 1851, L. Tolstoy went to the Caucasus and volunteered for artillery. Finally today I received orders to go to my battery, I am a 4th class fireworksman. You won't believe how much pleasure this gives me. L. Tolstoy - T. A. Ergolskaya. January 3, 1852

At twenty-six years old, I came to St. Petersburg after the war and became friends with writers. They accepted me as their own... L. Tolstoy “Confession” A group of writers from the Sovremennik magazine. L.N. Tolstoy, D.V. Grigorovich, I.A. Goncharov, I.S. Turgenev, A.V. Druzhinin, A.N. Ostrovsky. From a photograph of 1856.

SOFIA ANDREEVNA BERS In 1862, L. Tolstoy married the daughter of a doctor. The choice has long been made. Literature-art, pedagogy and family. L. Tolstoy, Diary, October 6, 1863 She is a serious assistant to me. L. Tolstoy - A. A. Fetu. May 15, 1863

L.N. Tolstoy discovered 26 public schools, where 9,000 children studied. When I enter the school and see this crowd of ragged, dirty, thin children, with their bright eyes and so often angelic expressions, I am overcome with anxiety, the horror that I would feel at the sight of drowning people... I want education for the people... to save those drowning Pushkins,... Lomonosovs. And they swarm in every school. L. Tolstoy - A. A. Tolstoy. December 1874

TOLSTOY, TOLSTOY! This is... not a person, but a HUMANITY, JUPITER. Maxim Gorky TOLSTOY is truly a huge artist, the kind that has been born for centuries, and his work is crystal clear, bright and beautiful. V. G. Korolenko... There is no person more worthy of the name of genius, more complex, contradictory and beautiful in everything... A. P. Chekhov


TOLSTOY died...But in his inheritance there is something that has not become a thing of the past, that belongs to the future. Demonstration in St. Petersburg regarding the death of L. N. Tolstoy. 1910 The grave of L.N. Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana.


FOR MANY YEARS A SEVERE AND TRUTHFUL VOICE SOUND, CONVICTING EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING; HE TOLD US ABOUT RUSSIAN LIFE ALMOST AS MUCH AS ALL THE REST OF OUR LITERATURE. Historical significance Tolstoy's works... are the result of everything that Russian society experienced during the entire 19th century, and his books will remain for centuries as a monument to the hard work done by a GENIUS... M. GORKY

The presentation of “Tolstoy” will make the lesson exciting, capture the attention of schoolchildren and help them remember better important information due to the well-thought-out structure of the material. The slides are adapted for children; with their help, literature classes will become more effective. Not every child perceives new knowledge aurally; some need to consolidate what they hear visually. The presentation about the biography of Tolstoy is filled not only with information about the writer’s life, but it also contains portraits, images, and illustrations. The method of visual consolidation contributes to better assimilation of the material and consolidation of it in memory for a long time.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is known to everyone for his unique style and written masterpieces. But not only the works arouse increased interest, the writer’s personality is also unique, he had interesting childhood, which is now mentioned in the process of getting to know the fate of the writer. Tolstoy's life and work are amazing and unusual, and a visual presentation of a fascinating report will help introduce schoolchildren to literary discoveries.

You can view the slides on the website or download a presentation on the topic “Tolstoy” in PowerPoint format from the link below.

Biography of Tolstoy

Caucasus and Crimean War
Russo-Turkish War

Literary activity of the first half of the 1850s
Literary activity in the second half of the 1850s
Pedagogical activity
Life and creative maturity

Spiritual crisis
Literary activity of 1880-1890
Family life

Recent years