How to enlarge your butt at home. How to enlarge your butt? General rules, exercises and effective tips

It's no secret that men love bulges in certain body parts in women. And, of course, this applies to ladies’ butts. That is why many girls who cannot boast of roundness are looking for a way to correct this genetic injustice. How to enlarge your butt to become more attractive in men's eyes and more self-confident?

Experts say that if you really want to, you can correct almost any defect in your figure. This is achieved using integrated approach. IN in this case must be worn the right clothes, eat wisely, work on your gait and resort to special physical exercises.

If you want to give your lower body more appetite and volume, but don’t have the time or opportunity to go to the gym, it doesn’t matter. You can take advantage of the recommendations of leading fitness trainers who can answer the delicate question of how to enlarge your buttocks at home.

We are moving correctly

To visually enlarge your hips, you need to learn how to move correctly. Part of the problem of flat buttocks can be solved with the help of gait. First you need to straighten your posture: stretch the lower part of the spine up, straighten the chest and shoulders. At the same time, the woman’s breasts will immediately visually enlarge and her butt will become more convex.

Imitating fashion models who tirelessly iron the catwalk, you should try to place one foot clearly in front of the other when walking. It's as if an invisible straight line has been drawn on the floor.

At first, this type of movement may cause some inconvenience and even stiffness of the body, but with some effort and perseverance, the correct gait, coupled with posture, will become familiar and comfortable quite quickly, within a week or two.

Strength exercises

The gluteal muscles, like any other muscle in the body, can be toned and enlarged with the help of physical activity. It is necessary to understand that the result will not be achieved quickly. Your hips will not become fuller and rounder after a week of exercise. And yet, only a set of special exercises will allow you to build the necessary muscle mass.

It’s simply amazing how bodybuilders who work hard in the gym on their bodies manage to enlarge their buttocks. Inspired by their example, you need to set yourself up for success and start doing simple exercises.

Any exercise requires regularity, so you need to do gymnastics at least three times a week:

  1. You need to lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor, and place your arms along your body. As you exhale, lift your pelvis up, squeeze your buttocks and stay in this position for a minute, feeling the tension in your lower body. Do at least three sets of 10 exercises.
  2. In a standing position, place your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you. Do squats, mentally sitting on a chair. In this case, the thighs and shins should form approximately a right angle relative to each other. You should try to keep your back straight. The exercise is not easy, but you need to perform it in three sets of 20 times.
  3. From a standing position, quickly lunge forward with both legs alternately, transferring your body weight to the bent leg and trying to stretch the other back as much as possible.
  4. From a lying position, raise your knees bent up, then straighten your legs so that they are directed diagonally towards the ceiling. Squeezing your buttocks and tensing your abs, you need to slowly lower your straight legs, keeping them at a distance of 5 centimeters from the floor. Perform the exercise 4-5 times with a rest break of half a minute.

These include:

  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • cross-country skiing;
  • swimming;
  • gymnastics;
  • Athletics.

The magical power of clothes

Fashion designers can tell you how to enlarge your buttocks. Properly selected clothes can quickly add volume to the butt. The thighs will visually look much more appetizing. To achieve this effect, you can, for example, use tight jeans with pockets located at the top of the butt. Or use high-waisted jeans. Such clothes will emphasize her narrowness, while simultaneously emphasizing the volume of her butt. In the struggle for ideal shape, you can forget about baggy jeans forever.

There is another trick that modern underwear models offer to use. You can wear so-called push-up panties. They have special inserts in in the right place, instantly increasing the hips of its happy owner.

These panties will help you out when you need to achieve the desired result immediately. And they are very suitable for impatient people who are unable to wait a week, a month, or even less a year for the effects of exercise.

High heels incredibly change a woman's figure. They force the body to straighten. At the same time, the breasts and butt become more noticeable.

Calories to the rescue

How to enlarge your butt with calories? If your figure allows you to gain weight in the desired areas, you can try to gain weight on purpose. A little - just to round out your shape. Sit on hamburgers for a week, and desired result will be achieved. Or, conversely, throw it away overweight to more clearly define the contours of the body. Particular attention should be paid to waist size. There shouldn't be any fat reserves there.

Some women may feel that butt augmentation surgery will be the answer to all their problems. Indeed, today plastic correction of the body allows you to instantly eliminate any of its shortcomings. But you shouldn’t thoughtlessly go under the surgeon’s knife just because you don’t want to exercise and eat right.

Striving for ideal forms, women need to remember that surgery is always associated with health risks, and it is better to leave it as a last resort.

There is no limit to perfection. Especially if it concerns the most important tool of a person - his body. What can you say about the buttocks? I dare say, almost all representatives of the fair sex want to have a pumped up butt.

Hello! Want to know how to enlarge your butt at home? Then this article (by the way, there are also some others), dear girls, will help you do this quickly. Read to the end and you will learn the exercises, as well as some secrets for pumping up your buttocks.

What I like most about the butt is its shape. Basically, like all the guys. But in second place for me, their feature is the ability to fully pump it not only in the gym, but also at home. The remaining muscles will sooner or later have to be “switched” to the gym.

It just so happens that the gluteal muscles work in those exercises that can easily be used in a small area - on the floor of a hall or room. Moreover, it is not necessary to have special equipment: weights, if you need them, you can make yourself. Well, let's move on to presenting the material for which we have all gathered here today?

What weights can you make yourself if you don’t have dumbbells?

Well, let's start with the fact that you will have to purchase water. Yes, you understood me correctly - water. But in five- or six-liter eggplants. You can drink or pour the drinking water, and fill the containers with either tap water or sand. The second option is more relevant for later classes, when you already have some strength and endurance.

If five or six liters is too much, you can fill it in the same way plastic bottles volume of 1 and 2 liters. In general, I advise you to do it all at once.

Remember, do you have a long piece of elastic rubber? If not, don't worry. Just buy a rubber band - it will serve you as a counteraction, which will also become relevant a little later. In the meantime, start exercising with your own body weight, if you have no experience at all in exercising, and beautiful ass I want to have it.

By the way, the topic concerns how to enlarge your butt. You can still eat it, but since this is not a blog of harmful advice from Vladimir Manerov, I will not disclose it. I think you yourself know that this is not difficult.

Exercises for the butt at home

With the help of physical exercises, the butt can be changed beyond recognition. The principle is simple: work on the muscle tissue of this part of the body, which will grow and increase the size of the buttocks naturally.

I'll digress a little. Your butt will temporarily increase in size immediately after finishing your workout. You can count it personal victory, albeit temporary. The fact is that the muscles are pumped with blood, which causes an increase in volume. Exercise regularly, and the gluteal muscles will be constantly pumped with blood and enlarged. This is called "pumping" or "pump". This is true, if anyone is interested. But this is not the main way.

The first and most effective exercise... Which one do you think? No, not squats. According to research by Brad Contreros, the best way to stimulate the buttocks to grow is by lying on the floor or doing a glute bridge. It is quite simple: lie on the floor, legs bent at the knees and feet also on the floor. Your task is to raise your pelvis so that your torso and legs create a straight line.

There are some modifications of this movement: bringing the knees together when lifting with tension in the buttocks, increasing the amplitude of movement (putting your feet on a hill: a stool, sofa, chair or ottoman), raising the pelvis with emphasis on one leg (the second is straightened and located above the floor).

Now we can talk about squats. You can squat in different ways, believe it or not, but there is a sea of ​​all kinds of variations. The most common are:

  • classic (feet shoulder-width apart, toes forward);
  • “plie” (legs spread wide, toes apart);
  • wall squats (your back slides along the wall, your legs are slightly forward);
  • jumping (after a squat, you push off the floor with your feet and jump);
  • with different positions of the legs and feet: legs together, medium stance, wide stance, toes in and out;
  • single-leg pistol squats (it’s especially convenient to do this from an elevated position, holding your hand on something stable).

Without exaggeration, I will say that in all exercises it is possible (and in some even necessary) to use weights.

Since the gluteal muscles (maximus and minimus) are responsible for straightening the legs at the hip joints, as well as bringing them towards each other, I can recommend lunges. This is the third exercise. Again, here you are free to choose any modification of the movement. Do it on the spot, walk in lunges around the room, jumping and changing legs in flight, side or crossed lunges (right to left, left to right), lunges back. I’ll say it again, burdens will not be superfluous here.

If the buttocks adduct the legs, then naturally you need to do adductions. This is the fourth. Tie a rubber expander to the ankle of one leg, and the other end, say, to the leg of a sofa. Step back and move your leg to the side (or back) away (in the direction of the sofa) so that the tourniquet stretches just a little. Now place the abducted leg towards the supporting leg. Do you feel resistance?

Fifth. Standing on all fours, lift your straight or bent leg back as high as possible (you can use an expander in the same way). Then change the working limb. This exercise is called the “kneeling leg raise.”

Sixth. You can do deadlifts, both classic and in the “sumo” or “dead” (Romanian) style. It is the straightening of the pelvis that leads to hypertrophy of the gluteal muscles, which is what we need. By the way, here you will need the maximum weights of the available weights. Eggplants with sand will help you.

Seventh. Bend forward with weights. These movements are more of a grinder, revealing their potential at the end of each butt workout. So don't do them at the beginning.


The exercises described (for the most part) are basic, so you will be able to quickly pump up your butt. Just give your working muscles rest for at least a day between workouts, and also adhere to the regularity of your training. In principle, that's all. Share these exercises with your friends on in social networks- suddenly they need it too.

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Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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4 methods: Clothes that make your hips look bigger Exercises to make your butt bigger Adding strength exercises to make your hips bigger muscle mass Other methods of butt enlargement

The gluteal muscle is the largest muscle in the human body. Together with the middle and small gluteal and subcutaneous fat, it creates the shape of the butt. The buttocks are not only a “cushion” when you sit, but also perform important functions when walking, running and climbing stairs. In general, women have larger hips and buttocks due to sex differences in the deposition and storage of fat. Some people have a naturally large butt, but even if you are not one of them, there is no need to be discouraged because there are ways to make your butt bigger in a short period of time. Methods can vary: from those that have an immediate effect (improved posture and clothing) and those in which the effect is noticeable only after a few weeks or months (exercises to reduce the waist, enlarge the hips and buttocks) to those that give a quick and permanent result (cosmetic surgery).

Method 1 Clothes that make your hips appear larger

  1. Wear clothes that draw attention to your thighs and buttocks.

    Clothing that flatters a feminine (hourglass) figure often also accentuates the hips and buttocks, making the stomach look thinner and flatter.

    Wear A-line skirts and dresses that hug your figure to the waist and fall loosely on the hips and buttocks. If you don't want to wear tight-fitting clothes, choose ones that fit your figure.

    • Choose clothes that fit your body (that is, they do not need to be form-fitting, but they do need to follow the contours and curves of your body). Avoid wearing clothes that are too loose or low-waisted.
    • Choose contrasting colors. Wear a bright top and dark bottom.
    • Emphasize your waist. Choose clothes with embroidery, embellishments, lace and other embellishments at the waist, or add accessories such as belts. Thanks to this, you will visually enlarge your hips.
  2. Wear shapewear under your clothes.

    Today, shapewear has become much more comfortable and invisible than in the days of our grandmothers. Shapewear and shapewear are worn under clothing to smooth out the shape of the hips, tighten the stomach and emphasize the waist.

    Shaper belts accentuate the waist by transferring fat from the belly to the hips and buttocks. There will be such a belt good choice for people with overweight in the abdominal area and with small buttocks. Shapewear tights and shorts do something similar, but the results are not as noticeable. Popular brands of shapewear include Spanx and Yummy Tummie. You can mix different kinds shapewear, depending on which parts of the body you want to enlarge and which to tighten.

    Underwear that slims your hips and belly without squeezing your butt will give you a rounder, fuller butt.

    • Buy shapewear that tightens at the waist, lifting and separating the buttocks - this will make them visually larger and more attractive.
    • Do not purchase shapewear that is smaller in size. Not only will it be difficult to put on, but such underwear can lead to certain health problems.
  3. Draw attention to your butt with the right pants.

    Choose pants that fit you well, not too tight, but not too big. Jeans should not hang. Give preference to jeans with embellishments on the buttocks. Choosing what is best to wear to a greater extent depends on your body type:

    • If you have a large bust but narrow hips (cone or inverted triangle shape), you need to visually slim down your bust and draw attention to your hips and butt. Choose A-shape skirts and dresses, that is, ones that flare out at the hips. Emphasize your waist with a belt. Wear high heels to make you look taller. Avoid wearing tight jeans or pants that are tight around the legs, especially around the ankles, any tight clothing, or high-necked tops such as turtlenecks.
    • If you have a boyish or athletic figure, try wearing jeans, trousers or skirts that sit an inch or two below the waist. Emphasize the curve of your waist with a blazer or jacket and sheath dress. For skinny people, it is recommended to choose jeans with embellishment (such as embroidery or beading) on ​​the back pockets. Avoid wearing clothes that are too big or baggy.
    • If you have a narrow top and a wide lower body (a pear-shaped figure), then you are lucky to have naturally wide hips. Strive to “balance” your appearance, especially if you have thin waist and hands. Wear skirts and pants that sit at the waist, including empire-waist dresses, A-line skirts and sheath dresses. Avoid wearing tight jeans or pants that taper at the bottom, tucking your shirts into your jeans, and avoid wearing jackets that fall below your waist.
  4. Wear skirts that fit you.

    Skirts tend to show off your hips better. However, what kind of skirt you should wear depends on your body shape. Typically, all body shapes are divided into the following types: hourglass (or 8-shape), pear (A-shape), athletic or boyish, and ice cream cone (V-shape).

    Depending on your body type, you need to choose a skirt - not only by shape, but also by color, as well as by fabric pattern.

    • A pencil or bandage skirt will look good on an hourglass figure. These skirts should not be worn if you have a pear-shaped or athletic figure. At the same time, you can tuck the blouse into such a skirt, or you can not tuck it in. Skirts made from cotton and spandex are the most popular among girls, while skirts made from thicker fabrics look more respectable and professional and are suitable for older women. Such skirts fit the hips and buttocks, therefore maximally emphasizing all the curves of the body. Wear them with roomy blouses for a more formal look, and with roomy tops for a more casual look.
    • High-waisted flared skirts look good on pear-shaped figures. They sit naturally at the waist (the thinnest part of the torso) and fall over wide hips. Such skirts are often called “skater” or “sun skirts”.
    • Rounded skirts with stripes create the feeling of natural curves of the hips, so they are perfect for those with a narrow waist and narrow hips, especially those with a triangular or athletic body type.
    • A-shape skirts look good on athletic, V-shaped and A-shaped figures. They should not be worn by overweight women.

Method 2 Exercises to enlarge the buttocks

  1. Do exercises to shape your buttocks.

    The most best exercises For a beautiful butt there will be exercises for the gluteal muscles. The gluteal muscles work, for example, when you extend your calves and hips, lift your hip to the side, and when you internally rotate your hip.

    Luckily, some of the most effective glute exercises can be done at home with little or no special equipment.

    For example, such exercises are various squats, static and lateral lunges, bridges and half-bridges, leg bending and extension, and leg raises. If you also want to get rid of excess fat, perform two minutes of intense full-body cardio (such as running or jumping) between several sets.

    • If you're just starting out, start with just a few repetitions of each exercise and gradually increase your workouts. Try doing 3 sets of 5 reps every other day. Depending on how you feel, gradually increase the load to 3 sets of 10-15 reps, 6 days a week.
    • If you perform the exercises regularly (at least every other day), the results should be noticeable within 2-3 weeks.
  2. Start performing a half bridge.

    The half-bridge exercise can not only help you create a rounder butt, but it can also help prevent injury by strengthening and stretching the muscles in your butt and lower back.

    Begin the exercise by lying face up on the floor with your knees bent. Raise your hips so that they form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold this position for 3 seconds and then lower to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in 3 sets of 10 repetitions per day, taking a short break between each exercise.

    • Combine this butt exercise with other butt enlargement exercises and do them regularly.
  3. In your training, focus great attention slats.

    Planks are an excellent full-body exercise: they strengthen and tone the gluteal muscles, deep muscles, shoulder girdle and hands.

    To obtain maximum effect from the exercise, it must be performed correctly. To perform a simple plank, stand with your hands on the floor (face down). Bend your elbows 90 degrees and lower your forearms to the floor. In this position, your elbows, forearms and hands should lie on the floor, supporting your body weight. Make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders. Curl your toes to stand on them and lift your belly towards your back. Straighten your entire body so that it forms a single straight line from your heels along your spine to your head. Finally, tighten your core, abs, and thighs and glutes. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds and then relax. Repeat 3 times.

    • You can modify this exercise by turning on one side to do a side plank. Lie on one side with your legs straight. Bend your elbow 90 degrees and place it directly under your shoulder. Lift your hips and legs off the floor and keep your weight diagonally across the side of your foot and across your elbow and forearm. Tighten your gluteal and abdominal muscles and hold this pose for at least 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times on each side.
    • While standing in a simple plank or side plank, try lifting one leg up and holding it for 5-10 seconds. Raising your legs like this will enhance the effect of your workout.
    • To avoid injury when performing this exercise, do it on a yoga mat or carpet.
    • Planks are a great exercise for strength training. If you can hold a plank for a minute or two, you're in good shape. physical fitness and you can start strength training.
  4. Do unilateral leg exercises such as lunges.

    Unilateral exercises, in which the load is concentrated on one side of the body, help maintain balance and form beautiful posture and allow you to concentrate your attention on one specific side of the body.

    Lunges are an excellent unilateral glute exercise, and they can strengthen the glutes for strength exercises such as squats and deadlifts. Just like planks, performing lunges correctly is important for preventing workout injuries. To perform a basic stationary lunge, stand up straight, relax your shoulders and back, and focus your gaze on a point directly in front of you (keep your gaze focused on this point throughout the exercise).

    Step one leg back and lower your hips so that both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly over your ankle in this position - placing your knee in front of your ankle can cause excessive muscle strain. Keep your back knee straight above the floor, but not touching it. Hold this pose for 3-5 seconds and then return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10 lunges on each leg.

    • Try walking with lunges: Instead of returning to the starting position, push off with your foot and step forward, placing your back foot forward. To reduce stress on your knees, take small steps and walk slowly. The most important thing here is technique, stability and balance, not speed.
    • Add weight and increase the intensity of the lunges along with the biceps curls. Hold small dumbbells in each hand. As you lunge forward, bend your elbows and bring the dumbbells toward your shoulders.
    • Single leg squats are another very good unilateral exercise that strengthens the gluteal muscles. Stand on one leg and bend your knee slightly. Make sure your knee is in line with your ankle. Raise your other leg just above the knee. To maintain balance, you can help yourself with your hands. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. Do 3 sets of 5-10 reps on each leg. Start with shallow squats, but try to squat deeper each time.

Method 3 Adding Strength Exercises to Increase Muscle Mass

  1. Gain mass through strength training.

    Once you feel confident doing non-strength exercises (such as bridges, planks, lunges, and running), you can add strengthening and toning exercises. power training to build muscle mass.

    The best exercises for this are weightlifting exercises, especially squats and deadlifts. If you're just starting to build your butt, try simply lifting the barbell with squats or deadlifts before adding weight. Add weight gradually 1 kg at a time.

  2. Start with basic squats.

    To perform a basic squat, line up a barbell (with or without additional weight) and place it behind your neck on the back of your back. Hold it with an underhand grip. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and squat down as low as you can. Stand up and repeat the squat again. Do 3 sets of 3-5 reps. Try adding weight with each set.

    • To perform weighted squats, hold dumbbells in front of your chest in both hands. Start by extending your arms out in front of you at chest level and placing your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your hands and dumbbells in one place, gently bend your knees and squat down. Keep your back straight and your eyes focused on a point directly in front of you. Perform 3 sets of 10 squats.
    • To perform goblet squats, hold dumbbells vertically in front of your chest. Place your hands with dumbbells under your chin. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and engage your abs, squeezing them. Push your hips back slightly and begin to bend your knees as deeply as you can without touching the floor. Remember to keep your back straight and your eyes focused on one point straight ahead. After squatting, hold for a few seconds and then return to the starting standing position. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 times.
  3. Complement your strength training with deadlifts.

    The deadlift provides a full body workout, allowing you to strengthen the muscles of your back, buttocks, arms, shoulders and thighs.

    Place a barbell, with or without weight, on the floor directly in front of you. Take a deep breath and sit down. Lift the barbell off the floor with your legs straight and make sure your back remains straight and your arms are straight - keeping the barbell close to your body. It is very important that the shoulders, body and hips rise at the same speed. When you're standing in vertical position, imagine that your feet seem to push the floor. Try to perform all exercises smoothly and gradually. Exhale forcefully at the moment when you have almost lifted the weight. Raise the weight until you are fully erect with your legs straight, knees pulled up, shoulders back slightly, and chest out. Keep your arms straight and do not lift the bar above your hips. Take three deep breaths and exhale, and while holding your breath, lower the barbell back down.

    • Do 3 sets of 3-5 reps. Try to finish doing a squat and immediately start the next one. If you take a break, don't take it for more than a few seconds. You can take a longer break between sets (1-2 minutes).
    • Do not throw the barbell to the ground when finishing the exercise. Just gently lower it until it touches the ground.
    • Before you begin deadlifting, warm up for 5 to 10 minutes with cardio exercises and some simple dynamic exercises (such as lunges) to get blood flowing to the muscles and joints of your upper and lower body.
    • Weight lifting should only be done under the supervision of a professional. You should not perform barbell exercises alone as this increases the risk of injury.

Method 4 Other ways to enlarge the buttocks

  1. Stand up straight and work on your posture.

    Good posture suits everyone; it visually makes a person taller, slimmer and emphasizes all the curves of the body. You'll find that good posture works wonders not only for your butt, but also for your shoulders, chest, and back. It is very important to practice and maintain good posture not only when you are standing or walking, but also when you are sitting.

    • When standing, distribute your weight across your feet, keep your knees slightly bent, keep your feet shoulder-width apart, and let your arms hang freely at your sides. Your shoulders should be pulled back, your stomach should be pulled in, and your head should be kept in line with your shoulders.
    • When sitting, place your feet on the floor or on a footrest with your ankles in front of your knees, maintain a small gap between your thighs, and do not cross your legs or sit cross-legged. When you sit, your shoulders should be relaxed and your forearms parallel to the floor.
    • Avoid sitting for long periods of time as this can cause atrophy of the gluteal muscles.
  2. Focus on your abs and stomach.

    A flat stomach allows you to visually enlarge your butt. To get in the minimum time maximum result, you must combine diet with exercise. The goal is to get rid of excess volume at the waist without losing it on the hips and buttocks.

    • Add abdominal exercises (ab crunches, leg raises, push-ups, etc.) to exercises to train your hips and buttocks. They will strengthen the muscles abdominals and will keep them in good shape, making the stomach flatter and more toned.
    • Avoid foods such as potatoes (although sweet potatoes are acceptable as they are high in fibre). Eat a diet that is high in protein and fiber and low in carbohydrates, aiming for lean meats and “good” fats like salmon, nuts or olive oil.
    • Eat strategically. That is, eat your largest meal after training. Don't skip breakfast; after breakfast and before lunch, don't forget to have a snack to curb your hunger and boost your metabolism. Eat slowly, avoiding White bread and flour.
    • A healthy 6-7 hours of sleep at night helps prevent weight gain, especially in the abdominal area.
  3. Consider plastic surgery.

    Probably the fastest, but also the most expensive way to enlarge your butt is plastic surgery. For example, in the United States each year, board-certified plastic surgeons perform more than 10,000 buttock correction surgeries.

    The cost of such procedures is approximately $4,100 - $4,500 US dollars. During the operation, either fat grafting, insertion of implants or buttock lifting are performed.

    • Plastic surgery should only be considered when all other options have proven ineffective. The surgery should only be performed by a qualified, licensed physician and only in a sterile operating room.
    • Complications of such plastic surgery can include infections, bleeding, nerve damage, scars, implant ruptures, blood clots, deep vein thrombosis, buttock asymmetry and other risks.
  • Be confident and accept your body as nature gave it to you. Some people have a genetic predisposition to large buttocks, while others have the opposite.
  • Be patient. While the right clothes and good posture can make your butt look bigger in minutes, exercise and weight loss can take weeks or months to show results.
  • Alternate between weightlifting days and cardio days. That is, do not lift weights if, for example, you have been running or cycling and vice versa. However, basic exercises to keep the gluteal muscles toned must be included in your workout every day.
  • Find someone to train with and set goals for yourself.


  • Try not to wear clothes that are too tight. It not only brings discomfort, but, rather, on the contrary, visually makes the hips flatter, rather than emphasizing them.
  • Weightlifting is recommended only under the supervision of professionals. Do not lift weights alone - only under the supervision of someone who can provide support or remove the weight if necessary.
  • There are several known cases of death due to attempts to carry out plastic surgery at home. Never try anything like this. Contact only highly qualified specialists in the field plastic surgery who have experience.

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To get a perfect figure, it's not enough to stick to the basics proper nutrition. Losing body weight also leads to loss of muscle mass in the buttocks area, resulting in a flat and unattractive butt. Not only exercises will help to enlarge your buttocks, make them sexy and toned, although you can train with the same effect both in the gym and at home. In this article, you will find information about nutrition, exercise, and other methods for enlarging your buttocks at home quickly.

To make a big, beautiful and firm butt, you need to carefully review your diet. Way to ideal figure should start with a balanced diet.

First of all, you need to forget about sweets, carbonated drinks and dishes once and for all. instant cooking, which contain a large number of fat and carbohydrates. Eating these products not only leads to excess weight gain and decreased skin elasticity, but also makes workouts less effective.

Therefore, your refrigerator should contain as many protein foods as possible that promote muscle growth. The most useful of them are:

  • chicken breast;
  • cottage cheese;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • eggs;
  • yogurt, kefir and other fermented milk products.

For example, the first step to making your buttocks bigger is to give up a bad breakfast and eat boiled eggs or cottage cheese in the morning.

However, you shouldn’t completely switch to a protein diet either. Of course this is effective method quickly throw it off excess weight, but nutrition should be varied and nutritious. Thus, the body will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Do not give up vegetable oils and pasta, which, although quite high in calories, contain the necessary vitamins to maintain healthy skin and normal metabolism.

Also, don't starve yourself. A well-thought-out menu will help you make your butt fit and beautiful in just a week. And prepared semi-finished products or sandwiches will not only add kilograms in places where they are not needed, but can also harm your health.

Flabby muscles are the main cause of flat and unsexy buttocks. Therefore, it is best to enlarge the buttocks with moderate physical activity. If you start with minimal physical activity every day, then within a week you will be able to run several kilometers. In addition, a beautiful sports uniform, Fresh air and communication with other runners will be an additional incentive to increase your butt through running.

If you don't want to run outside, you can sign up for Gym or purchase treadmill. To enlarge your buttocks, you can also use an exercise bike, jump rope, dumbbells and other equipment. If you are unsure of your abilities, we recommend contacting an experienced trainer who will help you choose the optimal equipment and set of exercises.

If you want to see the first results within a week, run. It is during running that the muscle groups that are responsible for the muscles of the buttocks are activated, making the butt tight and round. In addition, while running you can enjoy your favorite book or upbeat music.

You can also do the exercises at home. This option is ideal for housewives, students, mothers on maternity leave or other women who do not have the time or money to visit the gym. To quickly make your butt attractive, we offer simple and effective exercises.


To quickly enlarge your buttocks at home, there are exercises that involve this particular muscle group. It is recommended to do them every day or every other day. And within a week you will notice that your butt has become more elastic and toned.

  1. Squats
    The most effective exercise for toning the gluteal muscles is squats. Beginners are recommended to perform squats without load. The main thing is that the exercise is performed correctly. This means that the legs and back must be perfectly straight. You need to slowly do squats, while moving your butt back. As you return to the starting position, tense your muscles to increase efficiency. The first time you need to do 15-20 exercises, and after a week the number of squats can be increased to 40-50. The number of approaches must be at least three.
  2. Loaded squats
    When the muscles get stronger, you can do squats with a load. The load should be gradually increased. This exercise is more effective and allows you to quickly enlarge your buttocks.
  3. Lunges
    This exercise works the muscles of your legs and butt. You need to step forward, bend your knee and lower it onto it. The second leg should be pulled back so that the spots do not touch the floor. It is very important that your back remains straight during the exercise. Return to the starting position, resting on your first leg. You need to do 10 repetitions for each leg. When the buttocks become stronger, the number of repetitions should be increased.
  4. Simple exercises
    Many girls dream of having a beautiful butt, but serious sports loads seem overwhelming to them. In this case, it is better to start with simple exercises that can be done at home and without the help of a trainer. Lie on your side and lean on your elbow. Raise your leg as high as possible. The exercise should be done slowly and pull the toe towards you. Then repeat it for the second leg. Gradually you need to increase pure approaches.

There is another simple exercise that will help you enlarge your butt. You need to get on all fours and take your legs back one at a time. The exercise should be done slowly, holding the leg for a few seconds at the highest point.

Additional rules

Giving your buttocks a beautiful volume is quite simple. To do this you need to follow simple rules:

  • Walk up the steps
    To enlarge your butt at home, you should forget about the existence of an elevator once and for all. Walking on the steps is an excellent cardio exercise and also tightens the buttocks and makes them beautiful.
  • Walk more often
    If you need to go to the store, run errands, or go to lunch, use transportation as little as possible. Walking tightens your butt and increases muscle size.
  • Massage
    Anti-cellulite massage helps improve tissue blood circulation and increase the effectiveness of physical activity. It does not have to be done in expensive salons. At home, you can massage your butt with a stiff brush and scrub. Massage in circular motions until the skin turns pink.
  • Cold and hot shower
    After taking a bath or shower, be sure to carry out contrast procedures. This will help solve the problem of cellulite and make your buttocks toned.

If you follow all the recommendations, eat right and exercise, you can quickly tighten your butt and make your muscles beautiful. But do not forget that the key to the effectiveness of these methods is regular exercise and the right attitude.

In order for the buttocks to look attractive and toned, desire alone is not enough. Diets alone will not achieve this goal either. It is much more important to regularly perform time-tested, simple and effective butt lifting exercises. Training should be done every other day, for at least 10-15 minutes. This time will be enough for the buttocks to become rounded and raised in a few months.

It should be noted that the buttocks consist of 3 muscles - small, medium and large. So, the first, despite the name, is responsible for the most important thing - the raised appearance of the “fifth point”. Therefore, during training, the small muscle must be involved.

How to lift your buttocks at home quickly and without harm to your health? Here is a list of 5 exercises with proven effectiveness:


The squat is the main exercise for correcting saggy gluteal muscles. Difficulty – medium. In this case, the muscles of the thigh (quadriceps), popliteal and large muscles are involved. pelvic muscles, calf, abdominal and back muscles.

The squat exercise has several varieties:

  • classic (at an angle of 90 ͦ);
  • deep (25-35 ͦ);
  • with weight (dumbbells, barbell);
  • plie;
  • sumo;
  • squats with narrowed legs.

How to lift your buttocks at home even faster and more effectively? Do deep squats, weighted squats, and plies.

Before you start, you should master the technique of performing:

  1. The heels should not come off the surface.
  2. When raising your knees, you must ensure that they do not curl inward.
  3. When squatting, your knees should not extend beyond your toes.
  4. Correct breathing. As you inhale, go down, as you exhale, go up.
  5. The back should be “hard” - straight.
Important! Before exercise, you should warm up your muscles to reduce the likelihood of injury.

So, plie squats represent a wide stance of the legs and maximally pointed toes. Here, in addition to the gluteal muscles, the muscles of the back, abdomen, and lower back are also worked out.

The sumo exercise is similar to squatting on a chair. In this case, the buttocks are pulled back a little, the back bends forward, the legs are located at hip level, and the toes are turned to the sides.

You should do 20 squats in 3 sets, gradually increasing the load. Don't exhaust yourself on the first day of classes. Only properly structured and moderate training will give a positive result.

Carefully! At the initial stage of training, it is not recommended to lift the barbell. To begin with, you should resort to using dumbbells.


Lunges are the second most effective exercise for lifting the buttocks after squats. The degree of difficulty of the exercise depends on the technique of execution. So, with dumbbells and a barbell, training will be more effective. However, for beginners it is better to perform forward, backward and cross lunges without additional load.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: legs at hip level, feet parallel to each other. The gaze is directed forward, the stomach is tense, the knees are slightly bent, the chest is in a wheel, the back is arched at the lower back.
  2. A big step forward is being taken. The center of gravity should shift to the leg. At the same time, the torso is straightened and a squat is performed on the leg extended forward.
  3. The movement should be performed until the back leg is 1 cm from the floor. Under no circumstances should the knee touch the surface, otherwise the exercise will lose effectiveness.
  4. Then you should return to the starting position. After this, the lunges are repeated alternating legs.

The exercise should be repeated 10 times in 3 approaches for each leg.

After watching the video it will become even clearer:

Important! Lunges with dumbbells will bring the greatest results. It is better if the shells are located along the body. This makes it easier to maintain balance.

"Dead" or "Romanian" deadlift on straight legs

This exercise has high degree difficulties, therefore, it is not recommended for everyone to perform it, especially for people who have problems with knee joints and spine. During the deadlift with straight legs, all the gluteal muscles, back muscles and the back of the thigh are used.

Despite the name of the exercise - “straight-legged row” - the legs should be slightly bent during the exercise to avoid injury. The back does not fall below the pelvis.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: take dumbbells into your hands. The back is straight, legs are at hip level.
  2. The body lowers and rises, while the knees are slightly bent. Hands don't strain.

As the training process progresses, the exercise can be made more difficult by using a barbell. By performing deadlifts every other day 15 times in 3 sets, you can see positive results within a month.

More details in the video:

Raising the pelvis

The so-called gluteal bridge remarkably lifts the buttocks. The severity level is mild. It is simple to implement, but extremely effective. In this case, the gluteus minimus muscle is used to a greater extent, as well as the muscles of the back, abdomen and thigh. To work your gluteal muscles even more, do this.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: lying on your back.
  2. The legs are bent at the knees, placed at shoulder level and moved as close to the buttocks as possible.
  3. Then the muscles tense and the torso rises parallel to the floor. You should stay in this position for 3-5 seconds.

The exercise is performed 10 times in 3 approaches.

More details in the video:

Swing with the knee bent and the leg straightened

This is an easy exercise. In this case, the gluteus minimus muscle is involved, as well as the posterior, anterior, internal and outer surface hips.

More details in the video:

Important! It is recommended to perform the exercises in various variations so that all muscles are worked equally.

Is it even possible to lift your buttocks with exercise? Photos before and after

By regularly doing the above workouts, you can achieve a very good result - beautiful, pumped up and elastic muscles of the “fifth point”, instead of sagging folds. pay attention to following photos buttocks before and after exercises from women who successfully completed this task:

There is no limit to perfection. Especially if it concerns the most important tool of a person - his body. What can you say about the buttocks? I dare say, almost all representatives of the fair sex want to have a pumped up butt.

Hello! Want to know how to enlarge your butt at home? Then this article (by the way, there are also some others), dear girls, will help you do this quickly. Read to the end and you will learn the exercises, as well as some secrets for pumping up your buttocks.

What I like most about the butt is its shape. Basically, like all the guys. But in second place for me, their feature is the ability to fully pump it not only in the gym, but also at home. The remaining muscles will sooner or later have to be “switched” to the gym.

It just so happens that the gluteal muscles work in those exercises that can easily be used in a small area - on the floor of a hall or room. Moreover, it is not necessary to have special equipment: weights, if you need them, you can make yourself. Well, let's move on to presenting the material for which we have all gathered here today?

What weights can you make yourself if you don’t have dumbbells?

Well, let's start with the fact that you will have to purchase water. Yes, you understood me correctly - water. But in five- or six-liter eggplants. You can drink or pour the drinking water, and fill the containers with either tap water or sand. The second option is more relevant for later classes, when you already have some strength and endurance.

If five or six liters is too much, you can fill 1 and 2 liter plastic bottles in the same way. In general, I advise you to do it all at once.

Remember, do you have a long piece of elastic rubber? If not, don't worry. Just buy a rubber band - it will serve you as a counteraction, which will also become relevant a little later. In the meantime, start exercising with your own body weight, if you have no experience at all in exercising, huh.

By the way, the topic concerns how to enlarge your butt. You can still eat it, but since this is not a blog of harmful advice from Vladimir Manerov, I will not disclose it. I think you yourself know that this is not difficult.

Exercises for the butt at home

With the help of physical exercises, the butt can be changed beyond recognition. The principle is simple: work on the muscle tissue of this part of the body, which will grow and increase the size of the buttocks naturally.

I'll digress a little. Your butt will temporarily increase in size immediately after finishing your workout. You can consider this a personal victory, albeit a temporary one. The fact is that the muscles are pumped with blood, which causes an increase in volume. Exercise regularly, and the gluteal muscles will be constantly pumped with blood and enlarged. This is called "pumping" or "pump". This is true, if anyone is interested. But this is not the main way.

The first and most effective exercise... Which one do you think? No, not squats. According to research by Brad Contreros, the best way to stimulate the buttocks to grow is by lying on the floor or doing a glute bridge. It is quite simple: lie on the floor, legs bent at the knees and feet also on the floor. Your task is to raise your pelvis so that your torso and legs create a straight line.

There are some modifications of this movement: bringing the knees together when lifting with tension in the buttocks, increasing the amplitude of movement (putting your feet on a hill: a stool, sofa, chair or ottoman), raising the pelvis with emphasis on one leg (the second is straightened and located above the floor).

Now we can talk about squats. You can squat in different ways, believe it or not, but there is a sea of ​​all kinds of variations. The most common are:

  • classic (feet shoulder-width apart, toes forward);
  • “plie” (legs spread wide, toes apart);
  • wall squats (your back slides along the wall, your legs are slightly forward);
  • jumping (after a squat, you push off the floor with your feet and jump);
  • with different positions of the legs and feet: legs together, medium stance, wide stance, toes in and out;
  • single-leg pistol squats (it’s especially convenient to do this from an elevated position, holding your hand on something stable).

Without exaggeration, I will say that in all exercises it is possible (and in some even necessary) to use weights.

Since the gluteal muscles (maximus and minimus) are responsible for straightening the legs at the hip joints, as well as bringing them towards each other, I can recommend lunges. This is the third exercise. Again, here you are free to choose any modification of the movement. Do it on the spot, walk in lunges around the room, jumping and changing legs in flight, side or crossed lunges (right to left, left to right), lunges back. I’ll say it again, burdens will not be superfluous here.

If the buttocks adduct the legs, then naturally you need to do adductions. This is the fourth. Tie a rubber expander to the ankle of one leg, and the other end, say, to the leg of a sofa. Step back and move your leg to the side (or back) away (in the direction of the sofa) so that the tourniquet stretches just a little. Now place the abducted leg towards the supporting leg. Do you feel resistance?

Fifth. Standing on all fours, lift your straight or bent leg back as high as possible (you can use an expander in the same way). Then change the working limb. This exercise is called the “kneeling leg raise.”

Sixth. You can do (Romanian). It is the straightening of the pelvis that leads to hypertrophy of the gluteal muscles, which is what we need. By the way, here you will need the maximum weights of the available weights. Eggplants with sand will help you.

Seventh. Bend forward with weights. These movements are more of a grinder, revealing their potential at the end of each butt workout. So don't do them at the beginning.


The exercises described (for the most part) are basic, so you will be able to quickly pump up your butt. Just give your working muscles rest for at least a day between workouts, and also adhere to the regularity of your training. In principle, that's all. Share these exercises with your friends on social networks - maybe they need it too.

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The beautiful round shape of toned female buttocks is an object close attention millions of men and cherished dream huge amount I'll give. This is not surprising, because the pumped up elastic female butt is not given by nature to every representative of the fair half. What can I say, not only women, but also men strive for perfection in this regard, because a healthy and well-groomed appearance is the initial key to success in almost all endeavors.

But what to do if the shape and volume of muscle mass at the fifth point do not correspond to desires and require physical work on yourself? How to enlarge your butt in a short time and give it a properly toned appearance?

Benefits of toned buttocks

What are the advantages of slender, toned legs and rounded buttocks? For many, the answer is obvious:

  • firstly, the aesthetic appearance is really beautiful when a woman wears tight trousers or shorts on her piquantly bulging buttocks;
  • secondly, increased attention from the opposite sex - it’s no secret that women are flattered and pleased by the fact that men are interested in them;
  • thirdly, a positive effect on physical condition - training to naturally pump up muscle mass in the buttocks area is based on warm-up and additional complex exercises that help improve physical health in general;
  • fourthly, increasing self-esteem - a beautiful butt speaks of a beautiful appearance, and a beautiful appearance makes you proud of yourself and improves your own opinion of yourself.

In what cases is adjustment required?

Before asking yourself the question of how to enlarge your butt, you need to decide on the source material and evaluate the need for this process. Who can and should enlarge their butt with exercises:

  • those who have naturally flat, flattened buttocks that almost imperceptibly turn into legs;
  • women who have given birth and have problems with weakening of the muscular system, including the muscles of the pelvis and pelvic floor;
  • those persons who had the imprudence to lose weight in a very short time with consequences in the form of sagging skin and stretch marks.

Having determined for yourself the need to bring your butt to the proper aesthetic appearance, you can begin to work on how to enlarge your butt to the required size.

The basics of proper buttock enlargement at home

There are many different reasons why people cannot and do not want to purchase a gym membership and work out with a personal trainer or independently in a place specially equipped for this. Such people always have the opportunity to train at home, without anyone’s help, using improvised means as an alternative to dumbbells, kettlebells and other sports equipment. You just need to learn the most important aspects, which form the basis of the course on butt enlargement at home:

  • result-oriented - you need to tune in to long-term hard work on yourself, since gaining the necessary mass in the buttocks is not an easy task;
  • daily stimulation of your actions - having started classes, you need to go to the goal until the end, not to be lazy, not to give up, otherwise all your efforts will go to waste, and your butt will remain “hanging” in its unpresentable form;
  • drawing up a training program - you need to consult with a specialist or study material about what type of exercises are suitable for a specific constitution and what ligaments need to be learned to perform to achieve a positive result;
  • proper nutrition - you need to balance your diet and eat healthy, vitamin-enriched foods that promote muscle growth, and not those rich in high-carbohydrate content.

Having taken into account the basics listed above, you can, from your own experience, come step-by-step to how to enlarge your butt at home without the help of specialists. To do this, you need to perform the main fundamental exercises for the growth of the gluteal muscle with a certain frequency.

Semi-static squats

Everyone who has decided to start working on their butt knows what exercise will enlarge the butt as effectively and quickly as possible. Of course, these are squats. Squats are the most effective exercise in building muscle mass in the buttocks area. During their implementation, not only the trainee’s butt, which is being adjusted, is involved in the work, but also the muscles of the abs, back, calves and thighs. Moreover, it should be noted that different types Squats work on different group areas of the muscular system.

How to quickly enlarge your butt with squats is described in exercises using the semi-static working out technique. The sequence of their implementation is carried out in several simple steps:

  • starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended in front of the chest or placed at the sides, body straight, back straight;
  • slowly lowering the body into a squat - the legs are bent at the knee at a right angle, the thighs are parallel to the floor, the emphasis must be on the heel;
  • the position is fixed in a static squat for a few seconds - at this moment tension is felt on several muscle groups at once - in the back, hips, pelvic floor - and a burning sensation is felt in the buttocks;
  • after holding for several seconds in a squat state, the position slowly changes to the original position by raising the body and straightening the legs; the action is performed in 3-4 sets of 10-15 times.

Loaded squats

Such exercises with a load differ from semi-static ones in that at the time of their implementation it is not necessary to fix the body for some time in the squatting position, and additional weights are taken into the hands. These could be homemade dumbbells or just bottles of water. Later, the bottles can be filled with sand - this way the load will be more noticeable. All the same actions are performed in the same sequence, with the exception of the additional load taken and the absence of a static delay. In this case, squats are performed deeper, you need to bring your butt as close as possible to your heels. The exercise is also performed in 3-4 sets of 10-15 times.


Exercises such as lunges are very helpful in deciding how to enlarge your butt at home. If squats strain and stretch the muscles, causing them to grow and increase in mass, then lunges allow the buttocks to rise and acquire a more rounded shape, which is important for women who dream of an ideal “fifth point”.

The exercise is performed in 3 sets of 10 times on each leg:

  • starting position - hands on the belt or lowered along the body along with weights;
  • a wide step forward - the front leg is fixed at a right angle at the knee, the emphasis on the heel is obligatory; the back leg is bent, the knee almost touches the floor;
  • second step - the leg is replaced in the same sequence, the emphasis is still on the heel, the body is straight, the back is straight.

It is very important to do the exercise in motion. If you perform lunges on the spot, the effect will not be quick and effective. Therefore, to step with lunges, you need to release certain area in a room at home or in the yard.

Exercise with lifting your own body weight while lying down

Another assistant in the difficult task of how to enlarge your butt at home is to lift your own body while lying down:

  • starting position - lying on the floor, arms down along the body, one leg bent at the knee, the other raised perpendicular to the floor;
  • on the count of “one”, the leg bent at the knee unbends, trying to lift its own body weight with the second leg still raised up; on the count of “two”, the body is lowered to its original position, while the heel is inseparable from the floor;
  • in an elevated state, a powerful tension is felt on the gluteal muscle, which holds the weight of the entire body of the leg; at the same time, the hands help support the floor during heavy lifting, the shoulder blades do not come off the floor;
  • returning to the starting position, repeating 10 times, then changing legs and repeating the completed complex. The exercise is performed in 3 approaches.

There is another one effective way workout. How to enlarge your butt? An exercise called “deadlift” is traditionally performed in 2-3 sets of 10-15 times, involving lifting a heavy load in a bent position in a position in front of you. The legs should stand at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other and be slightly bent at the knees. On the count of “one”, the body leans forward, bending towards the floor, but without touching it with a load in the form of an analogue of a barbell, after which on the count of “two” it returns to the starting position. When performing the exercise, the muscles of the buttocks, back and rear thigh are involved.

Taking your legs back

Easy exercise To work on how to enlarge your butt at home, you can alternately move your legs back in a supported position while standing or in a supported position while lying face down. In this case, you can use weights in the form of bags with weights tied to the calf area, or you can perform the exercise without a weight in a semi-static position, with a delay of a few seconds and tension in the buttocks - the effect will be no less effective.

Elevation exercise

A good method of working in combination with the calf and femoral muscle groups is an exercise with lifting the body in a step-by-step rise to a height - this can be a high step or other stable support that replaces step boards. You can quickly enlarge your butt at home if you alternately climb onto this support with different legs, with obligatory emphasis on the heel. This results in an excellent load on the treasured buttocks and helps to form their rounded shape.

The answer to the question of how you can enlarge your butt at home is not too complicated. It is important to tune in to the labor-intensive process of working on yourself on the path to perfection.

Lush buttocks have always been considered one of the most attractive parts female body, and even in our era of slender beauties, a large and necessarily firm butt is always held in high esteem. Moreover, with the arrival of such beauties as Kim Kardashian to the star Olympus, a big butt has become even more popular among men. But, unfortunately, not all girls are lucky by nature to have luxurious round shapes or to play sports since childhood. Therefore, in this article we will figure out how to make your butt bigger at home with the help of available exercises and proper nutrition.

The fashion for curvy buttocks is very beneficial for all girls, because, unlike breasts, everyone can get a big butt without any surgical interventions. Moreover, you can quickly pump up a big butt even at home - if you have enough willpower and exercise regularly. And we have selected for you the top “hottest” home exercises that will help you make your butt firm and increase its size in a short time:


Surely every girl has heard about the benefits of squats for the elasticity of the buttocks. But with this exercise, not everything is so simple - for quickly pumping up the buttocks, only certain types squats.


Swinging your legs also helps you quickly get a nice big butt without leaving your home. In addition, these exercises will help remove the sides and develop flexibility in the lower back:

Run in place.

If you do not have the time or conditions for daily jogging, you can replace it by jogging in place. This dynamic exercise will not only give the elasticity of the buttocks, but also get rid of excess fat. The most effective way is to run in place with your legs raised high. We run in one place, trying to raise our knees as high as possible, and do the exercise in 2-3 sets of 10-15 times.

Also, for self-organization, you can watch educational videos with exercises for the butt from fitness instructors, which today can easily be found on the Internet. Such video complexes are suitable for those who already have some kind of physical training and can quickly repeat the movements shown on the screen.

What should you eat to make your butt bigger?

You can also make your butt bigger with proper nutrition. And here's what you need to eat to grow your butt without affecting your waist:

  • Low-fat protein foods: nuts, lean chicken, beef, turkey.
  • Low-fat milk, kefir and yogurt.
  • Boiled fish.
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Boiled beans.

The only drinks you should keep in your diet are: green tea, chicory and more plain water.

Watch your diet, do a set of exercises for your buttocks at least 3-4 times a week, and then you won’t have to wait long for a big and beautiful butt!