Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint. Video exercises for knee joints. Joint gymnastics for beginners: different techniques

Frequent knee pain can occur for various reasons - chronic joint pathologies, injuries, physical activity. If we talk about joint diseases as the causes of crunching, limited mobility and pain in the knees, then the most common of them is arthrosis.

Arthrosis of the leg joints mainly affects athletes, elderly people and those who are forced to work on their feet for several hours a day. To treat the disease, the most different methods, among which an important place is given to physical therapy.

What joint exercises will help eliminate pain?

Exercises to develop leg joints

Exercises to strengthen the knee joint and surrounding tissues are effective not only in the complex treatment of arthrosis, but also in the prevention of this unpleasant disease.

If the disease has already developed, the following set of exercises will help reduce pain and improve joint mobility.

If you are prone to arthrosis, exercise will prevent its formation.

  1. Starting position – standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. You need to slowly sit down for a one-two count, without leaving your heels off the floor. On the count of three or four, rise carefully.
  2. The starting position is the same, hands on the belt. You should slowly lower yourself to your knees. On the same count, first sit down on your right leg, return to the starting position, then sit down on your left leg.
  3. The starting position is the same. Carefully squat down, spread your knees apart at the count of “one-two”, and connect them again at the count of “three-four”.
  4. Sitting on the floor, your knees should be spread apart and your legs should be positioned horizontally. At the same count, you must try to rise and return to the starting position.
  5. Lying on your back, bend your knees. At the same count, make a circle with your knees together, first to the right, then to the left.

All exercises should be repeated 10 times; it is recommended to do such exercises daily, in the morning, since it is after prolonged rest during night sleep that the joints are stiff and need to be worked out.

On the Internet it is easy to find a lot of videos and tips on how to properly perform leg exercises with maximum benefit.

But such information is not always reliable, so for your own safety it is better to first consult with a doctor and learn the exercises from an instructor.

A set of exercises to improve the mobility of leg joints

There are exercises that help not only strengthen the joints of the legs, but also improve their mobility. At the same time, they eliminate pain and swelling, and they can be performed in a horizontal position, without even getting out of bed.

But such exercises should be performed daily, otherwise the effect will not be achieved.

  • Lying on your back, bend and straighten your legs at the knees, without lifting your heels from the mattress;
  • With your legs straight, alternately perform rotational movements with each foot;
  • Lying on your back, raise your legs up and perform the “bicycle” exercise;
  • The starting position is the same, straightened legs should be slowly spread to the sides shoulder-width apart and brought together again;
  • Extend your toes so that tension is felt in the muscles of the entire limb.

Most people have heard how useful walking up the stairs is, but do not seriously believe that it is true and continue to use the elevator.

While climbing steps, despite the fact that this is a load on the joints of the legs, which is recommended to be avoided with arthrosis, can also be an excellent warm-up and restore mobility to the joints.

For leg joints, therapeutic exercises should be performed daily. If you skip classes, the desired effect will not be achieved; moreover, the disease may progress and the pain may intensify. Video tutorials will help you understand the technology of correctly performing joint gymnastics.

It is important to remember the basic rule: loads on the leg joints should be applied gradually. Pain should not be felt during or after exercises; otherwise, exercises should be stopped or the load adjusted.

  1. Starting position – lying on your back. First, the right leg slowly bends at the knee and just as slowly extends, then the left.
  2. The starting position is the same. Both legs bend and straighten at the knees at the same time, while they need to be straightened very slowly, mentally counting to five.
  3. In the same position, do the “bicycle” exercise slowly, without haste or effort.
  4. Stretching out on your back, raise your straight legs together vertically and lower them down again.
  5. Starting position – sitting on the table. You need to slowly dangle your legs back and forth, keeping the leg joints, especially the knee joints, as relaxed as possible.

The exercises are quite simple; performing such exercises will take no more than a quarter of an hour a day.

But this will not only bring relief to those who suffer from arthrosis, but will also help healthy people avoid it as an effective preventive measure.

Preventive gymnastics for leg joints

Exercises for the legs should only be selected by a doctor, since some of them can seriously harm with developing or advanced arthrosis, and are also strictly contraindicated in case of varicose veins and pregnancy.

But for those who are at risk, but do not yet suffer from arthrosis, they will be very useful.

If knee pain occurs only occasionally, the following complex will help get rid of it and prevent the development of arthrosis:

  • You need to lie on your stomach with your arms extended along your body. Slowly raise your straight right leg up to a height of 25-30 cm from the floor, then lower it just as slowly. Repeat the exercise with your left leg;
  • The starting position is the same. First you need to bend your right leg at an angle of 90 degrees, then lift your knee off the floor and lift your bent leg up as far as possible. Hold for a few seconds and slowly lower down. Repeat with your left leg. When performing, the arms are positioned relaxed along the body;
  • Lying on your stomach, straightened legs must be simultaneously raised up to a distance of approximately 20 cm from the floor and held in this position for at least thirty seconds. Then slowly lower it to the floor. This exercise trains the leg joints very well, but in no case should it be done for acute or chronic forms of arthrosis;
  • You should stand up straight and carefully rise on your toes as high as possible, while tension should be felt in the muscles. Slowly lower onto your heels;
  • The starting position is the same. First, the right heel comes off the floor, while the toe is pressed to the floor. Then the right heel returns to the floor, while the left heel goes up.

Ideally, combine preventive exercises with massage. Therapeutic massage is not contraindicated for arthrosis or arthritis, but should always be performed strictly according to special rules and technologies, better to be a specialist, and not independently.

All people, even those without a predisposition to arthrosis, should understand that the best prevention is movement. An inactive lifestyle invariably leads to pathologies not only of the joints of the legs, but also of other organs. More details about this in the video in this article, with an analysis of pain and methods for eliminating it in the knees.

Physical therapy for hand joints

Dosed physical activity, used in medicinal purposes, are a very effective addition to the traditional comprehensive treatment of joint pain.

Typically, doctors prescribe physical therapy to their patients during the chronic or subacute period of the disease.

Regularly repeated movements in sore joints lead to pain reduction, preventing the development of contractures, improve trophism, strengthen muscles and ligaments, increasing their elasticity and firmness, eliminate incipient tissue atrophy associated with forced inactivity (in case of severe pain, the patient usually protects the joints that bother him, trying to move as little as possible).

Complex exercises for hand joints

For gymnastics, you should choose comfortable, loose clothing made from cotton or breathable synthetic materials. A sports suit should not impede the movement of the limbs in the joints. For footwear, Czech shoes or thick woolen socks are preferred.

Exercises for finger joints

  1. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair or standing on the floor, arms hanging down freely. Slowly bend your arms at the elbow joints, while clenching your fingers into fists, then unclench your fists, sharply straightening your fingers as far as possible. Keep your fingers straight for 4-5 seconds, then clench your fists again, very slowly bending your fingers at the joints and applying considerable force. Return to starting position.
  2. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair or standing on the floor, arms hanging down freely. Bend your arms at the elbow joints, straighten your fingers, opening your palms, then sharply clench your fists for 4-5 seconds. Relax your arms, returning to the starting position.
  3. EXERCISE. Initial position- standing on the floor, arms extended in front of the chest and straightened at the elbow joints, fingers spread very wide. Without changing the position of the elbow joints and the direction of the hands, clap your hands (tempo - medium or accelerated), trying to combine not only your palms, but also your fingertips with each clap.
  4. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable back, legs bent at the knee joints at a right angle, feet pressed firmly to the floor, arms extended freely forward. Lightly slap your palms on your bent knees, then wrap your fingers around your kneecaps and lightly squeeze them, raise your arms, form your hands into weak fists and hit them on your thighs. After this, relax your fingers and hands, slowly raise your arms up, twist your hands first clockwise, then counterclockwise, return to the starting position. The doctor may recommend simplifying this exercise, if various movements lead to increased pain in the joints.
  5. EXERCISE. Initial position- standing on the floor, back straight, arms extended in front of you and straightened at the elbow joints. Slowly rotate your hands, first clockwise, then in the opposite direction, keeping the shoulder joints motionless.
  6. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable backrest in front of the table, feet pressed firmly to the floor, hands resting freely on the table. There is a small ball not far from the hands. Slowly close your fingers around the ball, extending your arms, then release it and return to the starting position.
Read also: How to treat arthrosis of the shoulder joint with Polimedel film

Exercises to eliminate pain in the wrist joints

  1. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable backrest in front of the table, feet pressed firmly to the floor, hands placed on the edge of the table. Slowly raise your palms, bending your arms at the wrist joints, then lower them back. This exercise can be performed with both hands at the same time or with each hand alternately.
  2. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable backrest in front of the table, feet pressed firmly to the floor, or standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a small foam ball with one hand, squeeze your palm forcefully, then unclench it. Perform similar actions with the other hand at a slow pace.
  3. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable backrest in front of the table, feet pressed firmly to the floor, arms positioned as follows: elbow joints are on the hips, wrist joints are on the knee joints, relaxed hands hang freely along the shins. Slowly raise your hands, then lower them. Turn your hands palms up and repeat the exercise in this position.
  4. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable backrest in front of the table, feet pressed firmly to the floor, or standing straight, legs shoulder-width apart, arms slightly bent at the elbow joints. Raise your hands forward and up, palms should be directed towards the floor. Move your hands to the right, then to the left, keeping your hands horizontal. You can perform this exercise by turning your hands with your palms facing up.
  5. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable backrest in front of the table, feet firmly pressed to the floor, or standing straight, legs shoulder-width apart. The arms are bent at the elbow joints, the hands are down. Slowly extend your hands forward, clasping your fingers. Rotate the brushes first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.
  6. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable backrest in front of the table, feet firmly pressed to the floor, or standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The hands are positioned at an angle of 45° to the body. Rotate the brushes synchronously, first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Exercises to develop elbow joints

  1. EXERCISE.Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable backrest in front of the table, feet firmly pressed to the floor, or standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten your shoulders, straighten your arms at the elbow joints, lower your palms freely or place them on your knees. Slowly bend your elbows, simultaneously lifting your hands and bringing your fingers to the shoulder joints, then return to the starting position. Breathing should be deep and rhythmic.
  2. EXERCISE. Initial position- standing on the floor facing the wall, feet shoulder-width apart, hands resting on the wall with their entire surface. Bend your arms at the elbow joints so that your chest touches the wall, then straighten your elbows, performing push-ups from a vertical surface. The elbows should be straightened while inhaling, and bent while exhaling. After this, perform a relaxation exercise - slowly raise your arms up as you inhale, lower as you exhale.
  3. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable backrest in front of the table, feet firmly pressed to the floor, or standing straight, legs shoulder-width apart. The arms are straightened at the elbow joints and extended to the sides. Slowly rotate your hands and forearms at the same time, first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Exercises to eliminate pain in the shoulder joints

  1. EXERCISE. Initial position- standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly spread your arms to the sides while inhaling, then bring your hands together in front of you as you exhale.
  2. EXERCISE. Initial position- standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly raise your arms up to your sides while inhaling, then lower your arms as you exhale.
  3. EXERCISE. Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable back, feet firmly pressed to the floor, or standing straight, legs slightly apart. Slowly raise your arms straight at the elbow joints up through the sides, connect back sides hands above the head. Return to starting position.
  4. EXERCISE.Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable back, feet firmly pressed to the floor, or standing straight, legs slightly apart. Raise your hands up, trying to press them to your ears and at the same time inhale, and as you exhale return to their original state.
  5. EXERCISE.Initial position- sitting on a chair with a comfortable back, feet firmly pressed to the floor, or standing straight, legs slightly apart. Slowly extend your arms forward, spread your fingers as wide as possible (while inhaling). Then connect your hands, press your palms tightly against each other, carefully aligning your fingers and exhaling.
  6. EXERCISE.Initial position- standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms forward, spread your fingers as far apart as possible. As you inhale, move your arms to the sides as far as possible, trying to connect the corners of your shoulder blades. After this (as you exhale), quickly join your hands, clapping your hands sharply. In this case, the fingers must match exactly.
  7. EXERCISE.Initial position- Starting position - standing on the floor, legs slightly apart. Slowly raise one arm up, then lower it down, while raising the other arm. Breathing should be free.
  8. EXERCISE. Initial position- standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arm up, bend it at the elbow joint and place your palm on the back of your head. Bend your other arm at the elbow and place your palm on your belt. Change the position of your hands at a slow pace.
  9. EXERCISE. Initial position- standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly raise your arms, bend them at the elbow joints, press your hands tightly to your shoulders and then lower your elbows. Slowly rotate your elbows, first forward, then back.
  10. EXERCISE. Initial position- standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your arms at the elbow joints and press them tightly to your torso. Slowly raise your arms in front of you, then spread them to the sides. Rotate your hands first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.
  11. EXERCISE.Initial position- standing on the floor, legs slightly apart. Rotate your arms in the shoulder joints, first forward, then in the opposite direction with the maximum possible range of motion. Your arms should be relaxed; you should not bend them at the elbow joints. Breathing is free.
  12. EXERCISE. Initial position- standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Quickly swing your arms first forward, then back, up, down. With each swing, inhale, and while returning to the starting position, exhale. This exercise should be performed at a medium or fast pace.
  13. EXERCISE. Initial position- standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly raise your arms and spread them to the sides as you inhale, cross your arms in front of your chest as you exhale.
  14. EXERCISE. Initial position- standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Move one arm to the side and back, bend the other at the elbow joint. Change the position of your hands at an average pace, while not forgetting the need for free breathing
by Notes of the Wild Mistress

We offer you specially developed complexes of physical therapy for diseases of arthritis, arthrosis and coxarthrosis.

Exercises for hand joints

The starting position for performing all exercises is sitting at a table.

Place your hands on the edge of the table parallel to each other. Turn your hands with your palms up and down (do 8-10 times).

Place your hands on the table. Raise and lower your hands, moving your first finger to the side (repeat 8-10 times).

The brushes are on the table. Raise and lower your fingers, while your palms should be pressed to the table (repeat 8-10 times).

Place your hands on the table, bending them at the elbows. Squeeze your fingers into a fist gradually: first the phalanges, then clench completely into a fist (repeat 8-10 times).

Place your palms on the edge. With each finger, in turn with the thumb, form a ring (repeat 8-10 times).

Rub your palms together intensively (repeat 10-12 times).

Place your elbows on the table. Slowly make circular movements with your arms without lifting your elbows from the table. After performing circular movements, make pendulum-like swings of your hand from side to side, and then forward and back. Repeat the exercises 15 times, and then gradually increase them to 30.

Leg exercises

All leg exercises are performed 6-7 times.

Starting position: lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body. Alternately bend your knees, sliding your heels along the floor.

Starting position: lie on your back, bend your legs. On a count of 1, pull your knee toward your stomach, on a count of 2, return to the starting position, on a count of 3, repeat the exercise with the other leg, on a count of 4, return to the starting position.

Starting position: lie on your back, bend your legs. Swing your knees in turn: right and left.

Starting position: lie on your back, straighten your legs, pull your feet towards you. Raise your right leg, hold it in this position and release. Repeat the same with the other leg.

Starting position: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along your body. Gradually tense and relax your buttocks.

Starting position: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along your body. Slowly spread your straight legs to the sides.

“Under no circumstances should you do the exercise while overcoming pain!”

After the circular movements, you should begin to make pendulum-shaped swings of your hand from side to side and movements back and forth. Repeat the exercises, starting with 15 repetitions per session, and gradually increase them to 30.

Exercises for the shoulder joints

Stand up and lean forward, resting your healthy arm on the chair. Lower your injured arm down and swing it first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Start the exercise with a small amplitude of rotation, increasing it gradually until pain appears.

Starting position – stand straight, lower your arms along your body. Slowly raise your straightened arms until vertical position and lower them down. Start with 15 repetitions, but gradually increase the number of arm raises every day.

Lie on the floor, clasp your hands behind your neck. Your elbows should be on the floor. Lift your right elbow towards your right ear, and your left elbow towards your left ear. The number of repetitions at first is at least 10-15, and then the number of exercises can be increased.

In a standing position, place your hands on your shoulders. Describe circles with your hands, gradually increasing the amplitude.

Lie on your back and extend your injured arm to the side at a 90-degree angle to your body. The palm should be facing up. Bend your elbow at a right angle so that your fingers point up. Then lower your hand towards your thigh and hold this position for 30 seconds. Return to the starting position. After this, lower your hand back towards your ear and hold this position for 30 seconds. Start with 10 repetitions per session and gradually work your way up to 15.

Exercises for coxarthrosis

This complex is designed for the treatment of arthrosis of large joints: hip, knee, ankle.

Lie on the floor on your stomach, place your face on your joined hands. Slightly rock your hips left and right while rolling on your stomach. The amplitude of movement should not exceed 3 cm. It is recommended to perform the exercise 3 times a day before meals for 10 minutes.

Lie on the floor or take a reclining or half-sitting position. Alternately turn your outstretched and slightly spread legs outward and inward. The amplitude of movements is no more than 1 cm.

Sit on a chair, spread your knees approximately shoulder-width apart. Press your feet firmly to the floor. In the initial stage, to control the amplitude of movement, it is better to keep your hands on your knees. Easily and without tension, bring and spread your knees with an amplitude of 1 cm.

Sitting on a chair, place your feet on the floor and easily, without tension, alternately lift your heels from the floor by 1-2 cm.

Based on materials from specialized print media

Date of: 2012-01-09 Views: 54 574 Grade: 4.0 Joint gymnastics is a set of various exercises from yoga, Pilates, stretching and industrial gymnastics aimed at preparing joints for physical activity. Movement in the joint occurs due to muscle contraction on one side and stretching on the opposite side. Thus, by performing a certain movement with maximum amplitude, we accelerate blood flow (blood flow with important microelements to the joint), accelerate metabolic processes, increase joint mobility, and lightly pump up muscles and stretch antagonist muscles. There are several patented methods of joint gymnastics (Dikulya, Norbekova, etc.). Below is a simple complex of joint gymnastics used in group or individual lessons as a warm-up for 5-8 minutes (can be done as exercise). If you already have problems with your joints (but not serious), perform them slowly, sliding along the floor, gradually increasing the range of motion. Do it 8 times, maybe 16 times. Practice daily. Avoid static loads more exercise stretching - this will ease your condition.

10. Kneeling stand.

Approximately 20% of people suffer from joint diseases, which are not fatal, but very unpleasant diseases. In Russia, osteoarthritis develops much more often compared to damage to other parts of the articular system.

Progression occurs due to increased life expectancy, excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle and an “aging” population. One of the most effective methods the fight against arthrosis is physiotherapy for joints.

What is arthrosis

Arthrosis is a dystrophic, degenerative pathology of joints in which cartilage is damaged. Despite the fact that cartilage tissue 6 times stronger than bone ones; over time, the joints of the articular bones are destroyed and worn out.

But sometimes arthrosis affects people of different ages and even children. However, most often the disease develops in people over 60 years of age. Arthrosis appears in large and small joints:

  • small joints of the legs and arms;
  • hip;
  • elbow;
  • ankle;
  • brachial;
  • knee.

First of all, those joints that bear a heavy load are affected - the interphalangeal joints of the hands, the hip and knee. The elbow and shoulder joints are much less likely to suffer.


With pain in the knees and other large joints, a person wants to quickly get rid of unfavorable symptoms and resume their usual way of life. But often exercise therapy seems to him a difficult and unnecessary therapeutic technique.

Naturally, joint gymnastics should gradually become more complicated and increase in time. Therefore, muscles and joints must be prepared for the load gradually.

There are a number of rules that are important to follow when performing exercise therapy. So, physical education should be done every day, and training always starts with the basics. In this case, the load should be moderate and increase gradually.

In addition, exercise therapy must be performed in a certain sequence, that is, from simple to complex. But the main rule is that the load is always proportionate to the severity of the disease.

With a disease such as coxarthrosis, gymnastics for bones and joints is very useful. But it must be performed during the period of remission.

During exercise therapy classes, you need to learn to listen to your body. Moreover, if during exercise there is severe pain, fatigue, and general health worsens, then they need to be stopped for a while.

There is no clearly established number of approaches and exercises for patients, but there are still certain recommendations. Joint gymnastics are selected individually, and the complexity and number of repetitions are determined by three factors:

  1. general well-being;
  2. severity of the disease;
  3. body fitness.

In this case, after each exercise you need to rest for no more than 2-3 minutes. A pause is necessary in order for blood flow to increase, breathing to be restored and the pulse to normalize.

Depending on the period of illness, physical exercise for knee pain is various purposes. So, during an exacerbation, the diseased joint needs rest, so any loads are contraindicated.

For a disease such as arthritis, joint exercises can be done 3-5 days after the pain disappears. During such a period, the goals of exercise therapy are as follows:

  • general positive influence on the body;
  • activation of local blood flow;
  • relaxation of the muscular system.

For diseases of the arm joints, exercises are performed in a sitting position, and for diseases of the legs, exercises are performed lying down. For pain in the knees and other joints, passive flexion and extension of the limbs are first done.

Joint exercises can significantly increase the range of motion of joints. If health allows, then hand exercises can be done while standing. On the lower limbs initial stage It’s too early to lean, so the exercises are done while sitting on a chair.

It is worth noting that unloading exercise helps to increase the joint space.

What exercises are shown

It is allowed to make free swinging movements until slight pain appears. It is useful to develop the ankle in a sitting position, lowering your legs into a basin of warm water. To relieve the joints of the legs and arms and increase the joint spaces, it is useful to stretch the limb along the axis using a fixed load.

During the period of remission for diseases of the joints of the hands and feet, physical therapy expands its capabilities. In addition, gymnastics for the joints helps improve performance, strengthens the periarticular muscles and increases the stability of the joint. Also, the limb resumes lost mobility, and the achieved results are consolidated.

Physical education for diseases of the joints of the arms and legs involves an extensive list of movements at the gymnastic wall, with and without different objects. In addition, during remission it is useful to swim and perform dynamic exercises alternating with resistance.

Joint exercises are a popular way physical exercise. This physical education consists of 3 parts. That is, if we conditionally divide the entire lesson into 4 stages, then the initial one will occupy one part, the main one will occupy two, and the final one will occupy one.

At first, the load increases gradually, and in the second half, on the contrary, decreases. It is this principle that exercise therapy for osteoarthritis should comply with.

It is worth noting that optimal method for knee pain, exercise these joints on an exercise bike.

With a disease such as periarthrosis, in order to develop your shoulder, you should perform simple exercises:

  • raising and lowering the shoulders;
  • rotation of hands;
  • shoulder adduction and abduction;
  • swinging movements with lowered arms forward and backward.

For arthrosis of the elbow joint, it is useful to flex and extend the arms. In addition, you can perform the following exercise: place your hands in front of you and bend them at the elbows, and then rotate them alternately. You also need to rotate your arms in the joint outward and inner side, lowering them down.

With this disease, it is useful to open and close your fingers and make rotational movements with your hands in different directions. In addition, you can bend and straighten the limb down and up and grasp it, and then hold the ball in your hands.

For coxarthrosis, exercise therapy for the hip includes the lungs, but effective exercises. For example, circular movements of the joint, lifting a straight leg, performing alternate swinging movements upward with straight legs, spreading and bringing together the toes, bending and straightening the legs at the knees, bringing and spreading the limbs, moving the pelvis in different directions.

For people diagnosed with developing the knee joint, it is useful to exercise on an exercise bike or perform the “bicycle” exercise, imitate walking with your feet and roll a small ball and stick. Gradually, leaning on a stable object, you can do half squats, and then squats.

For a disease such as ankle arthrosis, gymnastics for the joints is as follows:

  1. rotational movements of the foot;
  2. in a sitting position, alternately lift your heels and toes off the floor;
  3. in a lying position, legs are brought together, feet are pulled towards themselves until they stop;
  4. circular movements with fingers;
  5. rotational movements of the heel.

It is worth noting that each exercise must be performed at least 6 times, slowly and several times a day. It is important to control your breathing, which should be uniform and free.

But still, even the simplest exercises should not be performed without prior consultation with a physical therapy doctor or orthopedist.