Fitball exercises with kurnikova. Exercises with a large ball for women

Fitball is a popular sports equipment. This elastic ball with a diameter of 45-75 cm can withstand loads of up to 300 kg. Developed by Susan Kleinvogelbach (Swiss psychotherapist) and originally used for rehabilitation exercises.

Very soon, the scope of application began to expand, as doctors began to note the obvious healing effect. Today, this practical equipment is indispensable in fitness and aerobics. It is necessary for weight loss, figure correction, and the formation of beautiful posture.


A set of exercises on a fitball for weight loss allows you to achieve desired result faster than normal charging.

A more pronounced fat burning effect is achieved for the following reasons:

  1. Each physical exercise becomes significantly more difficult due to additional static load. Relying on a fitball, a person has to maintain balance and balance every second. This requires many muscles to be used. Even those that do not work during regular exercises are activated. As a result, the most problematic areas are treated, overweight disappear.
  2. Exercising for weight loss on a fitball involves a constant combination of static and dynamic exercises. This helps get rid of not only visceral (internal) fat, which is burned most quickly in the process of losing weight, but also from subcutaneous deposits. Getting rid of the latter is much more difficult.
  3. Exercises activate metabolism (metabolic processes). As a result, fat continues to be burned even after the end of the workout.

An additional effect from exercise is increased muscle elasticity, improved coordination, and self-control.

Indications and contraindications

Exercises with a fitball for weight loss are especially recommended for people who are contraindicated for intense physical activity due to health problems or excess weight (in in this case there is excessive stress on the joints and heart).

This equipment minimizes the impact load on the musculoskeletal system. Since all exercises are performed smoothly, the likelihood of injury to ligaments and joints is eliminated.

Training with a fitball for weight loss is suitable for obese people suffering from varicose veins, after joint injuries, as well as pregnant women. Such exercises are great for losing weight after childbirth, as they guarantee quick results.

Despite its high safety, there are a number of contraindications. The following activities are not recommended:

  • in the presence of dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • if there are pathologies internal organs, since they are very actively influenced during classes;
  • in the presence of herniated intervertebral discs.

If there are health problems, weight loss exercises on a fitball are best done under the supervision of a qualified trainer who can select the optimal load and regulate it, constantly monitoring the condition of the trainee. When there are no contraindications to playing sports, you can safely exercise on your own at home.

There is a wide variety of gymnastic balls on the market. Before purchasing, it is important to understand how to choose a fitball for weight loss so that exercising with it is convenient and safe. When considering your options, pay attention to the following details.

  • Material

Durable fitballs are made from ledroplastik, PVC or latex. It is better to give preference to ledraplasty.
The surface of high-quality products is perfectly flat, there are no seams, and the nipple is pressed inward.

  • Color

The shade of the product should be chosen taking into account individual preferences. It's important that you like him. This will help create a positive emotional attitude to classes.

  • Elasticity

The ball should be as elastic as possible. When, after pressing, it instantly returns to its normal shape, it means the product is good. If there are folds and dents on the surface, it is not worth buying.

  • Hygiene

Antistatic properties are important. They are needed to prevent dust from accumulating on the surface of the fitball and to prevent the absorption of sweat, which is certainly released during exercise.

  • Size

In order for fitness on a fitball to bring maximum benefits, it is necessary to select equipment taking into account the height of the person planning to exercise on it. The following table will help with this:

Another option for choosing a size is that a suitable fitball should correspond in diameter to the distance from the floor to the knee. This is the easiest way to select equipment in the gym, when there is no way to know the exact diameter.

  • additional characteristics

In addition to the standard (smooth) ones, models with additional characteristics are available. The main ones:

- with handles - they are easier to hold on to, so it is easier to do jumping and other exercises on a fitball; the model is suitable for beginners and those who find it difficult to maintain balance;
- with spikes - guarantees an additional massage effect, provides active stimulation to the body, which accelerates the effect of weight loss.

Please note that the ball is equipped with a reliable anti-bursting safety system. It is necessary so that in case of damage to the integrity, the fitball does not rupture, but begins to gradually descend. This will minimize the risk of injury. The presence of a system against rupture is confirmed by the ABS marking. It is applied directly to the surface.

Effective classes

Fitness ball- This is not only a sports product with which physical education classes are conducted, but also an excellent means for losing weight.

What are the benefits of exercising on a fitball? How to choose the right fitness ball? Which ones exist? effective exercises for losing weight using such a sports device, and how to do them correctly to avoid mistakes?

Pros and cons of exercising on a fitball


  1. Tones weakened muscles and makes them “work”;
  2. Daily exercise on a fitball improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body;
  3. During the training, the vestibular apparatus is trained and improved;
  4. Coordination improves;
  5. Fitball exercises are active workouts, during which calories are burned, and, accordingly, excess weight is lost;
  6. Correctly selected exercises will help not only get rid of excess weight, but also tighten up weak areas: pump up the abs and remove the “sides”;
  7. Such physical activity makes the body more resilient and improves overall health.


  1. In order for ball exercises to produce results, they must be performed daily;
  2. For the exercises to be effective, you need to be able to choose the right fitball, otherwise the exercises will not be beneficial;
  3. Those who have contraindications for health reasons should not engage in such sports.

Having weighed all the pros and cons, we can conclude that a fitness ball is an excellent assistant, the main thing is to be able to choose it correctly and select it as much as possible effective exercises.

A set of exercises for weight loss

Let's look at specially designed ball exercises that will help tighten problem areas and promote weight loss:

  1. Position: lying on your back, the ball is sandwiched between your feet. Raise your legs up, then lower them down. You should start with ten repetitions, then this number can be increased;
  2. The position is the same as in the previous exercise, the ball is between the feet. Raise your legs up and turn them to the left, then stand straight, then turn your feet to the left. Number of repetitions: at least ten;
  3. Press. Take a position lying on your back. Place your feet on the fitball and lift your body up. With this exercise you can not only lose weight, but also pump up your abs, and also remove your tummy;
  4. Rest your elbows on the ball, straighten your legs and stand in this position as long as you can;
  5. Lie down on the exercise ball so that it is under your chest. Place your hands on the floor and roll the ball under you from your chest to your feet and back. Repeat rolling 8 times;
  6. Lie on your back with your feet on the ball. Lift your pelvis up, thereby pumping the fitball towards you, then lower your pelvis down. The number of repetitions is at least ten.
  7. Push-ups from the floor. Take a lying position, throw your legs over the ball. Perform push-ups 10 times;
  8. Starting position as in the previous exercise, perform the understanding of straight legs in turn.

All these exercises are effective only if they are performed daily. At the same time, an important component proper training is right choice sports equipment.

How to choose a ball?

For a fitball, the ball must be soft and elastic, not have handles (handles will only interfere with exercise) and most importantly, the size must correspond to the person’s height. For example:

  1. For a person with a height of up to 152 cm, a product with a diameter of 45 cm is suitable;
  2. If your height is up to 165 cm, a fitball should be chosen with a diameter of 55 cm;
  3. For girls with a height of up to 180 cm, a ball diameter of 65 cm is suitable;
  4. Long-legged representatives of the fairer sex with a height of up to 2 m should choose a product with a diameter of 75 cm.

In addition, the label for sports equipment should indicate what load it can withstand. A good ball should withstand a load of at least 150 kg.

In order to make sure that the product is suitable for you, you need to try it before purchasing. To do this, you need to sit on sports equipment. In a sitting position, your legs should comfortably reach the floor.

Estimated cost

In different stores you can see different prices for sporting goods. Thus, the price of a Swiss ball at various points of sale varies from 500 rubles to 2 thousand rubles and more.

In order to buy such sports goods at the best price, you need to compare prices in several stores. In addition, you can make a purchase via the Internet; as a rule, all goods on the Internet are much cheaper.

Errors during classes

The main mistake that prevents you from losing extra pounds with a fitness ball is skipping classes. If you decide to exercise, you need to do the exercises daily, preferably at the same time.

Another common mistake is speed. There is no need to rush or make jerks, you need to do the entire movement confidently and to the end.

Advice: Do not try to help yourself with your hands or feet and simplify the exercises. If you perform all the actions consistently and make every effort, everything will work out without unnecessary help!

  1. Perform all exercises daily.
  2. Exercises should be performed sequentially, starting with 10-12 repetitions. To start, do 1 set of 12 repetitions of each exercise, then you can increase the number of approaches.
  3. Before performing fitness procedures, you need to do a warm-up.
  4. To be more effective, you need to adhere to the right diet and eat right.
  5. Perform all actions in good mood. You can turn on your favorite rhythmic music and practice to it.

Fitball is a universal sports equipment that can be used by both adults and children. Among other things, it is useful at all stages, as well as during childbirth. Learn to exercise on a fitness ball correctly, and these exercises will only benefit you!

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Let me start with a question: do you have any friends who have tried everything to get rid of their tummy? Oh yeah! This is a problem for many, even slim people. Abdominal workouts and diets do not bring the desired results for a long time. I propose to consider exercises on a ball for losing belly fat. I myself practice with this miracle ball and the effect makes me happy.

“It’s difficult to remove me, easy to grow out and impossible to retract” - a joke about excess deposits in the abdominal area. It's funny for some, but for others it's an insurmountable problem.

If you want to lose weight and tone your muscles, I recommend training with a fitball. What are the benefits of playing with a ball:

  • Improved coordination of movements. Believe me, at first it is difficult to stay on the ball. You have to balance and maintain balance all the time. This helps develop control over your body.
  • All muscle groups are involved. Even if you just sit on the fitball, it tries to slip out. You need to constantly strain during training. These efforts help to lose weight in problem areas, including the abdomen and sides. Add special clothing to your training to enhance the effect of weight loss breeches and the results will be noticeable twice as fast.
  • Posture alignment. Exercises on a fitball involve static and aerobic exercise. Taken together, such loads strengthen your posture.
  • Strengthening ligaments. Muscle strength depends on strong ligaments. Systematic exercise on the ball allows you to make your ligaments and tendons strong.
  • Development of flexibility. Training with a fitball helps stretch and lengthen muscles. This property of the muscle corset gives flexibility to the entire body.
  • Burning calories. Active training with constant muscle tension contributes to successful weight loss in “difficult places”: hips, abdomen, sides and legs.

Features of training

Fitness instructors say aerobic and cardio workouts are best physical activity to get rid of excess fat deposits.

Many years of research have proven: There are benefits to playing with a ball. Let's look at them.

  • helps to perform movements with greater amplitude and forces you to keep your muscles in constant tension. This has a beneficial effect on joints, ligaments, tendons, muscle corset, and circulatory system. This is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • exercises significantly reduce the impact force on the lower limbs (as happens when running and aerobics on the steppe). Therefore, fitball aerobics is indicated not only for overweight people, but also for those suffering from varicose veins and the elderly. For those who have injuries to the knee and ankle joints, such training is even recommended.
  • easy to practice at home. All you need is to buy a ball according to your height.

5 effective ball exercises

This workout is called interval training due to the alternation of loads on the exercise ball for the abdominal muscles and cardio approaches. Perform training at intervals of two days. One day – ball training. The next day - cardio (simple walking outside, cycling, running outside or home cardio equipment).

Interval exercise is much more beneficial because... burn as much as 20% more calories

The program lasts 2 weeks. Just 14 days and a loss of up to 2 cm in the waist is guaranteed with strict adherence to such a superset.

Day of the week 1 Week 2 week
MondayCardio (45-60 minutes)
WednesdayCardio (30-40 minutes)Exercises on the ball (45-50 minutes)
ThursdayExercises on the ball (25-30 minutes)Cardio workout (30-40 minutes)
FridayCardio (45-60 minutes)Exercises on the ball (45-50 minutes)
SaturdayExercises on the ball (25-30 minutes)Cardio workout (45-60 minutes)
SundayRestLet's relax

It is necessary to alternate exercises on the ball to remove the belly. To do this, we connect cardio approaches. Don't be alarmed that cardio seems to take so long. You can simply take a walk in the evening or climb the stairs a few times. And if you have an exercise machine at home, then pedal for 40 minutes on an exercise bike while watching your favorite program.

Basic Rules

The most important thing when exercising on a fitball is to constantly pull your abdominal muscles inward and keep them tense. They sat on the ball, straightened their back, and pulled their stomach inward. This is necessary so that the lower part of the press also works. Otherwise, it will turn out that the upper abs are pumped up, but the lower abdomen remains protruded.

Work to the best of your ability. Don't try to do everything at once and quickly. Try to feel your muscles. It won't work at first, but don't worry. With every training session they will respond to you. Therefore, we do everything slowly and deliberately.

  1. Let's start with a light warm-up for 10 minutes;
  2. Repeat each exercise 12-15 times;
  3. Rest 2 minutes between exercises. This does not mean that you can lie down or sit down. Active rest - squat a little, jump, walk in circles :) Thus, burning calories and accelerating fat loss is guaranteed.

I practice with a fitball without shoes and on a special gymnastics mat. This way he slips less and tries to escape.

To help you, I offer a little training for a more complete understanding of the movements. I attach a photo to each description.

Reverse crunch

This load is designed to work the abdominal area, oblique muscles and thighs.

We lie on the mat, legs bent at the knees, fix the fitball with your feet (A). Clasp your hands at the back of your head. Lift your shoulder blades off the floor and twist. Reach your chest towards the ball (B). In this case, the chin should always be at a short distance from the chest.


The abdomen, biceps, and upper thighs are trained. It is not easy to do correctly, but it is very important.

Place your knees approximately 20 cm apart. Moving the ball away from you, rest your forearms on the ball (A). For beginners, you can move the ball away from you by about 60 0. In this position, tighten your abdominal muscles for 5 seconds and relax. Only 12-15 repetitions. Don't let go of the ball.

For advanced– lift your legs off the floor and hold the bar suspended (B). At the same time, it is important to stretch your body in one line and not bend in the lower back.

Twist on the ball

If you do it correctly, then at the end of the session your abs should “burn” from tension. If you achieved this, everything was done conscientiously, well done!

Sit on the exercise ball and lean back a little. The gluteal muscles and lower back will be fixed on the ball. Start reaching up and twisting. The hands are either fastened at the back of the head (A) or crossed over the chest (B). Repeat 12-15 times.

Complex option: the same source, twist with your leg straightened 12-15 times, then change your leg - and repeat.

Push ups

The starting stance is the same as for regular push-ups, only throw your legs on the fitball (A). Slowly lift your pelvis up. The ball should be coming towards you. Freeze in the final position. The fulcrum points are the palms and toes. Keep your back straight. Hold at the top point for a few seconds (B), then return to the starting point. 12-15 times is enough.


Super functional technique - all muscles work, ligaments are strained. The starting position is the same as for push-ups. Only your knees rest on the fitball. Do not arch your lower back, keep your back straight (A).

It's similar to a push-up, but it's even better. Begin to alternately pull your knees toward your shoulders (B). First to the right and again to the starting position, then to the left - again to the stance. On each side 10-12 times.

Can be made more complicated: at each end point, when pulling yourself towards the projectile, freeze for 5 seconds. Keep it up, don't be lazy! When I'm having a hard time, I imagine how beautiful my abs will look later. Imagine buying a dress one size smaller. It is important to motivate and set yourself up to move on.

Errors during classes

  • If you are very uncomfortable, you may be using an implement that is not the right size for you (see plate above);
  • Use your abdominal muscles to work the ball;
  • Keep your shoulders straight, do not press them in;
  • The back is always straight. There should be no deflections. Otherwise, you can damage or even tear your back.
  • Holding your breath. One of the common mistakes is when it’s hard, you hold your breath. Breathe. During exercise, oxygen must enter the body. Otherwise, you may feel dizzy.

And be patient. If you stick to this schedule for 2 weeks, you will see results. If at first you can’t do exercises on the ball 3 times a week, then start with two. Instead, add more walks or any other cardio workout.

Video – training on the ball

For beginners, I advise you to start training with the program from Elizabeth Garcia. On own experience tested - useful tips, a well designed system. And the abdominal muscles really “burn” after such exercises. The trainer explains everything clearly and calmly. I love this type of training because it doesn’t put a lot of stress on the joints. In her program, she focuses specifically on losing belly fat. After 2 weeks of such training, my stomach became more toned and I even started to get six-packs :) I even brought my ball to Thailand to practice.

Watch the video and give me feedback on your results.

Friends, if you liked the information and found it useful, subscribe to updates, recommend in social networks and good luck to you! Be beautiful and healthy!

Fitball is a unique exercise machine. In order to simply sit on it, you need to literally strain every muscle group. By exercising on it, you train your whole body, strengthen your back and hip muscles, and pump up your abs.

Regular exercise will help you relieve neck pain and burn fat deposits on your back and stomach.

Exercises on a fitball for the back and spine help improve body flexibility, develop the vestibular system, relieve stress from the spine, strengthen the muscle corset, and improve posture.

  • If this is your first time using a fitball, don’t try to master the whole set of workouts at once. First get to know the ball - sit comfortably and jump. By doing this simple exercise, you will learn to maintain balance.
  • Ball needed choose according to your height– then exercising on it will be comfortable and healthy.
  • You can’t hold your breath - breathe freely!
  • If you have problems with your spine, consult your instructor physical therapy and find out which ball exercises for the back will be useful for you, how to perform them and at what pace. Ask yourself how many exercises you need to do to achieve optimal results.
  • Before training, you need to warm up or exercise - for example, intense running in place. This will prepare the muscles and ligaments and speed up the metabolism.
Important! Classes can be carried out only two and a half hours after eating. If you are tired, then postpone the workout until next time. A set of exercises will have a beneficial effect only if you follow the rules of the training technique.

6-movement training set

Present to your attention effective complex training. Exercises to strengthen the back muscles with a fitball are recommended to begin with stretching. Then you can choose exercises at your discretion.

We finish the complex with an exercise to relax the back muscles and abdominals. This helps restore breathing, relieve spasms, and improve blood supply to muscles.

Average, you need to exercise five times a week for thirty minutes. Exercise ball training can also be done several times throughout the day. Each lesson lasts ten minutes.

Be careful and listen to yourself. Now we can start training!

1. Stretching (relaxing) the back muscles

This movement is designed to target the deep psoas muscles. It also allows you to stretch the muscles of the shoulder and thoracic spine. Promotes . Poorly developed and spasmodic spinal muscles are one of the first causes of back pain.

Typically, fitness instructors recommend doing several sets of ten repetitions. But if you are a beginner and have not done gymnastics before, then you should start by performing 5-7 repetitions. In this case, you need to limit yourself, first, to one approach.

With each lesson the quantity must be increased, focusing on your well-being.

We perform the exercise as follows:

  1. We lie down on the fitness ball with our stomach, stretch our legs, rest our toes on the floor, while carefully maintaining our balance.
  2. We place our arms parallel to the body (as in the picture) and slowly raise them top part belly and chest. We focus on the back muscles. We linger at the top point. We hold the pose for a few seconds and return to the original position.
  3. There is also a more complicated version of the workout - we additionally bring the shoulder blades together, loading the muscles of the upper back.

Exercise helps stretch muscles, gently distributes joint load, and trains the vestibular apparatus.

Or you can do the stretch shown in this video:

Carefully! The occurrence of acute or aching pain in the back is a signal that the exercises need to be stopped.

2. Hyperextension

  1. We lie down on the fitness ball with our stomach, the body fits loosely around the ball. Hands behind your head or in front of you
  2. Raise your torso until your back and legs form one straight line, or a little higher. Avoid strong deflection. We focus our attention on the lumbar region, since due to the weakness of its muscles, painful sensations are localized there.
  3. We hold for a few seconds and smoothly return to the starting position.

For a detailed description of this movement, watch the video:

3. Crunches

This workout works the muscles of the abdomen and stretches the back muscles. Burns efficiently.

  1. We lie on the fitball with our shoulder blades. Legs bent at the knees strictly at right angles, we rest them on the floor, and put our hands behind our heads.
  2. We raise and lower the upper part of the body as we would do on the floor when “swinging” the press.

Learn more from the video:

4. Bridge

This exercise is similar to the classic bridge, but it is more useful and less traumatic.

  1. We lie on our backs, put our calves on the ball, and press our hands to the floor.
  2. We roll the ball, lifting the pelvis off the floor, while placing the ball in the middle of the back, helping our body form a bridge.
  3. If possible, stay in this position for several seconds.
Carefully! The bridge is not suitable for beginners. It is recommended to master simpler complexes first. Exercise promotes the formation of a muscle corset, strengthens the muscles of the upper back, lower back, and abdominal muscles.

5. Plank

The exercise involves almost all parts of the body, including the latissimus dorsi muscles.

  1. We lie down on the ball with our stomach and gradually roll forward, making small movements of our hands. The feet should lie on the ball, and the arms, bent at the elbows, should be on the floor.
  2. Leaning on the palms of your hands and elbows, fix the stable position of your feet on the fitball. Your toes should press firmly into the ball.
  3. We pull in the stomach, tense the core muscles, do not bend or protrude the lower back, look down. The body should form a straight line- bar. We stay in this position for several seconds.

Watch the video for more details:

6. Leg raises while lying on your stomach

IN this exercise We use the muscles of the abdomen, back,...

  1. We lie on our stomachs on a gymnastic ball, face down.
  2. We rest our hands on the floor, lift first the right leg, then the left.

More details in the video:

Relaxation (cool down)

This is an exercise you should definitely end your workout with.

  1. We lie down on the floor with our backs. Place your legs straight with your calves on the ball.
  2. We lie down for ten minutes, breathing freely, feeling how pleasantly the whole body relaxes.

This movement is ideal for relieving painful spasms of the lower back muscles due to radicular syndrome, as well as for relaxing the back and abdominal muscles.

Good results are obtained by using a fitball as prevention of spinal diseases, such as osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.

Physical therapy instructors recognize that a gymnastic ball is an ideal way to strengthen back muscles, develop flexibility and eliminate pain. In addition, this is a very cheerful type of physical exercise that improves metabolism, gives lightness and good mood!

see also

  1. find out here.
  2. Check out our rating from.
  3. showed high efficiency.
  4. To strengthen the back muscles you can use
  5. Pay attention to .
  6. used to relieve back pain.

Fitball is very popular among those exercising both at home and in gyms. Today we will try to answer the following questions. Why has the gymnastic ball become so widespread throughout the world? Is fitball effective for weight loss? How to choose a ball when buying and what should you pay attention to?

General information about fitball

A fitball is an elastic rubber ball with a diameter of 40-95 cm, which is used in physical therapy and sports training. Fitball was first used in Switzerland (60s of the 20th century) in treatment programs for newborns and infants. Fitball was later integrated into physical therapy to treat neurodevelopmental disorders. The experience of the Swiss was adopted by North Americans, and then other countries.

Nowadays the rubber ball is used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for sports purposes. Trainers include exercises with fitballs in various programs : Pilates, aerobic and functional training, classes for pregnant women, HIIT programs . The gymnastic ball has become one of the most popular sports equipment along with dumbbells and expanders.

On English language the gymnastic ball has a lot different names, which are related to the history of its appearance and further use. Therefore, if you are looking for workouts with fitball on YouTube, you can try entering the following forms in the search: exercise ball, swissballbalance ball, fitness ball,fitball, gym ball, gymnastic ball, physioball, pilates ball, stability ball,Swedish ball, therapy ball or yoga ball.

What is the reason for such popularity of the gymnastic ball, what is the effectiveness of the fitball for weight loss and what other advantages does this sports equipment have?

1. When practicing on a ball, your body is forced to react to its instability. Therefore you will use b O a larger number of muscles to maintain balance, which means more stress on the body and burn more calories. This is one of the main factors in the effectiveness of fitball for weight loss.

2. Training with a fitball is especially useful for strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, back, lower back, and buttocks. Exercises on a ball are one of the most effective means for the development of core muscles. And they are included in the work deep muscles, which are not usually involved during normal training.

3. Unlike many other exercises for the abdominal muscles, exercise balls for the core do not carry a traumatic load on the back , do not put strain on your lower back and help you safely strengthen your corset muscles.

4. Regular training with a fitball helps improve posture, relieves stress on the spinal column, and relieves back pain.

5. Exercises on a gymnastic ball help improve coordination and develop the vestibular system. Even simple exercises on the ball perfectly develop a sense of balance and poise.

6. It is also very convenient to practice exercises with this equipment. development of flexibility and improving stretching of muscles and joints.

7. Thanks to the elastic structure of the ball, the load on the joints and spine is reduced during exercise. This minimizes the risk of injury.

8. Fitball training is suitable for rehabilitation activities. after spinal injuries and the musculoskeletal system as a whole. It is also useful for patients with osteochondrosis, because exercise with an elastic ball promotes the regeneration of intervertebral discs.

9. When training with a fitball, the load on the legs is reduced, so you can exercise with it even if you have varicose veins, damaged knee and ankle joints, or are recovering from other lower extremity injuries.

10. There are practically no restrictions for training with a fitball. It can be used by children, elderly people, people with large overweight and even those who are very far from any physical education. In addition, practicing on the ball is fun and interesting, so with its help you can involve people close to you in the sport.

11. Training with a fitball is especially suitable for losing weight and maintaining an elastic body. pregnant girls .

12. Exercises on an exercise ball help calm you down. nervous system, relieve stress and improve your mood.

13. Fitball is practically the only sports equipment that promotes the simultaneous coordinated functioning of the motor, vestibular, visual and tactile apparatus.

14. A gymnastic ball will diversify your routine workouts and introduce new original exercises into your program to tone the muscles of all problem areas.

As you can see, the benefits of fitball for weight loss and health cannot be overstated. Regular exercise with a fitball will help you improve your figure, improve your posture, get rid of back pain and strengthen your core muscles.

Be sure to read about other sports equipment for weight loss that can be used at home:

Contraindications for training with fitball

A gymnastic ball is an almost universal sports equipment that has no special contraindications or disadvantages for use. However without further consultation with a doctor It is not recommended to train with a fitball during the first trimester of pregnancy, in case of severe diseases of the cardiovascular system and herniated intervertebral discs.

Fitball for weight loss: 10 exercises in GIFs

To get started, be sure to read our article: 50 exercises with a fitball for weight loss. It not only presents the most effective exercises with a fitball in GIFs, but also suggests ready plan classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. We offer you examples of exercises with a fitball:

1. Crunches

2. Torso rotations

3. Side plank against the wall

4. Single Leg Butt Raise

5. Rolling a fitball on your back

6. Superman with fitball

7. Elbow plank

8. Climber

9. Touching the floor with your foot in plank

10. Squat with fitball

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the gifs Shortcircuits with Marsha.

Is fitball good for weight loss?

We have already noted the usefulness of fitball for weight loss and for health in general. In addition, a gymnastic ball helps you diversify your fitness routine and better work on the muscles of your entire body. But in many ways, the effectiveness of training on a fitball for weight loss depends on the specific fitness program. The higher your heart rate rises during exercise, the more calories you will burn. If your goal is muscle tone, then choose functional training with dumbbells or with your own body weight.

Remember that losing weight is primarily about nutrition and only secondarily about exercise. But proper nutrition Without exercise, it will never give you an elastic body and toned muscles. Therefore, to lose weight, try to combine training with fitball and a reasonable calorie deficit.

How to choose a fitball when purchasing?

If you are in doubt about purchasing a gymnastic ball because it will take up a lot of space in your apartment, then we hasten to reassure you. The fitball is easy to fit when deflated in a small box, and is inflated using a pump for 5-10 minutes. There is no need to worry about safety: the balloon will not burst or explode if damaged, but will slowly deflate. Most modern fitballs are equipped with an anti-explosion system. This means that the ball protected from sudden ruptures.

When purchasing a fitball, pay attention to the presence of a pump in the kit. If you have a pump at home (suitable, including bicycle), then you don’t have to worry about this. If not, then it’s better to choose a ball with a pump included. Before using the fitball for the first time, it is advisable to inflate it once (approximately 70-80% of the maximum volume), hold it for several hours, deflate completely and then inflate it again to the maximum volume. Please note that the more you inflate the ball and the tighter it is, the more difficult it will be for you to perform the exercises and the more stress your body will receive . At first, while you are just adapting to a new apparatus, you can not fully pump it up.

How to choose the fitball size

Fitballs come in different diameters from 45 to 95 cm. The most popular sizes are 65 and 75 cm. Most often, people with average height choose these types of balls. In order to make sure that the fitball size is suitable for you, we recommend performing this test. Sit on the ball and look at the angle formed between your shins and thighs. If the projectile suits you, then the angle should be 90-100°. In this case, the feet should be completely on the floor. If the angle between the shin and thighs is sharp, then the fitball is too small for you.

If you don’t have the opportunity to try on a gymnastic ball, then try to navigate on the ratio of height and diameter of the ball :

  • 150-160 cm – diameter 55 cm
  • 160-170 cm – diameter 65 cm
  • 170-180 cm – diameter 75 cm
  • 180-190 cm – diameter 85 cm

Top 10 inexpensive fitballs on Aliexpress

  • Diameter 55 cm, anti-explosion, 7 colors
  • Cost: 1220 rubles
  • Pump included

  • Diameter 65 cm, anti-explosion, 6 colors
  • Cost: 1260 rubles
  • Pump included

  • Diameter 65 cm, anti-explosion, 5 colors
  • Cost: 1290 rubles
  • Pump included

  • Diameter 75 cm, anti-explosion, 7 colors,
  • Cost: 1490 rubles
  • Pump included