What to wear for fitness: Dress wisely. The right choice of fitness clothing is an important condition for successful training.

When it comes to action, motivation plays a huge role in success. But how you dress plays an equally important role in this. Baggy tops and stretchy cotton T-shirts may be comfortable, but they add sloppiness and chaos to your outfit. Correctly selected gym clothes provides not only convenience and beauty of movements, but also protects the body from sweat and irritation of sensitive skin.

What not to wear to the gym. 8 things not for the gym

Consider yourself a fitness veteran? Don't think that you are invulnerable. Both beginners and experienced athletes can become victims of sports fashion. So before you lace up your favorite sneakers or pull on your sports bra, it's worth knowing what not to wear to the gym:

  1. 100% cotton clothing

  2. Not worth it wear to the gym clothes made from 100% cotton fabric. This fiber may seem like a cool, comfortable option at first, but because cotton wicks moisture and dries slowly, your sweat will literally stick to you. In addition to heaviness, wet cotton can cause chills and irritation, and increase friction in the folds.

    How to fix: Buy clothes that, in addition to cotton, also contain synthetics for quick drying. A special fabric has now been developed to separate beads of sweat from the skin with optimal further evaporation.

  3. Worn out shoes

  4. If you don't throw in your shoes until the soles start to split at the seams or there's a hole in the toe, you're doing your feet a disservice. A worn out sole and arch support will leave you without a solid base when standing and can even damage your joints. If shoes do not provide the necessary support, it will lead to pain in the knee and feet.

    How to fix: Change your favorite women's fitness sneakers approximately every 500 km. If, for example, you work out two days a week, then you need to change your shoes a couple of times a year. If it’s six to seven days a week, then you should change your sneakers approximately every three months.

  5. Loose Sports Bras

  6. You can't get the most out of your workout if you're uncomfortable or shy. A good sports bra protects the ligaments and breast tissue from excessive stretching or strain, so you can exercise worry-free.

    How to fix: To choose the perfect bra, take into account the intensity of the workout and the structure of your body. For activities such as yoga or walking, soft models are suitable. For intense cardio workouts, you need to choose thicker models that absorb moisture well. Women with large breasts should choose bras that have wide straps and provide maximum support.

  7. Bijouterie

  8. Jewelry that hangs, dangles, or sticks out has no place in the gym. Anything that will disturb you or make you think about something other than your workout should be left at home. This even applies to a wedding ring - it can cause discomfort, or cause injury when pulling up, or come off your hand when doing yoga and Pilates.

  9. Headphones with loud sound

  10. While headphones can help you get into the rhythm of your workout, they can also limit your awareness of your surroundings. Keep the music volume level low enough to hear what's going on around you.

  11. Baggy clothes

  12. Wearing clothes that are too loose at the gym is a safety hazard. It may get caught on something. In addition, it will be more difficult to see your body, the evenness of your posture and the correctness of the exercise. And doing it incorrectly can harm you more than help you.

  13. Clothes that are too tight

  14. There must be a golden mean in sportswear. It should not be a barrier to full range of motion.

  15. Strong smell of perfumes and lotions

  16. Nobody wants to smell bad at the gym. But the aroma of strong perfumes or colognes increases in intensity when the body heats up and begins to sweat, which can lead to headaches for you or someone close to you.

    How to fix: choose perfumes without fragrances and oils, specifically designed for sports.

If you long time haven't been to the gym, start a new cycle physical exercise may not be easy. Not only do you have to worry about achieving your goals, but you also have to worry about how you look while you're competing for them among the overweight gym denizens. Don't worry - every new gym goer goes through this. With the help of several simple tips It won't be hard to look presentable—even sultry—while working out.


Look good while playing sports

    Comfortable clothes. When it comes to choosing workout clothes, comfort comes first. It's wise to choose fabrics that allow you to move, bend, sweat, and are easily removable. Instead of using stuffy materials like denim, vinyl, polyester, etc., choose breathable materials like cotton, bamboo and man-made fibers used in sportswear to keep you cool and comfortable while you work up a sweat.

    • "Moisture-wicking" fabrics are especially good choice for training clothes. These fabrics (usually man-made) transfer sweat to the outside of the material, where it can evaporate rather than be absorbed into the body.
    • When in doubt, wear layers. Wear multiple pieces of breathable clothing at a time and remove external elements that can make you hot and sweaty.
  1. Emphasize your own figure. While at the gym you have a little more freedom than usual and can wear tight or open clothes. Make the most of it! For example, if you are a naturally plus-size woman, a well-fitting sports bra and tight yoga pants will highlight your natural assets. On the other side. If you're naturally thin, you can bare your waist to show off your toned tummy. Your ideal outfit will depend on your body type – it will be a little different for everyone!

    • The only surefire way to not flatter your figure is to wear a one-color outfit; it gives almost everyone a “saggy look” (like the person is wearing pajamas). It is much better to wear one piece of clothing in a neutral color (black, gray, etc.) and one color - this will create a healthy contrast that emphasizes the figure.
  2. Use sweat-absorbing accessories. Some people who sweat a lot may benefit from wearing sweat-absorbing clothing. Headbands, bracelets, bandanas and other accessories can help manage your sweat levels, ensuring you look your best.

    • To enhance the effect, you can also carry an antiperspirant deodorant with you to minimize the amount of sweating and unpleasant odor.
  3. Maintain hygiene. The clothes you wear aren't the main determinant of how attractive you are in the gym—it's also about how you act and present yourself. For example, since any hygiene problems you have are likely to be especially noticeable once you start moving, it's important to take care of these issues, both for your own benefit and for the comfort of those around you. Below are just a few simple hygiene tips to help you look and feel great in the gym:

    • Wash your body and hair daily or every other day.
    • Take a bath after every visit to the gym.
    • Protect cuts, scrapes and sores with appropriate dressing.
    • After completing your workout, wipe off your sweat with a disinfectant.
  4. Maximize your stretching. For many, stretching before and/or after exercise is routine. However, if you want to look sultry, this is yours greatest chance! Stretching will give you the perfect opportunity to bend, twist and twist in ways that flatter your figure. Don't be shy - there's no reason to look bad while warming up.

    • If your gym offers yoga classes, consider signing up. One of the core elements of yoga is flexibility, so you'll be working many areas, some of which will naturally benefit. Additionally, tight-fitting clothing is quite common for yoga classes.
  5. Choose exercises to achieve your goal. Let's be honest - most people don't look sexy trying to complete a very difficult exercise. If you're straining to do one more bench press or run the last 400m of your half marathon, there's a good chance you'll be sweating, grunting and out of breath. To look as good as possible, choose exercises that you won't have to struggle to perform. Completing exercise at a healthy level of effort will generally help you look great; don't rush to the finish line or give up the last approach.

    • This doesn't mean you should necessarily shy away from intense exercise. If you want to look good, you need to choose a clear balance between the selected light exercise that will help you look good without special effort, and too difficult.
  6. Know how to flatten certain parts of your body. Is there one part of your body that you're especially proud of - a super-sexy area? If yes, show it! Below are just a few potential "target" areas and some exercises to help identify them:

    • Arms: biceps curls, triceps strengthening, forearm exercises
    • Gluteal muscles: squats, deadlifts
    • Legs: squats, lunges, running, cycling
    • Chest: bench press, bent over/down press
    • Abdominal: crunches, squats
    • Back: pull-up, block row
  7. Take the correct posture. No matter how attractive you are, doing the exercises incorrectly will make you look like a novice. More importantly, doing the exercises incorrectly can be unsafe, potentially leading to long-term injury. To avoid this, perform each exercise in the appropriate position. If you are unsure how to safely perform a particular exercise, talk to a gym member. Since there are almost countless exercises, it is impossible to cover the full depth of this topic in this article, but here are a few tips to get you started - this list is by no means exhaustive:

    • For weightlifting, use only weights that you can lift and lower smoothly and comfortably.
    • If you are standing, sitting or moving, keep your back straight and upright, but do not squeeze your knees.
    • Don't cheat or force yourself to do more than your limit.
    • Avoid performing exercises with a hunched or tilted neck and back, especially when working the related muscles.
  8. Don't stick to one machine. It's easy to forget you're at a public gym, but that won't be much of an excuse for other members to catch you doing it. Resting on a cardio or strength machine is often viewed as bad form (especially by "gym rats") because it deters other people from using the machine unless they specifically ask you to move away. This will make you look like a novice or selfish, so these actions should be avoided if possible.

    • Instead, take a break between sets, stand up, walk around and, if desired, stretch. If you plan to resume exercising on the machine, leaving a bag or other personal item next to it is a way of “reserving” it, preventing others from quickly occupying the machine.

    How to look good for a girl

    1. Use a bra for sports. One good rule For women who want to do strenuous exercise, investing in a comfortable, well-fitted sports bra is a good idea. It provides excellent breast support and prevents unwanted bounce, making them especially valuable for activities such as jogging, jumping rope, etc. However, your sports bra should fit you well. To be useful - too tight or loose will be uncomfortable and may look bad.

      Also wear loose tops and fitted sportswear. Women have many options when it comes to dressing for the gym—loose-fitting T-shirts and tight workout clothes are generally acceptable. If you want to look especially good, consider layering (for example, layering a sport coat over a T-shirt or top) and matching colors, although this is by no means necessary.

      • Unless prohibited by your gym's dress code, you can wear more revealing items (like tiny tops, etc.) as long as they are more breathable and comfortable. However, these types of outerwear are not essential for a good workout.
    2. Wear shorts or sweatpants. Women also have a wide variety of underwear choices - sweatpants, yoga pants, leggings, sweatpants, etc., all options are acceptable, so choose the option that suits you best. In general, shorts are cooler than pants, so they are especially good for cardio exercise, which encourages a lot of sweating.

      • If you are concerned about sweat stains on your pants, wear dark colors, such as black or dark blue - any stains will be much darker than the fabric.
    3. Don't wear sheer fabrics. When you're worried about your appearance, it's easy to forget that sweating at the gym means you're working hard! However, an abundance of sweat turns clothes (especially white ones) into translucent ones. This can result in an overly awkward effect, so try to wear dark colors or thicker fabrics to avoid this effect.

      • If you want to look super sexy and wear... gym thin white fabric, a bra should be worn for obvious reasons.
    4. Don't wear makeup. Generally, you want to skip the makeup before going to the gym. Heavy makeup can be uncomfortable during a workout, especially when you start to sweat. What's worse is that sweat can smear your makeup, giving you a smudged, dirty look. Since you're typically going to the gym to work out (not show off), wearing makeup isn't beneficial.

      Don't wear your hair down. If you have long hair, it is not advisable to leave it down during training. They'll get in your face as you exercise, blocking your view and causing irritation (not to mention giving you a dirty, sloppy appearance). Although rare, loose hair can also get caught in certain types of equipment (such as weightlifting machines), causing serious injury. To avoid these problems, wear a comfortable, neat hairstyle, such as a ponytail or bun.

      • If you don't want to fuss with your hair, use special accessories such as elastic bands, bandanas and headbands to keep your hair tied up. They also give you the opportunity to look fashionable!
    5. Don't wear jewelry. Like loose hair, excessive amounts jewelry not recommended in the gym. While small split stud earrings usually won't cause problems, hoop earrings, necklaces, and ankle and ankle bracelets can be dangerous if they make it difficult to perform exercises correctly or get stuck in the machine. It's usually best to leave these items at home - this way, you will not only avoid unnecessary worry, but also won't look like a person for whom appearance more important than training.

      • Another reason to avoid jewelry at the gym is the possibility of theft. If you leave your jewelry in a public locker room, it could be stolen, even if you use a lock. It's wise to leave valuables at the reception, but the only way to keep them from being lost or stolen is to leave them at home.
    6. Carry a functional bag. An overstuffed, stuffed-to-the-brim purse can look like a cannonball on a chain—not only is it a hindrance to your workout, but it's also another item you'll have to worry about keeping safe and clean. If you need a bag, try using a small, functional duffel bag. They usually have more space than regular ladies' ones, and they always look great, even when dirty or soaked in sweat.

    How to look good for a man

      Wear comfortable, breathable outerwear. Compared to women, men have almost all the same outerwear options (except, of course, tiny tops, etc.). Men at the gym look best in clothes that are functional, comfortable and breathable. Many men prefer to wear regular cotton T-shirts, although as usual, modern moisture-wicking fabrics that also look great are considered a more comfortable option.

      • If you want to show off your arms, an A-line t-shirt (tank top) or tank top. These types of T-shirts are sometimes even made with long slits on the sides to show off your abs or muscles - although this style is sometimes considered "bro", it provides good ventilation and is usually not prohibited in gyms.
    1. Stick to long shorts. As a general rule, short shorts for men are little more acceptable at the gym than for women. Open upper part thighs can be considered a fashion faux pas unless the person is part of a cross-country marathon team. Therefore, if you usually wear shorts, it is better to opt for longer models. Even below-the-knee shorts don't look too baggy, so don't shy away from them.

      Keep your T-shirt on. While some men like to take off their T-shirts to cool down after a long run or while exercising, it is sometimes considered rude to do so at the gym. In gyms that don't do this, you will look "dumb" compared to other people. Also, if you sweat a lot while exercising, removing your T-shirt may leave more sweat on the machine, which will look tacky to other people.

    2. One of the latest gym trends is the use of training masks while performing physical exercises. They partially restrict the flow of air into the lungs, supposedly simulating the effect of being at high altitude, where the amount of oxygen is limited. Although some praise high results, there is little (if any) evidence to support these claims. This makes these accessories not only a fancy fashion choice but also a waste of money.
    • Look in the mirror, if you are comfortable being outside in clothes designed for the gym, everything is fine. If you look dull in these clothes, find something else!
    • Don't beat yourself up too much if you want a "day off." Looking great at the gym really sets the pace of life and makes working out easier, but who will really care if one day you show up wearing nothing? After all, you are there to lose weight and stay toned!


    • Don't spend too much on sportswear. It's a well-known fact that your decision to go to the gym is likely to be short-lived, so spending too much on appropriate clothing can be a waste of money. Plus, you can find some great deals if you shop around the area.
    • Make sure you have decent shoes. It's worth spending a little more on sneakers to make sure they protect your feet without causing discomfort.

Few girls would even think of going to a fitness club not to play sports, but just for fun, so it is necessary to dress in this establishment in accordance with the sports dress code, and not be guided by glossy magazines and fashion trends. What are the most common mistakes girls make, how not to go to the gym, that’s what we’ll talk about today.

Misconception No. 1. Revealing outfits are always beautiful and sexy, so you can go to the gym in them

This point applies, rather, to those girls for whom visiting the club is not a desire to get their figure in order, but a demonstration of their ideal forms. However, transparent tops, seductive T-shirts with deep necklines are not at all the clothes you should wear to the gym.

  • Firstly , you will provoke representatives of the opposite sex who just came to the club to exercise, and to such an extent that this can lead to incorrect installation of the apparatus and even injury.
  • And secondly , you yourself will not be comfortable if your most prominent part of the body sways with every movement or falls out. You will be distracted, which means the quality of your classes will be out of the question.

The right choice: leggings or shorts, a T-shirt or sweatshirt with an appropriate neckline.

Misconception No. 2. The choice of underwear for the gym does not matter.

Just the opposite! During exercise, you move actively, therefore, intense sweating occurs. There is a separation of underwear.

For sports Cotton panties and bras without lace, rhinestones or other decorative elements are ideal; they fit the body and at the same time allow it to breathe. In addition, they do not interfere with movement, do not bulge under sportswear and do not spoil the overall appearance.

In a good manner a set of a single color scheme is considered.

From a hygienic point of view It is not recommended to wear lace underwear or push-up bras to the gym. Thongs are especially harmful - they not only interfere with movement, but are also a source of spread of bacteria in the intimate area.

Misconception No. 3: You can wear both tight and wide pants to the gym.

Sports brands offer a variety of models for training in fitness clubs, but not all of them are successful. Thus, wide trousers look impressive and mask physique flaws, but working out in them is not entirely comfortable for the reason that the trouser leg can get caught on the exercise machine, and this, in turn, will lead to injury.

Preference should be given tight tights or leggings that keep your legs toned and promote good blood circulation.

Misconception No. 4. Long hair is not a hindrance to sports

Long, well-groomed hair is the pride of every woman, but it is they that create the main obstacle when sports activities.

Scalp sweats, which affects the condition of your curls - instead of well-groomed, smooth hair, by the end of the lesson you risk getting disheveled tow hair.

Just do not use hairpins or other sharp pins.

Misconception No. 5. Bright makeup does not interfere with sports activities.

This point echoes the previous one.

For hygienic purposes It is not recommended to wear makeup at the gym at all.

However, there are girls who cannot imagine themselves without makeup. Very often, when going to a fitness club, they make themselves war paint and use the entire arsenal decorative cosmetics: dense layer foundation, lipstick, blush, mascara... As a result, by the end of class, the mascara is smeared, the makeup floats and looks sloppy. It’s not surprising, because the face also sweats. In addition, there are certain rules of decency: bright makeup is appropriate for going to a disco, but is absolutely not suitable for a fitness club. Theatrical makeup looks ridiculous in the gym.

Make yourself make-up in nude style, lightly tint eyebrows and eyelashes. Use gloss instead of lipstick. Take care of a waterproof foundation and do not forget about the combination of colors of makeup and clothing, for example, pink eye shadow and a green tracksuit - bad manners. The same applies to perfume - no heavy oriental scents, it is best to use regular deodorant.

Misconception No. 6. It doesn’t matter what clothes I wear to the gym, the main thing is that I’m generally ready for this decision.

The right clothes are the key to quality activities that will truly benefit you. Agree, in old pants with elongated knees, stretched T-shirts or homemade, even cute and cute knitted pants and a T-shirt, you will feel uncomfortable, both physically and mentally, against the backdrop of girls dressed in modern, comfortable and stylish suits.

Cloth should be made of materials that allow air to pass through and absorb sweat. Today it is not only cotton, but also modern synthetic textures that meet quality standards.

Second point. You should dress in accordance with climatic conditions. No matter how beautiful and modern the suit is, keep in mind that you will be extremely hot in it. These sets (as in the photo) are more suitable for a morning jog than for working out in the gym.

Misconception No. 7. You can exercise in any shoes, including old ones - what's the difference?

Worn out old shoes not only looks unethical, but also poses a potential danger. For example, a peel-off sole does not allow you to fix your foot on the floor or exercise machine, which can cause you to slip.

An acquaintance who finally decided to go in for sports and get pumped up helped me update this article and pull it out from the LJ blog archives. The article is from the “cap” category, but it will definitely come in handy for those going on the training trail for the first time. So, how to pack a sports bag for the gym, what you need to take with you, what you don’t need? Let's figure it out!

I remember very well my first trip to sports club. It's scary, you feel embarrassed. After all, I’m a skinny, skinny little guy (the opposite option is possible: I’m swollen with fat, fat), everyone there is jocks, they’ll walk around and laugh at me, like I’ll do dumbbells for girls... In fact, all these thoughts are nonsense. On the contrary, beginners in any gym will be treated rather positively, that well done. finally came to the gym to do my physical fitness and health. Therefore, before going to the gym for the first time, it is better to set yourself up with exactly these thoughts. The lyrical introduction is over.

What to take with you to the gym? Packing a sports bag.

To get started, we need the following components:

  • A sports bag or backpack (everything will fit into it). Cost from 500 rubles.
  • Sports shoes. The best shoes are for running. They are the most comfortable to practice in. It doesn't matter whether it's running or weightlifting (for beginners). It’s better to buy new ones, not ones that have been worn out all summer at the dacha :) By the way, they cost up to 1000 rubles in Decathlon, for example.
  • Shower slippers. Because You won’t be able to go into the shower after a workout wearing sneakers, but barefoot can cause you to slip (or catch a fungus)—flip-flops will come in handy. Any rubber ones will do. Price from 100 rubles in all kinds of Auchan stores. Well, in the pool you can’t go without flip flops. And you definitely need to take a shower after training. So that you don’t stink while you’re walking home, and so that rashes (irritation) on your body don’t appear from dirt and sweat.
  • Towel. In general, most clubs provide towels before training, but if your club is ultra-budget, then it’s better to take it with you. You need a towel to dry yourself after a shower. It will also come in handy if you sweat a lot during exercise. Or someone was sweating a lot before your approach, which also happens. In this case, placing a towel on the machine bench is normal practice. But if after your approaches the bench remains wet, it will turn out very ugly. There is usually a hairdryer in any fitness center, but if suddenly there is no hairdryer, you also need a hairdryer to dry your hair (this is important in winter). Find out about the availability of a hairdryer and towels when purchasing a subscription.
  • Sports suit. The set usually includes sweatpants (or shorts, whichever is more convenient for you) and a T-shirt for classes. T-shirt - any ordinary one, the main thing is preferably loose, not tight. This will make it more convenient to study. It is better to buy shorts or sweatpants so that they can stretch. They cost a little more than usual, but when it comes to squats or deadlifts, there will be less chance that your butt will tear from overexertion (literally and figuratively). And doing stretching exercises is more convenient and correct.
  • A bottle of water. This is what you should always take with you. 1 liter is best. Definitely without gas. During training, you will want to drink quickly and strongly. So take some water with you directly to the gym, this is normal practice. If your gym has water coolers, then you don’t have to take a bottle with you. Or you can take it if you like a certain brand of drinking water.
  • Shower set. Well, everything is usual here, so you can wash yourself after a workout. Soap, shampoo, comb if necessary.

Another optional accessory you can name is gloves for sports. Especially useful when pulling barbells. The handle of the bar is padded (so it doesn’t slip), and when heavy weight It can be painful, and calluses will definitely appear. For beginners, you can do without them. Such gloves cost on average 400-500 rubles and more. Some people love it, some don't.

That's all, your bag is packed, you can go to the gym! For beginners, I highly recommend not to be greedy and work with a trainer. Yes, it’s not very cheap, but it’s much more productive. We'll look at how to choose a coach in the next article later. With a trainer, there is less chance of overloading yourself or getting injured. Well, if you go to the gym for the very first time, the trainer will introduce you to all the exercise equipment, teach you how to perform the exercises correctly, and, most importantly, you won’t feel “out of place.” For some this is a very important factor.

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Last update: 11/03/2018

The issue of choosing clothes for training in the gym is very important. And the element of style plays not the first role here. The more important question safety, comfort and desired results. Well, beauty, like a necessary companion, always accompanies only effective things and phenomena. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been visiting the gym for a long time or this is just your first time, the question of choosing the right equipment can arise at any stage. Below you will find some tips on what clothes are best for fitness. So, what should a man who is determined to achieve high results wear to the gym?

The choice of running shoes depends largely on your weight and the type of exercise you do most often. Most likely, a barbell is present in your arsenal. Therefore, the sole of the sneakers should have ideal shock absorption, and the forefoot should be very flexible, so as not to restrict your movements when stretching, running, jumping. And of course, the lightness of sneakers is one of the necessary features. The less you feel like you're wearing something, the more pleasure you get from each exercise.

Foam roller

The issue of muscle recovery after training is one of the most important, since your health and the effectiveness of your training depend on it. The very first thing we recommend is, of course, stretching, immediately after training. The smoother, slower and longer, the better. As an additional recovery element, you can take a foam roller with you. With it you can do the so-called “self-guided massage”. In particular, the video shown in the picture above was created by Cassidy Philips, who previously suffered from rheumatic muscle pain. Therefore, we think that its effectiveness can be trusted.


Sports shorts would seem to be a simple and predictable element of a fitness wardrobe. But their choice is also better made based on the nature of the loads. If you do a short jog and then train on machines or dumbbells, loose shorts will be the best for you. the best option. If you often lift heavy weights or do cross-fit, then it is best to include additional compression clothing in your training kit.

Heart rate monitor

If you use a heart rate monitor in your training, this already indicates a certain level of your understanding of the principles of how the body works. Our heart is a motor. And the condition of the whole organism depends on how it works. By observing the pulse, its minimum and maximum points, you can assess the level of fitness of the body in each exercise. If your heart rate decreases over time as you exercise, your motor is being trained too, not just your muscles. Please take this seriously. Main sign A healthy body is a balance of all systems.

Training T-shirt

A high-quality, sweat-wicking T-shirt will help you avoid many uncomfortable conditions and give you lightness and freedom. With the right size, it will fit you like a glove, and you won’t have to adjust anything or wipe off sweat. In addition to personal comfort, you also give others pleasant impression. And this detail can play a key role in competent networking.

Training bag

Athletes most often forget about choosing a training bag and use some old backpacks or shabby bags. But it often happened to you that you could go to work or to work after training. And at such a moment your assessment can play decisive role. It’s better to spend once on a quality item, and then just watch how it serves you for years, leaving a pleasant impression on you and those around you. Now let's look at a few photos of what your training set might look like depending on the emphasis in your training.

Crossfit, barbell

Working with a barbell requires special attention to the integrity of the wrists. Therefore, during your first classes or with heavy weights, use a special elastic band for your wrist. In other cases, it is better to remove it, since the goal of the training is still to increase the antifragility of your muscles and joints. And not just lifting weights. Sneakers with a stable sole will help avoid many injuries when performing the standing press. And light, spacious shorts will help you feel more comfortable and avoid the comfort associated with heavy and bulky clothing.

Cycle track

Cycling training has one important advantage that only swimming can boast. It puts less stress on the spine than running and vertical exercises with weights, while it perfectly loads the quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles. This type of aerobic training is one of the best exercises for warming up or cooling down. Naturally, pay attention to shoes as the basis for traction. And also for a T-shirt, knee socks and shorts. They should not interfere with the movements of the legs, much less cling to any parts of the exercise bike or bicycle.


If you've run both on a bike path and on the ground, you probably know how big a difference it is. The feeling and grip are completely different. Of course training on fresh air better, but if the weather does not allow this, make your running exercise effective and interesting. Add to the fun with good music and quality headphones. Plus choose the most suitable T-shirt.


Although workout itself is an outdoor exercise, we often perform such exercises indoors. Depending on the weather, find compromise solutions in terms of warmth and comfort. Most often you will have to turn your body over on the parallel bars and the horizontal bar, so loose T-shirts and pants can interfere with this.


Conducting single workouts that focus only on stretching and recovery is a great way to balance your training process. Your body will be very grateful to you. A foam roller and lightweight sneakers will help you concentrate on slowly stretching your muscles and increasing the range of flexibility in your joints.


Depending on the emphasis you place on a specific training day, the selection of clothes, shoes and accessories is made based on the following criteria:

  1. Thermal properties - help maintain the required body temperature.
  2. Protective properties - help prevent injuries.
  3. Biometric properties - give you feedback on the results by time, heart rate, etc.

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