How to properly spend a fasting day on kefir in order to achieve maximum results in losing weight? Fasting day on kefir

After festive feasts, the human body needs unloading. Moreover, excesses cannot but affect the figure. Fasting days are a great way to cleanse the body and get rid of extra pounds. The only important thing is the choice of the main product of the daily diet. One of the most popular is a fasting day on kefir.

About the beneficial properties of kefir

This fermented milk product brings many health benefits. Low calorie content and affordable price are the undoubted advantages of kefir. It contains milk fat, proteins, milk sugar, minerals, vitamins, hormones and enzymes. This product contains 12 different vitamins. The most important of them are A, D1, D2, U2 and carotene.

Vitamin A (retinol) and carotene are needed by humans for good vision and normal development of the body.

Vitamins of group D (calciferols) help the body absorb phosphorus and calcium salts. Their deposits are necessary in bone tissue.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is an active participant in the processes, helps wound healing, and also provides color and light vision.

Mineral salts of calcium and phosphorus and vitamins of group D are necessary for the body to build the skeletal system of the body. They help make bones strong and durable.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is involved in the body's redox processes and hematopoiesis, supporting the immune system.

This amount of useful substances makes kefir an indispensable product for the human body.

About the medicinal properties of the drink

The results of medical studies have shown that kefir is a real medicine, a panacea in the treatment of acute and chronic gastritis (with normal or low acidity), hypertension, ischemia, dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency, prevention of diabetes, atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis and cancer.

Kefir is an integral component of most diets. It helps fight obesity and unpleasant diseases intestines.

The help of this fermented milk product is needed in treatment diabetes mellitus. This drink has a tonic and rejuvenating effect. It increases appetite and cleanses the body from long-term use of medications. It is recommended for women during pregnancy, menstruation and breastfeeding. Kefir will also help get rid of a hangover.

What is the benefit of fasting days?

Fasting days and fasting are completely different things. Complete refusal of food slows down metabolism, the body saves energy. It is impossible to lose excess weight by completely giving up food. And fasting days speed up metabolism, and weight quickly decreases. Besides excess liquid the swelling goes away. You can lose 1-2 kilograms of weight in just a day. But most of the loss is water. Fasting days on kefir are necessary for people who suffer from obesity, slow metabolism, and intestinal blockage. The body is cleansed of waste and toxins, the digestive system is cleansed. The size of the stomach decreases.

Fasting day on kefir: how to organize it correctly

Any diet requires proper organization. Otherwise it will be very difficult to follow them, and desired result will not be achieved. It is necessary to remember the following rules for fasting days on kefir:

During unloading, it is better to remove any physical activity. It's better to give your body a day of rest. If you are planning hard intellectual work (for example, an exam), then, as reviews indicate, it is better to postpone the fasting day on kefir. After all, due to monotonous food and feelings of hunger, concentration is reduced and thinking is inhibited.

When to do a fasting day

Unloading is easier if a person is busy that day. It is best to choose one of the busiest working days. The main thing on a fasting day is a distraction from obsessive thoughts about food. A wonderful distraction would be going to a massage or a bathhouse. It is also recommended to walk more.

How to choose kefir

This drink, first of all, must be selected based on the percentage of fat content. Best of all - up to 1%. A product that has an expiration date of more than 3 days is not worth buying. If the goal of unloading is cleansing and not weight loss, then you can use kefir up to 2% fat content. This fermented milk product or part of it can be replaced with yogurt or low-fat fermented baked milk.

What can you add to kefir?

The diet can be varied with porridge, vegetables and fruits. To get enough, they eat chicken or fish. But not all and not at the same time. But it is better to limit yourself to monotonous and simple food. The results of fasting days on kefir will be more noticeable if you add only 1 additional product containing fiber or having low calorie content.

Kefir monoday

You should only consume low-fat kefir and water all day. You need to drink 1.5 liters of the drink. Such fasting days for losing weight on kefir are the most effective. Really get rid of 2 kg. To diversify the use of the drink, you can add herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro), spices (ginger, cinnamon, pepper), and sugar substitutes. But adding salt is strictly prohibited. It will retain fluid in the body and prevent weight loss. You can add greens only in very small quantities to diversify the taste. And among the spices, you should prefer hot spices that speed up metabolism and promote weight loss. But do not forget that hot spices are harmful to the stomach.

Kefir and apples

A fasting day with kefir and apples is very tasty, effective and healthy. Apples are low in calories and high in vitamins. It is better to choose green apples that are not too sweet.

For fasting day on kefir and apples you need to use 1 liter of kefir and 1 kg of apples. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water. Form the ingredients into 5 servings.

If for any reason raw apples cause discomfort or fermentation, you can bake them in the oven. To brighten up their sour taste, honey is added to them (no more than half a teaspoon).

Kefir and cottage cheese

You need to eat up to 300 g of low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, and up to 800 ml of kefir. And as much water as possible. The daily intake of cottage cheese is divided into 6 parts, which are taken every 2 hours. You can add some fruit, bran, rosehip decoction, low-fat sour cream and a little honey.

The advantage of such a fasting day is that it is quite easy to tolerate. There is practically no feeling of hunger.

Kefir and cucumbers

Cucumber, which is 97% water, is ideal for eating with kefir. Such a fasting day will pass easily and without the feeling of hunger, and will also alleviate the condition of people suffering from rheumatism, arthrosis, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

During the day you need to drink 1 liter of kefir and eat 1 kg of cucumbers. These products can be consumed simultaneously, or alternated. It is not forbidden to add a small amount of greens to the diet.

An original soup is prepared from these products. You need to chop the vegetables and pour them with a mixture of mineral water and kefir. You can season the dish minimum quantity lemon juice.

Kefir and bran

Bran is the richest source of plant fiber. They will improve intestinal function, remove allergens, toxic substances, decay products, lower cholesterol and moderate appetite. Since grain shells quickly absorb water, you need to drink more (up to 2.5-3 liters per day). Bran, when combined with kefir, acquires a pronounced cleansing effect. This fasting day is one of the most effective. To cleanse the body, use pure oat, wheat or rye bran without any additives.

During the day you need to eat at least 30 g of bran and drink 1.5 liters of kefir. Of course, the bran must be poured with boiling water in advance and left to infuse. Afterwards, the product should be divided into 6 servings and added to kefir. Or you can divide the steamed bran into 2 or 3 servings and alternate the use of a fermented milk product with a cocktail with fiber. But it is important to remember: kefir with bran can cause formation in the intestines. large quantity gases, and discomfort will be felt in the stomach. If a person suffers from flatulence, then such a diet will not suit him.

Kefir and buckwheat

Buckwheat is a nourishing and healthy product. It will help cleanse the body of excess fluid, toxins, waste, as well as excess weight. Buckwheat also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair, and helps the body fight stress. This cereal, compared to others, is the leader in copper content. The calorie content of buckwheat is quite high, but due to the fact that the substances included in this cereal are completely absorbed by the body, buckwheat is considered the best dietary product that is suitable for both adults and children. And, which is very valuable, it gives you a feeling of satiety, but does not harm your figure.

A fasting day on buckwheat and kefir helps not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the intestines. There is no need to cook the porridge. It is better to leave the buckwheat to infuse the day before, pouring 400 ml of water and 1 cup of buckwheat. This will preserve the vitamins and minerals contained in buckwheat. The prepared porridge should be washed down with a glass of kefir. On a fasting day on buckwheat and kefir, reviews of which are extremely positive, you should not add salt or any spices to either the porridge or kefir. This will only add extra calories.

There will be no hunger on this day. A fasting day on buckwheat and kefir is considered filling and well tolerated.


According to reviews, fasting days on kefir are not suitable for everyone. In order not to harm your body, such unloading should not be carried out in cases of disease of the stomach or excretory system, with underweight and anorexia, during infectious diseases. colds, as well as children under 16 years of age.

It is also prohibited to change your usual diet, exposing the body to severe stress, during menstruation, as well as during stressful situations such as changing jobs or places of residence. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of any diets and changes in the usual diet should be carried out exclusively in consultation with a doctor.

Don't overdo it

You cannot provide additional cleansing to the body by resorting to diuretics or laxatives. Such forced stimulation will harm the body and, moreover, put extra stress on the kidneys. It is strictly not recommended to interfere with the cleansing process that occurs with the help of kefir and any additives to it.

Hello my dear readers!

Kefir is a healthy fermented milk product produced by fermentation. cow's milk using special microorganisms, the so-called “kefir grains”.

This drink can often be found as part of various diets.

Thanks to its positive properties, nutritionists advise spending a fasting day on kefir, which helps cleanse the intestines, stimulate digestion and get rid of extra pounds.

From this article you will learn:

Fasting day on kefir - how to spend it correctly?

Composition and benefits of kefir

This product has beneficial influence on the gastrointestinal tract with the help of probiotics included in it - beneficial bacteria that help normalize the state of intestinal microflora and activate the process of food absorption.

It also contains:

  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • organic acids;
  • a whole complex of vitamins, including A, C, H, PP;
  • valuable microelements (magnesium, calcium, potassium, iodine, iron, zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, fluorine, manganese, cobalt, chromium, chlorine, sodium, copper, molybdenum);
  • cholesterol (which can be not only harmful, but also beneficial).

What are the benefits of kefir?

Improving digestion is not the only benefit of kefir.

  1. The large amount of protein in the drink helps replenish protein reserves in the body. For this, just half a liter of kefir is enough.
  2. It can easily eliminate signs of chronic fatigue, strengthen nervous system and relieve insomnia.
  3. This product helps to quickly cleanse the intestines, improves the secretion of gastric juices and has a mild diuretic effect.
  4. It is able to strengthen the immune system, this is especially true in the autumn.
  5. Kefir perfectly quenches thirst.

Using kefir for weight loss

This drink is very often used for one-day diets.

Using this method, all unnecessary deposits that form in it during the daily consumption of fatty or high-calorie foods are removed from the intestines.

Accumulated waste and toxins are removed from the body, and liver functioning is significantly improved.

  • How many kilograms can you lose by doing a fasting day on kefir?

A fasting day on kefir can remove at least one kilogram.

Thanks to such unsurpassed effectiveness, they are very popular; reviews indicate that if unloading is carried out correctly, you can easily achieve excellent results without harming your health.

The body itself gradually rebuilds itself, leaning towards weight loss, without experiencing the slightest stress or inconvenience.

  • How many times should you unload on kefir?

To achieve excellent results, it is enough to perform kefir fasting once a week.

When it begins to show the first positive results, it is worth reducing the frequency to once every 15-20 days.

This will keep you in shape and keep you motivated to lose weight.

How to spend a kefir day correctly - the main nuances of the kefir diet

A fasting day on kefir has several requirements that are important to fulfill for greatest effectiveness.

  1. You are not allowed to eat or drink anything else throughout the day. Kefir should be the only product consumed.
  2. During the period when unloading is carried out, it is necessary to stop eating salt, and, if possible, replace sugar with a small amount of honey or eliminate it altogether.
  3. Be sure to drink at least one and a half to two liters of water per day, and try to reduce the calorie content of the foods you consume by two, or better yet, three times.

There are many diets in which kefir is a central element.

To understand which scheme is most suitable, you should try to enter the option you like for one day and evaluate your condition.

You should not spend fasting days too often. This type of diet abuse can seriously affect the digestive system.

Carrying out a complete unloading on kefir

  • What can you eat besides kefir?

This means a diet option in which only kefir is consumed during the day and nothing else.

  • How much kefir should I use?

The maximum amount of drink is not limited, but the most optimal volume is considered to be 2.5 liters.

  • How many times a month should you do a fasting day?

Thinking abouthow many days can you spendsuch unloading, do not forget that the body needs other vitamins and nutrients, and not just those contained in this product.

Therefore, you should not get carried away with a mono-diet; one day two to four times a month is enough.

  • Which kefir is better to take for a fasting day?

It is best to choose kefir that is as natural as possible, so that it contains live bacteria that promote digestion and enrich the intestinal microflora.

The highest quality is considered a fermented milk drink, which has a shelf life of no more than 14 days.

It is not difficult to prepare at home - just place a small piece of ordinary rye bread into milk and leave at room temperature for a day or two. The result is a naturally fermented product that does not contain preservatives.

Those who have high acidity or have stomach or intestinal diseases should approach such weight loss with caution.

How to spend a fasting day on kefir - video

Other options for fasting days on kefir

Not everyone finds it easy to fast, in which they need to eat a single drink all day.

But there is a way out - kefir can be mixed with other products and thus create a menu for a fasting day.

Such methods are also very effective, and there are quite a lot of them.

  • Fasting day on kefir and cottage cheese

It comes in two types.

The first of them involves adding fresh fruit to your diet for lunch and a spoon of honey for dinner.

In the second option, the menu can also be diversified with soothing tea.

  • Unloading on kefir and cucumbers

This option is very simple and does not have a clear menu. A kilogram of fresh cucumbers is added to the diet per day. Instead of fermented milk product during the day you can drink mineral water, and kefir - only before bedtime.

  • Fasting day on buckwheat and kefir

This unloading involves adding this cereal, steamed in the evening, to the menu. To do this, take ½ cup of buckwheat and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave it overnight in a warm place, and in the morning divide the resulting porridge into five meals.

  • Fasting day on kefir and apples

It is carried out in almost the same way as the option with cucumbers. You need to take one and a half kilograms of these fruits and consume them alternately with fermented milk products, with a break of at least an hour. One and a half liters of water is also added.

  • Fasting day on kefir and bran

A very popular dieton kefir and bran.In the evening you need to do a little preparation.

To do this, eat 30-40 grams of bran, drink liquid, and steam another 70 grams.

During the day, consume the resulting pulp, dividing it into three doses.

  • Unloading on rice and kefir

There is an unloading option on and kefir.

For this, it is advisable to use the basmati variety, it is the most useful. In just a day you can consume 200 grams of rice and 1.5 liters of kefir.

  • Unloading on beets and kefir

Diet on kefir can last up to three days.

The daily menu consists of one and a half liters of fermented milk drink, a kilogram of boiled vegetables and two liters of mineral water.

On the fourth day, the result is very noticeable, from 3 to 5 extra pounds are lost.

Contraindications to carrying out a kefir fasting day

Due to the fact that kefir contains ethyl alcohol formed during the fermentation process, this product should be excluded from the dietduring pregnancy- he can inflict harm health of both women and children.

It is not advisable to simultaneously eat foods containing various types milk protein, such as kefir and cheese. This combination can easily cause indigestion.

Also, you should not eat a product that has expired, as this is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is better not to buy it for future use and store it in the refrigerator for a long time.

You can seriously undermine your health by eating exclusively kefir for a long time.

Some girls abuse such diets in order to get rid of extra pounds, but such excessive zeal can greatly harm the body due to lack of nutrients: vitamins, microelements, fiber.

The immune system suffers greatly.

Therefore, such fasting, like any diet, should be followed with caution.

Well, that’s probably all I wanted to tell you about unloading on kefir.

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Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

After holidays and hearty feasts, no one is immune from gaining extra pounds. It would seem that 2-3 kg is a big deal, but because of them, the skirt can no longer be fastened, and the tummy sticks out unattractively in a tight dress.

There are different ways getting rid of such unwanted surprises. But no one wants to sweat for the sake of such 3 hours in the gym; diets are too strict. But you can arrange an easy and healthy fasting day with kefir - it will help you lose weight and cleanse your body of everything unnecessary.

Mechanism of weight loss

As part of the fasting day, the components actively participate in the process of cleansing the body - bifidobacteria, calcium and protein. Thanks to them:

  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, high-quality digestion of food is ensured without its deposition in reserve;
  • cleaning from waste, toxins, free radicals, nitrates, and excess liquid is carried out;
  • prolonged saturation and rapid satisfaction of hunger occurs;
  • stimulates the production of hormones that trigger the fat burning process;
  • the daily caloric intake is reduced to a minimum;
  • additional dietary products speed up the weight loss process by improving blood circulation and activating metabolism.

This is a great option for cleansing and losing weight. If you wish and use the right approach, you can lose up to 1.5 kg.

Just a note. During the fasting day, you need to drink a drink from the same manufacturer, with the same percentage of fat content. When choosing kefir for weight loss, don’t be lazy to look at the ingredients. It should contain milk, bifidobacteria and fungus for sourdough. There shouldn't be anything more!

Possible harm

Before purchasing such a useful product, keep in mind that fasting days are also stress for the body, and no less than with a full-fledged diet. The load on many organs increases several times. And if initially your health is not all right, they may not be able to cope with it. Result - side effects which can lead to serious complications. So find out in advance the contraindications for this method of losing weight.


  • allergy to milk protein;
  • anorexia;
  • pregnancy;
  • regular bloating;
  • gastritis;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation;
  • constant flatulence;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • ulcer.

Add to this list contraindications to those products that you additionally plan to include in your fasting day diet, in addition to the main drink.

Side effects:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • heartburn;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • sweating;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • frequent urination.

If the side effects are mild, try to drown them out with a pleasant pastime: take a walk, watch a TV series, listen to music, do some cleaning. But if symptoms interfere with your usual lifestyle, it is recommended to interrupt weight loss in this way.

Pros and cons

In kefir fasting days there are both scientifically and practically proven benefits for the body, and some harm (in the form of the same side effects). Therefore, first study the reviews about them and weigh the pros and cons.


  • efficiency;
  • budget;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • easily tolerated (by most people losing weight);
  • side effects are rare;
  • an ideal start to any diet;
  • high-quality cleansing of the intestines and the whole body.


  • monotonous diet;
  • weight loss is temporary;
  • depressed mood;
  • laxative and diuretic effect;
  • It is not fat reserves that go away, but excess fluid and other harmful substances, since the fat burning process is too long in time and does not fit into the framework of one day.

It is believed that kefir is very satiating and very nutritious. But don’t flatter yourself: prepare yourself for the fact that you can’t hide from hunger anywhere - you’ll have to be patient.

You need to know this! When arranging a fasting day, remember that this fermented milk product contains alcohol in small quantities (about 0.6%). And although this is a negligibly small dose, the breathalyzer can detect it.


To diversify the meager diet of the fasting day, supplement the main drink with other low-calorie and dietary products. There may be options huge amount.

  • With apples

The most popular are fasting days with kefir and apples (47 kcal - in green varieties), since both products do not require special preparation, are cheap, always available, healthy for the body, low-calorie, tasty and combine with each other.

Option 1. Five meals a day. At each meal, drink 1 glass of the main drink and eat 1.

Option 2. There is no hourly meal plan. You just need to drink 1 liter of kefir throughout the day, and eat apples every time you feel hungry.

Option 3. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, prepare a nutritious cocktail: mix a glass of the main drink and half an apple in a blender. And drink for lunch and afternoon tea.

Option 4. In the morning, cut 1.5 kg of apples into small slices, pour them with a liter of kefir. This amount should be eaten during the day, as desired.

Any kefir-apple fasting day also allows you to include a little cinnamon in your diet, which has fat-burning properties. You can sprinkle it on sliced ​​apples or add it to cocktails. Judging by the reviews, weight loss results can amount to 1 kg.

  • With buckwheat

No less popular are fasting days on kefir and buckwheat (330 kcal raw and 110 kcal boiled). This cereal is very satisfying and cleanses the body well. In combination with this drink, it will relieve the intestines and liver from maximum quantity harmful substances. The main thing is to endure it, because this is one of the most tasteless and difficult to endure hunger strikes.

Buckwheat needs to be prepared in the evening. A glass of cereal is poured with 2 glasses of boiling water, covered with a lid, and wrapped in a towel. In this form, the dish remains until the morning. There should be no salt or other spices. The resulting volume is divided into equal portions (5-6) in the morning and eaten throughout the day (more recipes in the article on).

In between such meals, drink the main drink (a glass). As an option, drink buckwheat with it in order to somehow smooth out its bland taste.

Many people are interested in how much they can lose using such a strict method - the results can be very good: up to 1.5 kg.

  • With cottage cheese

Fasting on kefir and cottage cheese (71 kcal) is perfect for those who are used to playing sports. These two dairy products take care of maintaining the muscle relief of our body. During the fat burning process, they prevent the body from taking energy from muscle tissue and breaking it down.

Option 1. Five meals a day. At each meal, drink 1 glass of the main drink and eat 50 grams of cottage cheese. To improve taste qualities they can be mixed together.

Option 2. There is no hourly meal schedule. During the fasting day, you need to drink 800 ml of the main drink and eat 300 grams of cottage cheese in small portions.

Option 3. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, drink a cocktail: mix a glass of kefir and 50 grams of cottage cheese in a blender. For lunch and afternoon tea - a glass of the main drink.

It is allowed to add greens, pieces of low-calorie fruits, berries, nuts and no more than 1 teaspoon of honey per serving to cottage cheese and cocktails. As a result, you can lose up to 1 kg.

  • With cucumbers

You need to be careful when losing weight on kefir and cucumbers (15 kcal), since in combination these two products can have a powerful laxative and diuretic effect. Therefore, if there are problems with digestion or the functioning of the excretory systems, it is better to abandon this method of cleansing the body. Side effects such as bloating, diarrhea and flatulence can be minimized only by dividing the consumption of these products over time.

For example: for breakfast, lunch and dinner (the daily intake is not limited, since this vegetable is very low in calories). And between meals, as soon as hunger speaks, you can drink a glass of the main drink.

Another option is to prepare kefir-cucumber fat-burning cocktails with the addition of greens. Drink no more than 3 glasses a day. The rest of the time, satisfy your hunger with the same products, but already in pure form and separately.

The loss will be no more than 1 kg, but this will be excess fluid, not fat reserves.

  • With bananas

Very delicious weight loss- on kefir and bananas (96 kcal). Due to the fact that this fruit contains quite a lot of sugar and is not low-calorie, you will not be able to lose much weight. However, it lifts the mood and gives a charge of vivacity - this is exactly what many people really miss during a fasting day.

The patterns of food consumption are the same as for apples (see above). The most preferred option is cocktails. True, the results will be more modest: only 300-700 grams.

  • With bran

Fasting days are incredibly effective (180 kcal in wheat, 221 in rye, 250 in flax, 320 in oat). Both products are very beneficial for digestion and are actively used in detox programs for weight loss. Do not be afraid of the high calorie content of bran, as these figures are indicated per 100 grams of product.

Option 1. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat 2 tbsp. spoons of bran, washed down with a glass of the main drink.

Option 2. During the day, drink 1.5 liters of kefir and eat 100 grams of bran in small portions (handfuls during hunger attacks).

At the same time, take into account the powerful laxative properties of these products in a single tandem.

  • With vegetables

Fasting days on kefir and vegetables, which must be low-calorie, are very popular. For this, cucumbers (15 kcal), (12 in Brussels sprouts, 18 in cauliflower, 23 in white cabbage), tomatoes (20), (42), radishes (16), eggplants (24), (33), zucchini (18) are usually used ), sweet pepper(18), pumpkin (20).

Option 1. Choose one of the above vegetables, distribute 1 kg throughout the day and eat given volume in small portions. During breaks, drink 1.5 liters of the main drink.

Option 2. You combine different vegetables in salads, seasoning them with herbs, but again you eat no more than 1 kg per day. Kefir - according to the previous scheme.

Option 3. Instead of main meals, drink kefir-vegetable cocktails for weight loss.

Losses can range from 0.5 to 1 kg.

  • With fruit

Exactly the same results and weight loss schemes are used on fasting days on kefir and fruit. These can be grapefruit (35 kcal), peach (45), plums (42), oranges (43), pears (42), apples (47 in green), pineapples (52), kiwi (47). Almost all of them have fat burning properties.

For example, a day with kiwi (47 kcal) can be structured according to the following scheme: for breakfast, lunch and dinner - 2 fruits each, and between them - the main drink in unlimited quantities.

  • With prunes

If you urgently need to lose 1.5 kg, fast on kefir and prunes (231 kcal), but you will have to sit on the toilet most of the time. Powerful laxative effect will prevent you from enjoying delicious menu, but the losses will be very noticeable.

Option 1. Five times a day, eat a small handful of prunes and wash it down with a glass of the main drink.

Option 2. For breakfast and dinner - 100 grams of prunes, for lunch - 2 glasses of kefir, for lunch, afternoon snack and before bed - 1 glass.

Option 3. A cocktail is drunk three times a day, which can be prepared according to the following recipe. Beat 50 grams of prunes and 200 ml of kefir in a blender.

  • With oatmeal

You can lose 1 kg per day on kefir and oatmeal (88 kcal). But for this you will need whole grain cereals, and not soft, easily boiled flakes from which you are used to preparing express porridge in the morning.

1 glass is filled with 2 glasses of water. After boiling, cook for 7 minutes with constant stirring. The result should be jelly. Divide this volume into 5-6 servings, eat during the day and drink 1.5 liters of the main drink. The porridge can be seasoned with berries, pieces of fruit, and a small amount of honey.

Another option is to combine these products into a cocktail.

  • With eggs

Protein fasting on kefir and eggs (70 kcal in 1 boiled egg) is ideal for losing weight for athletes without harming their muscles muscle mass. For ordinary people, this is just one of the many ways to effectively and efficiently cleanse the body. After all, these two products are easily digestible, low in calories and saturate with all the necessary nutrients.

Half an hour before breakfast, for lunch, afternoon snack and before bed - a glass of the main drink. For breakfast - 1 poached egg. For lunch - 2 hard-boiled eggs. For dinner - a soft-boiled egg.

  • With potatoes

For those who have difficulty withstanding the feeling of hunger, we can recommend a fasting day on kefir and potatoes (82 kcal when boiled). Long-term saturation is guaranteed. However, remember that due to the fairly high calorie content and great content If you don't have starch in your favorite vegetable, you won't be able to lose much weight. The maximum result is 0.5 kg. During the day you can eat no more than 500 grams of boiled potatoes (greens are allowed). The main drink is in unlimited quantities.

  • With fiber

In order not to feel hungry and at the same time still lose weight, arrange fasting days with fiber (40 kcal). This is dietary fiber that is found in many fruits, vegetables and grains. But you can also buy it as a separate product.

The powder is diluted with water and eaten in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons for 1 meal - and after that you don’t want to eat anything anymore. The effect of this unique substance is exactly the same as that of bran. And in the same way, in close tandem with kefir, they have a laxative effect, which you need to be prepared for. But the losses will be up to 1.5 kg.

  • With chicken

Men cannot imagine their diet without meat, so protein fasting days with kefir and chicken (137 kcal in boiled breast) are suitable for them. Nutritious, tasty, without acute attacks of hunger, muscle fibers are not broken down. During the day you need to eat 500 grams in small portions chicken breast, boiled without salt and spices. The volume of the drink is not limited.

Did you know that... If the shelf life of kefir is generally only a week (or even less) from the date of its production, then this indicates that live bacteria were used in its production. This means that this particular drink will be especially beneficial for your body.

It is not enough to correctly select the main products for a fasting day - you also need to carry it out correctly. To do this, learn some rules.


  1. Additional products should be low-calorie and dietary. For example, watermelon and apples are the most suitable fruits for this, but sweet bananas and grapes are of dubious benefit for weight loss.
  2. You cannot replace the main drink with yogurt, sour cream or any other dairy products.
  3. It is better to take kefir either low-fat or 1-1.5%.
  4. It should be fresh and natural, without any additives.
  5. Lighten your diet the day before: reduce the size of portions, remove lunch and afternoon snack, drink 2-3 glasses more water than usual. This will help prepare the body for upcoming stress.
  6. Make a menu in advance, let it include only 2 products. Determine your diet by the hour, the volume of portions and calculate their calorie content. The daily norm should not exceed 1,200 kcal - this is the maximum level.

Fasting day protocol

  1. The ideal option for a one-day fast is if it falls on a weekend or vacation to minimize stress. Worrying about the growing feeling of hunger at work is a bad help.
  2. Reduce mental and physical stress to a minimum. This is not the best time for sports or intense training. But this does not mean that you need to lie on the couch all day. Cleaning the house and taking a walk will be the right solution to the problem.
  3. Recommended volume: on a fasting day you can drink an unlimited amount of kefir. The minimum level is a liter (5 glasses of 200 ml for 5 meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack, dinner).
  4. Kefir should be at room temperature or even warm. This revitalizes beneficial bacteria.
  5. Do not add anything sweet to drinks: no sugar, no sweetener, no jam. The only exception (in the most extreme cases, when the very idea of ​​a fasting day is on the verge of failure) is honey, and even then in minimal quantities.
  6. You need to end the day with a glass of kefir half an hour before going to bed. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, it will relax the nervous system and help you fall asleep even on an empty stomach. Secondly, the drink contains a lot of calcium, which is involved in the fat burning process. And it is most easily absorbed by the body at a later time.
  7. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water.
  8. If at some point you feel that you can no longer endure hunger, eat a handful of nuts at a time.


  1. This is not a diet, but, nevertheless, the exit from the fasting day should be as soft and smooth as possible.
  2. The next day, eliminate fatty, fried foods, fast foods and soda from your diet; reduce the size of portions; eat more fruits and vegetables; drink plenty of water.
  3. Frequency: no more than 3 times a month (for example, every 1st, 10th and 20th).

These are the rules of a fasting day, which ultimately increase the effectiveness of losing weight. The more accurately you perform them, the more happy you will be with the numbers on the scales the next morning.

Through the pages of history. The famous biologist Ilya Mechnikov back in late XIX century opened beneficial properties kefir for the human body and recommended using it in medicine to treat various diseases.


To make it easier to create a menu for fasting days, we bring to your attention several typical schemes, following the example of which you can play with different options.

Classic (hard) scheme:

Scheme of a fat-burning fasting day with kefir cocktails:

Lightweight scheme:

To make your day on kefir as effective as possible, you need to not only study all this information, but use it successfully and competently. Prepare yourself in advance for significant dietary restrictions and a feeling of hunger that cannot be avoided, but which can be suppressed. This will allow you not to break down and successfully finish the job you started.

You can't forbid being beautiful. AND modern women Having firmly grasped this rule, day after day they continue to fight for the right to be attractive. They go to the hairdresser, to the cosmetologist, buy stunning dresses in newfangled boutiques - and all for the sake of one morning satisfied smile in response to their reflection in the mirror.

The battle goes on and on. And the proof of victory in it is: compliments from a man, an invitation to a date and an empty flower stall.

Here is the long-awaited trophy! We are not talking about a colorful bouquet that will decorate even the largest and most expensive vase... No. We are talking about a man about whom she can say: “mine.” This is the epilogue and the result of a top-secret mission with the code “Going to the registry office.” At the end of this battle, a lot changes.

Some girls unforgivably relax after this, thinking that they have won this battle. But they do not take into account the fact that the playing field is still filled with excellent players who are ready to play to the end and often even without rules.

But in this field of players you need to look not at your husband or others, but first of all you need to look at yourself:

  • Is my haircut neat?
  • What am I wearing at home?
  • Didn't I gain a couple of kilos over the weekend?

AND last question the most difficult, since replacing a dress or running to the hairdresser is not difficult and does not take long, but the excess weight will haunt you for a long time, peeking out from the folds on the sides with silent reproach.

What to do? Starve? Of course not! Spend a fasting day on kefir or low-fat yogurt and your kilos will evaporate completely within 24 hours. Checked!

The bravest ones can choose for fast weight loss strict fasting day on kefir. Those for whom hunger is torture will choose kefir mixed in various variations with other products that can spur your body to lose extra pounds. Interested? Then more details.

Fasting day on kefir: secrets and subtleties

Why is kefir so effective for weight loss? Let's start with this:

  • it is a natural product that does not harm the body;
  • kefir improves the functioning of housing and communal services. Therefore, food is better digested and, accordingly, complexion improves;
  • Kefir satisfies hunger quite well without adding grams and kilograms. Kefir is a very low-calorie product;

It is for all these qualities that nutritionists include kefir in their weight loss program!

Now let's talk directly about the fasting day with kefir and all its options.

Which kefir is best?

An important caveat: the maximum benefit will come from a fasting day on natural kefir. What is natural kefir - it is a fermented milk product made from natural milk with live bacteria. You can prepare it at home by adding a piece of rye bread to fresh milk and leaving it for 1-2 days. How is this kefir better than store-bought kefir? When packaging kefir in containers, preservatives are added to it, which kill these beneficial bacteria.

I'm full unloading on kefir

If you are able to live all day on kefir alone, then you can use the so-called “total unloading” method. The essence of this weight loss method is very simple: drink kefir. And the amount of kefir you drink per day is absolutely not regulated by anything. That is, you can drink as much kefir as you can drink. The optimal maximum amount for such a fasting day is 2.5 liters. The main thing is not to eat or drink anything other than kefir. Such fasting days can be done up to 4 times a month. The contraindications are: kefir diet practically none. The only limitation is that women who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with high stomach acidity, should be careful.

Fasting kefir-berry day

This option is ideal for unloading those who want to lose extra pounds in summer days. Because at this time of year, nature pampers us with fresh fruits, which not only lift our spirits, but also add additional “points” to our wellness program.

How does a kefir-berry fasting day go?

For breakfast you need to drink a glass of kefir and eat any fruit in any quantity. For lunch, again a glass of kefir. But this time, of all the fruits, you can only choose apples. For dinner, treat yourself to a full fruit salad. But remember that fruit salad should be without syrup, cream, sugar and even honey. In addition to kefir, you need to drink up to. For dinner you will have to spend money on some more apples. As a result, in one day you can lose 1-1.5 kg.

Fasting day on kefir and oatmeal

This weight loss method is not only effective, but also features a relatively varied diet. You can spend such a day both in summer and winter.

  • breakfast: ½ cup of oatmeal, soaked the night before and steamed with boiling water (not boiled) + 1 cup of kefir;
  • lunch: 2 apples and 1 glass of kefir;
  • afternoon snack: 1 glass of kefir;
  • dinner: 2 crackers and non-sweet tea with lemon;
  • before bed: 1 glass of kefir.

Juice-kefir fasting day

This is an excellent opportunity not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for people suffering from urolithiasis. Its principle is simple. You can’t eat anything all day, you can only drink: kefir and juice. Optimal drink: 1 liter of juice and ½ liter of kefir. Drinks should be alternated: a glass of juice – a glass of kefir. By the way, we strongly advise you not to buy ready-made packaged juice, but to make it from purchased vegetables and fruits. By this day you will need fresh fruit and a juicer!

Watermelon-kefir fasting day

Again, this is of course a summer option for losing excess weight. Hot summer days leave us with minimal clothing, and therefore extra folds become especially noticeable under thin skirts or short shorts. Extra pounds It’s easier to disguise yourself under a thick sweater rather than under a guipure blouse, isn’t it?

And this season, a ripe watermelon will become our assistant! We only advise you to approach the choice of aryuboz carefully, because this is all you will eat for 24 hours. Therefore, it is important that it is ripe and sweet.

  • breakfast: 1/3 watermelon + 1 glass of kefir
  • second breakfast: only kefir
  • lunch: sweet and ripe watermelon + kefir
  • afternoon snack: only kefir
  • dinner: you can finish the whole watermelon and wash it down with kefir

Although there is another option: mix watermelon pulp and kefir in a blender and drink such wonderful yogurt throughout the day!!!

And before going to bed, take a secret remedy for losing weight: . It will rid you of toxins and boost your metabolism. It is only important to take the right concentration. Or better yet, use it, which is much more effective than regular sea water for weight loss.

Fish day on kefir

There are rare exceptions to the rule when a fasting day is a fully nutritious day. Fish day on kefir - bright that confirmation. So, if you want to lose weight while enjoying delicious food, this option is for you. You will need: 1 kilogram of lean fish, 1 liter of kefir, ½ kilogram of tomatoes and cucumbers.

  • breakfast: a piece of boiled fish + herbal tea;
  • second breakfast: a glass of kefir;
  • lunch: a piece of boiled fish + a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes (without oil and salt) + a glass of kefir;
  • afternoon snack: a glass of kefir;
  • dinner: boiled fish + 1 tomato + kefir;
  • before bed - 1 more glass of kefir.

This fasting day on kefir is very flexible. You can change its menu a little, add something or remove something. The main thing is moderation and kefir. It is this fermented drink that holds the secret to weight loss.

Fasting day on cucumbers and kefir

For this diet option, you will need not only kefir, but also 1 kilogram of fresh cucumbers. There are no strict rules for this day. You can even chop up cucumber salad and toss it with herbed olive oil. The main thing is not to overeat and drink kefir often. If you are very tired of kefir or you have been “sitting” on kefir for more than one day, you can replace it mineral water or herbal tea. But before you go to bed, regardless of whether you like kefir or not, you need to drink 1 glass of kefir.

Curd and kefir day

Curd and kefir fasting day can be of two types. Which one is better is up to you.

We offer you a description of the 1st and 2nd options with detailed menu during the day.

Option 1

  • breakfast: 3 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese + 1 glass of kefir;
  • second breakfast: 1 glass of kefir;
  • lunch: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with fresh fruit + kefir;
  • afternoon snack: 1 glass of kefir;
  • dinner: 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese, seasoned with 1 teaspoon of honey + 1 glass of kefir;
  • before bed: kefir.

Option 2

  • breakfast: rosehip decoction + 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese (with 1 teaspoon of honey) + 1 glass of kefir;
  • second breakfast: 1 glass of kefir;
  • lunch: 100 g of cottage cheese with fresh fruit + rosehip decoction + 1 glass of kefir;
  • afternoon snack: 1 glass of kefir;
  • dinner: 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese with honey + 1 glass of kefir + decoction of soothing herbs.

As we can see, these two versions of curd-kefir unloading are very similar. So you can make your third option by combining positions from the two suggested.

Fasting day on kefir with potatoes

Are you surprised to see potatoes in unloading products? However, this is exactly what nutritionists recommend. Of course, you cannot lose 2-3 kg per day on such a diet, but 700-800 grams is easy.

  • breakfast: 2 boiled potatoes + 1 glass of kefir;
  • second breakfast: rosehip tea with 1 piece of toast;
  • lunch: again 2 boiled potatoes + 1 glass of kefir;
  • afternoon snack: 1 glass of kefir;
  • dinner: 2 remaining boiled potatoes + a cup of unsweetened tea;
  • before bed: 1 glass of kefir.

With any version of the “kefir fasting day”, you must follow some rules (if you want to achieve results):

  1. eat no more than 1200 calories all day;
  2. make sure that the amount of kefir in the menu is always greater than the other ingredients;
  3. choose only low-fat kefir;
  4. repeat the fasting day at least one more time in a month to consolidate the results.

I would like to summarize all of the above.

The method and how you are going to lose weight do not have of great importance. The main thing in this case is desire. This is what brings 60% of success.

Experience or battle of 2 diets

And in conclusion: the battle of diets - the experience of carrying out 2 types of diets: buckwheat and kefir. Take a look and you will hear about the girls’ experiences and find out which diet is better (kefir fasting day or buckwheat fasting day). Despite the fact that a small part of the video is in Ukrainian, you will see the result, and the contestants themselves speak Russian.

For every person, regardless of whether he wants to lose weight or not, fasting days are necessary. Nutritionists recommend including a fasting day on kefir in your weekly diet to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body, cleanse the intestines, and set the body up for self-cleansing. This cleansing will help you get rid of excess fat, because A good metabolism helps normalize the functioning of the body, including weight control.

Features and rules for carrying out fasting days on kefir

To set the body up for self-cleansing, you need to do unloading for 1 day once a week. Over time, the frequency of unloading is reduced to 1 time per month. This is enough to normalize the body's functioning. During such days, kefir can be combined with other products, for example, cereals, vegetables or fruits, juices, cottage cheese, honey and even chocolate. Besides:

  • You can't eat salt or sugar.
  • Sugar is replaced with honey.
  • You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • The calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 400-600 kcal.

Health benefits and harms

Kefir unloading is a useful method of cleansing the body, which helps normalize its functioning. However, it is not recommended to use more than once a week, and subsequently once a month, because such self-restraint can no longer contribute to improvement, but to deterioration of metabolism. If you use it wisely, then it is possible to achieve the following positive aspects:

  • Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract (kefir is better for fasting than milk due to its composition of bacteria).
  • Improved liver function.
  • Improvement of blood composition and its functions.
  • Removing toxins.
  • Weight loss.
  • Improved well-being.
  • Rest for the whole body.
  • Increased activity.
  • Improved brain function.

Variations of kefir fasting days

It is advisable to include exclusively kefir in the fasting day diet, but it is not necessary. A person can try different kefir-based diets and choose the one that will be most acceptable to him. There are many mixed diets. Here are 7 types of diets that are allowed to be used during fasting: pure kefir, apple, buckwheat, with bran, cottage cheese, with vegetables or fruits, cucumber. Elena Malysheva will tell you more about fasting days in this video:

Clean option

Pure kefir unloading consists exclusively of kefir. You cannot eat other foods even in small quantities, but you can use different kefir, for example with fruit filling, bio-kefir or low-fat. During the day you are allowed to take any of them or all at once. You also need to drink a lot of water (2 l/day). To ensure that such a diet does not cause harm to the body, it must be prepared: enter and exit the diet smoothly. So for dinner before the fasting day and for breakfast, you are allowed to eat only light food and not overeat.

On buckwheat porridge

A fasting diet based on kefir with buckwheat consists of 1 cup of buckwheat and 1.5 liters of kefir. Buckwheat should be consumed steamed (in the evening before the fasting day, pour 1 glass of boiling water, wrap it up, place it in a warm place), do not add salt. Such buckwheat can be poured with kefir or eaten with it. Flavoring with herbs is allowed. You need to eat it all in one day daily norm kefir and buckwheat. This is a good option for those who find it difficult to limit themselves large volumes food, or energy nutrition is needed. Another diet option is kefir with rice.

Apple fasting day

To unload in this way you will need 1.5 kg of apples, 1 liter of kefir and 1.5 liters of water. Apples and kefir are consumed alternately, with an interval of at least 1 hour. Also, do not forget to drink water. Such a diet will not only cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, but also remove toxins accumulated in the body - this is its peculiarity. It has a beneficial effect on many processes in the body, enriches it with vitamins, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs and overall well-being.


For such unloading you will need cottage cheese (400 g), kefir (1 l), as well as honey and berries (if desired). This is one of the few ways that allows you to enrich your fasting diet with honey and fruits. During the day you need to drink kefir 5-6 times and eat cottage cheese in small portions. They can be mixed, eaten separately or combined in one meal. You can flavor cottage cheese with honey and any berries, kefir is also your choice. Good option for those who find it difficult to limit themselves to a variety of foods.

Combined with fruits and vegetables

A one-day diet with fruits and vegetables on kefir involves consuming a comfortable amount of these products, but you should not overeat. Vegetables, fruits, nuts are allowed to be eaten in different types– in salads, whole, in the form of yogurt (crushed in a blender into a paste, filled with kefir). It is prohibited to heat products, as well as salt and sugar them. You should definitely drink 1 glass of kefir before bed.

To cleanse the body and lose weight with bran

Unloading consists of taking only bran (2 tablespoons 3 times a day) and kefir (1.5 l). The bran is soaked or washed down with water (1 glass). Kefir is drunk in between or while taking bran. Bran contains fiber, a huge amount of useful substances, and promotes intensive cleansing of the body, gastrointestinal tract from waste, toxins, accumulated feces (it is better to plan for the weekend). On the eve of such a day, you need to eat 3 tbsp. spoons of bran, washed down with 2-3 tbsp. water (for 1–2 hours) to prepare the body for a change in diet. Bran can be replaced with oatmeal.

Menu and recipes for kefir-cucumber fasting day

Your daily diet during such an unloading will consist of cucumbers (1 kg), kefir (0.5 l), herbs, a small amount of cheese (if desired):

  1. Breakfast – salad with cucumbers (200 g), greens, no salt. After 20 minutes, drink 1 glass of kefir.
  2. Second breakfast – 200 g of cucumbers without kefir.
  3. Lunch – salad of cucumbers (200 g), greens, cheese soaked in water. Drink water after 20 minutes.
  4. Afternoon snack – 200 g cucumbers.
  5. Dinner – salad with cucumbers, herbs in vegetable or olive oil.
  6. Second dinner (before bedtime) – 1 glass of kefir.


A kefir fasting day will only benefit a healthy person, but if there are some health problems, such a diet can be harmful. People at risk are:

  • With intolerance to milk and fermented milk products.
  • With gastrointestinal problems (mucosal disorders, diarrhea, gastritis, perforations, cracks).
  • With general weakening of the body (due to illness, lack of nutrition).
  • During pregnancy, lactation (unloading is permitted only with the permission of a doctor).
  • If necessary, take medications that cannot be combined with dairy products.