How to get rid of gag reflex during dental treatment. Why does this unpleasant reflex occur? What diseases can cause the gag reflex to appear?

But first, you still need to list the main reasons why this very reflex occurs. They are usually divided into two types - physiological and psychological. The first most often include:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose, any damage to the septum or inflammation of the sinuses;
  • toxicosis that occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • response to touching certain areas in the mouth;
  • diseases of the intestines or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe intoxication of the body.

Transfer psychological problems, causing the urge to vomit, mainly comes down to stress, severe tension, and fear of the dentist’s manipulations.

This review was conducted to update dental professionals and technicians' knowledge of general acupuncture and dental disorders that can be treated with this therapy and to achieve in-depth content related to acupuncture therapy. Conduct various search methods for electronic information, books, dissertations and scientific articles. The results showed that natural medicine, although it dates back thousands of years, can be applied to different oral disorders, keeping in mind the knowledge of different meridians where energy circulates through different acupuncture points.

Methods for getting rid of the gag reflex that work

So, to get rid of the gag reflex, you can try using medicines. The most effective of them is Omeprazole, which almost instantly reduces acidity and saves not only from sudden vomiting and nausea, but also from heartburn, which is a precursor to these conditions. You can also take an Ibuprofen tablet.

Key words: acupuncture, electroacupuncture, dental disorders. This review work was carried out with the aim of updating dental professionals and technicians taking into account common features acupuncture and dental conditions that can be treated with this therapy, for this it is necessary to increase knowledge about acupuncture therapy. Although this is a very old problem, it is still effective as it is a natural, economical and beneficial therapy for the patients. The history of acupuncture dates back five thousand years.

In addition, we suggest using a whole collection of methods to overcome the urge to vomit immediately after they appear:

  • rinsing your mouth with a salt solution (1 tsp per glass). Can you use baking soda? Yes, but remember that it dries out the mucous membranes and can create discomfort;
  • use dental sprays or gels that completely numb the mouth;
  • If you need to instantly stop the urge to vomit, clench your fingers tightly into a fist. The technique has been tested many times and helps very well;
  • If the appearance of the reflex surprisingly coincides with brushing your teeth, consult a doctor. Most likely, the reason for this phenomenon lies in an allergic reaction to some ingredients of the paste;
  • need to visit a dentist? Then try not to eat anything three hours before your appointment. It is also advisable to take some antiemetic drugs, which will definitely help the body cope with the urge even during an examination of the oral cavity;
  • Rinse your nose regularly. For this purpose, you can use either the saline solution already mentioned, or sea ​​water, or any special drops that are sold in pharmacies. The ability to breathe normally through the nose is best way protection from the annoying reflex.

If the urge to vomit occurs for psychological reasons, it makes sense to engage in a variety of breathing exercises, yoga, any other techniques that help you learn to relax and control yourself in any situation.

These methods were created and developed eastern peoples over several centuries, there are references to Stone Age and the original use of sharp stones, thorns and other tools to relieve pain and illness. The diagnostic methods of traditional Asian medicine are observation, auscultation, questioning, palpation and pulses.

They further note that with the continuous development of production, stones were replaced by bone or bamboo needles and, in the Shang Dynasty, bronze needles were made; the use of metal was very significant in the development of acupuncture treatment. 1. In our era, the first extensive treatise on medicine devotes part of the physiology and pathology of the canals and internal organs, acupuncture points and discusses indications and contraindications for acupuncture and moxibustion.

Some patients are bothered by the gag reflex during dental treatment - this is an unpleasant phenomenon, so the person begins to think in advance what to do. dental office to reduce the intensity of an attack of nausea.

Thinking about the upcoming treatment for many days makes you feel anxious and sometimes causes severe stress, which can further increase the symptoms of nausea. A visit to a competent specialist who knows how to relieve symptoms will create the necessary mood and help you withstand dental treatment.

Chinese medicine was banned by the Kuomintang government during the Republic, and the development of acupuncture suffered greatly. The symbol that sums up this whole theory is the Tao. This sign represents in its circle a unit that constitutes two opposing forces, but performs eternally flowing towards each other.

The line that defines it is not straight, indicating that it is in constant movement when it reaches its energy maximum. One exists because the other exists, and it is impossible to separate it without denying the other, flowing forever and everywhere, regulating all things with its movement. We cannot separate man from nature; he must live in harmony with nature.

What is the gag reflex?

An attack of vomiting is expressed in the uncontrolled release of gastric contents. Smooth muscles of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine take part in the process. This phenomenon is controlled by the vomiting center, which is located in the fourth ventricle of the medulla oblongata. Activation of this center occurs through:

Understanding the meridian system and acupuncture and its perspectives regarding modern science important for facilitating the learning and application of related techniques. A model that connects to organizational centers in the control of morphogenesis and acupuncture points associated with growth, skull acupuncture is a therapy that is performed using needles in specific areas of the skull to treat specific diseases. It was created and developed through a combination of theories and techniques of traditional acupuncture, as well as knowledge of modern physiology and anatomy nervous system based on extensive scientific research.

  • visual;
  • olfactory;
  • taste buds.

Scientists consider the occurrence of the gag reflex as a defensive function of the body. It is present in both adults and young children.

  1. Vomiting in a child can occur frequently due to the immature structure of the digestive tract. Regurgitation in a baby does not always indicate the development of the disease. If the process occurs once, the baby is not bothered by other symptoms, then there is no particular cause for concern.
  2. When regurgitation of gastric contents occurs in an adult, this often indicates the development of the disease. When, in addition to food debris, the vomit contains traces of blood, mucus or other pathological inclusions, this is considered a serious reason to contact a therapist or infectious disease specialist.

Causes of an increased gag reflex at a dentist appointment

A strong gag reflex during dental treatment can occur due to mechanical irritation of the walls of the pharynx and the root of the tongue, which is not a sign of any serious disease.

There are many countries that have developed acupuncture, just to mention a few examples, we can mention Japan, Vietnam, Mongolia, North Korea; in Europe, France; In America, Mexico, Nicaragua, Argentina. Within a decade, 70 began to be practiced in several institutions in the country, and its use was increased in the face of the need to seek other alternative routes in public health.

On the island of youth, natural and traditional medicine passed in a few moments, from the isolated and empirical practice of doctors who had access to literature on the subject or to personal contacts with the Japanese settlement existing in the municipality, until it was submitted to be corrected by trained personnel.

Routine procedures or manipulations performed by a dentist can cause nausea:

  • examination of wisdom teeth - when examining the lower “eights”, there is a high probability that the doctor will touch the trigger zones, after which the patient may say that he feels sick;
  • treatment without water cooling - when preparing teeth, a lot of sawdust is formed if the tip does not have a liquid supply. Large quantity dust prevents the patient from breathing fully and can stimulate vomiting;
  • work without a saliva ejector - if the patient has a tendency to vomiting during dental treatment, then the accumulation of a large volume of saliva and water in the mouth can cause it;
  • Taking impressions is the most common cause of the gag reflex. Before carrying out orthopedic treatment, the doctor must obtain a negative reflection of the teeth, which is done using a special tray and impression material.

How to eliminate the gag reflex during dental treatment?

There are certain effective techniques for treating teeth with an increased gag reflex. Vomiting often occurs due to severe stress and fear of medical manipulation. If self-hypnosis does not help, try the following:

Various methods of searching for information have been used through electronic pages, documents, books, theses, scientific articles etc. all this information was organized according to the authors' criteria into folders and subfolders that would be used later in the final analysis.

In this review, deepening the knowledge of Chinese natural medicine as a sign in human history, since it existed more than 5 thousand years ago, protected by some, forgotten by others and even banned by emperors, has passed through time Becoming an increasingly important place. Now there is an undeniable move in the Western world, in every part of the world, that is somewhat suspicious; V highest degree scientific.

  • sedative preparation - doctors advise drinking a decoction of herbs that have a calming effect (St. John's wort, chamomile, valerian, mint) on the eve of the upcoming intervention;
  • sedatives - taking medications in the evening and on the day of upcoming treatment will help reduce anxiety (Afobazol, Novopassit, Valerian).

Taking medications will help reduce the manifestations of the gag reflex:

There are several reasons why traditional Chinese medicine is now followed. First, and perhaps most importantly, the positive results are sometimes incredible, undeniable. A striking example are surgical interventions that are performed under “anesthesia”, occurring when needles are inserted in certain places of the body.

The main theories of acupuncture are: Yin and Yang, five elements, organs and meridians. The theory of yin and yang considers the presence in all phenomena of two opposite and complementary qualities, called yin and yang, the relationship of which is the principle of the existence and transformation of things and the reason for their appearance. The Yin-Yang nature of all phenomena is relative, since under certain conditions they can be changed into each other. Everything can be classified into yin or yang based on its properties.

  1. Cerucal is a remedy that eliminates nausea. Should be consumed 3-4 times a day before the planned treatment.
  2. Dramamine - drugs that help with the symptoms of motion sickness, are also suitable for combating increased bouts of vomiting.
  3. Motilium plus Metoclopramide - combined use of two drugs for 4-6 days in a low dosage.

The dentist will help you eliminate nausea during the treatment process. Sanitation of the oral cavity in such patients is carried out in a sitting position to prevent excessive saliva and liquid from entering the throat.

The disease is considered to be an imbalance between yin and yang. The theory of 5 elements consists of 5 categories, inseparable, dependent on each other and in constant change, to which all phenomena in nature correspond. The five elements are fire, earth, metal, water and wood. Between them there is a relationship of creation and domination. In relation to creation, each element is generated into another and at the same time generated by the one that precedes it, as follows. 3 In relation to dominance, each element is dominant and denominated.

In domain relations there may be a case of excess or deficiency of an element, the equilibrium disappears. Our entire body is an energy field that naturally interacts with the energy that is outside, in environment. This energy moves through our body through channels; They are connected by small spaces called points. These channels are also called meridians. Then we can say that meridians are energetic ways that ensure the good functioning of the human body.

In addition, an anesthetic spray is often used to reduce the sensitivity of the oropharynx and reduce the severity of the reflex. Many people advise chewing mint chewing gum, which will change your sensitivity to irritants and make it easier to tolerate treatment.

A pronounced gag reflex is not a reason to refuse dental treatment. Before starting the procedure, you should tell the doctor about the existing problem and discuss options for eliminating the attack.

The classification of meridians is extensive here; we will not refer to two groups: the main meridians and the two so-called extraordinary ones. This group consists of 12 meridians corresponding to 5 organs, 5 internal organs and two functions represented by the pericardium and the triple function.

Meridians belonging to the viscera and the triple function move along the outside of the limbs and have a yang character. Meridians belonging to the organs and pericardium pass along inside limbs and have a Yin character. Lung Meridian - Large Intestine Meridian Stomach Meridian Spleen-Pancreas Meridian - Heart Meridian Small Intestine Meridian.

Video: gag reflex during dental treatment - what to do? Dentist's answer.