How to make sourdough bread at home. My personal sourdough rye bread recipe

If you are of the opinion that yeast is harmful and strive for natural products, you probably know firsthand about sourdough for bread. I often make sourdough using rye or wheat flour. Bake white bread Sourdough is very simple, even if you don’t have a bread machine.

Ingredients for making sourdough bread in the oven.

I have had the starter for a week already, in the evening combine 2 tbsp. leaven with flour (100 g) and water (85 ml) - this will be a dough for bread. Stir and leave in a warm place. In the morning the starter will ferment and bubble.

Place the dough into the sifted flour, add salt and sugar.

Pour in vegetable oil and add some water, start kneading the dough.

First, you can mix the dough with a spoon, and when it becomes thick, continue kneading with your hands. Add water during the kneading process, all +- 10 ml should be gone. After 3 minutes of kneading the dough will look like this.

Knead the dough until it forms a soft, smooth ball so that it does not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a towel and leave to rise for 40-60 minutes.

The dough has risen.

Knead the dough with your hands and form a bun. Place the dough ball on parchment lightly dusted with flour and leave to proof for 50-60 minutes.

When the dough has increased again, make several cuts on the bun and put it in the oven. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees in advance. Place a container of water in the bottom of the oven to create steam.

Bake sourdough bread in the oven at 220 degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake the bread for 20 minutes.

Cool the bread completely and then eat.

Ingredients for cooking

In order to bake delicious homemade bread, we will need:

  • Whole grain flour – 100 g.
  • Rye or wheat flour of the 2nd grade – 100 g.
  • Mature sourdough – 30 g.
  • Water – 1 glass.

The secret to good dough is any coarse flour: whole grain, coarsely ground, with bran or germ. In order for sourdough bread to come out great in the oven, it is important to avoid premium wheat flour, which is emasculated.

How to prepare the dough?

So, the flour should not be emasculated. It is better if half of the total quantity is of one variety, and the remaining part is of another. Housewives can combine different combinations, the quality of the bread will not suffer from this. First, beat the ripe sourdough into a fluffy foam, then add flour and mix everything thoroughly. It is necessary to maintain a sufficient amount of time for the mass to rise well. So, if you plan to bake in the morning, leave the dough in a warm place overnight. For evening cooking, you can make the batch before leaving for work in the morning. The complete preparation of the dough is influenced by temperature factors, as well as the grade of flour.

Ripening time for high-quality dough

To make the bread rise faster, housewives place the pan with the dough in a warm place on a low-heat stove or in an oven that maintains a temperature of no more than 32 degrees. Under these conditions, the bread rises completely in 6-8 hours. When it is not possible to withstand such a temperature regime and the dough arrives at a temperature of 22 degrees, its complete ripening will take place in 9 hours. If you adapt to compliance with the given conditions, then preparing delicious sourdough rye bread in the oven is as easy as shelling pears.

What should be the volume of the resulting mass at the first stage?

Few novice bakers know how many times the initial volume of dough increases. The dough should rise exactly 2 times. If at first it is difficult to navigate purely visually, you can use a container with measuring marks. In the future, everything will go intuitively. If the process seems quite complicated, you can try baking sourdough bread in the oven without dough.

Kneading dough

The second stage of the whole process begins. So, to prepare sourdough bread in the oven, let’s move on to the actual kneading. We take the following ingredients:

  • Ready dough.
  • Water in the amount of 1 glass.
  • Bread flour – 450 g.
  • Dry yeast - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons.

First breakup

Many bread makers have a bowl covered with a plastic lid. Therefore, for pre-fermentation, you can leave the dough right there. The first proofing time is 50 minutes, during which the mass rises well. The swelling of the base and an increase in size are noticeable to the naked eye. After right time will be cured, you can proceed to the next stage of kneading, using salt and vegetable oil. To properly prepare sourdough bread in the oven, the recipe for which is given here, you need to stir the salt until completely absorbed, and only then pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of butter. The dough is ready when it completely leaves the sides and bottom of the bowl. The resulting bread mass looks quite impressive thanks to whole grain flour or flour with bran.

The final stage of proofing

But that's not all. The resulting mass needs to sit a little longer before going to bake. Now you practically know how to cook sourdough bread in the oven, there are very few manipulations left. And if at first it may seem that this process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming, it is not so. Having filled your hand, you can later bring the dough kneading to automaticity. So, our bread mass needs another 20-30 minutes of rest, during which you can drink a cup of coffee, check your children’s homework, or watch the latest news. We will carry out the process of forming a loaf on a smooth surface, lightly dusted with flour, using a special scraper. For the final stage of proofing, a bowl or salad bowl covered with a layer of parchment paper is suitable.

Inventing a proofing cabinet

In the kitchen of an ordinary apartment, any dark, enclosed space can be used for the final proofing. A microwave works well, you just need to put a glass of boiling water inside. Sourdough bread in the oven, detailed description which you have carefully studied, will not turn out well baked unless cuts are made in a random order on the surface. But first, the future loaf is lightly sprinkled with flour. Experienced bakers use proofing under film. However, if the housewife takes up baking bread for the first time, it is better not to experiment.

Place the loaf in the preheated oven

From the moment the cuts are made, the bread should be placed in an oven preheated to 300 degrees. We will immediately reduce the temperature to 220 degrees. Of course, the oven must be turned on in advance. The baking container must have a lid. The workpiece itself is transferred there directly with the paper. To ensure rich, rather than dry, sourdough bread in the oven, the recipe recommends sprinkling the mixture with water several times before closing the lid. To do this, you can use a spray bottle. Baking time with lid - 15 minutes. Then remove the lid and leave in the oven until fully cooked.

Eating healthy and showing love to your family

No aroma compares to the smell of freshly baked homemade bread. Household members will be confident in the absolute love of their mother and wife. Anyone who inhales the unsurpassed smell will be intoxicated by it. And when it comes to cutting the beautiful loaf, an elastic crumb with large pores will appear. Taste qualities the resulting culinary masterpiece is so excellent that the family will ask their mistress to bake homemade bread again and again. After such an ideal taste, not only a gourmet, but also a completely undemanding person will not want to return to the store-bought version. This delicious bread is worth learning how to bake.

The question arises: “Will the strong half of humanity be able to please their family, at least in their leisure time, with delicious aromatic bread?” Yes, men are great cooks, but they usually don’t like fiddling with dough, considering this process quite tedious. We believe that sourdough bread in the oven, the recipe for which is presented in this article, will become a specialty for housewives.

Alternative baking method

Now the reader is aware of how to bake sourdough bread in the oven, the recipe with photo has been studied. It appears on its own logical question: “Are there alternative ways baking? Skilled bakers, honing their skills, experimenting, are in search of best options to create this indispensable component on the table. Thus, many craftswomen have adapted for this task a round, deep Chinese frying pan with a convex bottom, called a wok. However, traditional, albeit more time-consuming, is baking in the oven on a stone. This method is similar to what our ancestors used when sending bread to

Cooking 30

Greetings, friends! Now I will delight you with new articles more often, the children are safely attending school, kindergarten, and I had time to work on the blog.

Besides this, I’m also learning a lot, I’ll tell you more in a separate article, there’s so much interesting stuff in last year I found out, I can’t wait to tell you, but first I need to check everything so that the information works only for the good.

In the previous post I told you how easy and simple it is to do. Today I’m giving you a recipe for sourdough rye bread. By the way, it is impossible to bake delicious bread from this type of flour in any other way; with yeast it turns out too moist, this is a feature of the raw material.

  • For the first time, I advise you to bake a small loaf to make sure that the baking process is going the right way. You may use a different amount of flour than is indicated in the recipe. For example, my husband likes a dense crumb, then I pour in as much flour as needed to knead a dense dough, like dumplings. Children prefer soft, airy bread, then I do everything strictly according to the recipe.
  • Dough made from rye flour is difficult to work with, it sticks to everything, but things will be easier if you lubricate your hands and the dough itself with oil or other fat.
  • For baking you will need a special bread or cake pan with high sides; line it with baking paper. Although I have baked without it, the finished baked goods come out easily if you grease the pan with oil, so it’s up to your discretion.

Required ingredients:

  • Sourdough – 250 g
  • Rye flour – 250 g (if you want the bread to be more airy, as in the photo, then add some wheat flour, I used it)
  • Water – 250 ml
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Coriander, nutmeg, sunflower seeds optional

We usually don’t have enough of one such bun for 4 people, so I always make a double portion, then it’s enough for 2-3 breakfasts.

How to knead the dough?

How and why to create steam in the oven?

In order for our bread to turn out especially tasty and with a crispy crust, I advise you to bake it with steam. When the oven has heated to the required temperature, place a baking sheet on the bottom of the oven, pour a couple of tablespoons of boiling water on it, then place the pan with the dough, close the oven and reduce the temperature to 200°.

Bake with steam for about 10 minutes, then, opening the oven door only slightly, release it.

In total, sourdough rye bread bakes for 35 minutes without a fan, but if you knead a double batch, the time increases to 50 minutes, and the temperature can be reduced to 180° so that the crust does not turn black.

Carefully remove the finished loaf from the pan and place it on a wire rack so that the bottom does not sweat. To prevent the crust from being hard, you need to put a damp towel on top for literally 5-10 minutes.

The bread still needs to cook for some time, so don’t rush to cut it.

Store the cooled loaf in a bread bin, in a paper or fabric bag, or, as a last resort, in a loosely closed plastic bag.

And here is my favorite breakfast - sourdough bread with butter, Ethiopian honey and sesame seeds, with chamomile tea - just a blissful pleasure.

Dear friends, if you liked the article, share it with your friends, as much as possible more people They will learn that baking yeast-free bread is very simple, and eating it is a great pleasure!

Ask questions in the comments if something is not clear. In the next post I’ll tell you about the one that lasts forever and is stored in the refrigerator. That's all for today, bye, bye!

In the oven, many families make it a tradition to use only homemade products on the table. A homemade loaf will become a delicious daily addition to main dishes. The soup will seem more satisfying, and the sandwich will seem even tastier. How does the baking process happen?

Homemade sourdough bread in the oven: the reason for its popularity

The secret to the success of a homemade loaf lies in good sourdough. The dough should be placed exclusively on a healthy and strong fermentation product that is in its peak phase. If you plan to bake bread regularly, then you need to keep the starter in the house at all times. The quality of the loaf crumb and the taste sensations from eating it will instantly be spoiled by peroxidized or unripe sourdough. We can say that the beloved large pores in the crumb are 80% due to the high-quality, matured sourdough. The dough, of course, will arrive in any case, but the success of the finished product largely depends on the quality of the source material. Cooking sourdough bread in the oven will be successful if you do not store the fermentation product in the refrigerator and “feed” it regularly.

Ingredients for cooking

In order to bake delicious homemade bread, we will need:

  • Whole grain flour - 100 g.
  • Rye or wheat flour of the 2nd grade - 100 g.
  • Mature sourdough - 30 g.
  • Water - 1 glass.

The secret to good dough is any coarse dough, with bran or germ. In order for sourdough bread to come out great in the oven, it is important to avoid premium wheat flour, which is emasculated.

How to prepare the dough?

So, the flour should not be emasculated. It is better if half of the total quantity is of one variety, and the remaining part is of another. Housewives can combine different combinations, the quality of the bread will not suffer from this. First, beat the ripe sourdough into a fluffy foam, then add flour and mix everything thoroughly. It is necessary to maintain a sufficient amount of time for the mass to rise well. So, if you plan to bake in the morning, leave the dough in a warm place overnight. For evening cooking, you can make the batch before leaving for work in the morning. The complete preparation of the dough is influenced by temperature factors, as well as the grade of flour.

Ripening time for high-quality dough

To make the bread rise faster, housewives place the pan with the dough in a warm place on a low-heat stove or in an oven that maintains a temperature of no more than 32 degrees. Under these conditions, the bread rises completely in 6-8 hours. When it is not possible to withstand such a temperature regime and the dough arrives at a temperature of 22 degrees, its complete ripening will take place in 9 hours. If you adapt to compliance with the given conditions, then preparing delicious sourdough in the oven is as easy as shelling pears.

What should be the volume of the resulting mass at the first stage?

Few novice bakers know how many times the initial volume of dough increases. The dough should rise exactly 2 times. If at first it is difficult to navigate purely visually, you can use a container with measuring marks. In the future, everything will go intuitively. If the process seems quite complicated, you can try baking sourdough bread in the oven without dough.

Kneading dough

The second stage of the whole process begins. So, to prepare sourdough bread in the oven, let’s move on to the actual kneading. We take the following ingredients:

  • Ready dough.
  • Water in the amount of 1 glass.
  • Bread flour - 450 g.
  • - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons.

Some people are interested in how to bake sourdough bread in the oven using raw yeast and is it possible to do without this component? If we take a pressed yeast product, then we will need approximately 5 g of it. First dissolve it in warm water. You can do without yeast at all. In this case, the period for complete proofing of the dough will increase slightly. Yeast only speeds up the rising process. As in the case of dough, the finished mass should double in size compared to the original. Sourdough rye bread in the oven is made from rye flour, the process of preparing the dough is the same.

Step-by-step kneading process

You can use a cauldron or a bread maker as a vessel. First, pour a glass of water into the container, then tip the dough into the water, knead thoroughly. When you get a homogeneous mass, sift the flour into the liquid. In order for sourdough bread to turn out perfect in the oven, the process of sifting through a sieve should not be skipped under any circumstances. Our grandmothers baked bread themselves and knew their craft, mastering it perfectly. Now all that remains is to add the yeast and make the first batch. Don't be alarmed if the dough is still runny, this is normal. If the batch is made using a special combine, there is a high probability that the entire composition will be wound onto the hooks. After the unit stops, the mass immediately drops. For sourdough to succeed in the oven, knead it long enough, about 8 minutes.

First breakup

Many bread makers have a bowl covered with a plastic lid. Therefore, for pre-fermentation, you can leave the dough right there. The first rising time is 50 minutes, during which the mass rises well. The swelling of the base and an increase in size are noticeable to the naked eye. After the required time has been maintained, you can proceed to the next stage of kneading, using salt and vegetable oil. To properly prepare sourdough bread in the oven, the recipe for which is given here, you need to stir the salt until completely absorbed, and only then pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of butter. The dough is ready when it completely leaves the sides and bottom of the bowl. The resulting bread mass looks quite impressive thanks to whole grain flour or flour with bran.

The final stage of proofing

But that's not all. The resulting mass needs to sit a little longer before going to bake. Now you practically know how to cook sourdough bread in the oven, there are very few manipulations left. And if at first it may seem that this process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming, it is not so. Having filled your hand, you can later bring the dough kneading to automaticity. So, our bread mass needs another 20-30 minutes of rest, during which you can drink a cup of coffee, check your children’s homework, or watch the latest news. We will carry out the process of forming a loaf on a smooth surface, lightly dusted with flour, using a special scraper. For the final stage of proofing, a bowl or salad bowl covered with a layer of parchment paper is suitable.

Inventing a proofing cabinet

In the kitchen of an ordinary apartment, any dark, enclosed space can be used for the final proofing. A microwave works well, you just need to put a glass of boiling water inside. Sourdough bread in the oven, the detailed description of which you have carefully studied, will not turn out well baked unless cuts are made in a random order on the surface. But first, the future loaf is lightly sprinkled with flour. Experienced bakers use proofing under film. However, if the housewife takes up baking bread for the first time, it is better not to experiment.

Place the loaf in the preheated oven

From the moment the cuts are made, the bread should be placed in an oven preheated to 300 degrees. We will immediately reduce the temperature to 220 degrees. Of course, the oven must be turned on in advance. The baking container must have a lid. The workpiece itself is transferred there directly with the paper. To ensure rich, rather than dry, sourdough bread in the oven, the recipe recommends sprinkling the mixture with water several times before closing the lid. To do this, you can use a spray bottle. Baking time with lid - 15 minutes. Then remove the lid and leave in the oven until fully cooked.

Eating healthy and showing love to your family

No aroma can compare with the smell of freshly baked homemade bread. Household members will be confident in the absolute love of their mother and wife. Anyone who inhales the unsurpassed smell will be intoxicated by it. And when it comes to cutting the beautiful loaf, an elastic crumb with large pores will appear. The taste of the resulting culinary masterpiece is so excellent that the family will ask their mistress to bake homemade bread again and again. After such an ideal taste, not only a gourmet, but also a completely undemanding person will not want to return to the store-bought version. This delicious bread is worth learning how to bake.

The question arises: “Will the strong half of humanity be able to please their family, at least in their leisure time, with delicious aromatic bread?” Yes, men are great cooks, but they usually don’t like to tinker with dough, considering this process to be quite tedious. We believe that sourdough bread in the oven, the recipe for which is presented in this article, will become a specialty for housewives.

Alternative baking method

Now the reader is aware that sourdough in the oven, the recipe with photo has been studied. A logical question arises in itself: “Are there alternative methods of baking?” Skilled bakers, honing their skills and experimenting, are in search of the best options for creating this indispensable component on the table. Thus, many craftswomen have adapted for this task a round, deep Chinese frying pan with a convex bottom, called a wok. However, traditional, albeit more time-consuming, is baking in the oven on a stone. This method is similar to what our ancestors used when sending bread to

Add 200 grams of rye flour and mix. Cover the bowl with thick dough cling film and send to a warm place for 8-12 hours.

During this time, the dough should fit well; many bubbles will form in the middle.

Mix the suitable dough with 220 ml of warm water (until smooth).

Add the remaining 280 grams of rye flour, add salt and sugar.

The dough should rise, but not as well as with yeast. Bake the bread in an oven preheated to 220 degrees with steam (place a bowl of hot water on the bottom of the oven) for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees, remove the steam and bake the bread for about 1 hour. Let the delicious sourdough rye bread, cooked in the oven, cool slightly in the pan, remove and cool on a wire rack. The bread needs to be given time to “ripen” for another 10 hours. Now the bread can be cut and served.

The bread turns out very cool - with many holes in the pulp and a crispy crust.
Bon appetit!