Quick lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water, recipe with photos, folk knowledge from Anatoly Kravchenko. Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water

Quick lightly salted cucumbers mineral water recipe with photo

And we prepared quick lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water, the recipe, as always, with photos. If anyone doesn’t yet know how to prepare these cucumbers, they can do it without difficulty. Now you will see for yourself how simple it is.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water recipe

  • 1 kg. young cucumbers
  • 1 liter of mineral water
  • 2 tbsp. small heaped tablespoons of salt
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • dill umbrellas or a bunch of green dill

As you can see, the ingredients are very simple. I have a kilogram of small young cucumbers. I washed them under running water.

We also need dill and garlic. I had dill umbrellas, I will put them along with the sprigs; in my opinion, this dill is very aromatic and is perfect for pickling cucumbers.

I took 4 cloves of garlic. I peeled it and cut it into slices.

I will prepare lightly salted cucumbers in a three-liter jar. I have a kilogram and they will fit in this container and marinate quickly. But we tried to cook without utensils. Previously, we prepared lightly salted cucumbers in a bag; the cucumbers were aromatic and tasty. I also recommend the recipe with step by step photos can be found in the article “ Lightly salted cucumbers«.

To the bottom clean three liter jar I add garlic and chopped dill. If you don't have umbrellas, you can take a bunch of green dill.

I cut off both ends of all cucumbers on both sides.

There are not many cucumbers; 1 kg takes up a little more than half of a three-liter jar. You can optionally add twigs and leaves of currants or cherries, whatever you like. I'm not adding.

Next stage. I poured mineral water from a bottle into a liter jar. We need to dissolve two tablespoons of salt (slightly heaped) in a liter of mineral water.

Mineral water sizzles when salt is added. Everything can be seen in the photo. We added salt and dissolved it in mineral water.

Now pour the cucumbers mineral water With salt. It is important to dissolve all the salt in the mineral water.

Leave the cucumbers to marinate for a day. I left the cucumbers in the room. Their color has changed, but they turned out so tasty and crispy.

A day has passed and the cucumbers are ready. They turned out lightly salted and crispy. Very tasty with potatoes. After a day of marinating, I put the cucumbers in the refrigerator. The recipe is quick and very successful.

This was my first time cooking cucumbers in mineral water and the recipe did not disappoint me. Everything works out quickly and simply. There is actually some addition, daily cucumbers taste better, but on the second day their taste changes. On the second day you couldn’t call them lightly salted, even though they were stored in the refrigerator.

The daughter gave flowers to her mother, they were also included in the frame, the daughter was pleased that the flowers were included in the photo. True, the children did not like these cucumbers; they prefer fresh cucumbers. And in winter, I prefer pickled cucumbers; you can see how to prepare them in the article “Crispy pickled cucumbers.” The kids really liked this recipe, but grandpa not so much. He says they are sweetish, but he is used to sour ones. But as they say, everyone has their own tastes.

What kind of cucumbers do you like?

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I’ve been working on cucumbers all day today too. I have my own. The harvest is good. I collect several kilograms every day or every other day and process them immediately. I've already salted and marinated it. I also try to cook according to different recipes. There are old, proven ones that the family likes. Today I tried to make pickled cucumbers using your recipe. I signed the jar, we'll try it in winter.

I made lightly salted ones only in a bag. You can try that too. It turns out really tasty with potatoes and dill.

Flowers given by children look great on camera. The children tried. so that the photo is beautiful. they always come out well for you.

Thank you, Lena, a simple recipe. I'll try. My mom cooks often lightly salted cucumbers. I'll tell her how to cook them in mineral water.

Lightly salted cucumbers are the first course to go with the new potatoes! Can't do without them! And also sour cream with garlic and dill to pour over the potatoes - yummy!

I agree that it may be tastier than new potatoes with lightly salted cucumbers (although I have loved them for a long time). But I prefer to add vegetable oil, and dill is a must!

We have our own dill - homemade and fragrant. And sometimes we also add vegetable oil, only the fragrant and fragrant one comes from the seed.

Yes, now is the time to start preserving. Let's take note of the recipe.

Alexander, these are lightly salted cucumbers. They are not canned, but eaten immediately.

Yes, they are lightly salted, they are without vinegar and with a small amount of salt, so Alexander, these cucumbers are good right now, and not in winter. For the winter we will marinate and salt

Recipes canned cucumbers The winter is still ahead, because ground cucumbers just started growing not so long ago. So first we’ll eat up some lightly salted food, and then we can close it for the winter!

The cucumbers were not lightly salted in mineral water, although I had heard about such a recipe. I’ll have to try cooking it this way and evaluate the taste of the cucumbers.

Alexander, I haven’t tried mineral water either, I’ve heard a lot, but I haven’t had to try it. An interesting fact is that mineral water begins to “boil” when salt is poured into it. But the mineral water is carbonated, yes.

Of course, it’s carbonated, and the water is loud, with added salt, precisely for this reason.

I understood everything, now I’m even more intrigued, I’ll probably try to cook it one of these days

Of course, cook, Slavyana. Anatoly shows us only the best and most proven recipes.

I also like medium-sized cucumbers lightly salted. Others will pick up “boars”, the taste is completely different, to say nothing of their “crunchiness”.

Natalya, we make lightly salted cucumbers, which are also often small, but we have our own cucumbers and very often they outgrow them. Then mom lightly salts them, as you put it, “wild boars”

Of course, they’re not so crunchy anymore, but they’re very tasty in salads or in pickle soup!!

That's right, if you buy at a market or store, you can choose them by size. And in the garden everyone goes to work. And such wild boars are primarily used for lightly salted vegetables.

There was no need to lightly salt the cucumbers in mineral water. Although, in truth, doctors are outraged when they use mineral water indiscriminately. Let’s say “Esentuki” is shown to a person, and he takes (a little salt on “Borjomi”), which will harm him. I’d rather lightly salt it with regular water. Good luck to all!

I don't like lightly salted cucumbers. But the recipe is very interesting. This is the first time I have seen mineral water used. I'll show the recipe to mom.

The recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water was told to my sister by a colorful seller of Odessa pickles at the famous Privoz. Apparently she was very good mood at that moment. Thus, the recipe has been living in our house for two years, and every year we make such cucumbers in the summer.

Yes, lightly salted cucumbers should be eaten immediately. I really like it when they turn out crispy.

When they stop tasting and looking completely different. That's why they're lightly salted, apparently.

I used to not like lightly salted cucumbers, but now I learned how to pickle them in a bag in 5 minutes, I really like these! Eaten instantly

This is definitely a great cucumbers in a bag recipe. But when they are lightly salted in brine it has a slightly different taste.

I’ve never tried making lightly salted cucumbers using mineral water. I was very interested in the recipe, and it was just the right time to pickle them. Thank you!

Why not try a new recipe during cucumber season? Especially when he deserves it. Happy pickling!

Lightly salted cucumbers are a delight; once they appear in the garden, a week later you want to salt them and eat them with new potatoes. Sometimes I also add a small horseradish root, they become more fragrant and last longer. I will prepare it according to your recipe.

Step-by-step recipes with photos

Lightly salted cucumbers are a song (the words from which you will sing all summer long!). Both for new potatoes and for a picnic – lightly salted cucumbers are good everywhere! Many people love lightly salted cucumbers. There are many ways to prepare lightly salted cucumbers, each housewife makes according to her favorite recipe

This is probably the simplest recipe lightly salted cucumbers of all known! And although some masters of pickling vegetables make their own adjustments in the form of trial experiments with the recipe, the result is invariably excellent!
The recipe is also notable for the fact that the standard set of herbs is simplified as much as possible: without horseradish, without cherry, currant and oak leaves.

Everything ingenious is simple, but very tasty! I was convinced of this at personal experience. Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water turn out exactly what you need! Crispy and flavorful!

We will need:

Cucumbers (preferably not very large) – 1 kg;
1 bunch of aromatic dill.
Garlic – 1 head;
2 tbsp. level spoons of salt;
1 liter of mineral (medium carbonated) water. Any ordinary mineral water (medium carbonated), and the cucumbers turn out just right!

Cooking lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water(well, a very “complicated” recipe!).

Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water as a brine do not need to be pre-soaked in cold water. This nuance greatly simplifies the process and reduces cooking time.

We wash our cucumbers and cut off the tails.

We take a beautiful container in which the cucumbers will be salted. We put half of our dill in it.

Cut the garlic into slices.

Pour 1 liter of mineral water into another bowl and dissolve the salt in it.

Pour this brine over the cucumbers and cover with the remaining dill.

We cover all this beauty with a lid or plate and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

It’s strange, isn’t it, that we immediately provide cold air for salting our cucumbers? This temperature regime gives our snack a chance to retain its crispy properties. It's about sparkling mineral water!

Natural (natural) mineral waters are complexes of mineral salts, biologically active components and microelements dissolved in it.

This entire complex enriches the mineral composition of our cucumbers through carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide penetrates plant fibers, drawing salts and trace elements into them - both from the marinade and from the mineral water itself.

That is why the pickling process occurs very quickly, and the fruits retain their appearance and crunchy properties.

After 12 hours, we take it out and enjoy the piquant taste of lightly salted cucumbers in an unusual brine made from mineral water.

The fruits are washed well from soil, if any has stuck to the cucumbers, and soaked for a couple of hours in cool water, possibly in a basin or large saucepan.

The greens are washed and dried on a paper towel. Cut it and press it a little with a knife for flavor. Place most of the chopped dill and parsley into a clean jar or suitable bucket. The chili pepper is washed, the seeds are removed and finely chopped. The pepper is sent to the greens. Cut the garlic cloves in half and add half to the rest of the ingredients.

Add cucumbers.

On a note!

You can cut off the ends of the cucumbers on both sides.

When all the fruits are placed in the jar, sprinkle the remaining herbs on top. Bay leaves are broken into several small pieces and placed in a jar. Place garlic cloves on top.

Pour table salt into the jar; there is no need to stir the contents.

Pour mineral water into the container. This must be done carefully so that the water does not splash throughout the jar, and all vegetables must be covered with water.

Place a plastic lid on the jar and leave at room temperature for 4-5 hours. You can increase the time by one hour if you want the cucumbers to have a saltier taste. Then, at the end of the time, put it in the refrigerator or any cool place and keep it overnight.

In the morning you can take the first sample. Before serving, you can sprinkle the cucumbers with chopped green onions and water a little vegetable oil so that an attractive gloss appears on the green skin. Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water are piquant due to hot pepper, and their pleasant aroma awakens the appetite. The appetizer is served with any vegetable side dish or meat dishes.

The recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water turned out to be so successful that all my relatives asked to “repeat at BIS” lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water with gas, and are looking forward to publishing the recipe on the Home Restaurant website. Preparing crispy lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water is very simple, but there are still some nuances and subtleties, which I will talk about later. So, let’s prepare lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water – a step-by-step recipe with photos is at your service on the Home Restaurant website!


  • 1 kg cucumbers
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 dill umbrellas
  • piece of hot pepper
  • cherry and currant leaves


  • 1 liter of highly carbonated mineral water
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water:

We choose salad varieties with thin skin for pickling cucumbers. Wash the cucumbers and soak them in running cold water for 1-2 hours. Thanks to soaking, the cucumbers will “take up” the missing water and will be crispy when finished.

At the bottom of the prepared liter jar we place: dill umbrellas, garlic, currant and cherry leaves, a piece of hot pepper. You can prepare lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water in any deep container: a saucepan, container, bowl, but it is most convenient to cook in a jar because you do not need to use additional pressure. In addition, the degree of readiness of the cucumbers is clearly visible in the jar, and you need to periodically “look” into the pan to control the process of pickling the cucumbers.

We dilute salt in mineral water and fill the jar with cucumbers. A little brine remains, but this is a “payment” for the convenience of pickling cucumbers in a jar. If you use a saucepan, for example, 1.5 liters, then both cucumbers and brine will fit perfectly.

We close the jar with cucumbers with a nylon lid and put it in a warm place. It can even be exposed to direct sunlight. The fermentation process begins almost immediately and you can see bubbles in the jar.

After 12 hours, lightly salted cucumbers instant cooking in mineral water they will be completely ready. We put the jar of cucumbers in the refrigerator so that the cucumbers cool down, because warm lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water are not very tasty.

We take the cucumbers out of the jar and serve with or with meat dishes. This completes the preparation of lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water. I really hope that you will like the recipe, and you will certainly prepare these lightly salted cucumbers for your loved ones.