What will the year of the Rooster be like for each zodiac sign? Hair cutting days have both a beneficial effect on a person’s future destiny - longevity, good luck and external attractiveness, and a negative one, since cutting a haircut on certain dates can cause harm.

The hot summer is over. Autumn awaits us ahead. And the first month of September has already prepared its surprises.

Astrologer Pavel Globa claims that, by and large, September will be very favorable for most zodiac signs.

He told what representatives of different zodiac constellations should expect from the first month of autumn, September.

September for Taurus will be marked love adventures, ardent feelings and passions. Taurus who are alone have a high chance of finding their soulmate, and those who are already in a couple will improve their relationship and transfer it to a new one, high level. The stars warn that in the middle of the month Taurus can expect large financial expenses. Unfavorable period for loans and debt obligations


The first month of autumn for Gemini will be very troublesome and problematic. Representatives of this sign will have to show their agility and ingenuity. However, September is very favorable for solving problems in your personal life. Don't be afraid of responsibility. After all, at the end of the month everything will be settled and Gemini will see the result of their work and will be satisfied.

September is an excellent period to draw a line and see the preliminary results of this year. The beginning of autumn will have a positive effect on changes. So it’s time for Cancers to reconsider their life and if something in it doesn’t suit them, then September is a great time to change something.

In September 217, Leos will be inspired and easy-going. They will be able to handle any task. However, you should not let your guard down. This behavior, of course, will not lead to serious problems and material losses, but it can spoil relationships with others. The horoscope advises you to direct your energy to improving relationships with loved ones.

September for Virgos is a great time for new achievements and self-realization. In the love sphere, the first month of the canopy portends many pleasant romantic events. In addition, September is a great time for career success and achievements. Perfect time in order to lay the foundation for future success.

The first month of autumn will test Libra representatives' strength. At work, clashes and misunderstandings are quite possible. However, don't be upset. It's best for Libras to let things slide and take care of themselves. At the end of the month, the stars promise a pleasant event to representatives of this sign.


At the beginning of the month, Scorpios will be overcome by doubts and contradictions. The romance in life will subside. In order not to get irritated, it is best for Scorpios to engage in their own self-development. Then things will go well for them.

For Sagittarius, September will be a month of revelations and secret confessions. Representatives of this sign should be very attentive to the signs of fate, otherwise they may miss their lucky chance for good luck. In personal relationships, it is better not to rush and carefully consider every step.

The material sphere of life for Capricorns will come to the fore in September. This behavior will allow them to extract maximum income. It’s worth working not only on strengthening financial condition. Relationships with your partner may become complicated, but not for long. Everything will be fine very soon

September will be very stressful for Aquarius and will not allow them to relax. They will literally be overwhelmed with work. Against this background, problems and misunderstandings may arise in your personal life. However, on the 20th everything will be settled and the meticulous work will bear fruit.

The beginning of autumn for Pisces will be marked by a creative surge. Representatives of this sign of the sign will literally produce a fountain of new interesting ideas. True, they will not bear fruit immediately, but a little later. The stars advise you to start saving. Pisces will have complete harmony in their personal life.

Do you want to know what the Year of the Rooster 2017 has in store for us? A horoscope for all signs from Pavel Globa is at your complete disposal. You will learn everything you need to take action in the right direction. Ready? 😉

The Rooster has prepared a boring year for Aries. Ordinary situations can become dangerous adventures. Non-standard approaches to solving problems will help you see and appreciate familiar things and familiar people in a new way. Changes will occur all year, and by the end of it, life can change fabulously. Don't miss your luck!

Personal life will be, as it were, divided in half. In the first half of the year there are many not always pleasant surprises, in the second there is a 180-degree turn. Summer meetings can lay the foundation for a long-term relationship.

The July blind date proposed to you could become fateful. A crisis awaits families. Only patience and understanding, which in general are not characteristic of Aries, will save you.

In material terms, everything will work out well, you will benefit from last year’s achievements. But there is no point in resting on your laurels. It's better to keep working.

There are no health problems expected either. Only in July, be careful: injuries and accidents are very likely. July and September will require caution and vigilance. But in April, August and November you can relax: everything will be fine.


The troubles of last year are behind us. There is only peace ahead, an unforgettable journey and reaping the benefits. For the most courageous and ambitious ladies, it is possible to finally break out of the vicious circle and fly up the ladder of prosperity and happiness.

On the love front, peace and quiet. But you will want more harmony and certainty. Get rid of past grievances. If you want radical changes in this area, do it in June and December.

Everything will be fine financially. If you are thinking about a new business, start it no earlier than September. Do not waste money, especially at sales, do not take out loans or borrow. Put off large purchases, rather save money. Protracted disputes and problems may be put to an end at the end of the year.

Seasonal respiratory diseases are the main health hazard for Taurus. But nothing bad will happen if you simply strengthen your immune system. .


This year, the position of beautiful Gemini ladies will strengthen in all areas: in society, love, finance. But be patient and exercise caution in everything.

You will feel the benevolence and support of your environment in the first half of the year. There will be dedicated like-minded people for the implementation of a business project, and in any other matter. In finance, a period of prosperity continues throughout the year.

Your personal life will also be successful, but on one condition: no Brazilian TV series with a complicated plot and seething passions! Only tenderness and sincerity. Don't try to ring an old bachelor you know or have an affair with family man. But autumn promises strong romantic feelings.

No financial adventures at the beginning of the year! Then you will receive an unexpected reward for this feat in the summer. Help will come from unexpected places. The ease of handling money that you have always gotten away with is not for this year. .


Behaving as usual, that is, thinking well before making a decision leading to change, planning any business will be the best for Cancer women this year. Problems can only appear as a result of recklessness in actions. But even iron lady It’s worth showing your feminine side and trying to be weak and charming: none of the men can resist. Nobody.

But the main thing in your personal life is to finally find out what you really want, to listen to your heart. Realize your desires clearly and clearly, and already in the first half of the year everything will change for the better.

Use this year to personal growth and getting rid of internal problems. Meditation, literature and Jupiter will help incredible growth of self-awareness and the discovery of talents. July 16 starts white stripe V financial affairs Cancers, astrologers predict.

Health will be good if you do not abuse it. Vegetables and running are the best. And if you’re too lazy to go outside, get a treadmill. April and August will require Cancers to be careful, and July and November will be the most successful. .

a lion

The Rooster has prepared a striped and eventful life for Leos. In the flow of ups and downs, listen to your intuition so as not to miss the luck that still floats into your hands. Great success awaits you in your career and studies. But don’t get too carried away – you might fall.

The stars promise excellent chances of finding your soul mate, especially in the fall. But for this, Leos need to at least pretend to be a cat - strong and independent women men often avoid. Uninvited love can rock the family boat - be on your guard.

Traveling and business trips can help Leos in professional growth. Pay special attention to September - the career prospects are simply tempting. Do not lend money, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. Especially large sums. Don't spend money at home - shopping while traveling will be the most successful.

Remember, not everyone takes your success easily, so be careful when communicating with colleagues and friends.


There are two options for Virgo. Active and businesslike people, concentrating and moving forward, are able to realize long-standing plans. Those who are not very interested in a career can simply enjoy life. A year will pass fun, although not particularly effective. A major acquisition is possible. In winter, traveling abroad is possible.

Things will improve in the love sphere. Temptations will force you to test the strength of family ties, although life will be bright and pleasant. Unringed Virgos must be careful: their destiny is very close. But they should be less demanding of potential chosen ones.

Finances will grow. But you shouldn't waste money in winter. You can make a splash in the spring, when there will be more money sources.

Your innate hard work will bring significant results: a new step on the career ladder or success in business. You may have to part with your business partner, but don’t be sad: everything is for the better.

Possible problems in business should not upset you at all, because in the end there will be more victories and successes. The main thing is not to overstrain yourself at work. Virgo, a hard worker, also needs to take a break at least sometimes in order to conquer new heights. Don’t overwork yourself, don’t forget about vitamins, and your health will be fine too. .


A year can become defining for years or even decades. The beginning of the year will bring new ideas and projects, but they will entail misunderstandings among partners, legal and financial problems. Use the short respite in the spring for a vacation. Hard work in April and at the very end of the year will bring very noticeable results.

There will be difficulties from May to October, but their source will be you yourself: you will not want to learn new things and work with a partner who is too demanding, in your opinion.

The situation on the love front will also turn out to be not as simple as you thought. “The family boat crashed into everyday life” - to prevent such a development of events, do not find fault with the little things. Just enjoy life.

Lonely Libra, who continues to search for their ideal, will never find it. But even if you fall in love, you will not lose your head. This means passions are cancelled.

Vital energy will decrease, and illnesses will make themselves felt more often than usual. They will, however, be mild, but they can become a source of more serious problems. So don't relax.


The year will be dynamic and ambiguous. Relationships with friends and work will be in the foreground. But by the end of the year the results will be clear. A profitable purchase of real estate is possible.
In general, you will have to work a lot, so objectively evaluate your team. In the summer, be sure to take a break from everyone. Replenish your strength, enjoy life.

Entrepreneurs will have many chances to increase their income, and those who do not work for themselves should talk about increasing their salaries. Or think about a more profitable job. But avoid lending money, especially to relatives or good friends.

Scorpio women need to be careful when preparing documents for long trip. It's a good idea to put money aside just in case. You can't avoid love and romance, but jealousy can ruin everything. In December, winning or receiving an inheritance is possible.

A busy lifestyle can be detrimental to your health, especially your digestion. In the spring, weather dependence may appear, but the cold at the end of the year will correct everything: you will feel good again.


Shocks – literally – await in all areas. The struggle for success will not be easy, but successful, it will make you more experienced and wiser. You need to be careful at work. An old friend can set you up, but a seemingly enemy is quite the opposite. Although there will be troubles, they will be small and insignificant.

Start quietly implementing old plans in April. Do not take out loans or debt in May and June. The time for career and commercial success is from August until the end of the year. In love you will achieve everything, the main thing is to understand what you want and how to achieve it.

To keep everything calm at home, watch your words and don’t really find fault with your loved ones.
The search for your soulmate can be successful, the main thing is not to sit at home. But once you realize that you have met that same person, don’t get lost!

Sagittarians are very trusting folk medicine and this helps them avoid minor ailments. But the stars do not rule out surgical intervention in the second half of the year. Therefore, if the matter is serious, it is better to consult a doctor.


No fundamental changes are expected; you need to work on what you started or planned earlier. If the current situation does not suit you, you can try to break out of the usual circle. Something will work out, but the result will not be worth the effort.

Fate will seriously test you in the financial sphere until August. Maybe you'll think about other sources of income. But you shouldn’t give up, work on reducing losses. The result depends on your prudence and actions: at the beginning of autumn there will be either a steep rise or a deafening failure. Changes will begin in November: business plans implemented successfully and effortlessly.

Those who are looking for their soul mate should not rely on intuition: it can fail, and the chosen one will only cause suffering. Be patient until the end of the year - serious relationship more likely.

You will have to fight temptations for a whole year family Capricorns. But if you want to save your family, then the situation “in the deep end” is not for you. Think carefully about the consequences of your “passionate” actions.

Proper nutrition and rest, even distribution of loads and mandatory rest will prevent chronic diseases from worsening and new ones from appearing. Then everything will be limited to only minor ailments, which, after a whole year, in December will finally leave you alone. .


The year will be bright, eventful and successful. The peak of success will be in autumn and December. Your goals will be achieved, but don’t neglect the little things. Previously inaccessible opportunities will become real, old connections will be renewed, and with them success will return.

Summer will be the season of love. Unringed Aquarius ladies will meet their soul mate. But the aroma of love will be felt even in the winter cold, which will not cool down the amorousness of Aquarius. The couple will enjoy the tranquility around the family hearth. The possible birth of a child will add new sensations.

Financial weather will be favorable all year. You can even lend, but be careful. Do charity work.

There will be enough money, but this does not mean that you need to squander it. Take them out of the box and think about where it’s better to invest to become richer.

Health requires care and serious attitude. To prevent stress from completely destroying your body, eat right, get enough sleep and don’t forget about walks in the fresh air.


The Rooster expects important decisions from Pisces. Over the next few months, you will have to unravel the confusion and resolve delicate issues. Take your time, don’t worry, choose the main thing and discard the secondary – this is the principle of action. Your natural indecision and hesitation will have to be eliminated.

In the first half of the year you will succeed in absolutely everything. Patrons will appear with whose help you can climb the career ladder.

Due to financial difficulties in April, you will ask yourself whether you are doing the right thing or whether you should change your profession. But May will sweep away all doubts. In June, finish what you started and don’t invest, wait until July. In the second half of the year you will have to work hard, but the reward will be appropriate. In December, having received significant money, you can invest it - the enterprise will be successful.

Even your complete inaction on the love front will not cancel many events. Unwanted affairs or problematic relationships will not affect you, and old relationships may be rekindled. Listen to your intuition more than to those around you. If it doesn’t reach a stable relationship, then powerful emotions guaranteed.

The other half of the family Pisces will need help and support. But this is not a problem for them: innate sensitivity and tact help them know exactly what needs to be done.

Postpone trips to exotic countries. If this is not possible, then at least get vaccinated. Fish are generally no different good health, but they will feel good all year. The main thing is not to overload, and even chronic diseases are not scary. .

This is how we will have the Year of the Rooster 2017. Be sure to bookmark the horoscope for all signs from Pavel Globa and remind yourself more often that everything will be fine. 😉

It is difficult to find a person who is unfamiliar with the name of Pavel Globa, a famous and once popular astrologer. Some time ago he was popular, his name often appeared in the press, and his forecasts were called one of the most accurate. And, although today it is no longer widely heard, the horoscope compiled by Pavel Globa deserves not only attention, but also careful consideration.

Horoscope for 2017 from Globa

When making individual predictions, the astrologer devotes a lot of time to studying the situation in the world and the location of stars and their clusters tells him the future for entire countries and nations.

Thus, he has already managed to predict global events that occurred in the past and made his name, which makes it especially interesting to take his words regarding the next year Fire Rooster.

In general, Globa characterizes the year as unsuccessful for any financial transactions and therefore recommends focusing on the family and its creation. If you have money, hold it until better times and start looking for your soulmate. According to the horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa, marriages concluded this year will be happy, strong and long, and children born (or conceived) in the year of the Fire Rooster will be healthy and talented. According to the famous futurologist, the year generally favors all kinds of talents, so it’s worth thinking about changing your occupation or paying more attention to your hobby. Perhaps your activity for pleasure will also become a money business.

In general, the money horoscope from Globa is not rosy, not only for the individual citizen, but for the entire country as a whole. So think about where exactly to store your savings. Securities market and currency market will be too unstable in 2017. The consequence of this could be the collapse of the economies of a number of countries. Especially those whose welfare is based on the price of “black gold”.

Political horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa

Despite the fact that Pavel Globa himself is now a less public figure, many of them listen to his words powerful of the world this. He continues to advise heads of state and government, making bold predictions and assumptions based on his many years of experience and observations.

Globa dedicated his horoscope for 2017 almost entirely to Russia. That is, most of his predictions concern this particular country. He predicts an improvement in the economic situation and stabilization of the economy, but only by the end of the year. During the same period, the country expects a repeated drop in the price of the main energy resource that makes Russia an influential player in the world economy - oil. But thanks to the reasonable policies of the new government, which will be replaced in the fall of 2017, the crisis will be passed and overcome earlier than many countries in the world.

Globa also predicts the beginning of recovery Soviet Union. But not the state itself, but rather its territories under one flag. Kazakhstan and Belarus will come to Russia for support, recognizing their supremacy. And Russia’s friendship with China will only strengthen its position on the world stage. Speaking about military conflicts, the astrologer said that Russia will be one of the most active participants in most of them, but the mission of the troops will be purely peacekeeping.

For other countries Pavel Globa horoscope for 2017 also amounted to. In his opinion, those who will suffer the most from the crisis are the developed countries Europe and. In pursuit of global economic dominance, the United States may make several unfavorable decisions for them, which will lead to the complete financial collapse of the country and the depreciation of the currency, the dollar. Therefore, the futurologist recommends investing in another currency - the euro, securities or real estate. But weigh every step and decision regarding money.

The European Union will be on the verge of collapse due to disagreements on issues further development and the general policies of the participating countries. According to Globa, the crisis is already approaching the states, which will become the starting point for the collapse of the unification and, in turn, will play into the hands of other countries, including Russia.

The Science of Influence celestial bodies on human destinies finds thousands of adherents in our turbulent times. According to Chinese horoscope, the patron saint of 2017 will be a symbol of creative energy, friendliness and carefreeness. Astrologers suggest that the next 12 months will bring us success in our careers and studies, new travels and romantic feelings.

They enjoy the greatest trust. The Russian astrologer is known for his loud forecasts of political events. Many of them did not come true, which did not shake the reputation of the seer. Residents of the CIS still trust Globa's horoscopes. According to the astrologer, 2017 will be difficult for the whole world due to the financial crisis. But for Russia the year will end successfully.

Find out a detailed horoscope from Pavel Globa for all signs!

The coming 12 months will be full of surprises. Tempting opportunities will arise before you, especially in the professional field. To use the gifts of fate the best way, remain vigilant and restrained. Take care of your health. Anxiety and lack of time can cause various ailments. To avoid troubles, establish a daily routine and do not deny yourself rest. The last months of the year promise you clashes and quarrels with loved ones. Be patient and the relationship will improve over time. If you are looking for a life partner, 2017 is the perfect year to start a strong and happy relationship. So don't miss friendly meetings and parties, especially in February-April. As for the financial situation, in the near future it will remain the same.

Get ready for changes in matters of the heart. The Rooster will give you new acquaintances, among whom may be your soulmate! Don’t be afraid to take the first step, because the stars promise strength to your union. “Family” Taurus may have difficulties raising children. However, peace and quiet will reign in the marital haven. In 2017, serious illnesses and disappointments will pass by. The first half of the year will bring you a charge of vitality and inspiration. But before autumn you need to get plenty of rest, otherwise your energy will be exhausted. Spring months are good for searching new job and starting your own business. Before doing this, do not forget to pay off your debts and give some funds to charity. In this case, income will not be long in coming.

It's time to say goodbye to the past: quit a boring job or put an end to a relationship that is leading to nowhere. But be careful. A risky and rash act will lead to trouble. The year will be eventful in terms of the heart. The stars predict a bright romance for you (or even two at the same time). But in the end you will have to make difficult choices. If your lover was born under the sign, pay attention to the words of his parents, even if they seem far from the truth. Astrologers recommend focusing on several goals at work and setting aside secondary tasks. This way you will get rid of the eternal doubts inherent in Gemini. Be patient and success will surely come. Remember your health. Refuse overtime, do not neglect training and vacations - and you will spend a year without visiting doctors.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancers

The next 12 months will not be easy. Fate has prepared failures and frustrations for you, which must be avoided at all costs. Avoid quarrels and risks, keep promises and show management what you are capable of. In this case, the year will end on a positive note. Finances will bypass problems. In terms of money, 2017 will be a time of consistency and will be suitable for accumulating funds. But your personal life will resemble a roller coaster. The stars predict numerous romances and even unrequited feelings for free Cancers. Representatives of this sign, who have already started a family, must overcome their negative qualities to bring peace and happiness to your home. Cancer's constant worry can lead to health problems. Get plenty of rest and go to the hospital if necessary.

Horoscope for 2017 for Leo

The rooster favors you. Under his patronage, your aspirations will become reality, and luck will follow on your heels. You will achieve what you want in work, hobbies and relationships. This year will be especially prosperous for family life Lviv. Representatives of the sign who are just looking for a loved one will be disappointed. After all, alas, you cannot order your heart. The second half of the year is conducive to the beginning of a successful relationship, so be on the lookout. 2017 will fill them with vigorous energy and strengthen their health. Creative inspiration will allow you to reach professional heights or start your own business, which will bring a solid profit. But working until you drop is a bad idea. Moral exhaustion will overshadow your professional success and family well-being. We also do not recommend sharing secrets with unfamiliar people. It is possible that trust will turn into betrayal.

Horoscope for 2017 for Virgos

You are among the signs that the Rooster will generously bestow with vitality. will be on the path to self-improvement in all areas of life. Don't be surprised if your outlook changes. The first place will be taken by relationships - existing or new. Your romantic interest may overshadow professional interests and take your mind off your daily routine. Take your work and home responsibilities responsibly, take the chance to rise up the ladder career ladder and watch your health. In this case, returning from heaven to earth will not be a blow to you. 2017 is suitable for investing in someone else's business. The money spent will pay off in full, the main thing is to choose reliable partners. The Rooster may reward you with a bonus or a win in the lottery, but we advise you to save some money for the winter.

Those born under this sign will suffer due to their inherent doubts and anxieties. You may be discouraged by what is happening, but some situations will require decisive action. Autumn and the beginning of winter will be an unfavorable time for you, especially in personal relationships. Try to control your emotions and maintain balance. Meditation or talking with a psychologist will help you cope with difficulties. In your professional life, you will face problems that you did not solve last year. Be vigilant in communicating with old and new colleagues. Some of them may be plotting against you. 2017 will be a year of financial difficulties and savings, but this experience will be beneficial in the future. In the second half of the year, your situation will improve.

The coming 12 months will pass without surprises or setbacks. You will be able to realize what you have planned for a long time and change what you don’t like. 2017 is suitable for starting a business and looking for a new occupation. Take on something that sparks your sincere interest, be it a profession or a hobby. Be careful with investments and other monetary transactions. In addition, your peace of mind will be shaken by problems in your personal life. Lonely Scorpios will have a hard time finding a soul mate. But if the relationship starts, it will be long and happy. Those who are already married will face hidden misunderstandings from their wife or husband, which may lead to thoughts of cheating. However, the conflict will not last long. If discord pushes us to move to the left, it will end in trouble.

This year you will feel unprecedented confidence in your abilities. Peace and prosperity will come to your family and professional life. Fortune will show favor to Sagittarius, the main thing is to use the opportunities that it gives. You will have a chance to mend your shaky relationship with your spouse, and the relationship that begins in the summer will certainly bring happiness. A successful 2017 will help you find a new job and be highly productive. If you show courage and vigilance, financial affairs will go well. Weak point Sagittarius will become healthy. Next year, chronic diseases may worsen, and a harmless cold can knock you off your feet for a long time.

Your task is to find harmony between home and work. Change awaits Capricorn at every turn, requiring determination and quick action from him. Only in this case will they bring a substantial reward. In the first half of the year, marital relations will improve, and single representatives of the sign will begin new novel. Prosperity will last until summer. Then misunderstandings will appear and, possibly, conflicts will begin. Only sincerity will help improve relationships. In addition, the Rooster will endow Capricorns with indestructible energy and efficiency. In the first months of 2017, you will avoid illness and be able to devote yourself to work. But in the fall, your energy supply will run out, so watch your health. Show courage and enthusiasm in your professional life, and your bosses will reward your efforts.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

2017 will be a time of discovery. You will show an unexpected side of yourself, think about your judgments and plans. The main thing is to rely on your mind and instincts, without succumbing to the manipulations of others. The next 12 months will be full of emotions. love awaits (perhaps for an already familiar person), which can develop into happy marriage. If you have a spouse and children, your relationship with them will become more difficult in the first half of the year. Be patient and the storm will subside over time. Serious pressure awaits you at work, but your income is unlikely to increase, and tasks will require effort and attention. Worries and stress can lead to loss of strength, so don’t forget about rest.

The next year will bring difficulties in your professional life. must show all their perseverance and efficiency in order to stay afloat. But excellent opportunities that are not related to your career will literally fall on you. 2017 is a great time for a new hobby or start romantic relationships. Perhaps you will find “the one”, and a little flirtation will result in marriage. Take care of your health and finances in the coming months. It's time to say goodbye to bad habits And extra pounds. Although your income will be stable, refrain from spontaneous purchases.

The cockerel will give a grain to everyone! Detailed horoscope from Pavel Globa (and by the way, he is never wrong) - read this article.

Horoscope for 2017 Aries from Pavel Globa

Aries is a born winner. This is a person who loves and knows how to start new things and strive for new achievements. Aries are such natures that can be in one moment in in a great mood, and a second later in severe depression. However, if representatives of the sign are obsessed with a new idea, then they will not stop until they realize their plans. What awaits Aries in 2017?

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus from Pavel Globa

Taurus, fairly tired of a series of worries, in 2017 will finally be able to see the fruits of their labors.

The Year of the Rooster brings you only positive changes. The worries, of course, will not decrease, but these will be pleasant worries, which hardworking and homely Taurus like so much.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini from Pavel Globa

Geminis are people who are used to double-checking everything and weighing their every decision. In 2017, the time will come when you will need to act more decisively, only in this case will you be successful.

In January 2017, Gemini may have to reconsider their plans for life. There is a chance that personal circumstances will force you to forget about work.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer from Pavel Globa

Cancers, accustomed to moving backwards, will have to learn to stand their ground this year. You must show perseverance and all your skills in the struggle for success, profit, career and love.

The stars advise representatives of this sign to start living in a new way in the new year. Changes could begin as early as January. During this period, there is a high probability that Cancers will change their place of permanent work.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo from Pavel Globa

Leos are excellent specialists at impressing others. But this year you'll have to show yours true face. You need to learn to be, not seem. Take off the mask and people will be able to love you for who you are.

Significant changes in life will begin in early January. During this period, you should be prepared to take decisive action. This applies to both work and personal life.

Horoscope for 2017 Virgo from Pavel Globa

The past two years have changed a lot in Virgo's life. A lot happened, fate tested your strength. And now in 2017 we can say with confidence that you passed the test with a bang.

In January 2017, something from the past may return to Virgos. There is a possibility that you will be offered to return to a project that you have already left long ago.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra from Pavel Globa

All last year you had to demonstrate your restraint to others. Libra, you did great, you didn’t lose your temper! In 2017, you can finally relax and enjoy life.

It's best to start 2017 with a vacation. The first three weeks of January should not bother you with either household or work problems. Try to devote this time to active recreation.

Horoscope for 2017 Scorpio from Pavel Globa

2017 promises to be a turning point for Scorpios in many areas. The reason is simple - you are tired of the problems of the previous year and you want to relax and enjoy life.

Already in January you will feel a significant surge of strength and vigor. Don't hold yourself back if you want to start something new, take training or go on a trip.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius from Pavel Globa

The past year has been very difficult for you. But it couldn't break you. In the new year 2017, you may have to work a little more. But you will accept new tasks with enthusiasm.

January will be full of communication with family and friends, and this will undoubtedly benefit you. In February, you will be able to move towards new horizons that will open up in your career. However, you will not be able to immediately understand that new opportunities are opening up before you.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn from Pavel Globa

Capricorns are multi-faceted individuals who know how to both have a lot of fun and be serious when necessary.

Horoscope for 2017 Aquarius from Pavel Globa

Aquarians are talented and creative individuals, and in 2017 these abilities will be doubly evident. Your head will be full creative ideas. Create, just don't lose your head. You really have a chance of success.

The month of January will be marked by the appearance of people and facts from the past in your life.

Horoscope for 2017 Pisces from Pavel Globa

The New Year will give Pisces the opportunity to take a break from the stress that haunted them throughout 2016. You will have a chance to get everything you have dreamed of for so long. Try not to miss your chance.

There is a possibility that in the new year you will have an irresistible desire to change your life. However, before you take action, you need to audit your life