Detailed Maggi diet menu for 4 weeks. Maggi cottage cheese diet: difference from egg diet. Exit from the Maggi diet

The Maggi diet has remained on the list of the most popular weight loss plans for several years. Tablets with that name appeared on the market, an enterprising American created the children's “Maggi Diet,” and even absurd attempts to create a soluble product of the same name were discussed. in fact, the diet is named after one of the most famous women of the 20th century - Margaret Thatcher, whose name “popularly” was familiarly shortened to an unrecognizable four letters. But whether the British Prime Minister lost weight on the now famous Maggi diet is still a question...

The legendary British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher went down in history as a decisive reformer and thoughtful strategist. Preparing to take over as Prime Minister, she received individual plan strict, but effective diet, the main ingredients of which were egg and grapefruit. It is not known how often the baroness used the “Maggi diet”, but she kept her plan in her archive all her life.

Maggi diet: in general terms

Duration: 2 weeks;

Peculiarities: protein diet with extremely low carbohydrate content;

Price: average;

Result: minus 8-10 kg;

Additional effect: a diet with a long-term effect (subject to proper exit;

The Maggi diet menu is not suitable: pregnant, lactating, with allergies to citrus fruits and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when using medications that lower blood pressure. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor!

From the Mayo diet to the Maggi diet

The eating plan that has come to be known as the Maggi Diet (though it would be more correct to pronounce it, of course, Maggi, a diminutive of Margaret) has an intriguing history.

Even during the life of ex-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (she died in 2013), historians began to sort through her archive, left in the Palace of Westminster. And, among other documents, in a diary dated 1979, a typewritten piece of paper with a certain menu was found. Judging by the note, it was compiled individually for the “iron lady” by Mayo Clinic specialists from the USA. This diet quickly became known as the Maggi Diet.

In addition to the meal plan itself, the leaflet contained a warning in large letters: “Do not stay on this diet for more than two weeks,” and below, in regular font: “You can drink whiskey on those days when meat is allowed. At other times - no alcohol."

Mayo Clinic from North America gained worldwide fame by developing a universal two-week “Mayo diet”. The correct proportions of food were presented in the form of a pyramid, prescribing the consumption of a lot of fiber from fresh vegetables and fruits, a little less slow carbohydrates and protein, very little fat (mostly unsaturated vegetable fats) and a minimum of sweets.

The original Mayo diet involves replacing five bad eating habits (adding sugar, snacking on sugary and fatty foods, eating large portions, eating junk food in restaurants, eating in front of the TV) with five healthy ones (eating breakfast, eating at least four servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit per day , eat whole grains, eat healthy fats, exercise 30 minutes daily).

However, through word of mouth, the Mayo Diet has transformed beyond recognition: today, under the guise of this nutrition plan, you can find a variety of dietary advice.

For Margaret Thatcher, nutritionists at the Mayo Clinic (by the way, it opened in the USA in 1889, but began specializing in dietetics closer to the middle of the twentieth century, when there was an increased demand for these services) developed a nutrition plan that can be called one of the first.

Today, such diets are not uncommon - protein diets for weight loss in different variations are very popular, including due to their long-lasting effect. However, the peculiarity of the Maggi diet for 2 weeks is that the fruit component in it is a fruit with which those losing weight have special hopes.

Until recently, it was believed that the grapefruit diet works due to the fact that these citrus fruits contain substances that interfere with the absorption of fat. Later studies found that the flavonoid naringin, which controls insulin production and therefore suppresses hunger, is responsible for the effect of grapefruit on weight loss.

By the way, this same effect is used in a nutrition plan known as - the combination of protein, naringin, fiber from vegetables and an extremely small amount of carbohydrates changes metabolism at the chemical level, which is beneficial, for example, in diabetes, when impaired insulin production leads to obesity.

Original Maggi diet: menu for the week

The meal plan, which is predicted to allow you to lose about 20 pounds (9 kg) over the entire period, was scheduled by the Mayo Clinic for Margaret Thatcher for seven days - after which the menu should be repeated. In addition to the prescribed drinks, on the Maggi diet you can drink non-carbonated drinks without restrictions. plain water. In cases where the amount of food is not specified exactly, the portion size is determined by the person losing weight independently.


  • (same for all 14 days): 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit, a cup of coffee or tea without additives


  • Dinner: 2 eggs, grapefruit
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, mixed vegetable salad, 1 well-toasted toast, 1 grapefruit


  • Dinner: 2 eggs, any number of fresh tomatoes, plain coffee
  • Dinner: grilled beef steak, vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, olives), coffee


  • Dinner: 2 eggs, stewed spinach, coffee
  • Dinner: Grilled lean lamb steak, celery, cucumber and tomato salad, plain tea


  • Dinner: 2 eggs, stewed spinach, coffee
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, a little cottage cheese, 1 well-toasted toast, shredded cabbage


  • Dinner: 2 eggs, stewed spinach, coffee
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with fish, 1 well-toasted toast, 1 grapefruit


  • Dinner: any amount of fruit salad without dressing
  • Dinner: any number of steaks, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, coffee


  • Dinner: grilled chicken fillet, tomato, carrot and cabbage salad, grapefruit, coffee
  • Dinner: cold boiled skinless chicken, fresh tomatoes, grapefruit.

If you decide to stick to the Maggi diet not for one week, but for 2 or even 4 weeks, just repeat the menu from Mon to Sun.

Did Margaret Thatcher use the Maggi Diet?

There is no reliable evidence that the legendary Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was on the Maggi diet. Those who were close to her during her political ascent cautiously suggest that Baroness Thatcher prepared for her appointment as Prime Minister with her characteristic thoroughness and turned to the Mayo Clinic for help, just in case, so that she would have something “up her sleeve” that would allow her to come quickly. in the form.

Thatcher herself, who was reluctant to talk about herself, when asked about the secret of her slimness, invariably answered in interviews that she did not follow any diets. Probably the secret of her consistently smart appearance lay in her organization and habit of discipline and restraint not only in work, but also in matters of personal care - we remember that Margaret Thatcher was faithful to the same elegant image until old age and changed little in her course of life. Maybe the traditional British one helped her? Now we can only guess...

"The Maggi Diet": a scandalous book for chubby teenagers

The popularity of the Maggi diet came back from an unexpected direction. The problem of childhood obesity has become a real scourge for the United States and some European countries: the spread of processed foods and fast food, as well as the increasingly busy parents, are taking their toll.

State programs are being created abroad to combat overweight in children and adolescents, do not lag behind food industry and even culture: in 2011, American Paul Kramer creatively used the popularity of the Maggie diet by releasing a volume called Maggie Goes on a Diet.

This is a fictional story of a fourteen-year-old girl who eats mostly bread and cheese, but dreams of becoming as thin as a fashion model. Tired of teasing, the schoolgirl begins the journey to losing weight: Maggi's new diet consists of vegetables, fruits and oatmeal. The changed menu, coupled with sports, helps Maggi lose weight and become popular among her classmates.

Such a sensitive topic could not help but cause a scandal in the United States: many parents boycotted the book, arguing that “The Maggi Diet” stepped on a sore spot and could hurt the feelings of children suffering from excess weight and even provoke anorexia in them. The author did not agree with the accusations against him, retorting that he pursued good goals, trying to create a motivating work.

The “Maggi Diet” for children did not catch on among the people, but instead became the subject of hunting for second-hand book dealers and biblio-collectors...

The diet is based on the biochemical processes that occur in the body when certain foods are consumed. A separate block is devoted to its essence, on home page our website – Maggi Diet

Book Maggi Diet through the eyes of experts

Created at the request of our readers

Five specialists from different fields:

Nutritionist with 7 years of experience

General practitioner and nutritionist part-time

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Personal trainer, Russian champion in workout-eventing

Professional fitness instructor

will tell you their opinion about the Maggi Diet in a simple, accessible and informative way!

Egg as a staple diet

Recently, American nutritionists conducted a rather interesting experiment. One group of subjects was asked to eat two boiled eggs and drink a cup of coffee for breakfast, while the second group started their day with a fresh donut. At the same time, the donut and eggs had approximately the same calorie content.

After two months, the researchers compared the results achieved by participants in both groups. It turned out that the weight loss of the subjects who ate eggs for breakfast was 65% greater than that of those who ate donuts for breakfast.

In addition, women from the first group noted that their health was much better than before eating eggs for breakfast. This is not surprising, because the egg contains all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins necessary for the human body.

It is important that the digestibility of eggs depends on the method of their processing. Soft-boiled eggs are the fastest to digest: the body only needs a couple of hours to digest them. And hard-boiled eggs are digested one and a half times longer, while providing the body nutrients and allowing you to not feel hungry for a long time.

Authorized Products

For four weeks, all those who decide to go on the Maggi diet will have to give up fatty and sweet foods. Fortunately, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, meat and vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, are not forbidden to be added to the diet. To ensure that the body does not experience a sugar deficiency, you should eat a variety of fruits. Only bananas, dates, mangoes, grapes and figs are prohibited: they are very high in calories and contain a large amount of glucose, so they do not contribute to weight loss.

During the diet, you should not overuse salt, as it retains fluid in the tissues and interferes with the process of getting rid of extra pounds. Of course, you won’t have to completely give up spices, but you can only use them in moderation.

Menu table for 4 weeks

During all four weeks you must drink enough water, but it is not prohibitedalso tea and coffee, but absolutely without sugar.

First week Second week Third week Fourth week

At the beginning of a difficult four-week journey, the body will undergo a serious restructuring due to a change in diet and its restrictions.

Day, no.Dinner Dinner
2 Boiled chicken without skin, or at least fried2 eggs + grapefruit + fresh vegetables + 1 toast
3 Low-fat cheese + tomatoes + 1 toastLow-fat meat (except lamb) or minced meat
4 1 type of fruit from the list of permitted
5 2 eggs + boiled vegetablesFish + fresh vegetables + grapefruit
6 1 type of fruit from the list of permittedLean meat (except lamb) or minced meat + fresh vegetables
7 Boiled vegetables

By the second week, the body begins to get used to the changes, and eggs are more actively introduced into the diet.

Breakfast all seven days the same: 2 eggs + grapefruit
Day, no.Dinner Dinner
1 Lean meat (except lamb) or minced meat + fresh vegetables2 eggs + grapefruit + fresh vegetables
2 Lean meat (except lamb) or minced meat + fresh vegetables2 eggs + grapefruit
3 Lean meat (except lamb) or minced meat + cucumbers2 eggs + grapefruit
4 2 eggs + cheese, no more than 17% fat + cooked vegetables2 eggs + grapefruit
5 Fish2 eggs
6 Lean meat (except lamb) or minced meat + tomatoes + grapefruitAny permitted fruits
7 Boiled skinless chicken + tomatoes + boiled vegetables + grapefruitBoiled skinless chicken + tomatoes + boiled vegetables + grapefruit

The diet in the third week is designed with the expectation that the body has already accepted the rules of the game and reacts as it should - it loses kilograms. Therefore, in the third week, a new shake-up awaits him, food items are not listed by meal, but only by day.

Day, no.Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
2 Any vegetables from the list of allowed
3 Fruits + vegetables
4 Fish + vegetables
5 Meat + vegetables
6 Any fruit from the list of permitted
7 1 type of fruit from the list of permitted

The diet is coming to an end, and it’s time to evaluate the achievements. These products are distributed throughout the day.

Day, no.Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
1 Lean meat (except lamb) or minced meat + 3-4 cucumbers and tomatoes + grapefruit + 1 toast + 1 standard can of tuna WITHOUT oil (can be washed off with water)
2 Up to 200 gr. lean meat (except lamb) or minced meat + 3-4 cucumbers and tomatoes + 1 fruit of your choice from allowed
3 Up to 200 gr. cottage cheese or cheese + cooked vegetables + 2 cucumbers and tomatoes + 1 toast + grapefruit.
4 Half a chicken + 1 cucumber + 3 tomatoes + 1 toast + grapefruit.
5 2 eggs + leaves green salad+ 3 tomatoes and grapefruit
6 2 chicken breasts + 120 gr. cottage cheese or feta cheese + 1 toast + 2 cucumbers and tomatoes + grapefruit.
7 Up to 100 gr. cottage cheese or cheese + 1 standard can of tuna WITHOUT oil (can be washed off with water) + 2 cucumbers and tomatoes + grapefruit + cooked vegetables + 1 toast

! The Maggi diet does not imply strict restrictions on portion sizes. You can eat until you are full (without overeating), if the menu does not indicate a specific amount (for example, 1 grapefruit or 1 can of tuna).

Features of the four-week Maggi diet

The main feature of the Maggi diet is strict adherence to the schedule and menu. All that can be changed is the consumption of eggs. Those people who cannot tolerate eggs can replace them with cottage cheese. Alternating eggs and cottage cheese is unacceptable: you should immediately decide whether to eat only cottage cheese or only eggs for four weeks. The rest of the products cannot be replaced under any circumstances, the only exception is grapefruit, instead of which you can eat an orange.

How to get off the Maggi diet?

After the fourth week of the Maggi diet ends, you should not immediately change your diet: leaving the diet should be quite smooth, otherwise there is a risk that all the lost kilograms will quickly return. Fortunately, the Maggi diet is quite nutritious and varied, so many women prefer not to give it up in the future.

Among all the diets and methods of losing weight, the Maggi diet is distinguished by London aristocracy and high origin. The fact is that for the first time, mention of the Maggi diet and a detailed menu for 4 weeks was found in the personal belongings of the iron Margaret Thatcher.

Apparently, he was named so diminutively Maggi on behalf of Margaret. The nutrition system is designed specifically for this outstanding woman. Its authors were specialists from the American Mayo Clinic.

In the original document, in the hand of Margaret Thatcher, several valuable comments were indicated, such as: do not go on a diet for more than two weeks, on those days when you can eat meat, you are allowed to drink a little whiskey.

What is the Maggi diet

This is perhaps one of the first low-carb fat-burning diets, but the modern diet guide is a little different from the original.

A four-week nutritional system that contains a minimum amount of carbohydrates. Weight will decrease only because the body requires more energy to process one gram of protein into a glucose molecule.


The starting product for energy production in cells is glucose. In other words, everything you eat eventually turns into glucose.

Be it crystalline sugar, from which the body, without spending its own initial diet, has made a glucose molecule or a protein, which still needs to be converted. This is the essence of the Maggi diet method of losing weight.

Conditions and contraindications

This system has rational contraindications. However, any diet aimed at weight loss has a list of diseases and special conditions for which it cannot be used:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation, or breastfeeding;
  • allergic reaction to citrus fruits;
  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, especially of an inflammatory nature;
  • other diseases, chronic or in the acute stage;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

The explanations are very simple: if a person is allergic to citrus fruits, then he will not be able to eat grapefruit and oranges, and the list of products cannot be changed.

Breastfeeding women and expectant mothers should not lose weight under any circumstances. If there are diseases that are associated with the stomach and intestines, any violation or restriction of nutrition will threaten the person’s condition.

Maggi diet - weight loss in 4 weeks

The duration of the diet is four weeks. And this is a fundamental time period. Every week the menu is different. Differences in products depend on the changes that occur in the body during weight loss.

  1. First week: this is the beginning of the journey; metabolic changes may occur in the body.
  2. Second week: the body has adapted to the new lifestyle; at this stage, eggs are actively introduced into the diet.
  3. Third week: the body has measured itself out and lives in a new way, but at this time a surprise is introduced for it. The surprise is that the products are listed not by meal, but by day. In the third week, a lot of weight has been lost, but there is still room for improvement.
  4. Fourth week: the final stage of testing for our body.

As happy eyewitnesses say, overweight literally melt before our eyes. Already on the fifth day of the week you can see the desired movement of the hands on the scales.

Daily weight loss is about 300 grams. This is considered normal weight loss. At the same time, the body does not experience stress and degenerative processes do not occur in it.

Maggi diet rules

To ensure that your efforts are not in vain, you need to adhere to the following scheme:

You need to eat strictly three times a day. For better digestion, eat your meals at the same time. This must be done so that the enzymatic system right time produced the required amount of digestive juice.

Snacks are allowed if the feeling of hunger overcomes you quite strongly. Don’t bring yourself to a feeling of hopelessness; if you want to eat, nibble on a carrot, cucumber or lettuce

You can eat after six, but no later than three hours before bedtime.

It is necessary to strictly observe the choice of those products that are recommended for breakfast or lunch. Don't swap dinner and lunch.

If you have arbitrarily excluded a product, you cannot replace it with another.

Food should be prepared without using butter or margarine. Do not use seasonings with flavorings, preservatives or MSG.

Food can be salted and peppered, but in moderation.

Additional information about the diet

To get a good result, you need to buy a kitchen scale, which you will need to use occasionally. The fact is that according to the rules, if the exact amount of a product is indicated on the menu, then you cannot consume it in larger or smaller quantities.

If in fasting day The exact amount of vegetables or fruits is not indicated; you can eat them unlimitedly.


In addition to the diet, you do not need to buy any vitamin complex. The menu is very rational and balanced, taking into account all the body’s needs for microelements and vitamins.

If you messed something up or didn’t understand, or didn’t manage to eat this or that product on time, you’ll have to start all over again.

In case of incorrect use of the menu or any error, start the process of going through the Maggi diet from the very first day.


Of course, vegetables and herbs come first in the choice of products. This choice is obvious, because vegetables have a lot of fiber and no carbohydrates at all.

It is useful to use combinations of several vegetables. They can be boiled, stewed, cooked in a slow cooker and simply eaten fresh. You can use frozen vegetables and add a small amount of seasoning to improve the taste.

Berries and fruits

For proper nutrition, fruits must be present in the diet. A feature of this diet is the consumption of large quantities of citrus fruits: tangerines, grapefruits, oranges, as well as kiwi and other fruits.

Dairy products

Cottage cheese can be eaten without fat, no more than 9%. Allowed to use hard cheese with a low percentage of fat content. Kefir and yogurt can only be drunk at 4 weeks.

Fish and seafood

Preferably also not fatty: haddock, pollock, cod, carp, pike perch. Among seafood, shrimp and mussels are welcome.

Eggs, poultry and meat

Chicken meat can be eaten without skin in sufficient quantities, as it is not fatty. Eggs and offal are allowed: hearts, liver.

You can eat lean meat, baked, boiled or stewed, without salt or oil.


Rye bread, no more than 30 grams, bread with bran or whole grain. Special diet breads that are sold in health food stores.


Moderate consumption of seasonings is allowed in this diet. You can season salads and prepared dishes with salt, pepper, onion and garlic. Use soy sauce without sugar.

Drinking regime

You can drink water without restrictions in quantity.


If a crisis occurs during your sweet tooth diet, you can treat yourself to a sugar-free lollipop. Stevia and agave syrup are used as sugar substitutes.

Products strictly prohibited

In order for your weight loss efforts to be successful, it is important to know which foods are strictly prohibited for consumption.

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Milk.
  3. Mushrooms.
  4. Any oil, vegetable or animal fats.
  5. Fruits (grapes, figs, mango, banana, avocado, dried fruits).
  6. Potato.
  7. Legumes (lentils, beans).
  8. Fried foods, especially on animal fat.
  9. Canned food.
  10. Sweet dishes (honey, sorbitol, fructose, sugar).

Maggi diet - menu for 4 weeks

The Maggi diet is divided into two options: egg and curd. The basis of the egg diet is a simple chicken egg.


Eggs are a rather unique food product; they contain all the necessary nutrients for the body. Cholesterol, which so scares skeptics, does not pose a big threat to health if eggs are consumed in reasonable quantities.

Most of the calories come from the yolk. Depending on whether the egg is soft-boiled or hard-boiled, its digestion time increases.

Eggs are the main component in the Maggi diet, but not the only one. Those who want to lose weight will have to adhere to a nutritional system that is carried out over four weeks.

Every week you will be able to observe the result; with the right approach and following all nutritional rules, the extra pounds will melt away day after day.

First week

In the first week, the body will experience difficulties, because the usual sweets or baked goods will be completely absent. A person will experience psychological discomfort and a desire to snack on sweets, but one must control oneself.

Monday menu

Breakfast: half a grapefruit or orange and 2 eggs, which can be hard-boiled or soft-boiled.

Lunch: you can eat any quantity of one of the proposed types of fruit - apple, pear, any berries.

Not allowed: dates, banana, dried fruits, figs, mango.

Dinner: pork or beef in pieces or in the form of minced meat, poultry, rabbit (meat can be boiled, stewed, steamed or in a slow cooker). Lettuce leaves are allowed.

Not allowed: lamb or pork with a layer of fat.

Tuesday menu

Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 2 soft-boiled eggs.

Lunch: skinless chicken - boiled, in a slow cooker or steamed, if desired, you can add a little salt and pepper.

Dinner: two boiled eggs. One piece of toast made from approved flour. One orange or grapefruit. Salad from any vegetables.

Environment menu

Lunch: toast made from grain flour or special bread. Tomatoes. Low-fat cottage cheese 9%. Low-fat, no more than 20%, cheese. These products may not be limited in quantity.

Dinner: lean pork or chicken, boiled or stewed. Salad leaves.

Thursday menu

Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 2 soft-boiled eggs.

Lunch: one type of fruit, from the list of permitted ones, in any quantity.

Dinner: lettuce leaves. Poultry, pork or beef - boiled, stewed or cooked in a slow cooker.

Friday menu

Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit and one boiled egg.

Lunch: two boiled eggs. Boiled vegetables.

No potatoes, corn, legumes.

Dinner: lettuce leaves. A piece of fish (fried in a dry frying pan, boiled, stewed)

Saturday menu

Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 2 soft-boiled eggs.

Lunch: one type of fruit in any quantity, excluding fruits from the prohibited list.

Dinner: lettuce leaves. Pork, beef or poultry.

Sunday menu

Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 2 hard-boiled eggs.

Lunch: tomatoes. Chicken, but without the greasy skin. Other permitted boiled vegetables. One orange or grapefruit.

Dinner: boiled vegetables, any.

Not allowed: potatoes, legumes, corn, beans.

Second week

Throughout the week, have breakfast strictly with half an orange or grapefruit and two boiled eggs.

Monday menu

Lunch: lettuce leaves. Lump pork or beef.

Dinner: two boiled eggs, one orange or grapefruit. Salad leaves.

Tuesday menu

Lunch: pork or beef. Any lettuce leaves in any quantity.

Dinner: one orange or grapefruit. Two hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs.

Environment menu

Wednesday lunch: Boiled, stewed pork or beef. Two cucumbers.

Wednesday dinner: One orange or grapefruit. Two boiled eggs.

Thursday menu

Lunch: two soft-boiled eggs. Any white cheese with a fat content of no more than 20%. As an alternative, cottage cheese is no higher than 9% fat.

Dinner: two boiled eggs.

Friday menu

Lunch: steamed or boiled fish.

Friday dinner: two eggs, possibly an omelette on the water.

Saturday menu

Lunch: boiled pork or beef. Two tomatoes. One orange.

Dinner: Fruit salad (tangerine, orange, cherries, strawberries, pears, apples and other permitted fruits and berries).

Sunday menu

Lunch: skinless chicken, boiled or steamed. Two tomatoes, one orange.

Dinner: chicken or turkey without skin. No more than two tomatoes. One orange or grapefruit.

Third week

In the third week there will be no strict control over the amount of food; you can eat the vegetables, fruits and meat offered daily, as you wish.

Monday: You can eat any amount of fruit all day long. You can prepare salads from them or eat them separately.

Not allowed: bananas, avocados, dates, mangoes, dried fruits.

Tuesday: You can eat any boiled or steamed vegetables in any quantity and in any combination.

Don't: combine potatoes with legumes and beans.

Wednesday: any quantity and any combination of fruits and boiled vegetables. You can make salads, eat separately or together.

Thursday: fish boiled or fried in a dry frying pan. Boiled vegetables. Lettuce leaves and Chinese cabbage leaves. All this can be eaten in any quantity and at any time.

Friday: Boiled vegetables. Chicken meat without skin. Pork or beef - boiled, stewed or cooked in a slow cooker.

Saturday and Sunday: one type of fruit all day, but in any quantity, you can eat - apples, pears, peaches, apricots.

Fourth week

In the final week, you must strictly follow the diet and not supplement it with any other products. In addition, you need to observe the amount of food eaten.

Divide the products that will be offered for consumption into 4 meals with an interval of 2-3 hours. To avoid the temptation to overeat, drink plenty of water.


  • a quarter of boiled chicken or 4 slices of boiled pork or beef;
  • 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers;
  • a can of canned tuna without oil;
  • 1 toast made from wholemeal flour with added bran;
  • 1 orange or grapefruit.


  • two slices of boiled meat no more than 200 grams in total;
  • 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 toast;
  • 1 apple or pear or orange or grapefruit.


  • one spoon of cottage cheese 9% fat or any white cheese;
  • 2 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers;
  • 1 toast;
  • 1 orange.


  • half a carcass of chicken, fried or boiled;
  • cucumber, 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 grapefruit or orange;
  • 1 of the permitted fruits.


  • 2 eggs;
  • salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots without dressing;
  • 1 grapefruit or orange.


  • two boiled chicken breasts;
  • 130 grams of cottage cheese or feta cheese;
  • 1 toast;
  • 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 grapefruit or orange.


  • 1 spoon of cottage cheese;
  • can of tuna;
  • a small plate of boiled vegetables;
  • 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 grapefruit or orange.

The cottage cheese version of the Maggi diet differs only in that you can alternate eggs with low-fat cottage cheese.

It will be very pleasant to refresh yourself with cottage cheese in those moments when you no longer want to look at eggs.

The first week of the cottage cheese diet

Second week of the cottage cheese diet

Third week of the cottage cheese diet

Fourth week of the cottage cheese diet


If you have chosen the Maggi diet for weight loss, do not worry or worry - excess weight will definitely leave. This is a fairly strict but effective diet. The main thing is to follow its rules and do not deviate from the proposed diet.

To make your motivation to lose weight stronger, buy something expensive and very Nice dress, but a size or two smaller. The thought that you can wear this dress only after the excess weight is gone should inspire you to great deeds.

You need to weigh yourself before starting the diet and at the end of each week. Remember to drink plenty of purified water or green tea. Get moderate exercise, or at least go for a walk briskly two hours every day. Visit a bathhouse or sauna once a week.

The Maggi diet is a protein nutrition system lasting from 2 to 4 weeks, with the help of which you can lose up to 20 kg of excess weight as painlessly as possible without counting calories or feeling hungry.

The history of the appearance of this technique goes back to 1979 and is associated with the famous British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Until recently, recipes for dishes and the principle of the Maggi diet were kept secret, and only after the death of the Baroness, the low-carb weight loss system saw the world.

According to research, in the process of analyzing the archive of the “Iron Lady,” historians discovered a sheet of paper that described in detail the dietary regimen developed by the Mayo Clinic (USA). As a result, the published technique was named after the most influential woman of the 20th century - Margaret Thatcher, whose name was shortened beyond recognition to 4 letters.

The original Maggi diet is designed for 14 days, while all other modifications are derivatives of the prototype, improved by modern scientists.

The principle of the technique is based on the processes occurring in the body chemical reactions, which promote gradual fat burning and weight loss. Unlike most techniques, it is not based on limiting the number of calories consumed per day, such as, for example. That is why people often call the “Iron Lady” protein weight loss method the Maggi chemical diet.

Benefits and harms

In pursuit of a slim body, the number of people losing weight increases rapidly every year. As a result, the number of diets that promote effective weight loss is increasing.

Currently, all weight loss methods can be divided into (, Maggi, Atkins,) and plant-based (, oatmeal, juice, fruit, vegetable).

Humanity has not yet invented an ideal system for shedding extra pounds, which is why each of them has advantages and disadvantages, and also has beneficial and harmful effects on work internal organs person.

The principle of the Maggi diet is based on a sharp reduction in the amount of fats and carbohydrates entering the body, due to the predominance of animal protein in the diet. Numerous reviews from those who have lost weight indicate the benefits of a protein nutrition system, which helps maintain muscle mass, satisfying hunger, and also prevents sagging skin.

Previously, it was believed that eating 2 or more eggs daily was unsafe because they increased cholesterol levels, but today it has been proven that the negative effects of the product are neutralized by oil and fats. That is why people with heart and vascular diseases are recommended to take them simultaneously.

Despite the benefits of a protein diet, reviews from doctors say the opposite: a diet oversaturated with proteins only harms the functioning of internal organs, in particular the kidneys. In addition, digestive enzymes are needed to digest protein, which are produced in the body in limited quantities As a result, an excess of “unprocessed” product rots in the intestines, which causes constipation, diarrhea, bloating, fermentation and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The Maggi diet differs from most mono-diets in the following respects:

After completing a full four-week weight loss course, you can repeat the Maggi method no earlier than after 12 months. Otherwise, the “second round” of the protein cycle will put a tremendous strain on the body, namely, on the work of the heart and kidneys.

Depending on the main ingredient, Margaret Thatcher's diet is:

  • egg;
  • curd, cheese.

The classic Maggi egg diet is based on eating a significant amount of eggs per day, which are the main source of protein. This product is a storehouse of important amino acids and trace elements. Namely, iodine, niacin, selenium, iron and phosphorus, which are vital for the flow of chemical processes in the body and the normal functioning of internal organs.

Regular consumption of eggs prevents the development of anemia and anemia, increases immunity, improves memory, stimulates brain function and enhances attention.

Taking into account the feedback from nutritionists, in order to get quick results and replenish calcium deficiency, it is recommended to use Magga as the main ingredient of the diet with a fat content in the range of 3-5%. Fermented milk product is the main source of methionine and tryptophan, which take an active part in the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. As well as calcium, phosphorus, iron - for the full development of bones, teeth, coordinated work of the heart muscle, and normalization of hemoglobin levels.

The Maggi cottage cheese diet leads to increased breakdown of fats, accelerates the elimination of toxins, and improves skin condition.

If desired, instead of eggs and cottage cheese, you can use low-fat cheese (up to 25%). This product has a positive effect on blood pressure, promotes the active removal of waste products from the kidneys, improves intestinal microflora, strengthens bones, and slows down the process of carbohydrate absorption.

The Maggi cheese diet allows the consumption of any low-fat varieties of lactic acid products (including cheese 9%, feta light up to 13%, tofu 1.5%, ricotta 8%, gaudette 7%, mozzarella 17%, brie 23%, Adyghe 14%). The optimal fat content in the product is 9%.

TO positive aspects protein diets include:

  • lack of feeling of hunger, which makes the process of losing weight easy and painless;
  • there are no restrictions on the amount of product consumed;
  • ease of cooking;
  • no need for daily calorie counting;
  • balanced diet;
  • noticeable reduction in volumes;
  • high efficiency;
  • long-term preservation of the results obtained (from 1.5 years).

However, the egg and curd methods have negative reviews. The need to strictly adhere to the menu and nutritional schedule significantly reduces the number of people who can withstand a full weight loss course, since in case of failure, unlike the Dukan scheme, it is not advisable to continue the Maggi diet. For getting desired result the process of losing excess pounds will have to start all over again.

Often among those losing weight on days 18-20 the question arises: “Why doesn’t the weight come off?” The reason for this “trouble” is that the body gets used to a protein diet and intensively reduces volumes.

Taking into account reviews from nutritionists, when choosing a diet, it is important to remember that not a single weight loss technique should have bad influence on human health.

That is why, before practicing Margaret Thatcher’s diet, it is necessary to take into account the following contraindications:

  • diseases of the digestive system, as well as the heart and kidneys;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergies to eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, citrus fruits;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • high cholesterol levels that exceed the norm.

In the absence of the above risk factors, you can practice the Maggi diet without fear. However, before you start losing weight, you should consult your doctor.

IN classic version Margaret Thatcher's original diet lasts 14 days. Due to the predominance of eggs in the diet, this weight loss method is often called “egg”, despite the fact that the menu includes fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese and meat. The daily intake of protein and citrus products compensates for the lack of vitamins and vitamins, which occurs as a result of the predominance of protein foods.

Instructions for proper weight loss using Maggi technology

  1. Drink 2 liters of water daily.
  2. Exclude rich meat broths, oils, sugar, mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, and confectionery from the menu.
  3. It is prohibited to make adjustments to the menu, namely, swapping dishes or increasing portions.
  4. The diet cannot be interrupted. If the weight loss rules are violated, the entire procedure should be repeated from the beginning.
  5. Fasting is strictly prohibited. During the day you should eat everything that is indicated on the menu.
  6. Take daily walks fresh air for at least an hour, this helps to activate metabolism.
  7. Get enough sleep (at least 8 hours) healthy sleep in a day). Failure to comply with this condition is fraught with increased appetite.
  8. You can take green tea without sugar in any quantity throughout the entire weight loss period.
  9. Weigh yourself daily upon waking. Firstly, this will allow you to track the dynamics of changes in body weight, and secondly, it will be an excellent incentive to continue.
  10. Vegetables must be cooked in plain water without salt, spices, or flavor enhancers. At the same time, it is allowed to use garlic, onions, and peppers during the cooking process.
  11. Dull acute feeling Cucumber, carrots, salad will help with hunger. However, they can only be consumed after the recommended meal, after 2 hours.
  12. If the menu does not mention the permissible amount of a product consumed, you can eat it without restrictions, until you feel full.

If it is necessary to increase the duration of the protein diet, it is not advisable to repeat all stages of the method again. It is enough to limit yourself to spending 14 days on the nutrition system of the first week and 14 days on the fourth (the so-called 1 4 1 4 scheme).

At the same time, the Maggi diet for two weeks allows for a full cycle of repetition of the technique.

Regardless of the type of diet (egg, cottage cheese or cheese), the weight loss results will be the same.

The first week is protein-rich, it is well tolerated and has large weights. On average, weight loss during this period is 0.8-2 kg per day and will reach a total of 5-7 kg. At the same time, body weight loss occurs due to care excess water from the body.

During the second week, fat begins to burn, which is why the weight per day will be no more than 0.3 kg.

After 14 days of the diet, the weight will come off even more slowly, but the volume will rapidly decrease and the skin will tighten.

Due to the fact that the Maggi protein diet helps to reduce the volume of the stomach, hunger is practically not felt during the entire weight loss period. That is why “egg” and “curd” diets are in great demand among many women.

In the middle of the diet (on the 15th day), the question often arises among those losing weight: “why the weight is not coming off.” The reason for this phenomenon is the body’s adaptation to the new body weight and nutrition system. In addition, the rate of weight loss is directly influenced by biorhythms, intestinal condition, physiological fluid retention, as well as the MC phase. Stabilization of weight at a certain point should not be the reason for the end of the weight loss process, since after a few days the process of losing kilograms will resume.

The effectiveness of the protein weight loss method directly depends on the strict adherence to its rules.

If one of the conditions is violated, for example, when replacing one product with another or rearranging lunch and dinner dishes, it will not bring the desired result.

The Maggi egg diet for 2 weeks provides 3 meals a day. Dinner should be no later than 18-00. During the day, you need to drink purified still water without restrictions, and also avoid all kinds of snacks in between meals.

Let's take a closer look at the menu for each day.

Every day for breakfast you need to eat 1 piece, 2 boiled eggs and drink a cup of coffee.

Day No. 1

  • lunch – herbal tea, 2 boiled eggs, tomato;
  • dinner – grapefruit – 1 piece, green tea, 2 boiled eggs, vinaigrette without oil.

Day No. 2

  • lunch – grapefruit – 1 piece, 2 boiled eggs;
  • dinner - salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, baked lean meat (chicken or turkey).

Day No. 3

  • lunch – spinach, herbal tea, 2 boiled eggs;
  • dinner - cabbage, beets, green tea, 2 boiled eggs, cottage cheese.

Day No. 4

  • lunch – spinach, coffee, 2 boiled eggs;
  • dinner - coffee, vinaigrette, low-fat fish (hake, pollock) - 150g.

Day No. 5

  • lunch – 2 boiled eggs, herbal tea, spinach;
  • dinner - cauliflower, coffee, fish, vinaigrette.

Day No. 6

  • lunch – fruit salad (grapefruit, pineapple, kiwi, tangerine);
  • dinner - coffee, steak, vegetable mix of cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, onions.

Day No. 7

  • lunch – boiled chicken fillet (chilled), tomato, grapefruit;
  • dinner - carrot, cabbage, tomato salad, baked turkey, coffee.

The two-week Maggi diet is based on the diet of the first week, which should be repeated 2 times in a row for 14 days.

Summarizing the reviews and results of those who have lost weight, we can say with confidence that Margaret Thatcher’s method in the classic version allows you to become 10-12 kg lighter.

The Maggi protein diet for 4 weeks has the same requirements as the fourteen-day diet. However, due to the increased duration, it is much more effective and allows you to lose up to 20 kg of excess weight.

Let's consider the most common type of technique - the Maggi egg diet. In case of intolerance or allergy to the main ingredient, it can be replaced with cheese up to 25% (the lower the percentage, the better) or granular cottage cheese 3-5% (one serving - 200g).

Despite the strict adherence to the diet, the protein-citrus method ensures the preservation of muscle mass, provokes accelerated fat burning, and does not cause hunger.

Margaret Thatcher's cottage cheese version of weight loss contains the same amount of protein as the egg diet, but this modification of the Maggi diet is healthier, since the fermented milk product is easier to digest, lowers cholesterol levels and strengthens bones. However, the main contraindication to its use is hypersecretion of gastric juice. Frequent intake of a lactic acid product contributes to the exacerbation of gastritis, which can lead to aggravation of the well-being of those losing weight and the occurrence of erosions (ulcers) on the mucous membrane of the organ.

The Maggi diet for 28 days is divided into four weeks (“the beginning of the journey”, “addiction mode”, “methodology as a way of life”, “evaluation of results”), each of which has a strictly developed diet.

Let's consider a detailed menu for each period, which for convenience it is recommended to print and hang in the kitchen.

Maggi diet 1 week – “the beginning of the journey”

In the period from the 1st to the 14th day, the daily breakfast for losing weight consists of 2 boiled chicken eggs, half a grapefruit/orange.

Day No. 1

  • lunch - consumption during the day, in unlimited quantities, of one fruit from the following permissible: apricot, watermelon, melon, orange, apples, pears, pineapples;
  • dinner - boiled chicken fillet or meatballs.

Day No. 2

  • lunch – boiled turkey without skin;
  • dinner - bran bread - 1 piece, boiled eggs - 2 pieces, orange - 1 piece, vegetable salad of carrots, sweet peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Day No. 3

  • lunch – red tomatoes, low-fat cheese, toast – no more than 1 piece;
  • dinner - boiled fillet or steamed chicken cutlet, without adding salt, spices, or onions.

Day No. 4

  • lunch - apples;
  • dinner - lettuce, spinach, carrots, boiled lean meat.

Day No. 5

  • lunch – beans, boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
  • dinner - grapefruit - 1 piece, steamed hake fillet - 150g, cucumbers, onions.

Day No. 6

  • lunch - apricots;
  • dinner - salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, boiled rabbit fillet.

Day No. 7

  • lunch – boiled zucchini and carrot puree, 1 tomato, 1 orange, steamed turkey without skin;
  • dinner - boiled vegetables: green peas, eggplant, onions, tomatoes.

Second week of Maggi – “addiction mode”

Day No. 1

  • lunch - cucumber and carrot salad, boiled rabbit meat;
  • dinner – tomatoes, boiled eggs – 2 pcs., onion, grapefruit – 1 pc.

Day No. 2

  • lunch - stewed zucchini and boiled chicken breast;
  • dinner – orange – 1 pc, boiled eggs – 2 pcs;

Day No. 3

  • lunch – steamed turkey, spinach, cucumbers;
  • dinner – soft-boiled eggs – 2 pcs, tangerines.

Day No. 4

  • lunch – low-fat white cheese (Adyghe, feta), boiled green peas, 2 soft-boiled eggs;
  • dinner – a slice of watermelon, 2 boiled eggs.

Day No. 5

  • lunch – dietary fish cutlet from low-fat varieties, without adding spices or boiled pike perch/cod fillet;
  • dinner – boiled chicken eggs – 2 pcs.

Day No. 6

  • dinner - tomato juice, “steam” rabbit, pears;
  • dinner - fruit salad of melon, peach, orange and apples.

Day No. 7

  • lunch - boiled green beans, squash, skinless chicken, tangerines - 2 pcs.;
  • dinner – tomatoes, carrot and zucchini puree, grapefruit – 1 pc., boiled turkey.

Meat on the Maggi diet can only be used in low-fat varieties. The optimal solution is dietary, easily digestible chicken, turkey and rabbit fillets with a low fat content (up to 5.5%).

It is strictly forbidden to consume high-calorie pork (53%) and lamb (18%) while following the protein weight loss method, as they slow down the weight loss process and contribute to worsening results.

“Methodology as a way of life” – menu for week 3

Day No. 1

Throughout the day, you must eat any fruit in any quantity, with the exception of dates, mangoes, figs, bananas, and grapes.

Day No. 2

From 08-30 to 18-00 you can eat a variety of salads from fresh and boiled vegetables, but it is important not to combine them with dry cereals or potatoes.

Day No. 3

During the day it is allowed to eat vegetables and fruits in unlimited quantities. In addition to satisfying hunger, they have a beneficial effect on the body, saturating it with nutrients. It is preferable to consume boiled vegetables on the 17th day of the Maggi diet.

Week 3 Frequently Asked Questions

What vegetables can I eat?

Carrots, zucchini, zucchini, squash, beans, eggplant, green peas, cucumbers, tomatoes, lentils.

What fruits can you eat?

Peaches, apricots, pears, apples, tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, melon, plums, watermelon, pamela, pineapple.

Day No. 4

During the day, you are allowed to eat only boiled vegetables, except for white cabbage and lettuce, as well as boiled or steamed fish (pollock, hake, pike, pike perch, haddock, cod, perch).

Day No. 5

The diet for this day consists of boiled meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean veal) and boiled vegetables.

Day No. 6,7

On the 20th, 21st day of Margaret Thatcher's egg diet, you should select one type of fruit (for example, apricots), which must be consumed separately during the 6th, 7th day of the third week.

Proper weight loss according to the Maggi system allows you to gradually reduce body weight without harm to health, which is especially important for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Considering the reviews of those who have lost a lot of weight, the third week is characterized by a slowdown in the process of losing extra pounds and a sharp decrease in volume. At the same time, upon completion, as a rule, those losing weight begin to experience a feeling of rapid filling of the stomach. Thanks to this, after leaving the diet it will be much easier to maintain your new weight.

The fourth week of the Maggi diet - “assessing results”

All foods that can be consumed during the day must be proportionally divided into three meals.

Let's consider detailed description menu for the period from 22 to 28 days.

Day No. 1

  • boiled chicken fillet without skin – 200g;
  • cucumbers – 4 pcs.;
  • orange or grapefruit – 1 piece;
  • tuna (without oil) – 1 can;
  • tomatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • toast – 1 pc.

Day No. 2

  • one type of fruit from the list of acceptable ones - in any quantity;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • boiled turkey meat – 200g;
  • toast – 1 pc.

Day No. 3

  • boiled vegetables except potatoes;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 1 tbsp;
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs;
  • grapefruit – 1 pc. or tangerines – 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • cheese up to 17% – 200g.

Day No. 4

  • grapefruit, toast, cucumber, tomato – 1 piece each;
  • chicken breast – 500g.

Day No. 5

  • vegetable mix without dressing from sweet peppers, carrots, cucumbers (1 piece each) and 3 tomatoes;
  • hard-boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
  • orange – 1 pc.

Day No. 6

  • low-fat cottage cheese – 100g;
  • toast – 1 piece;
  • tangerines, tomatoes, cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • curdled milk – 1 cup;
  • steamed chicken breasts – 2 pcs.

Day No. 7

  • tuna without oil - 1 can;
  • toast – 1 piece;
  • orange – 1 piece;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 2 tbsp;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • cucumbers – 3 pcs.

Thus, the Maggi egg diet for 4 weeks is a low-carbohydrate complex, with an emphasis on protein-citrus nutrition. Each stage (7 days) has a strictly selected diet, which must be followed impeccably with the utmost precision. Spontaneous changes in foods, disruption of diet, changing lunch and dinner, increasing acceptable portions are the most common reasons for poor weight loss, and sometimes weight gain, after 28 days.

Exiting the Maggi diet should be gradual. In order to avoid putting a large burden on the body, the number of calories consumed per day must be increased slowly so that it “remembers” the new nutrition system in detail. It is strictly forbidden to overeat.

Due to the fact that the basis of the menu for 4 weeks is protein products, vegetables, fruits, the Maggi diet promotes the adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract to the systematic consumption of plant foods, which cleanses the intestines, restores its microflora and acts as a source of nutrients.

When losing 15 kg or more, you should take the most responsible approach to consolidating the result. Nutrition after the diet should be balanced, low-calorie and easily digestible. That is why, in order to eliminate the possibility of regaining lost kilograms, it is important to limit the intake of confectionery, carbonated, alcoholic drinks, fatty, fried, spicy foods, both on the first day after the end of the weight loss cycle, and throughout the subsequent period (during life).

It will help to consolidate the results correct menu additional fifth week, distinctive feature which are facilitated dietary conditions.

Let's look at the exact menu by day on how to exit the Maggi diet correctly.
Daily breakfast for the 5th week consists of 1 orange or grapefruit, 2 eggs.

Day No. 1

  • lunch – tomatoes, boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
  • dinner – tangerines – 2 pcs., vinaigrette without oil – 1 serving (200g), soft-boiled eggs – 2 pcs.

Day No. 2

  • lunch – kiwi – 3 pcs., soft-boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
  • dinner – vegetable salad of white cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, boiled rabbit fillet – 180g.

Day No. 3

  • lunch – spinach, steamed omelette of two eggs;
  • dinner – cabbage, beets, cottage cheese 5% or cheese 9%, soft-boiled eggs – 2 pcs.

Day No. 4

  • lunch – boiled eggs – 2 pcs., lettuce leaves;
  • dinner – stewed carrots, zucchini, eggplants, steamed fish – 150g. (preferably pike or cod).

Day No. 5

  • lunch – spinach, soft-boiled eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • dinner – boiled green peas, steamed hake fillet – 150g.

Day No. 6

  • lunch – any fruit from the list of permitted fruits in unlimited quantities;
  • dinner - tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, steak.

Day No. 7

  • lunch – baked chicken with tomatoes and zucchini - 250g;
  • dinner - braised cabbage with carrots, boiled rabbit fillet – 180g.

The Maggi diet for 5 weeks allows you not only to achieve the desired result, without losses to health and the occurrence of “hunger pangs,” but also to consolidate it. A protein-citrus diet specially developed by the American Mayo Clinic allows you to lose from 5 to 20 kg, depending on excess weight. If a minimal adjustment of body weight is necessary (up to 5-8 kg), the optimal solution is the Maggi diet for 2 weeks, 10-20 or more - for 28-35 days.

What does one serving mean in the Maggi diet?

This designation determines the permissible size of the product consumed without compromising the weight loss process. As a rule, during one meal the permissible portion is: eggs - 2 pcs., cottage cheese - 200 g., fish - 150 g., meat - 200 g. stewed vegetables– 100g.

Why is it difficult to lose weight on the Maggi diet?

As a rule, after 10-14 days the weight loss process slows down. The reason for this phenomenon is the body’s adaptation to the new mass. Often, after 3-4 days of a “dead” arrow on the scale, the process of losing extra pounds resumes.

Is alcohol allowed on the Maggi diet?

Alcoholic drinks, like grapes, dates, potatoes, pork, lamb, and figs, are classified as prohibited foods.

Are Margaret Thatcher's diet and a hot mug of Maggi compatible?

No. In view of chemical composition“quick” broth and the lack of nutrients in it, it is unsafe to consume dehydrated foods not only during the period of weight loss, but also after leaving the diet.

What can you drink?

Purified water (from 2 l/day), green or herbal tea, unsweetened coffee in moderation without adding milk (no more than 1 cup/day).

Maggi diet during pregnancy: can it be done or not?

Due to a meager diet, doctors do not recommend practicing the protein-citrus weight loss system for women in an “interesting” position. In rare cases, the Maggi cottage cheese diet is allowed for 2 weeks, and during this period future mom must be under the strict supervision of specialists.

How do you lose weight on the Maggi diet?

During the period of small plumbs, as a rule, volumes begin to rapidly decrease (week 3), especially in the hips and abdomen. According to reviews from those losing weight, if you lose 20 kg in four weeks, you can go from size 54 to size 44. There are a large number of photos online before and after losing weight, which clearly show how the volume has gone.

Why does diarrhea occur after the Maggi diet?

Frequent bowel movements are a natural reaction to the “oversaturation” of the body with protein foods, a deficiency of fats and carbohydrates, as well as a change in diet. As a rule, if you follow a diet, after 2-3 days the problem resolves on its own.

Can meat be replaced with chicken?

While following the Maggi diet, you can only eat lean meats. These include: chicken, turkey (skinless breast or fillet), rabbit, veal or beef.

What do doctors say about the Maggi diet?

Before practicing the protein method of losing weight, all experts agree on one opinion: it is necessary to conduct an examination of the body for the presence of diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys, stomach, and pancreas. To avoid aggravation of health conditions, if an illness is detected, practice this system Absolutely forbidden. In addition, you should not adhere to a “egg”, “cheese”, “curd” diet if you are allergic to these products or the woman is expecting a child.

How to replace eggs in the Maggi diet?

For cottage cheese (with fat content up to 5%) or cheese (up to 25%, preferably 9%).

Is there an iPhone app called “Maggi weight loss method”?

Yes. Currently, iPhone developers are increasing the functionality of the device every year by adding additional programs to the standard set of options. One of the new products is considered to be an application for weight loss according to the Margaret Thatcher method.
The essence of its development is to maximally satisfy the user's needs. This application not only reminds you of proper diet nutrition (menu in the table), but also calculates the required amount of products that should be purchased for the coming week of weight loss.

Can I have honey?

Allowed, but not more than 1 tsp. in a day.

What is toast?

This is a toasted slice of black or white bread(at the discretion of the person losing weight).

What to dress the salad with?

It is better to use vegetable juice, sometimes you can sprinkle it with lemon, rarely with apple cider vinegar.
It is strictly forbidden to season salads with mayonnaise, sauces, oil and fat.

Is it possible to chew chewing gum while losing weight?

What are the disadvantages of the Maggi diet?

The main disadvantage of this technique is the inability to continue it if the diet is disrupted. In case of failure, it is not advisable to continue the diet, since it will not bring the desired effect. To achieve the desired number on the scale, the weight loss cycle should be started again.

Is it possible to have fasting days every Thursday during the “Iron Lady” protein-citrus diet?

No. This method of losing weight eliminates unloading of the body.

How comparable are the Maggi diet and sports?

Physical activity (running, fast walk, fitness, water aerobics, gymnastics, swimming, shaping, cycling) have a positive effect on the human body, especially during the period of weight loss.
Proper nutrition and sports allow you to lose extra pounds much faster and tone your muscles.

What is more effective than the Maggi diet for 14 days or 28?

The longer the duration of the technique, the better the weight loss result. On average, in two weeks the weight loss is 5-8 kg, in four - 10-20 kg.

Maggi's egg, cheese and curd diet for 4 weeks is a difficult test not only for the body, but also for the nervous system. Due to the monotonous and meager diet, not everyone can maintain a protein-vegetable system.

Let's consider the most common dishes prepared from permitted products, which will diversify the menu and not only facilitate the process of losing weight, but will also give real pleasure from eating low-calorie healthy food.

Recipes for Maggi diet 1 week

Minced meat roll

You must first prepare the following ingredients:

  • rabbit meat – 500g;
  • egg – 1 piece;
  • – 2 cloves;
  • onions – 1 pc;
  • parsley dill.

The cooking process is as follows: first of all, you need to grind the meat and onion using a meat grinder or blender. Then add to the resulting minced meat a raw egg, mix well and place on cling film, in a 2cm layer, sprinkle with chopped herbs and garlic. After this, roll the minced meat into a roll, wrap it in foil paper and place it on a baking sheet.

The oven must be preheated to 200°, then place the dish in the baking chamber for 20 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, open the foil slightly and place the dish in the oven for another 10 minutes to brown.

Vegetable pie


  • boiled carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • fresh green peas – 250g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • parsley, spinach.

The principle of preparing a vegetable pie: first grate the carrots (preferably on a coarse grater); if desired, they can be finely chopped. Place the chopped product and green peas in layers in a non-stick container with high sides, then pour in the beaten egg. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°. Decorate the finished pie with herbs.

Instead of carrots and green peas, you can use boiled beans and zucchini as the main ingredients.

You can consume no more than 250g/day of vegetable pie during the week.

Homemade cottage cheese

Currently, Margaret Thatcher's cottage cheese weight loss method is becoming increasingly popular every year. Considering the fact that in milk protein, compared to animal protein, the content of amino acids is much higher, the number of adherents of such a food system, in contrast to the egg one, is noticeably increasing. And the presence of calcium and phosphorus determines its high value.

The Maggi diet with cottage cheese involves daily consumption of a low-fat fermented milk product, which you can easily make yourself at home.

First of all, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • milk – up to 1.5% – 2l.;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp.

The essence of making homemade cottage cheese is as follows: heat the milk to 120°, remove from heat, gradually adding vinegar. During the process of combining the components, the mixture must be constantly stirred. To separate the curd and whey, it is recommended to leave the prepared mass for 30 minutes, then drain the liquid using a colander.

To avoid “leakage” of small particles of the product, it is better to put gauze at the bottom of the container. After separating the curd and whey, the former, in turn, needs to be rinsed under cold water, squeezed well, and separated with a fork. After completing this procedure, the fermented milk product is ready for consumption.

"The Golden Cockerel"

The Maggi diet for 1 week is especially difficult to tolerate, since it is during this period that the body adapts to the new diet. It will help to facilitate this process and diversify the menu. diet salad"The Golden Cockerel".


  • chicken breast (without skin) – 400g;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • apple – 1 piece;
  • – 1 tsp.

The process of preparing the dish is as follows: boil the chicken breast until half cooked, at the same time grind an orange and an apple in a blender. Season the resulting fruit puree with soy sauce, then add to the meat and simmer for 10 minutes. After the specified time has passed, sprinkle the chicken breast with 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

You can consume this dish after 1-2 days for 28 days.

Cottage cheese casserole


  • cottage cheese 3% – 1kg;
  • sweet apples – 0.5 kg;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.

To prepare the dish, you need to peel the apples, grate them on a coarse grater, squeeze out the juice, then combine the cottage cheese with the fruit. Add the eggs, previously beaten until foamy, to the resulting mixture and mix everything thoroughly. If necessary, you can add a sweetener (fructose) to the dough - 4 tbsp. and pears, kiwi. Place the curd and fruit mixture in a silicone mold/bowl, previously sprinkled with breadcrumbs (20g) and bake in an oven or steamer at 200° for 30-40 minutes.

If desired, to form a cheese crust 3-5 minutes before readiness, the casserole should be pulled out of the oven, sprinkled with grated cheese (150-200g) with a minimum percentage of fat content (up to 9%) and placed back in the oven.

If you follow a cottage cheese diet, it is recommended to consume the casserole 2 times a week in the amount of 150g/day. If you follow an egg or cheese diet, you should refrain from taking it.

Other recipes you can use dietary dishes during the period of weight loss using the Maggi method can be found on culinary sites.

Thus, in order to avoid causing irreparable harm to human health, begin the fight against overweight body should be immediately A safe way to solve the problem is the Maggi diet for weight loss.

The effectiveness of Margaret Thatcher’s protein-citrus method directly depends on the efforts of the person losing weight. Unquestioning adherence to the menu and daily physical exercise contribute to effective weight loss, as well as a rapid reduction in volume in just 2-4 weeks.

What is the secret of the Maggi diet and how does it work?

The diet is based on the biochemical processes that occur in the body when certain foods are consumed. An entire block is dedicated to its essence, published on the main page of our website -

Why does weight come off so quickly/slowly?

See the next 2 points and remember! The more weight, the easier it is to lose!

Some people lose 1-3 kg already in the first days, because... There are liters of excess water in the body. Then, on average, it takes about 200-500 grams per day. With periodic “stagnation”.

In the 1st week there were good weights, but in the 2nd week the weight jumps - what is this?

The second and third weeks, mainly fruits and vegetables - these products retain water, which causes peculiar surges (today - 300 g, and tomorrow + 500 g and vice versa).

This is how it should be, everything has already been thought out for us, first of all, to prevent dehydration. The overall trend at the end of each week will definitely be positive!

In the fourth week, weight will decrease more steadily.

Why is there weight and is it normal?

Be sure to see the previous paragraph, if you are on the 2nd or 3rd week of the diet, everything is fine.

Everything is individual here and it’s not always about kg! Don't forget about volumes!!! They are also going away, so maybe your waist and hips have already shrunk by a few cm?! “stagnation” in weight is quite normal, sometimes the body needs time to get used to the “new state”.

Video: What to do when the weight has risen? Advice from a nutritionist and psychologist

How many extra pounds do you have in total? Read all the instructions and additions carefully, maybe you are missing something important? How much fluid do you drink? Are you going overboard with salt? Add physical activity. In the end, the Maggi diet may simply not suit you, which is very rare.

Video: Why aren’t you losing weight - what’s slowing down your weight loss

The menu on different sites differs from each other, what to do and which site is better?

In fact, there are many more Maggi diet menu options on the Internet than it seems :)

However, this is not a reason to panic, because... Almost EVERY option is EFFECTIVE and PROVEN.

The main thing is not to rush from site to site - choose ONE site and ONE menu option and go ahead. Don't worry about efficiency if the site on which the menu is published is trustworthy;)

Vitamins - is it possible or necessary and which ones? + tablets

If during the diet there are problems with well-being and/or medications you need to take a lot or long time— We strongly recommend that you stop dieting and take care of your health.

Tired of eggs! Is it possible to replace them with something?

However, it is better to allow a little relaxation than to break completely. If it is impossible to eat the required amount of eggs, some of them can be replaced with low-fat and unsweetened cottage cheese. It will provide the body with the same amount of protein, and will also help strengthen bone tissue. One egg will replace approximately 60 grams of cottage cheese. Such a replacement will make the menu less caloric.

Is it possible to chew gum?

You can, but without sugar, you can also have delicious sucking lollipops “Sula” and “Orbit”.

Can it be steamed, baked, fried, barbecued, etc.?

Yes. Any cooking method that excludes oil and other prohibited ingredients is suitable - boiling, stewing, baking, steaming, microwave, oven, slow cooker, over a fire, even “frying” in a frying pan that allows you to cook without oil.

Can I have a snack and what?

If you feel hungry, at least 2 hours after eating, you can have a snack by eating 1 cucumber, 1 carrot or a little fresh cabbage - your choice, one or the other.

What time should your last meal be?

No later than 3 hours before bedtime.

What to dress salads with?

Suitable for salad dressing: lemon juice, soy sauce(no sugar), apple and wine vinegar, a minimum amount of low-fat kefir or yogurt. However, it is best not to dress salads with anything if you make them in advance - some products manage to release a sufficient amount of juices.

Is it possible to replace meat with chicken when there is a meat dish on the menu?

What kind of cheese can I use and what can I replace it with?

The menu contains low-fat cheese - these are cheeses with a fat content of up to 17%. They are easy to buy in large stores like Auchan, but quite difficult to find in small local shops, in which case you can take any low-fat cottage cheese (1-5%).

Our readers buy:

  • Cheese Valio Oltermanni 17%
  • Amber cheese 10%
  • Cheese "Russian" 17% (yes, there is such a thing :))
  • Cottage cheese Karat “Homemade” grained 4%

Can I drink alcohol: champagne, wine or beer?

During the entire diet, you can drink up to 2 glasses of dry red wine (better when meat is on the menu). Everything else is contraindicated, including beer and champagne.

Video: How alcohol makes you fat