Salads with squid. Seafood is good for your figure: dietary salad with squid without mayonnaise - simple recipes with photos

You can cook using squid a large number of healthy and very light dishes. Dietary squid salad contains very few calories and a lot of benefits for the body.


The recipe for this dish is quite simple. To prepare it, you need to clean the squid and place it in boiling salted water. You only need to cook for three minutes, then remove them and cool. For the salad, you need to cut the seafood into cubes and put it in a salad bowl. Boiled eggs, cucumbers and avocados should also be cut into cubes. Eggs and cucumbers can also be grated on a coarse grater. Place all ingredients in a salad bowl and season with low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt. Delicious diet salad ready. Read also: Squid salad with onion and egg recipes.


This dietary salad is very quick to prepare and healthy. To prepare it, you need to cut the onion into half rings and marinate it for 5 minutes in water with wine vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. This will remove the bitterness from the onion and give it a more pleasant taste. The squid carcass should be cleaned and boiled for 3 minutes. Not more. Otherwise it will acquire a rubbery taste. Next you need to cut the squid into thin rings. Cut the tomato into slices, chop the dill. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add arugula and season with low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt. Light salad is ready to eat!

To prepare the salad, you need to clean and boil the seafood for three minutes, cut it into thin rings. It is important not to overcook it, otherwise the dish will not be tender. Cut in small pieces green onions, boil and cut 3 eggs into small cubes, also cut 2 cucumbers into cubes. Mix seafood, eggs, cucumber, onion in a salad bowl, add a jar canned corn and chopped greens. Season with low-fat sour cream or olive oil.

Thus, the daily diet can be varied with different dietary dishes from squid. The recipes for their preparation are quite simple and do not require much time.

Squid salads are very tasty

For real delicious salad does not have to be cooked with meat - you can prepare an excellent snack with seafood, which can not only perfectly saturate your body, but also add a lot useful vitamins and minerals. You can prepare a large number of salads with squid. Many cooks have noticed that a very tasty squid salad includes rice, corn, cheese, eggs and nuts. My recipes with photos will help you, Dear friends, correctly combine these ingredients in different options salads and, on top of that, serving them beautifully and correctly.

Squid is not the easiest food to prepare, but with the help of our detailed step by step instructions By processing them, even the most novice cook can easily prepare a very tasty salad for guests or family.

By purchasing sliced ​​smoked squid, you can enhance the flavor of the salad, and by adding boiled seafood, you will add notes of softness and tenderness to the dish.

I would like to offer you a choice of several options for delicious salads with squid for your holiday table, at a quick fix.

Squid salad with champignons

  • Squid - 450 gr
  • champignons - 300 gr
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • onion - 1 piece
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for frying
  • salt and pepper - to taste.
  1. After we have prepared all the necessary ingredients, we begin to prepare the salad.
  2. We clean and wash the squids.
  3. Place a pan of water on the fire, after the water boils, throw the squid carcasses into it for 2-3 minutes. After this time, immediately remove them from the pan.
  4. Peel the onion, cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan until light golden brown.
  5. Wash the mushrooms, clean them, chop them and add them to the onions in the pan.
  6. Salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Cut the squid into rings or whatever you prefer.
  8. In a suitable bowl, mix chopped squid, fried onions with mushrooms, pressed garlic and season with mayonnaise.
  9. Mix well and decorate.

Place in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Then we serve it to the table.

Squid salad with onions

  • Squid - 550 gr
  • onion - 1 piece
  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • salt - to taste.
  1. To prepare this salad, we need to defrost and wash the squid.
  2. We thoroughly clean them from the skin.
  3. Next, pour boiling water over it and leave until the water cools down.
  4. Now peel the onion, cut it into small squares and pour boiling water in a cup. Leave in water for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Hard boil the eggs, peel them and grate them on a medium grater.
  6. Using a sieve, drain the water from the onions and rinse under running water.
  7. Cut the cooled squid into thin rings.
  8. In a separate bowl, combine all the prepared ingredients (squid rings, eggs and onions) and add salt to taste.
  9. Mix them thoroughly.
  10. The last step is to pour mayonnaise over the salad and mix again.

This stage was the final one. Salad ready.

  • Squid - 350 gr
  • onion - 1 piece
  • sweet pepper - 1 piece
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • black pepper - to taste
  • parsley - a pinch
  • salt - to taste.
  1. Wash the sweet peppers and fry them over an open fire, or in a dry frying pan whole until a dark crust appears and immediately wrap them in foil.
  2. Next, peel the onion and cut into thin half rings and pour balsamic vinegar in a deep bowl.
  3. Place the squid in boiling water for 2-2 minutes, then take it out, let it cool and cut it into thin strips.
  4. Take half a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it into a glass.
  5. We take the pepper out of the foil, remove the skin, cut out the tail, remove the seeds and cut into strips.
  6. Place chopped squid and pepper in a salad bowl. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste. Pour in olive oil and stir.
  7. Now lay out the pickled onions, pour over lemon juice.
  8. And mix all the contents thoroughly with your hands.
  9. All that remains is to wash the parsley and dry it. We tear it with our hands and put it on top of the salad. Place the resulting salad in the refrigerator for half an hour, then serve.

Diet squid salad

  • 100 grams of fresh squid (you can also use canned squid),
  • 5 grams of onions,
  • 15 grams of low-calorie mayonnaise,
  • 50 grams of fresh apples,
  • 5 grams of canned green peas,
  • 1 egg,
  • fresh aromatic herbs,
  • salt.
  1. Wash fresh squid thoroughly clean water. Boil them in slightly salted water until tender and remove the skin and chord. Cool the finished boiled squids and cut them into pieces. You can also use canned squid to prepare this salad.
  2. Boil a hard-boiled egg. Chop it as finely as possible.
  3. Remove the skin from the apples using a knife and cut them into small cubes.
  4. In a large, beautiful salad bowl, place squid cut into pieces, chopped fresh herbs, finely chopped onions, apple slices and an egg. Add also to green salad canned peas. Mix all the salad ingredients and add salt, and low-calorie mayonnaise.

Diet salad with squid

This light dietary Squid salad does not take much time to prepare. Bell peppers make the salad fresh and juicy. Perfect for lunch or as a main dish for dinner!

For this recipe, it is better to use frozen, unpeeled squid carcasses. Yes, you will have to tinker with them, but the meat of unpeeled squid is more tender. This is because most often, after being caught, squid are frozen, thawed to clean and re-frozen. Because of this, the meat becomes rubbery. In addition, cleaning them is not difficult - you just need to pour boiling water over the frozen squid carcasses and after a few seconds the film will roll up on its own. All that remains is to wash off the remaining skin under running water with your hands and remove the chitinous plates.

  • Bell pepper: 1 large or 2 small
  • Frozen squid carcass: 500 gr.
  • Parsley 1 small bunch
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp.
  1. Clean the squid and remove the entrails.
  2. Place the squid in boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes. Remove the squid and cool.
  3. Cut the squid and pepper into 5mm wide strips.
  4. Finely chop the parsley.
  5. Season the salad with oil, salt and mix.

Dietary squid salad in 5 minutes

No holiday is complete without a salad. Our family was no exception, and on March 8, the children and I made a very easy-to-prepare, but no less tasty, squid salad with cucumber and peas. It can be prepared in 5 minutes, if only you had such simple ingredients on hand.

Squid has become a very popular seafood due to its beneficial properties, which are superior to chicken, turkey and beef. The proportion of protein is 18%, carbohydrates 2% and fats 2.2%. Calorie content per 100 g. only 100 Kcal

And these are not all the advantages of squid:

  1. Regular consumption of squid maintains muscle tissue, which is important for people involved in fitness.
  2. It is beneficial for blood vessels - it increases their elasticity and ability to narrow.
  3. It is a source of proteins, vitamins (C, PP, B6, etc.), microelements (phosphorus, potassium, selenium, iodine, copper, iron, etc.), polyunsaturated fatty acids, which reduce cholesterol levels and protect the body from heart disease - stroke , heart attack, hypertension, atherosclerosis.
  4. Promotes the production of gastric juice and improves stomach function, which is very helpful for people with gastrointestinal diseases
  5. Rich in iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and the endocrine system as a whole.
  6. It has the ability to improve memory, which is very useful for schoolchildren and the elderly.
  7. Selenium and vitamins support the excretory system. Regular consumption of squid will help remove heavy metal salts from the body.

But let’s not forget about the disadvantages of such a valuable product:

  1. Seafood, any kind, including squid and shrimp, have strong allergenic properties
  2. The harm to squid may also be related to its habitat. Many different pollutants are released into seawater, which are toxins for the body. Thus, shrimp and squid may contain poisons dangerous to human life and health, such as mercury, for example. This dangerous element can cause poisoning and serious damage to nervous system person. In this regard, you need to carefully and carefully select the product.

Well, now about the recipe in 5 minutes from such a valuable marine life, which will take just a little time and will not leave you indifferent at the festive table. Moreover, it will not affect the figure in any way in the form of the body’s strategic reserve.

Diet salad with squid, green peas and fresh cucumber

  • Canned (or regular) squid - 185 g,
  • Onions - 30 g,
  • Canned peas - 400 g,
  • Fresh cucumber (can be pickled) - 220 g,
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream (I used 15%)

Chop squid, onions and cucumbers into a salad bowl. If the squid is not canned, then boil it first. Drain the water from the peas and add to the rest of the ingredients. Salt, add sour cream and mix thoroughly. You can decorate with herbs, add tomatoes and chicken breast for a richer taste.

The simplest salad is ready to eat, bon appetit!

Dietary squid salad

If you want to lose weight, but can’t give up delicious food, then try to include dietary salad in your menu more often. I will tell you the recipe for one such dietary salad today. Residents of coastal areas very often like to prepare this salad, and what’s surprising about it, because they don’t even need to go to the store to buy squid. Do you want to start every morning with a light, dietary but satisfying breakfast? Try this salad and I think you will like it.

To prepare it you will need the following products:

  • six hundred grams of squid,
  • one fresh cucumber,
  • a bunch of greenery,
  • bag of pistachios
  • olive oil.
  1. You can crumble this salad in just five minutes. But first you need to peel off the film and boil the squid. They also cook very quickly. It is enough to keep them in boiling water for three or five minutes so that the squids are ready. The main thing is not to overcook, because in this case the tender squid meat will become rubbery.
  2. While the squid is cooling, we cut the fresh cucumber into slices and finely chop the greens. Only green onions will be enough, but basil, dill and lettuce will not hurt. They will add a slightly different flavor to the finished dish.
  3. We remove the pistachios from the peel and grind in a coffee grinder or blender until large pieces. Cut the cooled squid meat into cubes or strips. Mix all the salad components in a deep salad bowl, add salt, season with olive oil and sprinkle generously with chopped pistachios.

Squid salad with bell pepper

What could be better than a dish made from seafood? It has long been believed in Rus' that treating your guests to overseas dishes is a manifestation highest degree respect. Centuries pass, as they say, but traditions are invariably respected. Therefore, even now it is believed that if you want to surprise your beloved guest, then prepare him something unusual. A seafood theme is an ideal option, as it combines both healthy and tasty, which are so rarely found together in one dish.

Don’t forget about the aesthetic aspect: the salad should also look so that you want to try it.

It seems to me that all of the above is slowly leading us to the recipe for diet squid salad. Agree, as soon as you see that there is squid in the dish, you immediately want to try it. And in tandem with delicate bell peppers and onions, you get the perfect dish - it was impossible to come up with anything better than this trio. Carefully chopped pieces of squid and peppers and onions create a pleasant palette of color and taste. Complementing each other, they create their own extraordinary atmosphere on the plate. When you see such a salad, the question “to eat or not to eat” does not arise; rather, on the contrary, you think “will one serving be enough for me?” Read also: Squid and crab sticks salad recipes.

  • 1 carcass of cleaned squid,
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 bell pepper,
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar,
  • 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
  1. Boil the squid carcass in slightly salted water for 2 minutes.
  2. Then take it out of the water, cool it, put it on a cutting board and cut it into pieces.
  3. Peel the onion, cut into half rings, place in a bowl and pour in balsamic vinegar.
  4. Fry the bell pepper thoroughly over the fire, then remove the peel and cut into strips.
  5. Combine squid, pepper and onion in a bowl. Season the salad with olive oil.
  6. Then transfer the diet squid salad to beautiful dish and then serve it to the table.

A delicious salad for the whole family for a birthday or holiday can be made from squid. This inhabitant of the depths of the sea has long been familiar to culinary experts around the world for the excellent taste of its meat. Squid salad was prepared back in the days Ancient Greece. The squid has ten tentacles and thin chitin inside, which was once a shell. The squid is an amazing creature; it can jump out of the water more than 5 meters in height. The meat of this ancient mollusk is tender and pleasant to the taste. A simple salad with a unique taste can be made from squid

In this article we will cover the following:
Squid salad recipe with photos step by step
How to choose squid for a delicious salad.

Other salad recipes with this cephalopod
Squid salad with apples
Squid salad with chicken
Salad with smoked squid
Squid salad with cucumbers
Squid salad with cheese
Squid salad with mushrooms

Spicy salad with squid
Video recipe for squid salad.

So, in order, squid salad recipe with photos and step by step description process.

We will need products:
Squid -300 grams.
Tomato - 1 piece
Bell pepper - 1 piece (yellow)
Peas -0.5 cans (half a can of green peas)
Olives -16 pieces pitted olives
Onions -2 pieces (small onions)
Dried herbs to taste best dill
Salt - 1 teaspoon.

Ingredients of the sauce (salad dressing):
Natural yogurt -125 grams
Olive oil -4 tablespoons
Lemon -0.5 pieces (grated zest will be required)
Mustard -1 teaspoon
Salt - 1 teaspoon

For the onion marinade:
Apple cider vinegar -5 tablespoons
Dill -1 tablespoon (fresh, finely chopped)
Sugar -1 tablespoon
Salt - 1 tablespoon

Technology for preparing squid salad:

1 -Peel the onion and thinly cut one onion into half rings.

Finely chop the second onion. Place the onion in a glass jar.

2 -Prepare the marinade for the onions. Pour boiled water into a glass cold water, add salt, sugar and vinegar to it. Pour this marinade over the onions in a jar, shake, close the lid and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

4 - Boil the squid meat in brine, add salt and dried herbs to the water. We put water on the fire, throw in the grass, as soon as the water boils, throw in the squid and turn off the heat, close the lid and cook for 15 minutes. Discard the squid through a colander, cool in the same pan where they were cooked.

5 - After washing the tomatoes, cut them into small cubes and place them in a deep plate or salad bowl.

6 -After washing the pepper, peel it, remove the core and cut it into small cubes, put it in a salad bowl.

7 -Open the peas, drain the water and put them in a salad bowl.

8 - Cut the squid into strips, add to the salad and place in a salad bowl.

9 -Take out the pickled onion, drain the water from it, squeeze it and add it to the salad bowl.

10 -Whole olives, add to the salad bowl.

11 - Make the sauce. Let's prepare the dressing as follows. Grate the lemon zest using a grater. Mix olive oil, add a little mustard, add grated lemon zest and mix everything thoroughly.

12 - Pour the prepared sauce over the salad, stirring.

Subtleties, how to choose delicious squid?
To prepare a dietary squid salad, when purchasing, carefully consider the mollusk. The clam meat should be slightly pinkish and whole, without layers of ice. A layer of snow with ice indicates multiple frosts; such a product is not suitable for salad. When cooking the squid, the meat spreads out and there is a lot of foam, this is a poor quality product.

Who invented the squid salad?

Squid dishes are prepared all over the world for holidays or regular family dinners.
Preparing squid salad takes minimal time. How to cook squid for salad, boil water, add herbs, throw the squid into boiling water, ten minutes, all that remains is to remove the skin from the squid. Since the skin of the squid does not come off during cooking, wash the insides and cut them, that’s all. While the squid is boiling, cut and chop the other ingredients of the squid salad.

Squid salads were invented in Japan; in Russia this seafood was not in demand; only at the end of the last century, when shelves were empty, salads with squid began to become popular. Cooks, preparing salads with squid, experimented with ingredients, and different recipes appeared. The most popular salads are with shrimp and squid. Most often, housewives create recipes while cooking. lean squid salad without eggs and mayonnaise or puff squid salad. There are a lot of options for recipes for cooking squid, we will tell you about some.

Classic squid salad recipe

1 kg - squid,
100 grams - boiled fluffy rice.
50 grams - Mayonnaise
1 can of canned corn,

2 boiled eggs,
bunch of greens (dill, parsley)

Add 1 tablespoon of water to a 5 liter pan, bring to a boil, add squid, keep on fire for 3 minutes. Drain the squid, rinse under running water, remove the skin and entrails, as described in the article on how to properly cook squid. Dry the squid and cut into small strips or cubes and place in a salad bowl. Add rice, corn and chopped eggs to the salad bowl. Stir, season with mayonnaise and chopped herbs. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to let the salad set.

Squid salad with cucumbers

Salad ingredients:
0.5 kg boiled squid,
50 grams of mayonnaise.
2 tablespoons kefir
1 can of corn,
3 pieces - fresh cucumbers,
2 boiled eggs,
spices and herbs to taste.

Preparing the salad:
Finely chop the squid meat. Cut the cucumbers into cubes. Chop the eggs finely. Place corn, squid, eggs, cucumbers in a salad bowl, pour in the mixture, kefir and mayonnaise, stir. Add spices and herbs.

Salad with shrimp and squid

Products needed:
300 grams - boiled squid fillet
50 grams of red caviar.
200 grams of peeled shrimp.
50 grams - mayonnaise.
1 can of corn
3 pieces - boiled eggs.
1 bunch of parsley
leek stem and pepper to taste.

The salad with squid and shrimp is prepared as follows:
We leave a few shrimp to decorate the salad, finely chop the rest along with the squid. In eggs, separate the yolk from the white. Grind the yolk, adding mayonnaise, rub the white through a grater. Place the seafood mixture in a deep plate, add corn and chopped onion and parsley. Stir the mixture of ingredients by adding mayonnaise. Build a small mound from the mixture on a dish, lay out the grated protein, lay out the caviar on top, and place a border of shrimp along the edges of the plate.

Squid salad with cheese

Products required:
300 grams of boiled squid,
6 tablespoons - mayonnaise
100 grams smoked sausage cheese
3 pieces - boiled eggs,
2 pieces - strong tomatoes,
1 clove of garlic
greens (dill or parsley)

Cooking technology:
Freeze the cheese and grate it. Cut the squid into strips or cubes.

Finely chop the eggs. Chop the tomatoes into cubes. Place the ingredients in a plate, mix, season with mayonnaise and add garlic. (garlic through garlic) Sprinkle the salad with herbs.

Squid salad with mushrooms

Ingredients required:
5 pieces - boiled squid,
1 medium carrot
500 gr. fresh champignons,
50 grams- vegetable oil
1 tablespoon soy sauce.

Preparation of squid salad with mushrooms:
Peel and finely chop the carrots and place in a frying pan with heated oil. Champignons, cut and fried along with carrots. Place the squid in a frying pan and pour over the soy sauce, stir the mixture. Place the hot mixture on a plate and let cool, add peas, herbs, mayonnaise, and stir.

Delicious squid salad with pineapple

Products required:
5 pieces - boiled squid,
1 can of corn,
1 can of pineapple pieces,
100 grams of Gouda cheese,
mayonnaise, salt, parsley to taste.

Preparing the squid dish:

Chop the squid into strips, place in a plate, add pineapple and corn. Grate the cheese through a medium grater, finely chop the greens and add to the salad. Mix everything and coat with mayonnaise. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Squid salad with apples

Ingredients for the dish:

2 pieces of boiled squid fillets,
50 grams - roasted walnuts,
1 piece - leek stalk,
1 piece - green apple.
10 grams lemon juice (quarter)
100 grams - hard cheese
mayonnaise and parsley to taste.

Preparation of the product:
Finely chop the apple and pour in lemon juice, place in a salad bowl, add finely chopped squid, walnuts chopped and onions. Grate the cheese and sprinkle over the mixture. Stir the mixture, adding mayonnaise and herbs. The salad is ready, but zhrun recommends letting the salad sit for 40 minutes in the refrigerator.

Squid salad with chicken

boiled squid - 2 pcs.,
1 can of canned peas,
200 grams of baked chicken fillet
1 piece - green apple,
50 grams - mayonnaise
2 pieces - boiled eggs
1 piece- pickle.
Salt, parsley, dill, ground pepper taste.

Preparing chicken and squid salad:

Peel the apple, finely chop and place in a salad bowl, finely chop the squid and place in a salad bowl, place the peas, finely chop the cucumber and add to the mixture. Cut the chicken into cubes or disassemble into fibers and add to the salad bowl, stir the mixture by adding mayonnaise and spices to taste.

Salad with smoked squid

Products needed:
2 pieces - smoked squid
1 can of corn,
50 grams mayonnaise
2 pieces - boiled eggs
200 grams - canned champignons
100 grams grated cheese (Maasdam)
Salt, parsley, dill, ground pepper as desired.

Cut the squid into small pieces and place on a plate. Add cheese, mushrooms, corn, grated eggs to the squid. Mix everything, add mayonnaise, herbs and spices.

Red sea salad with squid

2 pieces - boiled squid
1 piece - baked beets,
100 grams of seaweed (canned, weighed),
100 grams - canned corn,
1 piece - a bunch of watercress.
Mayonnaise and spices to taste.

Cooking process:
Grate the beets, cut the squid into strips, and tear the salad with your hands. Place everything in a salad bowl, add corn and seaweed. Mix the ingredients, adding mayonnaise and salt to taste.

Squid salad without mayonnaise

3 pieces - boiled squid,
30 grams - sour cream 20%,
3 pieces - boiled potatoes,
2 pieces - boiled eggs,
2 tablespoons - soy sauce,
1 piece - a bunch of green onions,
1 tablespoon vegetable oil.
1 piece - a bunch of parsley.

In a frying pan heated with oil, add squid cut into rings and fry for 1-2 minutes. Add sour cream and sauce, simmer for a couple of minutes. Place the mixture on a plate on top, place diced boiled potatoes and grated eggs on a medium grater, sprinkle with onions and parsley. Pour the sauce from the frying pan on top and let it sit in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

Spicy salad with squid

boiled squid - 500 grams
Korean carrots - 200 grams
olives with anchovies - 1/2 jar
black olives - 1/2 jar,
olive oil - 3 tablespoon
parsley - 1 bunch.

Cut the squid into thin strips and place in a deep plate, add carrots, olives, chopped parsley, add oil, and salt to taste. Let sit in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

Video recipe for squid salad

Corn with arugula and bacon

This salad is a delicious mix of flavors. Sweet corn, peppery arugula, onions, cumin and bacon, a little vinaigrette to bring out each flavor. Arugula is a bit like lettuce, otherwise it is also called eruka, indau. Externally, arugula looks like an ordinary leaf lettuce, but unlike lettuce, the plant has its own special unique taste (Eruca sativa).

Ingredients for 4 servings.
1-Can of corn
1- bunch of arugula.
4 strips bacon, cooked, shredded.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
1/8 teaspoon ground cumin
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

In a medium sized bowl, combine corn, chopped arugula, bacon, and onion. In a separate bowl, whisk together oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, and cumin. Mix the dressing into the salad before serving. You can add more vinegar to Taste if necessary to balance out the sweetness of the corn.

Squid is one of the most versatile products that the sea has given us. After all, squid has a fairly neutral taste, which allows you to combine this product with a variety of ingredients, ranging from simple vegetables, ending exotic fruits.

To prepare squid salad, you can use three methods:
Use raw squid;
Use whole boiled carcasses;
Use boiled carcasses cut into strips;

To add flavor to squid salad, you can use various dressings, the main thing is not to overdo it with spices, otherwise you can overpower the delicate taste of this magical seafood! This article offers several squid salads: recipes with photos are simple and delicious!

Vegetable salad with squid

One of the most common and simple recipes for squid salad is this. Seafood usually goes best when paired with fresh, juicy vegetables!

Required ingredients: squid fillet (300 g), 3 potato tubers, 3 medium-sized carrots, pickled cucumbers (3 pcs), mayonnaise (100 g), canned peas(250 g), salt and pepper.

Method of preparation: clean the squid, pour over boiling water and leave in it for 3 minutes, then peel off the skin. Cook the cleaned squid for 4 minutes, add salt. Boil potatoes and carrots. Finely chop the onion, cut the cucumbers into strips (it is advisable to peel them). Also cut the cooled fillet, carrots and potatoes into strips. Mix everything, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper and mix again.

Important! Squid fillets should be cooked for no longer than 5 minutes, as if you overcook the squid, its meat will look like rubber.

Squid salad “Exotica”

Despite its name, this salad will still fall into the category of squid salads: recipes with photos are simple and tasty. After all, today mango can be found in every store, and its unique taste in combination with squid will give the dish a touch of exoticism. It won’t require much effort and time, and the result will please any gourmet!

What you need for the salad: squid (400-500 g), mango (1 piece), one lemon or lime, sugar (one small spoon), chili pepper (1 piece), onion, bell pepper (1 piece), bunch of mint , peanuts (50 g), fish sauce.

Method of preparation: squid fillet should be cut into medium-sized pieces, then boil in salted water for no more than 5 minutes. Peel the mango, cut into small pieces.

Also cut bell peppers and onions into strips or small cubes. Make a salad dressing using fish sauce, peeled chilies, sugar and lime juice. Mix the chopped ingredients and pour the dressing over them. The salad can be served by garnishing it with roasted peanuts and mint leaves.

Simple squid salad without mayonnaise

Squid salads: recipes with photos, simple and tasty without mayonnaise - this easy fast, and most importantly, a satisfying and tasty way to have a snack and pamper yourself!

Necessary ingredients: a kilogram of freshly frozen squid, an onion, fresh herbs, olive oil.

Method of preparation: While the squids are not completely defrosted, they should be cleaned. If there is a chord in the squid carcass, it must be removed. Rinse the cleaned fillet under water and cut into strips. Boil squid in salted water for 2 minutes, add Bay leaf. Finely chop the greens, cut the onion into rings, mix with the cooled squid.

Season the salad with salt, pepper and olive oil. To enhance the taste, you can sprinkle the salad with lemon juice.

Squid salad with cabbage

To prepare this simple and tasty salad, you should use: 300 grams of squid fillet, half a head of cabbage, one large apple, a can of canned sweet corn.

How to cook: finely chop the cabbage, grate the apple on a coarse grater. Boil the squid and cut into strips. Mix all ingredients, add corn, salt and pepper and season with mayonnaise.

Chinese squid salad

This salad is easy to prepare, but the dish turns out to be really unusual and very tasty, and most importantly, it is prepared without mayonnaise.

What you need: Chinese cabbage (300 g), feta cheese (200 g), squid (3 pieces), 200 g of ham, olive oil.

Many housewives have been using squid salads for a long time: the recipes with photos are simple and tasty, the reviews of which are always only positive! After all, such salads do not take much time and effort; squid is always freely available.

Such salads can be prepared both for household members and guests. Squid has a unique taste that can be combined with many foods, so here you can always show your imagination and add your special secret ingredient to the salad to make the taste unforgettable!

Are you preparing to receive guests or just want to pamper your beloved household members with a delicious salad? Then today’s post will be of particular interest to you, because we will offer you recipes for squid salads, which can safely be included in the TOP 17 most delicious and simple ones. Try it, we are sure that at least one of them will definitely take its rightful place in your cookbook.

True, when trying to cook squid at home for the first time, many are faced with such misfortune - the meat becomes tough, completely tasteless, and even becomes bad smell, which can completely ruin the pleasure of eating.

Therefore, every housewife should know how to properly clean and then cook shellfish meat so that they are soft and tender, as well as some other secrets of their preparation.

I will tell you only the most popular methods of cooking these sea creatures, which in my opinion are easy and should be used in everyday life. There are more complex cooking options, but I think this method should be used by true chefs who have more than 100 guests in the restaurant.

Method 1 Take a saucepan and pour cold water into it. Place the clam meat in the water. Add salt and cook for 1-2 minutes. Attention! Do not move away from the pan as soon as the water begins to boil, you see the first bubbles on the surface, immediately note the time, otherwise you will get a rubbery taste. Next, drain the water and place the shellfish on a plate to cool.

Method 2 Place the carcasses in boiling salted water, cook them for 1-2 minutes after boiling. Next, immediately place them in ice water. In my opinion, this is the easiest way in everyday life; the meat turns out very tender and soft.

Important! Boil the product in salt water! Since it is during cooking that the meat will absorb the necessary taste qualities salt, if you forget to add salt, it will be impossible to do it later!

Don’t think that cleaning and cooking these beauties is very difficult and time-consuming. No! Again, no, just try, I'm sure you'll succeed.

After all, cooking options various dishes Lots of squid. And the benefits of seafood are even greater. Today you will be convinced of my words if you prepare at least one of the presented options.

Simple and delicious squid salad - recipes with photos

Squid - wonderful dietary product With high content easily digestible protein with minimum quantity fat This type of seafood is a champion in cobalt content, which stimulates the growth of bone tissue and is involved in the formation of thyroid hormones. In addition, seafood meat is rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Delicious squid salad classic recipe

We will need:

  • 900 gr. squid carcasses
  • 5 boiled eggs
  • onion head
  • three tablespoons of mayonnaise


Place the peeled delicacies into a pan of boiling water and cook for two minutes. Grate the eggs. Cut the cooled carcasses into thin rings. Salt everything to taste. Season the mixture with mayonnaise. Mix everything thoroughly and let it brew for a while in the refrigerator.

Squid salad with pineapples

Nutritious, satisfying, and at the same time light salad. Sweetish pineapple slices will add original fresh notes.


  • 1 kg squid,
  • 6−7 eggs,
  • 1 can of canned sweet pineapples,
  • quarter of a lemon,
  • 1 can of canned corn,
  • mayonnaise.


Cut the prepared shellfish fillet, as well as boiled eggs, into strips. Add sliced ​​pineapples, then corn. Zest a quarter of a lemon and finely chop the middle. Add to the dish. Season everything with mayonnaise.

Mushroom with processed cheese

Unusual but really good recipe. Mushrooms and cheese will add flavor to the dish, and garlic will add piquancy. You will definitely like it!


  • 400 g squid (prepared);
  • 400 g champignons;
  • 2 processed cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 cloves garlic;
  • a handful of walnuts (kernels);
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and sour cream;
  • dill,
  • parsley.


Eggs and mushrooms need to be boiled, cooled, then crumbled into medium cubes, half rings - shellfish carcasses. Let's grate the cheese, it's better to cool it first - it will be easier to grate. Now mix the seafood with cheese, egg, add mushrooms and then finely chopped greens. Chop the nuts and put the garlic through a press. Combine this mass with mayonnaise and sour cream - you get an excellent sauce. Let's season our dish with it, then serve it to the table.

Squid salad with apples and corn


  • 400 g squid
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 green apples
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of canned corn
  • mayonnaise


Remove the entrails and plates from the main ingredient, scald and then rinse. Throw into boiling water, add salt, cook for 2 minutes after boiling. Remove and cut into strips. Boil the eggs separately, peel and cut. Cut the peeled, cored apples into small cubes. Combine the prepared ingredients, add corn, salt, and season with mayonnaise.

Delicious squid salad

This recipe is as delicious as it is simple. It won't be difficult to prepare it.


  • squid – 100 gr
  • eggs - 2 - 3 pcs
  • crab sticks - 100 gr
  • hard cheese - 60 gr
  • green onions, herbs - 100 g
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • boiled shrimp - for decoration
  • salt, pepper - to taste


  1. Clean the shellfish. Pour water into the pan; there should be enough water. Bring it to a boil, lightly salt it, add a carcass or two. Close the lid, let it boil, then immediately open the lid and cook for 1.5 - 2 minutes.
  2. Remove the carcass from the water. If boiled, then it must be placed in cold water to stop the heat treatment process. Let cool, then cut into thin strips.
  3. Boiled eggs, cut cheese into cubes.
  4. Crab sticks in small pieces.
  5. Chop greens and garlic. Chop the green onions.
  6. Mix 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise with garlic, add green onions, herbs and garlic. You can use ready-made garlic sauce, which you can buy in the store.
  7. Mix all ingredients with sauce, salt and pepper in a bowl.
  8. Prepare a small hollow round mold, place it on a plate and then fill it tightly with salad. Then carefully remove it. Mayonnaise will hold all the ingredients together and keep the salad in shape.
  9. Boil 6 - 7 shrimps, cool them and decorate the dish with them, also add a sprig of herbs.

A delicious and beautifully presented salad is ready. So eat it with pleasure!

Korean squid and carrot salad


  • 200 g canned squid
  • 150 g Korean carrots
  • 100 g cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • greenery


Remove the delicacy from the jar, drain the liquid, and chop finely. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Grate the zest on a fine grater and mix with mayonnaise. Layer squid, carrots and cheese in a salad bowl. Salt the layers and brush with a mixture of mayonnaise and zest. Decorate with greens.

Spicy hot squid salad


  • 700 g squid rings,
  • 1 bell pepper,
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • 50 ml wine vinegar,
  • 40 ml lemon juice,
  • 70 ml vegetable oil,
  • 1 bunch of lettuce,
  • ground red pepper,
  • ground ginger,
  • salt to taste.


Cut the bell pepper into strips. Fry the main ingredient with garlic in oil. Salt, pepper, add ginger, pepper. Mix everything well. Place lettuce leaves on a dish, then the resulting mixture. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Garnish with lemon slices or straws bell pepper.

Squid, pepper and corn salad


  • 300 g shellfish,
  • 100 g sweet pepper different color,
  • 1 apple,
  • 70 g canned corn,
  • 1 orange,
  • green salad leaves,

For refueling:

  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar,
  • chili powder,
  • green salad leaves


Wash the main ingredient, remove the chitinous plate, remaining entrails and surface film. Pour hot water, add salt and cook for 5 minutes. Cool the shellfish meat and cut into strips. Pepper, apple cut into strips, orange into slices.

Refueling. Mix the indicated ingredients. Place the prepared products and corn in layers on green salad leaves. Drizzle with dressing.

Salad of squid, potatoes and onions


  • 400−500 g squid fillet,
  • 500−600 g potatoes,
  • 150−200 g onions,
  • 4−5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
  • 50 g green onions,
  • ground pepper to taste


Cut the boiled shellfish into strips. Cool the potatoes boiled in their skins, peel and cut into thin slices. Onion cut into thin rings. Mix onions with potatoes, season with vegetable oil, salt, ground pepper, then mix carefully. When serving, sprinkle the salad with finely chopped green onions.

Squid salad


  • 150 g squid fillet,
  • egg,
  • 50 g each of rice and canned green peas,
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream,
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
  • salt,
  • ground black pepper,
  • dill greens.

Cooking method

Boil the rice then cool. Boil the shellfish for 3-5 minutes, cut into thin strips. Finely chop the hard-boiled eggs. Mix rice with squid, eggs and peas. Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper, as well as finely chopped dill to the sour cream, pour this mixture over the products, mix everything. Place the salad on the outermost part of the sandwich.

Light squid salad without mayonnaise


  • 3 squid carcasses,
  • 1 jar of olives (pitted)
  • 250 g cherry tomatoes,
  • 1 red sweet onion,
  • 1−2 stalks of celery,
  • 1 bunch of parsley.

For refueling:

  • 1 part wine vinegar
  • 2 parts lemon juice,
  • 3 parts olive oil,
  • 1 clove of garlic.

Boil the peeled squid in boiling salted water for 4 minutes. Let them cool, then cut into strips. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, cut the celery stalk into small pieces, and the red onion into half rings. Combine the prepared products together, add the herbs cut with scissors, and add the olives whole. Prepare a dressing from the above ingredients, pour it over the salad, add salt and then stir. Let the finished salad brew for a while in the refrigerator and serve.

Squid salad with asparagus


  • 300 g peeled squid,
  • 200 g asparagus,
  • 1 green apple,
  • 50 g green savory,
  • 100 g sour cream,
  • 30 ml lemon juice,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Rinse the main ingredient thoroughly, place in boiling salted water, cook for 3 minutes, then drain in a colander, dry and cut into thin rings. Wash the asparagus, place in boiling salted water, cook until tender, then drain in a colander and dry. Green apple wash, peel, core and cut into thin shavings. Place the prepared ingredients on a flat dish, lightly salt and pepper. To prepare the sauce, wash the savory greens, chop finely, mix with sour cream and lemon juice. Season the salad with sauce and garnish with sprigs of savory.

Squid salad with onions


  • 400 g peeled squid,
  • 3 large onions,
  • 1 bunch of parsley,
  • 100 ml vegetable oil,
  • 3 g sugar,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Rinse the seafood thoroughly, place in boiling salted water, cook for 3 minutes, then cool and cut into strips. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings. Sprinkle the prepared onion with sugar, fry in heated vegetable oil until golden brown, add salt and pepper, then add the shellfish and fry for a few more minutes. Place the squid and onion on a flat dish, then garnish with finely chopped parsley.

Canned squid salad recipe

"Squid under a fur coat"


  • 300 g canned squid
  • 2 carrots
  • 100 g canned green peas
  • several sprigs of cilantro
  • green onion feathers

Cooking method

Finely chop the squid. Boil the carrots until tender, cool, peel, and grate on a coarse grater. Place shellfish pieces in a salad bowl. Distribute the prepared carrots on top. Sprinkle with chopped onions and peas. Garnish with cilantro sprigs.

Canned squid salad with croutons


  • 250 g canned squid
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • 50 g cheese
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of small wheat crackers
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of canned corn
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon wine vinegar
  • lettuce leaves

Cooking method

Line the bottoms of flat plates with washed and dried lettuce leaves. Remove the seafood from the jar, drain the liquid, cut with a knife. Combine with cherry halves and corn. Season with salt, season with a mixture of oil and vinegar, and place on the leaves. Place croutons on top then sprinkle with grated cheese.

Salad with squid and vegetables


  • 1 can of squid,
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 cucumber
  • lettuce leaves,
  • oil for refueling,
  • salt,
  • pepper

For refueling:

  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice

Cooking method

Drain the liquid from the main ingredient and cut them into strips. Cut the tomato into slices. Cut the cucumber into half circles. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands. Place all ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt and pepper, then mix. Pour the dressing over the salad and stir.

Canned squid and apple salad


  • 200 g canned squid,
  • 3 sour apples,
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs,
  • 1 onion,
  • 100 g mayonnaise,
  • 1 bunch of dill.

Cooking method

Finely chop the shellfish. Peel the onion, wash and chop. Peel the eggs and grate them on a coarse grater. Wash the apples, remove the core and cut into strips. Wash the dill greens. Mix the shellfish with onions, eggs and apples, place in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise, and garnish with dill sprigs.

Cooking secrets

Having become familiar with different recipes simple dishes seafood, you can try to create them yourself, without being guided by other people’s ideas. Professionals share their tricks on how to prepare a delicious clam salad:

  • Do not buy seafood without any smell - they are frozen and completely devoid of taste.
  • If you happen to overcook the product, wait half an hour - the meat will become soft again.
  • Preparing squid salad requires reducing the proportion of other components, especially meat, otherwise the taste of the seafood will be clogged.
  • Do not add salt when cooking - better add a slice of lemon.
  • The best additions for seafood are corn, herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, citrus fruits, olives, and cheeses.
  • The perfect recipe for a quick meal: add croutons, arugula leaves, cherry tomatoes, Parmesan and balsamic sauce to the squid. It is advisable to serve the dish warm.

Wonderful squid salads - tender, tasty, nutritious! Each recipe is different from the previous one, each is good in its own way. You can surprise and be surprised endlessly by showing creativity and limitless imagination, experimenting in their preparation.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!