Is it possible to lose weight by speaking to the water itself? A simple water spell for weight loss. Weight loss spell for the waning moon

Are you going on vacation or going to a holiday, but your figure is not ideal and you only have a month to lose weight? Do you have absolutely no time for sports? Charmed water for weight loss is a great chance to get rid of excess fat and make your figure graceful! However, for an ideal effect, it is better to use magical effects in combination with traditional diets and exercise and training. The main thing is to believe in the result, be optimistic, and then everything will work out.

How to lose weight using a water spell? How to drink water correctly in order to lose weight - all the answers are in our article!

We all know how people go on a diet, causing serious stress to their health, depriving it proper nutrition and depriving yourself of all the joys of life. The psyche also suffers when used strict diets, since you are constantly “raping” the body, achieving positive results from it. However, many do not know that such stressful situations provoke you to gain even more weight. As the professionals say: you will literally “eat up stress” with new portions of carbohydrates.

What can traditional medicine and esoterics offer?

Today, many are looking for a way to lose weight and turn their dream of a beautiful body and figure into reality. If you have already tried everything possible, and it still has not brought you the desired results, it’s time to turn to prayers and conspiracies.

The unique features and properties of water for the body will help you lose weight!

Water: it is a universal source and at the same time a conductor of energy necessary for conducting many magical rituals based on natural magic. Therefore, it is considered one of the best magical substances if your goal is lose weight in a short time!

As a rule, magic works no matter what you eat or drink. A correctly selected and carried out ritual helps model your behavior on a subconscious level, blocking strong desires for harmful products. This normalizes the condition nervous system, and the body begins to work calmly, rhythmically, gradually infuriating excess fat

Since the times of our ancestors, it has been known that water has the ability to remember and transmit any information. Magicians use and have used this property for various love spells, curing diseases, improving beauty and attractiveness.

Most often, water was used in rituals for drinking or washing, in which case it has maximum effect cleansing from negative energy.

Fact: Don’t think that a conspiracy will change everything in your life, and you will still lie on the couch and eat treats! Magic will certainly help speed up the process of losing weight, but magic does not cancel fitness classes and carbohydrate restrictions!

  • Think about what kind of result you want to get: write down your desired weight in kilograms;
  • Set deadlines for achieving your goals, appoint exact date when you want to lose weight: for Summer, for the New Year, for a Wedding, for Spring, etc.
  • Use your imagination believe that it can be done!
  • Fill your thoughts positive emotions and thoughts: for example, make a list of the things you will buy first when you lose weight or the guys you will meet first!

Here are some rules that should be followed when carrying out any water spells:

  1. Do you want reduce something (lose weight)- read on the waning moon, if you want Add something (get fat)- read to the growing moon;
  2. Such spells are read before Sunrise (or after Sunset), usually before bedtime;
  3. Rid yourself of unnecessary noise and sounds; being distracted during the ritual will not achieve anything;
  4. It is important to believe in yourself, otherwise everything will be useless;
  5. Any magical manipulations are done on an empty stomach;
  6. The text of the conspiracy is read measuredly and without hesitation, ideally by heart;
  7. It is advisable for a woman to perform the ritual on women’s days: (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday).

A water weight loss spell performed by a professional magician is considered more effective, but it costs money and this path is not suitable for everyone.

A selection of conspiracies for losing weight with water

Which we will consider below, lead to a decrease in appetite, which leads to getting rid of extra pounds, improves metabolism and has a beneficial effect on appearance in general. To choose a spell that suits you, carefully analyze its words and the order of the ritual. You should like the text of the conspiracy and be “to your heart”; you should like the ritual, bringing you closer to losing weight. Try to avoid words with negative connotations that cause unpleasant impressions and emotions in you!

Option 1: “For Epiphany water”

How to lose weight using a spell for Epiphany water?

If you don’t know, “Epiphany” is holy water that was blessed by a priest on the feast of the Epiphany. It is not enough to believe in the power of such water; you must be baptized in order to perform this ritual. If such a ritual is carried out during the Epiphany frosts, then it will have even greater power.


  • For Epiphany water you need to go on your own, and not borrow from friends or pour from a tap. Someone else's water can turn around negative consequences. However, on Epiphany night, all water in taps and reservoirs is considered holy.
  • Pour approximately 1-1.5 liters of water into the jug.
  • At midnight, read the words of the conspiracy on him.

Conspiracy words:

I pour some water, I’ll ask my sister for help,

Help me, dear water,

Fill my body with strength, help me lose weight

Melt my excess fat from my arms and legs, and from my neck and sides.

I will become whiter, nicer and thinner. Amen! Amen! Amen!

The resulting charmed water should be drunk within a week. You can add it to food and drinks, wash your face in the morning or before bed. Continue the course for exactly 7 days, if you miss at least one day, you will have to start all over again!

Option 2: “On the Waning Moon”

This magical weight loss ritual is done at home strictly during the Waning Moon. Check with and find out the timing of the period you need. However, the ritual can also be read to gain additional weight; to do this, select the opposite of the waxing moon and slightly adjust the words of the spell.


  • Pour approximately 200 ml into a glass. water;
  • Wait for the moon to rise and be visible from your window;
  • Say a spell for weight loss (see below);
  • You immediately drink the water charmed in this way;

The plot can be repeated on any day of the waning phase of the moon.

Conspiracy text:

Mother Luna, dear sister, here's some water for you.

You manage water skillfully,

I ask you to leave, take away my excess weight!

The moon is waning and so is the fat.

Everything will be the way I want it ideal weight I'll get it!

Key, lock, tongue.

After reading, the charmed water must be drunk completely. To consolidate the results of the ritual, it is advisable to repeat it daily for 1-2 weeks!

Option 3: “Strong conspiracy for quick weight loss”

Recipe fast weight loss using water

This quick plot for weight loss should be read before going to bed with water, and drink it before you go to bed. It requires practically no preparation, you just need to pour about half a glass in the evening on the Waning Moon clean water and say these words:

Moon wanes - Body decreases,

The pig is overgrown with lard,

And from the servant of God (name) the fat decreases.

As the month wanes, so does God’s servant (name)’s body melt.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After which you will need to drink water. Continue to repeat this ritual daily throughout the waning cycle, but the result will be visible within a week!


When performing any rituals and conspiracies, you do not need to think about them constantly and wait for hours and days for the result. Read the spell, do everything as required - forget and live life to the fullest as usual! A correctly performed ritual will change not only the shape of your body, but will also help you begin to look at the world and life with a positive, will relieve you of unnecessary problems and questions.

And remember, the main thing is to believe in yourself and in your strengths and then you will definitely succeed!

Many women are not happy with their figure. Some people don’t like the condition of their skin, others dream of long, thick hair. Most often, complaints about weight when they interfere extra pounds. Unfortunately, junk food and lack of an active lifestyle do not help you lose weight.

In addition to the usual methods, there are special conspiracies for losing weight; they need to be read on water and on the waning moon. True, before using the rituals, it is better to learn more about the effectiveness and details of the conspiracy.

The power of words

It is not for nothing that it is believed that a word can kill or save, depending on how it is used. Conspiracies are usually done for good, so only good wishes. They are similar to positive auto-training that anyone can use. It is important to believe in each of the spoken words, so the psyche is gradually rebuilt and subconsciously the person is already ready for the necessary changes.

Usually, conspiracies require certain objects that have power. These are personal items like a comb or a cross, clothes. Element – ​​water or fire, earth. Or food: bread or an apple, a piece of meat. After reading, the person bites off or eats the enchanted object.

How does a conspiracy to lose weight work? It is unlikely that kilograms evaporate like liquid under the rays of the Sun. No, the effect is different:

  • reduces daily appetite;
  • normalizes human digestion and helps metabolism;
  • eliminates excess weight and also helps maintain results;
  • improves overall appearance;
  • enhances inner attractiveness;
  • removes accumulations of negative, harmful energy;
  • gradually changes a person’s attitude towards himself;
  • gives internal guidance, increasing self-esteem.


Conspiracies focused on weight loss and water can be read on your own during the waning moon. At the same time, there is no need to look for a sorcerer, sorceress or healer. The main thing is to fill the spoken words of the conspiracy with faith and carefully fulfill the remaining requirements.

For example, time. Some spells are effective only when the moon is waning. Then the ritual will not take much energy. More often than not, a specific time is needed in addition to the date. For example, midnight or early morning. Rarely do rituals take place during the day or evening. The most favorable days are Monday or Friday.

Pronunciation technique. Try to catch the inner rhythm. Study the text, then try not to get lost. Read it calmly, maybe from a piece of paper. It's important not to stop. Of course, it’s better to learn, then the phrase will sound smoother.

The mystery of the ritual. Any ritual requires solitude. There is no need to talk about the planned ritual. People rarely take information calmly. Even loved ones are able to crack a joke and laugh. It’s easy to spoil the mood, it will bring down the mood.

The action of the ritual. There is no need for skeptics to study conspiracies. Here you need faith and sincerity, then everything will work out. The effectiveness will increase if, along with the ritual, the user maintains a light diet.

Examples of conspiracies specifically for weight loss

Moon conspiracy

First fill the glass with plain water, then leave the room. You can simply go out onto the balcony or onto the street, open the window, and stand nearby. As it turns out. Raise your hands while holding the glass. Place it higher, somewhere at the level of the solar plexus. Think about the Moon, concentrate.

The conspiracy itself is special for weight loss, they need to be read with ordinary water, also with the waning moon at the same time:

“The moon is changing to waning, getting smaller - but I’m looking forward to rapid, desired weight loss. Then the Moon will have beautiful horns and a thin sickle, and I will have a slender, desirable body. My words, deeds, and the Moon will be yours.”

Once you remember the phrase, repeat it 9 times at once. Then leave, return back to the room. Repeat the procedure without breaks 9 times, spending 9 evenings.

Important: remember your diet. These days it is better to review the menu, removing your favorite sweets and other high-calorie dishes. The moon will enhance the weight loss effect launched inside the body.

Voodoo ritual. It is considered strong, therefore it requires careful execution of the rules. People are accustomed to fearing voodoo, because the cult is known for strange, even frightening rituals when a person’s soul was tied to a straw or wooden doll. However, voodoo can help. Enhance beauty, give the desired slimness.

Sequence of the ritual:

Need a piece of hard regular test or clay, or wax. Make a doll: a small figurine full man. Add a drop of tears, sweat or hair.

While reading, alternately pinch off small pieces of dough or clay (depending on what the figurine is made of) with your right hand, then with your left hand (depending on what the figurine is made of) from the hips, then the waist and other places on the figurine.

Once the dream figure is modeled, finish and collect the remains, wrap in unnecessary fabric. Burn them, and on the contrary, hide the doll more securely.

Such voodoo spells for weight loss are read not on water, but on the waning moon and a doll, and reviews praise such techniques. Of course, voodoo magic can cause harm, but this is a useful ritual that the user performs for himself.

Vanga's conspiracy. There are no restrictions for use here; it is important to meet the period when the Moon is gradually waning. After waiting for night, go outside and see the Moon, read:

“Hunger has been dormant in the ocean for a long time, it is severely constipated. And that hunger is not allowed to come out, guarded by three strong whales. So the Lord will not find the servant (here the name of the reader) to suffer from hunger. This is a terrible misfortune, calm down, you will completely dissolve in the morning fog without a trace. Go away, get lost in the ocean, leave the Lord’s servant (here again the name of the reader) slender. Let your eyes rest, sleep, and don’t look at the food at all. It is necessary for the night to melt away without a trace by morning, to leave behind hunger, but not to disturb the body, not to break it. As it is said now in the night: “That’s it, hunger, shut up!” Amen".

As you can see, here the power of the conspiracy will be aimed more at reducing appetite. However, this is completely justified. It is evening gatherings that often spoil your figure. People forget about the three hours they need to wait before going to bed. Vanga herself believed that problems always lurk within a person. It is important to switch, broaden your horizons, choose the bright, positive side. Then life will gradually change.

Interestingly, many psychologists agree with her in principle. Often overweight becomes the result of stress that gives rise to uncontrolled appetite. Mired in their worries and problems, people turn to the refrigerator or bottle, trying to wash it down or eat away their excitement.

Epiphany night

A special time that can be used for fortune telling, prayers, and secret gatherings is Epiphany night. Or to carry out a real conspiracy focused on losing weight, you need to read it on the water, at the same time on the waning moon, on Epiphany night.

Important: read while watching how the entire lunar disk is reflected in your glass. Fill it with regular water. It doesn’t matter whether it’s boiled or running. Then select a place where the Moon is visible. By the window, on the balcony, or on the street.

Take a dark, opaque cup, this will make the Moon easier to spot. And take some water, because after reading you need to drink it, and in one sip.

The text of the conspiracy is: “The moon needs a quick waning, and I need a quick weight loss.

She walked and flew along the Moon, beautiful, round, she came to a turn,

And from the turn, having passed, the Moon now waned and went back.

That's it, the Moon is melting, now the Moon is gradually declining,

At the same time, let the Moon take away my fullness and all excess weight forever.

It will take 9 separate evenings in a row. So keep track Lunar calendar to get to the days of the waning star.

Important: remember light diet, positive attitude. This will help the Moon strengthen the effect of the spell.

Why the Moon? It is believed that the luminary is capable of taking away excess vitality, especially during periods of its waning or New Moon.

Therefore, people are advised to wait it out, not to cut their hair, and not to weed the beds. But this period can be used by choosing individual conspiracies for losing weight, then taking in water, and they should also be read specifically on the waning moon. Also, reviews and advice from other users call for tolerance. Sometimes the influence of a conspiracy manifests itself much later. This is understandable. The moon itself is rarely in a hurry.

All girls want to look attractive, and therefore they make any sacrifices. They study all day long physical activity, sit on endless diets, and also take drugs that are harmful to health. There is a great way to lose weight without torturing yourself with grueling workouts; just carry out a weight loss spell on the waning moon. A woman just needs to carry out the ritual, and her figure will become beautiful without wasting time and effort.

The action of rituals

To start making weight loss spells, you need to know all the rules and conditions for their implementation. Magic theory has some subtleties, and the outcome of conspiracies depends on them. The human body and spirit are tightly connected to each other, which is why many diseases appear, since the body and spirit begin to fight with each other. Extra pounds are a metabolic disorder and are also classified as diseases.

Weight loss conspiracies on the waning moon have good power. They improve the functioning of the body, and thereby remove fat from it. In addition, prayers work well on psychological state person, and their text has a meaning, which sets the person’s subconscious to work in the right direction. When the body gets along with the spirit, then extra pounds disappear without special effort. If you read prayers and at the same time eat right, you can achieve good results very quickly. In addition, you need to know how to read conspiracies correctly so that they begin to work. To do this, it is enough to follow the necessary rules.

  1. First of all, the prayer is said only on the waning moon. Almost all magical rituals work perfectly during the waning moon. As you know, the moon is the benefactor of female energy. When a woman performs a ritual, she provides herself with the support of the moon.
  2. It is also very important to feel every magic word, which is specified in the spell. How more people will delve into the words of the conspiracy, the better it will work. It is the understanding of the text and the correct pronunciation of magic words that will give a positive result.
  3. During the ritual, you need to mentally think about a new and beautiful body. A weight loss plot will not work if a woman thinks about how fat and ugly she is.

Conspiracy with lard for the waning moon

The ritual of using lard for weight loss is not difficult, it is enough to purchase a small piece. During the waning moon, you need to pick up lard and go outside closer to moonlight, you can just go out onto the balcony. If the weather is beautiful and warm outside, it’s better not to wear anything other than pajamas. They show a slice of lard to the moon and begin to read a prayer.

“My sleep is guarded by the beautiful moon, I will show her my fat before I go to bed. The moon is my friend, she will definitely help me and correct my weight. This is the farewell fat that I see and hold in my hands last time. Time goes by, I'm losing more and more weight. I want to become as beautiful as you, moon, my friend. Save me, help me, please. As the moon wanes, so does my fat. We are the most beautiful now, you and me. I beg you to help me, I will not remain in debt, I will do everything. As she said, so it will be. Amen".

After the ceremony, the lard is thrown out over the balcony or simply placed on the ground. There is no point in burying or hiding it; it is advisable that some dog finds it and eats it. Then, after the prayer is read, you need to go to bed. It is necessary to pronounce the spell on the waning moon. You also need to go to bed silently and not say anything to anyone. People who performed this particular ritual left only positive reviews. They say that the results are really noticeable the very next day.

Swan feather conspiracy

To carry out a weight loss spell on the waning moon, you need to prepare a swan feather in advance. Reviews prove that this ritual also works great, you just need to believe in magic spell and everything will definitely work out. You also need to purchase a church candle. Then stay in the room all alone and completely turn off all electronic equipment. There should not even be pets in the room, as they take away positive energy.

Next, you need to sit on the floor and light a candle. For the first couple of minutes, you need to silently observe the flame of the candle, in this way the person tunes in to the ritual itself. When all the thoughts in your head are sorted, you can begin to read the spell. But before that, they take a pen and use it to trace problem areas on the body that they want to remove. It is advisable to completely undress during the ritual. When the feather begins to tickle the body, and this makes the woman laugh, it means she has completely penetrated the ritual and is ready to start reading the prayer for weight loss.

“A beautiful bird is floating on the water. She had no equal, she was so beautiful. Help me lose my fat too, I want to lose weight and become like you. Stand in front of my problem and look at yourself and me. You see, you, swan, are beautiful, and I am terrible. Please help me, lose excess weight. I want everyone to look at me and envy me. I feel your gentle feather on me, I become more beautiful and slimmer. I touch it with a feather and feel lightness, I am slim and beautiful. I will remain like this forever.”

After the spell, you need to move the feather over the body and not stop. When a woman sees a clear picture of her slim figure, she can stop. It is important to feel all the subtleties of the conspiracy, and give yourself the mindset that weight loss will definitely happen. Faith and attitude towards a positive result of the ritual are the main thing to do at this moment. If you don't take magic seriously, it won't give you desired result and will not do anything at all. The body must remember what it was like great mood the woman, and how happy she was when she imagined herself graceful.

Lesson 10 A very strong salt spell for quick weight loss

We are losing weight quickly. Weight loss conspiracy. Conspiracies for the waning moon.

Ritual for weight loss on the waning moon

Mantra for fast weight loss

Weight loss spells for the waning moon.

After this, the feather is hidden under the pillow and they go to bed. The feather should not be lost, since after the ritual it will serve as a talisman for the person. After the ritual, a woman will feel light and harmonious. The ritual will work even better if you go on a diet at the same time.

Ritual with water for weight loss

To lose weight, rituals are performed before bedtime and on the waning moon. For such a conspiracy you will need water and preferably melt water. People who performed this ritual were able to lose ten kilograms in the first month, so it is simply necessary to follow all the rules. To quickly lose weight, prepare water the day before the ritual, and do not eat before the ritual. Before starting to read the text, go closer to the moonlight with a glass of water and whisper a spell on it.

“The full moon ended, it left and took my fullness with it. Please beautiful moon help me, fulfill my cherished dream. I want to be thin, graceful, beautiful and wonderful. Let the moon shine at full strength and heat my water. I will wash my face with water and wash my body with water and become thin. I want to lose weight, I want people to look at me. Go moon and take all my fat. I’ll bow low and say loudly that I’m thin now. Amen".

What other magical ways to lose weight are there?

To begin with, you need to know that it is necessary to read a plot to lose weight before going to bed on the waning moon. In addition to the main spell and ritual, you can use small magical tips that will only improve a person’s condition and help lose extra pounds.

  1. Drinking water on an empty stomach can help you lose weight quickly. And when a woman says prayers to this water, she will work twice as fast. There can be any prayers, you can choose those that a person likes.
  2. Rituals will work great if done on fasting days. Many women, in order to lose more excess weight, arrange such days for themselves once a week. They do not eat anything, but only take liquid. It is on such a day that the rituals will work more powerfully and show better results.

Such small tips will help increase the effect of losing weight several times. It is important to follow all conditions and recommendations when turning to magic. It must be remembered that weight loss rituals are carried out only during the waning moon, namely during the third phase of the moon. Faith and a good attitude are all that is needed during the rituals.

A conspiracy to lose weight is one of the most popular means of applied white magic. Such conspiracies helped thousands and thousands of people correct not only their figure, but also their destiny. After all, having gotten rid of the extra pounds that poison his entire existence, a person can again find a mate and find love, which previously seemed like a pipe dream, find a decent job and make a career, and not be afraid of a photo or video camera. But many fat people They simply cannot communicate freely and confidently with others because of their complexes. Excess weight causes especially severe suffering for women. Therefore, to combat overweight, the real enemy of man must use all means, including magic.

Rules for performing rituals

Despite the variety of magical rituals aimed at losing weight, there are special rules for conducting these rituals that must be followed to ensure the success of the effect.

The most effective are weight loss conspiracies pronounced in the evening after sunset, or in the morning before sunrise. You can only perform weight loss rituals for yourself; setting a goal to help another person in this case is absolutely useless.

During the ritual, it is imperative to retire to a separate room in which to ensure the greatest possible silence. No one and nothing should distract you from performing the ritual. It is recommended to remove pets from the premises and turn off all communication equipment during the ritual.

The weight loss plot must be read on an empty stomach; you must not eat anything for at least half a day before the ritual begins. The text of the conspiracy, as a rule, is read quietly, but it is important to pronounce each word very clearly and be aware of each spoken phrase. It is better to learn the spell by heart, but it is also possible to read it from sight. This will help you avoid making mistakes and stuttering if you need to read the plot many times.

Of course, for a weight loss plot to be effective, you need to believe in the power of magic and that you can balance your weight on your own. To obtain a positive result, it is very important to keep plans for a magical ritual aimed at losing weight secret from other people.

In addition, weight loss conspiracies combine well with all other traditional methods that are aimed at getting rid of extra pounds.

Variants of conspiracies for thinness

Exists huge amount various conspiracies for weight loss. They differ in the way they are carried out; they can use various additional attributes that enhance their targeted impact. Therefore, choosing a ritual in accordance with a specific situation is absolutely not difficult. Weight loss conspiracies are useful for all categories of people, no matter what goals they set.

Using water

A simple but powerful conspiracy to lose weight through water is very popular. To implement this, fill the bath with warm water in the evening. Undress and stand or sit in this water.

Scooping up water with your hand or a washcloth, wipe yourself with it, repeating the following spell:

“Light water, wipe me off. Take everything that is unnecessary from me.
Pure water flows down my body, taking away my fullness.
It will rid me of fat and won’t leave me with anything unnecessary.”

Repeating this spell, carefully wash your entire body, especially carefully going through the “problem areas.” Do not use soap, shower gel or other chemicals. Just you and the water. After completing ablution, immediately go to bed. Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of everything unnecessary at once, but by regularly repeating the ritual, you can lose a lot of kilograms.

Ritual in the bathhouse

Another simple and quite pleasant way to get rid of excess weight is a conspiracy to lose weight in a bathhouse. This is done like this: on Sunday morning, go to the bathhouse, and it is advisable that no one has visited it before you that day.

When entering the steam room, say:

“I’ll come to the bathhouse as a fat fat woman, and I’ll leave the bathhouse as a slender birch tree.”
The steam room will warm me, it will drive the fat out of me.”

While in the steam room, repeat ten times:

“My body is heating up, the fat is expelled from me.”

When leaving the bathhouse, turn around and say:

“Thank you, banya, for the relief, thank you, banya, for the deliverance.”

This plot can be used either once or regularly - every Sunday. Each time the effect will be stronger.

Often excess weight is due to the fact that a person is a slave to his stomach. Therefore, in this case, you should use conspiracies aimed at reducing appetite.

A very powerful ritual is turning away from food. It reduces a person's cravings for various delicious dishes, which he cannot refuse on his own. This ritual involves the spelling of foods, so you need to purchase in advance the foods that, in your opinion, are most harmful to your figure. For example, it could be sweets, confectionery or bakery products.

The ceremony begins in the evening. You need to put your favorite foods on a plate near your bed, light a church candle next to it and read the well-known prayer “Our Father” three times. It is very important to resist and not eat anything at this moment. Then you should wait until the candle burns out and go to bed, and you should try to fall asleep as quickly as possible.

When you wake up in the morning, you should immediately place three church candles and light them. After this, you must read the “Our Father” prayer three times again.

Then the following magic words are spoken three times:

"I, the Servant of God ( given name), I spell my favorite and tasty food. Let food not be a stone in my stomach, but become a pleasure for me in small quantities. She will not leave marks on my body with fat, but she will breathe spiritual and blissful strength into me, like nectar there will be food for my soul. All the food I take will not turn into a heaviness in my stomach, but will give me pleasure and fill my body with strength. From this moment on, I will have enough willpower to refuse excess food and moderate my desires. I’ll turn away from food that my body doesn’t need and I’d rather pray to God one more time. From now on and forever, not only at home, but also away. As said, so it will be. Amen".

After such a ritual, you will very quickly notice that the habit of overeating has disappeared on its own, and you can safely refuse, for example, an unnecessary bun or candy.

Lose weight bathroom

A ritual that is performed at home in the bathroom is very effective. To carry it out, you need to take a full bath of water at a comfortable temperature and throw your pectoral cross into it. In addition, you need to add a glass to the water cow's milk, glass of holy water and rose petals from three flowers different types. In addition, you need to lower a thin braid or thread, about 15 cm long, into the water. Then you need to lower yourself into the bathtub and take water procedures until they give you pleasure.

Before leaving the bath, you need to say the following magic words:

“Hear me, Servant of God (proper name), warm water - water, my natural sister. Don’t boil the water and don’t get muddy, but quickly help me. Wash the cross on my body and make me slim and beautiful. Wash me with milk and holy water, and cover me with rose petals. Remove everything unnecessary, so that I am neither thin nor fat, but even and attractive everywhere.”

After this you can leave the bath. When draining the water, you should say the following words:

“Leave the water from the bath, and take all the weights with you, take them away and put them under a heavy black stone. Let everything that is unnecessary from me lie there for a hundred years, but you little sister, hold it tightly and don’t let it out into the white light.”

After these words, the braid should be taken out of the bath and tied around the wrist right hand. It is important that the braid dries directly on your body. It must be worn very carefully until it breaks on its own. Rose petals also need to be collected, put in a bag and buried away from your own home under a dry tree. This ritual should be performed three times in a row on each subsequent full moon.

Finally, it should be noted that weight loss magic is truly effective if you combine it with other treatment methods. Even a very strong conspiracy is ineffective if you continue to overeat and move little.

Water has memory. If you write the words on a container of water: life, peace, love or friendship, the water will have new properties. It will carry new images - images of life, peace, love, friendship. It is not for nothing that water spells are proven and reliable rituals.

Water is the source of life and its most important component.
A person consists of 70-80% water. Our well-being directly depends on the quality of the life-giving moisture consumed.

Scientists have long proven that water has memory, it carries information, it is capable of changing the structure of another liquid with which it comes into contact. The purpose of this article is to teach the reader how to structure water, change it to lose weight and gain health.

Structured water is water purified from information debris. An example of structured water is Epiphany or holy water. This water does not spoil for a long time, has healing and antibacterial properties, and is beneficial for the body.

You can structure or, in other words, purify water like this:

  • boil,
  • freeze,
  • read conspiracies over water.

Spells with water

But if everything is clear with boiling and freezing, then the methods of charming water are very different.

Water remembers the information “recorded” on it and stores it long time. It retains energy and patterns of thought. Water carries with it the emotions that people experienced when they were near water.

From time immemorial, healers have read water spells to treat ailments. And you don’t need to be a fifth-generation healer to help yourself and your loved ones lose weight or get rid of diseases.

The main condition for success is that water conspiracies must be read with elation, with strong desire heal a person or help yourself. And only when doing this simple rule, spells with water will be beneficial.

In order for rituals with water to bring results, they must be carried out regularly, just like diets, cosmetic procedures, and sports.

Water spell rules

The following minimum rules must be observed:

  • believe in the power of recited prayers;
  • say prayers at peace of mind, calmly and in a whisper;
  • it is necessary to speak water on an empty stomach;
  • you cannot be distracted during manipulations;
  • It is necessary to read prayers and spells for water on the waning moon;
  • You cannot tell anyone that prayers were read and rituals were performed to achieve a slim figure.

Conspiracies for holy water

Holy water itself is, in its essence, phenomenal. It already has the correct structure. But any person has the power to change the properties of holy water to achieve his goals. Give her new qualities.

Read the prayer you need over holy water. This can be a prayer for losing weight, a prayer for achieving health, for getting rid of fears, for gaining success in business.

If you don’t know prayers, just tell the water about your desires, about what you need to get from it. The main thing is sincerity and impulse of the soul.

Drink half a glass of enchanted holy water every morning on an empty stomach.

Remember that it is enough to add a little charmed water to ordinary water, and the entire liquid acquires new qualities.

For a conspiracy, you can take any container: a bottle, a teapot, a glass, a bowl.

A spell for a glass of water for weight loss

One of the most strong conspiracies for weight loss is a spell for a glass of water, used by Siberian healers and healers.

This weight loss plot is carried out on a full moon, when the moon is waning.

Prepare a clean glass and fill it with clean drinking water. Also prepare blue thread and matches. When you can see outside the window full moon, go outside and look at it carefully until the moon “floats” before your eyes. Spin around yourself nine times. After these actions, turn your back to the moon and say:

“Just as you, Mother Moon, are decreasing today, so my weight begins to melt and my fullness disappears. You, Moon, are declining and melting my fat. The round moon will turn into a thin moon, and my excess weight will completely disappear. Amen".

You go home and put three burning matches into a container of water. You recite this plot nine times over water with matches. Then tie the middle and ring fingers in a figure eight with blue thread. The thread cannot be removed for seven days. After a week, the thread is burned, and its ashes are blown in the wind. Such a conspiracy is powerful for weight loss.

Water spell for health

With the help of water spells for health, you can independently heal your body from diseases.
One of the ways to spell water for health is to spell spring or melt water. Both spring and melt water have already been cleared of unnecessary information. All that remains is to endow it with healing properties.
Over the water, say any prayer asking for health, a prayer for deliverance from illnesses. Drink all the water and go to rest. After a while you will feel relief.