Light drinking diet for 5 days. Drinking diet menu, how much you can lose and the risks of losing weight

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. Drinking diet – what is it? Fashionable hobby, another misconception or effective method? How to carry it out how much can you drink and is it possible to eat solid food during the process? All the nuances of the method are discussed in my article today.

Drinking regime

A drinking diet is not at all the same as . Although it can be considered as the most severe version of this method. Other, lighter variations of the method are also allowed, which relate to .

Principles of the method

  • All food must be in liquid form.
  • Drink still , in between meals - about 1.5-2 liters per day.

In this case, it is especially important what kind of food enters your body. So you can drink water from dumplings or meat broth, but will there be any result?


  • Alcohol (I frankly don’t understand those who believe that “drinking” comes from the phrase “drink alcohol.” My dears, who told you that “alcohol accelerates metabolism” (as I read in a number of reviews on the Internet)? Alcohol kills your body and promotes overeating, but not healthy weight loss.
  • Packaged juices – high content The sugar in them does not allow us to talk about their usefulness.
  • Carbonated drinks, coffee, and full-fat dairy products are not healthy foods.
  • Sweets – pastries, candies.
  • Fatty soups and broths and generally fatty, with a lot of calories, food in general.


What can you drink on a diet? The list goes something like this.

  • Light broths and puree soups
  • Low-fat dairy products (milk is generally not the best choice, but if you really can’t refuse it, then choose quality products like or kefir)
  • Freshly squeezed juices , compotes, berry jelly without sugar.
  • Tea – preferably green, as well as fruit and herbal teas.
  • Vegetable and fruit smoothies
  • Protein shakes

Duration options

How long does the drinking diet last?

Fasting day

As the name suggests, it lasts only one day.

Frequency – once a week or 2-3 a month.


  • First option:

Exclusively water - at least 2 liters, more is possible

  • Second option:

Juices half and half with water (orange, grapefruit, apple)

And ordinary water - at least 1.5 liters

Minimum unloading

4-5 days

This period allows

It is good to cleanse the body - remove toxins and other “food waste”

Menu - following the example of the seven-day option

The best option

7-10 days

Sample menu by day:

  • Milk kefir – only natural products, low fat, without additives and sugar
  • Using broth – we prepare broths with vegetables. Grind the products in a blender.
  • On juices – the menu includes freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.
  • Kiselny - jelly exclusively homemade, no store-bought concentrates. You can also cook oatmeal jelly.
  • Yogurt or protein
  • Compote (from fresh fruits, berries or dried fruits. Do not add sugar)
  • Tea - here my articles on unloading on And .

There are options in this menu - everything will depend on how you feel and what your body is more inclined to.

Maximum term

30 days

Such a long duration is an extreme option. It is not recommended to attempt such weight loss without the supervision of a doctor.

Entry and exit

In order for experiments on yourself to be useful, you need to prepare for them in advance.

Enter correctly

Approximately 7 days before the start

Remove all fatty, spicy, heavily fried, sweet foods from your diet.

2 days before the start

Include more cereals, vegetables and fruits in your menu

Drink tea and other sugar-free drinks throughout the week.

Every day - 1.5-2 liters of water

Leave so they don't come back

So that the kilos lost with such difficulty do not return, results Diets need to be fixed. To find out how long it will take to quit the diet, feel free to multiply the days spent on it by two. That is, if there were 7 of them, then the exit will take 14.

Products excluded from the diet should be added to it gradually, day by day.

A sample menu looks like this:

First two days

  • Breakfast – oatmeal
  • Lunch, dinner – drinking

The next two to three days

  • Breakfast - your choice: oatmeal, natural yogurt, egg, cheese.
  • Lunch – add stewed or boiled vegetables to the broth (chicken, fish, meat).
  • Dinner - drinking
  • Snacks – fruits and vegetables

Add complex carbohydrates (pasta, potatoes) last. Well, it’s better to completely abandon fast ones.

In general, strive to ensure that your menu contains as many natural, low-fat, healthy foods and dishes as possible.

Two sides of the mirror

Pros of losing weight

  • Food is well digested
  • A large amount of liquid food helps improve functioning and cleanse the stomach and intestines.
  • The stomach gradually shrinks in size
  • The kilograms are coming off quickly.

It's true - judging by the reviews, people lose up to 1.5 kg per day. But I would not call this a plus - ask any nutritionist and he will tell you that competent, proper weight loss under no circumstances should it be so rapid.

By losing weight in this way, you risk creating a bunch of health problems. In addition, everything lost will come back with a 99.9% probability.


  • Unbalanced diet
  • Lack of a number of useful substances in the diet (recommended during diets, take vitamin complexes). Although this minus can be easily removed by introducing daily diet green smoothies or cocktails (fresh greens contain vitamins and proteins)
  • Fatigue, apathy, irritability
  • Inability to return to regular solid foods due to digestive problems
  • Often you just want to chew - the reflex remains, but there is no food to chew.


In this regard, it is imperative to say something about someone who should never lose weight in this way.

People with chronic kidney, liver, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, elderly, children, pregnant women, prone to and others.

In any case, consultation with a doctor is mandatory. On the Internet there is huge amount reviews from those who were never able to fully recover from the consequences of this diet and created a lot of problems for themselves in the form of chronic diseases. Do you have your own experience?

What to remember

  • The drinking diet doesn't seem like a healthy way to lose weight.
  • This is a method of sharply limiting yourself in calories (on which, in fact, the weight loss process itself is based), in addition, it is also a refusal of the usual solid food. Is your stomach ready for this?
  • Under no circumstances should you lose weight this way without first consulting your doctor. If you still decide, combine liquid nutrition with regular food, but use only healthy foods.
  • And incomparably best choice there will be a transition to proper nutrition and engaging in physical education and sports - in this case, you are guaranteed to acquire a beautiful body and do not risk your health in any way.

Be slim and healthy and don’t forget to share your weight loss experience in the comments. See you again in new articles, friends!

A strict drinking diet, according to nutritional researchers, is one of the most dangerous for human health - The weight loss method completely eliminates the consumption of food! This does not mean that for the next month you will say goodbye to the concept of “food” and will eat every day. But the entire diet will indeed consist of liquid.

If you do not consider yourself an iron-hardened person, choose more gentle ones, but no less effective ways, such as, or, or drinking, but for 14 or 7 days.

During drinking days, you will have to literally fight your nature, and this is far from easy. After all, any diet is stressful for the body and will require sanity and fortitude from you in the most difficult moments, but hard drinking Diet is something else entirely. And we will explain why, imagine detailed menu, we’ll tell you how many days it will take you to reduce your calorie intake, give you a fruit and vegetable recipe, write out the positive and negative aspects method. Is the fight worth it? extra pounds It's up to you to decide.

How much can you lose on a strict drinking diet if you follow it correctly? Reviews on the Internet talk about results of up to 20 kilograms per month.

Initially, every person has a need to chew. This is an integral reflex of the body. In addition (and not everyone realizes this), we all have some kind of “timer” set inside us. When a person consumes food, the brain “counts” the total amount eaten, so we feel that we are full. Sometimes the timer does not work when we eat while watching a TV series or listening to music while eating.

You may have noticed that in decent cafes and restaurants there is always music playing or the TV is noisy. This is no accident. Loud sounds drown out the “timer” and you no longer know how to stop, and, accordingly, you eat more than you should. For this reason, we advise you to train yourself to eat in complete silence. Within a month you will notice tangible benefits.

The ability to eat in silence will be needed when you decide to quit the drinking diet. While you are not eating, but drinking, it is useless to be cunning, since the brain does not know how to calculate the amount of drink.

But what is the essence of the drinking diet, what is possible, and what should absolutely be removed from your refrigerator for the next month? While any other, even the most stringent method involves at least interval eating, the diet prohibits its consumption at all. The main ingredient for the next 30-14 days is liquid in all its forms. This means that in addition to the obligatory one and a half liters of purified water per day, you can eat: milk, puree soups, yoghurts, teas and coffee, broths, and everything that turns into a liquid state - fruits and vegetables (we will present a detailed menu later ).

Please note that during this entire period the consumption of soda and alcohol is prohibited. There is no need to aggravate the already critical situation of the body with harmful toxins and substances.

The creators of the diet provided for the optimal period for maintaining a drinking diet - 30 days. However, numerous practice has led to the conclusion that tangible results can be seen after 4-5 days. It is important to switch to a drinking diet gradually. If before this you ate a considerable amount of proteins and carbohydrates during the day, but suddenly stopped and sat down only to water, you are not far from a hospital bed.

Before you completely go on a drinking diet, you need to go through an adaptation period of 5-10 days, during which you will gradually be able to reduce the amount of food you eat.

Suppose that in the first 3 days you cut your diet in half, and on day 10 it is recommended to consume up to 100-200 calories per day. Thus, by day 10, the lion's share of your lunch regimen will be liquid (60-70%, 20-30% chewable food). This will greatly simplify such a difficult task for the body and allow you to quickly achieve the necessary results.

But still, despite the disadvantages of a water diet, the method also has a useful advantage, which, if used correctly, can bring unlimited benefits - completely eliminating the risk of dehydration. It is guaranteed to all people who adhere to any other the strictest diet. People who are losing weight often reduce their water intake, but a drinking diet is just the opposite.

To achieve maximum effect, different nutritional strategies should be combined together. Arrange or two for drinking regime, gradually get out of it and switch to another diet that suits your taste. But for this you need to create correct menu for all periods.

  • We recommend reading:

List of approved products

First, let's figure out what and how much you can consume during your drinking ration on water per month and week. For your attention, products containing a minimum of calories:

  • Plain water from one and a half liters per day;
  • Homemade broths;
  • Black tea, green tea, coffee (do not add sugar or sweeteners);
  • Fruit and vegetable juices (carrot, apple, beet, etc.);
  • Sour drinks, compotes;
  • Protein diet on yoghurt;
  • Fruit and vegetable, beef and fish broths;
  • Dairy products 2%.

Spicy vegetables or very sweet fruits, spices and seasonings, fatty yoghurts, juices from stores (not to mention alcohol) are excluded, otherwise the results will not please you. Salt can be used in small portions for broths.

Drinking diet for 30, 14, 7 and 3 days

Everyone decides how long to diet on their own, depending on their goals.

A 30-day drinking ration, in contrast to 14 days, is characterized by five stages. After an adaptation period of 10 days of reducing calorie intake (sometimes a week is enough), 10 days of major cleansing of dense organs and the intestinal tract begin. Over the next 10 days, dense organs are involved - liver, kidneys. So, on the 20th day you may feel unwell in the area of ​​these organs. And finally - cleansing at the cellular level. During this period, you feel boundless lightness and discomfort in the body disappears.

To achieve the desired results in a month (for the cautious - a week), you can eat:

  • Fermented milk products for breakfast, yoghurts;
  • After a couple of hours, freshly squeezed juice (orange,);
  • For lunch, broth or chicken soup without meat or puree soup, teas, coffee;
  • Afternoon snack – jelly, berry compote;
  • Dinner is weak.

You need variety in your menu to ensure your body gets all the healthy elements it needs. So, a 7 or 14-day, more loyal, method of losing weight on water in a week may include:

  • Monday: juices, compotes;
  • Tuesday: oat-based jelly, or fruit and berry;
  • Wednesday: dairy products day, kefir 1.5%, milk and yogurt;
  • Thursday: fish, chicken and vegetable broths;
  • Friday: cream soup, tea, broth, fruit;
  • Saturday: protein diet - yoghurts, fermented baked milk, milk;
  • Sunday: repeat the day of freshly squeezed juices and jelly.

A 3-day drinking diet is the easiest way of the entire method to relieve the body and lose weight. It is suitable for combination with gentle diets. On the first day, only consuming dairy products is permissible, on the second day prepare broths, and on the last day – juices, jelly and compotes. In any case, proceed from your personal wishes in creating a diet, write it down on a piece of paper, and come up with your own recipes.

Bonus Recipe

If your imagination fails you and you no longer know how to diversify your daily drinking menu, we present to your attention this recipe: preparing puree soup. To begin, prepare 1 liter of medium-fat broth and vegetables (broccoli, onions, peppers, potatoes, carrots). Wash and peel the vegetables, add them to the boiling broth and cook until soft. Grind the resulting mass into a puree using a blender. The consistency is not very thick. Dilute your daily drinking menu with this light puree soup.

How to properly quit a drinking diet

Plays an extremely important role in the event, since this must be done correctly in order to avoid negative consequences for the body, because this is its “second birth”. Moreover, if you have been on a diet for 14 to 30 days, and the threat of exhaustion is already hanging over your body. So, if you have been on a drinking diet for 30 days, the yield will be 2 months. For 14-28 days.

  1. For the first week, introduce liquid cereals for breakfast, gradually increasing their dose.
  2. The second week is still a drinking dinner, but for breakfast you can have a boiled, small cheese sandwich.
  3. The third week - porridge for breakfast, but fruits and vegetables are already included in dinner.
  4. Fourth week – finally you can eat meat! Fish, beef, chicken in small quantities at the beginning.
  5. The fifth week is what you started with, standard meals, only one day a week do a fasting drink.

For the next unlimited period, be sure to exclude heavy consumption of sweet and salty, flour and fatty foods. And, most importantly, drink fluids in large volumes.

If you want to lose weight and cleanse your body for enough short time, then it will do. However, it requires considerable willpower. Because you will have to sit on liquid products for about a month. Actually, this sentence expressed the essence of this method of losing weight.

Basics of a drinking diet

The diet course should last 4 weeks. This is exactly the period required for complete cleansing of the body, according to the authors of the system. However, due to the fact that not everyone can withstand such a period of hardship, there is a more gentle option - seven days. However, nutritionists do not approve of either one. And they suggest considering a one-day version, simply repeating it every week.

The fact is that excluding solid food from the diet is a huge stress for the body. Yes, during a drinking diet, the volume of the stomach decreases; portions can be reduced in the future. But at the same time it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the stool. Its prolonged absence or, on the contrary, persistent diarrhea indicates that the diet is clearly not suitable.

The results are promised to be mesmerizing - up to 5 kilograms per week. But you should prepare for not the most pleasant sensations in the first two weeks of following the diet. IN initial days 10 The intestines and other hollow organs are cleansed. At this time, manifestations such as coating on the tongue, weakness, and apathy are possible.

Next, liquid nutrition is taken to the liver. There may even be discomfort in its area. Well, after 14-20 days, judging by the reviews of those who survived, a feeling of extraordinary lightness and a surge of energy appears.

What you can and cannot do on a drinking diet

The big advantage of this food system is considered to be the ability to create your own menu depending on your preferences. On a drinking diet you can:

  • clean water;
  • green or black tea without additives or with milk, coffee in small quantities, cocoa without sugar;
  • milk;
  • kefir, drinking yogurt and other fermented milk drinks, the fat content of which does not exceed 2%;
  • low-fat non-concentrated broths: meat, fish.
  • vegetable broths and liquid puree soups from vegetables;
  • compotes homemade no sugar;
  • fruit drinks, juices;
  • smoothie;
  • jelly.

There really is a lot to choose from on a drinking diet. The main thing is that the dishes are liquid. In this case, you should not drink:

  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sweet teas, compotes;
  • sweetened juices;
  • saturated fatty broths;
  • broths and soups prepared using cubes and packet mixtures;
  • fatty milk drinks.

In a word, it is still necessary to monitor the calorie content and the absence of harmful substances. Otherwise, there can be no talk of cleansing the body.

Sample menu for one day of drinking diet

During the day it is necessary to organize five meals. This should be breakfast followed by brunch a couple of hours later. Then lunch with the highest calorie content. Light snack - afternoon snack. And a dinner that does not burden the digestive system. For example, a drinking diet one day may look like this.

  • A glass of low-fat yogurt or milk.
  • A glass of any juice you prefer. For example, pumpkin and carrot.
  • Vegetable puree soup (yogurt consistency). Cup of tea.
  • Jelly made from fruits and berries.
  • A glass of low-fat kefir.

Each serving should be approximately 250-300 ml. You should drink slowly and little by little. Such measures help maintain a small stomach volume.

How to organize a drinking diet

Of course, you shouldn’t suddenly stop eating solid food, or start eating it again. Having decided to go on a drinking diet, you need to start reducing the number of usual dishes in about a week. They need to be replaced with drinking ones gradually. First one meal, then two, and so on, until by the end of the week the menu is completely liquid. The drinking diet begins.

During the proposed four weeks, disruptions should not be allowed. This is not easy, because the habit of chewing food begins from the very beginning. early age. And “chewing” on stress is also common. Therefore, you should think in advance about how the body will now be asked to discharge itself.

In addition to the suggested portions of drinking products, you must also drink a certain amount of water. 1.5 to 2 liters is recommended. But you should not allow simultaneous intake of both water and food. Because this can lead to stomach distension. It’s better to drink some water, then after 10 minutes you can eat. That is, drink something substantial.

After completing the drinking diet, you also need to make a gradual transition to regular menu. Moreover, if the diet itself lasts 4 weeks, then the exit may take up to 8 weeks. So, during the first week you can eat thin gruel for breakfast instead of liquid dishes. In the second week, add thicker soups and cereals for lunch to your usual breakfast. The very last one replaces dinner. But intermediate meals can be left in liquid form.

As you can see, the diet, called the drinking diet, lasts not 4 weeks at all, but all 13, taking into account the beginning and the correct gradual exit. Not everyone will actually dare to undertake such achievements.

Advantages and disadvantages of a drinking diet

The obvious advantages of such a power system include:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • cleansing the body;
  • energy and lightness after completing the diet;
  • accessibility and ease of diet preparation;
  • facilitating the functioning of the digestive system;
  • reduction in stomach volume.

But the drinking diet also has its disadvantages:

  • You still won’t have to avoid the feeling of hunger, especially at the beginning;
  • fatigue, weakness, drowsiness and apathy may occur at the beginning of the program;
  • intemperate eating after a diet reduces all efforts made to zero;
  • The stomach will wean itself off solid food and will need to return to it gradually.

A drinking diet can only be considered by absolutely healthy adults. If you have any chronic diseases or, especially, problems in the acute stage, you should refuse it. It is not suitable during pregnancy either. And it is also very important to closely monitor your condition while drinking. If there is significant discomfort, the experiment should be stopped and a more gentle option should be chosen.

You can repeat this diet no more than once a year. And it’s worth repeating that it’s safer to still give preference to drinking fasting days, which should be carried out similarly with smooth preparation and exit, but all within 2.5 -3 days. That is, a liquid dinner. The next day is completely drinking. And a smooth exit in the form of a liquid breakfast and semi-liquid lunch. This can be done once every 1-2 weeks. The result is achieved more slowly, but lasts longer.

The drinking diet for weight loss is designed for 7 days. The liquid consistency provided by the diet is easily digested by the body, preventing the deposition of fat. At the same time, metabolic processes are activated, promoting rapid weight loss.


Features of the drinking diet

The goal of a drinking diet is to reduce the load on the digestive system without significantly reducing the intake of nutrients, vitamins and microelements into the body. Dehydration of the body - main problem, which almost everyone who loses weight faces. With a liquid diet, this will not happen; the diet helps maintain water balance in the body, which helps you lose weight and maintain excellent health.

Video: All about the drinking diet

Drinking diet menu for 7 days

During a drinking diet, the menu can include any of the following liquids, regardless of gender, age and weight:

  1. Broths and puree soups based on them. They are prepared without spices and the addition of spicy vegetables from lean beef, veal, chicken fillet, and lean fish. Salt is allowed in small quantities.
  2. Fermented milk products 1.5-2.0% fat (natural unsweetened yoghurts, kefir, fermented baked milk). Milk in in this case is an exception.
  3. Freshly squeezed juices from non-sweet fruits. Orange and grapefruit juice are especially recommended, but only if you are not allergic to citrus fruits.
  4. Any tea without added sugar and its substitutes. You can add a slice of lemon or a little milk.
  5. Jelly made from fresh berries and fruits, oatmeal, fruit and berry compotes, you can use dried fruits. It is forbidden to use sugar, jelly, starch.
  6. 1.5 liters of clean drinking water per day is mandatory. To avoid swelling, drinking later than 3 hours before bedtime is not recommended.

Alternating these liquids throughout the week will not only make the drinking diet menu varied, but will also supply the body with the necessary nutrients. For breakfast it is better to give preference to dairy products, for lunch - broths and soups, dinner should be light, so jelly and fermented milk products would be the ideal option.

One of the main conditions for a drinking diet is to avoid consuming salt (a little can be added to pureed soups), sugar and sweeteners, alcohol, seasonings, and any vegetable oil.

During the day there should be 5 meals at equal intervals, and at one meal you can eat no more than 1 glass of liquid food.

The duration of the drinking diet is no more than 7 days. It is considered strict and involves abstaining from certain foods for a while, so it is better to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor. You can adhere to such a diet no more than once a year.

Cream soup recipes for drinking diet

Vegetable puree soup

Medium size potatoes – 1 pc.
Cauliflower inflorescences – 2 pcs.
Carrots – 1 pc.
Low-fat broth (vegetable or meat) – 1 liter.
Bell pepper – 1 pc.
Sweet onions– 1 pc.
Dill – 1 sprig.

1. Cut the potatoes into cubes, pour in the broth and put on fire.
2. As soon as it boils, cook for 5 minutes, add cabbage and carrots and cook until fully cooked.
3. Add pepper and onion at the end.
4. Place vegetables from the broth, cool and transfer to a blender, chop.
5. Add broth until you get a puree-like mass.
6. Ready dish garnish with a sprig of dill. You can add a little salt.

Video: Homemade broth recipe for drinking diet

Cream soup with turnips

Turnip – 70 g.
Potatoes – 70 g.
Carrots – 1 pc.
Leek – 1 pc.
Milk 1% - 1 glass.
Vegetable or low-fat meat broth - 1 l.

1. Cut vegetables into cubes and pour in broth.
2. Place the saucepan with vegetables on the fire and cook until they are ready.
3. Place vegetables separately on a plate and cool.
4. Grind the warm vegetables in a blender, add a little broth for thickness.
5. Pour in milk, you can add a little salt.

You can prepare such soups with the addition of various vegetables, based on your own taste preferences and taking into account the described restrictions.

Drinking diet for 7 days, results

In 7 days of the diet you can lose 4-7 kg depending on the initial weight and individual characteristics body. In addition, a drinking diet helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins. As a result of such nutrition, the stomach contracts, allowing the body to quickly fill up with a small amount of food. Appetite also decreases, which promotes weight loss.

The unpleasant downside of such a diet can be irritability, loose stools (but this is normal), deterioration in performance, coating on the tongue, and headache. If the symptoms increase, worsening the general condition of the body, it is better to abandon this method of losing weight.

During the drinking diet, it is advisable to take vitamin and mineral complexes, which will be selected individually by a specialist doctor.

Contraindications for drinking diet

  1. The presence of various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Heart or kidney disease.
  3. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  4. General weakening of the body.
  5. Presence of a tendency to edema.
  6. Hypertension, hypotension.

Before going on a diet, it is advisable to undergo an examination and consult with a specialist.

Quitting the drinking diet

Like any diet, you need to exit it gradually (eat semi-liquid food), otherwise you can harm the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it takes two weeks. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are gradually introduced. Once every two to three days, you can include vegetables, cereals, fruits, and low-fat protein foods in your diet. Sugar consumption is possible two weeks after the drinking diet, but in general it is worth keeping it to a minimum.

Anyone who wants to lose weight should try the drinking diet. overweight, and also rid the body of unnecessary and harmful substances. What is this diet and how to stay on it?

How to survive on a drinking diet, what you can drink on a drinking diet

Among the many existing diets, the so-called drinking diet stands out. This is a diet where the first day is drinking, and the second is drinking, and the third, and all subsequent ones. All jokes aside, such a system has a right to exist due to its effectiveness. Now it’s time to find out what you can do on a drinking diet and how to sit on it?

What can you drink on a drinking diet?

  • Freshly squeezed juices from unsweetened fruits and vegetables;
  • Tea and coffee without sugar. You can add lemon to tea;
  • Mineral water without gas;
  • Jelly from fruits and berries (made by you, not purchased);
  • Dried fruit compote;
  • Fruit drinks, rosehip decoction;
  • Oatmeal jelly;
  • Milk, kefir, buttermilk, fermented baked milk and other drinks, the mass fraction of fat in which is not more than 1.5%;
  • Broths (fish, chicken, beef, vegetable).

The list of what you can drink on a drinking diet is quite meager at first glance. But you can diversify it yourself. For example, don’t drink the same tea, but always different ones. Moreover, today their range is very wide. The same goes for fresh juices: don’t focus only on orange. Make juice from apples, carrots, pineapple and also mix them with each other. The main thing is not to add sugar, cream, or syrups to the juice.

Drinking diet: menu

  • Breakfast: a glass of fermented baked milk (kefir, milk);
  • Breakfast No. 2: dried fruit compote (fruit jelly);
  • Lunch: fish broth with herbs, tea (beef broth, coffee);
  • Afternoon snack: oatmeal jelly (fresh orange);
  • Dinner: a glass of kefir (rosehip decoction).

What exactly to drink during the day is up to you. The main thing is to drink the listed liquids in five doses. Your diet could be like this: drinking on the first day, vegetables on the second. This means that on the first day you drink tea, compote, milk, and on the second day - vegetable juices.

Sometimes some diets include a drinking day or it simply acts as a fasting day. Then a logical question arises: what can you drink on a drinking day while on a diet? In general, the same as mentioned above. But you should leave aside broths and dairy products.

Drinking diet: frequently asked questions

  1. Many people wonder, is it possible to drink watermelon on a drinking diet? Yes, you can, but only without the pulp. Make fresh juice from it in a blender, then strain it. But you can’t drink this juice often: only a couple of times a week;
  2. You ask, how to survive on a drinking diet? In fact, there is nothing complicated. Of course, in the first days it may seem to you that this is impossible. But then you get used to it, and everything will be fine;
  3. How not to fall off the drinking diet? First, don't obsess over food. Keep yourself busy. Try not to sit at home. Secondly, if you are really hungry, drink! After all, you have more than just water. Make your own chicken broth or oatmeal jelly. By the way, the latter is very nutritious and satisfying;
  4. How long can you stay on a drinking diet? There are two main types of drinking diets depending on your goals. If you want to lose a couple of kilos, then a seven-day diet is for you. If the excess weight is more impressive, then we stay on the drinking regime for exactly a month. If you wish, you can sit for, for example, two or three weeks. A diet based on the principle of “drinking one day, vegetables the second” can last no more than two weeks;
  5. Another important question is how much can you lose on a drinking diet? Depending on the duration of the diet you chose and what your initial weight is. On average, on a seven-day diet they lose about five to seven kilos, and on a thirty-day diet - about ten;
  6. Is it possible to exercise while on a drinking diet? Of course, a drinking diet and sports can be combined. But don't overload yourself physical activity. After all, your body receives a small number of calories, so during exhausting exercises you may experience dizziness and other unpleasant phenomena;
  7. Do I need to prepare for a drinking diet? Preparation for the drinking diet is carried out a week in advance. Start gradually reducing the calorie content of your diet, introduce more liquid dishes (soups, slimy porridges). This will make it easier for you to adapt in the future;
  8. What is a strict drinking diet? Its essence is that during the entire diet you can only drink one drink. It could be kefir or apple juice. But the duration of this method of losing weight should not exceed five to seven days, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous;
  9. What is the shock-drinking diet? This is an alternation of a drinking day and a chocolate one. For example, on one day, as usual, you only drink permitted liquids, and on the second, during the day you only eat a bar of dark chocolate. Then the cycle repeats. Some also call the cocoa diet, where you drink cocoa as your main drink;
  10. How to quit the diet correctly? Leaving the drinking diet must be smooth, even if you have only been on it for a week. Little by little, add porridge back to your menu, then fruits and vegetables, and finally meat. Sugar is allowed no earlier than two weeks later. If you can live without it, then so much the better. The same goes for sweets - limit yourself to dark chocolate.