Economical menu for a week for a family. Healthy nutrition menu for the week

Today most young people married women They are interested in mastering home time management. Keeping up with everything, trying to run a household economically and at the same time remaining attractive is not an easy task. Every housewife knows how much time it takes to cook and run around supermarkets after work. By learning to create a weekly menu for your family, you will immediately solve several problems: save time, money and get rid of unnecessary workload.

Organizing and planning your family diet helps you save time and money.

Planning a menu for several days will save you from having to decide every day what to cook for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This approach to cooking has a number of advantages - saving time and money. At the same time, you will be able to fulfill a long-standing dream - to switch your household to a healthy diet.

Save time

Switching to purchasing products according to a list saves a lot of time. How does it usually happen? An inexperienced housewife makes spontaneous purchases, and then decides at home what can be prepared from it. In addition, he spends time searching interesting recipe in the Internet. As a result, we spend most of our free time near the stove.

You need to do everything the other way around. First, we create a weekly menu for the family with recipes, and then we buy the necessary products for it. This way you can prepare some meals ahead. You won't have to run to the supermarket again if you forgot to buy something in a hurry. Cooking will turn into a deliberate process. Thanks to this planning, you can arrange a more gentle work schedule in the kitchen.

Financial benefit

Spontaneous grocery shopping has another unpleasant side. Have you noticed that when you enter the store just to buy bread and dairy products, you take out a whole cart? And then it turns out that only part of the contents will be eaten. And the rest will deteriorate. After all, each product has its own expiration date.

Sometimes women, tired after a day of work, in the desire to cook something quickly, buy semi-finished products or all sorts of “goodies”. They are not cheap. And their health benefits are questionable. Such unplanned expenses always hit the family budget.

If you create a weekly menu for your family in advance and make purchases based on it, the savings will be significant. For example, a year of such a deliberate approach to expenses will allow you to save for a long-awaited vacation, which was previously not available due to lack of finances.

Balanced and healthy diet

Another important advantage in diet planning is the ability to create more useful menu for all family members to join a healthy lifestyle. For those who wish to reset excess weight, it's just a necessity.

When creating a sample menu for the week, it is important to consider several factors

If there are only healthy foods in the refrigerator, then you will not have any opportunity to eat something that is not permissible.

A balanced menu for the week for the whole family is a chance to switch to a healthier diet. It will be easier for you to control the amount of food you eat. You will be able to plan your menu for the whole day so that your diet will become more varied. After a few months, you will notice that giving up chaotic eating will have a beneficial effect on your health and appearance.

Planning weekly menu includes 3 key points:

  • Selecting recipes suitable for a specific family. Based on the selected recipes, create a list of dishes. Here you can enter dishes that are especially popular among family members. Ideally, for everyone. If you're unlucky, you can cook your favorite dishes one at a time. You can choose the recipes you want to master. In order to save time, it is worth alternating complex dishes with simple ones that will take a minimum of time.
  • Make a list of ingredients using the ingredients.
  • Decide on their quantity and the required amount. Take this list to the supermarket. It is worth timing this event to coincide with the time when there are promotions in stores. Under no circumstances change the list on the fly. Subsequence - important point in planning.

You can do it differently. Conduct preparatory work. For a month, write down every day all the products you purchased, their quantity, and cost. At the end of the month, analyze the information received. You will immediately notice which products were extra, where you spent more than you needed (spontaneous purchases). It will become clear to you how often you buy, for example, dairy products and cereals. Inspect the refrigerator, all kitchen cabinets, and take into account all remaining supplies that have not expired.

Once you get used to shopping from a list, you can adjust your entries over time.

Making a grocery list

After drawing up a menu plan, you need to make a list of products necessary for its preparation.

When creating a simple weekly menu for your family, focus on the tastes of your household. Family income also needs to be taken into account. The time of year plays an important factor in compiling the list: it is better to buy fruits and vegetables that are in season. If you want not only to save money, but also to accustom your household to a healthy lifestyle, then give preference to healthy products.

Your cart should contain:

  • low fat fermented milk products;
  • eggs;
  • meat (preferably chicken or turkey);
  • fat sea ​​fish, seafood;
  • various cereals;
  • vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries;
  • spices, herbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • nuts, dried apricots, raisins;
  • low-calorie sweets, honey.

If holidays are planned or guests are planned, then you need to draw up an additional list of products.

Selecting a convenient menu form

Now on the Internet you can download various programs with a calorie calculator or recipes indicating the quantities of ingredients. Use them to save time. A ready-made menu for a week for a family can become decor for the kitchen if you decorate it like in a restaurant. More practical housewives will opt for an electronic menu or one written down in a diary. For ease of planning, it is worth combining the list of dishes with the recipe.

Each family has its own taste preferences. Therefore, we offer one of many options.

Monday oatmeal with any seasonal fruits or berries

pickle, mashed potatoes with boiled chicken, fresh vegetable salad

potato zrazy with champignons (use leftover mashed potatoes from lunch)


cheesecakes with sour cream and berries

beetroot, stewed chicken liver, sliced ​​vegetables

fish baked in foil with vegetables


buckwheat porridge with milk

chicken noodle soup, carrot and cheese salad

vegetable salad, boiled beef


oatmeal pancakes with sour cream or honey

champignon cream soup, boiled beef salad with vegetables

fish stewed in tomato sauce with bell pepper


cottage cheese with berries

fish cutlets, cabbage and cucumber salad

vegetable ratatouille


pancakes with apples

bell pepper, stuffed with rice, minced meat

vegetable salad, stewed chicken liver


cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin

vegetable soup, pilaf with champignons,

chicken stewed in sour cream with pasta, vegetables

From the presented home menu For the week, we will choose several dishes for the family that can be prepared in a matter of minutes.

Oat pancakes

Ingredients (for 1 serving) - 1 egg, 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar.

Preparation – Grind the flakes, add egg, sugar, beat with a mixer. Leave for 5-10 minutes to swell. Then fry as usual pancakes.

Champignon puree soup

Ingredients – 300 g champignons, 3 potatoes, 2 onions, 300 ml 20% cream, vegetable oil, salt, black pepper, ground nutmeg (optional).

Preparation – Boil the potatoes. Peel the onions, mushrooms, chop everything coarsely. Fry the onion until transparent, then add champignons and spices. Fry, stirring, until the mushrooms are ready. Combine boiled potatoes, a glass of potato broth, fried mushrooms with onions, and cream. Beat with a mixer. If the puree soup is too thick, add a little more potato broth.

How buy groceries once, so as not to stand at the stove every evening, inventing a new dish, the editors will tell you "So simple!". At the end of the article there is a grocery list for the week that you can print out and take with you to the store.

This set of products will be useful even to those housewives who will not cook the dishes we offer, but will choose other recipes at their discretion. We will begin our countdown on Saturday, because it is often on the weekend that many of us do grocery purchases.

Home menu for the week

  1. Breakfast
    Since in the morning we prefer to eat our usual dishes without any frills, we recommend starting the day with cottage cheese with sour cream. You can make a delicious topping from fruits to pour over cottage cheese: to do this, you need to chop a small amount of fruit using a blender and mix them with sugar.

    This sweet addition can be stored in the refrigerator for quite some time. long time. You should also make pancakes with cottage cheese for breakfast.

    You can alternate cottage cheese breakfast with oatmeal. Porridge, a boiled or fried egg and sausage is an incredibly tasty combination. We also often eat sandwiches for breakfast or take them to work/school with us.

    To prepare them, you need to prepare 2 small plastic containers: cut the cheese into one, and sausage into the other. In the morning, each family member can make their own favorite sandwich.

  2. Saturday, Sunday, Monday
    For dinner these days you need to prepare chops in advance from chicken fillet. Half the chops should be cooked immediately, but the rest can be cooked throughout the week.

    As a side dish, we recommend preparing baked vegetables with mushrooms. To do this, chop the mushrooms, zucchini and carrots, add your favorite spices and seasonings, and then bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. While vegetables are in season, don't forget to prepare fresh salads!

  3. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
    These days, our editors suggest eating baked meat for dinner. One of the items on the list is a whole chicken. It needs to be cut, separating the brisket. The rest of the chicken needs to be marinated and frozen. Within three days you need to defrost a small amount of meat and bake it in the oven.

    For a side dish, we suggest making rice with spinach. To do this, you need to boil the rice in the usual way and fry the onion and spinach in butter. When the rice is ready, you should combine it with frying, adding another 100 g of butter.

    The chicken breast must be ground and made into minced meatballs. In the future, you can cook any vegetable.

  4. Friday Saturday
    These days we suggest cooking for dinner and boiled potatoes for a side dish.

  5. Sweet
    In order not to spend a lot of time preparing complex desserts, we recommend baking a quick one. It can be prepared with any fruits and berries.

And here it is required list groceries for the week!


  • 2 liters of milk
  • 1 l kefir
  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 600 ml sour cream
  • 400 g butter
  • 1 kg oatmeal
  • 5 kg of fruit (strawberries, cherries, apricots)
  • 2 kg cucumbers
  • 2 kg tomatoes
  • 300 g dill
  • 300 g spinach
  • 200 g lettuce leaves (for sandwiches)
  • 0.5 kg onions
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 15 eggs
  • 1 kg flour
  • 2 loaves of bread (focus on your family)
  • 1 sausage stick
  • 500 g hard cheese
  • 0.5 kg sausages
  • 2 kg zucchini
  • 1 kg carrots
  • 300 g mushrooms
  • 1 chicken
  • 2 kg chicken breasts
  • 1 kg rice
  • 0.5 kg minced meat (pork or beef)

We hope you find our menu and grocery list useful! Be sure to tell your friends about these practical tips.

IN modern world a significant number of people are forced to strictly adhere to a budget. Salaries are often only barely enough for necessary expenses, or even not enough at all. In such conditions, it is necessary to carefully plan all expenses in advance, learn how to properly organize rest, food, treatment, etc. As practice shows, most Russian families spend about half of their income, or even more, on food. Therefore, organizing a budget diet plays an extremely important role. Let's clarify what an economical menu could be for a family of 3 people for 7 days of the week.

I’ll say right away for those who, having read the recommended dishes for any day, will say that this set is suitable for a family of any number of people. But no! A weekly menu for 3 people assumes that 2 people are working people. If we talk about the menu of a family of 5-6 people, then, for example, 2 people work, 1-2 are retired and 1-2 are children. Seemingly living large staff In one room it is easier to pay for utilities, but in reality it is easier only for heating. All other services are metered. This means consumption utilities per capita remains approximately the same. At the same time, the size of the pension is not comparable to the salary. Therefore, as a result, there is not enough money... In a family of two working people, funds are spent on two people. In a family of 5-6 people, in fact, it’s as if only 3 people are working, and you need to spend on 5-6... So it turns out that the menu for the week for a family from more a person in most cases of life will be simpler, the menu for 3 people is correspondingly more interesting despite the fact that it is economical.

Economy menu for a week


It’s not for nothing that porridge is considered the healthiest breakfast, and it’s very inexpensive. Prepare oatmeal for breakfast, and if you have fruits, dried fruits, nuts or honey in the house, add them to ready dish.

For lunch, prepare borscht. First courses can be prepared with chicken, meat or bone broth. Use some of the meat in borscht, and the rest will go into other dishes, for example, salad, casserole or pizza.

Dinner. An excellent budget option for dinner for the whole family would be potatoes baked in foil with filling - the so-called “crumb potatoes”.


You can also prepare egg dishes for breakfast. This way, all family members can have breakfast with a delicious and aromatic omelette with cheese.

For lunch, cook a simple chicken soup with homemade noodles.

For dinner, cook spaghetti with minced meat; you can also add tomato sauce to the dish.


Prepare porridge for breakfast from available cereals, for example, corn or millet. Milk porridge is also a good option.

For lunch, boil pea soup.

And for dinner, cook rice and chicken liver stewed in tomato.


Fry cheesecakes or semolina balls for breakfast.

For lunch, boil chicken soup with millet cereal or solyanka with beans.

And an excellent option for dinner would be Lenten lazy cabbage rolls(rice with vegetables) or dumplings with potatoes and sour cream.


Prepare so-called curly scrambled eggs with tomatoes for breakfast.

For lunch, boil soup with meatballs.

And for dinner, prepare battered fish with a side dish, such as couscous or chips.


Lazy dumplings are a great option for a Saturday breakfast for the whole family.

For lunch you can cook cabbage soup with sauerkraut.

And dinner can consist of mashed potatoes and goulash or meatballs with rice in white sauce and vegetable salad.


Prepare rice and cottage cheese casserole for breakfast.

For lunch, make soup with dumplings.

And for dinner, please your loved ones with potato tortilla with cheese or buckwheat with vegetables and mushrooms.

What else can be included in an economical menu for 3 people?

Salads for a budget menu

There are quite a few salads that can be prepared from available ingredients. Budget-friendly dishes made from seasonal vegetables are an excellent choice. In the cold season, you can prepare salads from beets, radishes and carrots.

Budget salads also include “vinigrette”, “vitamin”, “meat with egg pancakes”, “Korean carrots” and “Georgian marinated cabbage”.

Desserts and baked goods

In order to diversify the economical family menu, choose recipes with minimum quantity eggs, butter, margarine and sour cream. So pancakes (they can be cooked with or without filling), lean yeast pancakes, shortbread cookies, “potato” or “anthill” cakes. You can also make cherry or apple strudel, cheesecakes with jam, various pies, pizza, Lenten pie (for example, with jam) and even “Coffee” or “Fish” cakes.

In order to create an economical menu for your family, audit your supplies. Carefully write down all the products you have in the house. this moment and adapt menus to use them. On a separate sheet, write down the products that need to be purchased, calculate their quantity and price. Walk once with your list to different stores and markets. Draw your conclusions...

Go to the store only once a week, purchasing all the required amount of products at once. In the middle working week You should only buy perishable products, such as bread or milk. But you shouldn’t take it with you more money what you plan to spend. Otherwise, you will spend money on something “very necessary”, which you could easily live without.

Of course, your diet should include fruits and dairy products. It is also advisable to purchase them in advance, focusing on your financial opportunities and the needs of family members.

It may well be that in your family there is no need to prepare first courses every day. They can be cooked for two days at once, which will significantly save time.

Thus, every housewife can create an economical menu for the week. If you try to stick to it, you will notice that you really spend less money, but your family members remain full and satisfied. The main thing is to start!

Huge grocery hypermarkets have firmly entered our lives and have become a pleasant addition to it. Grocery shopping has become a real pleasure, it is pleasant to walk with a comfortable cart between long rows filled with all kinds of delicacies. And creating a menu for the week for the whole family with recipes (economy) is quite simple. However, the abundance of products poses a threat to the family budget. When buying the necessary products, a person usually grabs something extra. How to refrain from thoughtless purchases and create a clear and economical menu for seven days, we will talk in this article.

Laws of economy

Food prices have risen significantly in Lately constitute a significant part of the budget of the average Russian family. Modern housewives have a hard time, because they need to choose quality products, create a balanced menu, take into account the taste preferences of each family member and at the same time save money. The most the best way To protect yourself from excessive spending and create a suitable diet is to plan a weekly menu for the family with recipes. Saving time and money with this approach is guaranteed.

Choose a good day to make your meal plan, such as Saturday. Take an hour to plan your meals in detail, identify recipes, and create a grocery list. When you go to the store with your list, follow it strictly, and in the first days you will find significant savings Money. During the work week, you don’t have to come up with dishes and urgently run to the store for the necessary ingredients. Compiling a balanced and healthy diet You will also avoid purchasing products that are harmful to the body, as well as semi-finished products saturated with a large number of chemical additives.

The weekly menu can be presented in any convenient form. A printed list of dishes or a beautiful hand-painted breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can create a single template (provided by nzhe), which will allow you to swap dishes and substitute additional products.

When creating a meal plan, keep in mind that hot meals are prepared for several days. For example, soup or borscht can easily stand in the refrigerator for two or even three days without losing any taste qualities. Meat or fish dishes can be served two days in a row with various side dishes.

Side dishes and vegetable salads are best served fresh; their preparation does not take much time. Pamper your family with healthy baked goods at least once a week. Sweet desserts prepared independently are not only healthier, but also much tastier than store-bought confectionery.

When developing a weekly menu for the whole family with economy recipes and a grocery list, you should take into account not only the taste preferences of family members, but also their age, the presence of chronic diseases and physical activity. Separately, it is worth considering the children's menu, which may differ significantly from the adult one. In each individual case, the development of a diet should be approached individually, but any housewife should be guided by some example. Below is one of the options balanced menu for the whole family, allowing you to significantly save money.

Delicious salads for the whole family:

  • Crab stick salad: recipe with photos (very tasty)

Sample menu for the budget conscious

The proposed menu option is perfect for families with children school age, it is better for younger family members to create a separate menu.


  1. For breakfast you should choose a portion oatmeal, one hard-boiled egg and any drink of your choice.
  2. For your first snack, you should choose natural cottage cheese, supplemented with any fruit of your choice. Bananas go well with dairy products; these fruits are not only nutritious, but also rich in beneficial microelements.
  3. You can make a light and satisfying lunch meatball soup. A liquid dish must be on the weekly menu for a family with economy recipes. For the second one, it’s perfect baked fish and vegetable stew.
  4. For a second snack you can use oat cookies with milk.
  5. Dinner may consist of diet meatballs made from chicken and coleslaw.


  1. Omelette, complemented by a delicious sausage, and tea will be an excellent combination to start the second working day.
  2. For your first snack, you can choose inexpensive and incredibly healthy fruits- apples.
  3. Based on the calculation that the first dish is prepared for two days, and the second is made every day. There will still be meatball soup left over for Tuesday lunch, but you can supplement it chicken chop and buckwheat, cooked to your taste.
  4. For an afternoon snack, you can buy natural yogurt.
  5. Prepare for dinner fish cutlets with vegetable side dish. Vegetables are the most economical, healthy and low-calorie type of dinner, so feel free to experiment with their preparation. In addition to fish dish can be done the vinaigrette.


  1. Variety - main criterion, characterizing the weekly menu for a family with economy recipes. For 2 people in a family, you can plan meals taking into account all your wishes. Prepare for breakfast rice casserole and aromatic coffee.
  2. Use protein-rich nuts for your first snack different types. They are very nutritious, so for a second breakfast you will only need a handful of nuts.
  3. For lunch, treat yourself and your loved ones borscht with the addition of beans. Prepare for the second meat cutlets with boiled potatoes and carrot salad and dried fruits.
  4. You can bake it for an afternoon snack syrniki, it's easy and healthy dish goes well with a traditional drink, tea or coffee.
  5. Great for dinner cabbage rolls.


  1. Oatmeal for breakfast should be present in the diet at least twice a week. This product is perfect for people who take care of their health and save their family budget. You can supplement your oatmeal with nuts, fruits or regular jam, as well as a cheese sandwich.
  2. When creating a weekly menu for a family with economy recipes, the food table can be very diverse, but it is best to use fruit for the first snack.
  3. There is still bean borscht left for lunch, but the second course can consist of macaron and chops from your favorite type of meat with vegetable salad.
  4. For an afternoon snack, you can prepare tea and sandwiches with liver pate.
  5. A simple and nutritious dinner can consist of: cabbage, stewed with egg and beet salad with green peas.


  1. You can start your last working day with apples pancakes with sour cream and strong tea.
  2. Fruits, such as apples or bananas, are best for your first snack.
  3. Prepare for lunch pickle The whole family will certainly enjoy the original taste of this dish. For the second course you can make chicken cutlets with boiled rice and vegetable salad.
  4. Natural yogurt with fruits or berries is suitable for an afternoon snack.
  5. Dinner may consist of fish casserole.

Adhering to the same principle, you can create a menu for the weekend, and perhaps on the weekend you will want to deviate from your usual diet.

Recipes for simple and economical dishes

The above menu is approximate option family nutrition. Of course, every housewife has her own signature dishes and culinary secrets, so the weekly dishes will be completely special. However, any base requires replenishment, so we will present some recipes for dishes from the previously discussed economical menu for a week for a family of 2 people. There will be no difficulties with the recipes, since they are all simple and accessible.

Vegetable stew

It is known that vegetable stew retain a lot of useful substances in their composition, but at the same time have a more delicate effect on the digestive tract than fresh ones.

For cooking delicious stew we will need products that are in any kitchen, namely:

  • 1 head onions- peel it and cut into medium-sized cubes;
  • 1 large carrot - peel it and grate it with large teeth;
  • 6 medium-sized potatoes - peel the tubers and cut into medium cubes;
  • 1 small zucchini - washed and chopped well;
  • 4 cloves of garlic - cut into small pieces or put through a press;
  • 4 tomatoes - cut into cubes without removing the skin.

Place carrots and onions in a thick-bottomed pan first. These vegetables require special processing, so fry them over high heat, stirring constantly, until soft. Then add potatoes and zucchini, cover the pan with a lid and leave the vegetables to simmer for half an hour. Lastly, add the garlic and tomatoes, and simmer the stew for another ten minutes. The delicious dish is ready, it is satisfying, nutritious and does not require much expenditure, so it can be safely included in an economical weekly menu for a family of 3 people. You can safely experiment with vegetable recipes, so you can add bell peppers, herbs or other ingredients to your stew.

Fish cutlets

You can use any fish fillet for this dish. If the minced meat turns out dry, you should add a little lard, then the cutlets will turn out tasty and juicy. There are many options for making minced fish cutlets, let's look at one of the simplest and fastest recipes.

We twist one kilogram of the selected fillet through a meat grinder. Remove large bones from the minced meat and pass it through a finer sieve again. To the resulting semi-finished product add one egg, a little salt and black pepper, as well as 200 grams white bread, previously soaked in milk. Mix everything well, form small cutlets and fry them in a heated frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil.

Rice casserole

All kinds of casseroles represent an unusual and tasty dish, which can be prepared from a variety of products. Therefore, many housewives willingly include this culinary masterpiece in an economical weekly menu for a family of 4 people. It’s not easy to decide on casserole recipes, as there are so many of them.

Sweet rice casseroles are great for breakfast and kids absolutely love them. To prepare such a dessert, you will need the following steps:

  • First of all, you need to cook the rice, pour two hundred grams of washed cereal with one liter of milk, add a little sugar and put it on the fire. After the porridge boils, reduce the heat and cook the rice for about 20 minutes;
  • remove the thickened mixture from the heat and add a piece of butter to it, about 50 grams;
  • Beat 2 egg whites into a strong foam, separately with a fork, mix the yolks;
  • Gently mix the yolks and then the whites into the rice porridge;
  • Grease the baking dish with oil, sprinkle a little breadcrumbs and spread the prepared mass.

Bake sweet dessert it is necessary at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees, about 40 minutes.

Making a grocery list

You need to sketch out a proposed list of products immediately after you have decided on the menu for the week for the family and economy recipes. A family of 5 will undoubtedly require more food than a young couple, but the food groups will remain the same. For convenience, you should divide all the necessary products into groups, and in each group indicate the quantity and name of the required products.

So, to prepare almost all healthy and economical dishes, you will need:

  • meat products - we record in this column all types and quantities of meat required for first and second courses, as well as offal;
  • fish - fresh frozen fish can be purchased for future use and stored in the freezer for a certain period of time; seafood should be included in the same group;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs - the more of these products in the diet, the better;
  • cereals - choose the healthiest and least calorie ones and store them for future use;
  • dairy products - dip in limited quantities, don’t forget about healthy cottage cheese and kefir;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • bread and pasta;
  • eggs;
  • flour;
  • spices.

From the products offered, you can easily create a weekly menu for your family with economy recipes. Videos of preparing various culinary masterpieces will help you diversify your diet and save significant amounts of money.

Planning your menu for the week can save you money, time, and space in your refrigerator. If you keep it in your head rough plan actions on the kitchen bridgehead, then you will win in all positions. And if your plans also include a gradual transition to proper nutrition, then you can’t do without a pre-planned menu.

Let's try to create proper nutrition for every day. To begin with, armed with a pen and a piece of paper, we paint sample menu for a week. At the same time, we remember that breakfast should account for 2/3 daily norm carbohydrates, 1/3 protein and 1/5 fat. For lunch you don’t have to eat first, second, third, but you definitely need to follow the principle of food compatibility. And dinner (if you don’t want to share it with your enemies) should be hearty, but light, and no later than 3 hours before bedtime. In addition to these three pillars - breakfast, lunch, dinner - try to get into the habit of a second breakfast - a light snack before lunch, consisting of dried fruits, nuts, fresh fruit or cottage cheese and an afternoon snack (at about 16-00) - cocoa with pancakes or tea with a sandwich with cheese (or homemade meatloaf).

It is advisable to end the day with a fermented milk product. The most common kefir can be turn it into a delicacy by stirring a teaspoon of steamed bran in it and adding fruit - fresh, dry or jam. You can buy kefir, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk drinks, or you can prepare them yourself. If you have the patience to tinker with making sourdough, you can prepare an excellent drink “Narine” (powders for preparation are sold in pharmacies) - it improves the functioning of the intestines and improves its microflora. Or you can get a handful of kefir grains and entrust the preparation of kefir to him. If you use real country milk, you can be sure that you are on the right path to health.

And don't forget about salads! Let there be many of them, very different, but only useful. Vegetables and fruits seasoned with vegetable oils, savory sauces such as fraiche sauce, natural yogurt or special salad dressings must be present on your table. Nutritionists offer an original scheme. All products for salads are divided into several conditional groups, and by combining products from these groups, you can prepare salads every day all week, without ever repeating them.

chicken or turkey (cooked and cut into pieces),
canned or smoked tuna or salmon,
pieces of eggplant (baked),
lightly fried broccoli
green pea,
canned beans or lentils.

bell pepper,
grated carrots,
Red onion,
wheat or rye crackers,
fresh chips.

Sour or sweet:
mango cubes,
canned corn,
orange or grapefruit,
cherry tomatoes.

lettuce leaves,
spinach leaves,
fresh herbs (parsley, basil, dill, cilantro),
alfalfa or broccoli sprouts.

Seasonings (1-2 tsp):
bacon crumbs,
grated blue cheese,
sesame seed,
avocado slices,
sunflower seeds.

And now the actual menu for the week. If anyone remembers Soviet canteens, there was only one “fish day” in them. And nutritionists urge you to eat fish at least five times a week. Let's stop at the arithmetic average and arrange three fish days in our menu for the week.


Breakfast - Cottage cheese casserole


3 eggs
0.5 stack. Sahara
500 g cottage cheese
500 g boiled rice
0.5 stack. flour
100 g raisins
30 g butter
1 orange (or apples, dried apricots, peaches)
¼ cup Sahara

Beat eggs with sugar. Stir in the cottage cheese first, then the flour. Add cooled rice and washed raisins. Wash the orange (or any other fruit of your choice) and cut into thin slices. Grease the mold with melted butter, sprinkle with sugar, lay out the fruit slices, then the curd mass. Bake in the oven at 200-220ºС for 40-45 minutes.

Dinner - Rice soup with squid and green peas.

400 g squid fillet
2/3 stack. rice
1 onion and 1 parsley root each
1/2 cup canned green peas
1 tbsp. butter
herbs, salt, spices.

Boil the rice until half cooked. Cut the vegetables into strips and sauté in oil. Clean the squid and cut into strips. Put sautéed vegetables into the boiling broth, after 10-15 minutes - rice, squid, green peas and cook the soup until tender. Sprinkle with herbs.

For dinner - vegetable stew.

potatoes - 500 g
white cabbage - 350 g
carrots - 200 g
green peas - 100 g
turnip - 200 g
cauliflower - 350 g
parsley - 50 g
parsley root - 50 g
zucchini - 300 g
sour cream - 150 g
onion - 250 g
tomato juice - 20 g

The beauty of this dish is that if you don’t have any product, you can replace it with any other without compromising its taste and benefits. Your stew will be a little different each time.

Prepare vegetables: peel, cut into cubes, cauliflower disassemble into inflorescences. Place white cabbage in a saucepan, add sour cream and water, and simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the rest of the vegetables and simmer until soft. At the end of simmering add tomato paste or juice and parsley, tied in a bunch (it must be removed after cooking).


Breakfast - Millet porridge with cottage cheese

1 stack millet
1.5 stack. milk
1.5 stack. water
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. Sahara
100 g raisins
200 g cottage cheese

Sort the millet, rinse in several waters until the draining water becomes clear. Place in a saucepan, add plenty of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and drain water. Pour boiling milk over the millet. Add salt, sugar and butter. Cover loosely with a lid and simmer big fire 30 min. Remove from heat. Add cottage cheese and raisins to the porridge, mix thoroughly. Wrap the pan in a blanket and leave in a warm place for 25-30 minutes.

Dinner - Meat with vegetables.

300-500 g meat (veal, lean pork)
5-6 pcs. potatoes
2-3 pcs. carrots
1-2 pcs. large onion
2 tbsp. cream or sour cream
salt, spices, lemon, mustard

Peel and coarsely chop all vegetables. Salt and pepper the meat, add spices and spread with a mixture of mustard, cream and lemon juice. Place the meat and vegetables in a baking bag and place in the oven for 40-50 minutes at 260ºC.

Dinner - Chicken breasts in Chinese.

In the morning, cut the breast into very small pieces (about 2 by 3 cm, about 1 cm thick), add salt, add curry, pour juice from the bag (orange, but you can experiment with the taste - apple, for example) and leave it all in the refrigerator until the evening. Before dinner, put the rice to cook, at this time heat a frying pan with high sides, add a little vegetable oil, and put the chicken there along with what it was soaked in. Keep it all on high heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. Then put a couple of lettuce leaves on the plates, lay out the rice, and place the chicken on top of the rice.


Breakfast - Omelette with vegetables

4 eggs
½ cup milk
vegetables - fresh or frozen

This is a “I made it from what I had” type of recipe. We bring any vegetables to half-cookedness in a frying pan - simmer on vegetable oil. Beat the eggs with milk and a pinch of salt, pour in the vegetables and cook the omelet, covered, until the whites thicken.

Dinner - Fish casserole with buckwheat

1 kg fillet of any fish
1 stack boiled buckwheat
3 onions
50 g hard cheese
ketchup or tomato paste

Chop the onion and fry in oil. Lay out, leaving the oil and lightly fry the prepared fish in this oil. Then place in layers in a deep frying pan:
1st - buckwheat porridge
2nd - 2 tbsp. l. ketchup
3rd - fish
4th - bow
5th - fish
6th - 2 tbsp. l. ketchup
7th - grated cheese.
Then put it in the oven and bake until tender, until golden brown.

Dinner - Fish cutlets “Health”

500 g fish fillet
8 slices wheat bread
1 stack milk
1 egg
2 pcs. Luke
2 carrots
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
4 tbsp. l. sour cream
4 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs
salt, ground black pepper to taste

Grate the carrots, chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil. Pre-soak the bread in milk. Fish fillet pass through a meat grinder along with bread and carrots and onions. Add salt, pepper, egg to the mixture and knead thoroughly. Form cutlets, bread them in breadcrumbs, fry on both sides in a frying pan. Then pour the cutlets with sour cream diluted in water and cook in the oven until cooked. Serve greens and baked potatoes as a side dish.


Breakfast - Oatmeal with fruits and nuts

1 stack oatmeal
1 stack water
1 stack milk
1 stack finely chopped fruit
2 tbsp. l. finely chopped nuts
1 tbsp. spoon of butter
salt and sugar to taste

Add salt and sugar to boiling water cereals and cook the porridge for 5-7 minutes. then pour in hot milk and cook until done. Add butter, fruits, and nuts to the oatmeal.

Dinner - Soup "Spring"

400 g chicken
400 g cauliflower
1 piece each onions and carrots
20 g celery
160 g spinach
250 g green peas
For the white sauce:

20-30 g flour
chicken broth
For leison:
1 yolk
140 g cream

Cover the chicken with water and cook until done. Then strain the broth and cut the chicken into pieces. Finely chop the vegetables, add green peas, pour in a little broth and simmer until tender. Finely chop the spinach and simmer with the addition of broth. Prepare white sauce from browned flour and broth. To prepare leison, mix raw yolk with cream and salt and boil in a water bath until sour cream thickens. Place poached vegetables, white sauce into boiling chicken broth and boil everything. Before serving, cool the soup slightly, season with lemonade and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Dinner - Stuffed zucchini

2 young zucchini
300 g of prepared minced meat (mix it with onions and herbs)
½ cup rice
1 onion
1 carrot
1 clove of garlic
1 stack broth or water
2 tbsp. sour cream
1 tbsp. tomato paste
salt, pepper, herbs

Cut the zucchini crosswise into pieces 3 cm wide, remove the pulp. Boil the rice. Mix rice with minced meat. Stuff the zucchini with the mixture, place in a deep dish and pour in the sauce. The sauce is prepared as follows: lightly fry onions, carrots and chopped zucchini pulp, add crushed garlic, broth, salt, pepper, tomato paste and sour cream. Let it boil. Simmer the zucchini in the sauce, covered, for 30-45 minutes.


Breakfast - Cheesecakes with baked goods

500 g cottage cheese
1 egg
100 g flour
100 g sugar
2 pcs. banana (or any other fruit for baking)
1 tsp baking powder for dough

Mix the cottage cheese, pureed through a sieve, with the egg, sugar, flour and baking powder. Peel the bananas, cut into pieces and add to the curd mass. Divide the dough into 10-12 equal parts, shape into cutlets, roll in flour, fry in vegetable oil for 4-5 minutes on each side. Serve with sour cream.

Dinner - Fish pudding

700 g of any fish (or prepared fillet)
60 g butter
40 g flour
1/4 l milk
50 g hard Parmesan cheese
4 eggs
20 g crushed crackers
salt, pepper, nutmeg.

Cut raw fish, remove bones and skin, chop so that it becomes a homogeneous mass (can be passed through a meat grinder). Prepare white dressing: melt 40 g of butter, add flour, fry, dilute with milk, stirring all the time so that the mass is smooth. Boil. When it thickens, set aside and cool. Pour the sauce into a bowl, add the yolks, grind, add minced fish and grated cheese, season to taste with salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Grind thoroughly and mix with beaten egg whites. Place in a pudding tin, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and steam for about 1 hour. You can bake it in the oven instead of boiling. When the edges are slightly browned, circle the pudding with a knife and apply to form a round dish and tip it along with the form onto the dish. Divide into portions. Serve with tomato sauce, dill sauce or horseradish sauce, with melted butter. This dish is served with boiled potatoes.

You can cook for dinner delicious pink salmon steaks.

1 pink salmon, cut into 8 identical steaks
4 tbsp. flour
6 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp. red pepper
2 tbsp. rosemary
50 g butter.

Mix flour with salt and pepper. Pieces of pink salmon are well breaded in flour. Fry in oil for 5 minutes on one side and 3-4 minutes on the other.

Use a slotted spoon to place the finished fish on a napkin to get rid of excess oil, and then transfer it to a dish suitable for baking. Sprinkle the fish with rosemary. Place thin sheets of butter on top of the spices so that they cover the fish. Place the dish with fish in an oven preheated to 220ºC for 5 minutes. The aroma is simply unearthly! Serve pink salmon steaks with green salad and mashed potatoes.

As you can see, there are practically no exotic items on the proposed menu for the week. As well as not there fried meat and dumplings. Let such tasty, but rather heavy dishes become festive - that is, very rare dishes on the table. Prepare more salads, buy fruit more often and eat not “out of habit”, but when you are hungry - and everything will be fine!

Larisa Shuftaykina