Spices for fish - which ones are suitable? List of the best spices and seasonings for fish dishes, culinary tips. Herbs and spices for fish

When preparing fish dishes, it is hardly possible to do without spicy and aromatic plants. They tell the fish spicy aroma, improve taste and quality.
The purpose of a particular spice is individual. With the help of crushed calamus rhizomes, for example, the flesh of fish is thickened and its aroma and taste are improved.

Anise(ground seeds) in combination with other spices improves the aroma of fish and gives it a sweetish taste.

Camphor basil used to color the surface of fish in a golden color, giving spicy taste with a slight bitterness.
Eugenolic basil also gives the fish a golden color and imparts a pleasant spicy aroma.

Oregano powder ordinary gives fish dishes a slightly spicy taste.

Hyssop ordinary gives the fish an intense spicy smell.

Coriander sativum(seeds) is always included in spicy mixtures for fish dishes. It is added to imported spicy mixtures in amounts up to 35-40%. Most often, these mixtures include, in addition to coriander, basil, black pepper, white pepper, thyme, caraway seeds, and saffron.

Lovage pharmaceutical(in the form of a decoction) improves the taste of fish, gives it a spicy aroma, reminiscent of the smell of parsley, celery, and gives it a creamy tint.

Garden marjoram used in small quantities; it imparts a persistent spicy aroma and taste.

Melissa officinalis(in the form of a decoction) imparts a spicy lemony tint to dishes.

Longleaf mint promotes darkening of the surface of the fish, gives a pleasant aroma and sweetish taste.

Thyme creeping is included in imported fish seasonings and imparts a spicy smell and taste to fish.

Fennel ordinary is used alone or in mixture with other herbs. Fish dishes have a spicy aroma and a sweetish taste.

Garden savory in powder form it is included in imported seasonings. Improves taste and aroma.

In decoction clary sage the fish acquires a spicy taste and aroma.

Tarragon used in powder form to improve taste.

Various fish dishes are traditionally prepared with established herbs or mixtures thereof.

IN fish salads add anise, basil, green onions, garlic, horseradish, red pepper, allspice, parsley, chives, hyssop, lemon balm, capers.

Anise, tarragon, rosemary, thyme, curry mixture, etc. are suitable for fish soups. For more details, see “Spicy herbs and spicy mixtures for soups, cabbage soup and borscht.”
With boiled fish, use anise, onion, garlic, cloves, Bay leaf, parsley root, basil, savory, fennel, allspice, lemon balm, saxifrage, nutmeg.

Anise, basil, parsley and dill, garlic, savory, borage, fennel, caraway, nutmeg, red go well with fried fish. Bell pepper, lemon balm, sweet and bitter almonds, watercress, cardamom, coriander, peppermint.

It is better to bake fish with cayenne pepper. Marjoram is added to the aspic.
Other seafood is also prepared with herbs. The most commonly used are cayenne pepper, cumin, thyme, and tarragon.

Spicy herbs for fish dishes are consumed raw and dried. The raw ones are crushed, chopped, and the dried ones are finely ground (calamus root, angelica root, bay leaf and a number of other herbs). Parsley roots, onions, garlic - chop.

Most often, a spicy mixture is used to prepare fish, consisting of parsley (leaves) - 1 tablespoon; celery (leaves and roots) - 1 tablespoon; garden savory - 1 teaspoon; fennel (seeds) -0.5 teaspoon; bay leaf - 2 pcs; peppercorns - 1 pc.

If you take dry spices, then, after grinding them well, they sprinkle the product along with salt and sugar so that the fish gives juice and is well saturated with the smells of the seasonings.

If decoctions are prepared, then water-salt solutions or sauces are added to them.
You can prepare marinade fillings from herbs for fish dishes. There are several ways. Here are some of them:

1 way. Heat the spice mixture to a boil (but do not boil) in a small amount clean water(1/5 of the required dosage) with the lid tightly closed for 20-30 minutes and add it to the boiled brine (4/5 of the dosage).

Method 2. The spices are heated to a boil (but not boiled) in half the amount of water and the second half of the solution is added in the form of brine.

3 way. Spices are poured with boiling water (50% of the norm) and kept until cool, tightly closing the container and wrapping it.

4 way. A gauze bag with spices is immersed in water for 30 minutes at a temperature of 95-98 ° C in a tightly closed container.

Marinade fillings- a perishable product. They are not stored at a temperature of 10°C. more than three days.

How much does fish seasoning cost (average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

It is known that fish perfectly absorbs any aromas, including the aromas of herbs. This is probably why it is recommended to cook it with the addition of various herbs and ants. Moreover, you definitely need to let the fish steep in the seasonings in order to fully absorb their wonderful aroma.

But choosing any specific composition of seasonings for fish is quite difficult - many chefs claim that this is almost impossible. The fact is that, firstly, there are a great many species themselves, and secondly, there are even more ways to prepare these inhabitants of the water depths. In addition, it is important to consider, for example, that stewed or boiled fish can release its aroma stronger than when fried. In this regard, when choosing seasoning for fish, you need to take all these aspects into account.

Nowadays, you can often find on sale a universal seasoning for fish, which is suitable for preparing first courses and sauces, as well as fried, boiled or baked fish, as well as fish cutlets. As you know, for frying, fish is pre-rubbed with seasoning half an hour before cooking, and in soups and sauces it should be added shortly before the dish is ready.

Composition of seasoning for fish

The classic composition of fish seasoning is considered to be ground coriander, dried vegetables (carrots, onions, leeks and garlic), turmeric, paprika, parsley, thyme, ground hot peppers and citric acid. Ideally, a quality product never contains flavor enhancers, stabilizers or artificial colors. Availability large quantity table salt is also not recommended.

If you want a more spicy taste, then a seasoning for fish based on ground white and allspice, coriander, bay leaf, ginger, dried onion, mustard seeds, thyme and dill is perfect in this case. It is especially appropriate to use such a seasoning for fish that you plan to marinate.

Both a mixture and individual spices are great for fried fish: black pepper, bay leaf, fennel, almonds, cumin, coriander, dill, curry and garlic. A fish seasoning composition that is considered appropriate for grilling is one that includes white pepper, tarragon, sweet paprika, dill, saffron, rosemary, turmeric and thyme.

In addition, there is a special seasoning for fish, which is used for salting, and not for heat treatment. This additive greatly simplifies the process of preparing salted fish at home, since the herbs and spices in its composition are selected in such a way that the taste and quality of the finished product are in no way inferior to the store-bought version.

Calorie content of fish seasoning 166 kcal

Energy value of seasoning for fish (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

The tender flesh of the fish absorbs all the flavors of the seasonings you choose, but not all of them are ideal for it. To favorably emphasize the light taste of fish dishes, it is recommended to choose spices in moderation, avoiding spices with a strong aroma. By the way, for marine and river fish different seasonings are used, since the river product has a slightly bad smell algae or mud. That is why it is best to choose ingredients in the spice for preparing river fish that will overcome such an unpleasant aftertaste.

To make your fish dish more colorful, be sure to add a little turmeric to it, but this advice is only relevant for fish with white flesh.


  • 1 tsp.
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 0.5 tsp. peppercorn mixture
  • 0.5 tsp. marjoram
  • 1 tsp.
  • 1 tsp.
  • 0.5 tsp. turmeric


1. Before you start creating fish spices, heat the mortar in a water bath, making sure that no liquid gets into it. This way, the seasonings cooked in it will release a richer aroma! Pour salt (preferably coarse sea salt), multi-colored peppercorns, and dried garlic slices into a mortar. You can use already ground dried garlic and a ground mixture of peppers, but believe me, the aroma of the seasoning you create will not be the same!

2. Then add turmeric and marjoram to the mortar.

3. Add dried carrots and dried parsley root. You can also prepare these seasonings at home by purchasing the base for them at the market or supermarket.

4. Grind all the contents in a mortar until you feel a bright aroma. Then pour everything into a blender or chopper bowl and grind the spices for 5 minutes. Very carefully open the container with the crushed spice - dust from it can get into both your eyes and lungs when you inhale - let it settle!

5. Store the finished spice in a prepared container, adding it to all fish dishes.

Note to the hostess

1. The product list recommends taking mixed varieties of peppers. Experienced housewife knows how all their types differ in the degree of spiciness and nuances of aroma. The following is information for the less experienced cook. White peas are moderately bitter, their smell goes perfectly with fish. Green ones are refined and delicate; when ground, they expire very quickly, like grayish peas (cubeba), but these have a strong, noticeable bitterness. Pinks are generally devoid of a bitter-sharp aftertaste, they are piquant, and their aromatic range contains juniper and pine shades. It is unnecessary to list the characteristics of black pepper: the product is known to everyone. When composing a composition, you should rely on the described properties, be guided by the preferences of household members and personal preferences.

2. Many seasonings, after grinding, lose essential oils to one degree or another, as a result of which they smell less and less during storage. This means that you need to find the most airtight container for a complex of spices compiled according to the given recipe. We immediately set the iron jars aside, and the clay ones too. Glass with rubberized or ground stoppers, porcelain and earthenware without cracks in the glaze, with tight-fitting lids are suitable. If containers are made of clear glass, it is advisable not to expose them to light.

Some housewives are not particularly enthusiastic about the proposal to cook fish, explaining this by their dislike of its specific smell. But it can be easily handled by various spices for fish, which are not difficult to choose. And the taste of the finished dish only benefits from such additives. The women's online magazine "Beautiful Half" has several valuable recommendations for you that will definitely help you make it unforgettable.

Any connoisseur of fish cuisine will tell you that there is nothing better than freshly caught fish, and it doesn’t matter how you cook it. If the fish has spent some time in the freezer, it is not the same at all. In order not to have to worry about cleaning, rinse the fish with boiling water, and the scales will come off very easily. First, decide what exactly you want to cook. After all, the selection of spices largely depends on the type of heat treatment. For example, if you have salmon fish soup on your menu, then the spicy set will include ground black pepper, cloves, bay leaf, finely chopped fresh dill and parsley, as well as allspice. IN fish soups and broths, almost without exception, add onions: both onions and greens. But first things first.

Broths, soups, fish soup: what seasonings to choose?

The minimum set of spices for cooking fish includes onion, bay leaf, allspice and fresh herbs (parsley is preferable). Some people add chopped garlic to the fish broth: the dish turns out to be spicy and, undoubtedly, healthy, since there is no doubt about medicinal properties I hope no one has garlic. Nutmeg and red pepper will also highlight the rich fish broth with fiery notes, and sage will add a subtle, pleasant bitterness. You just need to use these spices very carefully, otherwise excessive “generosity” will spoil even the most wonderful soup.

There are gourmets who add white wine to fish broth, and in this case it also becomes something of a spice. And another find for such a broth is rosemary with its persistent aroma, similar to pine.

Spices for fried fish

Surely many will say that fried fish is delicious on its own, and only needs to be a little salted. But this is so banal and predictable! By the way, I have a question: do you sprinkle pieces of fish with lemon juice before putting them in the pan? This is what the chefs of many famous restaurants do, considering lemon juice in combination with regular salt and black or white ground pepper the best seasoning for fried fish.

Along with pepper, fried fish would benefit from a pinch of ground coriander, cumin, bitter or sweet almonds, and nutmeg. But anise fruits are not used in the preparation of fish dishes. But garlic is quite appropriate here. You can, for example, salt and pepper pieces of fish prepared for frying, sprinkle with chopped garlic and herbs, pour in olive oil and let them marinate in the refrigerator for thirty minutes. Then fry as usual in breadcrumbs.

Spices for baked fish

Fish baked in foil is becoming increasingly popular. She's getting ready in own juice, and therefore it is clearly not worth abusing spices here. Classic salt and pepper are often complemented with onions or lemon: their rings are placed in foil along with pieces of fish - this is called “fish on an onion bed” or “fish on a lemon bed.” And rosemary obviously wouldn’t be superfluous here. When people talk about the use of rosemary in cooking, the first thing that comes to mind is recipes for baked fish and potatoes. There is also a more cunning technology - fish with horseradish, when the prepared fish carcass is smeared with table horseradish (this sauce can be bought in almost any grocery store), wrapped in foil and baked in the oven or over a fire. Contrary to all expectations, the taste is very soft and delicate. You can also use other spices when baking fish in foil - the same garlic, basil, savory or fennel. In general, try it, and one day you will definitely find the best option for yourself.

P.S.: I can’t resist asking a question: what spices do you usually use for fish? You can write your answer directly in the comments under this article.

Fish and fish dishes are an integral part of the diet modern man. Fish is healthy, tasty, and, most importantly, it low calorie product. Technologies for preparing fish dishes different nations may differ significantly, but one thing remains unchanged: seasonings and spices are always used by everyone.

Culinary art does not stand still, and today fish can be cooked deliciously with such seasonings that one could not even think of before. And although the fish itself has a neutral odor, it perfectly absorbs the aromas of various spices.

Classic seasonings

Of course, the classic familiar to everyone is the combination of fish and lemon. You can replace the lemon with a more exotic lime, and also add equally appropriate red or black pepper.

Particularly popular white lemon pepper is a unique combination of aromas that... ready dish creates fragrant bouquet. Many famous chefs do not recognize any other seasoning for fish other than a combination of lemon juice with salt and black or white pepper. They may be right, but you have to admit, it’s so boring...

Fish, both river and sea, goes well with dill seeds, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, basil, marjoram and anise. The main thing is to mix the spices correctly and not to overdo it with their quantity, since seasonings should emphasize the taste of the dish and not interrupt it.

It is important to know that European herbs have a mild taste, so it is difficult to spoil the fish with them, but oriental seasonings must be handled with caution, as they are quite spicy and can easily overshadow the taste of the finished dish.

Spices for fried fish

Each spice is individual, and depending on the method of cooking the fish, it gives it its own, exceptional aroma. Fried fish, drizzled with lemon juice or sprinkled with salt and white pepper, is incredibly tasty on its own, but it would definitely benefit from a little ground coriander, cumin, crushed bitter almonds and even a pinch of garlic. Also with fried fish Leafy greens go well together - such as dill, parsley, green onions.

Simple recipe: pieces of fish prepared for frying are salted, peppered, sprinkled with chopped garlic and herbs, sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil and left to marinate at room temperature for several hours. With this preparation, any fish will turn out finger-licking!

Spices for fish soup

A traditional fish soup set includes spices such as onions, bay leaves, allspice and fresh herbs. Parsley and celery roots are added to the water before cooking begins - they will give the soup a special aroma.

Nutmeg and hot pepper are suitable for those who like it spicy, and sage will add a little pleasant bitterness. For exotic lovers, you can try using a little rosemary - it will give the ear a subtle pine aroma. But these seasonings should be used with great caution, as they can easily spoil the appetizing fish soup.

Spices for baked fish

Gourmets and ladies on a diet prefer baked fish - this technology allows you to preserve as much as possible all the useful and nutrients. Fish can be baked open method, but most often it is wrapped in foil - this way the fish is cooked in its own juice and turns out to be especially tender and aromatic.