Benefits of lychee for health and weight loss. Lychee fruit, beneficial properties and contraindications

An exotic fruit, the lychee berry, has become popular with us quite recently. The fruit grows on evergreen trees in African countries, Cambodia, South America, China, Thailand. And has different names– paradise grapes, fox, Chinese plum, liji, dragon eye.

And although for many the fruits remain a mystery, it is worth paying attention to them. Tropical fruits are incredibly healthy and have long been used in folk medicine. What are the benefits of lychee berries, and can they cause harm? Who is recommended to enter them into daily diet? You will learn about all this from the article.

Litchi chinensis belongs to the Sapindaceae family. The trees have beautiful small leaves that are bright green. The fruits ripen in clusters, while the berries do not have petals; they have the shape of cups with umbrella-shaped inflorescences. They reach up to 3.5 cm in size. appearance reminiscent of strawberries.

The flesh is creamy or white. The taste is reminiscent of grapes, but with an astringent taste. The peel has small thorns. The ripening period is from the beginning of May to the end of June. The pulp cannot be consumed at the same time as the seeds, and the peel of the fruit is used in the preparation of some dishes.

To European countries exotic berries came in the 11th century, thanks to the Spaniard Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza. The unusual product aroused increased interest and gradually spread to other countries.

Calorie content, pulp composition

Lychee is a real storehouse of nutrients. In Asian countries it is in the TOP10 in terms of usefulness. It has low calorie content - 60 kcal per 100 grams. The product is indispensable in dietary nutrition.


  • dietary fiber;
  • vegetable fats;
  • sodium;
  • chromium;
  • calcium;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins H, groups B, K, C, E, PP;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • thiamine;
  • beta-carotene;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • manganese.

In terms of quantitative composition, all biologically active elements have an ideal balance. Lychee is useful to eat not only fresh, but also dried.

Beneficial properties of lychee berries

  • In countries where lychee grows, the healing properties of the berry have long been used in pharmaceuticals. The polyphenol oligomer substance used in the production of a famous Japanese drug effective in the treatment of vascular diseases was isolated from it. In addition, the additive is used in dietary nutrition and cosmetology.
  • Due to the low calorie content of the fruit, nutritionists recommend introducing it into the diet when overweight bodies.
  • It has antibacterial, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Experts recommend eating the fruits to prevent infection from infectious, viral, and bacterial diseases.
  • Thanks to the high content of micro and macroelements, the body's defenses are increased.
  • Blood flow improves, blood vessels dilate, due to high content nicotinic acid.
  • The product normalizes intestinal motility, digestive, metabolic processes.
  • When consumed in moderation, no more than 10 berries per day, it normalizes sugar levels in diabetics.
  • Increases potency and sexual desire in men.
  • Increases hemoglobin levels, recommended for anemia and anemia.

  • The development of cardiovascular diseases is prevented.
  • An effective preventative against the development of cancer.
  • It has long been used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including those of viral origin.
  • The record content of vitamin PP activates brain function (it is especially useful for people in old age).
  • Helps with diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder, and liver.
  • It has diuretic properties, helps with diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys.
  • Good for bone tissue, contains a lot of calcium, recommended during the period of active growth of the child.
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels, pH and blood sugar.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Vision improves, the risk of developing cataracts and glaucoma decreases.

What harm can it cause

Lychee has no contraindications; they will not cause harm to the body in any case. The exception is individual intolerance.

It is prohibited to consume canned fruits if you have diabetes, due to the high sugar content.

Do not use if you have gout.

Unripe berries should not be consumed; they sharply reduce blood glucose levels.

Side effects

Possible with hypersensitivity or a tendency to allergies. Side effects manifested by bloating, unpleasant symptoms in the oral cavity, skin rashes, and itching.

Attention! Exotic fruits should not be given to children under 3 years of age. For older children, fruit is introduced into the diet gradually, in small quantities.

Recently, the media described the death of children in India. The cause of death was lychees. As it turned out, the children were from poor families and ate large number unripe fruits, which caused a sharp drop in blood sugar.

How to eat lychee correctly

Many people do not know how to properly consume berries because of their unusual appearance.

First you need to remove the peel. Then pull out the seed and eat the aromatic pulp.

Video instructions:

Cannot be consumed on an empty stomach. The berries are eaten as a dessert after the main meal.

You can eat it just like that, or use the fruits to make fruit salads. Lychee makes wonderful desserts - they are used in the preparation of ice cream, pies, liqueurs, tinctures, cakes, jellies, and sweet syrups.

The fruit goes well with sweet sauces and fruits such as tangerines, mangoes, strawberries, and oranges. It can be stored frozen for the winter, dried, or made at home in the form of compotes, preserves, and marmalade.

How to peel properly

First, the berries are washed under running water. cold water. The skin on fully ripened dark red fruits is easy to peel.

The peel is quite dense. To easily remove it, you need to pick up the edge located near the stalk. This can be done with a knife or with your hands. Further cleaning is the same as when removing the shell from boiled eggs.

Application of seeds

Many people think that the seeds of the fruit can be eaten like nuts. This cannot be done, the seeds are poisonous, like those of longan and rambutan.

You can use them like this. The seeds are crushed, then fried in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Use – as a flavorful seasoning when cooking culinary dishes. For example, in Asian countries, lychee seed powder is used in cooking national dish with duck Panang curry.

Also, seed powder is effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders, and joint pain. A water infusion is prepared for medicinal purposes.

Is lychee peel healthy?

Lychee peel is used in dried form. Water tinctures are prepared from the powder, which effectively help in the treatment of throat diseases. A tablespoon of powder is diluted in a glass of boiling water. Taken before meals, twice a day.

For cosmetic purposes, lotions are prepared and used to wipe problem areas of the skin.

To prevent cancer, a product is prepared with lemongrass leaves and peel powder. For one liter of powder – a tablespoon of the mixture. Taken before meals, three times a day.

How many berries are allowed to eat per day?

The daily intake per day for adults should not exceed 300 grams.

Children can consume 80-100 grams of pulp per day.

How to choose the right fruits, storage conditions

The fruit is imported to Russia mainly from Thailand, Madagascar, and Vietnam. The berries are close in size to plums.

The berries should not have clay or stains. Color – uniform, from burgundy color until bright red. The smell is reminiscent of roses. If you eat stale berries, they have an unpleasant sweetish smell.

Storage - at room temperature for no more than three days. In the refrigerator - ten days (at a temperature of 5-6 degrees). To preserve the fruit longer, it is frozen.


An exotic product will be a source of a large amount of useful substances for the body. If you eat lychee berries correctly, you can strengthen your health and immunity.

Lychee- fruits of the evergreen tree Chinese lychee. The Chinese lychee has a large crown with shiny leaves; the height of this tree is 10-30 m.

Lychee is a small oval berry (the size of a cherry plum or sloe) with a dense red skin covered with pointed pimples. The pulp of the fruit is jelly-like, transparent milky or cream in color with a large black seed.

Where does lychee grow?

Lychee is apparently native to China, but today it is cultivated throughout Southeast Asia, as well as in India, South Africa, Latin America and in the southern USA.

You will find lychees on Koh Samui, Hainan, Phu Quoc, Phuket and many other islands. Thai lychees are considered the sweetest. Fresh lychees have a short season of May-June for the northern hemisphere.

What does lychee taste like and how to eat it

Lychee has a sweet and sour taste, with an astringent and winey aftertaste. Lychee tastes like grapes. Lychees need to be peeled, which is easy to do with your hands, eat the pulp and don’t forget to spit out the seed, or take it out in advance. Lychee is added to various desserts and cocktails, jam and wine are made from it, and even dried. It is extremely popular to dip lychees into champagne - this gives the drink an unusual taste.

How to store

Lychee fruits can be stored at room temperature for no more than 3 days; peeled fruits can be frozen for future use.

Beneficial properties of lychee

Lychee improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and pancreas, helps with pulmonary diseases and constipation, is useful for diabetes and heart disease, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Lychee is also a strong aphrodisiac.

Calorie content

100 g of lychee contains 66 kcal.

How can lychee be dangerous?

There are no contraindications to consuming lychee. However, excessive consumption of lychee can cause allergies or lead to irritation of the oral mucosa.


Lychee, as well as lychee, liji, dragon eye or Chinese plum, is a tropical fruit of a tree of the Sapindaceae family, which relatively recently appeared on the shelves of domestic supermarkets. The small (up to 3.5 cm in diameter) egg-shaped fruit is covered with a hard, tuberous skin.

Under the skin there is juicy white or creamy pulp with a jelly-like consistency. The taste of the pulp is sweet and sour, refreshing; inside the fruit there is one large inedible seed.

In this article we will tell you about useful qualities lychee, how this fruit is useful or harmful for older people, what benefits it has for children and adults, what is its energy value and how can such an unusual fruit be consumed.

The birthplace of this fruit is considered to be China, where it was introduced into culture over 1000 years ago; today it is grown in many countries of Southeast Asia, Africa, South America and in Australia. The Chinese called the fruit “dragon eye” for the spectacular combination of the bright skin of the fruit with white pulp and the brown skin of the seed, shaped like the pupil of a reptile.

How to choose quality fruits (photo)

The first sign of a quality product is the condition of the peel. It should be red or pink, intact, without cracks, dents or any stains. Light yellow peel is an indicator of insufficient ripeness and it’s not worth buying such fruits.

Brown coloring is characteristic of fruits that are beginning to deteriorate. Dark lychees are unpleasant to the taste and have a rather strong and pungent odor. Experienced buyers advise shaking the fruit - if you can hear the tapping of the pulp inside, there is no doubt about its ripeness.

There should be no signs of mold or white spots at the location of the stalk. High-quality ripe fruits are elastic, too hard - still unripe, soft - most likely have already begun to deteriorate. The scent is a bit like roses, pleasant and fresh.. Too rich a smell is one of the signs of stale or overripe lychees.

In ripe lychee, the peel is easily separated from the pulp:

There are several varieties of lychee. They may vary in size, but they taste almost the same:

In cross-section, the lychee really looks like a dragon's eye:

Under the skin there is soft, tender, jelly-like pulp:

Chemical composition, nutritional value and calorie content

Chinese plum contains a lot of water, fiber and carbohydrates. The composition contains vitamins B (riboflavin, niacin, thiamine), PP, E, C, and K. Chinese plums are especially rich in ascorbic acid. Laysi contains fluorine, manganese, zeaxanthin and choline. Zeaxanthin is very beneficial for vision.

The calorie content of lychee fruit ranges from 60-80 kilocalories per 100 grams and depends on the growing region. Lychee fruit weight – about 30 grams, respectively, when using 1 pc. Fresh Chinese plum contains about 20 kcal. These fruits belong to products with an average glycemic index, GI of lychee is 50.

Beneficial properties of exotic fruit

The beneficial properties of any product are fully manifested only with regular use. Chinese plum helps to cope with overweight , despite low calorie content, these fruits satisfy hunger well and have a diuretic effect. Nutritionists even recommend eating a few lychees before your main meal to prevent overeating.

The diuretic effect of the “dragon eye” is indispensable for people suffering from kidney disease and other diseases that are accompanied by the formation of edema.

Lychees are rich in potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle and. Chinese plum is very useful to include in, in particular, for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

This is an excellent tonic that also lowers the level of stress hormones. It can be used to increase performance and resistance to emotional overload. In the East, this Chinese plum is called the “fruit of love” and has aphrodisiac properties.

The fruit contains a powerful antioxidant, oligonol., which also has an antiviral effect. Oligonol protects the liver and prevents premature aging of the body. Eating lychee has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, maintaining its tone.

Elena Malysheva will tell you about the health benefits, dangers and medicinal properties Lychee fruit:


On the body of adult men and women

Laisi fruits are very sweet and filling, but their energy value is low. This fruit will appeal to people seeking to lose weight and maintain it at an optimal level.

The ability of “dragon eye” to lower cholesterol and stress hormones is a valuable quality for people of both sexes who are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Representatives of the stronger sex will love the opportunity to increase their male strength, rather charming ladies will appreciate lychee as a powerful natural remedy against aging skin.

For pregnant women

The fruits of the Chinese plum contain a unique vitamin complex that promotes the normal development of the fetus. Folic acid is especially useful, stimulating the development of nervous tissue.

In some cases, the mild diuretic effect of fruits is also invaluable.

It should be noted that pregnancy is not the best best time for experiments over your own body.

If before the onset of this joyful event expectant mother I haven’t tried lychee, it’s better to avoid it.

And even more so, do not rush to include it in the diet on an ongoing basis, especially if pregnancy occurs with complications. There is evidence that Chinese plum can cause miscarriages.

Is it harmful in old age?

People of advanced age are well aware of what a “bouquet” of diseases can look like. The lumpy dragon's eye fruit is not a panacea, but it does represent a kind of complex pill.

An exotic guest from China helps stabilize cholesterol and blood sugar levels, normalizes kidney and liver function, and supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

What is good for children

The fruits are very useful for children. The balance of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in them is optimal for the needs of a growing body during active formation skeleton.

Laisi is rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system., a unique microelement complex stimulates full physical and mental development child.

It is better to include lychees in the diet of children prone to allergic reactions very carefully and immediately exclude them at the slightest suspicion of intolerance.

Danger from use, contraindications

It is believed that Chinese food cannot harm your health, but you should still take into account some recommendations from nutritionists. It is already known that the body best accepts products grown in its native latitudes, reaction to exotics can be unpredictable. When purchasing lychees, you should not eat everything at once; it is better to limit yourself to one or two fruits and monitor the body’s reaction.

Ideally, on the first try (and subsequently) Lychees should not be mixed with other fruits, since this may cause unpleasant reactions from the digestive system.

It will be difficult to identify the true “culprit” in such cases.

Allergic reactions can manifest themselves in the form of skin rashes and damage to the mucous membranes.

How to eat berries correctly

If no unusual reactions occur, Chinese plum can be eaten without fear, approximately 250 g per day. Children can be given these fruits no earlier than 2 years of age., up to 100 g per day, there are no other restrictions on gender and age.

Since lychees have a diuretic effect, it is not advisable to eat them before bed, otherwise the night may be ruined by repeated awakenings.

Fruits are best eaten fresh; they can be stored at room temperature for 2-3 days. In the refrigerator, the shelf life ranges from 7-14 days, depending on the quality of the purchased products and the stage of ripeness of the fruit. For long-term storage fruits can be frozen, having previously peeled and removed the seeds.

How to eat lychee correctly? For information on consuming lychee fruits, watch our following video:

In cooking (video recipes)

Lychees are best eaten fresh. They should be washed, peeled and seeds removed. The pulp is eaten with a spoon, as it is very juicy and gets your fingers dirty. It tastes vaguely like grapes, dried apricots, currants and at the same time. Certain shades of taste may be more pronounced depending on the growing region and individual characteristics perception.

Chinese plums are suitable for canning, drying, freezing. A variety of sauces, jellies, mousses, drinks (including wine) and desserts are prepared from the fruits. Sauces are served with poultry, seafood, and meat. The pulp is added to confectionery as a filling.

Salad with balyk and lychee:

Lavender and lychee cake:

Panacotta with and lychee:

For weight loss

Low-calorie, filling fruits will help you avoid overeating. They can be eaten before the main meal to dull the feeling of hunger or used as safe snacks.

During the period of active weight loss, it is very important to activate water metabolism so that toxic breakdown products are eliminated from the body as quickly as possible.

Fruits accelerate the breakdown of fats, have a diuretic effect and stimulate kidney function, which increases the effectiveness of physical activity.

Lychees are rich in fructose, which is included in metabolic processes and turns into glucose necessary for the normal functioning of the brain. Eating these fruits normalizes metabolic processes, as they contain a rich vitamin and microelement complex.

In medicine

Based on the “dragon eye” extract, the drug Oligonol is produced, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes metabolic processes and blood microcirculation, and helps lighten and improve skin tone.

Chinese plum is used to prevent atherosclerosis and related cardiac diseases.

The fruits have expectorant and diuretic properties, they are used in complex therapy of diseases of the respiratory tract and kidneys.

Medicinal mixtures with Chinese plum are used in the early stages of the development of oncological processes.

A decoction of the peel is effective in the treatment of neuroses and depression., used as a tonic for severe fatigue.

In cosmetology

Lychee extract is included in creams, masks and other skin and hair care products. It has the following effect:

  • Moisturizing. Maintains water-salt balance, stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid.
  • Strengthening. Deeply nourishes hair, “seals” split ends, and adds shine.
  • Few people doubt how great the benefits of lychee berries are, but everything is good only in moderation. The temptation to eat plenty of berries is great, but such “experiments” end in eating disorders and poisoning, and the resulting aversion to berries cannot always be overcome, although lychee is a unique and quite affordable product.

    Lychee - health benefits and harms

    The berry has a pleasant tart aroma and a pronounced sour-sweet taste. The lumpy, dense peel hides a juicy, tender, watery pulp that “melts” in the mouth and perfectly quenches thirst. Great content minerals and vitamins convinces people by their own example of the benefits of lychee when they regularly add the berries to their food or prepare an independent dish from them. The fruits are capable of:

    • cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, restore blood circulation (for cardiovascular pathologies);
    • normalize blood sugar levels (with diabetes mellitus);
    • provide the body with a daily set of vitamins: A, B, C, PP, K, E and minerals: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, etc. (in case of exhaustion, weakened immunity, postoperative conditions);
    • restore metabolism (for obesity, hormonal imbalances);
    • relieve gastrointestinal diseases (constipation, diarrhea, and stomach, gastritis, reflux);
    • clear in short terms the body from toxic and poisonous substances (food poisoning, alcohol intoxication, congestion in the intestines).

    Nothing is known about the harmful properties of exotic fruits, but they are not recommended for use by people who have an allergic reaction to lychee in the form of skin irritation or inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth. You can check your sensitivity to the product by eating 1-2 fruits and waiting a few hours. If this does not negatively affect your physical well-being, lychees can be safely added to your daily menu.

    Lychee seed - benefits and harm

    Lychee fruit is consumed fresh, dried, or frozen, but the benefit of the seed lies in the concentration of beneficial substances that enter the human body in the form of powder. The oblong seeds are dried and thoroughly crushed. Powder from the seeds has analgesic properties and helps with:

    • intestinal diseases;
    • orchitis;
    • neuralgia;
    • metabolic disorders in the body.

    However, consuming seeds in excess amounts can lead to serious poisoning. Medical experts are inclined to believe that they contain, in addition to useful, toxic substances. Before using the seed powder in medicinal purposes, you need to consult a specialist. It will clarify in which cases lychee is beneficial and in which it is harmful.

    Lychee fruit - beneficial properties of the peel

    Looking at the unsightly dry skin of the berries, people are puzzled as to why the lychee peel is useful if it quickly deteriorates when picked and does not have such a pleasant taste as the pulp. The peel is tough in appearance, but has a fragile shell that is damaged when pressed with fingers. It is rich in coarse fiber and contains diuretic components. Based on the peel, decoctions are prepared to help get rid of excess liquid.

    What vitamins are in lychee?

    Berries contain a whole storehouse of useful substances. The number of kcal in 100 g of product is 76. The water content in the pulp is 81%. Lychee fruits contain vitamins in combination with a set of minerals. This:

    • vitamin C (improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair, normalizes metabolic processes in the body);
    • vitamin B (regulates the activity nervous system, restores cell metabolism);
    • vitamin PP (participates in lipid metabolism);
    • vitamin E (it is called the “beauty vitamin” - promotes rejuvenation, improves the condition of skin and hair; fights free radicals, preventing them from affecting fatty acids).

    The list is supplemented by minerals:

    • zinc;
    • manganese;
    • zinc.

    Benefits of lychee for women

    Eating the fruit by women gives an amazing effect: within a few months, fine wrinkles on the skin disappear, it becomes toned and elastic, and cellulite disappears. Brittle, lifeless hair regains its former strength and stops falling out. Symptoms of genitourinary diseases disappear: cystitis, urethritis, endometritis, candidiasis. Lychee berries are also used for weight loss (they normalize and regulate water-salt metabolism).

    Lychee for weight loss

    Excessive consumption of fatty, salty, spicy, rich foods; disordered eating leads to gastrointestinal problems and obesity. You can emerge victorious from this situation by starting to eat at the same time, using as much food as possible for preparing dishes. more vegetables and fruits. When discussing the benefits of lychee berries, it is easy to understand its benefits:

    1. Contains a large amount coarse fiber and pectin - creates a quick feeling of fullness and suppresses appetite.
    2. Restores metabolism.
    3. In combination with physical exercise accelerates the process of burning fat cells.
    4. Up to 250 g of berries are recommended for daily consumption for adults. This amount of fruit is enough to gradually get rid of excess fat.
    5. The berry contains a sufficient amount of fructose to process it into glucose, on which brain function depends.

    Harm to lychee

    Like other exotic fruits, lychee has contraindications, ignoring which leads to dangerous health consequences:

    1. The berry should not be consumed by people with kidney failure or severe liver disease.
    2. Lychee is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.
    3. The fruits are prohibited for people who are allergic to substances contained in the pulp and peel of the fruit.
    4. With great caution, lychees can be added to the menu for pregnant women - activation of metabolic processes in rare cases provokes miscarriages.

    The article will tell you in detail about how to grow an exotic plant - lychee - at home, as well as how to care for it.

    The fruit called “lychee” is very unusual and is considered exotic. Some call it a fruit, others say that lychee is a berry. Be that as it may, lychee not only has a pleasant and rich taste, but also great benefits. The benefit of the fruit is that it has a unique biochemical composition - a lot of vitamins and microelements.

    It is immediately worth noting that lychee is not a large fruit, its diameter is approximately 3-4 cm. The weight of one berry does not exceed 15-20 grams. The peculiarity of the exotic fruit is its dense and slightly prickly peel, which covers the juicy and jelly-like pulp.

    The color of the pulp is milky. Hidden inside the pulp is a large dark seed. brown. Taste qualities Lychees are very nice. The ripe fruit has a sweet tint with a slight sourness. If you try to find a comparison with other fruits, the taste of the pulp is somewhat reminiscent of cherries and pineapples. The aroma of the pulp is very fresh and sweet.

    Lychee is a fruit common in Asia: China, Japan, India, Thailand. In these countries, lychee is often called the “eye of the dragon” for its visual similarity to an eye: white apple and black apple. For its beneficial and nutritional qualities, lychee has gained popularity in folk medicine. Many even consider it an aphrodisiac due to its rich zinc content, and therefore lychee is a mandatory treat on the tables of newlyweds.

    Frequent consumption of lychee can have a beneficial effect on all body systems, increasing body tone, improving vascular function, “killing” cholesterol and lowering sugar. The great merit of lychee is its ability to regulate the water-salt balance in the body, relieve swelling and promote weight loss.

    IMPORTANT: Not only the pulp of the fruit is eaten. Healing decoctions are prepared from lychee peel. The seed, for example, in Vietnam and China is fried with spices in oil; raw lychee seed is considered poisonous.

    Lychee: whole fruit, pulp and bone

    Lychee: cross-section of the fruit

    Lychee pulp without peel. It is best to peel lychees with a sharp and thin knife.

    Lychee fruits on a tree, branches

    Tree with ripe lychee fruits

    Is it possible to grow lychee from a seed on a windowsill, like a house flower?

    Lychee is an exotic, but very beautiful plant that has not only bright red fruits, but also graceful glossy leaves: elongated, pointed, long. The plant is more accustomed to growing in warm Asian countries, but if all conditions are met, it is also possible to grow a small lychee on your windowsill.

    It is important to know that you can grow lychees only from the seed that was in the fresh berry (dried and canned fruits will not work). Of course, homemade lychee will not often delight you with abundant fruits, but, nevertheless, under close attention and with your attentive care, you can find a beautiful plant.

    Lychee plant with fruit at home

    How to choose a pot and soil for planting lychee?

    After you eat the lychee pulp itself, try to remove the pit as carefully as possible so as not to spoil or damage it. In order to grow something you will need a small pot, no more than 8-9 cm in diameter.

    Before planting, be sure to make a sufficient number of holes in the bottom of the pot so that the water does not stagnate in it and does not allow the plant to rot and drain completely. You can put a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot (special pebbles that retain moisture but allow water to pass through). Before planting, prepare the “correct” soil for lychee - a mixture of soil and peat.

    IMPORTANT: It is best to choose a pot for lychee that is made from natural material, for example, from clay or ceramics. In a plastic pot, a plant can “suffocate.”

    Lychee: a domestic “adult” plant

    Lychee seed: how to germinate and plant?

    It is important to know that when planting, you need to put not one, but approximately 4-5 lychee seeds in the ground. This is done quite simply: a bone is inserted vertically into the soft soil with a finger, no more than 2-3 centimeters deep. There should be no more than 1-1.5 cm of soil on top. The probability that the sprout will sprout is high.

    After this, moisten the soil and cover the pot with polyethylene ( cling film fits best). This will allow the sprout to remain in constant moisture and it will not dry out. For the first time, the pot should be placed in a warm, but not the sunniest place (next to the radiator, for example).

    The time it takes for the sprout to sprout is 1.5-2 weeks. During this time, it is important to check the pot, adding moisture if required. The soil should not be dry for a day. Cover the pot with cling film each time. After a sprout appears on the surface, the film can be removed and the plant placed on the eastern windowsill (there should be little sun).

    Lychee fruit - how a plant grows in a pot at home: photo

    Once the sprout sprouts, you should carefully care for your lychee. First of all, temperature is important. A young plant requires a temperature range of 23 to 25 degrees. The first few weeks after the sprouts appear on the surface, lychee grows quite quickly and actively, their height can reach 20 centimeters.

    However, after vigorous growth in the “first months of life,” the plant “stops” and stops growing in size. The reason for this is the strengthening of the root system. The roots grow so strong that if you have previously grown the plant in plastic cup, you may notice it burst.

    Lychee needs light approximately 12-15 hours a day, but it does not like direct sunlight. During the cool season, provide additional lighting to the lychees. Make sure that lychee does not dry out, as the plant does not tolerate dry soil at all. Lychees should be watered as the top layer of soil dries out.

    You don’t need to water lychees with cold water; settled water at room temperature is best. Increase the humidity in the room as often as possible and spray the plant with a spray bottle. Only an adult plant should be fed with organic fertilizers, not “younger” than 3-4 months.

    Video: “Lychee - growing at home”