Maggi egg diet for 4 weeks detailed. We don't scare, but we warn! Stewed vegetables with chicken

The Maggi diet got its name not because of the need to consume those same bouillon cubes: it has nothing in common with them at all. The technique bears the name of its creator, incorrectly pronounced in Russian - Maggie. Otherwise, it is called the egg diet, and it will definitely appeal to those who are hesitant about this product.

Many portals and forums flash tempting promises about an impressive number of kilograms lost, and most importantly - the almost complete absence of any obstacles to their implementation, except for allergic reactions to menu components. That is, at first glance, the Maggi diet for a week or even a month is the most effective and safe system that every woman is looking for. Is it really?

The main rules of the Maggi diet for a week

The first and most important thing to remember is the need to strictly follow the created menu for the Maggi diet for the week. Any deviation, violation, or skipping one of the meals leads to the fact that you will have to start all over from the very beginning. Nothing can be changed. The system will only work if all the specified components are present and applied in a certain order.

The water regime is observed here, as elsewhere, but the required volume of liquid consumed ranges from 2 to 3 liters, and not within the range of 1.5-2 liters, which many are accustomed to. Besides clean water It is allowed to drink tea and coffee, but they should not have any additives.

Vegetables are allowed to be boiled, even turning them into soup, but meat broth as a base is unacceptable here. Even if it is light chicken, it has no right to exist in the diet. But salt and seasonings are allowed in any quantity.

It is advisable to add physical activity to your schedule. Let it not be a full-fledged workout in the gym, but a simple walk that lasts 1.5-2 hours. Moreover, the diet allows you not to collapse from hunger. It is necessary to warm up the muscles, saturate the body with oxygen, and exercise at least a little movement.

In fact, the Maggi diet is designed for 4 weeks, but for those who find it difficult to maintain such a period, you can stick to it for seven or fourteen days. If this course is completed correctly, the figure will not go back wider.

Menu for the Maggi diet for a week

Regarding the products and dishes listed here, it is worth noting one point: if a specific serving size is not prescribed, you can eat as much as your heart desires. Otherwise, you will have to weigh everything on a scale.

Breakfast for the first two weeks is always the same, so there is no point in scheduling it for every day. In the morning, eat a couple of hard-boiled eggs. They are supplemented with 1/2 grapefruit or orange. There are no recipes for the Maggi diet for either a week or a month, since the diet does not involve complex dishes.

First day.

  • Day. Any fruit from the following: melon, watermelon, apple, kiwi, orange, pear or apricot.
  • Evening. Any lean meat, excluding lamb. It can be twisted into minced meat, and then boiled or steamed.

Day two.

  • Day. Boil the chicken breast, but be sure to remove the skin.
  • Evening. 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 whole grapefruit or orange. A salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and carrots should not be seasoned with anything. Add toast to this.

Day three.

  • Day. 1 toast, tomatoes, low fat cheese.
  • Evening. As on the first day - boiled meat.

Day four.

  • Day. Repeat the first day - any fruit from the list to choose from.
  • Evening. Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and carrots. Add boiled lean meat.

Day five.

  • Day. Boil 2 soft-boiled eggs, combine with steamed or cooked vegetables. Either a tandem of beans and zucchini, or carrots and peas.
  • Evening. Whole grapefruit, some boiled or fried fish, salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and carrots.

Day six.

  • Day. The same as on the first and fourth days - a fruit from the list.
  • Evening. Same salad and boiled meat.

Day seven.

  • Day. Boil skinless chicken breast, add tomatoes and steamed or boiled vegetables: carrots and peas or zucchini and beans. Take one grapefruit.
  • Evening. Steam or boil vegetables as for lunch.

Extension of the Maggi diet

If you stretch the Maggi diet for 4 weeks, then the menu will have to be modified. The second seven-day period is similar to the first, it includes the same products, but cucumbers are added, and fruit salads are created. The third already has serious differences, namely that there are no clear meals here.

On Monday, fruits are consumed in any quantity, but bananas and dates, as well as grapes, figs and mangoes are prohibited. On Tuesday you can eat boiled or steamed vegetables, excluding potatoes. On Wednesday - both fruits and vegetables. The lists of unacceptable products remain the same. On Thursday the diet includes boiled fish, vegetables and green salad. On Friday - lean meat, including chicken, vegetables, with the exception of potatoes. Saturday and Sunday are fruit days.

In the last seven days, the diet becomes more varied, but even here there are no recipes for the Maggi diet for a week: all the dishes are too simple to have cooking instructions. It is enough to simply distribute these products throughout the day.

Monday. 1 grapefruit, 2-3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 1 toast, 1 can of canned tuna (without oil), 200 g of boiled chicken or other lean meat without skin.

4.4 out of 5 (7 Votes)

One of the most common weight loss methods is the Maggi diet. It received its name in honor of the famous Margaret Thatcher, who requested individual recommendations for weight loss from her personal nutritionist. It is still unknown how effective it was for the Prime Minister. this mode nutrition, but numerous reviews prove that with its help you can become tens of kilograms slimmer. Initially, the Maggi diet was based on the consumption of eggs and grapefruit, but in its modern interpretation, its menu also includes other, no less healthy ingredients.

This article describes in detail the features of the Maggi diet, and also presents a table with a menu for 4 weeks, which can be downloaded and printed for free.

Description of the Maggi diet

The principle of the Maggi diet is quite simple. The basis is protein nutrition with a limited content of fats and carbohydrates. The purpose of such nutrition is to activate the chemical processes occurring in the human body. As a result, he independently begins to burn fat reserves, which, accordingly, leads to weight loss. The most effective is the Maggi diet for 4 weeks. But the result will be noticeable only if all recommendations are strictly followed.

On a note! If you break one of the rules of the Maggi diet, you should not expect good results. For example, if one of the meals was missed, you will have to start the diet all over again.

There are two known types of this diet: based on cottage cheese or eggs. In addition, the Maggi diet can be designed for 2 or 4 weeks - a table with a menu for each day can be downloaded for free on our website and printed.

What result can be achieved?

Judging by the reviews, with the help of the Maggi protein diet you can get rid of 7-10 extra pounds in just 2 weeks. If you follow a four-week course, the results are more noticeable - if you strictly fulfill all the requirements, you can lose up to 20 kilograms. Efficiency can be increased if, simultaneously with proper nutrition workout.

To get the desired result, when following the Maggi diet, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  • it is prohibited to replace one product with another;
  • It is forbidden to swap meals (dinner instead of lunch and vice versa);
  • drink plenty of fluids throughout the day (up to 2 liters of pure water without carbon, not counting other drinks);
  • when you feel hungry, you are allowed to eat some vegetables or herbs (carrots, cucumbers, etc.), but not earlier than 2 hours after eating;
  • vegetable and meat broths are prohibited;
  • it is important to lead an active lifestyle: play sports, prefer walking to riding public transport;
  • If you violate one of the diet rules, you must return to the first day.

Permitted and prohibited products

The list of permitted products includes ingredients with high content proteins, vitamins, complete or partial absence of fats and carbohydrates. During the Maggi diet you can consume the following:

  • fruits - preference is given to citrus fruits; you can also include apples, pears and others in the menu, in addition to figs, dates, bananas, grapes, mangoes, avocados;
  • vegetables and herbs;
  • meat, except lamb (preference is given to low-fat varieties);
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • kefir, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • toast, bread, crackers.

It is advisable to drink from drinks green tea. You can drink coffee in small quantities, but without sugar or milk.

You should avoid the following products:

  • sweets, including honey;
  • confectionery;
  • figs, bananas and other high-calorie fruits;
  • potato;
  • pasta;
  • oils and fats;
  • sugar;
  • alcohol;
  • sauces;
  • mayonnaise.

It is worth noting that the Maggi diet belongs to a strict diet, so it is important to strictly adhere to the menu so that you do not have to start all over again.

Maggi diet menu for 4 weeks: printable table

Since the Maggi diet for 4 weeks requires strict adherence to the diet, it is recommended that you download it for free with a detailed menu in the form of an application on your iPhone or print it out to always keep at hand.

Maggi egg diet for 4 weeks

It is worth noting that breakfast is the same in the first two weeks. It consists of 2 hard-boiled eggs and half an orange or grapefruit.

Days of the week Dinner Dinner
1 Week
Monday 1 type of fruit and in any quantity (orange, apple, pear, strawberry, cherry, kiwi, pomelo, etc. Lettuce leaves, pork or beef in pieces or minced meat, poultry.
Tuesday Chicken without skin 2 boiled eggs, 1 grain toast or 1-2 bread, 1 orange or grapefruit, vegetable salad.
Wednesday 1 toast made from grain flour or 1-2 bread, tomatoes, low-fat cheese up to 20% or cottage cheese up to 5-9% in any quantity Lettuce leaves, lean pork, beef or poultry.
Thursday 1 type of fruit and in any quantity. Lettuce leaves, lean pork, beef or poultry
Friday 2 boiled eggs, boiled vegetables Lettuce leaves, 1 orange or grapefruit, piece of fish
Saturday 1 type of fruit Lettuce leaves, boiled meat
Sunday Chicken fillet, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, 1 orange or grapefruit Any boiled vegetables
2 week
Monday 2 boiled eggs, lettuce leaves, 1 orange or grapefruit
Tuesday Lettuce leaves, pork or beef.
Wednesday Pork or beef, cucumbers 1-2 pcs. 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit
Thursday 2 boiled eggs, any white cheese up to 20% or cottage cheese 5-9%, vegetables 2 boiled eggs
Friday Lean fish 2 eggs (water omelet)
Saturday Pork or beef, 1-2 pcs. tomato, 1 orange or grapefruit A mixture of fresh fruits (orange, tangerine, melon, peach, apple, strawberry, cherry, kiwi, pomelo, etc.)
Sunday Chicken without skin, 1-2 pcs. tomato, vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit Skinless chicken, 1-2 tomatoes, 1 orange or grapefruit, vegetables
Week 3 (breakfast is distributed from the listed products)
Monday Any fruit in any quantity, at any time. Can be combined with any other fruit except grapes, mango, date, banana, fig, avocado
Tuesday All day: any boiled vegetables and any salads from fresh vegetables, except in combination with potatoes and beans.
Wednesday All day: any fruits listed earlier, any boiled vegetables, salads in any quantity. Anytime.
Thursday Boiled or fried fish in any quantity, salad (only Chinese cabbage or lettuce leaves) in any quantity, boiled vegetables.
Friday Boiled or fried lean meat, except lamb. Or chicken, boiled vegetables.
Saturday All day: one type of fruit in any quantity, at any time (only apples or only pears, or only peaches, or only apricots).
Week 4 (breakfast is distributed from the listed products)
Monday 4 slices fried or boiled meat or 1/4 boiled

3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers

1 can of tuna without oil, 1 toast, 1 orange or grapefruit

Tuesday 2 slices of fried or boiled meat (maximum 200 grams), 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 1 toast, apple or pear, or 1 slice of melon, or orange, or grapefruit
Wednesday 1 spoon of cottage cheese or any white cheese

(low fat), small plate of boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 toast, 1 orange or grapefruit

Thursday 1/2 boiled or fried chicken, 3 tomatoes, cucumber, 1 toast, 1 orange or grapefruit, one type of fruit listed
Friday 2 boiled eggs, salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, without dressing), 1 orange or grapefruit
Saturday 2 breasts of boiled chicken, 125 grams of cottage cheese or feta cheese, 1 toast, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, curdled milk, 1 orange or grapefruit
Sunday 1 spoon of cottage cheese, a can of tuna without oil, a small plate of boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 toast, 1 orange or grapefruit

Maggi cottage cheese diet: difference from egg diet

The cottage cheese version of the Maggi diet for 4 weeks differs in that low-fat cottage cheese is used instead of eggs. Thus, the table with the Maggi cottage cheese diet menu for printing is no different from the previous one, except that 2 eggs replace 200 g of cottage cheese.


The goal of any diet should not be solely weight loss; improving the health of the body is of no small importance. If the established diet poses a danger to human health, even despite its effectiveness in losing weight, it is prohibited to adhere to it. As for the Maggi diet, it is relatively safe. However, it also has certain contraindications, which include the following:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergies to eggs or citrus fruits;
  • gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially those accompanied by high acidity.

The benefits of the Maggi diet are obvious. It has a varied menu and is suitable for people of all ages, including teenagers. After following the diet for 4 weeks and achieving tangible results, you need to gradually switch to your usual diet. Then the lost kilograms will not return. One of the main advantages of the Maggi diet is that there is no need to count calories, which distinguishes it from many other weight loss methods. There are some drawbacks, the main one of which is the requirement for strict adherence to the regime.

The Maggi diet has nothing in common with the bouillon cubes of the same name. This is a whole system for fast weight loss with a diet of natural and healthy foods that will be consumed in a certain sequence. Complexity egg diet"Maggie" is that mistakes and failures are unacceptable. At the slightest deviation you will need to start all over again. But for those who reach the victorious end, stunning results await. You will need to change your wardrobe, perhaps even more than one size.

Basic Rules:

  1. If one product is excluded from the diet, then it is prohibited to replace it with another food.
  2. You can drink tea, coffee, chicory. You cannot add milk, cream, or sugar to them. Sugar substitutes are allowed.
  3. If an error occurs or there is a breakdown, the diet must be stopped or started from the first day.
  4. Weigh yourself daily in the morning after going to the toilet.

During the diet, as well as after it, sports, visiting the pool, massage and other cosmetic procedures are encouraged. They will help maintain skin tone and maintain muscle mass.

How much weight can you lose on the Maggi diet?

In 4 weeks of strictly following the Maggi egg diet, you can lose from 5 to 15 kilograms. But with the slightest disruptions and disturbances, the weight can suddenly stay in one place. That is why they approach weight loss correctly, thoughtfully, and prepare in advance. You also need to remember that kilograms disappear faster when heavy weight. The slimmer the person, the more modest the results will be.

Prohibited Products

Diet vegetables are boiled in water, but broths should not be consumed. The same goes for chicken and meat products.

Do not use:

  • butter and any other fats;
  • sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, dates);
  • sugar and its derivatives;
  • potatoes, legumes;
  • mushrooms.

The consumption of any alcoholic beverages is contraindicated. Not only are they high in calories, but they also whet your appetite. During the diet, it is also recommended to quit smoking, since nicotine inhibits all processes in the body.

Authorized Products

The products are consumed fresh, baked, or boiled. Can be grilled or fried without oil. The basis of the diet is chicken eggs, which are consumed daily. In addition, you can eat some other foods:

  • any vegetables, except prohibited types and canned vegetables;
  • any fruits and berries, it is advisable to give preference to citrus fruits, apples, kiwi;
  • low-fat fermented milk products, cheese;
  • low-fat fish, seafood;
  • lean meats.

To season dishes, you can use all kinds of seasonings: salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, herbs, soy sauce. When using mixtures, it is advisable to carefully read the composition. It should not contain sugar. IN certain days dried allowed Rye bread. It can be replaced with different types of bran. They are very beneficial for the body and promote weight loss.

Important! Be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. If you need to get rid of the feeling of hunger, it is recommended to drink warm liquid.

Video: “Nutritionist on a diet”: testing the Maggi diet

Menu for the Maggi diet for all days

Breakfast is the same every day. Lunch and dinner consist of different products. In no case should you break the regime or change meals, since the effect of the diet is determined by chemical reactions, occurring in the body. During severe attacks of hunger, you can eat permitted vegetables, but the break between eating food and snacking should not be less than 2 hours.

First week menu

Every day for breakfast, eat 1-2 eggs and half a grapefruit, which can be replaced with an orange. If the exact quantity of products is not indicated, then they can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

Dinner: one type of fruit
For dinner: meat, greens or lettuce leaves

Dinner: chicken
Dinner: 1 grain toast, 1 any citrus, fresh vegetable salad, 2 eggs

Dinner: tomatoes, cottage cheese or cheese (no more than 20% fat), a slice of bread
Dinner: meat or poultry without skin, lettuce

Dinner: 1 type of fruit
Dinner: meat or poultry, greens

Dinner: 2 eggs, boiled vegetables or fresh salad
Dinner: piece of fish, 1 citrus, greens

Dinner: 1 type of fruit
Dinner: meat, lettuce

Dinner: chicken, 1 grapefruit, fresh tomatoes
Dinner: baked or boiled vegetables

On a note: Chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs at a ratio of 1:2. They are also boiled, but 3-4 minutes is enough.

Menu for the second week

Breakfast remains the same: 1-2 eggs, half a citrus

Dinner: boiled or stewed meat, greens
Dinner: citrus, lettuce, 2 eggs

Dinner: meat, greens
Dinner: 2 eggs, half a grapefruit

Dinner: 1-2 cucumbers, a piece of meat
Dinner: 2 eggs, whole grapefruit

Dinner: 2 eggs, cheese or cottage cheese, fresh or boiled vegetables
Dinner: 2 egg steam omelette

Dinner: steamed or baked fish
Dinner: 2 egg omelette (no butter)

Dinner: meat, tomatoes, 1 orange
Dinner: salad of different fruits

Dinner: chicken, tomato, any citrus
Dinner: chicken, vegetables

Third week menu

Breakfast from any products allowed during the day. All products are consumed in any quantity. Meals 4-5.

All types of unsweetened fruits are allowed

Boiled and fresh vegetables (allowed types)

Any allowed vegetables and fruits

Boiled or stewed fish, boiled vegetables and herbs

Lean meat or poultry, vegetables

Saturday and Sunday
Two fruit days from the permitted types. The number of meals and portion sizes are unlimited

Sample menu for the fourth week

Divide the entire daily diet into 5 parts. You can eat foods in any order. The interval between doses should not be less than 2 hours.

For a day: a quarter of boiled chicken, 1 citrus, 1 slice of grain bread, 3 tomatoes

For a day: 200 g boiled meat, a slice of bread, 4 cucumbers, 1 any fruit, 3 tomatoes

For a day: 50 g cottage cheese, a plate of boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 1 grapefruit, 1 slice of bread or 20 g bran, 2 cucumbers

For a day: 0.5 chicken without skin, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 orange, 1 slice of bread, 1 citrus

For a day: 2 eggs, a portion of vegetable salad, a small orange, 3 tomatoes

For a day: 0.5 chicken breast, 150 g of cottage cheese, a glass of kefir, a piece of bread, 2 pcs. cucumber and tomato, 1 grapefruit

For a day: 1 can of tuna in its juice, a plate of boiled vegetables, a slice of bread, 2 pcs. tomatoes, 2 pcs. cucumber

Logging off and maintaining weight

Low-carbohydrate and protein diets, such as the Maggi egg diet, are famous for their ability to quickly burn fat. But if you immediately return to your normal diet, the weight will easily come back.

  1. Keep count of calories. Increase the amount consumed gradually, adding 50 units per week.
  2. Do not overeat, do not stretch your stomach.
  3. Drink 2 liters of water daily.
  4. Chew food thoroughly and slowly, do not eat on the go.
  5. Give preference to slow carbohydrates in the form of cereals and grain bread. It is advisable to exclude refined sugar.

Physical activity helps maintain the results of the diet: dancing, swimming, running, cycling. Walking is useful. If the weight starts to increase, you can arrange a fasting day.


Eggs are very allergenic and often cause reactions. If you are intolerant to this product, you should abandon the diet.

Main contraindications:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • liver diseases;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy.

If the diet has been completed to the end, but there is a desire to repeat it, then it is recommended that after the first week you immediately switch to the fourth. Longer adherence to the system is not recommended.

The Maggi diet has become a solution to the problem of overweight bodies. At its core, losing weight with this diet is based on the complete absence of fats and a large limitation of starchy foods and grains. But it is replete with eggs, which should be eaten for breakfast and dinner, which not everyone can afford.

Allergies to eggs are quite common, and nothing can be substituted for them. As a result, people sensitive to eggs are practically deprived of breakfast; you must admit that it will not be easy to survive on one half of a grapefruit until lunch, despite the fact that you can eat carrots and cucumbers in between meals. In addition, the yolk of a hard-boiled egg contains “bad cholesterol,” so it’s worth mentioning right away that the eggs must be boiled soft-boiled. Prohibited fruits in this diet include bananas, dates, mangoes, figs, and grapes. You should also not eat food from any cereal crops and potatoes, broths, confectionery, sweets.

In some sources you can read that drinking diet cola is permissible, then the question arises of what kind of cleansing of the body we are talking about if cola is a real poison. So it’s better not to include it in your diet, because after leaving any diet, including this one, you need to be healthy, not sick. These are perhaps the most significant disadvantages of this diet.

But what can be said for sure is that diabetics should not even look in her direction. In general, people with a disease such as diabetes, of any type, have a direct route to a doctor, who will put them on a therapeutic diet.

Diet features

People with kidney and cardiovascular diseases should also approach it with caution, since the protein content here is at least twice as high as it should be. Also, those who have endocrine or gastrointestinal problems should not experiment.

Generally speaking, it is suitable for healthy people who have gained weight due to the fact that they not only eat a lot, but use it in their diet a large number of carbon-containing products, various baked goods and sweets.

There are some prohibitions that say that food should be taken at a set time and its composition should not be changed. And if, for example, you have to give up eggs, the calorie content of which can be found in the table, then kindly do without any substitutes. As in other diets, drinking water is encouraged here and the more, the better. And in between meals, if you really have a problem in the pit of your stomach, you can nibble on a carrot or cucumber. But there is no limit to joy - you can drink tea and coffee, albeit without sugar and milk, but this is no longer so scary, because instead of sugar you can use its substitute.

At the same time, there is one point that is very upsetting - if the diet is interrupted or broken, you will have to start it over again. And one more thing - the last meal is no later than six in the evening, so dear night owls, draw your own conclusions and soberly assess whether you can comply with such conditions, because at this time, as a rule, it is lunch time. but you can read about this in the article about personal rhythms in nutrition. In general, this is three meals a day with breaks of 4 hours, where snacks are allowed.

Maggi diet - egg paradise: menu for 7 days

So, during the diet, the first two weeks, breakfast always consists of 1-2 eggs and half a grapefruit or an orange (whole) to choose from. Yes, but what should those whose bodies cannot tolerate these products do? Give up the diet or limit yourself to a cup of coffee in the morning, because you can drink it, and there is no indication at all at what time. Let's remember - snacks only from carrots and cucumbers, and no earlier than two hours after the main meal and no earlier than 2 hours before it.

First week menu

1 day. All breakfasts of the week will consist of 1 or 2 boiled eggs, to which you can add half a grapefruit or a whole orange - choose for yourself.

On the first day, lunch will include one type of fruit of your choice. There is no limit on quantity.

Dinner will be protein and you can allow yourself a slice of boiled or fried meat, which by and large can be replaced with grilled meat, which will be even healthier. But apart from meat, nothing else is allowed, so it’s not to say that it is very satisfying, but beauty requires sacrifices, which may include health, do not forget about this when starting diets.

Day 2. The second day begins with the same breakfast that was written about at the beginning of the diet.

Lunch on the second day consists of fried or boiled chicken, but you will have to remove your favorite crispy skin.

Dinner. Yes, you can eat eggs for the rest of your life, because again there are 2 eggs. You can add a salad of vegetables such as carrots, bell pepper, tomatoes and lettuce, and forget about dressing the salad with oil. Add 1 toast here, as well as, again, grapefruit or orange. The mixture is quite explosive and can result in bloating.

Day 3. For lunch, low-fat cheese is offered without any quantity limit, no wonder, where can I get such cheese? Perhaps it is found in some supermarkets, but somehow it didn’t catch my eye. You can add toast and one tomato, and most likely without cheese you will have to limit yourself to this.

For dinner on the third day, you can again eat fried or boiled meat, excluding lamb.

Day 4 The fourth day of the first week includes unlimited fruit for lunch. Dinner will consist of the same meat, with the same heat treatment.

Day 5 The fifth day will bring some variety to the diet.

This time lunch will consist of 2 boiled eggs and boiled vegetables, but of the same type. The choice is not so great, but, nevertheless, these are carrots, boiled green pea, zucchini or beans.

But dinner makes me happy, finally, something new, boiled or Fried fish, salad, and an orange or grapefruit, which has become almost a tradition of this diet, like eggs and meat.

Day 6 So, for lunch again there is fruit, as much as your heart desires. Dinner this time does not please with variety - again the meat is of the same heat treatment, by the way, it can be replaced with low-fat minced meat. And besides, you can include spices and garlic in your diet, so you can cook something like your favorite cutlets without bread and eggs, but if you beat the minced meat well, everything will work out.

Day 7 For lunch, we’ll treat ourselves to boiled or fried chicken, which will also diversify our diet, at least a little. Add boiled vegetables and fresh tomato to it. And, of course, grapefruit, as without it.

And for dinner we’ll cook some vegetables and eat to our heart’s content and get acquainted with the second week of the Maggi diet, egg paradise, week 2

Second week of the Maggi diet

The breakfast of the second week remains the same - again 2 eggs and half a grapefruit.

From the 1st to the 3rd day. The first three days of the second week you eat the same breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Lunch will consist of meat and salad. Meat, as in former days, is boiled or fried. True, salad can be made from different vegetables. For dinner you will have to again eat two boiled eggs and snack on them with grapefruit or orange.

Day 4 The fourth day brings some variety, but it is completely insignificant. Lunch includes 2 eggs, low-fat white cheese and boiled vegetables. Well, with cheese, most likely, we will “fly” this time too, since it’s difficult to find. Don’t be alarmed - you’ll have to swallow 2 boiled eggs again for dinner.

Day 5 The fifth day can generally be considered a protein day.

For lunch, boiled or fried fish is offered, and dinner will again consist of 2 boiled eggs. Assess your strength, can you eat that many eggs?

Day 6 The sixth day has arrived. It is a little easier, although lunch again includes boiled or fried meat, but it can be supplemented with tomatoes and one grapefruit or orange. Dinner is generally delicious because it consists of assorted fruits.

Day 7 Well, the second week, one might say, is over. The diet on the seventh day of the second week consists of lunch, which includes chicken, again boiled or fried, the skin from which we have to mercilessly tear off, fresh tomatoes and boiled vegetables are added here. And excuse me – grapefruit or orange again. Dinner repeats lunch.

Maggi Diet – Egg Paradise, Week 3

This is the moment of truth - is there enough strength for another two weeks of diet? Enough? Then let's start week three. Tired of monotonous breakfasts? Forget about them, now they won't exist. The third week will consist of seven days of express diets. It’s just that every day you have to eat some kind of food from morning until evening. But first things first.

1 day. The first day will consist of fruits, except those that are prohibited. This is written at the beginning of the article.

Day 2. The second day is given to boiled vegetables and salads, except potatoes.

Day 3. The third day's diet will consist of boiled and fresh vegetables and fruits, except those that cannot be used. The good news is that you can eat them at any time and without restrictions.

Day 4 On the fourth day, you can eat any amount of fish, both fried and boiled. You can add cabbage and lettuce salad to it, but remember - no oil. You can also treat yourself to an unlimited amount of boiled vegetables.

Day 5 The fifth day will consist of eating meat or chicken, all in the same form, and boiled vegetables.

6-7 days. But the next two days, the sixth and seventh, you will have to use a mono diet. During the day you can only eat one type of fruit, for example, only apples or pears, peaches or apricots.

That's it, three weeks have passed and here it is happiness - you only have one more week left to hold out and you can sum up your success, and almost everyone has it, although everyone has their own. Finally week four of the diet.

Fourth week of the Maggi diet

1 day. The first day's diet includes a quarter of chicken, 4 slices of better boiled meat, among vegetables - four cucumbers and three tomatoes. You also need to find a jar in the store canned fish, or rather tuna in own juice. Well, it won’t be difficult, although you need to buy a non-salad version canned fish, when there is porridge in a jar, and slices, because they need to be washed with water. You can also add toast and one, as you already guessed, grapefruit or orange. That's all, except for this, don't put anything in your mouth, no snacks for you. Forget about them.

Day 2. So we waited - the restrictions began. No more than 200g of meat, to which add again three tomatoes and four cucumbers, of course, the same option - grapefruit or orange. But the diet also includes an apple or pear, toast and a slice of melon. And again nothing more. In general, you don’t even have to think about snacks this week.

Day 3. The third day is an even more limited diet. Just one tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese or cheese, a small portion of boiled vegetables, two cucumbers and tomatoes, again an orange or grapefruit and one piece of toast.

Day 4 Day four - the matter is coming to an end, and I hope the scales are finally making you happy. On this day, you can eat half a boiled or fried chicken, add three tomatoes and one cucumber, as usual, a grapefruit or orange and one of the permitted fruits. And again, don’t add anything to this.

Day 5 Wow, it's already the fifth day of the last week - hang in there. You can afford 2 eggs, add lettuce, 3 tomatoes and a standard grapefruit or orange. And this is all for the whole day. How do you like it?

Day 6 The sixth day will be more satisfying, since it is permissible to eat two chicken breasts boiled, add 125g of cottage cheese or buy the same amount of feta cheese, you can also eat 2 cucumbers and the same number of tomatoes, one toast and yogurt, and as you might guess - 1 grapefruit or orange.

Day 7 That's it, the finish line is the last day of the diet.

This last day allows you to eat one spoon of cottage cheese and add to your diet a can of tuna without oil, some boiled vegetables, two cucumbers and tomatoes on toast and last time– grapefruit or orange.

Rest and weigh yourself the next day. Results may vary, but generally you can lose 8-12kg in a month. And if you imagine that you exclude from your usual diet all fats, broths, baked goods, sugar, confectionery, pasta, all types of bread, cereals and potatoes, as well as fruits that are not allowed for consumption, then you will lose the same amount of weight in this month .

Weight loss results “Before and after”

I revealed the essence of this nutrition system and showed what results can be achieved. Today we will again look at the Maggi diet menu for every day. I will tell you which foods are allowed and which are prohibited. And I will share recipes with you.

You can choose an egg or curd option for 4 weeks. Download and print the detailed menu. Hang it in a visible place so you can see what needs to be prepared the next day. The food system is strict and does not allow changes.

Maggi nutrition system - protein diet with very low content carbohydrates. It lasts exactly 4 weeks. During this time, you can get rid of 10 to 25 kg of excess weight.

Maggi’s basic rule: to lose weight, you need to unconditionally follow your chosen diet.

If for one reason or another you interrupt the diet, you will have to follow it from the very beginning. This “resetting” will have to be done even if you have mixed up the products. Judging by the reviews, many people who are losing weight have been able to evaluate the effectiveness of this nutrition system. And in general, such a diet is good for discipline.

Basic nutrition rules

There are 2 options for the Maggi food system - egg and curd. But the rules for both options are the same. The cottage cheese modification is the optimal solution for those losing weight who “get sick” from endlessly eating eggs :)

So, the nutritional rules on the Maggi diet are as follows:

  • Three meals a day. At the same time, try to have meals at the same time every day. Snacks are allowed. For example, you can eat fresh cucumber, carrots, lettuce, or cocktail for weight loss. But I recommend such a snack no earlier than 2-3 hours after the meal.
  • You can eat after 18.00. The main thing is to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • It is important to comply drinking regime. Drink 2 or even 3 liters of clean water a day. You can also drink tea and coffee, but without sugar and milk. I have a separate one for more details.
  • Don't swap your breakfast or lunch menus. And also, do not replace one product with another. If you have grapefruit for breakfast, you should eat it in the morning, not for lunch.
  • If you decide to exclude any product from the menu, you cannot put another in its place.
  • Cook dishes in a dry frying pan, in a slow cooker or in the oven. Fats, oils and seasonings with flavorings and preservatives must not be used! Food can be salted, peppered and garlic or onions added to it.
  • Don't forget about moderation physical activity. Start with a simple walk in the morning or before bed. Many people write that they consistently lose 1-2 kg per week.

But, friends, if your diet contains a small amount of fruits, fresh herbs and vegetables, do not rush to try Maggi. First you need to prepare your body for a new diet. If you suddenly start eating vegetables and fruits intensively, problems in the gastrointestinal tract will inevitably occur. Flatulence or intestinal upset may occur.

I have collected all the information on what you can eat on the Maggi diet in a convenient tablet:

Vegetables/greens You can eat any vegetables: carrots, zucchini, broccoli, green beans etc. In addition, the consumption of frozen vegetable mixtures is allowed.

You can steam, boil, bake, crunch raw, make smoothies and stew in a slow cooker. The main thing is without frying or using oil.

Cook with water. You can add permitted seasonings.

Fruits The diet must include tangerines, grapefruit, oranges, kiwis, persimmons, apples, cherries, kiwis, etc. Full list products, see the article “what fruits can you eat when losing weight.”

Eat any berries and fruits, excluding prohibited ones (see below). Cook them the same way as vegetables.

Sour milk Low-fat cottage cheese (maximum up to 9%)

Cheese (up to 20% fat)

Curdled milk and kefir (introduce into the diet starting from 4 weeks)

Fish, seafood Low-fat varieties (pollock, sole, haddock), shrimp. See detailed list.
Bird, egg Low-fat poultry, eggs. If you bake meat, eat it without the skin. It is allowed to use by-products
Meat Low-fat (boiled, baked), a couple of pieces of shashlik (rare). You can eat offal.

It is allowed to boil, bake, simmer in water, in a double boiler or in a slow cooker

Bread Dried rye, whole grain bread. Or replace it with bread or bran (only no more than 30 g per day).
Seasonings Salt, pepper, garlic, onion, seasonings (no sugar or starch), soy sauce(only without sugar), lemon, gelatin, balsamic vinegar, ginger
Drink Tea and coffee without sugar and milk (even dry)

1 glass Diet Coke

Sweet Sugar-free lollipops (rarely),

Sugar substitutes (stevia, agave syrup)

Prohibited Products

  • Canned vegetables (peas, corn, etc.)
  • Roast
  • Sweets - honey, jam, fructose, sorbitol. Why is honey not better than sugar for weight loss?
  • Milk
  • Potatoes, legumes (lentils, beans)
  • Fruits – avocados, bananas, grapes, figs, mangoes, high-calorie dried fruits
  • Mushrooms
  • Any oil and fats
  • Alcohol

During Maggi, do not chew gum - it stimulates the appetite.

Menu for 4 weeks: egg option

This weight loss system is not based on reducing caloric intake. Its secret is that the set of products consumed stimulates chemical processes, occurring in the body.

One of the main components of such a diet is a chicken egg. Skeptics believe that consuming so many eggs is dangerous. After all, this product increases the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body. But I hasten to reassure you: this kind of cholesterol is the least harmful. It enters the body simultaneously with lecithin.

In addition, in a recent study, scientists at the University of Surrey made an amazing discovery. It turns out that consuming chicken eggs does not affect the level of cholesterol in the blood

After all, this product contains a unique set of valuable substances that are vital for each of us. However, most calories chicken egg It comes from the yolk: 352 kcal per 100. The digestibility of this product largely depends on the time of its heat treatment. Soft-boiled eggs take several hours to digest. And for hard-cooked eggs to digest, it will take an hour more.

Of course, eggs are one of the main products of this weight loss system. But the diet of egg Maggi is based not only on them. During Egg Maggi, you need to follow a four-step weight loss plan. Every week is a new step with its own results and victories over overweight. I have prepared for you a meal plan on an egg diet for 4 weeks with a detailed menu, which lists recommended foods by day and what, when and how to eat.

First week– This is a period of restructuring of the body. He will have to get acquainted with a new diet. The detailed table that I give you below outlines the menu for the first week.

Second seven-day period: the body begins to get used to the new diet. It's time to act! Eggs are actively introduced into the daily menu. Detailed menu for 2 weeks. This week, many people notice that weight begins to fall less quickly. This is logical, because in the 1st week excess fluid leaves.

Third week– a new “surprise” for the body. In 2 weeks he got used to the diet. Now it’s time for “shock therapy”. No, no, don't be scared electric shock they won’t torture you :) It’s just time to make drastic changes to your nutrition plan.

Fourth "step": at the end of this stage, the achieved result is evaluated. The table below shows the list and quantities of foods that should be consumed on certain days of the week. Essentially this is daily norm. Any additions are prohibited! I recommend dividing the mentioned foods into 4 or even 5 meals. The interval between individual meals can be 2-3 hours.

You can download all the signs, print them and use them for your health.

Curd option

Maggi's curd food system is an excellent alternative to the egg diet. Especially when looking at eggs is already sickening :) Although the cottage cheese diet is not the best option with increased stomach acidity.

This Maggi meal plan is not much different from the egg diet. The main difference is that instead of eggs, low-fat cottage cheese is eaten.

In the cottage cheese version of the Maggi diet, you can alternate cottage cheese with eggs

Be sure to weigh yourself before losing weight. This will be the reporting point. You will calculate the result based on this figure. By the way, I recommend doing each subsequent weighing once a day in the morning after using the toilet.

Breakfast during weeks 1 and 2 does not offer much variety. Every day you are allowed to eat fruits and 150-200 g of cottage cheese. There are more variations for lunch and dinner. Recommended foods for weeks 3 and 4 are given not by meal, but by day. Distribute them yourself, dividing them into 4-5 meals.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

I get asked a lot of questions in the comments below. Many are repeated. In order not to write the same answers, I decided to answer all the questions in a separate article - FAQ on the Maggi diet.

Simple recipes

I have also prepared delicious recipes for you. Catch it.

Appetizing salad “Red Trio”

For the salad you will need: large red pepper, 20 cherry tomatoes, red onion, pomegranate. You also need some parsley and as much cilantro as possible.

For the dressing you need the following ingredients: salt, black ground pepper, lemon juice or wine vinegar. If desired, you can use grainy mustard. Mix all these components thoroughly.

Roast the peppers in the oven until the skins turn black. Peel the pepper and cut it into strips or cubes. Peel the onions. Cut it into half rings. Cut the cherry in half. Finely chop the greens. Mix all ingredients. Pour the dressing over them and mix well. After 15-20 minutes, serve the salad. During this time it will be saturated with the sauce and will be much tastier :)