Daily calorie intake and BJU per day for a woman, man, teenager, pregnant woman. The norm for losing weight and building muscles. Daily calorie intake. Calorie standards. Daily calorie intake

The issue of losing weight and maintaining normal weight interests not only women, but also men. To accurately understand how many calories a man needs in order not to harm the body, nutritionists advise using special techniques counting calories. For men, as well as for women, the method of such calculation is quite simple: the individual daily calorie intake is calculated depending on body parameters and lifestyle, and after that a decision is made on how many calories this figure needs to be reduced in order for the weight loss process to take place. was more efficient.

Required amount calories for men are usually different from daily norm calories for women. It is believed that for the same weight, a man should consume an order of magnitude more calories than a woman. The calorie norm for men is on average about 2500-2700 kcal, while women need 1800-2000 kcal per day.

The reason for such differences is in the speed of metabolic processes in the female and male bodies. Oddly enough, it is believed that it is much easier for men to lose weight than women, even if we take into account that they tend to eat more food. A faster metabolism helps the male body maintain its shape. In addition, the need for more calories for men is explained by the fact that they have a larger volume of muscle mass, the full development of which requires more energy.

The main differences in the required number of calories per day for men and women

In addition to requiring more calories per day for men, they also need to consume more protein (due to greater muscle mass) than women. As a rule, this applies to those who play any kind of sport and who have a job related to physical activity. If a representative of the stronger sex has an office or sedentary job, then the approximate calorie intake for men in this case will be equal to the indicators discussed above.

Another difference between the characteristics of the female and male body is that fat is able to be deposited in different way: “feminine” or “male” type, respectively. For example, excess fat in women most often accumulates in the thighs and lower abs, while in men it is concentrated mainly in the upper abdomen. In the case of men, losing weight is easier; all you need to do is apply the required complex physical exercise and adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, which cannot be said about the female body. That is why, as a rule, it is always easier for men to get their body in order.

However, women are usually more resilient mentally and demanding of themselves, so it is easier for them to limit their diet and adhere to even the most strict nutritional systems aimed at losing weight than for men. However, calories are just as important for men as they are for women. Therefore, the question of how many calories a man needs for normal functioning is also relevant.

In addition, representatives of the weaker and stronger sexes also have different weight loss standards that are safe for the body, which must be observed when losing weight. This is important if the diet implies the possible occurrence of health problems due to a limited diet. For women, the safe amount of kilograms lost is about 0.5-1 kg per week or 2-3 kg per month. For men, this figure ranges from 1 kg and 4 kg, respectively.

And it's not just a matter of metabolism. A woman’s body by nature is aimed at procreation, bearing and giving birth to children, so it is more prone to accumulation excess fat“for protection” and “in reserve”, and most often it is quite difficult to get rid of such fat. Representatives of the stronger sex in in this regard much simpler, but in order for their body not to experience a lack of energy, it is necessary to know about the number of calories for a man, especially if he is trying to lose weight.

How many calories does a man need to lose weight?

IN Lately there are many various techniques calculating the required number of calories for men, therefore nutritionists do not advise using average figures of the daily calorie intake, which does not take into account the individual needs of the male body. To determine the individual calorie intake for men, you can use the following formula:

  • For men aged 18-30 years: (0.063*male weight (kg)+2.9)*240*ELISA, where ELISA is the physical activity index;
  • For men aged 31-60 years: (0.05*male weight (kg)+3.65)*240*ELISA;
  • For men aged 60 years and older: (0.05*male weight (kg)+2.46)*240*ELISA.

The physical activity index for men is equal to the following indicators:

  • 1.1 – with low activity;
  • 1.3 – with average activity;
  • 1.5 – with high activity.

After carrying out the calculations, you will get the number of calories per day for a man that the body will need to maintain weight. In order to lose weight, this value should be reduced slightly. In addition, we should not forget about regular physical activity, which will help you cope with the task faster.

Questions about maintaining optimal body weight increasingly began to worry the male half of humanity. Because not only women dream of looking slim, beautiful, fit. In order for a man to be strong, energetic and capable of doing any work, it is necessary to make efforts to draw up proper diet. After all, healthy food will help any male person get enough energy. What is the normal amount of calories per day for men?

It is worth noting the fact that at a young age, the numerical indicators of energy expended will differ upward; this distinguishes young people from representatives of the older generation.

Men require a larger supply nutrients than women.

Physiological indicators

To maintain your body weight at an optimal level, you should count the valuable substances absorbed per day. This is what nutritionists around the world say. To do this, you need to get rid of unnecessary kilograms gained during the day. This way you can ensure the flow of necessary data and begin the process of losing weight.

The most interesting thing is that the permitted nutritional value of foods for men and women will be completely different. Even with the same weight as a man, a woman needs less calories per day. A representative of the stronger sex should receive up to 2500 kcal per day. And women should consume about 2000 units. The basis for such a distinction will be different physiology. After all, in men, metabolic processes proceed somewhat faster. For this reason, losing weight for men is not as difficult as for the weaker half of humanity.

Males are known to have much more muscle mass. She needs constant and increased nutrition to maintain a stable index.

Men eat more protein foods. It should be present in a slightly increased volume in the usual diet of people who are actively involved in a certain type sports or involved in physical labor.

Fat deposits differ markedly between people of opposite sexes. The distinctions by type will tell you this. Anyone has heard the definition of “male” and “female” obesity. In the stronger sex, deposits can be observed in the abdominal area. Active physical activities and exercises will help you easily cope with this problem.

Some features

The question of how many calories a man needs to consume is not so important for them. And achieving results can be much easier. A properly organized diet, together with calculating the nutritional value of dishes, will quickly show its results. In just a few days, unnecessary kilograms will begin to leave the body, and the person will regain his former stateliness and lightness.

The weight loss norms for the strong half of humanity are determined by the following data.

The monthly norm should be 4 kg; for the weaker sex it should be half as much. This is explained by physiology: women by nature tend to accumulate more fat, because they bear, give birth and feed children, so getting rid of unnecessary kilograms is more problematic for them.

Men quickly gain weight and lose it just as easily. This feature provides endless possibilities. However, so that a man does not feel a deficit in energy, the number of calories must be constantly counted. This will also help rid him of excess body weight.

Anthropometric indicators will remain the same if you daily absorb such a number of these energy units that will correspond to age standards, gender and the general rhythm of life. Changing the numbers in one direction will lead to unfavorable results.

Calorie content of dishes and age

In order to calculate the numerical indicators of absorbed units per day necessary to ensure full-fledged work and activity, it is important to determine their specific number corresponding to each person individually.

To provide energy and the right choice The nutritional value of dishes is often based on special tables developed by nutritionists. It is known that a young man will require significantly more energy than an elderly man.

Calories and lifestyle

Determining the number of these units directly depends on the man’s hobbies and lifestyle. So, those actively involved in sports should include in their diet greatest number nutritionally valuable dishes.

People who spend most of their time in a static position should subtract from daily diet certain data. The resulting amount determines the nutritional value. Thus, moderate physical activity such as gardening should be based on adding 200-400 kcal per day daily, taking into account the main weight.

Calorie content of men's dishes, calculation formula

Currently, there is a wide variety of tables regarding the correct calculation of these important indicators. The required number of calories per day is not determined only by the standard norms of 2500 kcal, because each person’s body is unique and individual. To calculate this indicator, it is important to pay attention to the formula:

  • 18-30 years: (0.063 × weight + 2.9) × 240 × physical initiative index;
  • 30-60 years: (0.05 × weight + 3.65) × 240 × physical initiative index;
  • over 60 years old: (0.05 × weight + 2.46) × 240 × physical initiative index.

Such calculations will help to subtract how many calories a man needs to meet optimal vital functions. Maintaining such information every day will help keep your body weight within acceptable limits, and your figure will remain the same. Small transformations to one side will lead to undesirable changes in dimensions.

The required number of calories per day and their calculations must be combined with active movements, sports and regular training. It is not so difficult for men to maintain body weight, because metabolic processes in their bodies occur much faster than in women.

In order to maintain a stable body weight, many nutritionists recommend that representatives of the stronger sex consume a sufficient amount of protein food every day, which helps to increase muscle mass in their body. And their growth, as is known, contributes to large energy expenditures.

Every day you should monitor the fats you take in through food. It is recommended to reduce animal products and fast food.

Regular consumption of cereals, foods containing fiber, and bran gives good results. They not only nourish the body necessary vitamins, but also valuable carbohydrates that provide energy reserves for the whole day. To maintain a stable weight, representatives of the male half of humanity must include a significant amount of fruits and vegetables in their diet.

Present pros and cons

Advantages of calculating nutritional value:

  1. Rational approach. Necessary restrictions on calories supplied from food will help burn previously accumulated fat.
  2. The selected program works flawlessly: as a result, it is possible to maintain a person’s dimensions within the same limits and at the same time make the man’s well-being easier.
  3. Any man can use the calculation system, especially those who have problems with excess body weight. Recording the calorie content of the dishes you eat in a special diary will help you look at your nutrition system with different eyes. This will prevent overeating and excess weight.
  4. Helps control the amount of food eaten and its nutritional value.


  1. Not every person will agree to constantly calculate the nutritional value of dishes.
  2. The need to attract willpower to bring the work started to its logical conclusion.
  3. Fear of not being able to withstand a diet that seems harsh at first glance.
  4. Such tables leave a chance for people who eat less than healthy foods to make choices in their favor. We're talking about fat people. fried foods, which do not bring any benefit to humans.

Thus, in order to maintain optimal body weight and provide the body with important energy, it is necessary to determine the norm of nutritional value. You should actively engage in sports that help keep your body on track. All of the above recommendations will help you achieve wonderful results.

Daily calorie intake for weight loss - how to calculate this important indicator? Do you need to seek help from a specialist or can you calculate the required figure yourself? We invite you to find out.

Why do you need to know your daily calorie intake for weight loss?

Too many of us don't bother with any calculations. We simply cut the average calorie level (2100-3000 kcal for women and 2600-3200 kcal for men) to absurd amounts (the calorie content of a number of diets does not exceed 700-1000 kcal per day).

This approach is fundamentally wrong - the body experiences shock from such a calorie deficit. The result is a slow metabolism, consumption of muscle tissue as “fuel,” and deterioration in well-being.

The consequences of such extreme weight loss are quite predictable - the weight returns to its previous level. If you want to lose weight safely, and most importantly - not for long, it is worth calculating your individual calorie intake. A special formula that takes into account height, age, and level of physical activity will help to accomplish this.

In general, calorie content should not be less than 1300-1500 kcal. The correct distribution of nutrients supplied with food is also important. Protein should account for about 20% of calories, fat - 30% and carbohydrates - 50%.

Formula for calculating the optimal calorie intake for weight loss

The daily calorie intake for women to lose weight is calculated using simple mathematical operations.

Action No. 1: multiply your height (cm) by a factor of 1.8
Action No. 2: multiply your weight (kg) by a factor of 9.6
Action No. 3: multiply your age by a factor of 4.7
Action No. 4: add the results of the first two actions to the number 655
Action No. 5: subtract the result of the third action from the resulting figure

As a result of the calculations, you will receive an individual metabolic rate (basal metabolism).

This indicator must be multiplied by the appropriate coefficient:
With a low level of physical activity: by 1.2
With an average level of activity (training in a gentle mode 1-3 times a week): by 1.38
At high level load (moderate training 3-5 times a week): by 1.55
At a very high level of load (intensive training 5-7 times a week): by 1.73

The result shows how many calories you need to consume to keep your weight at the same level.

Calculation example

Age: 28 years old
Weight: 64 kg
Height: 168 cm
Physical activity level: average

1. 168 cm x 1.8 = 302.4
2. 64 kg x 9.6 = 614.4
3. 28 years x 4.7 = 131.6
4. 655 + 312.4 + 614.4 = 1581.8
5. 1581.8 – 131.6 = 1450.2 (individual metabolic rate)
6. 1450.2 x 1.38 = 2001.276

Thus, in the above example, the optimal calorie intake would be 2000 kcal.

To lose weight, you need to reduce the resulting caloric intake by only 200-400 kcal (in our case, the caloric content will be 1600-1800 kcal). To make the diet more effective, you can strengthen your training regimen.

Ideal weight

How to determine your ideal weight? In principle, in this matter you should be guided by your own feelings. It is not at all necessary to lose weight to model parameters - the main thing is to feel comfortable. If you want to determine the optimal weight, you can use special formulas. For example, like this:

Action #1: height (cm) subtract 100
Action No. 2: height (cm) subtract 150 and multiply by 0.25
Action #3: result of action #1 minus result of action #2

To always remain cheerful and energetic, a person needs fuel. We are, of course, talking about food, not gasoline or coal. It is worth noting that in in this case More doesn't always mean better, and there are even different daily calorie requirements for men and women.

In physics, the word “calorie” is a unit of measurement of heat. In other words, it is a measure of how much energy one body can transfer to another. In the case of food, everything is very similar - any product has a certain composition and corresponding energy value. The ratio will look like this: 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates corresponds to 4 calories, and one gram of fat corresponds to 9 calories.

In modern Homo sapiens there is no urgent need to chase their prey in order to get enough. Most people, on the contrary, work in sedentary positions, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and buy food in a supermarket, which is located within walking distance from home. This is why health problems associated with overweight, today come to the fore, and if we continue to express ourselves figuratively, the question of how much fuel you need to fill yourself with has become one of the most pressing.

Daily calorie intake

For men and women, the amount of energy that should come from food is slightly different. This is primarily due to physiological characteristics. Men, who have always acted as hunter-preyers, tend to have greater muscle mass, and maintaining it requires a lot of energy.

In addition, the number of calories a person can absorb depends on his age and genetic predisposition to being overweight or thin (the so-called “somatotype”). An important factor for determining the optimal ratio of energy received from food and necessary for life is the individual’s lifestyle. If physical activity occurs during the day, the metabolism increases and the body requires much more energy.

It is quite difficult to calculate the daily calorie intake for a specific individual, but there are so-called “average” values. They correspond to the needs of most people, and it is worth focusing on these numbers.

So, according to numerous scientific research, for men should be at the level:

  • 2000-2400 with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • 2400-2600 calories per day with a moderately active lifestyle;
  • 2600-3200 calories per day with an active lifestyle.

For women, these indicators will be accordingly:

  • 1600-1800 calories;
  • 1800-2200 calories;
  • 2200-2500 calories.

Correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

After the daily calorie allowance was established for men and women, nutritionists noticed that some people who strictly adhered to it still gained weight or felt unwell. In fact, this is not surprising. After all, each nutrient, be it proteins, fats or carbohydrates, has certain functions. Thus, the main function of fats is to provide reserves of nutrients, carbohydrates - to provide the body with energy, proteins - to produce enzymes, hormones and build new cells.

That is why not only the daily calorie intake for men and women should be taken into account, but also the quality composition of the food consumed. In the diet, it is advisable to adhere to the following ratio: 10-15% proteins, 25-30% fats, the remainder should be carbohydrates. Moreover, depending on what goal is set (weight loss or, conversely, weight gain), you can change the amount of components consumed.

All nutritionists and nutritionists unanimously argue that for proper metabolism you need to know the individual number of calories per day for weight loss and eat according to the daily caloric intake - this will help you gently lose weight. However, the number of formulas and different online calculators is confusing for beginners. How to make all the calculations correctly and what to do with the resulting numbers?

What does the number of calories per day mean for weight loss?

All food that enters the body has a certain “weight”. In proportion to this indicator, the amount of energy released from food when it begins to be burned. This “weight” or energy value is indicated in kcal. If a person eats a number of calories per day that is equal to the amount of energy produced, not a single gram of food goes into “fat depots.” When the “weight” of food exceeds energy costs, the body stores it unnecessarily, turning it into fat. The opposite situation gives rise to weight loss, since the shortage will be replenished from existing glycogen reserves.

Calorie intake per day for weight loss

WHO has established a daily calorie threshold, below which one cannot fall, since these figures are the basic minimum required by the body to maintain life. This means not only motor activity, but also the work of all organs, blood circulation, even cellular renewal. However, later nutritionists found that the “total” calorie intake per day is not entirely reasonable, because... it takes into account only the division by gender, without taking into account at all age characteristics, physical activity, muscle mass.

Daily allowance for a woman

According to WHO, girls need to consume 1200 kcal or more per day. This amount is assumed to be minimal even when losing weight, and while maintaining weight, the calorie norm for a woman can increase to 1600 kcal. Afterwards, these data were supplemented taking into account age, recalculated, and, as a result, the following average daily calorie values ​​were obtained:

  • Girls under 25 years old need to keep the range of 2000-2400 kcal.
  • For women under 50 years of age, these limits should be lowered to 1800-2000 kcal.
  • After 51 years, it is advisable not to consume more than 2000 kcal if available. physical activity, and 1600 kcal – in their complete absence.

Daily allowance for a man

Representatives of the stronger half need significantly more energy than women, since their body weight is a priori larger, and they often have a higher level of activity. The minimum daily calorie intake for a man is 1800 kcal, but nutritionists consider the following data to be more accurate:

  • Boys under 25 years old need to eat from 2400 to 3000 kcal.
  • Men under 50 years old already need 2000-2800 kcal.
  • After 51 years, the limits shift to 1800-2400 kcal.

How to correctly calculate calories for weight loss

It was mentioned above that simple division by gender does not give the correct result, since representatives of both sexes can have completely different builds and needs. Experts say that an individual calculation of calorie intake for losing weight and even maintaining weight should be based on the following parameters:

  • age (in years);
  • height (in cm);
  • level of physical activity.

For children, the number of permissible calories per day for weight loss is not counted, because... their food goes mainly to the “construction” of the body and internal organs, only obvious excess is stored in fat reserves. Older people, on the contrary, need to consume less, especially if they are aiming to lose weight, because... their metabolism slows down. Human activity also plays an important role, which includes sports, walking, and household chores (ironing, cleaning, etc.). Additionally, you need to understand that calculating calories for weight loss:

  • requires taking into account hormonal levels, which often make their own adjustments;
  • for pregnant women is produced according to separate formulas, because they immediately feed the fetus;
  • takes into account physical status - during illness, the body will not burn calories as actively.

Harris-Benedict formula

The oldest, but still working method of calculating the number of calories per day for weight loss is called a formula derived at the beginning of the 20th century. It is based on 3 main parameters - body weight, height and age. Using this formula, experts obtain an indicator of basal metabolism, and in order to calculate calories per day for weight loss, you need to find the product of the result and the energy expenditure coefficient, and then reduce this number by 20%. Similarly, it can be used to calculate the number of calories per day to increase muscle mass.

The basic calorie intake according to Harris-Benedict is calculated as follows:

  • Women's: 655.1 + 9.6*Hkg + 1.85*Hcm - 4.68*Hlet.
  • Male: 66.47 + 13.75*Hkg + 5*Hcm - 6.74*Hlet.

Muffin Jeor Formula

One of the methods, the result of which is recognized by doctors as reliable, is a relatively recently (in 2005) formula compiled by the American Dietetic Association, which received the name Muffin-St. It is a little easier to remember than the previous one, since only the last digit changes, and the rest are identical for both sexes. The accuracy of the data that will be obtained during the calculation is slightly lower than with the Harris-Benedict formula. First of all, you should find out the dose of calories at - 9.99 * weight, add to this 6.25 * height and subtract 4.92 * age. After:

  • women subtract 161 units from the result;
  • men add 5 units.

How to calculate the number of calories for weight loss online

If you don’t want to use formulas and do your own calculations or don’t have time, an online calorie counter will help. This is a calculator that works according to one of the above schemes, although the Ketch-McArdle formula can also be used, or the principle that guides WHO staff. All these counters help you calculate the number of calories with which you can maintain your figure. However, if you are aiming to lose weight, you will have to:

  1. Additionally, determine the level of daily physical activity.
  2. Find 80% of the resulting number. If you plan to lose weight if you are obese, 90% or even 95%. The deficit should not be more than 20% of basal metabolism.

Basal metabolic rate

Calculating the daily amount of calories, as already mentioned, helps whole line formulas, the choice between which is carried out individually. You need to know your basal metabolic rate per day, which is an indicator of calorie consumption without much activity, in order to take care of your figure. It must be multiplied by the activity coefficient if the person is not bedridden, because the fact of moving from home to the place of work/study also requires additional energy expenditure. Please note that online calculator Suitable only for persons over 18 years of age.

Determine the level of physical activity

You can gently lose weight without multiplying the minimum caloric intake by your activity level, but only in the absence of serious physical activity. For a person who has a sedentary job, the 20% difference that exists between the basic result from the calculation using formulas and the adjusted one will be in a simple way lose weight. In other cases, the existing basal metabolic rate must be multiplied by:

  • 1.375 – if there are short training sessions up to 3 per week;
  • 1.55 – when training up to 5 times a week for 1-1.5 hours;
  • 1.725 – for daily training for 3-4 hours;
  • 1.9 – during professional sports (preparing for competitions, etc.).

Calorie table for foods and ready meals

Calorie intake per day for the purpose of losing weight is not a starvation diet. If you study the caloric content of dishes and products allowed on the diet given here, you will notice that you can create a menu even with some “violations” in the form of cookies or dried fruits. Vegetables, berries and fruits are not indicated, because... their calorie content ranges from 22 to 70 kcal. An approximate picture is like this:

Calories (100 g)

Calories (100 g)

Oat groats

Boiled chicken fillet


Baked chicken fillet

White rice

Boiled potatoes

Black rice

Boiled beef


Mashed potatoes with milk

550-670 kcal

White omelette

Cottage cheese 2%

Baked trout

Zigzag calories

An alternative name for this method of losing weight is cheating. This program is designed for people who at some point noticed a weight loss, although the caloric content of the diet did not change upward. Zigzag calories for weight loss does not allow the metabolism to slow down, so fat burning occurs at approximately the same speed. There is even a day when the calorie intake is higher than the basic one - a relaxation in nutrition is allowed.

  1. 3 days minimum quantity carbohydrates, calorie intake is reduced by 10% daily.
  2. 2 days - a large number of carbohydrates, caloric intake at the level of basal metabolism or 5% higher.
  3. 3 days – a balanced proportion of BJU, and the number of calories jumps like “the norm, a surplus of 10%, a deficit of 15%.”

Minimum calories per day for weight loss

It was mentioned above that it is not advisable for women to lower the calorie content of their diet per day below 1200 kcal, and for men - below 1800 kcal. However, there is also a safe calorie deficit, i.e. decreasing the individually determined basal metabolic rate by a specified number of units. According to doctors, representatives of both sexes need to consume “BOO - 500 kcal” every day. So, if your BOO is 1480 kcal, if you want to lose weight quickly, crossing the border of 980 kcal is prohibited.

Video: Calorie intake for weight loss